Hey, everyone! It's Stephanie aka Surimuchan, and it's time for another SurimuChat!
So, it is officially winter now. We've had snow for
you know, weeks and weeks, but it's OFFICIALLY winter now,
so, I thought I would talk about some of my winter memories.
So, one memory I have is from... the, uh, the house that I grew up in.
There was a hill in the backyard. It wasn't super steep
but it was enough that we could go sledding.
And my brother and I, we each had a toboggan.
I had a pink one; he had a black one, and we would go sledding down that hill.
And (laughs) so...
House... hill went like this. There were woods back here,
and then there were a few sparse trees.
And... (clicks tongue) well, you know how you steer
by, like, sticking your hand in the snow... and stuff.
I (sighs) I wasn't the smartest child. (laughs)
So, um... I have just a very vague memory of this. My, my brother remembers it
much better, because he was watching. (laughs)
So... I was going down the hill in my little pink toboggan, and I was headed straight for a tree.
And he said, "Stick your hand out!" (laughs) And I did NOT.
So, I ran right into the tree, and uh, from what he says, I like... rag-dolled around it. (laughs)
Um, yes, that's... I, I just vaguely remember that. I remember hitting the tree.
But, um... (laughs)
So, that same house, we had, umm... once again,
house is here, and then the backyard had that hill, and over here was the garage.
And, right on, like, the front corner of the garage there was this huge... evergreen.
And when we got a lot of snow, it would, you know, pile up, and...
it would be on the, the lower limbs. And I would, umm...
dig out a little of the piled up snow, and of course everything was just empty underneath the tree
so I would use that as a little fort. Because it was a really big tree, and you go under there
and it's just, you know... pine needles... and no snow.
So I'd just go under there and sit and it's like, "This is AWESOME! This is the COOLEST fort EVER!"
I didn't do anything to build it, I just (laughs)
dug it out a little and went and sat under there. So, that's another memory that I have.
Our dog, Calypso, uh... she's pretty old now, so she doesn't really do this anymore,
but when she was younger... whenever we would build a snowman, she would just be going crazy.
It's like, "AGH! WHAT I--, WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?!!" (laughs)
And she'd be in the house, and we'd be building the snowman, and then, as soon as we let her out
she would just... launch at it (laughs) and destroy it.
She'd topple it and then just keep digging until it was just, like... a husk of the bottom snowball. (laughs)
I've done a handful of dances outside, so you've probably seen... pieces, different pieces of
our, driveway. It's pretty long. Um...
So... one winter, my brother and I went out, and we started shoveling.
And, it was... ugh, I can't even remember how long we were out there, but it was...
quite a long time. And we were just, you know, having fun and making jokes and stuff.
Um... and we got maybe halfway, maybe a little less than halfway before
my dad came out and was just like, "I'll just plow it."
FINE. We're having FUN, but OKAY. (laughs)
This last memory is from not too long ago; I wanna say it was late winter, early spring of 2013.
We had gotten a TON of snow in just, like, a day or two.
So my brother and my sister and I went outside, and the dog was outside with us.
We went outside and we just jumped in the snow, and we were filming it, because we would jump in some
you know, goofy pose, and it was pretty funny. (laughs)
My, uh, my brother was doing, you know, front flips and back flips and stuff like that.
And, me as, you know, amazing and graceful as I am, I would just be like...
AAGH! (laughs)
And the thing was, the snow was so deep, you would just sink down, and you would be stuck
until someone came to help you out. (laughs)
So, I, ugh... like I said we filmed it. If I can find that clip
because I'm pretty sure that was one that we got on camera of me... jumping and falling in this position.
(laughs) If I can find that, I will put that at the end of this video because... it was pretty funny. (laughs)
So, how about you? Do you have any fun winter memories?
Let me know in the comments below. Remember you can find me in a whole bunch of other places
besides YouTube; links are in the video description.
That's all for this one. Thanks very much for watching. Bye!
Oh, it was goin' the whole time. One second.
- Oh. Ha! - No, now it's goin' now.
Okay, go.
Go? Okay.
(thudding) AAHH!
(laughter) (dog barks)
I.. (laughs) I gotta get over there.
AAHH! (laughter)
(dog barking)
For more infomation >> SurimuChats #13 | 5 Winter Memories - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
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In 1960 in London at the time of clearing the site for construction of a new residential
neighborhood, the old long-abandoned mansion belonged to Thomas Theodore Merlin was sent
for demolition.
In the basement of the home builders have discovered several thousand small wooden boxes
tightly sealed.
In 2006, a trust was set up to analyze and collate a huge number of wooden crates found
sealed in the basement of a London townhouse that was due for demolition.
Seemingly untouched since the 1940's, the crates contained over 5000 specimens of flora
and fauna, collected, dissected, and preserved by many forgotten scientists, professors and
explorers of obscure cultures and species.
Thomas Theodore Merrylin was born in 1782 in Hellingshire, Northern England.
He was the son of a rich aristocrat and biologist, Edward Merrylin, and would eventually follow
in his fathers footsteps of fringe naturalism.
Thomas spend the majority of his life in seclusion, traveling extensively to collect bizarre specimens
of species that were yet to be cataloged by reputable zoologists and naturalists .
The video link for the video is in the article below in our description.
Watch Keys of Christmas
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SurimuChats #13 | 5 Winter Memories - Duration: 5:02.
Hey, everyone! It's Stephanie aka Surimuchan, and it's time for another SurimuChat!
So, it is officially winter now. We've had snow for
you know, weeks and weeks, but it's OFFICIALLY winter now,
so, I thought I would talk about some of my winter memories.
So, one memory I have is from... the, uh, the house that I grew up in.
There was a hill in the backyard. It wasn't super steep
but it was enough that we could go sledding.
And my brother and I, we each had a toboggan.
I had a pink one; he had a black one, and we would go sledding down that hill.
And (laughs) so...
House... hill went like this. There were woods back here,
and then there were a few sparse trees.
And... (clicks tongue) well, you know how you steer
by, like, sticking your hand in the snow... and stuff.
I (sighs) I wasn't the smartest child. (laughs)
So, um... I have just a very vague memory of this. My, my brother remembers it
much better, because he was watching. (laughs)
So... I was going down the hill in my little pink toboggan, and I was headed straight for a tree.
And he said, "Stick your hand out!" (laughs) And I did NOT.
So, I ran right into the tree, and uh, from what he says, I like... rag-dolled around it. (laughs)
Um, yes, that's... I, I just vaguely remember that. I remember hitting the tree.
But, um... (laughs)
So, that same house, we had, umm... once again,
house is here, and then the backyard had that hill, and over here was the garage.
And, right on, like, the front corner of the garage there was this huge... evergreen.
And when we got a lot of snow, it would, you know, pile up, and...
it would be on the, the lower limbs. And I would, umm...
dig out a little of the piled up snow, and of course everything was just empty underneath the tree
so I would use that as a little fort. Because it was a really big tree, and you go under there
and it's just, you know... pine needles... and no snow.
So I'd just go under there and sit and it's like, "This is AWESOME! This is the COOLEST fort EVER!"
I didn't do anything to build it, I just (laughs)
dug it out a little and went and sat under there. So, that's another memory that I have.
Our dog, Calypso, uh... she's pretty old now, so she doesn't really do this anymore,
but when she was younger... whenever we would build a snowman, she would just be going crazy.
It's like, "AGH! WHAT I--, WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT?!!" (laughs)
And she'd be in the house, and we'd be building the snowman, and then, as soon as we let her out
she would just... launch at it (laughs) and destroy it.
She'd topple it and then just keep digging until it was just, like... a husk of the bottom snowball. (laughs)
I've done a handful of dances outside, so you've probably seen... pieces, different pieces of
our, driveway. It's pretty long. Um...
So... one winter, my brother and I went out, and we started shoveling.
And, it was... ugh, I can't even remember how long we were out there, but it was...
quite a long time. And we were just, you know, having fun and making jokes and stuff.
Um... and we got maybe halfway, maybe a little less than halfway before
my dad came out and was just like, "I'll just plow it."
FINE. We're having FUN, but OKAY. (laughs)
This last memory is from not too long ago; I wanna say it was late winter, early spring of 2013.
We had gotten a TON of snow in just, like, a day or two.
So my brother and my sister and I went outside, and the dog was outside with us.
We went outside and we just jumped in the snow, and we were filming it, because we would jump in some
you know, goofy pose, and it was pretty funny. (laughs)
My, uh, my brother was doing, you know, front flips and back flips and stuff like that.
And, me as, you know, amazing and graceful as I am, I would just be like...
AAGH! (laughs)
And the thing was, the snow was so deep, you would just sink down, and you would be stuck
until someone came to help you out. (laughs)
So, I, ugh... like I said we filmed it. If I can find that clip
because I'm pretty sure that was one that we got on camera of me... jumping and falling in this position.
(laughs) If I can find that, I will put that at the end of this video because... it was pretty funny. (laughs)
So, how about you? Do you have any fun winter memories?
Let me know in the comments below. Remember you can find me in a whole bunch of other places
besides YouTube; links are in the video description.
That's all for this one. Thanks very much for watching. Bye!
Oh, it was goin' the whole time. One second.
- Oh. Ha! - No, now it's goin' now.
Okay, go.
Go? Okay.
(thudding) AAHH!
(laughter) (dog barks)
I.. (laughs) I gotta get over there.
AAHH! (laughter)
(dog barking)
Taxer c'est voler - Duration: 4:37.
Go Tell It on the Mountain - Happy Holidays! - Duration: 2:32.
Grandpa (sung): "Jesus Christ was born" Rachel: Okay, we'll use the first one.
Mom: I'm getting a headache.
Go, tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born
While shepherds kept their watching Over silent flocks by night
Behold throughout the heavens There
shone a holy light
Go, tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born
Down in a lowly manger Our humble Christ was born
And God send us salvation, That blessed Christmas morn:
Go, Tell It On The Mountain, Over the hills and everywhere;
Go, Tell It On The Mountain That Jesus Christ is born.
G: It's a take.
M: Wow, that was pretty good for the first time.
R: It was, yeah.
R: Do you have anything to say to the internet?
G: how 'bout, (sung)Silent Night-- (spoken)no, okay.
M: To the internet?
R: No?
G: No.
M: We love Rachel.
R: Mmmm.
G: *laughs* M: And dad too.
G: And mom too.
R: Yup.
M: There we go.
That's all we have to say to the internet.
Destiny 鉄の章 ネタ動画003 - Duration: 16:20.
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Fantastic Beasts Movie
BREAKING Donald Trump Just Saved the Air Force! - Duration: 1:54.
BREAKING Donald Trump Just Saved the Air Force!
By Danny Gold.
For all those people who were wondering what the benefit of having a negotiator for president
is, here is your answer: Donald Trump is now in negotiations with Boeing and Lockheed Martin
to SAVE the US Air Force.
Remember how under Bush and Obama, America got ROYALLY screwed when the Air Force paid
over $1 Trillion dollars for a handful of F-35 stealth jets?
Don�t worry, though.
According to Reuters, Donald Trump had a meeting with the heads of BOTH companies today and
has some GREAT news:
He is in negotiations to lower the cost of the F-35�s!!
This us something America has needed for a very long time.
We have been getting screwed over by our own arms/jet manufacturers who overprice their
gadgetry and then turn around and sell it to other countries (including Saudi Arabia).
Not under President Trump.
Now we will finally have someone in charge who understands how important it is to keep
our economy from total collapse through excess spending.
Sure, the jets may be �cool�, but mismanagement of funds is what TRULY destroys empires.
If you are as proud as I am to finally have a President who is interested in seeing America
last for more than just another 50 years, show your pride and help get this great news
out to everyone, especially those in the military!!
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