The best way I can describe it,
when I was a kid, and it's your birthday
and you have your cake with all the candles in front of you,
and people always tell you to make a wish,
and blow out the candles,
well, I cannot explain why it was my wish,
but I had always wanted to be a girl.
It was just something that I had always wanted.
I would say volleyball came very naturally to me.
It really helped me get through high school.
A lot of high school, I was not having a very good time.
- How've you been? - I'm good.
I've missed you.
I've missed you too, my little baby.
You want to have some lunch?
- Sure, yeah. Sounds good. - OK.
So that's Chloe's graduation picture.
- Haven't seen that very often. - No.
Chloe, you know, through middle school and stuff,
super athletic and everything, which was great,
but Chloe barely made it through high school.
I mean, seriously, by the skin of her teeth.
When I hit middle school, I started to get really sad
because I realised that
I was hitting puberty, and I absolutely hated
the way my body was changing.
I wanted, you know, to be more feminine.
I wanted to be a girl.
Looking back, I had absolutely no care about anything.
I didn't want to be at school, I had no desire to do homework.
I ended up getting kicked off the volleyball team
my junior year, because my grades had dropped so low.
I realised that what I was feeling was being transgender.
I really just didn't want to exist.
- You want a Coke or something? - Sure.
- Yeah, I'll take one. - OK. Here.
Is that a... What is that, grapefruit juice?
Grapefruit juice.
Mind if I have some of that with the Coke?
No. Whatever you want.
When I came out to my mom, it was pretty funny.
I came out immediately after getting off the plane
from when I was living in Texas.
I was picking Chloe up at the airport,
and that's when Chloe told me,
"I've got to follow my true essence
"of who I am as a person."
You know of course you're like, "Uh, what?"
As a parent you're wondering, "Oh, my gosh." You know?
Initially she was really upset and I think confused,
and she didn't have a very positive initial reaction,
and it took her a while
to really come around to accept me.
I'm going to miss you being gone, I mean,
it's been tough and you need some support, and...
I'm definitely glad that you've been there.
A lot of issues I've had over the years.
Once Chloe talked to me, and I was able to embrace it,
and I stopped trying to convince her to not do that,
and I just stopped making it about me -
cos it's not about me,
it's about Chloe and living her best life,
and then I saw the wonderful things that she was doing...
How could you not support somebody
to be their best person in life?
She was the first major supportive family member I had.
So are you getting excited to play volleyball and...?
Yeah, I think it'll be...it'll be fun. It'll be an experience.
It was pretty nice to have my mom being supportive.
She came out to a few of my volleyball games,
and it was great.
She's a very loud whistler,
so it's very easy to spot when she's at a game.
- Love you. - I love you too.
- Drive careful. Bye.
Transitioning has definitely had a lot of ups and downs.
I've had some of the lowest lows since starting,
and some of the highest highs since starting.
It's...been a lot of mixed feelings.
There's a lot of people
that made me not feel like I was welcomed,
and there was a lot of average everyday things
that made me feel like I was distant
or in a different world than everyone else.
I originally wanted to play for a college team.
When I realised I was doing fairly all right
in a community college team,
I figured that I'd try and push for an NCAA team
because it's taking it to the next level,
and it's trying to prove not only, like, to myself
but to everyone that told me I couldn't do it, that I could.
I had looked up schools in different divisions,
and of the division two schools that I spoke out to,
only a few responded when I disclosed that I was trans.
Very quickly I got rejections.
I don't know if it's connected or not.
The myth that trans athletes, specifically transgender women,
have an advantage in sports, I feel like it's kind of a fear.
It's an unfounded scientific fear.
Growing up your whole life, going through puberty,
you're kind of understanding how your body works, you know,
you get used to it.
Well, transitioning is like
going through puberty backwards,
the other direction, twice as far.
There's a noticeable difference in my athleticism.
For the first few months on hormones,
like, I had a lot of muscle pains
and my shoulders would hurt a lot,
and I realised it's all my male muscle going away.
It was pretty challenging at first
just having all my muscle basically melt off my body.
I definitely can't jump as high as I used to.
I'm driving to meet some friends out for dinner,
since it's the last time
I'll be able to see them for a while.
- How are you guys? - Hey.
- Hi. - Hi. How are you?
I'm going to miss you all a lot.
It's really not an easy process
having a good friend group,
and having people to be there
helps me transition easier,
cos without that sort of scaffolding,
I feel like it would be a lot harder for me to pursue
what I wanted to do.
I'll see you all soon.
- Very soon. - There she goes...
It's funny, the last thing I grabbed before leaving
was actually my, uh, Dungeons & Dragons dice set.
I was thinking, I'm like,
"If we're gonna play D&D up at college..."
All righty.
It's, um, 5:52. So almost 6:00 am.
I woke up a little early, and just sat in bed
and stared at the ceiling.
Like, "Go back to sleep for the last ten minutes!"
And I couldn't seem to do it.
Should take us anywhere from
six to maybe seven and a half hours.
We're currently in Santa Cruz.
The drive was, uh, tiring,
but overall it wasn't too bad.
This campus is literally on a redwood, like, national forest.
So I think we're going the right way. I have no idea.
We shall see!
All right. Cool.
I think my biggest concerns with having a new team
is just making a new relationship with the coach,
making a new relationship with my team-mates,
and some of them can speculate if I'm trans or not,
I have no idea.
Well, the first person I spoke to about going to Santa Cruz
was Coach Morgan.
Chloe e-mailed me, and she said,
"I'm a junior college transfer
"and I'm really looking at UC Santa Cruz,"
and I think in the same e-mail
was when she told me that she was also a transgender athlete.
Because I had gotten rejected from division two schools
really early in the fall semester,
I wanted to make it very clear for the schools
I was interested in D three
that I was just going to disclose it immediately.
UC Santa Cruz does have a very open environment,
and we really try to make that known.
I sent her some footage of me playing,
and she was really interested in me.
What I noticed with Chloe
was that she's a strong volleyball player.
She has a lot of power,
and she's also tall.
We're going to follow the trail around a little bit
to the McHenry Library where the team meeting is.
Last night,
at the very end of the team meeting,
Coach Morgan was like,
"I think we should come out to the team tonight."
and I was like, "I'm not prepared for this,
"but...sure, that's fine, I'm cool with it."
And the team read an article that I had written...
..and at the very end, after everyone had read it,
Coach Morgan told the team that I had written the article,
and that I am a trans athlete.
I was kind of, you know, shaking my legs a little,
fiddling with my hands...
because I wasn't sure how the reaction would be.
And there was just silence.
And I'm just sitting there like,
"Oh, no, I hope this isn't a negative reaction,"
but it wasn't. It was just me overthinking things.
We all read Chloe's article.
I think most of us had already read the article
cos we'd met her at tryouts,
and so you look up your team-mates on Facebook.
Coming here, like, it's really more of an open community
and like, open-mindedness,
it's like a big aspect of the, like, college here.
I don't think, like, anyone on our team
has anything like, "Oh, my gosh, "she's transgender."
I don't think that was ever the talk between any of us.
It was more of just looking at her as another person
that's coming and trying to take, like, your playing time.
The only question I got afterwards,
the funniest question I could have been asked, was,
"Are you an English major?
"Cos this is really well written," and it was like,
"Oh... Thank you."
UCSC is a very liberal campus,
I think you either get the programme or get out.
You either accept it or you're not welcome here
cos we include everyone.
Today we're practising as a team,
but there's also going to be a few little
preliminary exercises and whatnot.
I'm just so fortunate
that my entire team has been so supportive,
and there wasn't any awkwardness.
Everyone was just, "OK."
And that's honestly the greatest feeling ever.
I'm just excited to finally
go out and play with the volleyball.
Hearing them talk about going to nationals,
and I can't believe that it's actually come to this point,
and that I made it this far.
Cruz on three. One, two, three, Cruz!
Knowing that everything is at the point that it's at
is absolutely amazing.
All my life dreams are literally coming true.
I never expected any of them to.
- Bye, Chloe. - Bye. See you tomorrow.
It's hard to describe to people
how happy it makes me to be here.
At the end of the day I'm just a person that loves volleyball,
and I want to play it.
I just love the sport that I play,
and want to try and continue to do it,
so I just keep pushing to make sure I do.
For more infomation >> A Transgender Volleyball Players' Path to an NCAA Women's Team | Identify - Duration: 13:54.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors Giant Baby Milk Bottles Cow Hungry Animals Finger Family Rhymes For Kids Learning Video - Duration: 1:10:51.
Learn Colors Giant Baby Milk Bottles Cow Hungry Animals Finger Family Rhymes For Kids Learning Video
Super Mario 64 Romhacks || compilation. (Fan edit by: EzailTV) - Duration: 28:41.
*John Cena theme plays*
shouts out to simpleflips.
toaster strudel causes cancer
*weed, everyday smoke weed everyday*
*Mimics [Vinesauce] Joel* He's in a wheelchair
Shoutouts to Simpleflips
*Here comes the lore*
Alrighty, this is um, Mario after the war
There was a great war with Bowser and yeah, okay
So, before the game starts
You always get interrupt by lakitu
but I got a trick up my sleeve
*quick saves*
uh-huh alright
Oh shit!
Did it wrong >.<
*loads quick save*
That's right, fuck you Lakitu
*Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball MIDI*
Toad, help me out. Kill me, please
*In Toads voice* Shoutouts to Simpleflips
I'm sorry
And yes that is Nicolas Cage
Because he's the bomb
Get it? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'd like to see these guys, well those guys speed games, speed run this, they won't
TURN DOWN YOUR FUCKING VOLUME. EzailTV added in ear rape noise of a man... Orgasming?
I told you to turn it down, don't say I didn't warn you
*It's okay to turn it up now*
*Sings a random song as Sanic music plays*
Stanky me-memes
Awh shit, I missed one :(
Not that it matters.
Ear... Piercing... Noises
It's so much worse with headphones
How can I have 300KMS? No way~
No, come here
Come 'ere
Come 'ere
let's go Mario
Shoutouts to simpleflips
*Smacks lips*
O mighty Bob, come back to us
We need your painting wisdom's
We will sacrifice Justin Bieber to get you back
I miss you man <3
slip slidin' away
*Let it go plays, cause winter level*
Shoutouts to Simpleflips
As much as I...
fffff-FUCKING hate Frozen
this version is quite okay
And yes and you do see it, the snowflakes and tress are Illuminati's
Come here you little
no no no no no no no, it's okay
I gotcha
I never liked this penguin
Now to do something stupid
I killed the bloody thing
Not again xD
All the time.
the same place
There we go :D
Let it go.
I - I will let it go
Down a fuckin' cliff
Back anymore~
Let it go (x2)
Flip the table, screw you all~
I can't something.
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway~
*Fast forwards a little* *To the right part*
Uh-huh, fast forward it
*Sings Gibberish Frozen*
Not yet
God damn it, EzailTV again?
Everyone, volume down.
I warned you.
Sorry mama, I killed your baby :D
Don't tell me, I am the only one who did that?
Every time you save the baby
You get the powerstar
You drop the baby
Then, you get the powerstar
I can't be the only one who did that
Everybody did that
*Enjoy some Sanic music again*
Shout.. Shoutout simp? Yeah
now what I did was technically not cheating
Cause the penguin still thinks like I am on the correct path
Even though I just swooped by him that first round
Oh shit
Fuck off
Come on, Pingu
Come on, pingu
yee, gimmie the damn star, thank you
Are you... Are you ready for this? I don't think you are
Ah, the lovely Princess Peach
Shoutouts to simpleflips
and yes
What you're hearing right now
Is the distorted version of
Sandstorm - Darudie
Darudie the sandystorm
Come here
*Oh EzailTV back at it again, volume down peoples*
*It's safe for now, volume's back up*
Holy shit
Never again
*Volume down, NOW*
*Hey, I did warn you, don't say I didn't*
*Loud clap*
Alrighty then, Lets get this party started
okay okay oh god it looks like choppy total - fear not
they're rockin Neos low mana crony I'm thinking butter on a spoon
oh god oh god
oh let's look at that like Elysee it's kicking in game in all right
the bridge is not seeing no more if you ever want to know why LSD
looks like walls to you guys oh and if you are sweet dude oh fuck
okay now I'm the big Baba Lord of all okay let's go dude
let's go holy shit no no no no no oh fuck
well that's it okay the game is blow off it's the game
well that's Vienna Mario because I'm fucking squash but oh god it's LSD Mario
pain I do go oh oh god this is oh god
please please oh now kicking in hell yeah oh let's see
the speedrunners do this complete Mario 64 count edition actually made one oh
come here come here not like out out out
but anyway how's my voice oh my god
no not not no no I'll try but again
this game is lemony shape of fucked up yes but it's experience no okay that's
great oh alright please defeat Bowser already
alone alone
oh my god
with me
oh my god level and finally over Mario
fucking office
the power of the stars is responsible
and it's all thanks to you thank you we have to do something special like a boy
this is positioning the CCC what upon your happen did I wait
that I died at the credits fuck well you know what it's over okay it is
it is over it's done finished
hello and welcome to the stream sorry this romhack is by caves and menu mm you
are a substantial dancing his name right everything is still the same
everything's like still the same bar is the same difficult classic and then
because you'll see yourself talking about
and look at that look at that
yep that's the Hat best thought about it watch okay but no this would then let's
dive right in a force ah here we go
now these and now these guys I can't go far like I came it's getting a bit of a
try see what it's like it's course like the come like always
the honesty in addition still play just like has the same logo of Mario but you
can become digitally anything or almost anything like you can't become a tree
now but you can become this
but soft oh those have become the unboxing spoons
so if you like mix all other illness did I break the canon
I broke the Canon I will get up I didn't work
what or ins it was us on I made some cubed quicker way ahead of me and then
yeah but you know what off the wing this
and by the way that's like that that's odd keep it natural speed I'm actually
controlling the speed while holding down a Oh or what what okay okay
not any Chenin Oh No I've ruined it no the game still recognize Oh teleport
teleport I guess not come on 1qp
and Cooper Cooper settings click time
second all right so you know you come estas gate valve oh
not today bitches hey lunch what's doing board this plane mario odyssey 64 back
them all and didn't give us to suicide this is been let me come damn it hack
yeah wait no no no no no no no one ever go Oh
Marva no no no no no mark come on goofy there's a spa sword this and let's get
that third key a fucking cake 27 I don't think so a simmer guys how to
might I'm 24 this year I was born 93 god oh god SEC longest battle ever
here we go our water offers or ticket my windows
yeah yeah oh my god
oh please no no no now never go one more good shot obviously
yeah not this is bicycle
Oh open alpha lon
I can throw a little bit fuck that's why Mario absolutely far
no no no no not
finishing in poverty
it's all oger Mario sound becomes style please know I love that I was ripping I
didn't mean to do but I wonder can I become Peach
you guys nothing yes yes yes
which is not very game over and there we go
Mario completed in supposed to be three meters which became but where are you
Pete yes I felt terrific and miss my thighs laughs force
thank you so much before to playing in my game well that's it streams live off
everybody go home no okay let's play it for real this time
this may take a few out bottom of your hours but little for all this time in
this plane I'm not going to cheat to balls are well able to cheat together
that's not permanently together damn it oh well fuck this I might play this in
the future without killing myself but yeah this was pretty fun inverse been
nearly an hour this was a pretty good run alright thanks for tuning in and
How To Eliminate Back And Neck Pain – Without Any Medications - Duration: 2:46.
How To Eliminate Back And Neck Pain – Without Any Medications
Millions of people throughout the world suffer from back pain, which is a chronic condition
which seriously disturbs everyday life.
According to experts, back pain includes the pain felt in the lower back, middle back,
upper back, as well as the low back pain with sciatica.
This pain is most commonly treated with various painkillers sold on the market, and the majority
of these lead to severe side-effects and additionally endanger our health, even though they treat
many of the symptoms associated with the condition.
Back pain may be caused by numerous different reasons, like a lifetime of bad habits, sports
injuries, accidents, and muscle strains.
Yet, regardless of the cause, its symptoms are the same.
Back pain may occur regardless of the age, but it is more common for elder people, and
it often occurs after the 30th or the 40th year.
Moreover, it is more common in unfit people, ones who do not exercise and are physically
The back is also stressed by too much body weight, so unhealthy diets, rich in calories,
increase the risk of back pain.
It can also occur due to genetics, as in the case of ankylosing spondylitis, a form of
arthritis that affects the spine.
Some cancer and arthritis types may also cause this condition.
Additionally, smokers are also more prone to it, as they do not get enough nutrients
to the disks of the back, and the cough may lead to a pain in the back.
In these cases, the pain is healed slower.
Back pain is also common in people with sedentary lifestyles, or those who do not sit up straight.
Yet, this pain may be relieved without the use of medications, but completely naturally.
Here are some extremely useful tips: Exercise daily
Breathe deeply Lose weight
Consume vitamin D Practice yoga
Make hot and cold compresses Give up smoking
Get a proper rest massage therapy
Manage stress Try Pilates
Avoid activities which may lead to back pain Avoid devices
Stretch often Neck pain is another painful and uncomfortable
issue, which can also be reduced naturally.
We suggest a few effective ways to relieve this pain:
Always sleep in a proper position.
Shower often for the heat to relax the muscles Use cold compresses
Try using a hot pillow
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