Exercise 8 - Page 9 - A Modern Method for Guitar Vol 1
The paranoid Greek video we all loved - Funny Greek Videos HD Greece - Duration: 4:12.Support us on Facebook & Subscribe to our Channel! Donate us if you like our work
I believe...We believe... that madam Merkel put...
Put the kot (chicken) down slowly
I've been ripping the memorandums for 2 Years in a roll
Month by month, week by week, day by day
Page by page, Minute by minute
And she calls me stupid and I tell him are making fun of me?
All this together just for 99Euros. (Adonis Georgiadis - Minister for Health)
Are you excited?
Fuck you you piece of shit
There are people and children passing by... And also...its good not to...
Also my mother has finished the Veterinary school ?!?!?!
Like that...
What? You are telling me that I'm going to be paid just once per month
and we have to come every week here to work and talk about science stuff...
to get educated scientifically? (Michalis Tamilos - Greek Congressman)
He is a magician!
This country can't be saved! (Greece)
They should get out to the streets
and state that they all like to get fucked
Do it... Just Do it...
If we are going to have elections, I'm going to win them
Antonis Samaras (Prime Minister of Greece from 2012 to 2015)
It's a shame for our country to receive such a vassalage
such a bowling... (he means bullying)
These donkeys (people) should learn not to be bullying people
And ok... Its doesn't have anything...
Fabulous is here, and Lady Gaga is here!
My private moments were violated and I didn't know about it
And the snake was making this classic noise...
We should all vote on Sunday! Go to the Voting Polls!
George Papandreou is the most amazing thing that can happen to Greece
He is 100 years ahead!
Economic Crisis starts now in Greece
After I serve the military, i will become like a sir
What I am doing in my life? Nothing...
I am doing bodybuilding and Tae Kwon Do
Look me in the eyes and explain yourself
Where is your warm and sweet kiss?
She took all of our energy, she did it like that and then she was shining
They love you, they adore you. You know that? I know that!
Our food was served in porcelain dishes. It was an unbelievable experience!
What am I going to do with Stefanos? You exposed me...I am a woman from a good house
From a good family and also I'm shy...
You whore!
Yes its me! I can hear you!
Orthodox Priests kissing in the lips?!?!?!
There is no god! Repent!
What are you saying you malaka, I am not going to say sorry to you! Motherfucker!
I hit it 3 times with the Axe (referring to snake)
We are talking you rights! It everyone's right to work!
Earthquake, earthquake...Socialism! Lets vote for a new political party!
Education is everyone's right!
Only a dead snake is a good snake
Lower your decibel of your voice or...
Are you a decibel meter you motherfucker?
Go fuck yourself you mutherfucker that you are going to measure my voice decibel you asshole!
I see earthquakes... I can see the whole tower falling
I can feel it...
Everywhere you go you can feel it, too.
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PNL - Humain ( Lien dans les commentaires ) - Duration: 0:28.-------------------------------------------
Mitsubishi Space Star 1.9 Di-d Comfort - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
A special guest | Marc & Mark's lil Kitchen Episode 5 - Duration: 9:06.Hello Everybody, I'm Marc, welcome to Mark and Marc's little kitchen
We have been eating non stop, so got a little fat
But, no bid deal!!
Today, Mark isn't here, but i have a special friend who will join us today...
Just joking, this isnt my special friend...
My friends is a very famous basketball player
Vehemència i poesia a l'Ebre - Duration: 29:37.QUARKpoesía presents:
Catalonia, a river... Vehemence and poetry at the Ebro
I always had a very vitalist concept of literature.
Andreu Carranza Writer I always had a very vitalist concept of literature.
For me words are living beings, and a text is a forest, Andreu Carranza Writer
For me words are living beings, and a text is a forest,
and a novel is a river. As a result, around the river
the characters, everything has to be there. The ecosystem is self-adjusting,
like a text. I have an understanding very...
this is a very romantic idea, because Maragall
already considered words as living beings. What I want to say is
I am not inventing anything new. But this influence of the anti-nuclear fights
claiming the landscape and the living beings and the river...
<i>culture ecosystem literature territory</i> claiming the landscape and the living beings and the river...
that has deeply influenced my literature, hasn't it? <i>culture ecosystem literature territory</i>
And there is a fragment that talks about Rivera del Duero and says that <i>culture ecosystem literature territory</i>
And there is a fragment that talks about Rivera del Duero and says that
in any of the surrounding villages, you can find around the corner,
a tall man with dark skin like a tuareg;
and you turn the corner and you find a family with ginger hair
redhead, from Celtic incursions from the north, right?
I mean, there has always been
and you move forward and you see a chubby man that looks like
a roman proconsul...I mean, here we have a big mixture of many races, don't we?
And that is what has made up part of the local character,
this very special character, very passionate; and in fact, in this aspect,
<i>vehemence</i> this very special character, very passionate; and in fact, in this aspect,
in this aspect of...this local fervour. <i>vehemence</i>
in this aspect of...this local fervour.
Here, in periods of conflict, there has been a lot of shindig.
There have been many deaths here. The Carlist Wars...
this is an abandoned territory to the outbreak of violence.
Well, firstly the people from the surroundings are quite special. I mean
Josepmaria Vinyes Poet and Culture activist Well, firstly the people from the surroundings are quite special. I mean
a newcomer is welcomed, as long as...right? Josepmaria Vinyes Poet and Culture activist
a newcomer is welcomed, as long as...right?
we have many examples, that is to say, besides we have being
a population of transit, because we have made a swamp that
suddenly brought to the area three to four thousand people
at ten kilometers in a straight line, we have Ascó where they also did it.
and also two or three thousand people arrived, we are welcoming people
but we are also people who have a strong understanding of
what our own territory means. In other words, we feel a lot our land Ribarroja,
we feel a lot our land Flix, we feel a lot our land Ascon, we are...
that is our idiosyncrasy. We have very hard winters here,
there is a lot of fog, working in the fields is very hard and summers
are also very hard, aren't they? And therefore I think they are welcoming people
and a welcoming area. What happens is that at the end
we also need both feet on the ground.
And this Battle of the Ebro, if we look at the details
and we start analyzing its meaning, it also entailed that
Pere Muñoz Historian and former Mayor of Flix and we start analyzing its meaning, it also entailed that
and we start analyzing its meaning, it also entailed that
through many years, many towns that lived
during the Civil War, they lived aware of this battle.
There are populations around, mostly in Terra Alta, where,
until some years ago, it was not possible to talk about the Battle of Ebro.
Because they had such a hard time, the population suffered so much.
like when we talked about Corbera de Ebro, Gandesa or Fatarella,
or Vilalba... there were so many deaths and the families were so destroyed
that it was not possible to talk about it.
Laura Borràs Dr. Institution of the Catalan language <i>Public adress announcement: change of time and place for the poetry recital because of the weather.</i>
<i>Public adress announcement: change of time and place for the poetry recital because of the weather.</i>
<i>Just like you, we have arguments to defend ourselves and to attack. But we decide to do none of those, for the objective is to live consciously without antagonisms and poetry makes it possible.</i>
We are here a border territory and what was earlier characteristic in
the towns around the Ebro, now there are only two barges left:
the Miravet one and the Flix one. The barge is
an ancestral system, almost primitive. And it was used to transport
people from one side to the other, I mean, the farmers, the breeders...
to cross from one side of the river to the other.
Then, this is curious because it belonged to the people, to the municipality
And to choose the boatman, there was an auction every year
and the local people who wanted to be the boatman went to the City Hall
and it was like this in every town, wasn't it?
<i>And there will be oars for every arm, and we will be four, we will be five! and our eyes, scattered stars, will forget all boundaries</i>
What happens is that people from the town, from the area,
for many years, the people turned away from it.
Mostly when river navigation disappeared, this happened
in the early sixties when the Riba Roja reservoir was made.
Jesús Moncada already explained it really good in his novel "Camino de Sirga", right?
Then Mequinenza disappeared, Fayón disappeared... as indigenous areas,
And this extinguished the river navigation.
Then from the mizzen, made of a tree, placed in the middle of the ship,
came out a rope. And there was a path through the riverside
and that is a rope path. The rope path
is just like this one and the bargemen were wearing shoulder pads
with a special suit made of leather, of course,
it was a very hard job, it was a job for...almost for animals.
After that, the men stopped doing it and it was then the animals,
it was the donkeys and the mules, but originally it was the bargemen.
Then, the bargeman had a very special way of life: they were eaters,
drinkers, they were always putting all their eggs in one basket at the tavern.
here, there was a tavern on the bank of the river. They were travellers,
brave people! Of course, the bargemen were the ones going down to the sea,
until Tortosa and they came back, therefore they were people
going from town to town and then they were people of the world,
they were wearing belts and carrying knives because fights happened pretty often.
<i>The rumba that is playing is the Ebro's rumba</i>
As we were saying, the plant changed the history of Flix for a hundred years.
and we can see that the town of Flix went from 1000 to 3000 inhabitants
in no time and from 3000... it grew to 5500 inhabitants.
Cristina Ferrús Cultural association "La Cana"
You always had the feeling that the factory was like a father Cristina Ferrús Cultural association "La Cana"
until the seventies when the factory reaches its maximum splendor. Cristina Ferrús Cultural association "La Cana"
until the seventies when the factory reaches its maximum splendor.
And then the seventies, and with it, the falldown.
The factory has 1500 direct members of staff but also
there was a lot of indirect work. Then, the factory changes,
it is not german anymore and it takes more the direction
of a spanish company. It arrives ERCROS, ERKIMIA, ERCROS...
it changes several times. You are not a person anymore for the factory,
you are not anymore Cristina Ferrús, you are the number 1250, for example.
People do not realise it until the company starts
its falldown and they start doing "ERES": trey treat you like a number.
Because of this the feeling changes a lot. From a father,
something that gave you everything, to see that it has changed
to this company that considers you nothing but a number.
One day, it doesn't find you productive anymore and gets rid of you.
The most important thing is the search of the location and Flix had the water,
a reservoir to to use the waterfall. A train, also very important because of communication.
When they built the train, there ware no roads
and the connections among towns were cart paths
They began streamlining the trains in1892.
The perfect spot for the Germans to create
a chlorine and derivatives production plant, to take the salt
from San Carlos de la Rápita or Cardona,
they were taking the salt from here. Salt with chlorine and soja
and from there all the byproducts.
Then, they used the products to sell
during the textile revolution that took place in Catalonia, things such as
bleaching agents, cleaning agents, to make bleaches and things like that.
This created a situation in which there were two towns inside of one
There was Flix and there was the Colony. In fact, the people that lived here,
in the international neighborhood, they didn't say that they came from Flix,
but from the Colony. Then, this created some differences:
although a lot of people working in the factory were living in the town,
there were differences, why? Because the ones living in the Colony
had better benefits, they had light in their homes,
which hadn't yet arrived to the town.
Positive things? for many years, in the factory,
the local people had a place to work,
and their kids, and a fixed monthly salary.
Since large scale commercial farming was not working in Catalonia,
nor ranching, nor fishing, nor the commodities' sector...and then,
it also allowed the daughters of the local workers to study,
and to have a much richer social life in the town
because the timetables in the factory made it possible to have
a library, a choral society, a music school...
cultural institutions, theater groups...
that is to say, the town has lived thanks to it,
the factory brought this wealth. And it was a bit,
as Pau Vila said in 1930, it was a bit of an oasis inside Catalonia,
inland Catalonia, these regions. Because all of them:
Ribera d'Ebre, Terra Alta, Priorat, Garrigues...
are by nature agricultural areas, however,
in Flix there was a cultural center and with Central European mentality.
In theory, this casino was intended exclusively for the use
of the german technicians and meanwhile the other workers
had no access. Currently it works in a different way but at that time
it was the residence for the german technicians who were single.
They came here and it was like their home. Besides being a casino,
it also worked as a leisure centre for the them.
One of the negative aspects of the factory was the DDT, for example.
During the fifties and the sixties it was Spain's leading producer.
DDT is a product that was invented at the end of the forties
and the person who invented it, his name was Müller by the way,
won the Nobel Medicine Prize, because DDT was working
very well against malaria and they were loading airplanes, helicopters
and they spread it...to entire populations, Napoles for example.
And it was against malaria, against the flies that
could carry the malaria and other diseases. Disinfectant.
And then everybody had DDT at home
with its fli-fli-fli-fla to kill the flies. But I am telling you,
the guy who invented it won the Nobel Medicine Prize.
In the late sixties they discovered that it was carcinogenic.
<i>wound</i> In the late sixties they discovered that it was carcinogenic.
But nobody was saying it here, people were making DDT, producing DDT, <i>wound</i>
and everybody had DDT at home. <i>wound</i>
In the early seventies they said: this can't continue and they forbade it. <i>wound</i>
<i>poetry</i> In the early seventies they said: this can't continue and they forbade it.
the DDT production stopped and this remained as a story, <i>poetry</i>
the DDT production stopped and this remained as a story,
but a story that happened here, in the town, didn't it?
Anyway, we can see that in recent times the river Ebro
is contaminated. What kind of contamination is there in the river Ebro?
It's not only the factories! No, no, no, no, no!
So many things happened, the human activity. We can try to
do things with good intentions but
then somebody discovers that it causes cancer,
or other negative effect. Or it is...like with every industrial activity.
This thing about the river Ebro, right? Ebro, Danube,
Rhine...every river in central Europe was used
as a dump by the chemical industry.
No, no, no! Here we have invasive alien species!
I mean, I used to fish with my grandpa
and we fished indigenous species. Currently they are disappearing.
From the seventies on, the catfish was thrown into the Mequinenza's reservoir
and the catfish has become the master of the Ebro. This is to say,
the catfish inside the Ebro has broken the chain. It is the predator that
stands above and it is preying on, and it is eating the indigenous species.
On the other hand, there is also an invasion of the zebra mussel
a foreign species. What happened with the zebra mussel is that
it filters the water and then makes it more clear, because the water
was cloudy green. However now, if we look at it, you can see
the bottom through the water, and that is because of the zebra mussel
that has invaded the Ebro. What happened? The sun penetrates to the bottom
and there is a brutal algae bloom that didn't exist before.
Therefore...we can see many species here that have contaminated the river.
I consider that a contamination.
<i>Love is a fish that makes bubbles in a puddle. Love, however, can be a joy or can be a bump. If you are lucky everything goes smooth, if you bite the hook you stick yourself like a worm, and if you trust the lotery, then get your hands on the fish farm.</i>
<i>love is a fish upstream and downstream...</i>
the river ecosystem as a natural system, always tends to <i>love is a fish upstream and downstream...</i>
Oriol Arola Sebes Natural Reserve the river ecosystem as a natural system, always tends to <i>love is a fish upstream and downstream...</i>
the river ecosystem as a natural system, always tends to Oriol Arola Sebes Natural Reserve
strike a balance. But when you make many changes Oriol Arola Sebes Natural Reserve
with many impacts in a very short time... Oriol Arola Sebes Natural Reserve
with many impacts in a very short time...
it doesn't have the ability to self-regulate. Then is when
trouble develops, right? Problems,
invasive species problems, problems with the modification of the bank's watercourses.
Here you can fish them 2, 3 meters long and there is even communities coming
from Germany, Switzerland, England. And there are clubs in the surroundings,
for fishermen who come to fish the catfish! Giant catfishes!
Therefore, the existing Ebro, the future Ebro, who knows how it will end up.
But I believe that there is something very important:
the awakening of the local conscience that will remain sedimented
into words, the texts. In other words, now we are a collective of people
making things in the Ebro's area. We make poetry in the balconies
of Riba-roja, we make the local book fair.
Well, every species is adapted to its environment, right?
We have swamp areas or lagoons areas
or...in the river we have ducks,
indigenous birds, like herons,
Grey herons, moorhens, grebes, harriers...
<i>The cock and the hen were in the balcony, The hen was sleeping and the cock kissed her. Evil, more than evil! What is people going to say? Let them say whatever the want for I am already happy, happy, happy!</i>
There are many species that are not visible, hard to observe
and they are very interesting. But some are very easy to observe, they are big,
they help us protect all the others. To protect the ones that are not visible.
<i>The roots, strange way to bond with a land, with a feeling, with the people.</i>
<i>The captain is not the captain, the captain is the sea.</i>
<i>I'm not going to tell you the well-known story of</i>
<i>the landscape where I grew up, that wide river or the blossomed orange tree.</i>
<i>This poem means nothing and at the same time it means enough</i>.
In this season when it is so hot, it was the place of entertainment, to play,
it was also the Father Ebro, wasn't it? The Father Ebro that ran mightily
and powerfully downhill and where we used to make the ritual of swimming through it
as we changed from childhood into youth. Swimming, we crossed the river.
Pepa Plana Actress and clown
In sixty days, when you set a festival, the coming of transversal poets,
the situation with the reception, the poets at the houses, well...
You can find important people and you can also find
common poets, can't you? Felipe Sérvulo... well.
And she told me -what do you need? I answered -I need poets, Amalia.
I need poets. She says -Don't worry!,
how many do you want?, do you want fifty or sixty?
-Send me as many as you want! And here I was calling...
-we might be eighty...-eighty?, Where could we place eighty?
In the first festival there were forty, but I had in my mind
certain poets that I wanted above it all.
Then, one was Mireia Calafell, whom I pursued,
we had a coffee close to L'Horiginal. I will remember this moment forever.
-And what did you tell me I have to do?
-You just have to take the yellow megaphone that you can see in the video
and you will come to the Church's square,
there, you will recite the poems by heart with the megaphone.
-Ah, ok. Then I will go. And, what will you give me in exchange?
I say -what do you want me to give you? You will have a place to sleep,
we don't have a single penny! And this is how we made it.
In the case of Ribarroja, I think that it is in the name of the festival itself,
Laura Borràs Dr. Institution of the Catalan language In the case of Ribarroja, I think that it is in the name of the festival itself,
the fact that it is called The Festival of Poetry in the balconies is Laura Borràs Dr. Institution of the Catalan language
the fact that it is called The Festival of Poetry in the balconies is
literally because the poetry stands in the balconies,
because poetry fills the balconies of Ribarroja
and the village residents provide these spaces to hang panels with poems,
but also because they take in the poets in their own houses.
And that is beautiful because, somehow, Ribarroja becomes impregnated with poetry.
Not only in this esthetic dimension but probably also
in a very human and deep way, which is also
our actual aim with the poetry.
Every new day is a present that we can't afford to lose. We should start it
without luggage, the new day that we have been offered,
Rosa Fabregat Writer and pharmacist without luggage, the new day that we have been offered,
with the hope on the day after, with all body and soul Rosa Fabregat Writer and pharmacist
with the hope on the day after, with all body and soul
that makes you feel like a creature of this world and the Milky Way as your crib.
Thank you very much everybody for this present that you just offered to me!
Good night, I am Ferran Aisa. Instead of doing poetry,
I also do history and I wanna remind you that today,
it's been 79 years from the day when the rebel army rose in Barcelona
and in other places in Spain against the republic
legally elected by the people. This poem that I am going to recite
is called Tribute to Orwell:
Catalonia is a thousand years of history...
Roly-poly toy, doll with a weight in the base
and that, diverted from its vertical position, rises again.
The nation.
Flix was occupied twice, on the 4th April 1938 was occupied
for the first time by the Franquist Forces and the 25th July 1938 started
the Battle of the Ebro, in which the republicans
regained the town of Flix crossing the river Ebro.
Flix had a very special roll: the factory, the river.
Because there was a factory and it was a transit point.
It named these lands, a name...miserable, isn't it?
Because all republicans died...
we are talking about more than 80.000 people, all the missing people.
a war of attrition, with no strategical meaning
for anybody. Because the experts question already
the reasons for this war. 115 days in the region,
taking part partially in Gandesa, Corbera, Fatarella, Flix...
<i>The left pieces of history are in my throat, in my face the signs of sacrifice. How bitter is now the language! How constricted the door of the alphabet!</i>
I think many times people is scared of poetry because
they believe it is something elitist, like a language that
maybe they won't understand, cryptic, difficult to figure out and actually
when we make people to confront the poetry, things happen.
Emotions and feelings flow.
Some verses of Auden, another poet, say that "a difficult poem becomes clear
when you hear it said by somebody that understands it".
I believe that this is what happens to many people
they still get surprised when they see a festival of poetry, because
they were not expecting that the poetry was capable of surprising them,
of penetrating them in a deep way.
Because I have you and I don't because I think of you because the night is opened eyes
Because the night goes away and I say my love because you came to pick up your image and you are better than all all your images
Because you are beautiful from your feet to your soul because you are gentle from your soul to me because I have you and I don't
because I think of you because you are mine because you are not mine
because I look at you and I die and worst than dying because you always exist wherever I want but you exist better where I love you
because your mouth is blood and you are cold because you sweetly hide in pride, tiny and sweet because I have to love you, my love.
To this speechless young man from Águilas, Murcia,
Mario Benedetti's poetry in the lips of Pepe Sacristán, allowed him
to accomplish his dream of declaring his love to somebody before dying.
Sacristán himself thought about
whoever he was thinking about when reading the poem,
because when we read, we are actually reading ourselves,
we project ourselves also in this lines. And the macho that fell down,
the one that looked like he didn't care about poetry, it turns out that,
poetry, as an invisible saeta, penetrated him, softened him
and made him fall down. And when Sacristán approaches him
and asks him what happened, he answers -I also feel that way
about my wife, but now I am going to die
and she will never know it. Then I told the girls that poetry,
the poets save the words for us, as Espriu says
but they also lend them to us. It is not necessary for us to have them.
Reading poetry we can make as if we were ventriloquists
and have those feeling as if they were our own.
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