Hi everyone welcome to the Balancing Act
I'm Olga Villaverde.
Good morning everyone I'm
Amber milt.
On today's show providing
you peace of mind for protecting your
skin from the sun's harmful rays, which I
have to do more of, to protecting your
online business.
Very good topics and
we're also going to be safeguarding a
precious part of your baby, it's a way to
bank his or her umbilical cord blood,
did you do that with the girls?
I was offer that years ago it wasn't
very common but I should have it's a
great idea and something to look into.
It's incredible and it can help fight
so many different illnesses.
Great segments and
an investment in your family's future,
and you know what's in our near future?
I can only guess, the most
handsome man in our planet right now.
Abracadabra I got some liquid magic up
up my sleeves, stay tuned ladies.
Not only can he cook, handsome chef Ralph we
love him.
Sounds good Chief Ralph.
All that and more
coming up on the Balancing Act it starts right now.
It's what feeds and nurtures your baby
throughout your pregnancy the umbilical
And its importance doesn't end once
you deliver did you know that your
baby's cord blood can be used in the
treatment of more than 80 diseases.
So banking your child's umbilical
cord blood is an investment in your
family's future let's take a look at
The decision to bank our child's
stem cells was an absolute no-brainer my
name is Karen flurry this is my husband
Tim and I'm nine months pregnant we're
expecting our first child a little boy
next month.
Some of the reasons why we decided to
Bank our child's stem cells is because
you can't put a price on the health of
your child or your child's future and
with so much progress being made in the
field of stem cell research the possibilities are endless of
what the stem cells could be used for
later on in life.
And I know what my job is my job is
to make sure that I bring the kit to the
hospital today a delivery ensure that
the doctor extracts the tissue and the
blood from the cord and then call the
courier to make sure it gets delivered
to the New England cord blood bank.
Good job hunny.
I'm so excited we received another
Hi I'm Dr. Grace Centola the
laboratory and tissue bank director of
New England cord blood bank.
In this box
our umbilical cord blood stem cells from
a baby that was born today.
Umbilical cord blood stem cells are the
building blocks of also in the body.
Did you know
that umbilical cord blood stem cells
have been used to treat over 80 diseases?
Amazing come on let's go to the lab.
Today you're going to get a VIP tour and
you're going to see what happens from
the minute we open this spout till the
time those stem cells are stored in our
cryogenic tanks.
Hi my name is Angela
Dexter, I'm the lab manager here.
Today we received in a client's cord
blood what we're going to do is step one,
we're going to open up the kit we're
going to verify that our paperwork
matches our cord blood that we received
and then we're going to assign it a
unique number this number will follow
the cord blood from the time we receive
it till the time it goes out for a
possible transplant.
We're going to open
it up so if you're a little bit squeamish live blood we're going
to see the blood bags and we're also
going to open the umbilical cord tissue
We want to make sure that the
labels on both matched the paperwork that
we received for this client and
then what we're going to do is efficiently
as possible, time is of the
essence, we're going to process the cord blood
so that we can extract and save all of
the cord blood stem cells.
So after all of our
paperwork is verified we're going to
bring it over to processing so Kayla is
going to be doing step two today.
What Kayla is going to do is she is
going to record all of the information
from all of our Lots numbers and
expiration dates of all of the supplies that
we're going to use, she's going to also
attach barcode labels to everything
that comes into contact with the cord
Now that step two has been completed
I verified and checked that Kayla
did everything accurately, we're
going to hand off the blood to Glenda who
will begin step three of the process.
Glenda will be performing step three
inside of the biological safety cabinet
this not only protects Glenda from the
cord blood but it maintains the integrity of the cord blood
during processing.
Glenda will then take out some samples
for cell counts as well as for sterility,
once those samples have been taken
Glenda will add how to starch to the
collection bag.
Once this step is
completed Glenda will then bring the blood
over to the seed packs for processing.
The CPEC to machine is the gold standard
in cord blood processing I'm Matt Wilgo,
the cell biology scientists here at the
lab the CTX to machine will extract the
maximum number of stem cells from the
cord blood.
We don't just or core blood here we also
store cord tissue and dental pulp and
all of these tissues and stem cells are
being utilized or agenda medicine right
now in clinical trials and in therapies.
In five ten fifteen or twenty years from
now we can only imagine the types of
therapies that will be available to you
because you will have the stem cells
here at our laboratory.
We use our flow
cytometer to make sure we know the cells
are of the highest quality.
The last step
is to take the cells to the cryopreserve
laboratory for long-term storage.
I'm Mike Marrazzo manager the
cryogenic department earlier you saw your
core blood being delivered and your
stem cells being processed in the
core bug lab now let me show you where
they're being stored.
Let me show you how the
stem cells are stored.
In here is
millions of stem cells all located in
our racks completely submerged in liquid
It's at negative 196 degrees
Celsius and the liquid nitrogen itself
puts the stem cells into a state of
suspended animation, hopefully you never
need them but if you do they're safe and
they be use for you whenever you need
People always ask me what if we
lose power and rest assured we have a
backup generator that powers this entire
building, also out back we have a nine
thousand gallon bulk tank filled with
liquid nitrogen.
At no point in time am I
not in communication with this tank.
This pod right here communicates with
me if there's ever a temperature
problem day or night 24/7 I'm available to
come in.
Our goal is to never have to take these
stem cells out of the tank but if you
need them they're safe.
It's insurance you hope you
never have to use it, but it's nice to
know that it is there for you and we
know that our child's stem cells they're
secure and they're protected through New
England cord blood bank.
For more
information go to cord blood bank dot com
or check out our website the balancing act dot com.
Summer means fun in the Sun going to the
beach or taking a bike ride but before
you head out make sure you and your
family are practicing safe sun and
really it's something we should think
about all year-round.
So how can you
protect your skin by choosing the
correct sunscreen, here to talk about how
to properly protect your skin is Dr.
Chere Lucas Anthony from the Rendon
Center for Dermatology and Aesthetic
Good morning.
Good morning thank
you for being here so it is summertime
and we want to talk about the rays and
you know what all year long we got to
protect ourselves, so doctor when we're
looking for one what what do we look for
when getting that sunscreen, there's just
there's so many out.
There are but you want to
to narrow it down.
You really want to
look for something that's broad-spectrum
meaning it covers both UVA and UVB and
as you mentioned if you're heading to
the beach pick up something that's
water-resistant meaning that if it gets
in the water if you get sweaty it'll
still stay on and then you want to
remember to always reapply because
you're still going to burn if you don't
get your sunblock on every hour or so.
Now you may even two little buzz words
that I want some distinction on that's
UVA and UVB what's the difference.
UVA penetrates a little bit more
deeply into the skin so it causes a lot of
aging and wrinkling
whereas UVB or ultraviolet B is more
superficial on the skin so you get more
freckling and then also can cause skin
cancer but really both UVA and UVB cause
skin cancer so you want to find something that's broad-spectrum
to protect against both.
Now when you're
choosing one and again there are so many
out there I'm hearing more about mineral
based sunscreens what are those and why
are they so important.
Ok so mineral bases mean
that they either have zinc or titanium
as active ingredients, the mineral sun
blocks will reflect light off of your
skin like if you have little mirrors on
your skin.
The chemical sunscreens will
absorb that light and turn it into heat.
So for instance we have blue lizard
which we brought here today this is a
great mineral sunblock product they have
a whole line.
It's a zinc oxide formulation that goes on very
easily it does not have the fragrances and
parabens, so it's safe to use and kids
and even in babies there's a baby
It's been dermatologist
recommended for 20 years so it's a go-to
for my kids and definitely in our
office and interestingly it was developed in Australia.
And the blue lizard sport product is
water-resistant for 80 minutes which is the
highest claim that can be made based on
the standards in the US,
additionally Australian standards are higher
than the US and blue lizard is
water-resistant for 240 minutes based on
Australian standards.
Something that I've learned
about blue lizard and I have used it on
my children is a little goes a long way
it's very thick.
But it's very good
because you just play a little bit and
just this amount is really tremendously
it spreads very easily.
And then another
really cool thing about Blue Lizard.
This is the best part.
So Blue Lizard has this smart
bottle technology where the bottle turns
blue, so it reminds you that when you're
in ultraviolet light you need to reapply.
So when you're somewhere and you see it
blue it kind of gives you the signal
that you need to reapply which I find to
be fantastic.
Its a great reminder.
Thank you so much for your time.
Thank you.
If I were to use this when I was
younger things would be looking a lot
better for me today.
Thanks again.
For more information on Blue Lizard you
can visit the website blue lizard dot net
or our website the balancing act dot
And up next protecting your online business,
it's serious business, don't go away.
Alright it's time to spice things up a
little bit, you're ready to enhance your
favorite dish with the table top seasoning Chef Ralph is about to
show you how you can work a little
liquid magic in the kitchen check this
presto change-o I'm about to enhance your
favorite recipes with the bold flavor
what I like to call liquid magic.
I'm chef Ralph Pagano and abracadabra
let's elevate your dish by simply using
a few drops of Maggi seasoning sauce.
Now check this out Magali seasoning
sauce it's made from fermented wheat
and it gives you incredible umami
flavor you know it's quite simple as an
East Asian soy sauce but it does not
contain any source if you just throw a
couple of drops from the bottle right into
how to cold dishes it really enhances
the flavor and gravies entree soups
and sauces in fact I love it I see
it as a secret in my kitchen all the
time I'm going to show you right now how
to make it incredible super easy dip.
Who don't like a avocado?
Raise your hand, keep your
hands down.
Avocado is like the bacon of
the fruit world right.
I'm going to add
avocado here I'm going to add another avocado perfect I've got
my avocados in the food processor
I'm going to add some good old-fashioned
mayonnaise 2/3 of a cup I've got crema which is that
what cream done Mexican style mix a little
bit of mayonnaise gonna pop that into
my food processor into this party goes
my secret Maggi seasoning which is really
going to feel some robust flavors up in
my dip some fresh garlic lime juice for
the acid and some toasted cumin seed
you know cumin is the number 2 you spike
behind black pepper FYI turn it on
blend away it's that simple.
When it's nice and mixed up just at the
end you add the fresh fragrant cilantro
give it a quick one to pulse whatscokado
you know my favorite dance move.
Presto change-o it's all done and it
looks like it is right here great
avocado with that Maggi seasoning
develops its incredible flavor that I
can't wait to get on.
How about this
potatoes I got beautiful roasted red
potatoes with jalapenos tomatoes and a
little bit of the Maggi see that it gets
I got to tell you I love
chicken wings these right here tequila
lime juice Maggi seasoning bake them in
the oven finish them on the grill little
ranch dressing on the side this is my
kind of party it's extremely versatile
and it's made from the natural extracts
of pure vegetable oil which means it's
good for the vegans and I can tell you
what at the edge it's a little bit of
this Maggi seasoning you get that deep
rich roasted flavor that you would when
you're cooking kind of meats in the oven
so this is a really good secret for my
vegan friends and for everybody out there.
You want to know more about Maggi
seasoning sauce go to Nestle usa dot com
or visit our website thebalancingact.com
and don't forget to share your favorite
Maggi seasoning recipes with us and
remember this has been a quick byte but
chew slowly.
E-commerce is a trillion-dollar industry
and if you are one of the 1.7 million
e-commerce site owners listen up, for the
first time there's a way you could
protect your online retail sales after
all you've worked so hard to build your
online business are you prepared for
loss of income if a platform like Amazon
were to suspend you for something like a
customer dispute in many cases at no
fault of your own that would be devastating here to talk about
insurance for your e-commerce business is
Lori Euron from Well Insurance.
Good morning.
Good morning thanks for being here.
You know we've talked a lot
about the internet we've talked a lot
about e-commerce sites this is really
new to me and this was really personal
to you wasn't it.
It was yes it was we
own our own e-commerce business and we
were ecstatic to see it growing and yes
we've been working it for about five
years and about a year ago as we became
more reliant on the income that we were
bringing in with this business I started
to realize that if something happened
tomorrow perhaps that no thoughts of our
own that we would maybe not be able to
pay the bills the next day and that
became very scary for me and that's when
I said this really should be available.
So here's a question why would a platform shut down the
e-commerce business.
Well so it's an interesting
And it happens every day
unfortunately yes and oftentimes it no
fault of the business owner.
Give me some examples.
The big giant of Amazon right a
lot of e-commerce sellers depend on
Amazon to do their online sales and
Amazon really works to protect the
consumer and believes that if something
is suspicious they will shut down your
account while they investigate it.
Because the customer is always right.
The customer is always right in the
Amazon world which is a beautiful thing
and as it should be however while
they're investigating this they may
suspend yourself it could be that your
account was hacked or that you have had
too many delayed shipments lately, it
also could be that you've been accused of
counterfeit products.
So you're shut down for that time
being and then you're losing money.
That's right.
And that's your business.
That's right.
So that's when you have an aha
And you said I have to do something.
What did you do.
Yes so at that point I
went to my general liability insurance
agency company and so we really should
work to develop this policy because
general liability is necessary and
provides a lot of protection, but there's
not any insurance companies currently
providing any type of loss of income
insurance and really not any insurance
agencies that know the ins and outs of the
e-commerce business.
So what did you create.
So we created a loss of income
suspension insurance policy.
How does it work.
So you can really customize it to make
it work for you so your premium is based
on your annual gross income and it's
also based on if you choose to cover
yourself for 30 days up to 180 days, you also
can cover yourself for $50,000 in
annual gross revenue up to a million
dollars in annual gross revenue and that's
really how it works you can purchase
this policy and worry to be suspended
based on the insurance policy you
purchased you can protect your loss of
income for the days that you are out of
Who should be using this policy?
Everyone, anyone that has an e-commerce
business absolutely I believe should be
considering this policy.
And let's talk
about the legitimacy of the policy
because you know you hear so many things
fraud all this stuff so.
You know talk about that aspect.
Absolutely, well this is backed by Lloyds
of London.
Oh thats huge.
That's huge,
it's the oldest insurance company in the
world and that's who's backing this
policy so no worry about the legitimacy
of the policy.
So have you heard from
business owners to say my goodness thank
you so much for this idea because now I
have peace of mind.
Yes yes we have we've
had people tell us that they can sleep
better at night because they know that if
something happens tomorrow that they can
continue to pay their employees, they can
keep the lights on, they can keep food on
the table, it's personal
it really is personal you know business
owners have worked very hard to build
their business and they deserve the
right to protect.
It's a great idea, great
light bulb that went off.
Thank you.
Congratulations and good luck on the
business and hopefully it keeps on
Yep thats the plan.
For more information about suspension insurance for your
e-commerce site visit well - insurance dot
com or go to our website the balancing act
dot com.
Well that's all the time we have today,
head to our Facebook page at our website
and of course to always follow us on
twitter we've got lots more there.
You're trying to crack up on me, thanks
for watching everyone, we'll see you next
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