Well, here we are. I turn down here at the next block.
Thanks, mister. I'll get off there.
- Want anything else? - No.
Hey, you!
- Me? - Yeah you. Where're you heading?
Too bad. I thought if you was heading north I might be able to help you out.
I'm pushing myself late tonight. I don't like to ride alone at night.
I am one of those guys who gotta talk or I fall asleep.
My partner, he's got Lou to keep him company, but ...
... I ain't got nobody at all.
- Where're you coming from? - West.
Yeah sure, I know, but ...
... where? LA?
- Maybe. - I've got a cousin out in LA ...
- You don't say. - Yeah. He's been out ...
You're not much of a talker, are you?
My mother taught me never to speak to strangers.
- Oh, wise guy is it. - So what!?
Okay, okay. Don't get sore.
Trying to be sociable. That's all.
Hey, Grandma!
Give me change for a dime, will you?.
Let's have something quieter this time, Joe. My head's splitting.
It that what's wrong with it?
Done with your coffee?
No. And don't rush me, will you?
Hey, turn that off. Will you turn that thing off?
- What's eating you now? - Yeah, what's eating you?
- That music, it stinks. - Oh, you don't like it, huh?
- No. Turn it off! - Now wait a minute, pal.
That was mine, that penny.
This is a free country, and I play whatever I want to.
Sure, and if you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it.
And you can leave here any time, you want to.
OK OK. I'm sorry I am.
First good piece played tonight, and you don't like it.
Some people just ain't got any good taste.
That tune... That tune...
Why was it always that rotten tune?
Following me around, beating in my head, never letting up.
Did you ever want to forget anything?
Did you ever want cut away a piece of your memory or blot it out?
You can't, you know.
No matter how hard you try.
You can change the scenery ...
... but sooner or later, you'll get a whiff of perfume or...
... somebody will say a certain phrase, or maybe hum something ...
... and you're licked again.
"I can't believe that you're in love with me"
I used to love that song, once.
So did the customers back in the old Break O' Dawn Club in New York.
I can't remember a night when I didn't get at least 3 requests for it.
Sue ...
She was always was selling it too.
Those were the days.
Your eyes of blue, your kisses too
I never knew what they could do
I can't believe that you're in love with me
You're telling everyone I know
That I'm on your mind each place you go
They can't believe that you're in love with me.
I have always placed you far above me
I just can't imagine that you love me
And after all is said and done
To think that I'm the lucky one
I can't believe that you're in love with me.
It wasn't much of a club, really. You know the kind.
A joint where you could have a sandwich and a few drinks ...
... and run interference for your girl on the dance floor.
I fronted the piano in there every night from 8:00 until the place closed up ...
... which usually meant 4:00 in the morning.
A good job, as jobs went in those days.
And then too ...
... there was Sue.
... who made working there a little like working in heaven.
But how we felt about each other. Well, there was nothing very unusual in that.
I was an ordinary healthy guy, and she was an ordinary healthy girl.
And when you add those two together, you get an ordinary healthy romance.
Which is the old story ...
... sure, but somehow ...
... the most wonderful thing in the world.
All in all, I was a pretty lucky guy.
Mr Paderewsky, I presume ...
It's beautiful.
You're going to make Carnegie Hall your door.
Yeah, as a janitor.
I'll make my debut in the basement.
I don't blame you for being bitter, darling but ...
... you mustn't give up hope.
- Why, some day ... - Yeah, some day ...
... if I don't get arthritis first.
In the meantime, let's blow this trap.
- Like to get something to eat, hon'? - I don't think so, Al.
I lose my appetite working in this fleabag.
- Let's go home. - OK.
I can't stand much more of that dump.
Did you see that drunk tonight trying to paw me.
No, what drunk?
It doesn't matter what drunk!
Say, what's the matter with you tonight, darling?
That's the third time you started to tell me something and then stopped.
We shouldn't have any secrets from each other, Sue.
Next week, we're going to make with the ring and the license. You and me. We'll be a team.
Yes, that's right. In the Bush League.
- I don't get you. - We've been struck out.
A funny way to talk, darling.
- Don't you want to marry me? - Al, look, I love you, you know I do.
- And I want to marry you. - But ...
But not now.
Only after we do good.
Someday, I'm going away.
Oh, I know you'll think it silly ...
That's why I hesitated to tell you. But I'm going to California ...
I want to try my luck in Hollywood.
That's the most stupid thing, I ever heard of.
Don't you know millions of people go out there every year and wind up polishing cuspidors?
I thought you had better sense.
You sound as if you don't think I have any talent.
That has nothing to do with it.
- I'll make out alright. - Maybe. But what about me?
Doesn't it mean anything to you that you're busting up all our plans.
- We may not see each other for years. - It won't be that long.
- I thought you loved me. - I do, you know I do.
Well ... here we are.
Al ...
Al, why can't you see my side of it?
I'm young. We both are.
And we've got all the time in the world to settle down.
Really, darling ...
... what I'm doing is the only sane thing to do.
I ... I hate the thought of being so far away from you, but ...
But we'll be together again someday.
Maybe you'll decide to come out too, later on.
So long.
Al ...
Aren't you going to kiss me goodnight?
Sure, why not?
Good night.
Say Roberts, you hit the jackpot this time ...
Ten bucks.
But when a drunk handed me a ten spot, after a request ...
... I couldn't get very excited.
What was it? I asked myself. A piece of paper crawling with germs.
It couldn't buy anything I wanted. It couldn't ...
Then I thought of something.
Long distance. I'd like to put a call through to Los Angeles.
Miss Harvey, Sue Harvey. H-A-R-V-E-Y.
The number is: Crest View 65723.
Fifty ... seventy five ... eighty five.
Hello Sue? This is Al.
Oh baby, it's great to hear from you too.
What's that? You do?
Oh, me too, darling.
I thought I'd go batty without you. I just had to ...
Huh? ... You're working as a hash slinger?
Gee honey, that's tough.
Those guys out in Hollywood don't know the real thing when it's right in front of them.
You just stick it out too, baby.
Keep going around to those casting offices. I'm sure you'll click.
Look, I'll tell you what. You stay put out there. I'll come to you.
No, do not try to stop me. Just expect me.
Train? Who knows. Train, plane, bus, magic carpet. I'll be there if I have to crawl.
If I have to travel by pogo stick. And then ...
... let's get married right away, huh?
That's the stuff. That's what I've been wanting to hear you say.
Well ... goodbye for now.
I'll be seeing you soon.
The only way I could cross country was to thumb rides.
For even after hawking everything, I only had enough money to eat.
Money. You know what that is.
The stuff you never have enough of. Little green things with ...
... George Washington's picture that men slave for ...
... commit crimes for, die for.
It's the stuff that has caused more trouble in the world ...
... than anything else we ever invented.
Simply because, there's too little of it.
At least, I had too little of it.
So it was me for the thumb.
Ever done any hitchhiking?
It's not much fun, believe me.
Oh yeah, I know all about how it's an education ...
... how to get to meet a lot of people and all that. But me ...
... from now on, I'll take my education in college, or in PS-62, or I'll...
... send $ 1.98 in stamps for "Ten Easy Lessons".
Thumbing rides may save your busfare, but it's dangerous.
You never know what's in store for you, when you hear the...
... squeal of brakes.
If only I had known what I was getting into, that day in Arizona.
Here, throw that in the back seat.
Okay, let's go. Make sure that door's closed.
You know, Emily Post ought to write a ...
... book of rules for guys thumbing rides.
Because, as it is now, you never know what's right and what's wrong.
We rode along for a little while, neither one of us saying anything.
I was glad of that.
I never know what to say to strange people driving cars.
Then too, you can never tell if a guy wants to talk.
A lot of rides have been cut short because of a big mouth.
So I kept my mouth shut until he started opening up.
Hand me that little box in the compartment, will ya pal.
Hold the wheel, will you.
- How far are you going? - L.A.
Well, you're really travelling, aren't you?
Yeah, but I don't expect to make it for a couple of years ...
... at the rate I've been sporting rides.
- Not much luck, huh? - Sure, all bad.
Not many people stop for a guy these days. Afraid of a stick up, maybe.
Well, you can't blame them.
- Where are you coming from? - New York.
Well, New York!
Well, you're in luck this time. I'm going all the way.
Right through to Los Angeles.
- You drive a car? - Sure, if you're tired, let me know.
I'll holla.
I guess at least an hour passed before I noticed ...
... those deep scratches in his right hand.
They were wicked.
Three puffy red lines, about a quarter of an inch apart.
He must have seen me looking at them, because he said ...
Beauties, aren't they?
They're going to be scars some day.
What an animal!
Whatever it was, it must have been pretty big and vicious to have done that.
Right on both counts, New York.
I was tussling with the most dangerous animal In the world...
... a woman.
Must have been Tarzan's mate.
Looks like, you lost the bout.
It certainly wasn't a draw.
You know, there should be a law against dangerous claws.
I tossed her out of the car on her ear.
Was I wrong?
Give a lift to a tomato, you expect her to be nice, don't you?
- Yeah. - After all, what kind of a dame, thumbs rides?
- Sunday school teacher? - Yeah.
A little witch.
Must have thought, she was riding with some fall guy.
Not me who's been booking horses around race tracks, since I was twenty.
Ahh, I've known a million dames like her.
- Two million. - Yeah.
Stopped the car, opened the door ...
"Take another hour and stop here, sister", I told her.
- That's the stuff - As I was going on.
If you want to see a real scar, brother, get a load of this.
- I got that one duelling. - Duelling?
Yeah, just kidding of course. My dad owned a couple of Franco-Prussian sabres.
Kept them on the wall for decoration.
Well one day, another kid and I took them down, and the old man wasn't around... Had a duel.
He hit me in the arm here.
Pretty mean cut. Infection set in later.
Yeah, I can see that.
- Oh, give me that box again, will ya. - Yeah.
Pain made me lose my head, I guess... Began slashing ...
Before I knew it, I'd put the other kid's eye out.
That was tough.
Oh, it was just an accident, of course. You know how kids are.
I got scared and decided I was going to run away from home.
Old man almost caught me, when I was packing my duds.
The bloody rag I had wrapped around my wrist hadn't caught his attention ...
... he'd have seen the bundle for sure.
So I beat it, when he was phoning for a doctor.
That was fifteen – sixteen years ago.
I haven't been home since.
Pull in there for a bite of something, huh? I'll buy you ...
Brother, was I hungry. I hadn't had anything in my stomach for hours.
But even with that gnawing in the pit of my belly.
I didn't want to be in too big a rush to put on the feed bag.
First, I had to make sure this guy knew the score.
If I got him down on me, goodbye ticket to Hollywood.
- I'll wait out here for you, mister. - If it's the money, don't worry about paying for it.
This time it's on me.
- Well, that's quite ... - Haskell. Think nothing of it.
You make your first million, maybe you can do the same for me. Come on, New York.
I gotta make the West Coast by Wednesday.
There's a horse running at Santa Anita, named "Paradisical" ...
- Means dough to for me, if I'm on it. - You'll make it, alright
He did most of the talking, during the half hour we were in the place.
I ate.
He rambled on about his old man, whom he hadn't heard from since he ran away as a kid,...
... and how he happened to become a bookie.
And then all about how he got rooked in Miami.
One race, 38 grand. They cleaned out my book.
- How do you like that? - It was tough luck.
Yeah, and I'm supposed to be the smart guy. You just wait ...
I'm going back to Florida, next season, with all kinds of jack.
And you watch those stinkers run for cover.
- Want anything else? - No thanks, I've had plenty.
Got the cheque there, sister?
Oh, just a minute! Your change, sir.
- Keep it, sister. - Oh, thank you, sir. Call again.
I'll be waiting outside for you, when you've finished work.
Sharp chick, huh?
I drove all that night, while Haskell slept like a log.
After a while, I began to get sleepy myself.
I was happy though.
Soon I'd be with Sue again.
The long trip was practically over, and there'd be no more hoofing it down the concrete.
I began to think of the future ...
... which couldn't have been brighter if I'd embroidered it with neon lights.
It was nice to think of Sue, shooting to the top.
Hmpf ... It's amazing what a full belly can do to your imagination.
Your eyes of blue, your kisses too
I never knew what they could do
I can't believe that you're in love with me
You're telling everyone I know
I'm on your mind each place you go
I can't believe that you're in love with me
Mister Haskell.
Mister Haskell.
Mister Haskell, wake up. It's raining.
Don't you think we ought to stop and put up the top?
Mister Haskell, I'm going to put up the top.
So far, things had been my way ...
... but from then on something else stepped in and shunted me off ...
... to a different destination than the one I picked for myself ...
... for when I pulled open that door ...
Mr Haskell, what's the matter? Are you hurt?
Are you hurt, Mr Haskell?
Doubtless ... I'll listen to it.
... but I know what you're going to hand me even before you open your mouth.
You're going to tell me you don't believe my story about Haskell died ...
... and give me that "don't make me laugh" expression on your smug faces.
I saw at once he was dead ... and I was in for it.
Who would believe that he fell out of the car?
Why if Haskell came to, which of course he couldn't, even he would swear ...
... I conked him over the head for his dough.
Yes, I was in for it.
Instinct told me to run, but then I realised it was hopeless.
There were lots of people back down the road who could identify me.
That gas station guy and the waitress.
I would be in a worse spot then, trying to explain why I beat it.
The next possibility was to sit tight and tell the truth when the cops came.
But that would be crazy. They'd laugh at the truth, and I'd have my head in a noose.
So what else was there to do, but hide the body and get away in the car?
I couldn't leave the car there with him in the gully.
That would be like erecting a tombstone.
My idea was to cover him with brush, not to rob him.
But then I remembered that even if I only drove the car for a hundred miles or so ...
... I would need money for gas.
Besides, it was stupid of me to leave all that money on a dead man.
Not only that. I'd have to take his drivers license in case I was stopped or something.
I didn't like to think about it, but by that time I'd done just what the police would say I did ...
... even if I didn't.
My clothes. The owner of such an expensive car would never be wearing them.
Some cop might pull me in under suspicion.
Hey you, this your car?
Don't you know better than to leave a car with the wheels half way in the middle of the road?
That's the way accidents happen.
I ... I'm sorry officer. I was just putting up my top.
- I didn't think. - Well, the next time think.
I'll let you go now, but watch your step in the future.
I know that's a lonely stretch, but cars come by here once and a while, and ...
... we have plenty of crack ups.
Thanks officer.
I left nothing in the car that would give me away as Roberts.
If they found a dead man in the gully now, it would be me.
As I drove off, it was still raining ...
... and the drops streaked down the windshield like tears.
I kept imagining I was being followed and that I could hear sirens back in the distance.
Just how long it took me to cover the 60 odd miles to the California state line ...
... I don't know.
I lost all track of time.
But the rain had stopped and the sun was up when I pulled up to the inspection station.
- Hello. Carrying any fruits or vegetables? - No.
- Any livestock or poultry? - No.
I'd like to see your registration and and driver's license, please.
- Anything in the baggage compartment? - Just baggage.
Charles Haskell Jr, age 30, brown eyes, dark hair ...
... identifying marks, none.
- Are you Charles Haskell Jr? - Yes.
Well, remember that if you're employed and stay over than 30 days ...
... you take out California plates.
Alright officer, but I'll only be in the state a short while.
Right, you can go now.
I couldn't drive any further without any sleep. Cops or no cops ...
... I knew I had to hit the hay and hit it hard.
I was dead tired.
No ... No you can't, Mr Haskell.
Mr Haskell, you can't die.
They'll think ... that I did it.
No, Mr Haskell. No ... no.
- Who's there? - It's the maid. Can I can come in and clean?
- In a half hour. - Alright, sir.
There was no time to lose. Every minute I had to be Charles Haskell was dangerous.
And I'd have to be Charles Haskell, until I got to some city ...
... where I could leave the car and be swallowed up.
That meant driving the car as far as San Bernardino ...
... maybe even to Los Angeles.
In a little town, I might be noticed ...
... but in a city, I should be safe enough.
Then after I ditched the car, I could go on to Sue.
But those five minutes at the state line ...
... made me realise, it might be a good idea to find out a little bit about Mr Haskell.
Then if anyone asked me questions I could give the right answers.
The first thing I found out was that I had $768.
This was a lot of jack. But believe me ...
... it was the kind of money I'd rather not have.
And then I found out from a letter Haskell was carting around in his bag ...
... that he wasn't the open-handed easy going big shot ...
... who went around buying dinners for strange hitchhikers.
Before I got done reading it, I saw him more as a chiseller.
It was written to his old man in California ...
... the one he hadn't seen in so many years.
In it Haskell posed as a salesman ...
... of hymnals, of all things.
It was easy to see where Haskell expected to raise the new stake ...
... for his book in Miami.
By rooking his old man.
That was about all I found out from his effects ...
... and it was enough.
I told myself maybe old man Haskell was lucky his son kicked off.
He would never know it, but it saved him from taking a flyer on sacred literature preferred.
Near the airport of Desert Centre, I pulled up for water.
There was a woman.
Hey you! Come on, if you want a ride.
- How far are you going? - How far are you going?
That took me by surprise, and I turned turned my head to look her over.
She was facing straight ahead, so I couldn't see her eyes.
But she was young, not more than 24.
Man, she looked as if she'd just been thrown off the crummiest freight train in the world.
Yet in spite of this, I got the impression of beauty.
Not the beauty of a movie actress, mind you ...
... or the beauty you dream about when you're with your wife.
But a natural beauty.
A beauty that's almost homely, because it's so real.
Then suddenly she turned to face me.
- How far did you say we're going? - Los Angeles.
L.A.? ... L.A's good enough for me, mister
- That's what I was afraid of. - What did you say?
Oh nothing. Just thinking out loud.
People get in trouble for doing that.
- What's your name? - You can call me Vera, if you like.
- Do you live in Los Angeles? - No.
- Where are you coming from? - Oh, back there.
- Needles? - No.
Oh sure, Phoenix. You look just like a Phoenix girl.
Are the girls in Phoenix that bad?
The girl must have been pretty tired, because she fell asleep ...
... not twenty minutes after she stepped into the car.
She lay sprawled out with her head resting against the far door like Haskell.
I didn't like that part of it much but I didn't wake her up.
It wasn't that this girl still worried me.
I'd gotten over that funny feeling I had, when she looked at me ...
... which I put down as just my jangled nerves.
With her eyes closed, and the tempest gone out of them
She seemed harmless enough.
Instead of disliking her, I began to feel sorry for her.
The poor kid probably had had a rough time of it.
Who was she anyway? And why was she going to Los Angeles?
And where'd she come from in the first place.
The only thing I knew about her was her name.
Not that it made any difference. A few hours more, we'd be in Hollywood.
I'd forget where I parked the car and look up Sue.
This nightmare of being a dead man would be over.
Who this dame was, well it was no business of mine.
Where did you leave his body?
Where did you leave the owner of this car? You're not fooling anyone.
This buggy belongs to a guy named Haskell. That's not you, mister.
You're out of your mind, that's my name, Charles Haskell. I can prove it.
- My driver's license. - Save yourself the trouble, mister.
Having Haskell's wallet only makes it worse.
It just so happens I rode with Charlie Haskell all the way from Louisiana.
He picked me up outside of Shreveport.
- You rode ... - You heard me.
Then it all came back to me.
All the talk about duelling and scars and scratches.
There was no doubt about it.
Vera must be the woman Haskell had mentioned.
She must have passed me while I slept.
Well? ... Well, I'm waiting.
My goose was cooked. She had me.
That Haskell guy wasn't dead yet.
He wasn't stretched out stiff and cold in any Arizona gully.
He was sitting right there in the car laughing like mad while he haunted me.
There was nothing I could say. It was her move.
Vera or whatever her name was ...
It was just my luck, picking her up on the road.
Couldn't have been Helen or Mary or Evelyn or Ruth.
It had to be the very last person, I should ever have met.
That's life.
Whichever way you turn, fate sticks out a foot to trip you.
I told her everything, but she didn't believe my story.
I should have saved my breath.
That's the greatest cock-and-bull story I ever heard.
So he fell out of his car? Say, who do you think you're talking to? A hick?
Listen mister, I've been around, and I know a wrong guy when I see one.
What did you do? Kiss him with a wrench?
Now wait a minute, what I told you is true. You see that's why I had to do it?
You think I killed him. Well, the cops would have thought so too.
Yeah, well maybe they still think so.
What makes you so sure, I'll shut up about this.
Vera, I'm innocent. Give me a break will you?
It won't do me any good having you fenced. The cops are no friends of mine.
Now, if there was a reward ... But there isn't.
Don't thank me yet, I'm not through with you by a long shot.
Let's see that roll.
Is that all Haskell had?
- Isn't it enough? - No. I thought he had more.
Not that I know of. You can search me if you think I'm holding out on you.
Well, maybe I will at that.
He told me he was going to bet $3,000 ...
... on a horse named "Paradisical" on Wednesday at Santa Anita.
- He was stringing you along. He meant $300. - Maybe.
Sure, three bucks, three hundred. He was a piece of cheese a big blowhard.
Listen mister, don't try and tell me anything about Charlie Haskell.
Remember, I knew him better than you did.
OK, then you knew he was a four-flusher. That explains the three grand bet.
I'm not so sure, he didn't have that three grand.
Why should I believe you? You've got all the earmarks of a cheap crook.
- Now wait a minute. - Shut up.
You're a cheap crook and you killed him.
For two cents, I'd change my mind and turn you in. I don't like you.
- Alright alright, don't get sore. - I'm not getting sore.
But just remember who's boss around here.
If you shut up and don't give me any arguments you'll have nothing to worry about.
But if you act wise ...
... I'll make sure you pop into jail so fast, it'll give you the bends.
- I'm not arguing. - We see that you don't.
You know, as crooked as you look ...
... I hate to see a fella as young as you wind up sniffing that perfume that ...
... Arizona hands out free to murderers.
- I'm not a murderer. - Of course, you're not ...
Haskell knocked his own head off.
He fell, that's all, just like I told you.
Sure and then he made you a present of his belongings.
- I explained why I did that. - Oh, skip it.
It doesn't make a difference one way or another. I'm not a mourner.
I liked Haskell even less than I like you.
- Yeah, I saw what you did to him. - What do you mean?
- The scratches on his wrist. - Sure, I scratched him.
I'll say you did.
So your idea was to drive the car a little way ...
... maybe into San Bernardino and then leave it. You weren't going to sell it?
Sell it? Do you think I'm crazy? Somebody else's car.
Yeah, all I want is to leave it somewhere and forget I ever saw it.
Not only don't you have any scruples, you don't have any brains.
I don't get you.
Maybe, it's a good thing you met me. You'd have got yourself caught, sure.
Why you dope.
Don't you know that a deserted automobile always rates an investigation?
Look, the cops find a car. Then they get curious.
They wonder where the owner is.
So all right, they don't trace Haskell. They trace you.
I never thought of that.
The only safe way to get rid of the car is to sell it to a dealer.
Get it registered under a new name.
Hey, stop at the next store. I want to get a bottle and do some shopping ...
... before we hit L.A.
OK, if we find a place, I'll drop you off and pick you up later.
Nothing doing. You're coming in too.
From now on, you and I are like the Siamese twins.
Have it your way, but I don't get the point.
The point is: I don't want you to get lost.
- I'm not going to beat it, if that's what you're afraid of. - I'll say you're not.
Why I'm going to see you sell this car, so you don't caught.
Course your interest wouldn't be financial, would it?
You wouldn't want a small percentage of the profits.
Well, now that you insist, how can I refuse.
- A hundred percent will do. - Fine. I'm relieved.
I thought for a moment, you were going to take it all.
I don't want to be a hog.
A few hours later, we were in Hollywood.
I was recognising places Sue had written about.
It struck me that far from being at the end of the trip ...
... there was a greater distance between Sue and me than when I started out.
Vera wasn't kidding with that "Siamese twins" crack.
She rented a little apartment ...
... as Mrs Charles Haskell.
When I objected to this, she explained it was on account of the car.
The dealer might think something was funny, if he called ...
... and found we were using different names.
- Home sweet home. - Yeah.
Not bad either.
In case there is any doubt in your mind, I'll take the bedroom.
Sure is stuffy in here.
- Keep the windows shut. - OK.
The old crow downstairs said there's a folding bed behind this door.
You know how to work it?
I invented it.
- Some joint. - One can't have everything.
I'm first in the bathroom.
I don't know why, but I figured you would be.
Boy oh boy! It sure feels good to be clean again.
I must be 10 pounds lighter.
You must be.
Well that's alright. This is exactly the way you keep your school book induction.
I wish that guy with the sax' would give up.
It gets on my nerves.
Forget it.
Have a drink.
Aren't you afraid I might take you up on it?
I didn't want to give you a drink, I wouldn't have offered it.
I'm very sorry, Roberts. You got yourself into this thing.
You should be grateful, I'm not turning you in.
Why if I wasn't regular, you'd be in the pen this minute being photographed ...
... finger-printed and being pushed around by the cops.
So cheer up. Get rid of that long puss.
Or is your conscience bothering you?
- It isn't. - Swell, that's good.
He's dead and no mooning around will bring him back.
Anyway, I never could understand this worrying about something all been done with.
Now look, Vera, for the last time, I didn't kill him.
Haskell was sick man. Maybe he was dead before he fell out of the car. I don't know.
Sure, sure. He died of old age.
Alright ...
... so it'll make you sociable.
You didn't kill him.
- We're out of liquor, Roberts. - Yeah.
Too bad, I felt like getting tight tonight.
- Well, I think you succeeded. - Am I tight?
As a prima donna's corset.
That's good. I wanted to get tight.
Why? What have got to get tight about.
Oh, I don't know, a few things.
You should have my worries.
If I had your troubles, I'd stay sober.
And I've got the key to that door!
- Maybe you're right. - I'm always right.
You know, I don't like your attitude, Roberts.
Well, there's a lot of things I don't like.
Sure is.
Life's like a ball game, you got to take a swing at whatever comes along ...
... before you wake up and find it's the ninth innings.
- You read that somewhere. - That's the problem with you, Roberts.
All you do is bellyache
I'm taking it easy, and trying to make the best of things.
Maybe that's what wrong with the whole world.
It's a profession.
People knock themselves out trying to bust fate.
Now take you, for instance. You're lucky to be alive.
Why, supposing Haskell had opened your door.
You'd be playing a harp, now. Think of that.
You think of it. I'm tired of thinking.
There's plenty of people dying this minute ...
... would give anything to trade places with you.
I know what I'm talking about.
I'm not so sure.
At least, they know they're done for.
They don't have to sweat blood wondering if they are.
Your philosophy stinks, pal.
We all know we're going to kick off some day.
It's only a question of when.
What got us on this subject anyway? We'll be discussing politics, next.
Where'd you hide the butts?
On the table, sucker.
We are bored each other with conversation for a couple of hours longer.
Every five minutes, one of us was wishing we had another bottle ...
... or a radio, or something to read.
Then finally, we ended ran out of chatter.
I know it's only eleven o'clock, but I want to get up early ...
... and make the rounds of the used car lots.
Don't worry about that we got all the time in the world.
Maybe you have, but if you think I want ...
... to stay cooped up in this place any longer than I have to, you're batty.
It's not a bad place.
You pay plenty for digs like this in New York.
I wouldn't like it, if it was the Ritz.
Rotten liquor.
You got a mean cough. You want to do something about it.
I'll be alright.
That's what Camille said.
- Who? - Nobody you know.
- Wasn't that the dame that died of consumption - Yes.
Wouldn't it be a break for you, if I did kick off.
You'd be free with old Haskell's stolen car.
I don't want to see anybody die.
Not even me?
Specially, not you. One person died on me.
If you did. Well, that's all I need.
You don't like me, do you Roberts?
Like you? I love you.
My favourite sport is being kept prisoner.
After we sell the car, you can go to blazes for all I care.
But not until then.
I'm going to bed.
Goodnight, Roberts. Don't try and sneak away during the night.
All doors are locked.
Anyway, I find you gone in the morning ...
... I'll notify the police.
- They'll pick you up. - Don't worry, I know when I'm in a spot.
Well, good night.
I hope that that portable rack isn't too uncomfortable for you.
Don't lose any sleep over it, will you Vera?
Crest View 6-5-7-2-3
Hello? Hello?
Hello? Hello?
No. Not yet, darling.
Tomorrow ... maybe.
If this were fiction, I would fall in love with Vera.
Marry her and make a respectable woman of her.
Or else, she would make some supreme, Class A sacrifice for me ...
... and die.
Sue and I would bawl a little over her grave ...
... and make some crack about there's good in all of us.
But Vera, unfortunately, was just as rotten in the morning ...
... as she'd been the night before.
Alright alright, I'm coming.
Look Vera, it's almost noon.
So what? The dealers will be there all day.
They'll be there all year too, but we don't have to wait that long.
Shut up. You're making like a husband.
- Well, do I rate a whistle? - You sure do, but let's go.
Let's go, let's go. I spend $85 and two hours preparing bait ...
... and all you can say is, "Let's go".
Come on.
We passed a few used car lots last night down this way.
What do you think we can get for this heap?
I don't know. Plenty. Just let me handle everything.
Think you can get two thousand dollars?
I don't know. But don't worry ...
I'll squeeze as much out of this guy, as I can.
If I let it go cheap without a fight, he might think we've stolen the car.
And listen, don't make any slips and call me Roberts. That'll cook us.
I don't need you to tell me that.
You better just sit by and keep your mouth closed.
Remember we're both in the soup, if anything happens ...
- Forget it and drive. - You're my wife, Vera Haskell.
Look, after the deal's closed ...
... let's go back to that place on Hollywood Boulevard ...
... where I saw the fur jacket. I want to buy it.
After the deal's closed, I'm saying goodbye to you.
That's right, I forgot. I guess I'm getting kind of used to you.
Well that's a habit you can start breaking.
Let's try this place in the middle of the block.
Good afternoon, what can I do for you?
- We're interested in selling a car. - If the price is right.
Well, if it's in good mechanical condition, it should bluebook for about $1600.
Tony, take a look at this motor.
Sixteen hundred, are you kidding?
Well, maybe $1850.
Before I let it go for $1850, I'll wreck it and collect the insurance first.
Lady, this motor's seen a lot of driving.
While the mechanic inspected the car we haggled.
At last, when we were all worn out we hit a compromise ...
... his price.
- OK, it's a deal. - Right, come in and we'll sign the papers.
I have the ownership papers right here with me.
Look Vera, in the meantime, will you clean out the ash compartment.
- Maybe there's some stuff in it. - Alright, darling.
1850 bucks, that dirty crook.
- Hmm, New York, huh? - Yup.
- But you bought the car in Miami. - Yes.
Well, let's see about the insurance, we can either have it transferred or cancelled.
Ah, what kind of insurance do you have, Mr. Haskell?
Well ah ...
... aren't all the papers there?
I don't see any.
Surely you know what type of insurance you carry on the car.
The name of the company?
Yeah, but ...
Well, if you'll just tell me the name of the company ...
- ... I'd be very glad to take care of all the details. - Well ...
- Did you sign the papers yet? - Not yet.
Well don't. We're not selling the car.
- Well, wait a minute, Mrs Haskell. - Come on darling.
- What's the matter? Change your mind? - Yes, I'm sorry, I guess I have.
- But, Vera ... - Let's go.
You got me out of a tight spot Vera, but I still don't understand all this.
You will in a minute. I almost threw away a gold mine.
$1850 isn't to be sneezed at.
The car doesn't book for as much as I thought.
- We're not selling the car. - You want to keep it?
Now wait a minute, Vera, you said yourself I wouldn't be safe ...
... until the car was in someone else's name.
I'd like to be free of this mess, when I go.
That's just it, Robert, you're not going.
There's a drive in at the corner. Pull in there and we'll get a bite to eat ...
... and, I'll explain.
What is this - another one of your brilliant ideas?
- Hello, may I take your order? - Make mine, a ham sandwich and coffee.
- And for you sir? - Oh, I don't care ... the same.
Thank you.
Get this, Vera. I've been pretty patient, so far.
- I've done everything you asked me to do, but no more. - Shut up!
We've taken Haskell's money ...
You can have the dough we get from selling the car ...
... but you're not going to keep me a prisoner.
It's a good thing I bought the paper. Take a look at that.
- Vera, I'm in no mood ... - Read that!
- No. - Yes.
- No, I won't do it. - Yes, you will.
You think I'm crazy? It's impossible I tell you.
Excuse me.
Blow the horn when you're through.
No one could possibly get away with an act like that. They'd be wise to me in a minute
Don't be yellow. You look enough like him.
The same colouring and the same build. See how his clothes fit?
I'm not kidding. You almost had me fooled for a while.
Oh, grow up, Vera. Don't you think a father knows his own son?
And there must be other relatives.
The father won't have to know you. We'll wait till he gives up the ghost.
He's an old geezer and he won't pull through.
And as far as the relatives are concerned ...
They haven't seen you in fifteen or twenty years.
- Eat. - I'm not hungry ...
And I won't do it.
It's not as tough as it sounds. Remember, you've...
... got all kinds of identification: his car, letters, license ...
I could never get away with it. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
The old boy has bags of dough. Look in the paper there ...
Personal fortune assessed over fifteen million.
He'll leave plenty, I tell you.
Maybe he cut off his son. How do we know?
It's out, Vera. I won't have anything to do with it.
I think you will.
Look Vera, I'll do anything within reason.
But not that. So forget it. Find yourself another stooge.
You're sick.
You'd be fixed for the rest of your life as Charlie Haskell.
You can take your inheritance and go away.
No more worrying about the rent, no sweating ...
... scheming, wondering where your next meal's coming from. Think about that, Roberts.
Vera, please. You're talking too loud.
Unless I'm splitting 50-50 with you? Sure. Why not?
- We're both alike, both born the same guy. - Take it easy, Vera.
People around here are going to hear you talk.
We'll wait until we read old man Haskell's dead.
Then you show up.
Like you read in New York that he was sick.
- Suppose he doesn't die? - He will, I know he will. Something tells me.
But as much as I insisted, I would have no part of her scheme.
Vera was taking it for granted, I would.
Neither of us had our minds on the cards as we played that night.
I knew we were just trying to kill time between newspaper editions.
This was a death watch, for Vera.
Maybe it was for me too.
Don't you realise, if I'm caught, they'll want to know where I got the car and stuff.
- And they'll have me on a murder charge. - If you're smart, you won't get caught.
I'm out for seven.
If I'm caught, don't you realise you'll be out too?
18 points. That gives me 30.
How will I be out? You'll be out $1850, you would have gotten on the car.
Really Vera, you'll be an awful chump. You threw away all that dough on a dizzy long shot.
Let me sell the bus tomorrow. With the money it'll bring and...
... what you've already got a clever kid like you could run it up in no time.
- And we'd both be in the clear. - I'll be in the clear anyway.
Maybe. Maybe. But if I got caught ...
- I'd get good and sore too, you know. - You mean you'd squeal?
- Well no, not squeal exactly - Never mind what you meant.
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you ...
... what could they do to me?
They might give me the same medicine they gave you.
- Yeah. - A rope.
But I'm on my way now.
All they'd be doing would be rushing it.
Alright, but think of the $1850 you'd lose
You'd kick yourself around the block, if you let it get away from you.
I'll take the chance.
- Want another drink? - You being a goon.
That's the way people wind up behind the eight ball ...
Once they get a few dollars, they become greedy and want more.
- More. More. - Caesar.
- Who? - You know, that Roman general.
He got his, for being greedy.
He wasn't satisfied, so the final wind up was he took the count.
A couple of days ago, you didn't have a dime.
Why you were so broke, you couldn't pay cash for a postage stamp.
Now you've got almost $700, with $1850 in the offing.
- Take my advice, don't try for more! - I'm tired of this game.
- Let's have some black jack. - Play solitaire!
OK I will, if that's the way you feel about it.
That's the way I feel about it.
Getting sore and throwing things won't help much, Roberts.
I'm really doing you a favour. I help you out of a jam by keeping my mouth shut.
I show you how to make some soft money, and what thanks do I get.
- Thanks?! - Sure, or would you rather I called the cops ...
... and tell them you killed the man and stole his money.
- I didn't kill anybody. - Yes, you did.
No, I didn't. You know I didn't.
Alright, then.
Suppose I call the cops ...
If you're innocent, what have you got to be scared of?
OK, call them, if you must. Go ahead, call them. See if I care.
At least they'll give me a square deal.
- You want me to call them? - You heard me. But I'm warning you ...
If I'm pinched, I'll swear you were in on it. I'll say that you helped me.
- If I fry, I'll get even with you. - You wouldn't dare, you're chicken!
Yeah? Then try it and see. Call them. Yeah.
Okay I will.
I want the number of the Hollywood police station.
OK, I got it. Thanks.
Wait a minute, Vera, you wouldn't do that.
Oh, wouldn't I? Let me do it, and I'll show you if I would.
Take it easy. Now let's talk this over.
This was early in the evening.
And the conversation while hectic was at least pitched low.
But as the minutes passed ...
... and more obstacles to her plan popped into in my head ...
... the air got blue.
Each word coming from our lips cracked like a whip.
I reminded her that as Charles Haskell, I didn't even know my mother's name ...
... where I'd gone to school, the name of my best friend ...
... whether I had an Aunt Emma or not, my religion ...
... and if I'd ever owned a dog.
I didn't even know what my middle initial stood for.
I also pointed out that the real Haskell had a scar on his forearm.
His people never saw that scar.
You told me he ran away right after putting out the kid's eye.
Yeah, but his father knew he was cut.
- There'd be some kind of a mark. - So what?
The old man's dead or will be, I hope, by tomorrow morning's papers.
Anyway, you could cut yourself a little, couldn't you?
Boy, for that kind of dough, I'd let you cut my leg off.
You're drunk and you're crazy mad, Vera.
Turn me in, if you want to, but I won't get mixed up in this.
Besides, how do we know? Haskell was such a phony.
Maybe he wasn't the man's son after all. Maybe he just dreamed it up.
Well, dreaming or not ...
... you won't be dreaming when the law taps you on the shoulder.
There's a cute little gas chamber waiting for you, Roberts.
And I hear extradition to Arizona's a cinch.
Where's that phone?
- Vera! - Leave me alone.
- Vera! - I want a phone call, police.
I hate you, you stinking ... You leave me alone!
I'll let you alone when you promise to leave the phone where it is.
You're drunk. You don't know what you're doing
- You're hurting me, - Will you promise?
You hurt me.
- I'm sorry, but ... - It's hot in here, open up the window!
- It's not hot. - Don't tell me. Now do you do it or do I do it?
- You're no gentleman, see? - Yeah.
Alright, I'll open up the window.
Vera, open the door. Please open the door.
Vera, open the door. Don't use the phone. Listen to me.
I don't like you, Roberts.
You're no gentleman, see. You hurt my hand.
And I'm going to get even with you.
You don't open the door, I'm going to kick it down, Vera.
Vera, don't call the cops. Listen to me. I'll do anything you say.
Vera, let me in.
I'll break the phone!
Vera ...
The world is full of sceptics.
I know - I'm one myself.
In the Haskell business, how many of you would believe he fell out of the car?
And now, after killing Vera without really meaning to do it.
How many of you would believe it wasn't premeditated.
In a jury room, every last man of you would go down shouting that ...
... she had me over a barrel and my only out was force.
The room was still.
So quiet that for a while I wondered if I had suddenly gone deaf.
It was pure fear of course. And I was hysterical.
But without making a sound.
Vera was dead and I was her murderer.
Murderer! What an awful word that is.
But I had become one. I'd better not get caught.
What evidence there was around the place had to be destroyed.
And from the looks of things, there was plenty.
Looking around the room, at the things we'd bought ...
... was like looking into the faces of a hundred people, who had seen us together and who remembered me.
This was the kind of testimony, I couldn't rub out.
No. I could burn clothes and hide bottles ...
... for the next five years. There'd always be witnesses.
The landlady for one. She could identify me.
The car dealer, the waitress in the drive-in, the girl in the dress shop and ...
... the guy in the liquor store.
They could all identify me.
I was cooked. Done for. I had to get out of there.
While once I had remained beside a dead body ...
... planning carefully how to avoid being accused of killing him ...
... this time I couldn't.
This time I was guilty.
I knew it.
Felt it.
I was like a guy suffering from shock.
Things were whirling around in my head.
I couldn't make myself think right.
All I could think of was the guy with the saxophone and what he was playing.
It wasn't a love song.
It was a dirge.
But my problems weren't solved.
I had to stay away from New York for all time.
Because Al Roberts was listed as dead, and had to stay dead.
And I could never to go back to Hollywood.
Someone might recognize me as Haskell ...
Then too, there was Sue ...
I could never go to her with a thing like this hanging over my head.
All I could do was pray she'd be happy.
I was in Bakersfield, before I read that Vera's body was discovered ...
... and that the police were looking for Haskell in connection with his wife's murder.
Isn't that a laugh?
Haskell got me into this mess, and Haskell was getting me out of it.
The police were searching for a dead man.
I keep trying to forget what happened ...
... and wonder what my life might have been, if that car of Haskell's hadn't stopped.
But one thing, I don't have to wonder about.
I know ...
... someday a car will stop to pick me up that I never thumbed.
Yes. Fate ... or some mysterious force ...
... can put the finger on you or me ...
... for no good reason at all.
For more infomation >> Detour (1945) - Duration: 1:07:56.-------------------------------------------
MontagsWitz — Ein Mann geht mit seiner Katze ins Wirtshaus | Witz #111 - Duration: 1:05.
Tony Selimi on Adopting An Abundance Mindset in Business - Duration: 14:52.
Hi, I'm Alex Buick, Founder of HustleHub
and today I'm joined by one of
HustleHub's top mentors. So this is Tony
Selimi and he's an internationally
recognised speaker and he's also the
author of 3 books - his latest book being
#Loneliness so I'd like to introduce Tony.
Hello, hey! Great to have you on the show.
It's always great to be here!
So, Tony, first of all where did you start on
your entrepreneurial journey?
From scratch, from zero.
I was made redundant in 2009, and the situation that I had,
the money and flow literally disappeared overnight.
It was an extremely scary place to be because your entire being
is thinking about
how to pay your bills, how to pay your rent, your mortgage. How to find people who can help.
I didn't even know where to go frankly.
So, the first thing I did
it's about stepping back, and thinking about
what is it I really want to do. And deep
down I knew the corporate world wasn't
for me.
Absolutely it was exactly the same for me!
that that awareness of actually
acknowledging to myself that I wanted to
be an entrepreneur - and giving myself
permission to be an entrepreneur was the
first thing that I did. And then I
started going to many different
workshops and seminars to see how I could
really build
my business and how I can really put
together the knowledge, the wisdom, the
tools that I'd learnt over 20 years in
the corporate world - as well as investing a lot
of time, energy and money in my personal
development. Sure, sure. So I guess you went
on a kind of a journey of self-discovery
to really draw out your passions.
Yes, absolutely - it is a journey
of self-discovery and also [determining] what is it
that you are here to do in the world.
I worked in technology, and whilst I
loved technology
for people, I am very much human person. I
love human connection
and I love interaction. And I'm always curious about
how to build that human awareness so
people can maximise it through human connection.
Fantastic. Well, Tony what's unique
about what you teach and the style that you use
when you're working with your clients?
The first thing that I do with my clients, is
actually, I take them on a journey because
life is a journey. Imagine yourself
being the best actor of best movie you ever
could potentially have
and the majority of the people out there,
they have, I would say,
problems in understanding and in knowing who they
truly are deep inside and the power
that gives them, which they have. So the first
thing is about identifying where the
person is and their life, it's bringing
them into the moment. You know, what is the
problem that they experience in that
specific moment. Whether it's a business
problem, whether it's a health problem,
relationship problem. Or, you know,
people might want to have clarity
about where their life is taking them.
So, as we identify what the problem is
and why they want to invest in this
journey - and then literally get them into
a space of their ideal life.
What would be their ideal scenario?
What would be the best version of themselves?
So, whether that be a global entrepreneur or
to have a product or service - whatever it
may be. Or for some people this
relationship. Or it could be to be in that
space of perfect health. So,
people have different challenges. So when
I bring them to that space and I look at
what are the main things, what are the
main obstacles that those people have?
And at the end of that process I
actually create a very custom designed
program for them.
Brilliant. And another
question I've got: so that there are
a certain number of areas which you
usually focus on when you're coaching
clients - which are those areas?
I believe that to maximize your
human potential, must look at the 8 key
areas of life: your spiritual life,
your business, your finances, your mind,
your emotional intelligence, your relationship,
your self-worthiness / self-confidence and love.
Fantastic. And I know from personal
experience if any of those are lacking
it can really hold you back in
the other areas.
I mean it's if one of
those areas in your life is not in
balance, it will take up time and space in
your mind. And the biggest problem I see
with many entrepreneurs out there, is where
this time is not efficiently used to
really drive their purpose in life, but
actually trying to manage the pain and the stress
that comes with not having a balance in
that specific area.
Great - and
are there any specific models or
frameworks you use in your work,
when you're coaching your clients?
Yes, absolutely. In 2013 when I joined
the KPI [Key Person of Influence] programme, where we both met,
I designed a specific methodology,
which is a 5-step methodology,
that I use every day to help clients look
into all those 8 key areas of life. And the
first thing they need to do is to
acknowledge the real problem,
and then take them through the process -which
is the main methodology called the TJS
Evolution Method and the acronym is
A.L.A.R.M. and the basis behind that is when we
come to a space within ourselves, when we
truly acknowledge love - and what love represents
to us in our inner being, then we
align our entire life around that. So
therefore with it we can create the
miracles and achieve the results we truly want.
So it's A.L.A.R.M. It stands for, imagine
one big alarm that wakes you
up in the morning, every morning.
Unfortunately, many people live their
lives on snooze. Deep down, they actually want
something and they want to create a
success for whatever they want in their
lives, but they continue to wake up
every day in the same reality.
Rather than really understanding how
they can listen to that alarm,
and how can they align their life, their processes,
their business, their relationship, their
worthiness towards the desired, ideal
life that they want to have in their
life. So, the intelligence that each
person has, has this alarm system that
prevents us to abuse it.
Abuses intelligence, because people
can abuse their power when it comes to
helping other people - or with themselves,
or when we are not listening
to it, that creates stresses in
the body. Absolutely, I know that that's
something that you touched on
in your most recent book #Loneliness, it can really hold you back and
I think as entrepreneurs, we just get
that nagging feeling that something
isn't right, and you're not living on purpose.
Exactly, yes - that nagging feeling that
people have, that's what I talk about, is
it's the body's alarm, trying to
communicate something to you, and
unfortunately because of the noise that
we've created in our lives, we're not really aligned
to be able to listen to that voice,
about what the body is telling us.
So, Tony I know that you specialise in
focusing on clients who have got
businesses that are turning over between
6 and 9 figures, so you're certainly a
very high-end coach. So what would
you say are the main mistakes that you see
entrepreneurs making today?
The main mistakes that most entrepreneurs
are making today is not having
the clarity required, within themselves
to be able to create a product that they
can sell to many people. And usually people try to
go into areas where they're not experts,
or they don't have credibility.
I always say, whatever you've done in
your life, you've done it for a reason. If
you are able to bring your expertise under
one product, and then you serve that product
from a place of heart, and from place of
service, then the clients that you are
trying to reach will find you. And
the majority of people don't have the 5
fundamentals in place that KPI programme
teaches. And if you don't have your own
processes, you'll end up using other
people's processes. And if you don't have the
credibility to be able to create that - I
would say go on a journey to have that
self-discovery about yourself, about who
you are, Grab yourself a great mentor or a
great coach. A lot of entrepeneurs, they
exchange. And I think this is the
biggest mistake I learned my personal
life - that when I wanted to step into that area of
serving those clients, I had
to pay my mentor double what I wanted to charge,
OK. So I would say, wherever you are if
you haven't got the mental that you pay
at the rate that you want your
clients to pay, then change that. Absolutely,
i fully agree and i know many of
the great entrepreneurs often say
that mentoring and coaching is one of the real keys to
success. So, how would you describe mentoring??
Do You think it's more of an investment? (Working
with somebody). For me personally I'd
say that whatever you invest in yourself,
it will pay out 100 times more. So, it
is an investment in yourself, and you
have to have that awareness that
whatever money you are
spending, you're spending in you.
And the most valuable thing in your life is you,
Without you, there's no business, there's
no product, there's no customer, there's no reality.
So the first thing I bring my clients to
get awareness of, is actually acknowledging you.
And as you do that, then you're able
to actually help a lot of people.
Absolutely, I fully agree, I mean,
I certainly wouldn't have got to where I'm at
now without the mentors and coaches I've had,
they've been so helpful. And whatever money
I've put into investing in myself, it's
always paid off. Yes, you know investment
in you - a lot of people, they invest
in holidays, they invest in cars, they
invest in clothes. But for me, I
invested a lot of time, energy and money in myself.
This is now, what I see, is paying off. I've been invited to speak
at U.N. and I've been to meet Jack Canfield. I'm going to Albania to appear on many different channels.
So I'm appearing on many different TV and radio stations as an
expert. And then also, I'm drawing a lot of
amazing clients to work with me - and creating a lot of new connections.
Including, we are actually launching a new documentary
called 'Living My Vision' which is about the
power that coaching and mentoring can
have in one's life, especially successful
business owners. Terrific, really good. And
also Tony, just going back to a point
you touched on earlier - so you spoke
about getting your mindset right,
how important is it to really do that
inner-work that is critical to move you forward?
It's crucial.
It's step number one. You must do your inner-work.
because when you do your inner-work,
in every situation and with every
client, you represent your best. When people
see the best in you they can actually
acknowledge the best in themselves.
So it therefore opens up the trust and
relationship required for you to really
take the client from where they are to
where they want to be. OK, yes, I
completely agree with that. I've
certainly found it to be the case in my
experience. Tony, what would you
say are the 3
actionable steps entrepreneurs can go
away and begin taking today to become more
successful in their business?
1. Have clear product.
And [write] your book.
And then, you can actually
build your profile around that. So that's the
first action step. The second action step
is actually really knowing how to
communicate your vision, mission and your
purpose in life. Because people want to know
about what you stand for and why
you're doing what you're doing. And if
you come from that space of awareness
where you radiate the passion you have
about what you do, people will pick it up.
So it's extremely important to be able
to communicate that in a way that people
can hear you because there's a lot of
noise out there in the market - especially for
people who are entrepreneurs and coaches,
you know, whatever business you may be
running. But your voice is unique and
unless you say it in a way that people
tune in to that message that you have, you'll just get
lost in the noice. And the third thing
I would say it's about investing in you.
That could be, as an entrepreneur to
always have a mentor or coach who can
keep you on track with what you're doing
and somebody who can inspire you to be
accountable to yourself. A lot of people
think that a coach is there to keep you accountable.
I totally believe in empowerment of yourself.
Meaning, a good coach will help
you to become accountable.
So next time you meet your coach, you
actually share your own lack accountability,
what you've done since the last session. Sure, well that's them some
fantastic advice Tony and I have to
say, as you touched on,
if you're able to communicate your
vision and your purpose effectively
people are going to see that and
they're going to become interested and people
who can help are likely to be able to jump
on board with you and so when you.
And this comes back to something you teach
in one of your books #Loneliness
when you're vibrating in that frequency,
you actually draw others into you so you're
able to operate from that place
of abundance, rather than a place of
scarcity. And that's when the real
opportunities start to show up. Absolutely, one of
the things I notice in people it's
what most people are not aware of, that I'm
talking about in #Loneliness, is
the human energy field. Before
we communicate, our human energy
communicates with another human being.
So before you even open up your mouth, the
other person has already made a
decision of whether they want to engage
with you or not.
And that is the miracle about life. It's
about all the hidden communication that
most people don't really know how to
interpret and shift in themselves. And
that's why the inner-work is extremely
important because we change the
vibrational frequency at which you
radiate and connect to people.
Brilliant. Well Tony, it has been an absolute
pleasure speaking with you. So where can
clients find out more about your
services and what you offer?
They can go on my website TonyJSelimi.com.
TonyJSelimi.com and they'll have all the information on there.
Perfect, thank you very much Tony - I really appreciate it.
Thank you. Thanks.
Je veux être son ami ! Pr. Lincoln (127) - Duration: 2:37.
Hello, today my story is entitled:I want to be his friend! By the President Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, great president of the United States, received daily soldiers' uncountable petitions
who had somehow or other broken the discipline.
Each petition was accompanied by letters of more or less influential people.
One day, he received a petition without any recommendation letter.
- Then, says Lincoln, this man has no influential friends?
- It appears not, Sir.
- Well! I want to be his friend!
Generous retort, which was worth to the author of this last petition the presidential grace!
Jesus came to be the friend of all lonely persons,
the outcasts, the sick, rejected victims.
He wants nothing less to be as well the friend of each of us,
as deplorable as our past can be or whatever our feeling of unworthiness
and the circumstances which we pass through.
But this friendship is called reciprocity.
Let us love him in return, let us obey what he commands us to do.
Let us love each other, that's his command!
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command."
John chapter 15 verses 12 – 14
We can pray together if you wish
Lord, lead me to love those who are rejected, as you love them.
I want to go and meet them, to speak to them about you, so that they can know
that you love them and that you want to be their best friend.
The one who understands them, who helps them to walk,
and who has an eternal plan for each of them!
Find one day a story on: www.365Histoires.com/english/
Thông tin mới nhất về biệt đội sát thủ K-9 của tổ chức Việt Tân chuyên ám sát những người đối lập - Duration: 12:12.
Breaking news - 10 Must-Know Facts About K-pop Darlings TWICE - Duration: 7:48.
10 Must-Know Facts About K-pop Darlings TWICE
@@Twice perform during the live concert 2016 Incheon K-Pop Concert at Munhak World Cup Stadium in Incheon, South Korea on Sept. 24, 2016.
@@There may be a lot of competition in K-pop when it comes to being the latest trend, but no act has dominated 2016 as much as TWICE.
@@The girl group just celebrated their first anniversary, but they've already had a major impact on the Korean mainstream.
@@Since last October, the act has raced past other new rookie groups, thanks to the success of irresistible confections "Like Ooh-Ahh" and "Cheer Up." Affecting international relations -- namely, the Taiwanese presidential election -- and spurring viral trends, TWICE has been one of K-pop's most impactful acts this year.
@@The outfits latest single, "TT," is once again turning the spotlight towards the nine women. The melodic jam makes use of minimal trap elements to capture TWICE's distinct style, which has enchanted fans all over the globe.
@@There's no better time to learn a bit about the lively group of ladies. There Are Nine Members.
@@TWICE has the most members of any group under JYP Entertainment, one of the Big Three Korean entertainment agencies. The next-largest act currently under the agency is GOT7, with seven members.
@@(Nine appears to be a magic number for viral K-pop girl groups: Korea's most popular all-female outfit, Girls' Generation, also had nine members until recently.). TWICE Claims to Be "One In a Million".
@@South Korea may be overflowing with pop acts, but TWICE's unique calling card is holding to be true as they're rising from amongst the latest batch of girl groups to become one of the industries most-promising acts.
@@South Korea may be overflowing with pop acts, but TWICE's unique calling card is holding to be true as they're rising from amongst the latest batch of girl groups to become one of the industries most-promising acts.
@@JYP Entertainment unveiled TWICE through the 2015 reality show Sixteen. During the series, 16 of the agency's female trainees competed for spots in what was planned to be a seven-member girl group.
@@Jihyo, Mina, Jungyeon, Sana, Nayeon, Chaeyoung and Dahyun were all picked for TWICEs final line-up, but during the series finale it was revealed that Tzuyu and Momo would also be joining the group.
@@(Eliminated Sixteen contestant Somi is currently a member of the widely-popular temporary girl group I.O.I. They Are Super K-Pop Rookies.
@@From the moment TWICE entered the unofficial K-pop Hunger Games, the group saw global success. Their debut EP The Story Begins debuted at no. 15 of Billboards World Albums, chart while its follow up, Page Two, took the no. 6 spot.
In a little over a year, they've managed to show off their charms stateside at KCON LA, disrupt East Asian politics and start a viral trend in South Korea with the phrase "shy shy shy.".
Their Sound Is Defined as "Color Pop". The upbeat, quirky sound of TWICE's songs blends many genres in an attempt to create a unique style for the group.
While based in bubblegum pop, their high-energy singles have also been influenced by electronica, hip hop, jazz, rap and numerous other sounds. Page Two is the Best-Selling Album By a Korean Girl Group This Year.
Although 2016 still has a few months left, TWICE's second EP is currently the most popular album in South Korea released this year by a girl group.
According to JYP Entertainment, more than 160,000 physical copies were sold as fans came out to support the burgeoning act.
Male acts typically dominate physical sales due to fervent, largely female, fanbases, but TWICE has been able to surpass gender and age boundaries to win over South Korean listeners. They're K-pop… But Not All of Them Are Korean.
Diversity is a key factor in K-pop as a means to pursue markets outside of Korea, so only about half of TWICEs members are native Korean. Momo, Mina and Sana are Japanese, while the groups youngest member, Tzuyu, is Taiwanese.
Although she was raised in Japan, Mina was actually born in Texas, making her the group's only American-born member. TWICE Was The Result of Some Serious Delays at JYP Entertainment.
TWICE debuted last year, five years after JYP Entertainment's prior girl group, miss A. The lengthy stretch from the K-pop megahouse was unplanned.
As early as 2014, JYP announced that it would debut a new girl group. TWICEs Jihyo, Nayeon, and Jeongyeon were all part of that groups line-up, but the debut was canceled when two JYP trainees left the agency.
Each of the Members Has Her Own Branding. While not quite as typecast as the Spice Girls, the nonet has sharply determined identities that are visible through their music videos and live performances.
Each visual has featured the nine in incredibly stylized outfits, creating distinct on-screen personas for the members. In "Cheer Up" and "TT," TWICE donned costumes to highlight each of the member's individuality. Their Music Videos Are Addictive.
Earlier this year, "Cheer Up" became the fastest K-pop video to achieve more than 50 million views on YouTube after reaching the milestone in less than two months.
Earlier this week, "TT" overtook the title of fastest K-pop video to 10 million views, overtaking the record recently set by BTS with "Blood, Sweat & Tears" by a half hour.
Between the music videos for their three singles since last October, TWICE has achieved well over 200 million views: both "Like Ooh-Ahh" and "Cheer Up" have been viewed well over 90 million views.
The White Princess 1x04 Promo "The Pretender" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.
Understand your Boss's English? – Learn Business English vocabulary | Improve English speaking. - Duration: 10:10.
Breaking news - TWICE's "TT" Appears On an Exam Paper - Duration: 0:54.
TWICE's "TT" Appears On an Exam Paper
TWICE has truly become mainstream since the group randomly appeared on an exam paper. One of the questions included on an exam paper includes a small portion of the lyrics to "TT".
Only two lines from the song appeared but it is obvious that the lyrics are from TWICE since the lines that were included were one of the more distinct parts of the song, which is the "ba-ba-ba-baby" part.
And to make it even more obvious, the question also has a picture of Dahyun under the lyrics. It's unmistakable that the lyrics are from TWICE.