hello welcome to another video this
video is another Hot Wheels update I'll
be showing you my new Hot Wheels cars
I now have about 17 brand new Hot Wheels
cars and 20 used hotwheels cars so let's
start off with the use cars the first car
we have is the doge viper copyright in
2009 and here it is next we have the
bore copyright in 2012 here the
next car we have that is the evolution
which is a color changing car copyright in
2008 and this one here this one here it
looks like a little bit white on the
camera but it's actually purple and if I
place my finger there you can see color
changing next how we have is this car
this here is pretty cool this one here
actually has a detachable roof I'm going
to show you there is actually a little
switch right here
and do that the next thing we have is
this car here and this car is called the
bedtime and I um I found out that I was
coming live in 2003 the next car we have
this one this color was I don't know the
name for it but it was copyright in 2003
you still McDonald's next is this car
here the next time we have is the
battlespace operating 2012 you do see
the next color has is the Colbert we
have the full vector here this was
popular in 2003 I hope this car here it
is called the twin meal um this here is
copyright in 2003 next is the covet the
covet top here it is this is like a
police car and the tail is come back in
we have two dogs challenge a drift car
every ride in 2012 this car is called
the is called the Cameroon and this will
come out in 2010 next is the help wheel
Valley team and this is copyright in
2008 here it is
next is this car I don't know what it's
called but it was coming right in 2008 I
don't know what it was called because it
doesn't say on the car anywhere and I
got it secondhand yeah but I don't know
what this car is called either that all
I know is that it was coming around in
here's I don't know what this one's
either since they got this from
secondhand as well this one here is
clear like in 2001 now for the most
urgent cars here we have the that man
and truck let Batman monster truck
this one here both coffee right in 2014
next is the car and this is called the
gravedigger come around in 2014 you can
still get this up I'm your local shop
today by the way and now for my favorite
hold of car this here is called the five
storm Hot Wheels monster truck covered
when in 2014 and Bob this car
next is the megabyte monster truck this
is cover ID in 2014 and now for the
plains near Hot Wheels cars we have the
Batman Arkham Asylum Batmobile here is
the front and here is the back next we
have star walk dollars and we have Ray
and the first-order flame tripper now
these this is gonna run in
2014 we have this band here and this
here this here's the fun which is we
that get it here's the fun here is the
back we have this car here and this was
copyright in 2015
here is the front see here is the back
we have the Roger Dodger
this car is will here the front and some
kind of a by the way um and here's the
back and that was come to rise in 2015
next is the ice shredder and this here
is the front esteem here is see that
this here was cutting right in and 2014
next is this car here it is called Tale
of Two and this here's the Sun there is
the best this here was copyright in in
2004 we have a big rig here and this
here is copyright in 2012
here is the fun here is the back next we
have the carbonator and this here is
copyright in 2008 is the fun this is
actually a holiday racial case the back
if we have the surf great now this here
was popularized in 2008 and this the
user fun and here's the back here is the
Captain America building trail this is
the Witcher solo climb back up here's
the front and here is the back you can
actually collect the cards if you can
see and next we have and next week I
love beauty and this car is red in 2013
here's the front here is that we have
this car here and this was comes out in
here's the firm and here's back we have
the style c3po um
cop this you'll come around in and just
try to remember 2014 it was um here we
have the brain car let's suppose
copyrighted in 2016 here's the farm and
we sit back and after the last car we
have the triple-wall
now this car I just stopped recently and
this one this is an old car actually it
was complied in 1985 here is the firm -
duplicity and here is the back
thank you so much for watching this
video please like subscribe for more
videos like this and don't get to check
and on blogger here is the very count
For more infomation >> Hot wheels update - Duration: 10:44.-------------------------------------------
How To Find Your Lost Phone By Clapping | Best App 207 | Urdu/Hindi - Duration: 6:27.
How To Find Your Lost Phone By Clapping | Best App 207 | Urdu/Hindi
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Untitled Project1f4846.autosave - Duration: 0:11.
Let's Dig Deep! - Duration: 22:38.
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【MUKBANG】 Domino's "Avoctoham" & Double Cheese + Camembert Mix Pizza! 2L size,4409kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 8:36.
Hi (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~)
So, Today! tadaa I bought some limited release seasonal pizzas from Dominos
octopus + avocado salad pizza and honey ham and ?hojun? ?gouda? pizza
I got these Large size pizzas to be half n' half the one on this side is the octopus + avocado pizza
with bbq garlic chicken on the other side this side this side is honey ham and Gouda with lasagne pizza
since I love cheese so much I asked for camembert with double cheese extra toppings on all of them
I love that smell of hot pizza as for drinks....
hands are so greasy from touching pizza that it was tough to open this bottle
so nice to have summer just around the corner ~I hate the heat though~
itadakimasu oh yeah I almost forgot to tell you guys... I asked to have the hand tossed dough
so fluffy and delish looking
this is a slice of the octopus avocado salad pizza ~well it doesn't look very salad-like but whatevs~
its slathered in cheese and looks so yummy you can see octopus on here also some shrimp and tomato
since I asked for so much cheese its almost all you taste here lol
its topped with so much mayo and you can really taste the basil in this as well
I love the mouthfeel of the octopus the shrimp is so delish as well ~goes great with mayo~
and its nice to get your daily veg as well but with all this cheese it negates the healthy side of it
they really loaded it with mayo and the cherry tomatoes give it that extra bit of sweetness that is nice
next is honey ham and gouda ~it says here that overseas they eat ham on special days~
and they took that ham and paired it with gouda
looks like this
this looks so delish as well they topped it with honey ham
this already has gouda cheese and then I asked for double cheese with camembert making it triple cheese
the cheese lover in me is ecstatic
the honey ham has a slight honey flavor to it I really love the flavor it goes wonderfully with cheese
that gouda has a wonderful taste
the straw is about to fall out
they used a tomato based sauce and I can also taste some mushrooms on it
next is BBQ garlic chicken that I got on the other half of one of my pizzas
this is what it looks like the chicken looks delish I love this cheese
chicken goes great with this I love the flavor of this chicken
and I also enjoy the spinach on here as well
next is ? lasagne? this is made with parmesan cheese making
camembert cheese and the reg~
camembert cheese and the regular cheese and the parmesan make it a trpp~
a triple cheese this is what it looks like
what is this round thing? is it a potato?
they used a white sauce for this and this potato isn't a fluffy sort of potato but
its got a bit of "bite" chewiness to it ~and I like it, don't get me wrong~
it reminds me of a potato that was sliced up and then boiled in water....
its nice and moist... I really enjoy it I enjoy this sort of potato
so you may be asking why did I take seasonal toppings and get them on half n' half pizzas
there is a pizza called "quatro avocado honey" a pizza with 4 wholly different pizzas
and offered in that quatro pizza they give you the octopus + avocado pizza and honey + gouda pizza
and bbq chicken and the lasagne pizza
and if I ordered a single quatro pizza I would only be able to eat 1 pizza so that's why I decided
to recreate that 1 pizza with 2 half and half pizzas
~well... that's the story~
I'm really digging both of these seasonal release pizzas I totally feel like these would be one of those pizzas
that would come to mind when I'm stuck considering what type of pizza to order they're both so delish
both the octopus+avocado and the ham+gouda pizzas
when I first tasted the octopus+avocado pizza I thought it was so gooey from all the cheese that
they put on it but come to think of it its probably all due to the avocado
the cooked avocado mixes with the mayo and melts into a super gooey melted experience
~I've kind of blabbed on for too long and my pizzas have cooled off.... I'll go warm them up BRB~
K, I've warmed them up pizzas are the bestest when eaten hot
this one is honey ham with gouda
this is octopus and avocado salad pizza
no ... no no... I goofed lol I'm so wrong here lol
wait.... no I was right... I was right this one is octopus though
this had a bit of octopus that's why I thought I was wrong
this is lasagne and this is the BBQ chicken
this pizza was a mix of the octopus and BBQ chickens and that is why there was a bit here with octopus on it
~I'm sure you all really don't care bout this lol~ ~alrighty time to eat~
I love the slightly salty ham with this honey sweetness its so delish
because of the avocado its so nice and gooey I love that basil sauce on it as well
because I warmed them up the potato is nice and fluffy/steamy
ahhh so when you warm up potatoes they become fluffy/steamy
well I do love cooked potatoes that have cooled off they're slightly juicy and all
pizza is so warm filled with cheese they make me feel so happy
oh and btw the extra camembert cheese and double cheese toppings were both an extra Y324
making for a combined Y648 (bout $7) the price all you cheese lovers will have to pay
to get a pizza that is packed with extra cheese
last mouthful itadakimasu
gochisosamadeshita the limited seasonal items from dominos pizza
octopus+avocado salad pizza and the honey ham+gouda pizza were absolutely delish
octopu + abokabo...
the octopus+avocado salad pizza had so much avocado and octopus and extra stuff like shrimp it really felt
so decadent with all the toppings the ham+gouda pizza tasted so good
honey ham is so delish salty ham flavored with sweet honey... its a flavor
combination that really truly speaks to me
BBQ garlic chicken and the lasagne pizza were delish won't you all give them a try as well?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
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