[SONG: 21 Guns BAND: Green Day]
Dad, listen, I know what the odds are.
We're the exception, okay?
Wait a second...
- Oh, who could that be? - Two weeks, it could be Muffy.
Hey, beautiful.
- I'm breaking up with you, Sam. - Really?
You sure? I hear a lot of conviction.
Well, I am, okay?
So there's no reason for me to come say goodbye to you.
Wow, you almost sounded serious that time.
Guess what?
I made you a long-distance relationship kit.
Yeah, I got you a webcam so we can chat 24/7.
All Witwicky all the time.
I got you a couple of souveniers
that you bet that cannot be mentioned on cellphone.
Some mixes and candles and stuff...
Sounds cute, I can't wait.
Oh, hey!
You want the infamous D-Day shirt?
You kept your nasty, shredded clothes?
Yeah, of course I kept it, Mikaela.
It's like my Superbowl jersey. I bled in this thing.
Wow, you're pretty confident, huh?
No, it's not that.
It's just that my low self-esteem's at an all-time high.
Do you think your little box of souveniers
is gonna keep me from leaving you?
You really should come with me,
they got cheap apartments in campus.
Well, that's not gonna happen
until I get my man child father rushed out of prison,
back on his feet.
I heard that.
Where did you put the clutch covers?
Next to the cam shafts.
I love it when you say cam shafts. Whisper it to me.
Cam shafts.
God, I hate you.
It's my Witwicky charm.
Wait, hold on. Wait, hold on a second.
I guess we're not breaking up.
I'll be over in 20.
I think this little bit Cube got stuck on my shirt.
Oh God! It's a fire!
Dad, we got a fire!
Ron, did you know it was gonna be this hard?
C-Can you just stop?
- Yeah, okay, I'll stop. - Just wait...
- You carry this shit. - I'll--I'll...
- Wow! - You know what?
I don't wanna go anywhere with you.
I don't wanna go to France with you.
I don't wanna go around the corner with you.
- Alright, fine. - I'm just going back inside.
I'll call you from Paris.
What is all the racket?
- Whoa. - Sam?
- Whoa, whoa. - Dad...
- What was that? - It's the whole kitchen!
Help me... Oh my--
Oh, jeez!
Call 9-1-1.
Bumblebee! Get in the garage.
What the frick is happening?
What happened to restraint, man?
Just go in the garage, quietly please?
Holy mother!
Oh, my God!
Get in the garage, now!
Power's out! Get the cops out!
Come on, you guys. What are you waiting for?
My house is on fire!
- What happened? - Come here.
Listen, I need you to take the Cube sliver.
Put it in your purse, right now.
- Sam Witwicky... - Yes, Mom.
- A word with you. - Yeah.
- Hi, Mikaela. - Hi.
- I have a bald spot. - Oh.
- An old furnace, I think. - Become a waffle iron.
When you go, he goes.
I cannot live with this psychotic alien in my garage.
Judy, shh.
National security.
Look, if we stay quiet, they're gonna take care of everything.
Just consider this the official start of a remodel, okay?
Fine. If the government's paying, I want a pool...
- and a hot tub. - Fine. Okay.
And I'm gonna skinny-dip and you can't say shit about it!
Yeah, you know you're a tool.
- He's having voice problems. - He's playing it up.
Bee, I want to talk to you about the college thing, okay?
# I'm so excited #
I'm not taking you with me.
I wanna wait outside, okay?
I wanted to tell you about this earlier.
It's just that-- You know,
Here's the thing.
Freshmen aren't allowed to have cars.
I know, and if it was up to me, I'd take you with me, but it's not, Bee.
Look, you're an Autobot.
You shouldn't be living in my dad's garage.
I mean, you're suffocating in here.
You deserve better than this.
This is hard enough, man,
don't make it harder. Can you just look at me, please?
Come on, big guy.
Look, the guardian thing is done, okay? You did your job.
Look, I'm safe now.
You need to go be with Optimus Prime and the others.
I just want to be normal, Bee.
That's why I'm going to college.
I can't do that with you.
It's not the last time I'm gonna see you, you know, Bee.
Come on, don't do that. Bee. You're killing me, Bee.
But you'll always be my first car.
Love you, Bee.
Between state farm and the taxpayers, we're all taken care of.
- You got dirt all over you. - Stop, stop.
- What? - It's--I'm okay.
Well, look.
So you think you can make it
Through those East Coast winters without me?
You're like the best thing that ever happened to me.
- And I'll do anything for you. - And?
- I think Sam's about to say the L word. - Let's go, kiddo.
Nice timing, Dad.
I... adore you.
That's not the word that I wanna hear right now.
What are you talking about?
It's the same word as the other word.
- It's not the same word. - Look, if I said the other word now,
you forced me to say it. It won't mean anything.
Plus, you haven't said it either.
So don't get mad at me for not saying it.
Yeah, but I haven't said it
because guys always run when you say it first.
Yeah, well, so do girls.
Especially, girls like you with options.
So this is all part of your elaborate plan
to keep me interested?
Can be.
I hate that it's working.
Can I have a kiss?
We'll make it work, I promise.
[SONG: Never Say Never BAND: The Fray]
Soundwave acknowledges. Pursue her.
Retrieve it.
For more infomation >> Bumblebee vs. Tiny Decepticons | Opening Scene | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen-(2009) 4K - Duration: 7:57.-------------------------------------------
[자막]일본인이 외국인한테 영어발음 따짐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ - Duration: 5:22.
'Make-A-Wish' Day at Topgolf | Topgolf - Duration: 1:49.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line NIEUW! - Duration: 1:02.
Webinaire: Comprendre le harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail pour mieux le prévenir - Duration: 1:35:31.
CHN 101 Final Project by: 月亮 - Duration: 1:57.
Hello Shi Xin!
Hello Ming Kang!
How are you?
I'm good
I'm tired. I had class at eight in the morning.
I'm sorry! I have class at 12:00.
We are very busy today.
What time is your next lesson?
My next lesson is at two in Swan Hall.
Where's Swan Hall?
Start at Memorial Union. Turn left. At the first intersection turn right. Walk on Ranger Road. On Upper College Road, turn right. Swan Hall is right next to Edwards Hall.
Shi Xin, can I ask you questions for my class?
Where were you born?
I was born in Rhode Island. I grew up in Rhode Island too.
That's awesome! How many members are in your family?
My family has 4 people in it. My father, my mother, me, and my little brother.
Thank you for your time!
You're welcome. Your chinese is very fluent!
Thank you. At my school, they have Chinese classes.
That's awesome! Do you like taking Chinese?
Yes, I like taking Chinese. It's fun.
Chinese is fun to learn!
I'm sorry, I have class I have to go.
Thanks! Bye!
How a Storm Triggered a City-Wide Asthma Attack - Duration: 3:56.
In November 2016, on a very hot day in Melbourne, Australia, a thunderstorm rolled into town.
And suddenly, thousands of people found themselves struggling to breathe;
a strange outbreak of asthma, sparked by a storm.
In just five hours, paramedics were called nearly 2,000 times.
By the end, nine people had died, and hospitals had treated 8,500 patients.
So, what happened?
Well, thankfully, an event like this is rare, but it has happened before.
It's known as thunderstorm asthma.
Several other instances of thunderstorm asthma have been documented
in the US, Canada, England,and Italy.
This latest event, though, was the most severe we know of.
Previously, only one person had died from thunderstorm asthma,
and the largest attack affected just a few hundred patients.
Scientists aren't exactly sure what causes thunderstorm asthma, but the best guess
is that a storm picks up pollen and other allergens, and then concentrates them
so that people breathe in a lot of them in a short amount of time.
In people who are allergic to these things, inhaled pollen and mold can trigger an immune
response that causes airways to close, kicking off an asthma attack.
But the problem isn't just that a bunch of allergens are blowing around.
Normally, most pollens are too big to get into your lungs,
even if they're blown right into your face.
A storm, though, can change that.
Updrafts are thought to pull pollen up into clouds,
where pollen grains come in contact with water.
And when that happens, the pollen bursts open,
with each grain releasing hundreds of tiny granules.
Windy downdrafts can deliver these microscopic bits of pollen back to the ground,
where they can be inhaled -- and this time, they can go deep into your lungs
A similar process is thought to happen with the tiny spores produced by fungus,
which can get kicked up in a storm.
Now, even though it's called thunderstorm asthma,
it's not just asthmatics who are at risk.
A recent survey of the Melbourne victims found that 40 percent of people
who experienced symptoms hadn't been diagnosed with asthma before.
Instead, an important factor in these events seems to be whether you're allergic to
whatever kind of mold or pollen that a storm is stirring up at the time.
That means anyone with hayfever, or allergies to seasonal pollens,
might be at greater risk for thunderstorm asthma.
One reason scientists think the Melbourne case may have been so severe
is that the culprit pollen was ryegrass, which many people have an allergy to,
and which was especially abundant at the time.
Since about 20 percent of the world is sensitive to some sort of grass or tree pollen,
part of the danger with thunderstorm asthma
is simply that a lot of people might need help at the same time.
As was almost the case in Melbourne,
there might not be enough ambulances to get to everyone fast enough.
Complicating things more, these attacks can catch many people off-guard, especially non-asthmatics.
Unless you have asthma already, most people with hayfever just get runny noses or scratchy eyes,
but don't really have trouble breathing.
So, those people don't have the medicines they need on hand, like a rescue inhaler.
While these are freak events, and not something you need to worry about every day, some experts
say they're likely to become more frequent with climate change.
In many parts of the world, hotter temperatures
are predicted to increase the number and severity of storms.
And extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could spur plants to make more pollen,
or even more potent pollen.
So, if a storm seems to be headed your way, and the pollen count is high,
you might want to check to see if you have your inhaler.
Just to be sure.
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