Yo what is going on guys it is
your boy Yogge here and today I'm
bringing you guys a new black ops 3
video so if you haven't heard black
Jack's gun game is now in the game
basically this is a variation of gun
game whereas in all the DLC weapons so
this is a way to play with all the DLC
weapons in the game sadly it's actually
more relatable to black ops 2 because
you have the ballistic Mac on the end
and the crossbow and stuff like that so
this is way way better than a normal gun
game really sets in a minute but it is
also there is a double cryptokey just
for this game-mode it is life throughout
May 1st so if you haven't played it yet
and it's getting close to being ending
or whatever you just hop on and try it
so anyways guys let's hop into a match
alright guys so we got breach so let's
see how good we do obviously start off
with the wrist he nine let's pick
somebody off I know somebody's gonna
spawn here alright let's go he doesn't
know that I'm chasing after him and
maybe he does I forgot you always have
the map on come on come on bro just turn
around please yes okay somebody's behind
me somebody behind me marshals I hate
these weapons but then again at the same
time they were overpowered I won't point
in the game let's go let's go whoa come
yes let's go go I'm going off the game
go ah almost Adam hi guys I don't know
what this gun is the hlx for this shit
is a beast of a gun alright like when
you hit fire what they just feels like a
beast because it shoots so fast I PPSh
you already know how that that weapon is
what the hell was in the room the whole
the DIY eleven renovator let's see what
I can do with this okay I'm gonna hopper
here real quick and they're mine I guess
everybody died ffar m16 what was that at
least I'm in the lead at least I'm in
delay so like I was saying how why is
there an ace card in the m16 like on
them 16 like is that I'm pretty sure
just for aesthetic reasons but still
like why would you put like an ace card
it just doesn't make sense to me I don't
know he just bodied me though obviously
they had to put in a gun
what's the thermal on it just to make
sure that has no aim assist to make your
orders its I mean it's not even that's
just annoying it's like the Shiva by
even worse because this gun actually
like kicks a little
look at this look at this okay gali oh
this shit is a beast was he nobody's
gonna come to but over here nobody
alright let's go
bullshit that makes man I did total
garbage right there
everybody seems to me in the middle for
some reason nobody did that to him I see
you see you pieces oh no 22 years guys
actually have this time advisers don't
use it because I don't like to snipe in
this game that much if I do I usually
just hug I bite it again if I do sleep
in the game I just use the locusts but
for some Wow bro that was my kill - oh
my god okay let's go let's get out of
is he following me you know what is
going on bro okay please not he followed
me cable I can't just be falling off
look at this no way I shot him in the
booty and he still took that oh my god
somebody made no no no no no that was my
kill that was my kill yes yes okay okay
let's see if I can make the slapper
isn't bad bad at least I hope it's not
you have two shots so um hey I think
it's confirmed I'm gonna lose by this
guy look look okay thank God he killed
me at least she has a weapon he can
actually are you kidding me bro that
dude had a gun he he had a gun that was
at least semi-automatic I don't know
what he had I don't know what he had he
had something he had something good what
was it he still look alright guys so
we're all combine I'm gonna win this
time there's no way I'm losing I'm not
allowed never mind
look I need a win this time just for you
guys this is for you guys I I'm gonna
win trust me it's for the boys Wow
I school cows but I say how I'm gonna
save it I'm this smallmap it should be
easy to get a kill with the marshals
never mind
I know where my spot is on this map I
just need to get off with the pistols
real quick
nope okay yes I don't know how I killed
but I'm gonna take it it's my spot right
here okay I just need somebody to pop up
real quick
or you will do you'll do you'll do never
mind you won't do I'm just kidding bro
don't come over here please please don't
come over here really there you know
that person's there or died this is this
is a bad start but we can probably
finish off good that person is booty
with snipers we should be chilling
should be chilling come on come on
challenge me it's what I thought fool
how how bro okay it's good though we're
on the TSH we're just one gun down from
the dude on first place now are tied
with them say I told you what chillin
look in our first place he's still at
the renovates to get well that's really
not what he gets he didn't do anything
to me but still I'm winning this time
I'm winning no how many bullets does it
take to kill somebody with this gun bro
come on I can't believe I just keep oh
that's why the Google is so nice let's
go let's go go off come on come on
anybody else boss awesome oh my goodness
oh my god
oh I got him like no no way no way but
please don't be like last night it's not
it's not okay I'm gonna come up behind
it do it I'm a sniper yeah see that's
what I like to see and my neighbors
cutting his grass so if you guys hear
that I'm sorry
oh my goodness yes oh my god
I don't know how one bullet of that DBS
are killed them every time usually I try
to kill somebody gives me hair markers
just straight up okay look if you come
out here
Wow okay okay no no I got stuck it's
cool we're taking this dub there's no
way we're losing also because the video
is probably getting old oh my I should
not have killed him but I did and I
killed you too i let's see is there like
an animation for old or nevermind
now mine am i watch imma kill this
person watch beep oh nevermind I was
gonna say if there was an end of goo oh
my just randomly shot - lets go that's
for you guys I needed to get a dub just
because to make the video good but now
the video is probably way too long I
don't know but look at this watch this I
randomly shot - I did not expect to kill
this person look dink that I killed all
right that was right in like her hand -
so as you guys can see I'm top number
one alright anyways guys how we get rid
of it if you guys did make sure to leave
a like if you didn't feel I was likable
you guys stay healthy you know yeah take
this game right out leave a like if you
like to come a double what you think
about it and yeah see you guys on the
next one
For more infomation >> COD BO3 HOW TO PLAY WITH DLC WEAPONS FOR FREE - BO3 BLACK JACK GUN GAME - Duration: 7:34.-------------------------------------------
Sign Of The Times (Spanish Version) - Harry Styles (Cover by J Levin) - Duration: 3:34.
MAY TBR || 2017 - Duration: 4:52.
Hey guys, it's Emily! For today's video
I'm going to be doing my May TBR. So, more
changes coming your way from me. I did
not know that my tripod had the ability
to, like, extend the legs, so we're trying
this standing up, seeing how it goes. I
wanted to be able to include some of the
artwork that I have on my walls
because I'm pretentious. I have basically
like a gallery wall of charcoal sketches
that one of my best friends did. He had a
whole notebook of them and was going to
like burn it, and I was like, or you
could give to me and I could pretend to
be an adult and put some stuff on the
walls. So that's what I did! That's what
that is.
Also, like, lit a candle for some ambiance. I don't
know what I'm doing.
For some reason I'm, like, nervous about doing this standing
up, which is so irrational, and like
whatever whatever it's fine. Anyway let's
talk about the books that I plan on
reading in May. The first of those is
one that I've already started and that
is The Opposite of Loneliness by Marina
Keegan. This is a collection of short
stories and essays that was published
posthumously. Keegan tragically died in
2012 at the age of 22 I think just a few
days after she graduated from Yale. So
her family and friends went through her
collected works and put them together
into this collection. I have read two of
the short stories so far and have been
really just like blown away by them
because she has--and they talked about
this in the introduction--she has like a
very youthful voice. It doesn't feel like
she's trying to write as someone older
or more experienced. And she
also is writing about being in your
early 20s with a level of authenticity
that I really don't think a lot of older
authors can achieve. It just, it feels
very like of the times and again
authentic and I'm absolutely loving it.
I am reading this kind of slowly. I'm really
trying to savor it because I am enjoying
it that much. Next up I have a book that
you guys have probably heard about on
the Booktube because so many people have
talked about it and raved about it and
that is Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan
McGuire. this is like a portal fantasy
it's like a play on that so when people
go to like Narnia or you know some other
fantastical dimension and then they come
back and they're like wow this world
blows it deals with that I think it's
very very short
it also has awesome representation
really excited to read this a lot of
people whose opinions I trust a whole
lot really really really like this this
was one of our favorite books of 2016 so
I'm excited to finally get to it next I
have a book that I am a little
embarrassed how excited for it and that
is a court of wings and ruined by Sarah
J Maas this series has some issues like
seriously has some shoes I still read
just exhume through them so quickly I
eat them up I am kind of like trash for
this series it's Margaret is kind of a
young adult noodle fantasy but this is
romance like it is a romance book that's
just that's what it is so I'm gonna read
that and I'm probably gonna join so
there you go now Shane next up I have a
nonfiction book I realized I haven't
been a whole lot of nonfiction lately so
I wanted to pick this up and that is
SPQR by Mary beard this is a historical
non-fiction book about ancient Rome I
never really studied ancient Rome I took
one classics course in college and it
focused a lot more on ancient Persia and
just general Mesopotamia so I don't know
a whole lot about ancient Rome outside
of kind of the popular history stuff
that I've consumed like documentaries
and TV shows and that kind of thing so
I'm really excited to read this this was
considered one of the best non-fiction
books stubbier
2016 or 2015 I'll know but either way
I'm really excited to pick this up and
the final book that I plan on reading in
May is sighs my meal Schusterman I
really really really liked Neal Shuster
mins what was it called unwind
unwind I really liked that back in the
day in high school and so I saw this I
was like super cool cover and I really
author the concept of this to my
knowledge is that humanity has conquered
death and so there are people called
scythes who like go around bestowing the
gift of death I think that's it I don't
know I'm really excited to read this
because again I did love unwise so so
much so hopefully I really like this too
so that is it short and sweet for the
month of May as those of you who have
seen my TBR's before already know I
generally have smaller TV hours I am
still very much a mood reader and so I
will kind of color in loose electrons
with other things if the the mote is the
moon's what's the phrase if if the fancy
strikes if the moment strikes I don't
know if I wanna
I'll get another book that's all I'm
trying to say but I'm rambling now fixed
image watching if you like this video
give it thumbs up hit subscribe to see
more of my face and I have seen X at all
I just realized here was farther away
now I can't reach it I have to figure
what to do at the end bye
Chris Martin of Coldplay (Captioned) 'Sky Full of Stars' Alt Nation SiriusXM - Duration: 3:48.
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I'm gonna give you my heart
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
'Cause you light up the path
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, ooohoo ooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you
'Cause you're a sky, 'cause you're a sky full of stars
I wanna die in your arms
Ahh ahh ahh arms
You get lighter the more it gets dark
I'm gonna give you my heart
I don't care, go on and tear me apart
I don't care if you do, oohoo oooh
'Cause in a sky, 'cause in a sky full of stars
I think I saw you
I think I saw you
ooh oh ooh
You're a sky, you're a sky full of stars
A heavenly view
You're such a heavenly view
Yeah Yeah Yeah Oooh
Yeah thank you
I've never done that before
GIVE ATTENTION TO NU'EST - Duration: 7:11.
[170429] 소녀시대 효연 그라치아 화보 Eng Sub Hyoyeon GRAZIA Korea June 2017 6월호 - Duration: 0:12.
Greetings this is Hyoyeon from SNSD
I am currently
working on the June edition of Grazia magazine
Please support me and be excited for the June edition Grazia!
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