This is Charlotte Frost, head of the Gaming Commission.
When they asked me to do "Empire,"
I immediately said yes.
I didn't even know the character.
I'm just such a big fan of the show.
It was funny because the showrunner said,
your character's the head of the Las Vegas Gaming Commission.
She's a politician.
She kind of feels like a Sarah Palin.
Lucious, when Giuliana told me I had to come to New York,
I was prepared to be irked.
She's very stuffy, and everything's very, you know,
buttoned up, but once you start peeling back
the layers of Charlotte Frost, you see she's
not what it appears to be.
This crosses the threshold into interesting.
I do have a scene where I slap somebody,
so get ready for that.
I won't tell you who, but it is a Lyon.
For more infomation >> Close Up: Eva Longoria As Charlotte Frost | Season 3 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Opel Astra Sports Tourer 1.3 CDTi S/S Cosmo - Duration: 1:02.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon : suite et fin ? par Usul - Duration: 6:09.
extra bullet men here back with another
supreme droplet video and if you don't
know what style of video this is what I
do is every single week this supreme
drop something new I go over my favorite
and my least favorite items from the
drop this is the week ten drop or the
sub tempo drop the shoes actually leaked
a long time ago and they have a fair
amount of hype so I think this is going
to be a pretty hyped up drop and before
I get into the items I just want to
thank you all for 5k we finally hit 5k
and that's such a big milestone to me
that means 5,000 people come to watch my
videos every single week so I just want
to thank each and every one of you for
that because without you we wouldn't
have the 5k and if you're not subscribed
please subscribe because I just want to
keep growing this community and also hit
that like button because liking my
videos helps me get them out to more
people so we can keep growing this
community I have a giveaway coming soon
for 5k as well I want to get you guys
something cool I don't know what it is
yet but it is going to be something cool
so stay tuned for that and yeah I just
wanted to thank you guys and I'm going
to get into the items obviously I'm
going to start with these sub tempos
because that is the big-ticket item so
without further ado the air more up
tempo is actually a very classic shoe
scottie pippen made the original pair
very popular it was just a black and
white colorway and it's at err on the
side instead of supreme like these one
to do if you guys haven't heard of this
shoe that is where it comes from I feel
like this is going to be a lot of
people's first time hearing about the
shoe but maybe it's not maybe I'm wrong
I actually don't have a pair yet because
it looks fairly bulky to me so I didn't
really know if I wanted to buy them or
spend my money on them but I might do it
on these because if I don't like them I
could always just sell them or whatever
these come in three colorways they come
in two goals a red and you black I
absolutely hate the gold and I like the
red and the black the gold ones just
look really tagging to me for shoes I
feel like once you put too much it goes
on it it makes the shoe look cheap and
kind of lame so I don't like the gold
ones at all the gold ones have an all
gold upper red Nike swooshes and a white
outsole in midsole so they're not bad
but they're just too much gold for me so
I don't like them I do like the red ones
because they're kind of
most like contracting pair because the
letters are white instead of the same
color as the upper which in this case
would be red and the soles is kind of
like strength because the color blocking
is different from all of the other ones
so I do like the rent pair this might be
a very popular pair with people because
it says supreme like the most clear
every single one of these pairs also has
an outline in 3m which is actually
different from the original of tempos
the black ones are definitely my
favorite color way they look like the
classic color except instead of white
outline it obviously is 3m and I just
love the black ones they just look
really cool to me it's all black I think
the switch on the bottom is red if I'm
not mistaken I just really like these a
whole lot I might pull the trigger on
these I might not I don't know really
what I'm going to do I might just try to
get the black ones maybe but I do like
this shoe I think it's a very cool shoe
I've always liked the up tempos so I do
like to use my actual favorite part of
this shoe is the Nike swoosh on the toe
box I think it looks super cool that's
why I kind of like the press toes
because they have the Nike swoosh on the
toe box as well I just think it's a cool
place to put it so that is the of tempos
the big-ticket item the item that
everyone is going to go for so now I'm
just going to get into the other items
that are part of the collab they were
supposed to release like apparel or
something or that's what the league
person said but they didn't release
apparel or maybe they're not going to or
maybe they're going to surprise us with
it or something but it's not on the drop
list at this moment the pricing is also
not on the droplets I believe they're
probably around 200-250 or something
because the original ones are like 180 I
think so these ones are probably more
because they're supreme so I'm going to
move to some of these lookbook items and
B first one I'm going to start with is
the quilted lace bomber jacket and like
it says it is a quilted lace bomber
jacket they have a white a red and a
gold it's like this floral pattern and
the quilting is a contrast stitching so
you know it's quilted and it's like a
floral lace pattern because it is the
lace bomber is that bomber jacket a
zipper pockets silver zippers that looks
zippers have like a chain with a ball on
it it says supreme in Old English on one
of the breasteses so these are pretty
cool I like I'm not going to buy it I
just thought it's cool I don't really
love it but I don't hate it either so I
just wanted to include it and moving on
from now we're moving to the split track
jacket and this is actually a super cool
item it looks like a nineties ish track
jacket so I think it's pretty cool
I do like every single colorway the
orange and blue ones kind of baby for me
but these black ones and like the green
and red like Gucci colorway is super
tight to me it says supreme like all the
way down the sleeve which i think is a
super tight touch there is pants that
come with these that I'm going to be
talking about later in the video but
overall this jacket is pretty cool I do
like the black on the best I would say
it's just all black and it says supreme
in the like white contrast stitching so
I think it's a really cool jacket it
looks like it's a full zip it looks like
there's elastic on the bottom and on the
sleeves as well I'm going to pass on it
though because I believe it's going to
be over under book and I don't really
need a jacket right now like we're in
this long t-shirt is pushing it so I'm
also going to pass on this next item but
I really like this next item and that is
the sick mother hooded sweatshirt or
sick mother's sick child hooded
sweatshirt and it's just a plain hoodie
and on the back of the hood it says sick
mother sick child supreme and like an
old like 70s ish I would say style font
and I think it's really cool I really
love that location of the screen print
it's really big and it says supreme
really big so everyone will know you're
wearing supreme on this as well
they come in six different colors I
really like the navy and the green the
black of course and the teal one as the
navy and the greens really cool because
there's just kind of a different scheme
that you go see too often the black is
obviously cool and the teal and the
yellow is a pretty cool combo together
the other ones are alright but I really
like this like different place of screen
printing because that looks like a
screen printed you typically don't see
it on a lot of videos you see it
sometimes but it's a very different
outside still so I really like this
piece but like I said I have no business
buying a video jacket right now so
is going to be a pass that will probably
be around 150 there he pretty kitties
their hoodies are typically around 150
so that's what I would imagine this to
be so moving on from that we're moving
to a long-sleeve tee and that is the
Department long-sleeve tee and as you
can see there's a ton of color in those
as well they're just playing though and
it says the free New York on the bottom
in a pretty small font the only ones
that you can actually see like the color
the font there's like an orange and the
Navy or purple or something and there's
also a navy and a pink these are like I
think they're really cool but I'm going
to pass on them because they're probably
80 bucks for this like basic basic basic
long-sleeve tee so it's going to be a
pass for me but I do like them I think
it's a cool touch I really like the
subtle things sometimes so now I'm going
to move on to the split track pants this
is the pants that goes with that jacket
and these are also my favorite items of
the Elizabeth this is the autumn I've
been waiting for to drop because I want
to be so bad ever since they released
the lookbook I wanted the black bear so
bad it has that same supreme text and
these are playing they have a navy a red
and a black and they're like those nylon
windbreaker pants do black pair is so
fire to me actually every single one of
these are the coolest I might actually
go for this black pair of pants over the
sub tempos because that is how long I've
been waiting for these to drop these are
literally the pants that I wanted since
the lookbook released so I'm super Ozzy
these are finally dropping I think
they'll be around 138 because the other
windbreaker pants I bought were 138 ship
so I feel like these will probably be
the same price but yeah I really love
the black gray the Navy pairs cool the
red pairs like Miley saver but I do
still like them and that is the split
track pants I just love these so much so
moving on from that we're moving to the
Washington on short and as you can see
it's just a denim shirt on the back
there's a little supreme like star that
they usually put on a lot of their denim
they have a purple a leopard a black and
a blue
just a basic pair of denim shorts if I
was to buy these I probably cut the like
what's up the hem I probably cut the hem
up just to make them look like cut off
because I don't really like just jean
shorts I'd like them looking like they
were cut off but yeah you can get either
loud colorways or just basic ones so if
you're looking for like a pair of jean
shorts these are probably good because I
heard the supreme denim is very good
quality I haven't had a pair of supreme
denim yet but I'm pretty sure that they
are good quality because most of supreme
stuff it's like faking good quality so
that is the Watson in short so the
washes I'm sure was actually the last
clothing item that I like something
shops and I'm going to get into some of
the accessories that I like and the
first one is the go-fuck-yourself
bandana and that's exactly what it says
all over is they have a cripple and a
blood one a white one and a black one it
says it's 21 and a quarter inches by 21
and a quarter inches so it is a typical
bandana size and I feel like a lot of
people are going to buy this just to
like put it in pictures and stuff like
that people are probably going to put in
their face like like a bandana like it's
cool or something so I think this is
going to sell out I think it's pretty
cool it's just one of those like cool
little supreme accessories so moving
from the bandana we're going to talk
about the 666 ovals in and it's just a
pin with that same design thick on
everything else the only thing that I've
liked with this design on it has been
the denim jacket everything else seems
like they're just trying to put this
logo on absolutely everything so this is
that same logo in pin form probably be
around 80 bucks that's usually how their
pins cost so it's definitely going to be
a pass for me because I'm not going to
buy a pin they cost $8 at $10 shipping
that's going to take a week for
something that weighs less than a pound
and usually win like the sub drops I
don't really put multiple things in my
car I get one thing and check out fast
as I can so this will not be in my car
this Thursday so yeah that's sick sick
sick so okay and I don't think it does
we though which is why I wanted to
include the things that I do like in the
last thing that I think is alright or
that I like or whatever is the corduroy
camp camp
and like it's safe it is a corduroy camp
habitat the Supreme Box logo like all
the camp caps tab it looks like there's
a leather strap on the back which is
pretty cool it also looks like there's a
little supreme logo like D box or
embossed which one goes in whatever one
goes in that's what it is on the leather
strap so that's pretty cool because the
camp cap is usually have that weird like
nylon strap so yeah these are corduroy
camp cap they have a bunch of different
colors I don't really wear camp caps I
don't really like how they look so I'm
going to be passing on it but I did
think it was a decent item so I didn't
want to put in the items I hate category
so moving on from that we're going to
start talking about the stuff that I
don't like and there actually is quite a
few things that I don't like from this
job in the first one I'm going to start
with is the dream rayon shirt they
release its design on a t-shirt a while
back and I really didn't like it I don't
like it on this shirt as well as you can
see it's like a bunch of different like
scribble looking designs on a rayon
shirt there's like a pumpkin or
something on one of them there's spider
webs there's a prisoner bear this it's a
supreme on the back I just don't like it
it seems very like loud for me to wear
like I don't really wear too much loud
things and this isn't definitely not
going to be one of those things that I'm
wearing they have four colors they have
a teal a pink of black and a white
they're not bad they're just too much
for me so I don't like them so that is
the dream rayon shirt and moving on from
that is actually an item that I don't
like as well and that is the white whale
corduroy works short short short and I
don't know if it's whale or wall a like
the wrapper i think is whale because
whales are the place to and it's stuff
like that so I think it's the white
whale corduroy work short they have five
different colors
it's a corduroy work short like it says
I just think they're pretty ugly they
look very little cool like I feel like
this isn't really in style right now and
I feel like it just wouldn't work with
my style so I don't really like them if
I was forced to wear a pair would
obviously be the black bear but any
other pairs in the BlackBerry is kind of
untolerable for me but I do feel like a
lot of people are going to get
just because they're different but yeah
I don't like them at all and that is the
white whale corduroy work short so
moving from that is another item that I
don't like in that disease charts polo
it's not really that I don't like polo
shirts I just don't like this one it has
the Old English supreme like they put on
a lot of stuff this season and it's this
dry polo shirt like it states and the
color is a different color the striping
looks like it's a three or four stripe
design all over the place like all the
way down the shirt I just don't like it
I don't really like the colors I just
don't really think it is that cool like
the black one obviously would be the one
that I would wear the the pink one looks
very like golf s to me like golf Wayne
asked if I do say so myself I believe it
looks kind of like something Tyler would
make but as far as all the other ones go
I just don't really like on my job
really like the design I don't really
like the polo so I wanted to include it
the only thing I do like about this is
the polos usually have that weird
ribbing on them and this one doesn't
look like it has it so that is a good
thing that I will say is a positive
about this polo shirt so moving on from
the start polo are moving to the AG
baseball jersey and this thing's super
ugly to me this is actually the thing
that I like the least out of this drop
it's a v-neck Jersey it's pinstripe and
it has like script writing on the
pinstripes and as a see and the supreme
is like going diagonally it looks just
very weird to me it doesn't look right
on the pinstripe Jersey on the back it
says a b-17 ad stands for after death
and I believe seventeen is obviously the
year so it's 17 years after death which
is 2017 so yeah I just don't really like
this at all I feel like the font in the
waist laid out in the jersey and the
pinstripes on the Jersey and the v-neck
on the Jersey I feel like it just all
does not work together so I don't like
it at all I really don't think I would
wear any color of these if I was forced
to yeah there's not really much to say
other than I just
this piece very much and that was the
last item of the drop and the last item
that I didn't like so that concludes the
week ten droplets video if you like this
video please leave a like down below
really helps me out a lot I asked you
guys to do before if you're having it
please do because it helps me give my
videos out to more and more people so
they can grow this community if you have
anything to say to me if you think I
dislike that you did like or if I forgot
anything let me know down below so we
can have a little discussion say
whatever you want to say to me down in
the comment section below because I try
to respond to everything occur not
subscribed yet please be sure to do so
because if you've made it to this point
in the video chances are you liked the
video and if you like this video you're
probably like a whole lot of my other
videos so definitely subscribe if you're
new follow me on all my social medias
all this bug right there follow me on
all my social medias down below all the
links will be down there my snapshot
icon will be up there I want to thank
you guys for all your continued love the
support I want to thank you once again
for 5k subscribers and I wish you all
good luck and copying whatever you want
to call from this week's drop so I will
see you guys with the next video
tomorrow with the manga manga night all
of us can afford to cause problems are
going to ah I don't know something no
trophy shop or bridges or epic food
oh no Monica Monica Monica up on the
mall tomorrow night come on
Porsche Cayman S 3.4 - Duration: 0:54.
Toyota Avensis 2.2 D-4D Executive - Duration: 0:53.
Pivko v centre naboso | Beer in the town centre barefoot 16.4.2017 - Duration: 2:54.
Today I'm going to the city center
probably for the first time barefoot.
Here, in Pezinok.
But as it is a holiday,
it is almost everywhere closed.
So I will see.
So I'm curious how it will be in Pezinok, in the center,
in my hometown.
So I'm looking forward to this challenge.
Home challenge.
Let's go for it.
So, I see somebody there.
- Welcome to Pezinok. - Thank you.
I feel cold when I see you.
- Why? :) - I don't know.
With Jožko we went to sit for a beer. Since it was a holiday, we were looking for any open local for some time. Finally, we found one.
So we are here,
so we will see how it'll go.
Let's see if we drink something.
And truly, we drunk. They had a good beer.
After the beer, we went to the station where Jozef boarded the train. And then I came back home. Barefoot. It was a nice evening.
Vidéo sous-titrée en français : Les Nouvelles en provenance du Nord (2/4) - Thabo Mtetwa - - Duration: 1:14:41.
►►►ছিঃ ছিঃ ছিঃ নিজের আপন ভাবীকে নগ্ন করে ধর্ষণ করলো,রক্ত বের হয়ে মাল আউট [Bangla Crime Hour]◄ - Duration: 10:57.
Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 200 d Avantgarde Navi Spoorpakket Parkassist Stoelverwarming - Duration: 1:01.
Toyota Avensis 2.2 D-4D Executive - Duration: 0:53.
Harcelé au collège à cause de ma surdité - Duration: 3:21.
[HD][VOSTFR] Jonghyun (ft Taeyeon) - Lonely - Duration: 4:08.
La pâte à la mayonnaise العجين السحري للفطائر الناجحه - Duration: 6:02.
Abscesses - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology - Duration: 8:30.
Everyone who has ever had a pimple has had an abscess - albeit a tiny one.
An abscess forms when normal tissue, like skin for instance, is split apart and that
new space is invaded by nearby pathogens like bacteria.
There are roughly ten bacterial cells for every one human cell and they cover every
surface of the human body.
So any cut or break in the skin or closed off area within the body is an invitation
for bacteria to dive in and multiply.
When that happens the immune system typically responds and a battle ensues with the result
being pus - a mix of bacteria, immune cells, and dead tissue.
In response to an injury, the tissue releases small chemicals in the local area called cytokines,
such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukin-1, interleukin-6 and interleukin-17, and chemokines
which attract nearby white blood cells which are part of the immune system.
It's a bit like yelling for help and being heard by the nearby police.
In addition to attracting immune cells, the cytokines also dilate nearby capillaries - bringing
more blood to the site, and make the capillaries more leaky, so that the white blood cells
that show up, can slip out of the blood and get into the tissue more easily.
Often times, the first immune cells at the scene are neutrophils, release chemicals and
enzymes that kill bacteria and dissolve pieces of of dead cells, creating a pool of dead
This is a specific type of acute inflammatory response called suppurative inflammation,
which simply means that pus is created in the process.
From a macroscopic view, this is sometimes referred to a liquefactive necrosis, because
the area of dead tissue turns to liquid.
As the immune cells get to a point where they can't withstand the environment, they die
too, becoming part of that pool.
Initially the debris might be intermixed with healthy tissue, but over time it can coalesce
into a single area - a process that is often sped up when more immune cells get involved.
Around this pool of pus, a barrier of fibrinogen - the same protein that holds together blood
clots - starts to harden into a barrier.
Occasionally sheets of fibrin form septations or walls within the abscess, creating loculations
or pockets of pus within the abscess an abscess within an abscess...
Even though the pus is largely dead material, there are still plenty of live bacteria within
the pus, which makes it highly infectious if it gets spread from one place to another.
Some bacteria are well-known for causing abscesses.
One of the most common bacteria found in abscesses, especially in the skin or underlying soft
tissue, is Staphylococcus aureus.
In fact, Staphylococcus aureus releases the enzyme coagulase, which helps speed up the
process building the fibrinogen wall to facilitate the formation of a little hive.
In contrast to an abscess near the skin, ones that originate deeper in the body often occur
in spaces that are already relatively walled off.
For example, in the gallbladder, if a stone blocks bile from flowing out, it essentially
becomes an empty hive that's ripe for new tenants.
Bacteria from the nearby small intestine can easily sneak past the stone, crawl into the
gallbladder, and multiply, causing an inflammatory response, and eventually an abscess might
Typically these deep infections are a mix of aerobic bacteria that use up all of the
available oxygen, and anaerobic bacteria that can only live in its absence.
For symptoms, abscesses typically cause signs of inflammation - redness, warmth, swelling,
and pain.
For abscesses on the skin, they often come to a head over time and with warmth, where
the tissue overlying the abscess breaks down allowing it to drain out by itself.
For people with weakened immune systems, such as newborns and those undergoing chemotherapy
treatment for cancer, are also at risk, in particular because they may not be able to
"wall off" the infection, allowing the bacteria to get out of the tissue and into
the bloodstream.
In these situations, symptoms can also include fever and vomiting.
Diagnosing an abscess in the skin or soft tissue is usually done by feeling it or sometimes
with an ultrasound of the area.
When an abscess is filled with enough fluid it becomes possible to feel the fluid move
around - this is called fluctuance.
A deeper abscess is usually diagnosed through imaging studies like ultrasound, CT, or MRI
intravenous imaging contrast can really stand out around an abscess, Since the small blood
vessels around the abscess remain dilated and leaky due to the constant inflammatory
This is called ring-enhancement, since a CT or MRI scan can show what a center slice of
an abscess looks like.
Generally speaking, infections are treated with antibiotics alone, but in order for antibiotics
to work, they need to first reach the bacteria, and that's usually done through the bloodstream.
Since abscesses do not have blood vessels inside of them, they can only diffuse into
an abscess and that's not very effective especially when dealing with a large abscess,
since you could imagine it getting those guys close to the edges, but there's no way it's
getting to the bacteria in the middle.
That's why the most important treatment for an abscess is incision and drainage - in
other words, cut it open and squeezing out or somehow removing everything inside.
Doing it thoroughly is important so that all of the septations get removed, so that parts
of the abscess don't remain intact.
Often times, there can be a large empty cavity that remains afterwards, and this can easily
get reinfected.
To preivent that, large abscesses that are drained are often packed with gauze to fill
in the space, until the tissue heals naturally on its own over time.
Deeper abscesses, sometimes have to be drained with long needles or surgery, depending on
the location.
Finally, antibiotics are sometimes used even after drainage to make sure that there are
no additional bacteria are lingering around.
With that in mind, here's what you've all been waiting for—a video of an abscess
on the earlobe being drained, buckle up.
Alright, as a quick recap - Abscesses are a fun mix of immune cells, pathogens like
the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, and dead tissue.
Because there's no blood supply to the center of an abscess to deliver antibiotics, it usually
needs to be cut open so that the pus can drain out.
Thanks for watching, you
can help support us by donating on patreon, or subscribing to our channel, or telling
your friends about us on social media.
Linkin Park - Heavy ft. Kiiara (Nicky Romero Remix) [Lyrics] - Duration: 3:32.
I don't like my mind right now
Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary
Wish that I could slow things down
I wanna let go but there's comfort in the panic
And I drive myself crazy
Thinking everything's about me
Yeah I drive myself crazy
Cause I can't escape the gravity
I'm holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
To so much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
If I just let go, I'd be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy
You say that I'm paranoid
But I'm pretty sure the world is out to get me
It's not like I make the choice
To let my mind stay so fu*king messy
I know I'm not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
I know I'm not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
I'm holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
To so much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
If I just let go, I'd be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
Holding on
I know I'm not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
I know I'm not the center of the universe
But you keep spinning round me just the same
And I drive myself crazy
Thinking everything's about me
I'm holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
To so much more than I can carry
I keep dragging around what's bringing me down
If I just let go, I'd be set free
Holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Why is everything so heavy
Jean-Luc Mélenchon : suite et fin ? par Usul - Duration: 6:09.
That third glass was unnecessary, definitely.
But it's better than infinitely checking my mail.
Even though I do miss you.
I'll be very pleased to see your handwriting.
You waited for me until the morning, I didn't come.
And I turned everything around in my favor.
I'd jump with you from a skyscraper or a bridge.
However I'm lying, I wouldn't be able to.
We never slept during the night.
We always talked about nothing.
And every day our dances, eye to eye.
Made us very hot.
But maybe this is all a mistake, our romance?
And these songs about me, are not about me.
I won't tell anyone how you called me.
And you shouldn't tell anyone, how I called you.
A taxi back and forth
I know what will happen tomorrow.
But for now don't stay at the doorstep, I don't want to kiss in front of it.
We spent your entire salary in one night, but there's only curse words in my head.
Today you offered to become yours forever but so ambiguous
Yesterday was unnecessary, definitely.
I didn't want to see you anymore.
I didn't want to see you in such a state.
But you decided you can do anything.
You get me in french, I get you in english.
I leave in order not to hurt you, but I'll remain close.
I'll save all of our drunk texts
You know, they're the most honest.
You get me in pieces, I get you in silence.
Please call me, but only if it's very important.
If you don't sleep, and you see me everywhere.
Five days like this and all over again.
My neighbors get very angry when you're here.
It's either silent this time, either a fucking disaster.
You can do whatever you want with your body.
It doesn't matter if your soul is burnt.
A taxi back and forth
I know what will happen tomorrow.
But for now don't stay at the doorstep, I don't want to kiss in front of it.
We spent your entire salary in one night, and only curse words in my head
Today you offered to become yours forever but ambiguous
A taxi back and forth
I know what will happen tomorrow.
But for now don't stay at the doorstep, I don't want to kiss in front of it.
We spent your entire salary in one night, and only curse words in my head
Today you offered to become yours forever but ambiguous
But for now I am not ready to lose you.
And maybe never will be
Only from one thought, that I'm not yours.
I'm thrown to the side, over and over again.
To not come to you in your dreams - I'll be glad.
I don't want to be dreamt, I want to be close.
Those flowers you gave me have not wilted yet.
If our romance is a game, we lost.
Jouer pour la science avec EVE Online - Duration: 6:03.
LANA de ACERO en CASA ABANDONADA | FotoVlog #2 - Duration: 13:16.
Why is my Broadband speed so slow? - Duration: 2:51.
so what have i been doing this week well
this week I've been messing about with a
green screen and having a lot of fun
This is the Matrix.
Farting about with that
Got a new toy. Mini-tripod
okay it's amazing the amount of gadgets and
gizmos and doodads that you get when
you're doing this kind of thing it's
helpful if it makes the thing easier to
work with then great and what I
want to do is produce videos so this is
the easiest way to do that is with the
right equipment
I've also still got that I don't know
what is laryngitis or something or flu
but feeling like a death warmed up but
I'm soldiering on carrying on because
that's what you do you don't quit you
just keep going okay this week I have
been trying to get my broadband sorted
out because I wanted to do some live
broadcast but. "This is just a video test"
we're living in the Stone Age
here in East Anglia
So now in this lovely digital economy I've got another
job description to add to my ever growing
list of skills that I've had to acquire
to live in this society. I've become a BT engineer
for free
so they fire everybody and they get
you to do the work! And you're paying them
there's something seriously wrong here?
This stuff. I literally had a faster
broadband connection when I was in
London in the 90's. This thing is like
in terms of upload speed.
It's the upspeed that's important and the upload
speed here is 90 kilobytes a second
which is. That's a 90K modem! So this is
like 30 years out of date this this
technology. Something has gotta go so I've
had a word with BT and I said get
your finger out sort yourself out
deliver on the copper that you've got in
the ground. Copper will deliver forty
megabits bits per second they just
need to pump some more current down
the existing copper cables and we'll all
have fast broadband.
Third application of the hair dye
quite dark isn't it. I've only done it
three times it's pretty dark
you know people want to dye their hair great
The stuff works. It's very simple just shampoo it in
this week's shout out thanks for
following guys. Jack don't follow me with
your hundred fake accounts and Billy
thank you for all your help and support
you are going to go places guy. You're a
good guy
thank you. Remember what I said Jack
Haunt The Real Slender Game [Gamer Difficulty] Extras On/ Full Gameplay Walkthrough - Duration: 57:12.
Hold my hand
Look right in the eyes
There is nothing you should fear
There is nothing you should hide
Tell me that I'm right
We follow the sun
Please don't turn around
Leave the darkness far behind
Hold my hand
Wipe the tears from eyes
Follow my steps your exhausted legs
And I replace with mine
Yes. Once again, we managed to beat the whole game and make Slenderman suck our d**k :D
And this time, we completed it without dying. We are getting better and better in this game :).
If you want me to run through the whole game again, playing it on Paranormal difficulty=The highest difficulty, share in the comments below.
Thank you all for your amazing support.
I hope you didn't quit watching the video, because it is too long :D.
I'm gonna end this video.
I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did, leave it a like and put a comment in the section below.
if you want to watch more videos made by myself, don't forget to subscribe to my channel :).
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