*Jem Trying To Get The Audio Working*
Jem: fRICK
Jem: mktherewego
Music: TALK DIRTY TO ME! *Instrumental*
Ocean: 'Bee Have You Seen Heti?--'
Ocean: '. . .'
Ocean: 'I'll Leave.'
Bee: 'Crap.'
For more infomation >> Bee Have You Seen Heti-- | Animatic - Duration: 0:20.-------------------------------------------
DMX Cancels Ruff Ryders Tour Dates Due to Medical Emergency. The Concern Was Real | JTNEWS - Duration: 2:02.
this Georgetown with JC News well
everybody was worried about DMX when he
performed at the Barclays Center uh just
like a week ago you know they said he
was being erratic and he wasn't really
making sense on stage
I mean DMX is a different kind of
performer okay I've always thought that
like I didn't think anything was like
super wrong but I guess there was
something wrong because they actually
cancelled a few tour dates coming up due
to a medical emergency you know they
were very concerned about his you know
the health of DMX basically and they
cancelled Santa Ana Los Angeles in San
Diego the Rough Riders reunion tour
there's no specific medical reason but
DMX does have a big history of medical
issues and has had substance abuse long
going substance abuse in the past
they're basically just concerned to him
and feel like he might relapse after the
behavior at the Roughriders reunion show
in Brooklyn and they said he was also
drinking a lot during the night and he
went on a lot of rants you know just a
lot of people are very concerned for his
well-being so and that's what matters
most that he's here for you know he has
a lot of kids and everything you know so
he'll be I don't know what's going to
happen you know what to see but you know
I'm just glad he's getting help because
you know we all want to see anything bad
happen to DMX Legend you know and I hope
he pulls through with our broken things
good but I thought he was just being
crazy DMX he's always been crazy
DMX the past 20 years here at I mean
like always a very passionate getting a
great performance but you know always
happens just you'd never know what to
get what you're going to get with DMX
anyways this George towel reporting as
much as possible make sure you come out
hit that subscribe button for me I
appreciate you guys and I'll check you
on the next video peace
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Nitrous Shader - Nitrousシェーダー - Duration: 1:34.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Pencil+ 4 Converter -Pencil+ 4 コンバーター - Duration: 0:17.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Light Intensity Control -ライト強度の制御 - Duration: 0:36.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Pencil+ 4 Spreadsheet - Duration: 2:37.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Edge Selection -選択エッジ - Duration: 0:52.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Multithreading support -マルチスレッド対応 - Duration: 1:03.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Merge Group -グループを結合 - Duration: 0:30.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / XRef support -外部参照に対応 - Duration: 1:41.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Material Transparent -マテリアルの透過 - Duration: 1:10.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Instance for Size Reduction Setting - サイズ減衰設定のインスタンス設定 - Duration: 0:34.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Self Intersection -自己交差 - Duration: 0:19.
PSOFT Pencil+ 4 for 3ds Max / Improve usability -ユーザビリティーの向上 - Duration: 0:39.
Mercedes-Benz S-Klasse 400 HYBRID PRESTIGE Automaat - Duration: 0:59.
BMW X1 2.0D SDRIVE HIGH EXECUTIVE 194PK - Duration: 1:01.
My Life in Canada: Improvised Excursion - Duration: 6:18.
Today it was the only day when I could rest
Get up late...
They are doing I don't know what to the house
So nobody can be in the house from 9 to 5
"What are you going to do?" I asked myself
and I had the great idea to come to a park that is 2 hours and 15 minutes from my house
This is sooo peaceful
Monday in the morning nobody is here
Rouge river,
lake Ontario
Lake Ontario,
Rouge river
Now I'm going to other section of the park,
that was the beach,
now I'm going to... I don't remember the name
I think all of this is the park
I came to a very calm...
to a very quiet... a hidden place
but seems like I'm not the first one
At least you could clean...
This is confusing, because it looks like
it was only for cars and not for people (pedestrians)
I think the way is private
It's closed, oh no, this was the entrance but it's private
I don't understand
I don't understand, this is so confusing!
I don't know guys, this is... so confusing
I don't know how many kilometers I walked
and I'm going to be lost all day if I keep trying
I think I'm going to do all the way back
I don't understand a f*cking thing
So, still don't get it, the park thing
See you soon, take care of yourselves, and subscribe if you haven't subscribed yet
for more Canada videos
Oh, Canada!
DMX Cancels Ruff Ryders Tour Dates Due to Medical Emergency. The Concern Was Real | JTNEWS - Duration: 2:02.
this Georgetown with JC News well
everybody was worried about DMX when he
performed at the Barclays Center uh just
like a week ago you know they said he
was being erratic and he wasn't really
making sense on stage
I mean DMX is a different kind of
performer okay I've always thought that
like I didn't think anything was like
super wrong but I guess there was
something wrong because they actually
cancelled a few tour dates coming up due
to a medical emergency you know they
were very concerned about his you know
the health of DMX basically and they
cancelled Santa Ana Los Angeles in San
Diego the Rough Riders reunion tour
there's no specific medical reason but
DMX does have a big history of medical
issues and has had substance abuse long
going substance abuse in the past
they're basically just concerned to him
and feel like he might relapse after the
behavior at the Roughriders reunion show
in Brooklyn and they said he was also
drinking a lot during the night and he
went on a lot of rants you know just a
lot of people are very concerned for his
well-being so and that's what matters
most that he's here for you know he has
a lot of kids and everything you know so
he'll be I don't know what's going to
happen you know what to see but you know
I'm just glad he's getting help because
you know we all want to see anything bad
happen to DMX Legend you know and I hope
he pulls through with our broken things
good but I thought he was just being
crazy DMX he's always been crazy
DMX the past 20 years here at I mean
like always a very passionate getting a
great performance but you know always
happens just you'd never know what to
get what you're going to get with DMX
anyways this George towel reporting as
much as possible make sure you come out
hit that subscribe button for me I
appreciate you guys and I'll check you
on the next video peace
House Russia investigators optimistic under Conaway's leadership - Duration: 15:15.
House Russia investigators optimistic under Conaway's leadership
Rep. Mike Conaway, the House's new top Russia investigator, is telling lawmakers on the
Intelligence Committee that they should expect to be in Washington more than usual as the
beleaguered probe gets a reboot, panel members said after a closed-door meeting Wednesday.
Committee Democrats welcomed Conaway's remarks, describing the Texas Republican as a "straight-shooter"
who was committed to a thorough, bipartisan investigation into Russia's interference
in the presidential election, including the possibility of collusion with the Trump campaign.
"Mike Conaway told us this morning, expect to be in D.C. a little more than you might've
anticipated," Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) told reporters, adding that Republicans and Democrats
had agreed to a witness list "in the neighborhood of three or four dozen."
He and other committee members declined to say who would be interviewed.
"It's going to be a time commitment," Himes added.
Read the entire
story in Source, link
in description.
First Trump lower court nominee coasts through Senate hearing - Duration: 15:15.
First Trump lower-court nominee coasts through Senate hearing
President Donald Trump's first and, so far, only nominee to federal district or appeals
courts sailed through his confirmation hearing Wednesday before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The session, which wrapped up in less than 90 minutes, lacked the tension of the same
panel's multi-day hearing on Trump's only other judicial nominee: Supreme Court pick
Neil Gorsuch, who was confirmed and sworn in earlier this month.
But Amul Thapar, currently a U.S. District Court judge in Covington, Ky., who Trump has
nominated to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, was put on the spot
over the president's recent berating of federal judges whose rulings he dislikes.
Trump in February lashed out at what he called a "so-called judge" who struck down his executive
order restricting travel for people from seven Muslim-majority countries.
On Wednesday, he claimed a ruling against an immigration action was a result of "judge
shopping," and he accused the wrong court of issuing the ruling.
Asked by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to address the denigration of federal judges,
Thapar evaded any direct comment on Trump's rhetoric, but he said it was unlikely to have
much impact because federal judges are thick-skinned and have lifelong tenure.
Read the entire story
in Source, link in description.
Cardin less concerned Trump will ease Russia sanctions - Duration: 15:15.
Cardin less concerned Trump will ease Russia sanctions
The top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee says he's no longer worried President
Donald Trump will notch a quick deal with Russia to undo sanctions it faces for aggression
in Ukraine.
Sen. Ben Cardin introduced a bill in February with Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey
Graham (R-S.C.) making it harder for Trump to unilaterally lift sanctions on Russia put
in place by the Obama administration.
At the time, Cardin said, he considered the matter urgent because of Trump's friendliness
toward Moscow and wanted the bill taken up immediately.
But Trump's more critical rhetoric in recent weeks has reassured the Maryland Democrat
that no quick agreement with Vladimir Putin is in the works.
"I thought it was urgent at the time because of the language the president was using in
regards to cutting a deal," Cardin told reporters Wednesday.
"I'm not as concerned today as I was three months ago.
The president's language today gives no indication that there's anything in the works.
I'd still like to see
it advance, but
as urgent."
the entire
in Source, link
in description.
| College Football Pump Up | 2017-18 | ''Counting Stars'' | HD | - Duration: 3:57.
Sorry For the Audio At First
Japanese Snack Challenge: Umeboshi - Duration: 1:35.
Hi everybody!
Welcome to the first of the series where
we will be eating...
...weird? I guess weird stuff from Japan.
I've prepared coca-cola just in case!
This made from plums.
Well, of course, since it's called "pickled plums".
I can only recall one time when I ate it.
It's often found in Japan's riceballs, right?
The scent is quite... strong.
I have eaten something similar before.
I'm scared.
It's kinda juicy.
It can grow on you.
I may just grow to like this.
Must be my age.
I think it has an interesting taste.
Can I go already?
Japan's standard onigiri is umeboshi flavour.
I think it's a bad decision.
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