Sat Nam Ji!
And we welcome you to meditate with us
A so-called "celestial communication"
Which means: heavenly or devine communication
This brings you in harmony
By chanting a mantra
And a simultaneous movement of your
Upper body, your arms and hands
In this celestial communication
We are using the protection mantra of kundalini yoga:
I bow to the timeless and infinite wisdom
This mantra covers the room
With a protective and holy athmosphere
You can use this mantra always
if you need a special protection
For projects, your children or partner, the family, etc.
Shiva and I always chant this mantra
before a long travel by car, or before entering a plane
The movements of the meditation...
First step: Bring your palms together
In front of your heart chakra
Ad Gure Nameh: Lift your arms up stretched
But keep a 60 degrees angle
Not straight above you
Jugad Gure Nameh: Open to a 60 degrees angle
Sat Gure Name: close your arms and hands again
Siri Guru Deve Nameh: lower arms,
Close palms, get back to starting position
These are the 4 movements
And the effect of the meditation:
You work in your electromagnetic field, the aura
You connect with the universe
At the same time you open up the heart chakra
You will get an improved perception of love:
Of your own love and the love of others
Good! Go to the starting position
Bring your palms together, close your eyes
Keep the focus inside, inhale deeply
And exhale
For more infomation >> Ad Gure Nameh Meditation (English Subtitles) - Duration: 15:47.-------------------------------------------
Jesus Lives. You Win. - Duration: 3:22.
So, how do you know that you're right with God
and that God accepted the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross?
How do you know for sure?
Well, Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday,
and three days later he rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.
Now, that wasn't just earth-shattering for him,
that was world-changing for you and me.
The apostle Paul tells us he, Jesus,
was delivered over to death for our sins
and was raised to life for our justification.
That word "justification" means that God declared us not guilty because of Jesus.
A good way to remember that word, justified, is "just as if I'd not sinned."
Jesus was put to death because of our sins,
but he was also raised to life
because God had accepted his sacrifice.
He declared us not guilty.
The apostle Paul, in his great resurrection chapter, 1 Corinthians:15, says this. He says,
So, I drew a picture for you.
What is this?
This is the death bee.
It's not a loaf of bread.
It's a bee. It's the death bee.
And what does the apostle Paul say is the stinger of the death bee?
It's sin.
Well, since Jesus came into this world,
and by his life and death and resurrection,
took sin away.
Can this bee hurt you anymore?
I suppose it can annoy you a little bit,
that might be stretching the picture,
but it cannot hurt you anymore.
So, what does that mean for you and me?
It means that every single promise that Jesus has made to you is true.
Jesus says, "Because I live,
you also will live."
That's a promise that you can trust.
Let's just say that I told you that I'm going to die today.
But don't worry, I'll be back again to do
another 'Your Time of Grace' video on Monday.
What would you think?
It's okay, be honest.
You'd think, "You're crazy," right?
Now, what if I actually did it?
Would you believe me if I made other promises?
Absolutely, because that would mean that I'm God.
Now, I'm not God, but Jesus is because he actually did it.
That means when Jesus says that your sins are forgiven
and beautiful heaven awaits,
he means it.
Jesus lives.
That means you win.
And that changes everything.
When I'm having a bad day,
I'll call up a friend and he will, very patiently,
listen to me list off all the bad things that were happening.
And then, when I'm finished, he'll simply say,
"It's okay, Dave.
Jesus still lives."
I guess he's right.
It changes absolutely everything.
His promises are true.
Beautiful heaven awaits.
May God comfort you with that thought this weekend
as you continue to live for him.
We are so excited about the countless lives
that are being touched through these videos.
It's from support by people like you
that allow us to keep making these videos.
Would you consider becoming a Grace Partner today?
In fact, if you become a grace partner this month,
we will send you a signed copy of Pastor Mark Jeske's new book,
'More Straight Talk."
Thanks for all your support and have a great weekend.
Love Is a Smoke - Duration: 44:43.
1日中パンプアップが持続!実践と研究結果に裏付けられた本物のNO(一酸化窒素)製品「プラズマ・ジェット」 GASPARI NUTRITIONオフィシャル動画 - Duration: 3:42.
Bunkai Empi - Karate - Duration: 1:58.
Hello and welcome into this new karate video.
Today, practical kata bunkai of the opening of EMPI.
So we will do this sequence. You know the kata.
He will grab my left wrist.
Get out of the axis and strike.
I am ging out of axis, why?
Because after the grab there going to be a punch.
We talk about it last time.
From here, I will go around his arm and make and elbow lock.
I move aside his arm and stike Kagi Zuki.
Grab. Get out. Strike.
I keep his arm close to me.
If not, he will be able to strike me again.
So I keep it close to me.
Go around.
Make him go down. Push and strike.
The sequence must be fluid.
Please, don't this kind of stop in your defense.
You need to be fluid! Like water my friend :-)
Like water.
So he doesn't have time.
Don't waste time.
If you loose time,
and you stop,
he won't stop to push you.
So strike and follow up the sequence.
From here you can finish him.
Thanks for watching!
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you don't wan't to miss any upcoming video.
See you soon and don't forget to train!
Kidney failure treatment in Ayurveda | Alternative treatment | Real testimonial - Duration: 4:31.
Greetings, sir!
Sir, I heartily welcome you both to Planet Ayurveda Center.
Firstly, I would like to know your names.
My name is Shakti Swaroop Bharti and I'm Narayan Singh Negi.
Sir, where have you come from?
We've come from Tehsil Narni, District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.
Sir, who is getting treated at Planet Ayurveda Center?
My wife! Mrs. Snehlata.
What were the problems she had which made you contact Dr. Vikram Chauhan?
She had Kidneys disorder.
Where did you take her to get this kidney disorder cured?
In the beginning we took her to IGMC Shimla then she was referred to Delhi, Ram Memorial hospital.
There she underwent dialysis ten times.
Then we got to know about Planet Ayurveda from someone from our village who were taking treatment from here.
We directly came to Planet Ayurveda and took treatment for 1 month and it has benefitted us a lot.
Earlier the creatinine level was 10.4 and within 1 month it has come down to 3.7.
Sir, can you show us the old reports?
Here are our old reports.
These are the reports before starting treatment from Planet Ayurveda.
This is from February 24th, 2017.
Here the Blood Urea is 132, Serum Creatinine is 10.4 and Uric Acid is 8.8.
All three levels are increased.
Show us the reports after treatment.
Here the blood urea has dropped down to 114, Serum creatinine is 3.9 and Uric acid is 7.0.
This is a very good progress.
Sir, what type of medicines did Dr. Vikram prescribe for your wife?
Here's the prescription.
Thank you, sir! Please tell us did Dr. Vikram Chauhan ask your wife to make certain dietary changes?
Yes, he asked her not to take sweet and sour, high protein foods.
She's not undergoing dialysis now?
No, sir. She's perfectly fine now.
Ok! Sir, there are a lot of patients watching this video. What message would you like to give them?
We just want to say that treatment very well.
We didn't have high expectations because doctors from Delhi and Shimla said that she would have to undergo dialysis twice a week.
Today, it's been a month and a half and she hasn't undergone any dialysis.
Thank you sir. You both came to Planet Ayurveda and gave such valuable information to our patients.
Bracelet made from beads twins. Warm and cozy, like a favorite sweater. - Duration: 10:25.
How to make fast bitter orange marmalade - Duration: 6:44.
Hello everyone
today I am going to make a delicious bitter orange marmalade
first of all, make sure to wash the oranges
put them in a pot with water
and boil for about 10 minutes
After 10 minutes the oranges are fork-tender
put them in a dish
cut into quarters and scoop out the pulp
(use a spoon to separate the pulp from the seeds)
this part cannot be used
put the seeds aside
and cut the peel into fine slices
do the same with all the oranges and put pulp and peel in a salad bowl
I have obtained about 1 kg / 35 oz of bitter orange peel/pulp
wrap the seeds in a piece of cloth
tie it up
we are going to cook this as well
the only part you will not be able to use is this whitish part
for 1kg/35oz of bitter oranges add the same amount of sugar
Heat the sugar for a few minutes adding two cups of water
When the syrup starts to thicken (usually after a few minutes)
add seeds, pulp and zest
cook over high heat making sure to monitor the cooking process
this process will not take more than a few minutes
Our marmalade is ready
you should be able to cook it in less than 15 minutes
you can check the thickness like this to make sure it's properly cooked
Best served cold of course
orange seeds are a good source of pectin
which is a natural thickening agent
also, boiling the oranges as a first step is necessary to decrease their bitterness
reason why this marmalade doesn't require as much sugar as traditional recipes
I hope you enjoyed my recipe, until next time!
Volvo V50 1.6D EDITION I TOPSTAAT TREKHAAK. WEINIG KM. - Duration: 0:57.
내 마음보다 더 검은 '검은색' 반타블랙 |빨간토마토 - Duration: 4:31.
Arni's Art class - Duration: 2:23.
welcome to my Art Class
Bunkai Empi - Karate - Duration: 1:58.
Hello and welcome into this new karate video.
Today, practical kata bunkai of the opening of EMPI.
So we will do this sequence. You know the kata.
He will grab my left wrist.
Get out of the axis and strike.
I am ging out of axis, why?
Because after the grab there going to be a punch.
We talk about it last time.
From here, I will go around his arm and make and elbow lock.
I move aside his arm and stike Kagi Zuki.
Grab. Get out. Strike.
I keep his arm close to me.
If not, he will be able to strike me again.
So I keep it close to me.
Go around.
Make him go down. Push and strike.
The sequence must be fluid.
Please, don't this kind of stop in your defense.
You need to be fluid! Like water my friend :-)
Like water.
So he doesn't have time.
Don't waste time.
If you loose time,
and you stop,
he won't stop to push you.
So strike and follow up the sequence.
From here you can finish him.
Thanks for watching!
Don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you don't wan't to miss any upcoming video.
See you soon and don't forget to train!
How to upgrade to ios 10.3 beta without a DEVELOPER ACCOUNT - Duration: 3:18.
*How to upgrade to ios 10.3 beta without a DEVELOPER ACCOUNT*
Relever les défis des Hauts-de-Seine - #3 Entrepreneurs sociaux et environnementaux avec SUEZ - Duration: 2:14.
Sylvain Radix, Association Electrolab
Electrolab is a 'hacker space' where we share best practices and know-hows
Multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural,
We practice mechanics, electronics, chemistry, biology...
Grégoire Simmonet, Association Les Fabriqueurs
We are a not for profit organisation gathering 60 makers and digital DIYers
We have a Fablab in the South of Paris, in Malakoff.
Constance Covillard, SUEZ Business division in Hauts-de-Seine
Our major challenge today is resource protection,
Being in the Hauts-de-Seine department, the river Seine is essential!
We also want to ensure our system's resilience in the face of climate change,
We work towards green energy transition,
And participate in the development of the Social Economy.
It was very interesting! We exchanged ideas with different actors
and gathered Makers committees to discuss the specific needs
of companies like SUEZ.
It has been a fruitful morning, we will try to develop
projects that we hope will actually materialize.
We identified concrete projects,
Now it is time to roll them out. It's a great initiative.
Kids Nursery Rhymes Songs Collection | Preschool Rhymes | 3D Baby Songs by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:10:56.
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
Shoo Fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
I feel, I feel, I feel like a morning star!
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