China has launched its second aircraft carrier... but the first it has ever built from scratch
with homegrown components.
It marks the latest milestone in China's superpower ambitions to build Asia's largest naval fleet.
Ro Aram has the specs.
The Type 001A carrier is said to have six times more military strength than China's
existing Liaoning vessel, which was purchased from Ukraine and put into commission in the
Chinese Navy in 2012.
Development of the Type 001A carrier began in 2013 and construction two years later.
It weighs about 50-thousand tons, which is 10-thousand less than its predecessor, but
it's slightly longer with a wider command platform.
It is powered by conventional steam turbines, which makes it slower than U.S. nuclear-powered
carriers, but quicker than the Liaoning.
The vessel also houses a ski jump-style deck for take offs, which experts say is cheaper
to run than the catapults used by the U.S., but limits the diversity of aircraft on board
to smaller fighter jets.
The new carrier aims to carry 36 Shenyang J-15 multi-role fighter jets, which is 12
more than what the Liaoning can carry.
After sea trials and the arrival of its full air complement, the yet-to-be-named carrier
is expected to be operational by 2020.
Although it still has some way to go to catch up with American carriers, the new ship is
part of Beijing's bigger plan to build a navy that is unrivaled in Asia... and another carrier
-- the Type 002 -- is reportedly under construction in Shanghai.
However, these ambitions are rattling neighboring countries, as they see hidden motives behind
China's naval expansion, which adds to already high tensions in the region, including the
territorial dispute over islands in the South China Sea.
For its part, Beijing insists that its military maintains a purely defensive posture.
Ro Aram, Arirang News.
For more infomation >> New Chinese aircraft carrier 'six times more powerful' than existing Liaoning - Duration: 2:03.-------------------------------------------
Princess Dolls and Bratz Shoes - Thrift Shop Haul - Duration: 10:20.
[Music: Rosie's Tea Party theme song]
Thrift Shop Haul Princess Dolls and Bratz Shoes
Wo-hoo! I'm so excited to show you the dolls I got from the thrift shop!
So much stuff!
I got dolls, doll stands
Let me clear this off because I have to open the doll stands first
These doll stands 2 for 2 ninety nine
I paid two ten for each bag
These doll stands are for larger porcelain dolls
but they still work for my purposes
I use them to hold the dolls while I work on them
and they're so handy!
See that? That's the dried glue from the stickers
Goo Gone is excellent for removing that
First doll, three ninety nine
I paid two eighty
Still that's a bit high for one doll
but I really wanted this Rapunzel!
Check it out!
She's wearing her wedding dress!
It's in great condition!
She has her crown
Look at this perfect braid
I'll give her the royal hair treatment and she'll look awesome!
I love her sweet face
The crown. Lovely!
She actually has short brown hair when she got married
One of our Rapunzel dolls just got her hair cut and dyed brown
If you want to see that video, click on the icard
or on the link in the video description below
See how handy these doll stands are?
Next doll, three ninety nine. I paid two eighty
I really wanted this doll too
It's Jasmine!
Ooo. Look at that bald spot!
Awesome dress!
Does she have pants underneath?
There's suppose to be pants that match this top here
and she's not suppose to have this top on with this dress
This is a headband with a jewel
I this the jewel is suppose to cover that bald spot
She's so pretty
After a visit to my hair salon, her hair will be gorgeous
Next bag, also 3 ninety nine. I paid 2 eighty
But there's 2 dolls in here
I had to have this Belle doll
Someone put Barbie clothes on her and she looks like a modern day Belle!
Check out her cut ankle boots
Look at this beautiful face
There's sticky goo in her hair but that's not a problem
After the Goo Gone treatment, her hair will be gorgeous!
Check out the cute outfit
She's so beautiful!
I'm so happy I found her
because I have another Belle with the same face
but with a yellow bodice moulded onto her body
You can see that doll in the yellow dress video
This doll here is Snow White
I scored!
Two princesses in one bag!
She's in pretty good condition
Her hair is a bit sticky
Check out her dress!
I don't even know if this is her dress!
It's a little too big for her, I think
If you know whose dress it is, let me know
Her hair will be a challenge
It's hard to curl short hair
But it's in great condition!
She has a really cute face
I'm happy I got her. Wow eh?
Two princesses in one bag
That's pretty awesome!
Next, two dolls for two ninety nine
I paid two ten
I really wanted this one doll
This one here
She has a nice face and nice hair
But it's the body that is awesome!
She has elbow joints and wrist joints
There's a ring hole in this hand
And knee joints
Here's a close up look at her face and hair
And the ring hole in her hand
I haven't decided what I'm going to do with her yet
I don't know the name of this Barbie. It's not Grace
If you know her name, let me know
She's in great condition
Her hair is awesome!
There's a lightening bolt on her eye brow
I don't know if she was made like that
Part of this eye brow is missing
But I can fill it in with a marker
I love her happy expression
Last is this bag of Bratz shoes and accessories!
For three ninety nine and I paid two eighty
So many shoes in here!
I'm always on the lookout for Bratz shoes
because a lot of thrift shop Bratz have no feet
and what's a Bratz doll without feet?
Oh my goodness!
Check out these boots and sunglasses
Look! Boy Bratz shoes! Awesome!
A board game! Cool!
Another boot
Strappy shoe
Another boot
Pink handbag
Cute pink shoes
This is the match here
A boot
This is the match here
What's this? A purse? I don't know
Khaki pants for the boy Bratz
Dress and top
A pillow
A boot
Another boot
I love boots!
This is the match here
A clutch purse
Super cool sunglasses
Here's a star shaped hair brush
The other pink shoe
This handbag. I think it's a groovy girls bag
The match to this shoe
Scrabble game. I love Scrabble
Jean skirt
I think this is for American Girl doll
Another hair brush
A mug with coffee in it
A dog
Another shoe
I think this is a coffee pot
This is the only shoe without a match
Look at all the shoes and accessories
for just two dollars and eighty cents!
I did really well on this shopping trip
This was a good haul
Which do you think was the best find?
Snow White?
Or the Bratz shoes?
Post your answer in the comment section
Or click on the icard and take our poll
Mine is Belle
Even though I have a lot of Belle dolls
In my opinion, this one has the most beautiful face
Here are some of the Belle dolls that I fixed
Their hair has been repaired
and they're wearing the new dresses I made for them
Don't they look fabulous?
Let's take a picture!
Wait for me! I had to get my new dress on!
Everyone smile!
[Camera click]
Hi! Can I be in the picture too?
Of course!
You can stand right there!
Whoa! It's like I'm looking in the mirror!
We could be twins!
Wow! This is great!
I didn't know there were so many of us!
I'm not blocking anyone am I?
Okay. I'm ready!
Look at the camera! Smile!
[Camera click]
Got it!
You all look so beautiful!
Thank you
You'll love being in this club
You'll get a new dress made just for you!
I do?!
Oh my goodness!
What dress would you like?
Um ... I ... I like what you're wearing
Oh that's great!
because we need someone to wear the blue village dress from the live action movie!
Oh! I'm so excited!
It's being made right now as we speak!
Oh my goodness! I better get my hair done! I'll be right back!
She hasn't had her hair done yet?
And she looks THAT good?!
She looks like you!
My hair had to be dunked in hot water to get it to look this good
She hasn't had a thing done!
Yeah! Imagine coming out of the thrift shop looking like her
Hey! Can I be in this picture too?!
Oh I'm so excited! I'll stand right here
Okay! Cheese!
Uh Rapunzel? This is the Belle club
The what?
The Belle Club
We're all Belles here
What? Huh?
Yeah. We're all Belles here
Oh yeah
I see
Everyone here is Belle
Well how 'bout that? Hmmm
So I can't be in this picture?
This is the Belle club
You need to find the Rapunzel club
Right! The Rapunzel club!
Yeah yeah. Okay okay. Thanks! Bye!
[Camera click]
Thanks for watching and see you again soon!
If you like this video, click like
Check out these videos!
Belle's Blue Village Dress Thrift shop finds
Bratz thrift shop treasures
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Thank you!
Full Circle Syndicate Investor Community - Full Circle Rockstars - Duration: 2:44.
Just going to pick up the clients from Brissy airport
Next stop we are going on the bus, going to get some coffee
Mick and Dianne from Cambell West in Melbourne
We are up in Queensland
We are going to see some beautiful properties and have a lovely time
A very special group of people, people that trusted Michael and Garry with big plans
so everybody was confident that it would to work out
I'm having a skinny cappuccino please
I'm having a hot chocolate
Soy latte with one sugar
then we're down to Killeen street and Sidney Street
to an inspection, take some great photos
I love the positivity, very energetic company
and just creating opportunities like this for
for someone like myself and Adele who don't heard a lot
but creating opportunities that we are able to invest
We've been with the boys for probably ten years I suppose
So we've got on really well with them, they're easy to talk to,
get along with, very helpful and go out of the way to help you
We haven't been with a lot of other financial advisers but
but the thing that we really love about Garry and Michael
and the crew is that they want to involve us all the time
and they certainly help us get ourselves organised with a self managed super fund and developed our future.
M. Brown and K. Cole: Abdomen Series - Duration: 5:23.
PA Chest Cassette 14 x 17 (crosswise) KVP 110 mAs 5 Grid Yes SID 72 inches
AP Erect Abdomen Cassette 14 x 17 (lengthwise) KVP 80 mAs 20 Grid Yes SID 72 inches
KUB (supine) Cassette 14 x 17 (lengthwise) KVP 80 mAs 20 SID 40 inches
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