The Evidence
for Reincarnation- Scientifically Documented True Stories That Prove Past Lives Are Real
By Ervin Lazlo and Anthony Peake
A case reported by Stevenson involved a Burmese girl called Ma Tin Aung Myo.
She claimed to be the reincarnation of a Japanese soldier killed during the Second World War.
The case spans huge cultural differences between the person reporting the experiences and the
individual whose experiences she reports.
Reincarnation Experiences
There is evidence that at least some, and possibly all, people have previously existed
in another body and lived another existence.
When anomalous �memories� appear as personal recollections, those who experience them tend
to believe that they stem from their own previous life.
However, the memories that surface in consciousness are not likely to be past-life recollections.
Instead, they appear to be �experiences of the reincarnation-type.� The latter are
widespread as well.
Stories suggestive of reincarnation are not limited, whether geographically or culturally.
They occur in all corners of the planet and among people of all cultures.
There is of course more to reincarnation than memories.
For reincarnation to have actually taken place the consciousness of the foreign personality
must have entered the body of the experiencing subject.
In esoteric literature this is known as the transmigration of the spirit or soul.
It is said to occur in the womb, perhaps already at conception or shortly afterward, when the
rhythmic pulses begin that develop into the heart of the embryo.
The spirit or soul of an individual does not necessarily migrate to another individual.
Buddhist teachings, for example, tell us that the soul or spirit does not always reincarnate
on the earthly plane and in a human form.
It may not reincarnate at all, evolving to a spiritual domain from where it either does
not return or returns only to fulfill a task it was to accomplish in its preceding incarnation.
But what concerns us here is the possibility that reincarnation could truly occur.
Can the consciousness that was the consciousness of a living person reappear in the consciousness
of another?
In his book The Power Within, British psychiatrist Alexander Cannon wrote that the evidence on
this score is too strong to be dismissed:
For years the theory of reincarnation was a nightmare to me and I did my best to disprove
it and even argued with my trance subjects to the effect that they were talking nonsense.
Yet as the years went by one subject after another told me the same story in spite of
different and varied conscious beliefs.
Now well over a thousand cases have been so investigated and I have to admit that there
is such a thing as reincarnation.
Variations and Variables in Reincarnation-Type Experiences
Perhaps the main variable is the age of the person who has a reincarnation-type experience.
Those who do are mostly children between the ages of two and six.
After the age of eight the experiences tend to fade and, with few exceptions, vanish entirely
in adolescence.
The manner in which the reincarnated personality has died is yet another variable.
Those who suffered a violent death seem to be more frequently reincarnated than those
who died in a natural way.
Reincarnation stories tend to be clear and distinct in children, whereas in adults they
are mostly indistinct, appearing as vague hunches and impressions.
The more widespread among them are the d�j� vu: recognizing a site or a happening one
sees for the first time as familiar.
The sensation of d�j� connu, encountering a person for the first time with a sense of
having known him or her before, also occurs, but less frequently.
Whether reincarnation stories convey verifiable information, evidence and proof about places,
people, and events has been tested in reference to eyewitness testimonies and birth and residence
The experiences often turn out to be corroborated by witnesses as well as by documents.
Sometimes even minute details correspond to real events, persons, and sites.
Vivid reincarnation stories are accompanied by corresponding patterns of behavior.
Behaviors suggestive of the reincarnated personality appear even when that personality was of a
different generation and a different gender.
A young child could manifest the values and behaviors of an elderly person of the opposite
sex from the past life.
The pioneering research on recent reincarnation stories is the work of Ian Stevenson, a Canadian-American
psychiatrist who worked at the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
During more than four decades, Stevenson investigated the reincarnation-type experiences of thousands
of children, both in the West and in the East.
Some of the past life memories recounted by the children have been verified as the experience
of a person who had lived previously, and whose death matched the impressions reported
by the child.
Sometimes the child carried a birthmark associated with the death of the person with whom he
or she identified, such as an indentation or discoloration on the part of the body where
a fatal bullet entered, or a malformation on a hand or the foot the deceased had lost.
In a path-breaking essay published in 1958, �The Evidence for Survival from Claimed
Memories of Former Incarnations,� Stevenson analyzed the evidence from reincarnation stories
of children and presented narratives on seven of the cases.
These past life cases turned out to be verifiable, with the incidents recounted by the children
recorded in often obscure local journals and articles.
The Proof of Reincarnation: Stories of First Hand Experience
In 1942 Burma was under Japanese occupation.
The Allies regularly bombed the Japanese supply lines, particularly the railways.
The village of Na-Thul was no exception, being close to the important railway station at
Regular attacks made life very hard for the villagers, who were trying their best to survive.
Indeed, survival meant getting along with the Japanese occupiers.
For villager Daw Aye Tin (who was later to be the mother of Ma Tin Aung Myo) this meant
discussing the relative merits of Burmese and Japanese food with the stocky, regularly
bare-chested Japanese army cook who was stationed in the village.The war ended, and life returned
to a semblance of normality.
In early 1953 Daw found herself pregnant with her fourth child.
The pregnancy was normal, with the odd exception of a reoccurring dream in which the Japanese
cook, with whom she had long lost contact, would follow her and announce that he was
coming to stay with her family.
On December 26, 1953, Daw gave birth to a daughter and called her Ma Tin Aung Myo.
The baby was perfect with one small exception: a thumb-sized birthmark on her groin.
As the child grew up it was noted that she had a great fear of aircraft.
Every time one flew overhead she would become agitated and cry.
Her father, U Aye Maung, was intrigued by this, as the war had been over many years
and aircraft were now simply machines of transport rather than weapons of war.
It was therefore strange that Ma was afraid that the aircraft would shoot at her.
The child became more and more morose, stating that she wanted to �go home.� Later �home�
became more specific; she wanted to return to Japan.
When asked why this was the case, she stated that she had memories of being a Japanese
soldier based in Na-Thul.
She knew that she had been killed by machine-gun fire from an aircraft, and this is why she
feared airplanes so much.
As Ma Tin Aung Myo grew older she accessed more past life memories of the life of her
previous personality.
She was later to tell Ian Stevenson that she remembered that the previous personality came
from Northern Japan and that he had five children, the eldest being a boy, and that he had been
an army cook.
From then on the past life memories became more precise.
She remembered that she (as the Japanese soldier) was near a pile of firewood next to an acacia
She described wearing short pants and no shirt.
An Allied aircraft spotted him and strafed the area around him.
He ran for cover: as he did so, he was hit by a bullet in the groin, which killed him
She described the plane as having two tails.
This was later identified as substantial reincarnation evidence, being a Lockheed P-38 Lightning,
an aircraft used by the Allies in the Burma campaign.
In her teens Ma Tin Aung Myo showed distinct masculine traits.
She cropped her hair short and refused to wear female clothing.
Between 1972 and 1975 Ma Tin Aung Myo was interviewed three times about her reincarnation
memories by Ian Stevenson.
She explained that she wanted to be married to a woman and had a steady girlfriend.
She said that she did not like the hot climate of Burma nor its spicy food.
She much preferred highly sweetened curry dishes.
When she was younger she loved to eat semi-raw fish, only losing this preference when a fish
bone stuck in her throat.Reincarnation Story 2: Paddy Fields Tragedy
Stevenson described how a Sri Lankan girl remembered a past life in which she had drowned
in a flooded paddy field.
She described that a bus had driven past and splashed her with water just before she died.
Subsequent research searching for the proof of this reincarnation found that a girl in
a nearby village had drowned after she had stepped back to avoid a passing bus while
walking on a narrow road above flooded paddy fields.
She fell backward into deep water and died.
The girl who manifested this experience had, from a very early age, shown an irrational
fear of buses; she would also get hysterical if taken near deep water.
She had a fondness for bread and had a liking for sweet food.
This was unusual, in that her family did not like either.
However, the previous personality was noted for both of these preferences.
Reincarnation Story 3: The Case of Swarnlata Mishra
Another typical Stevenson case was that of Swarnlata Mishra, born in a small village
in Madhya Pradesh in 1948.
When she was three years old she began having spontaneous past-life memories of being a
girl called Biya Pathak, who lived in a village more than a hundred miles away.
She described that the house Biya lived in had four rooms and was painted white.
She began to sing songs that she claimed she used to know, together with complex dance
routines that were unknown to her present family and friends.
Six years later she recognized some people who had been her friends in the past life.
This stimulated her father to start writing down what she said and searching for proof
of her reincarnation.
Her case generated interest outside of the village.
One investigator who visited the city discovered that a woman who matched the description given
by Swarnlata had died nine years previously.
Investigations subsequently confirmed that a young girl called Biya had lived in just
such a house in that town.
Swarnlata�s father decided to take his daughter to the town and to have her introduced to
members of Biya�s family.
As a test to see if she indeed was a reincarnated personality, the family introduced people
who were not related to the child.
Swarnlata immediately identified these individuals as being imposters.
Indeed some details of her past life memories were so precise that all were amazed.
Reincarnation Story 4: Patrick Christenson and His Brother
One case offering substantial reincarnation proof was that of Patrick Christenson, who
was born by cesarean section in Michigan in March 1991.
His elder brother, Kevin, had died of cancer twelve years earlier at the age of two.
Early evidence of Kevin�s cancer was presented six months prior to his death when he began
to walk and had a noticeable limp.
One day he fell and broke his leg.
Tests were done, and after a biopsy on a small nodule in his scalp, just above his right
ear, it was discovered that little Kevin had metastatic cancer.
Soon tumors were found growing in other locations in his body.
One such growth caused his eye to protrude and eventually resulted in blindness in that
Kevin was given chemotherapy, which resulted in scars on the right-hand side of his neck.
He eventually died of his illness, three weeks after his second birthday.
At birth Patrick had a slanting birthmark with the appearance of a small cut on the
right side of his neck, exactly the same location as Kevin�s chemotherapy scar, showing startling
evidence of reincarnation.
He also had a nodule on his scalp just above his right ear and a clouding of his left eye,
which was diagnosed as a corneal leukoma.
When he began to walk it was with a distinct limp, again, offering further proof of reincarnation.
When he was almost four and a half he said to his mother that he wanted to go back to
his old orange and brown house.
This was the exact coloring of the house in which the family had lived in 1979 when Kevin
was alive.
He then asked if she remembered him having surgery.
She replied that she could not because this had never happened to him.
Patrick then pointed to a place just above his right ear.
He added that he didn�t remember the actual operation because he was asleep, which was
consistent with details of Kevin�s past life.
Reincarnation Story 5: Ancestral Memories of Sam Taylor
Another case offering substantial proof of reincarnation involved an eighteen-month-old
boy called Sam Taylor.
As his diaper was being changed he looked up at his father and said, �When I was your
age I used to change your diapers.� Later Sam disclosed details about his grandfather�s
life that were completely accurate.
He said that his grandfather�s sister had been murdered and that his grandmother had
made milkshakes for his grandfather using a food processor.
Sam�s parents were adamant that none of these subjects had been discussed in his presence.
When he was four years old, Sam was shown a group of old family pictures spread out
on a table.
Sam happily identified his grandfather every time with the announcement, �That�s me!�
In an attempt to test him, his mother selected an old school class photograph showing the
grandfather as a young boy.
There were sixteen other boys in the photograph.
Sam immediately pointed to one of them, once again announcing that that was him.
He was right.
What the Evidence Tells Us
Reincarnation-type experiences can be vivid and convincing to the extent that they appear
to be testimony and evidence that a previously living personality has been incarnated in
the subject.
This belief is strengthened by the observation that birthmarks on the body of the subject
correspond to the bodily features of the person whom he or she seems to incarnate.
This is most strikingly the case when the past life personality suffered bodily injury.
The corresponding marks or deformations sometimes reappear in the subject, seeming to offer
proof that reincarnation is indeed occurring.
Many observers of this phenomenon, including Stevenson himself, held that matching birthmarks
are significant evidence for reincarnation.
However, the coincidence of birthmarks and other bodily features in a child with the
fate of a previously existing person is not necessarily assurance that that person is
reincarnated in the child.
It could also be that the brain and body of the child with the given birthmarks and bodily
features are especially adapted to recall the experience of a personality with analogous
birthmarks and deformities.
For more infomation >> The Evidence for Reincarnation Scientifically Documented True S - Duration: 18:30.-------------------------------------------
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We eat here.
We sleep here.
We grow our own food. We build our own shelter.
Whatever we need, the Box provides. The rest is up to us.
The Box?
Yeah. It's sent up once a month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie.
This month that's you.
Sent up? By who, though? Who put us here?
That, we don't know.
Hey, are you all right, Alby?
Green Bean, meet Newt.
When I'm not around, he's in charge.
It's a good thing you're always around then.
That was some dash you made earlier.
For a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner...
till you face-planted.
That was great.
Wait, a "runner"?
Newt, do me a favor. Go find Chuck.
- All right. - Thanks.
Look, I'm sorry to rush this.
You came up a little late, and there's a lot to do.
We got something special planned tonight.
Yeah. You'll see.
I hope you're not afraid of heights.
Let's go. Come on.
This is all we got.
We've worked hard for it.
If you respect this place...
you and I will get along just fine.
What's out there?
We only have three rules.
First, do your part.
No time for any freeloaders.
Second, never harm another Glader.
None of this works unless we have trust.
Most importantly...
never go beyond those walls.
Do you understand me, Greenie?
Hey, Alby!
Hey, Chuck. Where you been, man?
It's basically the same story for all of us.
We wake up in the Box, Alby gives us the tour...
then here we are.
Don't worry.
You're already doing better than I did.
I clunked my pants three times before they got me out of the pit.
No, come on.
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Hey guys, welcome back.
Today I am sharing my April favorites with you.
It's kind of a weird month, so bear with me.
So the first thing I want to share is the Natasha Denona face glow foundation in 10
neutral porcelain.
I love how this feels on my skin.
I do have to add white to it, because otherwise it's a little dark for my face.
Actually, it matches my face perfectly, but the problem with that is that then my face
looks darker than my neck and my chest, so it looks like it blends in and looks perfect
in studio light, but outside, not so much.
Despite that, I can add white and fix it, but what I really like is that right now,
my skin has been really dry, I mean I always have dry skin, but it's been extra dry.
I think it's from stress, so being able to put on something that's moisturizing and doesn't
irritate my skin is really nice, and this is that.
Next up would be the Body Shop Oils of Life eye cream.
I'm usually on the fence with eye cream.
People say that you don't need it, some people say you don't need eye cream, other people
say you absolutely need eye cream.
I've had a lot of dryness on my skin and dryness under my eyes, so I started using the Oils
of Life eye cream twice a day and I really noticed a difference.
I feel like it does something to sort of like help the little fine lines just go away.
I'm assuming that it just temporarily plumps them up or something, but whatever's in this,
it works really well with my skin, and so I really like it.
The only thing I don't like about it is this jar packaging, because basically I have to
use little mini-spatulas so I don't get the stuff under my nails.
That drives me crazy.
I would prefer this to be in some sort of squeeze tube or an airless pump, because I
hate jar packaging.
Jar packaging just pisses me off.
Lovely product, hate the packaging.
The next product on my list would be the OFRA x Kim Thai Wanderlush moisturizer.
I've been using this twice a day, so in the mornings I will use it before I put on my
SPF, so that my skin is nice and hydrated.
In the evenings I put it on before I put on my heavier night cream.
I've almost finished this jar, so I need to buy another one.
If you can see, it's got a little bit left.
The formula works really well for my dry skin.
I think it's because aloe vera is the second ingredient, and my skin really, really loves
aloe vera, so it seems to do really well for me.
Again, I really hate jar packaging, I wish this was in an airless pump because it's a
really awesome formula, but I hate the jar.
Next up would be Urban Decay's Chill Spray.
Usually I use All Nighter, but because I've been dealing with really dry skin, I switched
to Chill, and this works so well.
I don't know exactly what's in it that it just helps.
I feel like it plumps up my dry skin and it takes down any powderyness from using setting
It just works wonders, so I've been really thrilled with it.
I do love the new packaging that's kinda dark and purple and everything.
If you have dry skin and you need to have your face set, this stuff works pretty well.
It lasts, I would say, 10 to 12 hours for me.
I think it claims to last up to 16, but I don't think I've had it last 16, but I've
definitely gotten 12 hours, so I think it works well.
The next thing on my list is the 100% Pure Mermaid Palette.
I had to put this palette in here because it's an all duochrome palette.
When you look at the palette, you've got siren, coral, shell, seaglass and starfish.
That one's more like a purpley brown with a turquoise green shift.
This one's a green with a gold shift, and this is a gold with a greenish brown shift.
This is the coral blush, which is like a coral pink with a gold shift, and this is the luminizer.
It's kind of got a warm pink base with a gold shift.
I actually wear the luminizer as a blush on my skin tone.
This was the first 100% Pure palette I ever tried.
I was really impressed by the fact that they made an all duochrome palette.
I actually really like it.
All of the colors work really well together.
If you have pale skin like me, you're not gonna be able to use the luminizer as a luminizer,
it's gonna work as a blush or an eyeshadow.
The coral blush definitely works as a blush, if you like coral.
These shades blend together very easily.
Even the darkest shade here, I can still wear it on my crease, even though I typically only
wear mattes in my crease because the shimmer in this one is very, very subtle compared
to the other shades.
The formula's really nice.
For my first 100% Pure palette, I was really impressed.
I love it.
The next palette that I've played with a lot over the past month has been my Viseart Bright
Editorial Palette.
This is basically an all mattes palette, and what's great about it is that basically it
gives you all of the colors of the rainbow to work with, so you can pretty much create
any sort of rainbow eyeshadow look that you want.
If you already own a bunch of the Sugarpill colors, you probably don't need this palette,
because it has a bunch of similar shades, but if you don't own all of those colors,
this might be a palette that you like, especially if you like bright mattes.
In particular I really love this burgundy color and this magenta color here, and these
colors are easy to mix together, so if you want to make a blue-toned purple violet shade,
you can mix these two shades.
I find it very easy to work with.
I have a lot of fun when I play with it.
I always get compliments on my eyeshadow with it.
That's why it's here this month.
Next up would be the Urban Decay Basquiat Tenant palette.
Now I bought this during the Sephora VIB sale, and I've only used it twice, but I am super
in love with it, and have no regrets about buying it.
I bought it for these three colors right here.
These two are mattes and this one's kind of a satin.
I am wearing those colors right now and I absolutely love them.
I thought this was a really fun palette.
I had to research the artist, Basquiat, cause I wasn't familiar with him, although my husband,
Ray, knew who he was, because Ray actually has an art degree in addition to everything
else that he does in programming.
So he was like oh, I know who he is, and he did all of this cool stuff, so he educated
me in who he was.
I was happy to get my hands on this palette.
I had to order it through the Sephora app on my phone, which I thought was a pain in
the butt, but I got 15 percent off on it, so that made it okay.
If you really like bright mattes, this might be a better alternative to the Viseart, because
of the fact that this is less than half the cost of the Viseart palette, so it all depends
on what you want, but I love this palette and you can absolutely create some of the
same looks that I've created with the Viseart palette with this palette.
Last but not least is the Urban Decay Gallery blush palette.
You know X-Rated is my go-to blush shade from the Urban Decay blush singles, so I was really
happy to see that they threw it in the palette.
I've also had a lot of fun playing with this color called Noho, which is a plum.
I actually used mostly Noho for my cheeks today, with just a little tiny bit of X-Rated
on top.
I love how it turned out.
I really, really love these two blush shades, and I think that this palette is actually
a good deal if you'll use at least two of the items in it, because it's like $34, currently
it's on sale at Nordstrom like 10 percent off, so if you're interested in the palette,
I would totally check out Nordstrom to get it on sale.
I know I didn't have very many favorites this month, but I feel like the favorites I had
really pack a punch.
What were your favorites for the month of April?
Please be sure to let me know in the comments below.
If you liked this video and found it informative or entertaining, please give it a thumbs up
and share, and if you haven't already, go ahead and click the subscribe button down
below so you don't miss my next video.
Thanks so much for watching.
Hi everybody, it's BAGGYBEL TV alias the babybel !
Then today, we meet for a presentation of chain!
So, what is this chain?
I think that MaTeMaTix, my friend, has already presented it: it is called " 2 for TWO" !
It is a chain of History-Geography
I'm not going to go into too much detail, I think MTMT has done it before.
So, as you know, MTMT is a king in history. Me, my thing is Geography!
All that is environment of the countries: desert, mountainous but also the capital, the known cities ...
I would like to thank MTMT for the creation of this channel, it is with happiness to make a chain with him, I love him very much.
I would like to say that everyone knows Doc Seven, which has more than 1,400,000 subscribers, it's about the same kind of videos.
If you want to see the latest video he released on Canada, you can!
There may also be history-geography about mangas: One Piece, Naruto ...
My channel is in the description and also that of MTMT!
It was BAGGYBEL TV, I leave you with MTMT for the end, goodbye!
Salutations to all !
Thank you for introducing our chain BAGGY!
As you have understood, it is a chain of history-geography!
Me, I'll take care of the history part, with me you will learn more about the little story that marked the country!
You will see that every country has its history, whether it is funny, violent, moving or appeurate!
So, thanks to me and BAGGY, you will be able to be incollable for each country or even other topics
And you will be able to impress your friends, your professors and your entourage!
But, for fans of Manga or even other things, you'll find yourself!
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