Take a look at this machine.
This one needs servicing. - Ok, sir.
Bring the parts and repair it.
Please come.
Shift this machine to this side.
Bring it forward.
Everything should
Sir, we had a request. - Tell me.
Tomorrow is the foundation
You and your family are
Ok, I'll go and inform my family.
If my wife is willing
..I'll surely bring them.
Anything else?
Sir, I had another request.
We've heard that you sing very well.
You must sing in our function.
Oh! So, this is your request.
Ok. I'll try. Ok. Let's go.
Hello, sir.
Look at that machine.
There was some
Get it repaired
Ok? Let's go. - Ok.
Hello, Mr.
How are you?
What's going on?
I came here to give
..for the goods that are
Thanks a lot, brother.
Do something.
Go and deposit it in
I've to go out immediately.
Well, if you have further orders
Thank you.
Sister, what will be the
What happened? Why are you late?
Tomorrow is the foundation
So, we were cleaning
I was explaining them
That's why I am late.
Urmila.. - Yes.
From 13th of March. - Ok.
The factory staff want you all
What will you do? Will you come?
I'll go. - I'll also go.
When they want to go
Greetings. Today is the
The function will commence
..our director, our employer,
Greetings. Our factory
But, you deserve the entire credit.
Our factory has earned
So, I want to increase
..from the next month.
One more thing.
Everyone requested me
But, I can't sing well.
Please forgive me
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here.."
"All of you inspired me to sing."
"I want to achieve a lot
"All of you inspired me to sing."
"I want to achieve a lot
"I wish my tunes
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here.."
"My near and dear
"But I've overcome every
"My near and dear
"But I've overcome every
"I won hearts with my melodies."
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here.."
"I've come here.."
"I've come here.."
Hello. Hello, Mr. Subodh.
Say hello to him. - Hello.
Do you want to say something?
Yes, I've come here
What do you wish to say? Tell me.
You gave a wonderful speech
You made the employees
Please make us happy too.
I don't understand
Well, you've increased the
Please give us a particular
What do you mean? - It's disgusting.
Why does he want us to explain
Explain it to him, brother.
Ok, listen to me.
You are giving 500 rupees extra
Give 5 to both of us.
What if I don't pay you?
If you don't pay us
Just the word 'late' will
Late.. what's his name, brother.
Late Subodh Mukherjee. - Yes.
I won't give you a penny.
Do whatever you wish to do. Ok?
Brother.. - Yes. - ..he told
He told us we can take any
Shall I do it? - Yes.
Shall I do it? - Yes, do it.
Ok, I'll do it.
The fool doesn't
Stupid man!
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,
"Hare Rama,
"Hare Krishna Hare Krishna,
Brother.. brother, excuse me.
Who has expired?
Our employers. - Ok.
How did they die?
The way people die.
Why have you kept their bodies
We don't have money to cremate them.
They don't have money to cremate
Brother, how much do you need?
5 lacs each, that is a total of 10
This will be the
When we'll die again next
Brother, go and get
What happened, Mr. Mukherjee?
Why are you standing here?
Your family is now in our custody.
Hurry up, go to the bank
I told you that I'll
Fraud. Cheater.
It's disgusting.
What do you think of us?
I told you that I won't
Shut up, you scoundrel. Shut up.
He is just stuck at one point,
Scoundrel, you want to enjoy
..from the factory. Right?
Come on, get ready to die.
Die, scoundrel.
Madna.. - What's it?
Which one?
You killed the husband.
She is in great pain,
What shall we do now, brother?
Do something. - What is it?
Let's take the girl with us.
We'll enjoy and have great time.
So, there'll be dancing and singing.
Come on. Come on.
We'll enjoy with you tonight.
..she slapped me.
You want to enjoy with me?
Urmila, run away.
Sister, let's run away.
Catch them. Catch them.
Catch them and bring them here.
Come on,
Oh no! I've lost my eye.
What happened?
Are you hungry?
I'm not crying.
Then I must have misheard.
You cried just now but you
You are crying again.
Are you short of hearing?
I told you that I'm not crying.
Someone else is crying.
Come on, let's go and check.
Now I know. Get down.
Why did you get inside
Ok. Give me 50 rupees
I don't have money.
If you don't have money
Just look how daring she is.
She is a small girl,
Are you sure? - Yes.
Ok, I'll leave her. Go.
You did the right thing.
Let's go. Let's go.
Please give me something to eat,
Get out from here.
Please give me a biscuit.
Get out of here.
00:21:38:22 00:21:40:19 Why did you throw water at him?
If you are so sympathetic
Where is your house? - I don't know.
I'm very hungry. - Ok. Come with me.
I'll give you food. Come.
Girl, what happened?
Why are you crying?
They've killed my parents.
Who have killed your parents?
Ok. Come with me get up.
Come with me, dear. Come.
What's your name?
Ok. So, your name is Urmila.
What's your father's name?
Don't cry. Tell me his name.
My father's name is
How will you address me?
I'll address you by whatever
Is it? Ok. Call me.. Mamoni.
Ok, I'll call you Mamoni.
My darling daughter. My sweetheart.
Come on, drink the milk quickly.
Come on, drink. Drink the milk.
Don't be naughty.
Study properly.
You have to become big in life.
Here are the books.
You'll go to school
..have to stand first every year.
Will you be able to do it? - Yes.
My darling daughter. Good girl.
Come on hit.
I'll catch it.
This one will go for a six.
Will you go for picnic?
Why do you want to go for picnic?
Big cauliflowers have
Come on, let's steal them. - Yes.
Big egg plants have
Let's go and steal them.
Wait, I'll go and complain
You are not at all adventurous.
We won't have a picnic.
Are you happy now? - Ok. Let's go.
Today's day is a
So, I won't go to school.
Why is it significant?
You don't have to know.
What had happened
Few years back on this
I won't spare the people
When is your result going
Will you stand first?
My dear, what are you reading?
The scandals of the
Film artists need
Why did you come back
I'm not feeling well.
Please get water for me.
Mamoni, you won't practice
Yes, give me.
Who will enjoy the
Why? You will enjoy.
Don't I have to get
First answer my question. - Ok.
From today onwards I'll practice
Partho. - Yes.
Did you eat? - I ate a lot as usual.
Where are you going?
To do what? - I just told you,
Oh no! With whom
With Ms. Cricket.
What's the girl's name?
You've become over smart.
Aunt. Aunt.
No girl has managed
I'll leave now. - Ok.
Aunt, give me 10 rupees. - Why?
You know I've grown up.
I understand everything.
Come on take this.
Quit smoking or you'll fall sick.
Bye. - Bye.
Ms. Cricket.
Catch it.
Pass the ball. Pass the ball.
Good news? What good news?
Look at this.
We'll enjoy a lot today.
Partho, it smells so good.
How much did it cost?
Why will it cost anything?
You know my uncle
..he brought it and
You stole it?
Come on give it to me.
Who will be the first one to drink?
I took the trouble to steal it.
You'll drink first? - Yes.
Open your mouth. - Wait. Hold it.
I'll act and drink.
You'll act and drink? - Yes.
Hold this. - Ok.
Now act.
Come on give me, give me.
Come on, give me.
You dropped all of it?
Listen, if you want
..don't bring all this before me.
I promise that I'll never
Come on, bowl and I'll bat.
Here you go. - Yes, let's start.
Bowl properly.
Accept this. - What does this mean?
It means I like you and so
Is it? - Yes Asha, I love you a lot.
If you dare come to me
..I'll ruin your face.
Monu, get up.
What happened? Get up.
What happened? Why are you crying?
She slapped before so
She slapped you?
Who dared to slap you?
Who slapped you?
Asha, a girl who studies
Ok. Let's go.
Go and sit in the car.
I'll look into the matter.
She made me do sit
Come on. - Sit ups.
What will I do with this?
What will you do with this?
Don't you understand
Stupid fellow.
What did you say?
You are a stupid guy.
Look, I'm scared of girls.
If you speak to me in this manner..
..I'll surely contract some disease.
It will be great.
What? - It'll be great.
Great! Who will take
I'll take care of you.
I'll go now.
You can't leave so easily.
I won't let go off
"I'll set myself afloat with you.."
"..in the river of youth."
"I'll set myself afloat with you.."
"..in the river of youth."
"I can't control my desires."
"You've made me restless."
"I can't control my desires."
"You've made me restless."
"I'll set myself afloat with you.."
"..in the river of youth."
"Come, come closer to me."
"How can I live alone?"
"Come on, tell me."
"Come, come closer to me."
"How can I live alone?"
"I am ready to lose
"I'm intoxicated in your love."
"I'll set myself afloat with you.."
"..in the river of youth."
"Both of us will
"I am not sacred of anything
"Do you understand, darling?"
"Both of us will
"I am not sacred of anything
"We shouldn't care
"You'll get burnt in my love."
"I'll set myself afloat with you.."
"..in the river of youth."
"I can't control my desires."
"You've made me restless."
"I'll set myself afloat with you.."
"..in the river of youth."
Leave me. - What happened?
Leave me. Leave me.
Everyone is looking at us.
Leave me.
Thief! Thief!
So, you were stealing
So, you were stealing
Come on. Come on. Come on.
What are you eating?
I'm eating what guys
Roti? Well, roti is my favourite.
Will you join me?
What is it? - Only if
So, this is your condition.
Munna Bhai. - What happened?
I haven't earned anything today.
What happened? Are you sick?
Then? - I had snatched
But I got caught.
Munna Bhai he has thrashed me badly.
Do you know the guy
Ok, I'll look into the matter.
Hey, run!
You are fine, brother. You are fine.
Let's go, brother.
Carefully, brother.
Who are you?
Is the doctor inside?
She is resting now.
Madam, madam, please listen to me.
The boy is bleeding badly.
It's really urgent. Please madam.
What's this? - This is a street.
Go straight ahead.
My mother treats patients
It's not possible for
Brother, let it be. I'm fine.
What's this? What's this, brother?
How come you are in this condition?
Come on, give me your hand.
No. No. you behaved
I don't know how
She may treat him wrongly
Hey rickshaw, let's go.
Shut up! How dare you?
Let me see how you can
Is it hurting a lot? - Come on.
Come with me.
Get down. - Come on.
Carefully. Carefully.
Come. Come.
Come, come with me. Come on.
What's this? What happened?
How did you get hurt?
It's nothing serious.
Tell me. You must
Aunt, you unnecessarily get tensed.
Actually, the kids were playing.
I joined them and got hurt.
You got hurt?
Sit here. I'll get hot milk for you.
You are always up to something.
Second officer, welcome. Welcome.
A new inspector has
He wants to meet you.
I used to pay 25000 rupees every
I'll give him the same. - Ok.
It would've been better
Ok. I'll go and meet
Munna Bhai,
Kalu.. - Yes, Bhai.
Give me. Give me.
Here, put it in.
I'll leave now. - Ok.
Partho, get up.
Have the medicines.
Someone is knocking.
You? - Don't be scared.
Is the boy who got injured
What's the matter?
I just came to meet him.
Come in. Come in.
Hello brother, how are you? - You?
I'm the new OC of the police
Why are you standing?
Well, I don't know your name yet.
His name is Partho.
You? - I'm his aunt.
Hello. - Hello.
I won't spare the people who
Sir, forgive them.
Don't take any action
Children? - Yes,
Sir, I went and joined
Please don't take
Ok Partho, since you insist
But Partho don't address
I won't address you as sir? - No.
Then how shall I address you?
Call me brother. - Brother.
Ok. I'll do so.
Someone is at the door.
Don't tell aunt that
..or she'll be very angry.
Please come in, be seated.
How are you, brother? - I'm fine.
Take your seat. - Yes. Thank you.
Look, you are in this
How come he is in this
Partho, the game is over now.
Aunt, I was playing with
Yes, that's right.
I got hurt while trying to save her.
Brother, am I not correct?
Oh no! Again there
Who has come?
Sister, don't tell aunt the truth.
'Look at the way
'He is so handsome.'
'She is so beautiful.'
'He is staring at me.'
I've told you several time
Are you happy now?
Girl, who are you?
Why are you shouting at him?
Why won't I shout at him?
I'm Asha.
I love him.
Carefully. Carefully.
Partho, what is she saying?
Ignore her. Ignore her.
She is crazy. - What? - Oh no!
She is crazy?
She behaves like
She goes to everyone from
..and tells them
She is completely mad.
What? I'm not mad. You are mad.
Aunt, this man got beaten by
It's over now.
What's the matter, Partho?
He said that he'll
She said that you
She said that goons have beaten you.
You told me that you got
What's the truth?
Actually, Partho is in
Man had snatched my
Partho thrashed the thief
Perhaps they've taken revenge.
They've taken revenge? - Yes.
Wait, I'll teach them a lesson.
From today I'll
Partho, I'll leave now.
Please have tea.
I'll visit again. Bye. - Ok.
Officer, give this month's
Officer. - Yes, sir.
Put them inside the jail.
What do you mean?
What happened?
I'll hang up now.
Brother, Munna speaking.
The new head inspector
What? Why aren't you speaking?
Munna? Hello. Hello.
So, you think you
Hello, SP sir?
MLA Nagen Choudhury speaking.
Scoundrel! Hooliganism!
Sir.. sir.. SP sir has called.
Yes sir, Rupankar speaking.
What are you saying, sir?
You want me to leave them?
Ok, sir.
Leave them. - Ok sir.
Come out.
Listen, today I'm leaving
Get out from here.
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"Krishna and Radha's
"We'll romance like them and
"We won't pay heed
"Krishna and Radha's
"We'll romance like them
"Let people gossip
"We may not pass the
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"If we don't romance at this age,
"So everyone should fall in love."
"Everyone should fall in love."
"If we don't romance at this age,
"So everyone should fall in love."
"Fall in love if
"We may not pass the
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"We may not pass the
"We may not pass the
Hey! Why are you laughing so loudly?
I didn't do anything wrong.
Sir, talk to her, I'll leave.
What's the matter?
You don't understand anything.
Why are you threatening
Please tell me directly
Why were you staring at
Oh! So, this is the matter.
Well, give me your contact number.
I'll tell you everything over phone.
Give me your phone. - Here you go.
Take it. Bye.
The police can't harm me.
After all I'm Munna.
Hello. - Munna Bhai,
Yes brother, tell me.
Will you come here to meet me?
Is it something important?
Something like that.
You need not strike,
Ok, brother, I'll come right now.
Let's go. Coming, brother.
Come on, hurry up.
Mamoni, I'm going out.
Where are you going?
There's money in the wardrobe,
Ms. Mukherjee speaking.
Who is it? - Rupankar speaking.
Who are you?
What are you saying?
Well Ms. Mukherjee,
I love you. - What?
I love you.
I think I've dialed wrong number.
Hello. Hello.
Who had called?
Do you know someone called Rupankar?
What have you understood?
You are flying high.
I'll leave now.
Everything is fine.
Everything is fine there.
Come. Come, Munna Bhai. It's fine.
Hope everything is fine.
I'll hang up now.
The head inspector
He has become too smart.
We must teach him a lesson.
Should we end the
We'll only threaten him.
Torture his family. Ok? - Ok.
Understood, brother.
I'll leave now. - Ok.
Bye, brother.
Brother.. - Yes. - ..shall
We hear a lot of things
They are saying that finally
..in this locality.
Till date the school
..couldn't go out after evening.
Everyone is happy now.
Don't overdo things, son.
How will we live if
Mother, the government
..to discipline people
If I die while doing
It'll make me proud.
Mother, it's better to
..live for hundred
People will say that I've
Hello. Yes, I'm coming right now.
Drink the tea before you leave.
No mother, it's urgent.
Why didn't you introduce
You are so short-tempered.
How can I introduce
Introduce me to his family.
Isn't there any temple around?
I'll ask brother.
He goes to different places.
Your brother is flying high.
Sometimes we see
How dare you enter the
Shut up or we'll kill you.
Hey! Get out of here right
You'll call your brother?
You are trying to threaten Munna?
What are you doing?
Hey! This is the first warning.
If your brother doesn't
..I'll play with your blood.
Tell your brother
Come on, let's go.
What magic do you know?
I've completely quit smoking.
Shall I say something?
Let's go. - Where?
Where else?
What? Elope? What do you mean?
You pretend as if you are a small
I've understood. I've understood.
But, why will we elope? Explain it.
Why? We'll elope and get married.
What will you do?
Marriage. Do you get me? - Where are
Where? - I just told you.
We are going to die. Stupid fellow.
Hey! Why are you getting angry?
We'll marry one day.
But, we won't elope.
I'll go and tell you
Are you happy now?
What's the matter?
Why are you sitting with pale faces?
What's wrong?
Resign from the job?
What nonsense are you speaking?
Munna, the goon came with
Why? What did he say?
He threatened that if you
Ok. I'll seek the SP's permission
Mother, get a glass of water for me.
The scoundrel, the scoundrel
Munna! - Brother, drink water.
No. I'll come back soon.
Your daughter has got
Your daughter is romancing a guy.
Now you are accusing me.
You pampered and
And now you are accusing
Let her come home today.
I'll use a blade.. no, not a blade.
What shall I use then?
I'll use a vegetable cutter
"I want little love."
"I want little love."
Listen to me. - What is it?
I heard that you are romancing
Don't try to hide the truth.
Your father saw you.
Son? When did I give birth to a son?
She is right. - Yes, father.
She isn't married yet.
How can she give birth to a son?
Will you please shut up?
With whom were you roaming
Shame! Shame!
Who is the guy?
Father, mother is
Do you want me to worship
What's going on?
What's this shouting for?
Must carry out a raid immediately.
Yes, sir.
Madam, if you spot Munna during
Ok, sir. - Let's go. - Yes, sir.
Hello. - Second officer speaking.
Go into hiding immediately.
Why? What happened?
The police are after you.
What happened, second officer?
Yes, sir. Oh no! Yes, sir.
Yes, Munna Bhai.
What happened?
Oh my god.
Run! Police.
Hey, let's go.
Hurry up and get down.
If you try to escape I'll shoot.
Quick! Hurry up.
Move. Quick.
The police are here. Run!
So, you are gambling.
Hey! Hey! What?
My cap! My cap!
Wait. I'll teach you a lesson.
Come on.
Brother, tea for you. - Keep it.
Hello. - Urmila speaking.
Can you come to Sonali
In the evening? At what time?
You decide the time.
I'll come sharp at 3. Ok? - Ok.
I'll hang up now. Bye.
Oh no!
It's five and he is still not here.
Wait. I'll teach him a lesson.
Where are you?
Do you hear me? Do you hear me?
Who is it? Who? You?
Don't pretend. What's the time?
You are busy enjoying your sleep.
When did you promise to come?
Don't shout.
Let them say anything. - Oh no!
Why didn't you think
Listen, you may be scared
Urmila isn't scared of anyone.
Will you stop now?
Why? Why will I stop?
Have I committed any
The family members..
What's the matter, brother?
You didn't tell us that
Will you go from here?
You've ruined my reputation.
Why will she go?
Tell her to sit.
Shall is ay something, brother?
Your choice is good.
What's your name? - U.. u.. Urmila.
You've a nice name.
She is your future mother-in-law.
And I'm your future sister-in-law.
Brother, this is not right.
It's already 4. Where is Partho?
I doubt if he'll come.
Partho has promised
He never goes back on his words.
Partho has arrived.
Partho, he is my father. - It's ok.
She is my mother.
It's ok. Take your seat.
What does your father do?
I lost both my parents
Who else is there in your family?
Presently I live with aunt,
Well, I've heard that you are the
What are your future plans?
My parents wanted to send
But, I don't think I'll be able
Why can't you fulfill their wish?
My aunt is a primary school teacher.
She can't afford the education cost.
If we provide your education cost,
Will you go abroad? - You?
I'm Asha's uncle.
Do you accept my proposal?
I'll obviously think about it.
Well, I've an important work.
I must go. Bye.
You've come here the first time.
No. Thank you.
I need to collect the ration.
'I'm Asha's uncle.'
'I'm Asha's uncle.'
'I'm Asha's uncle.'
'Die, scoundrel. Die.'
'Get up. Get up.'
'We'll enjoy with her. - Yes.'
'Runaway. Run away.'
Asha, I really like your choice.
..stay with us after marriage.
What do you say?
Well, he seemed nervous
The boy is really nice.
He is not only nice;
Don't you think so? Yes.
Both of them will
What happened?
Well Rupankar,
Who search and find
That's my duty.
Will you find out someone for me?
Did anyone betray you
You always joke with me.
Just a minute.
Ok. I'm coming.
Let's go. I must reach
..dropping you home.
You carry on;
You know how the job
Partho, stop. Partho, stop.
Hey, what happened? What happened?
Why didn't you answer my calls?
What's your relationship with the
He's my uncle.
Own uncle? - Yes, my own uncle.
Yes. What's the matter?
I've a request. Will you keep it?
What are you saying?
Come on tell me.
Forget me.
I apologize to you
Hey! Don't joke.
Come and sit in the car.
I'm not joking, Asha.
I'm not joking.
I'm serious. - What?
I can't be in a relationship
A murderer's niece? - Yes.
You mean my uncle is a murderer?
Why didn't you hesitate
Who has my uncle killed?
Is it necessary that you know?
You are accusing my uncle
..who my uncle has killed.
Come on tell me, who ahs he killed?
When you insist,
Your uncle killed my father.
Your uncle killed my
Find out the rest; find out the
Remember one more thing.
Tell your respectable
His death is approaching.
His dead body will soon
You can't, you can't catch me.
You can't.
I've caught you.
Shall I say something?
Let's elope.
Feed me with your hands.
I'm not mad. You are mad.
Forget me. - Don't joke.
What will you do with this?
I'm Asha, I love him.
Your respectable
I came here to give
Well, how can I help you?
I've come to lodge a
Against your brother?
I'm going out on
Do something.
..ask him to note it down.
He'll register your complaint.
Hello. I'm coming right now.
Mother, get in.
Come on, get in. - Ok.
Finally today you'll
It's His wish.
Get in.
You are too much.
Think something about
Don't laugh and waste time.
Do you want to say something?
Mr. Gunamay has taken
..in the form of installments
Will you keep giving
..thinking of your
Sister-in-law.. move side.
Why do you worry about all
Yes. Don't get stressed
It would be better if you
..yes give us 5 lacs each
I won't give you a single penny,
Then something will be written
Late. - Yes.
Late. - Late.
Late Sukhomoy Chatterjee. - Yes.
Mr. Sukhomoy give us the
..you'll die.
I'll kill you.
Get out. I say get out or
She is getting angry.
What's the use of
From where do they
They get it from us.
What's this?
I hear the police whistle.
Then? - Run.
Don't go that side. - Then?
The police are there. Take
Let's go. - I'll go
Come on, hurry up. - Let's go.
What's this? You?
Don't be scared.
I was the one who blew the whistle.
Do you want to see?
Asha has got highest
So, we want to arrange
Please come. - Of course.
Bye. - Ok. - Bye. - Ok.
Rupankar, I was thinking of saying
But, I'm unable to tell you.
Oh! I think you'll tell me
I don't want to say anything to you.
Why are you angry?
Come on, smile. Smile. - No.
Urmila di, how are you? - I'm good.
How are you? - I? I'm just about ok.
Inspector, you didn't take
I've gone through the case.
It's an old case.
I need to investigate the case.
I'll see what I can do.
I'm absolutely sure
..killed by my brother.
I told you that I'll
I'll see what can be done.
Let's go, Urmila. Let's go.
See you. Bye. - Bye.
Let's go. - Yes, sir.
Let's go. - Yes, let's go.
Why are you so sad?
There's nothing to be sad about.
I understand it, Partho.
Asha has scored more
Obviously you'll feel bad.
She worked hard and so
Will you give me
Tomorrow evening? For what?
If I reveal the surprise
I'll pick you from your
I'll leave now. - Ok.
Hello. Hello. Hello.
Ladies and gentlemen,
..Ms. Asha Chatterjee,
..got the highest marks in college.
So, we've gathered
Another brilliant student
..will sing on this occasion,
Impossible. You didn't do
..to bring me here.
I won't sing.
Please Partho, I beg before you.
Please don't spoil this function.
This is our function.
Please sing a song.
Please sing, brother.
Musician brothers, please start.
Please, Partho.
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here.."
"All of you inspired me to sing."
"I want to achieve a lot
"All of you inspired me to sing."
"I want to achieve a lot
"I wish my tunes
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here.."
"My near and dear
"But I've overcome every
"My near and dear
"But I've overcome every
"I won hearts with my melodies."
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here to sing for you."
"I will make everyone
"I've come here.."
"I've come here.."
"I've come here.."
Where did you learn this song?
My father used to sing this song.
Your father used to sing this song?
Is your father's
I'm Subodh Mukherjee's son.
I'm your Didibhai.
Hey, don't move from your place.
I'll shoot if you
Come on,
Leave them or you won't survive.
Beat him.
Partho. Partho.
You are making a mistake. - Partho..
You'll suffer for this action.
We'll see that later.
Come with us, now.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Shall I call brother?
Hello. Hello, brother.
He is bleeding profusely.
He has been badly hurt.
Partho, Partho, my friend.
Won't you save your sister
Get up, Partho.
Please Partho,
Get up, get up, my friend.
Get up. Get up, Partho.
Get up.
Get up. Get up.
Brother has run away from
Now his property is mine.
No. No.
Mr. Sukhomoy, come on sign it.
How will he sign?
Scoundrels, open his hands.
Come on, sign it.
I won't sign even if I die. - Is it?
Won't you sign even
You'll sign, you'll sign.
If I love your young
..you'll sign right away.
Do you want to check?
Leave me.
Leave me. Leave me.
I say, leave her
Brother.. - Yes. - Partho is coming.
Kill him.
Hey! Go and kill the scoundrel.
Go. Go.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Run. Run.
Beat him. Beat him.
Beat him.
Beat him.
Beat him.
Beat him nicely.
Hey! Go and catch everyone of them.
Don't spare anyone.
Your game is over Bakreshwar Biswas.
Get ready to be hanged.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Partho. Partho, your father's
Accept Asha now.
Why do you want to
What about my elder brother?
I'll get Urmila married
I'll get Partho married
All of you are invited. Please come.
"Krishna and Radha's
"We'll romance like them
"We won't pay heed
"Krishna and Radha's
"We'll romance like them
"Let people gossip about
"We may not pass the
"We fell in love when
"We may not pass the
"We may not pass the
"We may not pass the
For more infomation >> Didibhai | দিদিভাই | New Bengali Movie - HD | English Subtitle - Duration: 1:39:31.-------------------------------------------
How to draw a dog Recording Fail | Gugu Paint English 2017 - Duration: 6:17.
[Free] Kodak Black x Famous Dex Type Beat 2017 | Cantaloupe | Prod. Crazy Chris Beats - Duration: 4:01.
Free Download! Link in the description!
Alfa Romeo Brera 2.4 JTD SKYWINDOW - Duration: 1:23.
Này Thì Hacker [ Master Team] - Duration: 2:50.
[PocketMine-MP Plugins] TitlePE PHP7 tutorial || FREE DOWNLOAD - Duration: 1:38.
TitlePE PHP7 plugin tutorial
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Hello :)
Today I am going to show you how to use a awesome plugin!
It's TitlePE plugin
I will put the download link in describe
Type on window chat:
/stitle [name player] [title] [subtitle]
If you not understand, let's begin again
Done ~
Please drop a like for more video See you soon :D
[Free] Kodak Black x Famous Dex Type Beat 2017 | Cantaloupe | Prod. Crazy Chris Beats - Duration: 4:01.
Free Download! Link in the description!
Neviditeľné RFID čipovanie - technický stav k 1.7.2014 - Duration: 4:56.
Mercedes-Benz SLK-Klasse 200 K. - Duration: 0:54.
Increase Height Tips || Increase Height Fast In Hindi | Urdu || Qad Barhane Ka Effective Nuskha - Duration: 10:07.
Take 1tbsp of Ashwaganda powder ,
and 2 tbsp roasted sesame powder,
kaunch seed velvet seed powder 50gram (4tbsp)
and 10 tbsp of camal milk powder.
Mix them well.
Lamby Arsy Tk Jawan Rehny Ka Nuskha | Ap Kbhi Buhry Ni Hon Gy | By Ashraf Health Care | - Duration: 2:34.
Burstner Premio 450 TS - Duration: 1:20.
Bari se bari mushkil ka hal in Urdu | Har Kam Mine Asani Ka Wazifa | Kamran Sultan - Duration: 1:57.
Bari se bari mushkil ka hal in Urdu | Har Kam Mine Asani Ka Wazifa | Kamran Sultan
리니지 ✂️ 인간 용해제 이예진 손만데면 사라지는 신기한 마법 Lineage item enchant 오림서버 이예진 - Duration: 2:32.
【MUKBANG】 Simple Way To Control Your Energy Balance [GoBe2 Tech]+ Rice & Stew 4252kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 3:30.
Hello its KinoshitaYuka (Eng subs by ~Aphexx~) (subtitles optimized to be viewed on PC/Mac)
so today! tadaa I'd like to introduce you guys to this device called GoBe2
by just strapping this GoBe2 to your wrist you can easily monitor calories, energy, and stress levels
utilizing acceleration sensors and others. the device contains 6 different types of sesors
wow, amazing and the gathered data will.....
be easily logged using an app you can easily monitor your health
so today I'll be using this GoBe2 and....
tadaa eat this hot pot
its simmering hot and looks so delish it also looks so spicy red
you often hear people say that spicy foods help burn calories
lets put that to the test
I've prepped 4 cups of rice the soup looks so spicy red
so spicy yet delish here's something that looks like ham
so delish
spicy foods really stimulate your appetite for rice
I also have all sorts of sides as well this is a spicy kimchee/kimuchi/gimchee/kimchi
I'll eat it with this rice
a macaroni salad
so sweet and delish is it because this dish here is spicy that I think this is sweet?
I'm starting to sweat... its so hot!!! spicy foods really make you sweat a lot
since I'm feeling so hot I'll do up my hair ... so hot
I love mochi so much
since I was sitting with my feet right under me the back of my legs got so sweaty (the sweat was logged by the device and you can see how there is a dip in her hydration levels)
spicy foods really do make you sweat buckets
all done gochisosamadeshita
this hot pot was so spicy but so tasty it warms you right up which is so nice as well
its got such strong flavors that it helps you go through so much rice
with this GoBe2 device you can monitor calories energy, and of course stress and hydration levels
and easily track them.... so handy aint it?
for those who are interested please check out the link in the description below
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this vid please hit the like and subscribe buttons BAI BAI
Euro Truck Simulator 2 TW-GC - Duration: 23:40.
[Free] Kodak Black x Famous Dex Type Beat 2017 | Cantaloupe | Prod. Crazy Chris Beats - Duration: 4:01.
Free Download! Link in the description!
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