Cabbage – Natural Cure For Stomach Ulcer!
Cabbage contains natural ingredients acting like drugs used in ulcer treatment.
The fact that cabbage can help treating ulcer, was proved in the 1950's, in the attempts
of Dr.Garrett Cheney, at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Stafford.
He showed that about 1.1 liter of fresh cabbage juice a day, helps alleviate the pain and
treat the gastric (stomach) ulcers,which is successful and better than standard therapies.
One if the benefits cabbage provides strengthening the resistance of stomach mucosa against acid
Cabbage contains gefarnate, compound similar to carbenoxolone, a remedy used in ulcers
In fact, these compounds stimulate cells form a thin barrier given the role of a shelter,
protecting them from acid attacks.
Indian Central Drug Research Institute healed guinea pigs suffering from ulcer only by using
cabbage juice.
During the treatment, microscopic images of cells experienced extensive changes, proving
that cabbage juice speeds up mucus activity which rebuilds damaged cells, leading procedure
to full recovery.
Cabbage has antibiotic properties as well.
Laboratory experiments, proved that cabbage destroys an array of bacteria, including bacteria
Pylori, which is considered to be the main cause for stomach ulcer.
So, prepare some cabbage juice or prepare cabbage and serve it as a fresh salad for
your healthy lunch!
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For more infomation >> BH4U | Cabbage – Natural Cure For Stomach Ulcer! - Duration: 2:04.-------------------------------------------
Health Benefits of Eggplant | Useful info - Duration: 4:04.
Health Benefits of Eggplant.
Eggplants are native to the Indian subcontinent, but are now found throughout the world in
a number of different cultural cuisines.
In England, the vegetable is called "aubergine", and it also goes by the name brinjal, melongene,
and guinea squash.
The purple or black glossy fruit can grow more than a foot in length in wild varieties,
though they are considerably smaller in normal agriculture.
It reached the Middle East and the Mediterranean region approximately 800 years ago, and was
being referenced in England by the 16th century.
There are a number of varieties used throughout the world, and they are included in cuisines
in many different ways.
It is commonly called the "king of vegetables", at least in India, as it is one of the most
versatile and functional foods in their culture.
On the inside, it has the consistency of tomato, and is a perfect addition to soups, stews,
sauces, as well as a stand-alone item in many dishes.
The best part about the food, it is not only a flavorful and delicious addition to many
meals, but also a massively healthy vegetable that can help you live a healthier and happier
One of the ways it does that is how it works to improve brain function.
Yes, eating eggplant can go straight to your head.
Research on eggplant has focused on an anthocyanin phytonutrient found in eggplant skin called
Nasunin is a potent antioxidant and free radical scavenger that has been shown to protect cell
membranes from damage.
In animal studies, nasunin has been found to protect the lipids (fats) in brain cell
Cell membranes are almost entirely composed of lipids and are responsible for protecting
the cell from free radicals, letting nutrients in and wastes out, and receiving instructions
from messenger molecules that tell the cell which activities it should perform.
So, remember-—these nutrients are concentrated in the skin of the eggplant, so don't char
or throw it away.
Instead boil the eggplant or sautée it and chop it up to add it to your favorite salad,
soup or sauce.
Your brain isn't the only thing that benefits from eggplants.
Here are three other essential ways this super vegetable can make you feel better all over.
For centuries, eggplants have been used for controlling and managing diabetes.
Modern research validates this role, thanks to the high fiber and low soluble carbohydrate
content of the eggplant.
Heart Health.
Eggplants have a role in heart care, too.
Research studies show they can lower 'bad' cholesterol.
But you must cook them the right way to get these benefits.
Fried eggplant soaks up a lot of fat, making it harmful and heavy.
Instead, bake it at 400 degrees, which brings out glorious flavor and gives you all the
goodness an eggplant holds!
When laboratory animals with high cholesterol were given eggplant juice, their blood cholesterol,
the cholesterol in their artery walls and the cholesterol in their aortas (the aorta
is the artery that returns blood from the heart back into circulation into the body)
was significantly reduced, while the walls of their blood vessels relaxed, improving
blood flow.
These positive effects were likely due not only to nasunin but also to several other
terpene phytonutrients in eggplant.
Blood Clots.
Regular consumption of eggplant also helps prevent blood clots—thanks again to Vitamin
K and bioflavonoids, which strengthen capillaries.
How to make Taco rice & Onigirazu - Duration: 10:01.
BH4U | This Popular Ketchup Damages Your Liver, Metabolism, Immune System, Nervous System And Brain - Duration: 2:38.
This Popular Ketchup Damages Your Liver, Metabolism, Immune System, Nervous System and Brain
How many of us really know the method of labeling ingredients in food products?
Not many.
Well, we should know the fact that companies list the ingredients present according to
the quantity added to the food, from the most present ingredient to the least present one.
This information is very significant because it gives you a possibility to control what
you consume.
It has proven that Heinz ketchup is bad for your health and you should stay away from
Here is why:
High Fructose Corn Syrup
One of the most present ingredients in Heinz ketchup is high fructose corn syrup, but this
is not very evident because the company did not list the same ingredient once, but twice,
under two different names: corn syrup and high fructose corn syrup.
When metabolized, high fructose corn syrup acts as sugar in the body and increases the
blood sugar levels.
As a result, in endangers the function and the work of the liver.
Another disadvantage of this ingredient is the fact that it is derived from GMO products
and leads to obesity, weight gain, diabetes, weakened immune system, as well as heart diseases.
Distilled Vinegar and Sugar
Besides the high presence of high fructose corn syrup, Heinz ketchup is also loaded with
additional sugar – even four extra grams of sugar per tablespoon.
It also contains distilled vinegar, which is being added in the end, and which represent
another GMO corn ingredient.
Hence, Heinz ketchup contains three GMO ingredients, chemicals, sugar, and almost no nutrients.
Not only it does not seem healthy, but this ketchup also barely sounds like a food.
The list of ingredients does not end there.
It also contains additives, onion powder, salt, no protein, no fiber, and it has no
nutritional value.
This is why we suggest that you stay away from this product.
Please leave your comments below, we will answer you as soon as possible.
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Your health matters to us!
Chữa Dứt Điểm Đau Dạ Dày Từ Nghệ Chỉ Trong 3 Ngày Của Diễn Viên Văn Toản 100% Không Tái Phát - Duration: 11:11.
J Balvin, Maluma, Wisin, Nacho, CNCO, Yandel, Nicky Jam | Estrenos 2017 Reggaeon - Duration: 1:05:08.
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, like, comment and share the mix if you enjoy it!
Bir anda Regl oldun ne yaparsın ? Doritos 2.0 RİSK BUDUR !... (Cezalı Challange) AĞLADIK ! - Duration: 7:35.
バークリー大学の白人教授が、黒人をナチスと呼ぶ。 - Duration: 0:29.
EF CHALLENGE 2017, Kuznetsova Diana, Ukraine, 15 - Duration: 3:57.
hello my name is Diana I'm 15 years old
and I'm from Ukraine today I'm competing
for EF chellenge 2017 on the topic what does
it mean to be a citizen of the world
according to UNICEF every 10th child lives in a country
where an armed conflict is taking place.
The number of conflicts
is increasing there are conflicts between
North Sudan and South Sudan , North and South Korea, Israel and Palestine
India and Pakistan and others.
People make borders between countries
Every border is a scar , each armed conflict
is a wound and each explosion is an
excoriation on the planet`s face. However,
besides wars there are so many other
global problems in this world such as
ecological problems, epidemics, natural
disasters which bring a lot of
destruction. A human doesn't think about
global problems until this problems start
to affect his own life. Have you ever
thought about the scope of the
catastrophe which can the launch of a
nuclear missile create? Or how many lives can
the epidemic take if people don't fight it?
Most often at school we discussed the topic
of war at the lessons of history
because history is our past. Many
Ukrainians couldn't even imagine
that the war would begin in the east of
Ukraine. According to the UNICEF 2017 data,
1 million children who have
already lived in this country for three
years and in need of psychological
counseling. No one is immune from the war.
We will never change consequences of war,
but we can prevent its beginning.
Regardless the place of birth, religion,
and nationality, we are all humans of the
Earth. The solution of problems lies in
ourselves as nothing will be changed if
only one person talks about peace, each
of us has to take part in the creation of
peace. To be a citizen of the world
means to act in the interest of peace, to
help the world. Peace is action. Daily
work on achieving our goal leads us to a
better result that we expect. Each of us can
help to make the world much better
through music, art, films, media, writing
various articles. People need to start
with something small and gradually move to
global issues. By creating organizations
`Citizens of the world` in different
countries, people could help one another.
I think, that the most important weapon to
create peace in the world is voice. The
voice, that can reach millions of people.
`Citizens of the world` from all
countries must cooperate with one another, be
united to carry their ideas to
people, create projects, organize events,
attract the attention of masses and
influential people. By this, we will be
able to solve such a global problem as
war and inspire world leaders to stop armed
conflicts. Every year in the world, there
remain less and less resources. Therefore, people begin to fight for
resources which they leack, because many
people think that the only way to
get something is to take it away from
someone. But if we unite, we can find a
solution, we will be able to understand how
we should control the wealth of the
Earth. Then, we could prevent military
conflicts. Once Audrey Hepburn said, if you
need a helping hand
you should know that you have your own,
when you are older, you will realize
that you have to hands: one to help
yourself and another to help others.
If we want to live happily we have to stick
together. I hope that one day people will
realize the importance of unity. Let's
help the world and be citizens of the
world, let's act, because peace is action!
Rabbit Buffy and Badges for the Yellow Bear VALERY! - Duration: 7:47.
Hello, you are on the channel Come on Let's go.
A! you have to shoot? Yes.
Hi guys! Past video from Buffy gained
almost immediately 5,000 likes and why
again today with this wonderful lump of happiness we shoot
video and we will do here such icons. Buffy that
do you think? I'm a little worried, I'm good
I look in the frame? Yes, baby, you're just wonderful
look, just be a!
Let's start! If guests have brought you
cake, do not rush to throw away box. carefully review
badges are applied a transparent cover such
box. If there's such an icon with the number 6
or label PS, then you it useful this video!
We have already checked properties of plastic and now look
what happened. he declined but it became thicker and fully
smooth. And you can eat?
Eat carrots! About munch munch.
A need for our badges cut smooth part
box. And I can be of any help?
Of course Buffy, you can eat carrot.
And without any problems! And we will print here are
pictures, the way they can take in our group in Vkontakte,
link in the description. Well, Buffy, ready to be moved?
So something I did not understand that happened? You're here, that without
I was going to draw? And if so?
Well, another story! Now take it a permanent
marker and will trace the circuit.
Permanent marker is good that is not erased after
pour and does not spread at high temperatures.
Let's play Inspector. I check the quality of work.
And if morkovochku? Well then I can close
eyes on some blots. In general, as long as I draw
this little inspector I sharpened my whole carrots
and it seems to end up stuffed. I'm bored! Boring! Boring!
It's almost all. We cut our bear.
And to correct if something cut.
Well! How do you have the results? Buffy morkovochku want?
Oh no, thanks, I ate!
In the same way I did and channel icon.
And Buffy at this moment a little I fell asleep! But then she began to
fun! In my opinion this very rag
dirty or very tasty, can not understand. Or that
I dream? Hey! Draw beautiful!
Good good! Oh, this cloth!
Well, a couple of strokes left! Annie Well, you will soon have?
I'm going crazy from boredom. Already the circuit is ready! comparable
with the original! In my bad happened!
La la la! I lie down again! Well, I cut the workpiece.
Buffy like you? Fine!
Make an icon for me! Here Buffy icon! Hey kukusiki
bunny. You now fall from the table. I'll be careful!
It is necessary to dig up the treasure. I feel they are close.
So, AAAA. Buffy hold.
Oh, I really almost fell. Perhaps I'll go.
Well, here are three blank icons. Buffy, what do you think?
Good work! Now lay out on paper
or baking paper and on protven.
I feel that there is a tasty Done.
Buffy everything you need poprobovat.Poshli to the oven.
Hey, I do not want it in the oven. Do not be afraid, we warmed up the oven
to 180 degrees and set our billet. The whole process
It takes less than 5 minutes. Here look!
It's hot there. I even look fearfully.
Over time, our billet You must twist the meaning
that the plastic is selected correctly and everything will turn out. billets
decreases and becomes denser. And in the end completely
aligned. Unbelievable but true. awesome
we will succeed. Now inseparable from our icons
paper. You have a delicious finger.
And this? This is not so delicious!
Well stuck on icon paper, but nothing, it easily
can be removed under water. And if you warm them
on food paper, paper It does not stick.
You just look like great to get the contour!
Simply super! And it is not erased. See the icon Buffy
a piece of paper stuck well and got a cool background I
it will not even wash. And I leave. I'll try
I decorate. Happened Not really! And all because
I painted on the front side. Therefore, it is necessary to bear this
wash and decorate with reverse side.
Well, I make it right. But I decked channel icon
acrylics! I washed a bear, but he
little lost brightness circuit. But I think nothing.
Look now much better. Now decorate
Channel icon. Red I will make the marker and the rest
paints. That's how it looks on the back side. let's
ka look at the front. Wow Well that's cool, it
really cool. Well, try to attach bulavochki.
Apply super glue there nothing is illuminated,
super! And attach bulavochku. She already holds but we must
wait for complete drying. In general, that's how I attach
bulavochki, but I think it not the most secure mounting.
If you know of another way, write it in the comments.
And I'm waiting for the complete drying, and like everything turned out!
Hop, but it works. What Buffy cool icon.
channel icon is also very steep.
Fixing and holding paint It does not wash. Cool!
Well, the poor bear icon though a bit slurred,
but still I like him. Incidentally bulavochka rayed.
If cover acrylic it is not X-rayed. In short
very cool icons I like do not you?
Buffy and you like? I like the tasty grass.
I'm talking about icons. Guys if you have pets,
it is possible to make such a their icon on the collar. I
Here pinned icon cell to Buffy.
What are you on my cell fastened?
Icon. It smells of glue, but okay too!
Another such icons can be attach to your backpack
or bag! In my looks original. On the shirt or
cardigan - cool! Without the pins, you can use
as a label for a blog or notebook. or decorate
your personal page Notepad.
Well guys you liked these icons? If yes, then
Download images in the group in the VC and of course subscribe
per channel and press the bell. Guys and let's try
dial below the video 10,000 likes, even interesting,
if we can it. And all the while, and until we meet again.
How does Mavic Pro Color Profiles look in real life? - Duration: 3:23.
how good is the footage recorded with
your Mavic without post-processing
This is a question that I've seen a
seen asked frequently. I've made this
video where I run through all the color
profiles currently available. Welcome to
this series of basic tips to record
better and smoother video with your
Mavic. We frequently upload ewheel and
drone related material that will help
you get the best out of your equipment.
If you're new to this channel then
subscribe so you don't miss out on
anything. When you are flying it can be
very difficult to judge the look of the
video. Yes, you can see when you change
color profiles that the colors are
changing on the screen, but you can't
really judge the final result because of
the tiny screen and maybe the impact of
sunlight. DJI keep renaming their
profiles, but with the latest firmware
these are the current profiles available.
Are you already using color profiles? What
profile are using and why? Put a comment
in the comment section below. Now let's
look what the filters look like when
they rendered out in the final video.
The video samples has been recorded in 2.7 k
30 fps and the white balance
set to SUNNY. Style has been
set to +1,0,0 for sharpness
contrast and saturation. The video has
been rendered in 1080p, through
DaVinci Resolve.
The choice of
color profile is highly dependable on
what you're planning to do with the footage
afterward. If you plan to color grade the
footage with tools like Davinci Resolve
you might want to go for a flat profile
like D-Log or D-Cinelike. You can
apply something called LUT or look-up
tables with your color grading
software. that allows easy color grading
of your footage. This is outside the scope
of this video's so this we can cover
another time. Color grading look stunning
but sometimes it can also be very
time-consuming. You might just want to do
some casual flying and use the footage
directly of your Mavic. This is where the
color profile come in handy and you can
produce a certain look and feel to your
footage. What profile is the right for
your needs? That is hard for me to say
This is up to personal style and
preferences, but I hope this video helps
you to see how the color profiles look
when they applied through the final
I hope you found this video helpful, if
so press the like button below subscribe
so you don't miss out on anything and
see you on the next one
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