Top 8 TV Actor & Actress Who Married Twice ! 2017
For more infomation >> Top 8 TV Actor And Actress Who Married Twice ! 2017 - Duration: 3:40.-------------------------------------------
LEARN WORDS WITH PEPPA PiG - Duration: 4:39.
Das Bildnis des Dorian Gray by Oscar WILDE in German Deutsch - Duration: 10:32:36.
UFO: Afterlight (Reticulan 2.0 mod) - Walkthrough / Videonávod - 70 - [ENG/CZ] - Duration: 26:11.
The "Loading in order not to be invaded" strat. This series is long enough already.
Věra is our current Scout / Pointman.
Hmm, what to do with that invading mission...
Oh, go yourselves.
A night mission with Matriarchs. Well that will surely go well. -_-
Camping turtle tactic time.
Hello guys In the video of today will show how to make these
Velcro tabs for newborns And in this case we will use the velcro
We Velcro various widths I brought to show you
We will use the 16mm, but if you do not find Look this one has 16mm
If you do not find the 16mm we have this 20mm
You can use any width to find in your city
This one is 20mm This one does not know the measure 51mm ...
Then you will use the width to find there in your city
Because we cut the width of prissy tape that will use
You can use colored matching the color ribbon
For example I did this because I had orange orange Velcro
And I did it all in the same color If not you can standardize with
neutral black, white color is ...
Gray also gives to standardize Brown camouflage these colors better in
hair All these I did with white
Only by changing the color of the tape, but did all with White the only one who did differently was the
orange because I had the orange Velcro So...
In the case of this I will use 16mm Can you do, cutting to length 4cm
you can do two tabs Because I use the tape 7mm
So first I will cut 4cm I will highlight the two parties
I tried to cut the two together but gave a Warped
So I prefer to cut one and then the other I'll cut 4cm
I'll cut 4cm in length Like this I'm using has 16mm and
my tape has 7mm Oh I will use tape 7mm wide
The 16mm will to make two I'll take 1mm on each side
This part of the velcro that has no contact this flat piece here
See, he has garrinhas here and has that part that contactless
I think it's for sewing as we will not to sew
Let's take 1mm on each side, because this It has 16mm
And when taking 1mm on each side he will be with 14mm
What will to do two loops with 7mm width
I'll take a piece It's just a ...
Just look only 1mm Only a piece same
And just this part that has contact Now I will paste on the other hand, this soft
that sticks I paste to cut according to the length
I will cut And I'll do the same thing is taking 1mm
width side
He get an average of 14mm (solid wastes) He stayed
14mm exactly why we took 1mm each side
And I will now cut in half Open again and will cut in half
He has some risks You see the risks?
This helps us cut If not or if you use a different width
do not take to cut in the middle you get the tape
Measure the width of the tape on the Velcro and cuts Using tape to measure the width
It can cause wider strips, but I liked much of this because it has the same measure the "beak
Duck " Cut in half
I'll cut the other party Dividing right with the environment
Now I will stick both parties I'll get the tape and I will start using paste
hot glue gun is very should hot
And we have to spread the glue and not to get any glue spare because it
goes contact- Usually newborn child has little hair, then will contact
the child's head (scalp) So not to be bothering
I will spend the glue I will start just above the tip ...
Spread glue and Let straightening
The prissy width of my satin Not glued the tip also started at the middle
I'll leave the tips last for caprichar good
I'll paste the rest Passing the glue spreading and
Leaving a thin layer of glue Worrying and the tips
And with the very hot gun If you do with the cold spray attachment
It will be compromised, pasted on one side I'll give back the other side gluing
Taking care to spread the glue I will spread the glue
Now I will do the tips I'll paste the edge on the other side
That part is easy, everything is glued I will trim the ends and seal
I will not seal to reel off The clip is ready
What I want to spend as tip for you I consider important?
What is the correct side of this clip?
I do like this The side that I like to paste the loop
The part that I find above is that part that cutest
And that part I leave below the clip ...
If Mom accident Close badly or leave crooked
This part will be in contact with the head (Scalp) of the child
The loop will stay up Disregard the color (it is only an example for
DIY) The link is up and the fuzzy part is
down in contact with the head And that part is facing up to not
run the risk of disturbing the child So this tip I consider to be more valid
the issue of bracket In necklace hour loop leave this part
with garrinhas down This part goes on the child's head
And that fuzzy part'll be facing ... low
So that part is fuzzy the top my clip
And that part which has the claws is the part low cleat
So Then paste in the time loop in the paste
from above In the fuzzy
And this part let it free Now is
only to perfect the bonds I love small loops, I think very cute
It's just to perfect the small loops This did with tape 22mm
Look at the size And the technique serves both to grosgrain
as for this satin made in satin (Tiny)
You can make several, this did with 22mm in grosgrain
Here I made a little lower I made this boutique, just look (rsss)
Look at the size ...
this boutique You choose ... you do organza lace,
little flower and light bows Recalling that is attached only to a velcro,
therefore Depending on the amount of hair is more
difficult to handle So there has to be a work light and small
Which is quite charming So that's today's tip
We have some ready here So that's the tip for today, hope
enjoyed If you like leave your like, if you do not
is registered in the channel register Share this video and see you soon!
BESÖKER RINKEBY (NO GO ZONE?) - Duration: 8:57.
【Youtuber玩台灣】台灣旅遊-九份》與四位女神級Youtuber出發遊九份Feat Mira's garden、ChachaTV、AuraTV、Linda teaTV|台湾九份|ジォウフェン - Duration: 6:09.
Volvo V50 1.6D DRIVe Summum - Duration: 1:03.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDi GT-Line NIEUW! - Duration: 1:02.
1. Eternal Hope! Trochę moich teorii 💥 - Duration: 11:01.
SenseCube - Appel à projet #6 : Un petit mot pour la prochaine promo ! - Duration: 0:36.
Rework By Jason Fried & David Heinemeier Hansson - Book Review - Duration: 4:04.
how's it going everyone my name is Dono
and this is how to happy. In this video
we're going to be doing a book review of
the book rework. So rework is best for
those who are interested in starting a
business or have a business and want a
light and conversational read the
difficulty to digest is really low you
should be able to get something from it
just by skimming the chapters they're super short.
A lot of them are just a paragraph
or two the concepts are all really
refined and easy to understand moving on
to the key insights rework is a book
that is aimed at those who want to have
a business or already have one or are
leaders and want a few quick wins a few
quick ideas that they can use one of the
big themes that keeps coming through in
the book is to execute on simple ideas
basically the idea being that the more
complicated something gets the more
opportunities there are for it to face
roadblocks they also emphasize to go
through quick iteration so get something
done not worry about perfectionism and
then as you go kind of adjust it keep
the ideas simple use common sense and
keep pushing forward another big part of
the book is to use your own common sense
and intuition instead of deferring to
Authority so for example they say why do
you want to grow your business if you
don't have good reasons for wanting to
grow your business maybe you shouldn't
common knowledge says most of the time
that that is something that you should
do so they just challenge you to think
about things and think about your own
goals and ideas and what you want to
accomplish one other big thrust in the
book is this idea of work-life balance
and they iterate several times that if
you're firing a hundred percent all the
time eventually going to burn out and
once you burn out either your work is
going to suffer or you are going to
suffer and it's just not going to be
good so they highly emphasize taking
time for yourself to really work out
your work life balance other
considerations so there's a lot of
really good points in this book but
because of how
short it is and how short the concepts
are sometimes it can be hard to
understanding exactly what the authors
are trying to say or it can be easy to
misinterpret what they're saying because
there's not enough supporting details to
make the concept really strong that
being said it is super approachable and
as long as you're able to kind of pull
the ideas out for yourself and think
about them then you should be able to
get quite a bit of value. When reading
the book use one of their own ideas
which is to keep things simple don't
overcomplicate don't overthink what it
is the ideas are supposed to be really
simple and easy to digest let's move on
to the applicable content a huge theme in
rework is simplification and clean
execution what's one thing you can start
or stop doing to simplify your own life
we often let others expectations guide
us in a certain direction occasionally
one that isn't a good fit is there
anything you've been considering but are
hesitant about because of other people's
opinions or expectations why do they
have those expectations is that really
the right choice for you? consider your
work-life balance for a moment do you
feel happy and productive is there
anything you could change to become even
more happy or productive? so those are a
few questions again the main thrust of
the book is to just really keep things
simple and streamlined get a bunch of
stuff done and maintain a good work-life
balance there are some more nuanced
points in there if you want to check the
book out I will have a link down in the
box below and that's all I've got for
this video so if you have any questions
comments topics you want me to cover as
always also put those down in the box
below and I will see you next time you
can check out more content at how to also don't forget to subscribe
so you can stay up to date on the videos
we've also got a Twitter Instagram and
Facebook you can check out reflect take
action and enjoy life see you next time
Cayneian, a Man From Blood | Fantasy Horror Book Excerpt | by Aaron Dennis - Duration: 5:35.
Tall Tale TV.
Sci-Fi Fantasy short story audiobooks.
Cayneian, a Man from Blood by Aaron Dennis
There was a time when man was powerful, and hungering for more power, he set his wizard's
gaze to search for the unknown.
A forgotten king learned of an island.
It was said no one had ever been there, but that was not the truth.
Before man was powerful, Daemons ruled by flame.
Whether it was divine providence from above, the steely determination of heroes, or the
Daemons' own hubris, they were defeated, driven deep, deep underground.
Time passed.
Man flourished under its own rule.
It was forgotten that a Daemon cannot die, and so the residents of an island grew reckless
as all those with an insatiable thirst for power do.
They stole deep beneath their proliferous kingdom.
There, they found flame.
The flame beckoned, and the flame promised, but fire devours all.
When the haughty king sent his men on an expedition to that island, his men discovered evidence
that it had been very much inhabited.
Though no sign of battle was evident, whole forests were cut down, homes sat in disrepair,
and ominous clouds covered the skies, but still the expedition trekked forth in search
of power for their king.
Every turn held great trepidation for both the soldiers and those brave men whose purpose
it was to find the unknown source of power.
Starting with an errant bolt of lightning destroying their only vessel, evil quickly
reared its head, matters grew out of hand.
The sun set never to rise again.
Vile monsters came forth from shadow and feasted on human flesh.
The very air poisoned the voyagers' souls, and when they pressed beyond the domain of
the sealed, they too found Daemons.
It is unclear whether or not any of the king's men survived, but what is known, is that a
great wizard begot of great wizards sealed the Daemons away as had been done ages prior.
For a time, immense destruction was averted.
On the island, the worst of dangers subsided, yet disasters lurked behind darkened recesses.
Like men who hunger for power, Daemons hunger, but theirs is a fierce hunger.
From a sealed tomb, one Daemon continued to beckon.
It continued to prod at the souls of good men.
A progression of tribulations accosted those left upon the island.
Some settled in as there was no other alternative.
It was an awful life, but any attempt at sailing away was met with an untimely demise.
Good will alone does not stay evil, and even good men fall to bad judgment.
The horrid living conditions broke the spirits of men and even twisted some into monstrous
Thirsting for more power, the Daemon sought out and away from the island by ways of hellish
Upon satiating its hunger, it beckoned once more; this time for a particular individual.
Long before the expedition, one good man was promised a power from blood.
Seeking vengeance on those whom had done him ill will, he accepted.
The practice of Sang Daemanus came to be.
While only men may undergo this ritual, and the power is nearly without limit, most falter
at the very mention.
Men brave enough to attempt the ritual normally go mad within days.
The indomitable are the sole successors to Sang Daemanus, but they are twisted creatures.
Often, they do not return alone.
Only now has it come pass that it was this abominable power which the Council of Five
had discovered.
It was unfortunate that these wizards, advisers to the king who sent the expedition—though
cunning—lacked the practical knowledge required to avert the soul from evil provocation.
Now, deep beneath the island of despair, the wizards seek only reprisal.
A broken kingdom is ruled by fear and hatred.
The Daemon calls, and the Daemon burns.
Cayneian, a Man from Blood is a fantasy horror rife with grim action and written by Aaron
Let the squeamish turn back now; only the brave should venture forth to
Aaron Dennis is an author that I have no doubts will be making waves in the world of fiction.
He's been featured on Tall Tale TV before with his story Otherside, and has helped this
channel immensely in it's earliest days.
Go check him out!
He almost always has book or two for free.
Hey guys!
What did you think?
A little change of pace.
Seems I don't read enough fantasy these days, am I right?
Well, that's because you haven't sent me your amazing short story yet!
Head on over to for submission guidelines.
I need fantasy!
Scifi is great too, though.
Now stab that like button through the soft spot of it's underbelly and subscribe to save
the kingdom from certain doom.
I'm Chris Herron, and that's it for today's Tall Tale TV.
Fun Kitchen Kids Games - Children Play Cooking Games For Kids - ToFu Oh Shushi Master Gameplay - Duration: 15:08.
Fun Kitchen Kids Games - Children Play Cooking Games For Kids - ToFu Oh Shushi Master Gameplay.
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