Did you want to say something?
(A lot of incomprehensible talking.....)
Did you want to say something?
(A lot of incomprehensible talking.....)
For more infomation >> Big is Beautiful - Miguel in Bogotá - Duration: 9:48.-------------------------------------------
Le Vlog d'Eli - Belle belle Ottawa et ses Ottawains... Ottawaiens... Otta-Hawaïens!? - Duration: 4:17.
This week, I talk about Ottawa
and the promo campaign for our film
Nomads: 35 days in the United States
I'm Eli!
I work in communications,
social media and web content.
In my spare time, I am a triathlete,
I have been traveling non-stop since I was 17 years old
and today I divide my time between
Quebec and California!
Last week, I continued the filming for Landmarks
Films Oiseau de nuit's second movie.
Mimi and I arrived in Ottawa.
We had planned 2 full days of
outdoor filming.
Except, Mother Nature wasn't really cooperative.
We just arrived in Ottawa...
It started snowing...
It's snowing...
it's wet.
we're not too sure...
And it's really cold.
If our first day of filming
was not a success
because of the rainy and cold weather,
Saturday was a beautiful day!
So we left the car in a parking lot,
and walked around from one attraction to another.
What struck me,
is how easy it is for pedestrians in Ottawa.
Indeed, walking from the Parliament to the other
neo-gothic gouvernement buildings is a breeze.
There are statues and memorials
on literally every corner.
Take a moment to stop
and learn more about the heroes of our history.
For art lovers,
there are works of art disseminated
everywhere in the city on top of the
National Gallery of Canada.
right in front of the Maman statue.
That's the gigantic spider
you see on screen right now.
I loved strolling
from one attraction to the other in a city
where everything is clean, everyone is nice
and has no problem helping either
in French or English.
My favorite thing in Ottawa
is by far the visit of the Parliament.
The visit of the government building is free.
You simply need to get tickets
in the building located in front of the Parliament
and go inside.
Make some time
to go through security.
Throughout the visit,
wether you like history or politics
or wether you're more an architecture or art type,
you will enjoy yourself.
Go up the Peace Tower
for a 360 degrees view of the city and
be ecstatic from looking at the yellow ceiling like me!
Being a hopeless book lover,
I was personally in awe with the Parliament's library.
I imagined myself, pursuing my research
on 17th century authors,
surrounded by the words of the greatest intellectuals of our generation,
writing scholarly articles...
I'm getting carried away.
What I mean is that I found it truly beautiful!
If you plan on visitng Ottawa soon,
check out my blog post.
You can find it in the description right below.
I tell you about the best places
to take photos,
the best places to visit,
little things you need to know ahead of time
to make the most of your trip
and about how Ottawains?
About how much people in Ottawa are nice!
And how it's really worth going to
for a weekend.
Along with the filming for Landmarks,
I also coordinate
the promo campaign for Nomads
our first film which will come out in May.
So this week, we met with
Olivier Denommée, a journalist for Le Courrier,
who is interested in our project
which is to make
10 films over the course of 10 years about 10 countries
and touring the world.
We also went to the Bromont chocolate factory
to meet with Bromont citizens
who were there for brunch
or to get their Easter chocolates.
We talked to them about our project
so they knew we were a Bromont business
and that our screening would be in their neighborhood.
It was absolutely fantastic!
We got so many encouragements and so much love.
It was an amazing day!
If you still haven't seen my first vlog
go check it out!
In last week's clip,
I tell you about how I shifted
careers from teaching
to social media managing and web content.
That's it for this week!
Subscribe to our channel!
In the upcoming weeks,
I'll talk about Toronto
since we'll obviously film in Toronto!
And I reveal my tips on how
to make money while travelling!
5 conseils pour devenir journaliste audiovisuel - Duration: 1:41.
Dinosaurs and Friends (+1 hour Dinosaurs kids videos compilation with king kong, shark, bird) - Duration: 1:04:11.
Dinosaurs and Friends (+1 hour Dinosaurs kids videos compilation with king kong, shark, bird)
Big Smoke'un Siparişi - Duration: 2:08.
L'amitié France - Japon / 日仏間の友情関係 (1/2) - Duration: 18:38.
Logiciel #BIM de conception architecturale 3D - #Edificius #21 - Duration: 1:02.
5 Tips to Conserve Data - Duration: 3:25.
Want to know how to conserve wireless data usage?
In this video, you'll learn 5 tips to help limit or prevent event data overages.
Before we get started, we'd like to tell you about our new unlimited plans: AT&T UNLIMITED
Enjoy unlimited data, talk and text on both of these plans.
Please note that after 22GB, AT&T may slow data speeds.
For more information about these plans, visit: http://go-att.us/unlimited
Data usage occurs any time data is transmitted to or from a wireless network to or from your
(Use of data services on another carrier's wireless network may be subject to limitations
as specified in your Wireless Customer Agreement.)
To conserve wireless data usage, follow these tips:
#1 use a Wi-Fi network to connect your device to the internet, especially when streaming
music or video content since they consume a lot of data.
Your device will then receive data via Wi-Fi , which does not count against your wireless
data plan allotment.
Visit http://www.att.com/maps/wifi to find AT&T Wi-Fi usage hotspot locations, both domestic
and abroad.
#2 Turn off streaming & auto updates for certain APPs.
To restrict streaming on iPhone APPs, go to settings, select the APP you'd like to restrict
then toggle off "background App refresh" & "cellular data".
On android, go to settings, data usage, then scroll down and select the app you'd like
to restrict and check off the box that reads "turn off background data on mobile data
network." Please be aware that some apps need cellular data to work properly.
#3 Turn on stream saver (unless on unlimited plus for business) Stream Saver allows you to watch
more video on your wireless devices while using less data by streaming at Standard Definition
quality; you will have control over which lines on your account use Stream Saver and
can turn it off or on at any time once AT&T activates it.
#4 If you are using an APPLE device, you can turn off wi-fi assist.
With Wi-Fi Assist, you can stay connected to the Internet even if you have a poor Wi-Fi
However, turning it off will ensure that you maintain your wi-fi connection so that your
data usage will transmit via wi-fi and therefore will not count towards your plan's allotment.
#5 To reduce data usage, you can also close apps that may be running in the background
even though you're not using them.
Double tap the home key on iOS devices or select the Recent Apps key on Android devices
to see which apps are running.
To close an APP on iOs devices, simply swipe upwards on the thumbnail.
On android devices, swipe left.
If you are having trouble performing these steps, please visit http://www.att.com/devicehowto
to find instructions for your device.
Thanks for watching; don't forget to like & share this video.
And if you want to learn how you can track your data usage throughout the course of the
month please watch our data monitoring tips video by visiting: http://go-att.us/monitor
For more information on ways to manage your wireless data usage, visit http://go-att.us/data.
Big is Beautiful - Miguel in Bogotá - Duration: 9:48.
Did you want to say something?
(A lot of incomprehensible talking.....)
Did you want to say something?
(A lot of incomprehensible talking.....)
Nouveau joueur ou de retour en jeu : débloquez le vol dans Legion (VOST) - Duration: 0:52.
Tod einer Polizistin - Das kurze Leben der Michèle Kiesewetter [Doku] [UT] - Duration: 44:50.
3 Aplicaciones Android que no deben faltar en tu Teléfono - Duration: 4:08.
Hello welcome such a new video Today I will mosrar 3 highly interesting applications
that they are not in Google play and think You should install
the first application is called repelisplus an application that just recently updated
and it offers movies and anime series within Of these three categories there are subcategories
premieres, top action and have the bar search, I will show news from
this update because the application has improved enough in some respects
choose the film and above the drinking jefazo we can share with dlna players for
transmitting a SmartTV, I usually use web cast video but also works well
The one on the right called localcast, this option as I say not had before,
but you know how to use web video cast fails video link which explain how to use
also you can download the movie here we see this in Latin or subtitled but
There are also many films in Castilian, up recommends the application that you click
on advertising to go faster download
the download folder is android data com.repelisplus download files and finally, here we would find
Downloaded movies sure you thought that the folder is located
in a place a bit hidden for access to downloads and the truth that I sought
This application settings but lacks the lashes adjustments if not become more
in a later upgrade
If you want to see the movie online for just We choose the server and click on play up
right turn to have the options to redirect and if you click it opens another
dlna player that I have installed it localcast flame that gives me a choice between two
redirect options left to the SmartTV or right back to choose from
installed players will choose view on the phone so I recommend in
mxplayer this case in these movies Release that are recorded on film we can
adjust the size of the screen
The following application will come to us very well for those who like to have them updated
installed applications appear before in google play, to the left shows
320 applications installed in my case and center applications we appear
with a pending update, no we need to have to update google play
but you are upgrading across two servers One is called apk mirror which is well known
and the other evozi well as to update and I tell you before it appears on Google play
we will hunt down those with the letter b, b means that this letter is the update
in beta version are trial versions but most of the time not usually
have bugs so for example we see the aplicaicón Kodi I have installed version 17.1 and
I can upgrade to version 18 if I go into google play we see not yet appeared
The update for Kodi and as we have version 17.1
We walked through the browser and see apkmirror which in this case is a version alpha1 this
It means it is a version that is not very tested the truth even if you do not have much
Better hurry wait for beta versions They are more tested and rarely have failures
and from adjustments? alamos only check WiFi network updates not to eat
our data rate and down all we Choose more servers check for updates
The following application is called flytube and It is a modification of the YouTube app
as we must Login as the official application and most interesting
it is that we can visualize any video in a floating window that also is
You can increase or decrease the size and we lets you open any aplicaicón and videos
at the same time
This application like the previous belong the xda forum so I'll download link
the forum and so podreis always access the latest version of the application
good friends I hope you liked some of these three aplicaiones we are in another
video soon
Not so long ago I found myself overworked under challenged and under stimulated.
Days turned into weeks and weeks into years.
Self employed but trapped in my own bad habits.
I had set out to escape the 9 to 5 but somehow my ambitions and goals had drifted off to
this unhealthy urge for mainstream success pushing me into
a harsh environment working up to 80h per week.
Not happy just….
Stable, bland, board Was I successful or just a hypocrite - something had to change - so
I changed.
This is what it is all about this is what making it happen is all about - these very
few very special moments in life that you work towards and then you indulge in them
100% these are the moments that make me really happy.
Being successful is so much more than society makes us believe.
Success should and can only be defined by your own standards.Being successful means
being able to do something you are passionate about not what society expects from you.
We live in a day and age that allows us to make more choices than ever before.
We sold one of our businesses and built a lifestyle that would allow us to live and
work literally any where on this planet.
We realized that the only way we could truly be happy was if we would live our passion
of traveling and sharing our experiences both good and
bad in life to help others come to the same realization
we had come to.
Be successful your way - don't put money or reputation before your own dreams.
My mom always told me I could do anything I set my mind to..
My dad always told me not to wait…
So I decided to stop waiting and make it happen.
Some people might call is insane for starting over - I think it would be insane not too.
This year we are pursuing goals we are really passionate about
this year we will keep on making it happen
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