Bruno Mars "Count On Me" (karaoke+chords)
For more infomation >> Bruno Mars "Count On Me" (karaoke+chords) - Duration: 3:34.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 3 2.0 skyactiv-g skylease+ 88kW - Duration: 1:03.
[Day5] 300 Push Ups a Day for 7 Days - [Men's Health 300 Pushups Challenge 2017] See What Happens? - Duration: 5:05.
Summer Cheers - Special Mix Deep House Mix 2017 - Best Of Deep House Sessions 2017 by XDeep House - Duration: 59:19.
Summer Cheers - Special Mix Deep House Mix 2017 - Best Of Deep House Sessions 2017 by XDeep House
Kia Niro 1.6 GDi H. BusinessL - Duration: 1:01.
Subscribe to the channel;3 is My favorite) Nya
Dit beeld laat zien wat barmhartigheid is - Duration: 7:33.
Let's Destroy Some Ooze! - Duration: 21:53.
Comment utiliser un hashtag ou mot dièse? - Duration: 4:24.
3 reasons why we should use hasht ags
what is it?
first, what's a hashtag?
it's a small creature
that we sometimes call pound or square
that you attached to a keyword
and this keyword is fundamental
Here are 3 good reasons for using it
first, hashtags bring people together
for example if you type a hashtag, it will allow people to gather around the same conversation
on Instagram, the hashtag is the king
I publish one image, and use the #vegan hashtag
my intention here is that all the persons interested in vegan food
can see my image
it's the same idea when I want to search for vegan photos
I go to the search bar on Instagram
type #vegan
then I will see a selection of all the photos people took and posted on Instagram with this hashtag
Reason #2
hashtags can be your signature
a lot of organizations use the same hashtag all the time
where ever they publish something
on social media, in magazine or on poster
they use their branded hashtag
for example in Canada where I Iive
the Canadian Tourism Commission
uses #ExploreCanada on all their marketing materials
on my side, I love cooking, I have a blog
when I post recipes I also
sign my tweets, posts etc. with my branded hashtag #ABCuisine
It's a great way to get recognize and use your hashtag as your signature
make sure when you choose your branded hashtag
that this hashtag hasn't already been taken
Reason #3
hashtags are your best friends when your organize or attend events
you organize a festival, a tour, a party or any public event
and you ask the audience to use
x or y hashtag
when they post photos or videos of their experience at the event.
for example, let's go to Montreal
for the Osheaga music festival
many month in advance people already use the hashtag #Osheaga2017 to talk about the coming event
it allows you to have access to all the people that can't wait to be at your event ahead of the event!
they tweet, they post on Facebook or Instagram
you can not only search for what people say about your event
before, during and after the event
hashtags are a great way to measure your success
and sometimes to get aware of negative comments or suggestions to improve your event
this is a good way to measure the vibes
and take notes of things your could organize differently based on the posts and tweets you can see via your hashtag
now that you know 3 ways on how to use hashtags
tell me how YOU use hashtags
Come and see me in closed group on Facebook
you will meet other people that are starting and expanding their social media adventure
feel free to ask questions, contribute to the discussion
If you liked that video, share it with your friends
leave me a message under this video
and subscribe to my channel for the next video!
New Film in the MCU (Parody Song) - Duration: 3:15.
I can see what's happening.
It happens every year.
We work so hard to make something that's new,
It feels me up with fear.
Their perfect flawless formula
Is one we can't defeat
Cause every time a Marvel movie comes
The fan girls/boys lose their shit
New film in the MCU
Excitement in the air
The wait was long
I feel the buzz tonight
It's more than I can bare
So many things could happen
Phase 3 is where it's at
We'll finally know what that glove is all about
I'm certain about that
My all time favorite characters
Can always make me smile
And maybe just for once they'll introduce
A villain worth our while
New film in the MCU
Excitement in the air
The wait was long
I feel the buzz tonight
It's more than I can bare
New film in the MCU
The best we've ever seen
Let's go again, so we can analyze
Each and every scene
With every new film coming out
We're getting more consumed
The glory days of us are history
In short, DC-
is doomed.
【MUKBANG】 Kyushu's Flavor [5Umakachan Noodles]+ Cod Roe Mayo Rice Bowl, 4.5Kg 5323kcal[CC Available] - Duration: 8:07.
Hello its Kinoshita Yuka (English subtitles by ~Aphexx~) (Subtitles optimized to be viewed on PC)
So, Today! tadaa I made 5 packs of 'Umanachan' noodles and a bowl of mustard green and fish egg on rice
and here's the packaging of the 'Umakachan' I was sent this by a viewer ~thank you very much~
I grew up in Fukuoka and I used to eat this a lot back in the day
seeing this is so nostalgic and it totally made my day
I hear that this store called 'Don Quixote' sells these but I don't often go there so its been a while since
I've seen this noodle these Umakachan are so delish
I also went all out on these toppings today alrighty lets see how its made
tadaa here's the umakachan what we'll be using today these are so very popular in my home town of Fukuoka
I ate so much of these growing up
I'll chop up some leek and thinly slice some char siu
since you often see pork ramen shops serve these mustard greens I'll copy them by making them with rice
fry the greens with sesame oil
add sesame seeds to taste and prep the rice I'll be using 3 cups today
then top with the greens we prepared earlier
the rice is totally covered up
hollow out the middle and add our 'onsen tamago' (soft boiled egg)
tadaa this is fish egg mayo I'll be using it on this dish today
there was a big pocket of air there
then sprinkle sesame seeds.... and add out leek
and in the ramen pack there is noodles, soup and an oil packet
boil up 5 packs worth of noodles I used this pot to fry our mustard greens so thats what
is floating in here and since we will be adding extra mustard greens to your noodles it won't affect anything
they call for 3 minutes of boiling but if you prefer chewier noodles adjust cook time accordingly
once its boiled turn off the heat and add our soup packet
ahh this umakachan powder..... it brings back so many memories
once you're done adding the soup transfer to a bowl
add char siu, wood ear mushroom, bamboo, ginger, and the remaining greens
then add our oil packet top with leeks and sesame
and its tadaa done!
and over here is our mustard green with fish egg mayo
I also added a few pieces of char siu with so many of these toppings it looks so delish
itadakimasu this milky white soup brings back so many memories
ahh good ol' umakachan noodle soup but it doesn't taste as strong as what you'd get
at their shops though... but then again that's what makes the home made
version so good the noodles look like this
they're on the thin side
gotta love that pork broth soup the soup is not too thin at all but it is
on the light and watery side not thick at all
the pork broth sticks to the noodles so nicely ... delish
and here's a piece of char siu
so good... This char siu is like something you'd find in a chinese noodle bowl
white ?noodles? you'd find in a pork broth ramen
you always see ginger and bamboo in a pork broth ramen
its these toppings that make part of the unmistakable pork broth ramen experience
mmm so good
you don't find wood ear mushrooms or ginger or mustard greens in any other types of ramen
they are perfect in these pork broth ramen
I love that crunchy mouthfeel of these woood ear mushrooms so much
time for our mustard green fish egg mayo bowl
I'll now break up the soft eggs
soo good. these soft boiled eggs mix together with the
fish egg mayo and then cover all the greens ~ its gonna taste so good ~
~ I haven't tasted it yet though ~
they look like this ~it looks a bit messy though~
the mustard greens have such a strong forward taste and the egg serves to perfectly mellow out that
strong flavor... the fish egg mayo is so wonderful its perfect with rice
so good
these mustard greens taste so great with all this and broth tastes so awesome with this rice as well
I've pretty well finished all the noodles so now I will put the rice and broth together
look at this will 'ya its full of greens, bamboo and all sorts of things
the color of the soup looks so magnificent you know this soup is gonna taste so good
so strong
mustard greens and fish eggs go so nicely together
these greens are so delish they are so flavorful that they go perfectly in
almost any dish
in a video I made earlier with a simmered pork broth ramen and I made a porridge with the remaining
broth with rice.... remember I added some mustard greens to that as well.... it was so darn tasty
all done final mouthful itadakimasu
this bowl is also done gochisosamadeshita
the umakachan noodles and the fish egg mayo with greens on rice were so delish
its been forever since I had 'Umakachan' noodles out of all the instant noodles these Umakachan would
have to be my most favourite ones out there when I was living in Fukuoka
these noodles were the 'go to' noodles all the time and when you shop for these instant noodles
I always thought these were the best engineered ones around
as I discovered noodles from all around I was surprised to find how good other makes of noodles were
these noodles will always have a special place in my heart this packaging brings back so many memories as well
it shows ?hakata don tate? or does it? I dunno lol
the picture on their packaging hasn't changed a bit from when I was a kid
~ lol I'm getting all charged up all of a sudden ~
these brough back so many memories and they're so tasty as well
in my life I've eaten a tonne of these umakachan noodles that's why I wanted to go all out with toppings today
~ suddenly I feel so grown up ~ back in the day I would make just these umakachan
noodles along with some rice
this was my first time making this mustard green and fish egg mayo bowl
I kinda just threw together a few things that I felt would taste good together
and it turned out to tasty these soft boiled eggs are so wonderful as well
you can get away with using just normal mayo in it as well but the fish egg mayo tasted great as well
I had some of this special mayo lying around today so that is why we used it today
it tasted great in the dish everything tasted so great won't you all give it a try?
and as always thanks for watching and if you liked this video please hit the like and subscribe button BAI BAI
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