Monday, December 26, 2016

Youtube daily report Dec 26 2016

Gorilla vs Hulk Spiderman Finger Family Rhymes 3d Animation For Kids Sharks Family Rhymes For Kids

For more infomation >> Gorilla vs Hulk Spiderman Finger Family Rhymes 3d Animation For Kids Sharks Family Rhymes For Kids - Duration: 1:16:55.


Театр теней - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Театр теней - Duration: 5:01.


Play & Learn Kids Coloring World Painting For Children and Babies By Papumba - Duration: 21:15.

For more infomation >> Play & Learn Kids Coloring World Painting For Children and Babies By Papumba - Duration: 21:15.


Knock Knock - Santa calling.

For more infomation >> Knock Knock - Santa calling.


Love Rudy Mancuso?

For more infomation >> Love Rudy Mancuso?


[TUTO] Comment créer une chaine YouTube! [2017] 27 Conseils. - Duration: 22:32.

For more infomation >> [TUTO] Comment créer une chaine YouTube! [2017] 27 Conseils. - Duration: 22:32.


Doctor Who - (10.X) "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" REACTION & quick commentary - Duration: 21:29.

Honestly, I don't know what to expect. I haven't even watched the trailer for the episode.

I suppose there was one. - I really don't know what to expect.

It's the Doctor!

What the hell is he doing again?

Oh yeah?

How did he do that?

Ah, I see!

With the Weeping Angels. Yeah!

Superpowers, that's what.

We'll see how the superhero thing will be handled in Doctor Who.

I'm not entirely sure it can work, but the Doctor's universe is so vast and malleable that anything could.

So I'm all for it!

The Doctor type of hero "clashing" with the superhero type can be interesting.

Why the hell is he eating sushi here?!

Well - I was about to say that this scar reminds me of the aliens in "The Husbands of River Song."

When one of them opened its head diagonally, just like that

and removes that thing from his head.

That was disgusting! And this here reminded me of that scene.

They're gonna remove his brain and place that alien thing in the skull.

That burn!

That's the other guy, the one who became a "superhero".

I'm no big fan of that costume

but who cares?

Oh, alright! Oh damn.

It's a bit like... Superman,

they meet and see each other all the time without the female not knowing they're working with or for the hero.

I love this!

For UNIT, in a way, yes.

Don't even get him started on this.

What's bothering me so far is that the Doctor doesn't have much to do.

He's just there, passive.

That's it.



TARDIS, yasss!

Did it change? No, it doesn't look so.

Ah, yeah, I was about to ask.

Better not leave him on his own, true.

So, Nardole's gonna be a companion.

I'm not bothered by it as long as he isn't only used as a comic relief.

But I think he will have a real purpose.

Oh, it's the same institute but in a different city.

That joke was questionable.

I understood it just now.

And they'll be trapped. That's it.

That's how he does it, ok.

Ha, damn!

Given the size of that thing, it would have probably destroyed more than New York, I think.

I agree.

Wut? Ah right.

That's sweet.

They left the bodies. Gross.

Oh, Osgood?!

Oh damn. It's not over with those yet.

Yes, that's a good thing.

Series 10, here we come!

The end was very sweet.

Overall, I kinda liked the episode.

It wasn't extremely original; it was quite basic actually.

The whole business with Grant was pretty mundane, I think.

But I like that the Doctor is the reason for him being a superhero.

So, like I said early in the video, it could fit the world of Doctor Who, and it does.

The alien, Doctor-ish side to it makes it digestible.

As I said though, the story is pretty unoriginal and I also thought the Doctor didn't have much to do.

It is the main flow.

All in all, I can't say it's one of the best Christmas specials we've seen so far.

Especially after "Last Christmas", "The Husbands of River Song" and some others, including the RTD's era.

It's below the Doctor Who and the Moffat standard, I believe.

Well, I'd say I...

that it was enjoyable. It was nice, but not more.

It still made me impatient for what's to come with Series 10, with Nardole, whom was pretty good.

We can feel he will be the comic relief of the incoming series.

Which should temper the Doctor's anger and sadness; so it's a very welcome addition.

And I can't wait to see Bill in action, whom was introduced earlier this year, in that short video.

I really can't wait for all of that! Anyway, bye for now.

I'm sorry?!

They will actually re-use that excerpt?

Ah, there will be Daleks of course.

Visually, it looks nice from what we can see here.

Can't wait for Series 10 in April. In april, right?

I really can't wait. It had been a whole year without a single episode, so yeah. - Shush, you!

For more infomation >> Doctor Who - (10.X) "The Return of Doctor Mysterio" REACTION & quick commentary - Duration: 21:29.


Hoa hậu Kỳ Duyên thổi bóng cười, khóa môi bạn trai - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Hoa hậu Kỳ Duyên thổi bóng cười, khóa môi bạn trai - Duration: 1:49.


How-To-Books: On Writing Family Stories & On Getting Published - Duration: 2:29.

Hi there, I'm John Bond.

I'd like to tell you briefly about the two books that I have written.

The first one is "The Story of You: A Guide for Writing Your Personal Stories and Family


This book is a practical guide for the novice writer about how to chronicle the stories

of his or her life.

The book encourages the reader to write the classic stories that everyone has, whether

just for themselves, or for their family and friends or the future.

The book includes chapters on how to get started, how to distribute or publish these stories,

and, best of all, "219 Questions to Prime the Pump" which helps get people thinking

about what they can write about.

I was inspired to write the book when, years ago, I was speaking to my parents about their

experience growing up in Brooklyn and Queens during the Depression.

Their everyday experiences such as buying from food peddlers in the street were foreign

to me and I realized that they would be even more so for my children.

The book is a fun and simple way to get started on telling stories people will value for many,

many years to come.

My other book is "You Can Write and Publish a Book: Essential Information on How to Get

Your Book Published."

This book gives detailed information about: creating a proposal, finding an agent, finding

a publisher, writing the manuscript, and marketing the book.

It is guaranteed to motivate the reader to get started on the road to publishing today.

I was inspired with this one when I heard a statistic that over 75% of the people in

the United States feel they have a book in them.

It's a nearly universal aspiration.

The book includes a fun Self-Assessment Quiz that contains 89 questions which allows the

reader to gauge their chances of becoming a published author.

For more information on either book, look in the description below to go to my website or you can go to my author page at Amazon.

I have also included a link to my website for my day job which is a consultant in publishing.

Finally, click her to Subscribe to my YouTube channel which is about scholarly publishing.

And of course send me an email with any questions you have or leave a comment below.

Thank you so much and take care.

For more infomation >> How-To-Books: On Writing Family Stories & On Getting Published - Duration: 2:29.


Bà xã Tuấn Hưng đang mang bầu và dự kiến là con gái - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Bà xã Tuấn Hưng đang mang bầu và dự kiến là con gái - Duration: 3:11.


1 LEGGENDARIA IN LIVE!!-Clash royale ITA [TROLL] - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> 1 LEGGENDARIA IN LIVE!!-Clash royale ITA [TROLL] - Duration: 2:28.


【Bullet Journal】 December Update ♥! (Sub Español) - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> 【Bullet Journal】 December Update ♥! (Sub Español) - Duration: 4:45.


Aquascaping Lab - Nutrition, Growth and Maintenance of Corals, Zooxanthellae and Phytoplankton - Duration: 6:27.

welcome on Aquascaping Lab Channel

in this video tutorial we are talking about

corals nutrition

zooxanthellae and phytoplankton

Corals are mixotrophic organisms

they feed both autotrophic by means of zooxanthellae

which in a heterotrophic

with the help of phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacterioplankton

or food provided by us

using direct methods such as providing chopped shrimp

fish, shellfish obviously the right size

categorized according to the polyps

or indirect methods such as the use of funds

colonize by annelids and small crustaceans

Another indirect method is to create the so-called "refugium"

a tank connected with the main aquarium

where there are no predators

no excessive movement of water

with the presence of specific algae

The correct nutrition is therefore a balancing of amount and timing

between autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition

usually during daylight hours autotrophic

and during the nightime hours heterotrophic

let' s see what are Zooxanthellae and Phytoplankton

Zooxanthellae are photosynthetic algae

unicellular microscopic in size (about 5 microns)

that live in symbiosis with many species of coral

and are localized in the tissue exposed to light

They live in symbiosis with the coral polyps

because they get from those nutrients such as phosphates, nitrates, carbon dioxide CO2

and thanks to photosynthesis, triggered by the presence of light

are able to produce the molecules needed to the nutritional needs of the coral

providing oxygen and carbohydrates

Zooxanthellae, thanks to a high concentration of pigments

such as chlorophyll and carotenoids

are also the "responsible" of the different colors of corals

that colors are more effective under water where the concentration of blue and green light is higer

In aquarium, usually they make 60-80% of the energy of coral needs

that's why is required a strong illumination

but be careful because in some cases excessive exposure to light

can cause intoxication of excessive production of oxygen

Phytoplankton is a autotrophic photosynthetic organisms

present in the plankton and using solar radiation as a source of energy

It is located at the base of the food chain in most aquatic ecosystems

and plays a vital role providing the material and energy flow

necessary for the maintenance of heterotrophic organisms

Unlike what is often believed, phytoplankton is not much used by calcareous skeleton corals (sps and lps)

while it is essential for the sustenance of soft corals

Zoanthids, Gorgonians and aposimbiontic corals, those who do not have zooxanthellae

are the ones in the aquarium they necessarily need service daily to survive

can not count on any photosynthetic symbiotic algae action

To cultivate phytoplankton, we can use ordinary plastic bottles

putting them in front of two or three 20W neon

not less then 15 hours a day

and airing the bottle with a bubbble tube without air stone

posizioned on the bottom of the bottle, with a moderate power

we can use olso special kits

be careful to the external contamination

The water inside must be chlorine-free

with a pH of not below 7, a GH of at least 10

and a temperature of about 25 ° Celsius

You will add chemicals elements to promote growth

The proportions are about 20-40 cc of phyto in 1 liter

and after 10 days you will see that it is ready by dark green

at this point we can use our phyto to feed the zooplankton

The most popular algae are: Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis

Tetraselmis, Chaetocerous and Chlorella

you can understand at this point that the correct lightning is very important

so i suggest to watch this video dedicated

how i know if my corals are in good conditions?

if the coral will darken

in conditions of optimum water values and proper lighting

we must increase or change their diet

If the polyps are retracted and the corals start to lose tissue

or takes a quick whitening

it is possible that there is a wrong or limited heterotrophic nutrition

Then replace or supplement immediately

if you want to know better about water chemistry and reef aquarium tips

click on this "basic elements" playlist dedicated

thank you for watching this video tutorial

click on like and leave a comment for any question

subscribe on Aquascaping Lab channel for many news

For more infomation >> Aquascaping Lab - Nutrition, Growth and Maintenance of Corals, Zooxanthellae and Phytoplankton - Duration: 6:27.


Nam Cường giả gái bị Thanh Duy "sàm sỡ" - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Nam Cường giả gái bị Thanh Duy "sàm sỡ" - Duration: 3:22.


Love AwesomenessTV?

For more infomation >> Love AwesomenessTV?


Knock Knock - Santa calling.

For more infomation >> Knock Knock - Santa calling.


Atarian 17#: Fairchild Channel F - Duration: 20:49.

One day Jerry Lawson was sitting in his room

And played his favorite Pong console.

I can't get enough, there is no more need for entertainment!

After a few minutes and hours, he was surrounded

By sceptic thoughts.

The same six games are on all of these machines

And besides me everyone got enough of them.

We need some refreshment, some new ideas!

Who, who are you?!

Do no fear, I'm Mephisto.

And I was impressed by your skepticism for the perfect creation.

So you are the Devil.

But why do you look like me?!

You all have a bit of me inside of you.

I'm one with you. But you need a little

Bit more of my power. Let me help you!

And what you want for exchange?

The life of my firstborn son? Or my soul?!

Don't be that old-fashioned, I ask for the share of 60%

I give you the fund, and you give the knowledge! The changeable games,

The cartridges will make us the rulers of video game industry forever!

What an idea! I'm in!

And that's how the devil wasted

The thousand years wealth of hell.

It all began in 1972 with a bunch of Silicon Valley rebels

Who quit their boring 9-to-5 engineering jobs

To pursue a computer game's dream.

Teazsúr presents:

"I'm one of the guys, if you tell me I can't do something, I'll turn around and do it." (Jerry Lawson)

Theme song: Semtex - 1337

So we survived the guilty of the crash of the video game industry in 1983,

And we can have a little more joy from now.

All of the coming episodes are special,

Today give a warm welcome for my collegaue, friend

And artist-mate, Mészáros György! Welcome him!


This episode is recorded with his help and his camera,

The next one will be done via a camera I bought last week.

All of the previous ones were done with this piece of shit.

So we can take a look to decide witch does better recording.

But now let's have a typical, wrong reasoning Atarian prologue!

The golden age of video gaming was a big mad science.

There were no strict rules, great examples,

One decade before only crazy engineers had fun

With things hardly called games, only for their own fun,

And university students played on huge computers

For a lot of payment adventure text games

Or simple games with some pixels, sometimes not on screen,

But printed on a tape of paper.

The Magnevox Odessey, developed from the Brown Box was the first

Video game experience for the public, for a lot of money,

And many Pong consoles were following it.

But times changed and many who decided to make consoles

Only bought the AY-3-8500 microchip,

Built the diodes, transistors and condensates for it,

And the two potentiometers and switches, then let's rock!

No surprise that in 5 years, in 1977 the lot of

Consoles made the same made the industry crash,

Only Magnavox and Atari survived.

The second generation

Begann with the Atari 2600 in 1977.09.11.

But the change was not such a sharp thing.

There is a really forgotten console that had a lot of similarities -Built-in speaker (1st version) -Paddle-like controller -Pong-styled built-in games -Only 5 colors -Limited sound effects

With Pong consoles, but had a lot of attributes -Built-in speaker (1st version) -Paddle-like controller -Pong-styled built-in games -Only 5 colors -Limited sound effects

Those were typical elements of the second generation of video gaming. -First real CPU -Built-in RAM -Sprites -Changeable ROMS -No batteries for power supply

The so called Homebrew Computer Club trained a lot of big geniuses,

Like Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak Apple founders,

But don't forget to mention Jerry Lawson

Who created the now 40 years old Fairchild Channel F that

Was released in the November of 1976.

You have to know about Lawson...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was not an Afro-American at the beginning,

Sorry, there was not enough cocoa in the local shop! ("I drank all!")

So, you have to know, he started as a hobby-electrician

And become a great engineer! (That was a big deal with a boy from Brooklyn in the 70s who repaired radio and television as a kid)

Who created the car smashing Demolution Derby arcade in 1974, (It remained a prototype)

But his biggest shot was the Fairchild Channel F console

As the headmaster of the video gaming section of

Fairchild Semiconductor International Inc.

After beaten by the Atari 2600

They made tree programs for the rival called Videosoft,

One of them was only a testing cartridge.

Unfortunately he left us, he was really sick with diabetes

And the eternal pixel field called him in 2011.

But I think you are mostly interested in the machine, let's see

What it is capable of!

The first thing you will realize it's big, heavy and have a manly design.

So it is square like hell!

And the other thing you can see is the strange controller,

There were two kind for the machine, one of them...

Is... This interesting shaped... Thing.

You can move it, like a joystick, turn it like a paddle,

And pull it up and down, like a...

Okay, I know what you think,

It's embarrassing…

If you want to use it on your Atari,

It's 9 pin version is called Video Command.

It's a really rare machine and it has very vulnerable controller,

I'm very lucky, because both of them work perfectly.

On other parts it's far of it, if I plug it in, it's powered on instantly,

And they cover for

Controllers is missing,

But I got it for 3k untested, (10,5$)

It was like for free, and you never watch the pixel of a present!

The one I got is a German SABA Videoplay,

Most of the West and North countries made their own versions,

Those are the PAL version of the first Fairchild Channel F.

As far as I know, the cartridges do not have

Any compatibility between the machines and I won't be surprised

If nobody has been tested it either.

The thing that makes this console interesting is that the first Fairchilds

Has built-in speakers for sound like the Pong consoles,

The other what I did not understood is this coaxial-in on the side.

First I thought this could be a coaxial-out like

The one on the military-style Pong of Videoton,

That needed a double coaxial cable to be used on the tv.

I was wrong, I learned I the system is turned off

It lets the antenna's signal to te television, so you van watch

The Beverly Hill's cop with no problem, if you turn on the system, it cuts that signal and sends his own.

Interesting, so Jerry invented something

That sounds a lot better that the switchbox with Pong consoles (If you can make it work, you get an ice cream!)

And old Atari machines,

And nobody tried to copy this idea?!

The thing that makes this machine unique

That this one was the first using cartridges, but to be fair,

There are two built-in games as well. (The Pong games)

Big, beautiful yellow cartidges, in coloring book style,

The one in the USA are more like it.

I have these three, but this one has ROM-failure,

That's a shame because it would have a simple game

Dodge it' on it that is one of the best on the console.

But this makes me braver to disassemble it, let's see, what this plastic history contains!

Oh my, what this use of space is! And it looks like

The drunk grandfather of space invaders!

But I don't mock it, every beginning is hard

The first electric guitar was also called the frying pan.

But let's take a look at the console technically, what have Lawson,

Nick Talesfore and Ron Smith done.

You have to know, it's very complicated and I really can't figure out

The board with all these microchips,

The main IC pair gives the CPU,

That was the first one creating artificant intelligence.

So basically this was the first dualcore processor,

But don't think too much, some character moves on the screen on it's own

And that's all.

The screen has the resolution of 102x58 pixels, with sprites of 8x8 and 4x5.

To make it clear, the Gameboy had the resolution of 160x144 pixels,

But the special converter for the NES was doing a more cautious

Enlargen for the screen than the Fairchild.

The console used three colors, blue, green and red,

And there was white and black as well.

If you used black for background everything turned into white.

The screen was stoted on a 2 kb VRAM, the code was on a 64 byte main RAM.

On 64 byte this short sentence couldn't be even stored but a proper game. (This is 73 bytes)

This console could get a keyboard and three games for it,

But they never released it,

The second module made by Zircon failed really fast,

It was discontinued in 1983. (Oh, the irony)

It had no chance against the Atari 2600 and its rivals.

I think I told you every important about this console,

I have two cartridges for it and the built-in games,

But all of them need a second player,

So please, Gyuri, come,

I bet you never had a thing like this in your hand!

Come, come, my Gyuri, and be very honored to

Play a bit with this fantastic console!


Let's get it started, there is no time to waste, this will be

A fantastic journey to 1976.

Oh my God...

It will be a pleasure...

Let's start with the second game,

It would be compatible with you mental abilities.

You can see what you have to see,

This is like the ones on every single Pong console,

But makes it different, if you

Move the paddles like this, it will

Orient the ball to the

Middle of the paddle,

And I don't understand it why.

But this console has a lot of interesting things.

It is one of the basic attribute of these

Sport games, they have a lot of alternative RPG elements,

So you have a lot of ending variations, the characters

Have a lot of interaction and that makes

The replay-ability is very high.

The simulation is...

It's unbelievable.

If you watch a match of tennis in the tv

It looks exactly like this.

So... Even the sound effects are proper.

The real players has these three sound effects

On the match as they are recorded.

As far as I know there should be colors.

But now I cannot see any.

Maybe it's because of the console, the television,

Or the cable, or something happened

In the universe and we are in the middle of a black hole.

Okay, we almost made the ball stuck.


He wasted my only joy...

But now we are ground for the advanced version,

Because this game has a more lot complex version,

And... It's worth for a try.

Don't make me wait, I'm ready for it!

G-point, let it began!

So as you can see, this is soccer!

And this a big step up for the previous one! And how?

First, you can move to every direction.

So what the!

This is a big deal!

Just wait!

Hey, my paddle doesn't feel right.

You can turn them as well.

And how do you do it?

You can get this thing on the top... The triangle shaped cheese,

And you try that.

I'm doing tricks! Look!

What I don't understand why my paddle doesn't work right...

What happened to it...

Don't tell me that my joystick died right now?!

It had no problems till now!

Oh my, great, great!

What a beautiful thing that it won't move horizontally!

Is yours working?

Please try it.


It turns.

It turns, I will be turned completely soon.

I did not say that you move the goaly

It you move up and down this thing, you push and pull it

And then it will move.

Don't know, this just gave up.

And even I said it at the beginning of this review,

That I'm proud of that both of them works!

Oh my God, how true it is...

I try to reset it, and hope for the best...

Let's try it again!

Try it again!

It will turn out well!

I can't believe it!

I'm somehow very good at this!

So I'm mostly have "great luck",

I'm mostly shittify on astrology

But somehow it's written in my zodiac sign,

My heart goes like this right now...

Hey... Hey, now it moves!

What, what is this scum doing?!

This console has a lot of mysteries?

Look, try to...

What is the reason behind this?!

I don't understand...

If I... Hold it like this, it works.

But it's funny, because this way

I move mirrored, so...

I think, soccer was more than enough,

We can finish this match...

9:3 for the Gyuris...

I have to turn it off...

Because I can only change games this way...

Let's see the cartridges, here is the game titled...


That is absolute

It's very unique with these graphics.

But you have to know that

Most of old games were in space, because

It's a lot easier to do than anything else.

But this soviet cosmonaut feeling is very interesting

That is on the cover.

A little tintin...

Okay, this is a grey screen...

We missed it really...

Maybe it would be green originally...

Look, a dot! We are developing!

Oh, we are evolving!

Okay, here it is!

He have the usual G-Point.

Yes, it is, so...

Our perverted fantasies.

It moved...

And what is this?

This should be a space war-like game

It doesn't want to let me move...

And you can shoot the other with pulling the paddle,

And the funny thing is you gonna reborn the place you died.

So from now...

It doesn't move.

You are stucked into some planet.

I can't even kill myself with a planet right now.

Even finding me is a problem for you?

Oh, you have hidden behind me?

I have.

Okay, you had.

I really would like to try to explode ourselves

Into the stars, but this won't go like this.

What a great grindcore beat this could be!




Thanks for all!

Let's see the last game

I have for this console.

And this is the


Game, what means it interesting

That children really like to

Play maths on video game consoles.


It was a really good idea!

Games for logic?

Yeah, yeah.

Educational games.

Educational game...

It has two games

Let's look the first one.


We can see three squarres.

Maybe we can do something with them...


Hope it will move...

Does it?

It this the game?

This is...

You can put in some numbers...

If I put it in, it gives a TT

And that looks like to crying eyes.

We are playing pontoon, aren't we?

It's too much!

It is falling off.

We have not won anything.

I can't imagine...

I really don't know much in german

What "Gedankenlesen" can mean

But it must be something funny.


Interesting, I can move in one direction...

But can't move the other.

We have lost something.

We have lost our virginity long ago, what else?

I will push reset, because this console has one.

Most of them did not have it that time, what a feature!

It has another game...

Letter S, Letter S instead of G.


We can see a lot of numbers turning around.


"Nim" is the game's title.

Dunno, what it means.

I can see I can turn them, but...

Let's play!

Let's play!

Something must happen!

This doesn't want to do anything.

I try to turn it, but...

Let's make it zero.


It's the Final Countdown.

Won't it blow up?


We have lost.

Do you know what we have lost?!

We lost 12 minutes of our life, that's what we have lost!

But if I think of it,

This machine was a big forward step

In the history of video gaming.

And I would like to thank with this white wine

To Jerry Lawson and to Fairchild Inc.

For creating this beautiful console!



Two other interesting fact.

First, Fairchild Channel F has the very first Easter Egg in video games,

In Video Whizzball if you put in 43 for the game parameter

And for the reachable points 67,

You can see the name of the programmer, Reid-Selth,

Second, in 2009 some hobby programmer made Pac-Man for the console

And the looks a lot much better than the original Atari 2600 version.

Even if the color limitations make Pac-Man green and you have two Blinkies.

And now I ask for your help,

Which one of my consoles should I review if I would review a hardware again?

The Intellivision of Mattel?

Or the Commodore's VIC-20?

You can see something in the right edge of the movie,

Where you can vote, of course the one in the comment section is valid as well!

Next time let's see a format

That is maybe more forgotten than the cartridges

But it's up to time, it can contain a lot

And you don't need any special devices for reading it!

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