Hi, it's Pastor Allen. I want to give you a
personal invitation to join us on
Thursday, May the 4th at noon
for the National Day of Prayer.
Christians across our nation will be
taking some time that day to pray for
one another, for our nation and for the church in the earth.
It's an important day. We'll be meeting at noon
here on our campus. You can join us here.
We'll have a brief prayer service and then a light lunch together.
We'll livestream it if you can't be on campus,
you can join us that way.
We're doing it in a new way this year.
For several years the mayor in our community
has hosted a prayer breakfast on the
National Day of Prayer and this year we are honoring
that in our noon meeting. The mayor will
be here. There will be pastors from across
our community to pray with us.
We'll have a brief prayer time and then a light
lunch together but whichever way you can
join us. Whether here in person, we'd love to have you.
If you can't, gather some people around
at work and have a sandwich and join us
for the National Day of Prayer.
Your prayers make a difference and the
corporate prayers of God's people can
change the destiny of our nation.
It's an important opportunity. Don't miss it!
It's Thursday May the 4th at 12:00 PM CDT.
God bless you!
For more infomation >> 2017 National Day of Prayer Invitation with Pastor G. Allen Jackson - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 5 Simple Tips To Help Flatten Your Stomach! - Duration: 3:23.
Say Goodbye To Belly Bloat Forever! Here Are 5 Simple Tips To Help Flatten Your Stomach!
Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI TITANIUM (105pk) Navi /Climat /Cruise /Elek. pakket /Blueth. /Chroom /Park. ass - Duration: 1:02.
Toyota Yaris 1.3 VVT-i Dynamic - Duration: 1:04.
Hyundai i10 1.1 Active Cool - Duration: 1:02.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion Comfortline - Duration: 0:56.
Kia Niro 1.6 GDi H. BusinessL - Duration: 1:05.
ПМV bpm battle #5 (Сезон II): Moss VS J/S - Duration: 20:51.
Goodbye for now - Duration: 10:27.
ALEX: Hey, G!
This morning has been absolutely manic.
I was up at 8:15, did a few time lapses, then went all the way to Mansfield in rush hour
traffic to get to the hospital for 10:30.
Now, they had a look at my foot and they said that it's not really any better or any worse.
They took the strap off it, put a new strap on it and now I'm back here, just made it
back home and G's arrived.
JORDAN: Oh dear.
ALEX: So, hey guys, I edit these daily vlogs every single day - it's in the title "daily
vlog," right.
This is far too much so I bought this.
Sorted. Let's go.
So, today, unfortunately, is a very sad day because I'm saying bye-bye. Jordan and I are
taking two cars to Nando's today because we're only going to be coming back in one of them.
I'll, I'll see you in a week or so darling.
I shouldn't be sad - she's getting mended.
She's going to be all brand new in a week's time.
WOMAN: Hello. ALEX: Hello.
WOMAN: You alright? ALEX: Yes, are you? Well, I'm not.
This is the point where I get really sad because I'm giving you my keys.
<WOMAN CHUCKLES> WOMAN: Alright, take care, bye. ALEX: Thanks. Cheers guys. JORDAN: Bye.
Bye bye car.
It's a sad day old girl, but you'll get fixed, eventually.
I will return to you soon.
But for now, we're hopping in the Corsa.
You got a nice head unit though, G. JORDAN: Yeah, I know. ALEX: That's a nice head unit, that.
I'm feeling really cheeky now. JORDAN: Are you?
ALEX: Is it just me that is absolutely petrified of lifts?
I just don't like them.
No, I'll take the stairs. JORDAN: Yep.
ALEX: Kayleigh's an old friend of mine.
I didn't realise that she'd be in the Angel.
And she's here.
Kayleigh - say hey.
ALEX: You see why I like this place.
MAN: There was a little kid who came in here with his nan and girlfriend and he was like: Is Alex is in today?
I was like: Oh know, he's not here today.
He was like: Oh no, I meant Alex Brooks.
ALEX: What was he, like, shaking, was he? MAN: Yeah.
ALEX: Cadbury's Creme Eggs.
MAN: Five pack of Creme Eggs and a little love letter for you.
ALEX: Let's get it out.
So, I've been working here at the Angel Coffee House all day.
It's actually so chill to come and work here.
And one of the staff members that works here...
Obviously, I know all of the staff members, like, on a friendly basis.
They come up to me and said that, like, last week, a kid came in with his Grandma and Granddad
and gave me a bag and asked if I was there - obviously, I wasn't.
So, I've picked up this bag today and it has this note in, right, and Harrison Neve has
been all the way from Norfolk, just to give me a bag full of Creme Eggs.
So Harrison, I've got your message.
Thank you for the Creme Eggs.
And thank you for travelling all the way up from Norfolk - I'm sorry that you didn't meet me.
I'm usually in Angel Coffee House every Tuesday between, like, one and three - some time in
that region.
So, if you're in the area, come and see me.
Right, this is my lift home.
I need to sort this out because I'm going away tomorrow.
A lot of you didn't know this and I didn't really know this.
I thought I was going away Thursday.
Before I talk about that though, Jed gave me a lift back home and he was talking to
me - Jed, Jed watches Casey Neistat a lot, like, watches a lot of Casey's vlogs, like,
kind of religiously.
And I would watch his vlogs but I don't really have time.
I mean, I used to watch his vlogs.
He was a massive inspiration to me, to me starting this thing up and...
All of the people on YouTube that did daily content in general were a massive inspiration
behind why I do this, Casey being one of those.
And he was talking, Jed was telling me, that he was talking in his video, in one of his vlogs
recently, recent vlogs, about a twelve, a twelve year old trying to start YouTube and
all of his friends, and all of his friends bully him.
And I can 100% vouch for that.
Not for the bullying.
Not that bit at all.
But the actual kid getting, you know...
That, that does happen because it happened to me.
I mean - heck, it still happens to me now in the comments section.
On my vlogs, for some reason, I get bullied to absolute high hell on my v... in my comments
section on my vlogs.
Like, 99% of the comments on my videos are, are, like, awesome.
Like, you guys are wicked.
But, like, for some reason, my comments section recently has turned in to a bit of a meme.
I see a lot of comments like: Oh, I only come to these videos to, to look at the comments
and stuff like that.
My comments section is just, like, a meme, like, it doesn't bother me really.
I reply to the people that, like, put meaningful stuff and then the other stuff I just either,
I just leave it because...
Why would people waste their time?
But what I'm saying is: I used to get bullied for doing videos at school, right.
And all I could say is, just, carry on doing it, man.
Carry on doing it.
What I did was, I didn't tell many people but then my vlogs got out there.
Not my vlogs - I did gaming videos back in school.
I think that was why.
I used to play Minecraft and people used to take the micky out of me for playing Minecraft
and then recording it and putting it on YouTube.
It was, like, those three things together.
Just playing it alone I got bullied for.
Heyup mate.
MAN: Oh, hello mate.
ALEX: You OK? How are you doing?
And I think it was also because I didn't tell anybody that I was doing videos and then they
sort of got "leaked" and found.
If you're going to do something, let everybody know that you're going to be doing it.
Like, don't try and shy away from it.
And then when people come and take the micky out of you for doing something that's maybe
a little bit different, hit them with the "so what, I'm enjoying it."
Why would you take the mick out of somebody enjoying something?
If I'm enjoying doing something and someone's taking the mick out of me for doing it and
then I hit them back with the "why are you taking the mick, I'm doing something I like,"
what are they going to say back to that?
Other than "fair enough."
Fair enough.
And if they're not going to say "fair enough" then they're probably idiots because never
stop someone from doing something if they enjoy it.
Just let them do it.
Don't let it affect your time.
And certainly don't waste your time trying to put other people down because you should
be working on yourself.
That's all I'd say.
Jed told me that Casey gave a pretty good explanation of how to deal with it and, erm,
it was like a pretty good video.
I'll try and link it in the description, or something.
I'll try and remember to.
ALEX: This is it. JORDAN: Yeah.
ALEX: Is it nice?
ALEX: Do you like it? JORDAN: That's dead good actually. Wow.
ALEX: Do you think it's good? JORDAN: Look at it!
ALEX: It's wicked, isn't it? JORDAN: Yeah.
ALEX: Looking sweet.
So, that is the little cabinet there. JORDAN: Wow.
JORDAN: Are you going to put a roof on it or not?
ALEX: No, it's not having a roof on it.
JORDAN: It'll get really dusty though, won't it?
ALEX: That is a good point, actually.
I didn't think of that.
The reason that I didn't put a roof on it was one, for cost, two for ventilation and
JORDAN: Because then, it can get in.
ALEX: ...Because you can cable manage.
You can get in there like that, G.
You see - you're stood up.
JORDAN: I just look like legs, don't I?
ALEX: G - this starts now.
We finish this today.
We finish the ring main today, with this cable.
ALEX: Yep.
There we go.
That was easy enough, wasn't it?
We've done, what we've called, a ring main.
Is that correct?
ALEX: A lot of people have been saying in the comments, and I've seen this a lot and
I need to address it - People saying: Alex, why are you getting a college student i.e.
Jordan to do your electrics?
Isn't that really dangerous and illegal?
Unless, unless once it's finished, we get it checked off by a proper electrician
which is exactly what we're going to do.
So, what we've done here, is we've completed the ring main so that it goes back up to the
DB up there.
These, this socket here, and it's the only socket I had so it's got to be this, this
shiny one even though it is not on show.
So, it's up there, the socket.
You can see it up there.
The reason that I haven't put any sockets down here and on the shelves is because, what
I'm going to do, I'm going to put this on there, right, and, pretty much what this does,
is just let you push cables through, like that.
So, what I'm going to do is push this through there and then that means that there's going
to be no cable mess this side of the box.
And then I can have all of the cable mess at the back of this box and have no cable mess
in this rustic box and it'll look really good and I'll get some small squares of these to
put there so that when we put the Xbox and Playstation on these shelves the cables can
just hang out back here and connect up to this box here.
But for now, we've done a good job.
G, mate, thank you for a good, a good, err, a good day.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
And chauffering me around.
It's, err, not gone unnoticed.
Thank you very much my friend.
This is why it's key to have good friends.
Cheers mate.
JORDAN: It's alright.
ALEX: Because, obviously, I don't have a car, I've got to get to a client photo shoot tomorrow
morning and then I need to get on a train tomorrow to London so that I can catch a flight.
I'm trying to do this thing without getting a hire car, you see.
That is why I'm, why this is so stressful.
Don't ask me why I don't want a hire car.
I just wanted to see if I could survive without a car for a week.
The Slick Revolution board is on charge downstairs.
I'm going to try and Slick Revolution to my client's house tomorrow morning.
This just isn't going to work.
Fingers crossed and optimism's on my side.
Jordan gave me this note and, apparently, it's from a Mum of a fourteen year old kid
that watches my videos.
The Mum works at the same place where Jordan works and she said: A huge shout out if at
all possible to James Walker.
He's a huge fan of you and watches your videos every single day.
James - you're a legend.
Thank you for all of the support.
And thank you to everybody who watches my videos every day.
I really appreciate it, you doing this whole journey thing with me.
I'm on a mission to do life and have fun doing it and I'm so glad I've got the pleasure of
bringing you guys along.
My name's been Alex, we'll have a full work and travel day tomorrow.
Going to be up nice and early, all prepared.
I'll see you guys in tomorrow's vlog.
All Pipes Considered — J. Alan Pipes — Smokingpipes.com - Duration: 6:26.
- Hi guys I'm Adam O'Neill. - And I'm Jeff
Burt-Gracik. - And welcome to another
episode of All Pipes Considered. We're
doing something a little different today,
usually we just talk about pipes and
pipe makers, but today we are honored to
have Jeff here with us. So Jeff, I heard
you've been traveling a little bit
lately, can you tell us... - Yeah, I've been doing
quite a bit of traveling, actually. In
late last year and I made my annual trip
to St. Petersburg, Russia. Wonderful time
of year to travel to St. Petersburg in
December for my San Diego - Beautiful.
weather appropriate clothing. And I
worked with a friend of mine, Vladimir
Grechukhin. Vladimir and I have worked
together for probably the last five
years I think, collaborating, working
together in the workshop, and just
exploring ideas together. - So we're
actually going to see something out of
that this time though. I mean, not that
we never do but, we've got - Right.
something very specific coming to the
site I believe. Can you tell us a little
bit about that collaboration. - Sure, well Vladimir
and I, every time we get together we
brainstorm and come up with some
specific ideas that we want to explore.
One year it's sitting pipes, the next year it's
multi-textured pipes. We might focus on
an embellishment - So those
collaborations, like, what do you feel that
you pull out of those collaborations
into your pipe carving. - Right, yeah, I
think that's one of the benefits of
doing these collaborations is, so often
us as pipemakers we get to see each
other's work, maybe a pipe shows or on
the internet, but to be able to be in
someone's presence and kind of harvest
those ideas, share ideas and for have them...
to give them the chance to see yours in
person, we end up mashing things up and
coming up with some new things that may
infuse our styles together. - Individually. Or
together, yeah. -Right, right, and what comes out
of it is something that can be unique
and then the benefit is for me, as a
solitary pipe maker, I can take snippets
of those ideas home with me
and explore them in my own shop and see
how they evolve. I've got one of the
pipes that I brought to you guys this
time has some of these elements in it.
Just exploring the, you know, I've done
multi-textured pipes before but doing it
in slightly a different way, and also the
raised chin and the kind of truncated
front of this pipe is something that you
see a lot of Vladimir's work, but I
have not played with that idea. And so I
took the opportunity to do that this
time. - It turned out well. So apart from working
with Vladimir, you did some more recent
travelling as well, is that...? - Yes, actually,
very recently. I'm not quite over the
jetlag yet. I spent a few weeks in - Yeah?
China and, in fact, working with Ping Zhan,
a pipe maker you guys know well here at
Smokingpipes.com. Yeah and he's, I mean,
he's at the forefront of the newer
Chinese pipemakers. He's been teaching a
lot of Chinese pipe makers. And I first
met him, oh 3 years ago I think, when I
invited him to come to my Pipe Maker
Seminar by the Sea, and he's since come out
another two or three times. And we are
working on some things together and this is my
first time visiting him in his workshop.
Yeah, and so we've...I got to make pipes - Oh.
in Ping's workshop, which is in his
apartment, which is... - I was going to say is it
like a little more space constrained? - It's, you
know, it is space-constrained but
it's a shockingly functional workspace.
- For being in someone's apartment. - Right,
but he has everything you need, it's all
within arm's reach, and I've traveled
enough, and worked with
enough other pipe makers that I've
become accustomed to adapting to their
workspaces, but his didn't require a lot
of adaptation. And some of the - Right.
things where he'd learned some
techniques from me, so he had similar
tooling. But some tooling that
he had was really unique, and some ideas
for production we're unique, and I
brought those home with me.
- Oh really? - Yeah, yeah, so we'll have to see
this year what how that impacts things.
- We're pretty excited to see how that works out.
- Yeah, me too. - So you mentioned that
like you met Ping first at the Seminar
by the Sea. You do a lot of that kind of - Right.
teaching, I believe you've done two of
those now, with Adam? - I'm trying to think now.
Two, maybe three, I think we've had two
official Seminar by the Seas, and I've had
several other gatherings that are
similar. - Are there any plans to do
those anywhere else? - We've been talking
about that, but no plans have been firmed
up yet. - Okay, okay. And I mean I mentioned,
sorry I asked, what do you think you'd
brought from the Grechukhin collaboration?
- Sure. - Do you think there's anything you've
learned yourself when you're passing on your
knowledge to these younger pipe makers? - Oh for sure.
I mean, I think one of the benefits of
teaching, perhaps the primary benefit,
that I get from this is the opportunity
to really consolidate your ideas and
when you have to explain them, you have
to think about your process. And so it
helps me be a better pipe maker in my
own workspace by firming up those ideas
in order to explain them. It makes my
workshop more fluid and more efficient
because I'm setting it up so multiple
people can be there. And then I - Right.
have the benefits also of that shop
afterwards in my own production. - Does
that mean the coffee roaster has to move
out for the day? - The coffee roaster will
never move out. Right. We - Never move out.
have our priorities. - It's good to have
priorities. Alright, well, I - Indeed it is.
think that's all we have time for today,
mate, but thank you so much. - It's been a
pleasure. Thanks so much, it's an honor to
be here. - And thank you guys thi has been another
episode of All Pipes Considered, and
we'll catch you next time. - Bye bye.
Apple Protein Muffin for Breakfast - Healthy, quick & easy recipe - Duration: 3:58.
Hello everybody ! :)
Someone asked me in the comment section for a protein breakfast easy to take away
so, that's what we're going to make !
an apple protein muffin with cinnamon
for the recipe, you will need : rolled oats or buckwheat flakes
almond flour or meal
vanilla protein powder
coconut sugar (or any other sweetener : honey, agave, maple...)
cinnamon, vanilla power (or extract) & salt
baking powder
apple puree
Be careful to differentiate between apple sauce and apple puree
and make sure the only ingredient of your apple puree is apples ;)
you will also need 2 eggs or 4 egg whites
and I almost forgot the main ingredient of the recipe : apples !
let's begin the recipe now !
mix all the dry ingrdients
oats, almon flour, protein powder, coconut sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, salt, baking powder
if you have chosen a liquid sweetener or vanilla extract, add them to the following preparation
mix well
break both eggs and whip
and do not take example on my technique on video ^^
add the apple puree & mix again
and the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients
mix well
if the preparation if too liquidy, add more almond flour
add diced apples
on the video, I cubed the apple in big cubes because it gives more texture to the muffin
fill your molds with the preparation
you can use paper molds or silicone molds
bake on the oven 17-20 minutes at 180°c (350°F)
here we are lovely golden muffins
for more gourmandise, you can eat it with maple syrup, it will taste delicious !
you can finds the list ingredients & macros on the description box
please, tell me what you think about the recipe & the video in the comment section
you are free to like, share & subscribe if you've liked it ! :)
thanks ! see you soon for more recipes !
LE SNEAK DESNEAK ?!? ► TUTO - Duration: 4:43.
Ford Focus Wagon 1.6-16V CENTENNIAL AIRCO - Duration: 1:01.
Bonjour! 👋🏻❤ Nouvelle YouTubeuse! - Duration: 1:15.
Goodbye for now - Duration: 10:27.
ALEX: Hey, G!
This morning has been absolutely manic.
I was up at 8:15, did a few time lapses, then went all the way to Mansfield in rush hour
traffic to get to the hospital for 10:30.
Now, they had a look at my foot and they said that it's not really any better or any worse.
They took the strap off it, put a new strap on it and now I'm back here, just made it
back home and G's arrived.
JORDAN: Oh dear.
ALEX: So, hey guys, I edit these daily vlogs every single day - it's in the title "daily
vlog," right.
This is far too much so I bought this.
Sorted. Let's go.
So, today, unfortunately, is a very sad day because I'm saying bye-bye. Jordan and I are
taking two cars to Nando's today because we're only going to be coming back in one of them.
I'll, I'll see you in a week or so darling.
I shouldn't be sad - she's getting mended.
She's going to be all brand new in a week's time.
WOMAN: Hello. ALEX: Hello.
WOMAN: You alright? ALEX: Yes, are you? Well, I'm not.
This is the point where I get really sad because I'm giving you my keys.
<WOMAN CHUCKLES> WOMAN: Alright, take care, bye. ALEX: Thanks. Cheers guys. JORDAN: Bye.
Bye bye car.
It's a sad day old girl, but you'll get fixed, eventually.
I will return to you soon.
But for now, we're hopping in the Corsa.
You got a nice head unit though, G. JORDAN: Yeah, I know. ALEX: That's a nice head unit, that.
I'm feeling really cheeky now. JORDAN: Are you?
ALEX: Is it just me that is absolutely petrified of lifts?
I just don't like them.
No, I'll take the stairs. JORDAN: Yep.
ALEX: Kayleigh's an old friend of mine.
I didn't realise that she'd be in the Angel.
And she's here.
Kayleigh - say hey.
ALEX: You see why I like this place.
MAN: There was a little kid who came in here with his nan and girlfriend and he was like: Is Alex is in today?
I was like: Oh know, he's not here today.
He was like: Oh no, I meant Alex Brooks.
ALEX: What was he, like, shaking, was he? MAN: Yeah.
ALEX: Cadbury's Creme Eggs.
MAN: Five pack of Creme Eggs and a little love letter for you.
ALEX: Let's get it out.
So, I've been working here at the Angel Coffee House all day.
It's actually so chill to come and work here.
And one of the staff members that works here...
Obviously, I know all of the staff members, like, on a friendly basis.
They come up to me and said that, like, last week, a kid came in with his Grandma and Granddad
and gave me a bag and asked if I was there - obviously, I wasn't.
So, I've picked up this bag today and it has this note in, right, and Harrison Neve has
been all the way from Norfolk, just to give me a bag full of Creme Eggs.
So Harrison, I've got your message.
Thank you for the Creme Eggs.
And thank you for travelling all the way up from Norfolk - I'm sorry that you didn't meet me.
I'm usually in Angel Coffee House every Tuesday between, like, one and three - some time in
that region.
So, if you're in the area, come and see me.
Right, this is my lift home.
I need to sort this out because I'm going away tomorrow.
A lot of you didn't know this and I didn't really know this.
I thought I was going away Thursday.
Before I talk about that though, Jed gave me a lift back home and he was talking to
me - Jed, Jed watches Casey Neistat a lot, like, watches a lot of Casey's vlogs, like,
kind of religiously.
And I would watch his vlogs but I don't really have time.
I mean, I used to watch his vlogs.
He was a massive inspiration to me, to me starting this thing up and...
All of the people on YouTube that did daily content in general were a massive inspiration
behind why I do this, Casey being one of those.
And he was talking, Jed was telling me, that he was talking in his video, in one of his vlogs
recently, recent vlogs, about a twelve, a twelve year old trying to start YouTube and
all of his friends, and all of his friends bully him.
And I can 100% vouch for that.
Not for the bullying.
Not that bit at all.
But the actual kid getting, you know...
That, that does happen because it happened to me.
I mean - heck, it still happens to me now in the comments section.
On my vlogs, for some reason, I get bullied to absolute high hell on my v... in my comments
section on my vlogs.
Like, 99% of the comments on my videos are, are, like, awesome.
Like, you guys are wicked.
But, like, for some reason, my comments section recently has turned in to a bit of a meme.
I see a lot of comments like: Oh, I only come to these videos to, to look at the comments
and stuff like that.
My comments section is just, like, a meme, like, it doesn't bother me really.
I reply to the people that, like, put meaningful stuff and then the other stuff I just either,
I just leave it because...
Why would people waste their time?
But what I'm saying is: I used to get bullied for doing videos at school, right.
And all I could say is, just, carry on doing it, man.
Carry on doing it.
What I did was, I didn't tell many people but then my vlogs got out there.
Not my vlogs - I did gaming videos back in school.
I think that was why.
I used to play Minecraft and people used to take the micky out of me for playing Minecraft
and then recording it and putting it on YouTube.
It was, like, those three things together.
Just playing it alone I got bullied for.
Heyup mate.
MAN: Oh, hello mate.
ALEX: You OK? How are you doing?
And I think it was also because I didn't tell anybody that I was doing videos and then they
sort of got "leaked" and found.
If you're going to do something, let everybody know that you're going to be doing it.
Like, don't try and shy away from it.
And then when people come and take the micky out of you for doing something that's maybe
a little bit different, hit them with the "so what, I'm enjoying it."
Why would you take the mick out of somebody enjoying something?
If I'm enjoying doing something and someone's taking the mick out of me for doing it and
then I hit them back with the "why are you taking the mick, I'm doing something I like,"
what are they going to say back to that?
Other than "fair enough."
Fair enough.
And if they're not going to say "fair enough" then they're probably idiots because never
stop someone from doing something if they enjoy it.
Just let them do it.
Don't let it affect your time.
And certainly don't waste your time trying to put other people down because you should
be working on yourself.
That's all I'd say.
Jed told me that Casey gave a pretty good explanation of how to deal with it and, erm,
it was like a pretty good video.
I'll try and link it in the description, or something.
I'll try and remember to.
ALEX: This is it. JORDAN: Yeah.
ALEX: Is it nice?
ALEX: Do you like it? JORDAN: That's dead good actually. Wow.
ALEX: Do you think it's good? JORDAN: Look at it!
ALEX: It's wicked, isn't it? JORDAN: Yeah.
ALEX: Looking sweet.
So, that is the little cabinet there. JORDAN: Wow.
JORDAN: Are you going to put a roof on it or not?
ALEX: No, it's not having a roof on it.
JORDAN: It'll get really dusty though, won't it?
ALEX: That is a good point, actually.
I didn't think of that.
The reason that I didn't put a roof on it was one, for cost, two for ventilation and
JORDAN: Because then, it can get in.
ALEX: ...Because you can cable manage.
You can get in there like that, G.
You see - you're stood up.
JORDAN: I just look like legs, don't I?
ALEX: G - this starts now.
We finish this today.
We finish the ring main today, with this cable.
ALEX: Yep.
There we go.
That was easy enough, wasn't it?
We've done, what we've called, a ring main.
Is that correct?
ALEX: A lot of people have been saying in the comments, and I've seen this a lot and
I need to address it - People saying: Alex, why are you getting a college student i.e.
Jordan to do your electrics?
Isn't that really dangerous and illegal?
Unless, unless once it's finished, we get it checked off by a proper electrician
which is exactly what we're going to do.
So, what we've done here, is we've completed the ring main so that it goes back up to the
DB up there.
These, this socket here, and it's the only socket I had so it's got to be this, this
shiny one even though it is not on show.
So, it's up there, the socket.
You can see it up there.
The reason that I haven't put any sockets down here and on the shelves is because, what
I'm going to do, I'm going to put this on there, right, and, pretty much what this does,
is just let you push cables through, like that.
So, what I'm going to do is push this through there and then that means that there's going
to be no cable mess this side of the box.
And then I can have all of the cable mess at the back of this box and have no cable mess
in this rustic box and it'll look really good and I'll get some small squares of these to
put there so that when we put the Xbox and Playstation on these shelves the cables can
just hang out back here and connect up to this box here.
But for now, we've done a good job.
G, mate, thank you for a good, a good, err, a good day.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you.
And chauffering me around.
It's, err, not gone unnoticed.
Thank you very much my friend.
This is why it's key to have good friends.
Cheers mate.
JORDAN: It's alright.
ALEX: Because, obviously, I don't have a car, I've got to get to a client photo shoot tomorrow
morning and then I need to get on a train tomorrow to London so that I can catch a flight.
I'm trying to do this thing without getting a hire car, you see.
That is why I'm, why this is so stressful.
Don't ask me why I don't want a hire car.
I just wanted to see if I could survive without a car for a week.
The Slick Revolution board is on charge downstairs.
I'm going to try and Slick Revolution to my client's house tomorrow morning.
This just isn't going to work.
Fingers crossed and optimism's on my side.
Jordan gave me this note and, apparently, it's from a Mum of a fourteen year old kid
that watches my videos.
The Mum works at the same place where Jordan works and she said: A huge shout out if at
all possible to James Walker.
He's a huge fan of you and watches your videos every single day.
James - you're a legend.
Thank you for all of the support.
And thank you to everybody who watches my videos every day.
I really appreciate it, you doing this whole journey thing with me.
I'm on a mission to do life and have fun doing it and I'm so glad I've got the pleasure of
bringing you guys along.
My name's been Alex, we'll have a full work and travel day tomorrow.
Going to be up nice and early, all prepared.
I'll see you guys in tomorrow's vlog.
We dance Knock Knock by chan chan world - Duration: 2:29.
Hi, every one.
We dance Knock Knock from now
Hello, every one.
We are Chan Chan World.
I'm Dolen,Tarry,Luka and Lanla.
How do you think our dance?
Knock Knock Knock
We are sorry for our dance isn't very well.
Because we practiced only two hours.
We are sorry.
Plz explain about our video, Lanla.
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Example, dance, trip, gourmet, hair style, etc...
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