Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Youtube daily report May 31 2017

In space no one can hear you

spew and that's a good thing because Detached by Anshar Studios will certainly test those with even the most rock-solid

Constitution. G'day mates my name is intraVRt

and sorry about being a bit of a ghost on my channel as of late and a special sorry to the generous people at Anshar

Studios who have given me a review code of Detached in hopes I would put out this very video somewhat sooner

I thought as this is the first for my channel

I'd make a different kind of video for this special occasion. And it's totally not because my microphone died during my playthrough unbeknownst to me.

Detached is a space puzzler survival game in which you must navigate an

abandoned space] station] to regroup with a teammate after an apparent sabotage

You must reactivate each sector of the station to progress as well as maintain your thrust fuel and oxygen levels.

Progressing through each sector will unlock abilities that will assist attempting other sectors like shields, extra thrust and even rockets

Reactivating relays, power cores and heat exhaust may present their own dangers,

but it's the open expanse of space that will mesmerize you, disorientate

you, bleed you of your precious oxygen or hit you with a big rock. In

fact environmental hazards are the main foe in the campaign, but there's also a PVP multiplayer mode. The visuals are one of the game's strengths.

Framed within your space suits visor, the abandoned station,

asteroid field and surrounding space is a stunning Vista to behold.

Cloaked within the rays of a nearby star and located next to a large planet, the external area offers

little direction, bar a few glowing light posts,

and you can freely float around the asteroids and attempt to solve each sector in any order. The internal areas, on the other hand, are

inconsistent with their atmosphere as they try to balance the layout with what looked to have had normal walking gravity and other layouts feeling lofty and

more bare begging the question of how the previous occupants would have existed in the station. Although

it's not a deal breaker,

it can have adverse effect on the immersion... if you're able to stabilize yourself long enough to look around.

Which gets me to my favourite attribute of Detached, the locomotion. The game boasts to have some of the most intense VR

gameplay to date. And I think the developer can have confidence in that statement. Although the loco can be daunting, the devs have done an

excellent job at delivering convincing zero-g motion. The 'Pre' and 'Post' roll movement is gentle and doesn't abruptly halt, which can exacerbate

nausea. Your left hand controls the general action of movement and even offers a trajectory [crosshair] indicating your destination.

Thruster and break are left trigger and left grab respectively. Your right hand controls pitch, yaw and roll

and this is the fun part... or the puke start! Pairing both hand sensors is a learning curve, and it's amplified by the disorientation

VR can offer but once you are familiar with the controls you can really feel that sense of zero-g. The game also gets it right

by offering two modes of locomotion. The standard mode grants a lot more control of a movement and reduces inertia,

whereas the astronaut mode is the full zero-g visual treatment. The steering is sensitive,

but once you get a feel for the [braking] motion and the destination crosshair, movement becomes a lot less stressful.

[I] couldn't get the matchmaking to work for the PVP mode, and that's not entirely uncommon for my Kangaroo powered internet.

So I can't accurately critique the multiplayer.

But the PVP component consists of part Deathmatch/

part capture the flag and looks like the devs are steering Detached towards multiplayer in the future as they have announced a new map to

be released soon.

So let's wrap this up. Should you buy Detached? Short answer.... Yes.

The visuals combined with the locomotion and atmosphere truly shine in VR.

Any space enthusiasts would thoroughly enjoy acting out the fantasy of flying around freely in space. And long answer... no.

Obviously anyone who gets VR

motion sickness will not enjoy this and the devs have been transparent and vocal about the game's

intensity. The campaign is short and the multiplayer mode is still susceptible to the small player base blues at the moment.

(Definitely network with other gamers to organize matches). And the price is a little on the higher [side] of affordable,

but if you consider quality over quantity you may justify the purchase. Like the games setting, Detached as a VR

title is ambitious, especially when dealing with a player base

susceptible as something as

unassuming as

movement. Anshar don't shy away from the fact that the zero-g movement can be a deal-breaker of a some.

But to be fair it's also the rush and freedom a large part of the VR. community are seeking.

I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the game down in the comments.

I hope you enjoyed this deviation from my usual

content and appreciate a 'like' if you did or if it helped you make a decision on deductive some

dosh for Detached! A special thanks to Anshar Studios for the review copy of the game and hope the game continues to be received well.

That's it for today mates!

Thank you so much for watching and I hope to see in the next video!

Check out any of these other videos if you want to watch anymore VR

shenanigans with me. And sub if you're new! Have a nice day and HOOROO!

For more infomation >> DETACHED VR on Oculus Rift! | intREview - Duration: 4:41.


Uniting Physician Perspectives for Neurodiversity | EDB 83 - Duration: 25:44.

Hi, I'm Dr. Hackie Reitman.

Welcome to another episode of Exploring Different Brains.

We're going to do this one a little bit differently.

I have the honor of giving a keynote in a couple of days down at the annual meetings

of the AADMD.

That's the American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry.

And so what I thought this time is give you kind of the highlights of some of our interviews

with some of the leaders in the frontlines of medicine and dentistry, who make sure that

we all have access, no matter what our diagnosis is and no matter how different our brains

may be.

First up, we're going to take a look at my friend, Dr. Steve Perlman, who is one of my


He's one of the co-founders of the AADMD, and he was right there at the birth of the

Special Olympics as well.

The challenges are huge Hackie, you know as you know everything we do, my job is to really

now currently is to increase access to care for people with intellectual disabilities,

and to help educate help health care providers to take care of them and to take better care

of them but we are faced with so many barriers, you know I've lectured about this my whole

career and I always talked about that one of the biggest barriers is payment, finances,

you know, people they tend to live on the – people with ID tend to be at the poverty

level, they don't have access to quality health care because their limitations, the

problems with the medicate programs, every state has a different medicate program but

it certainly is not helpful to people that take more time to examine them, to understand

their problem, so I've talked about provider, I've talked about finances as being a huge

barrier, I've talked about lack of health care providers just don't have the material…

sorry, health care providers don't have the education background to treat these patients,

you know the medical school curriculums are packed, dental school curriculums are packed

and as a matter of fact we have been fighting dental schools to change the curriculum to

educate dental students in the care of people with intellectual disabilities and we've

made a major roadblock, we fought this with the council on dental accreditation for years

and the only thing to this date, the only thing that we could get passed were the dental

students be educated in the diagnosis and treatment planning for person with special

health care needs.

We were never able to get them to commit to actual treatment and that's because the

schools say number 1, we don't have a faculty to treat, we don't have a faculty to educate

the students and number 2, we can't make any money on the schools at doing these services

and so can you believe that the only thing we were able to get after all these years

and all this fighting, they would not commit to having a dental student actually treat

a patient, is only the diagnosis and treatment planning.

And medical schools… so now one of our new projects Hackie for AADMD is we are actually

have gotten a grant to change medical education and to develop education for medical students

and the treatment of people with health care needs and I'm very excited about that because--

I was lucky enough to hook up with somebody at Boston University where, via Skype, I gave

a lecture on it to the third year students at Boston University and I was delighted to

be able to give the first several lectures in neurodiversity to the American Academy

of orthopedic surgeons this past year also, but it's gotta a long way to go.

I think that maybe, what maybe on the horizon to really help this, because what I tried

to do is to figure out if I'm a young doctor or dentist now, what is keeping he or she

from embracing this?

And a lot of it is ignorance, they just don't know how, it's overwhelming to even think

about it and what may be on the horizon Steve that the AADMD might champion is by hooking

up with our colleagues in Silicon Valley, is the use of artificial intelligence, and

technology and apps, to make it into a cook book of sorts.

Because right now you hit a wall, I know when I've have spoken to doctors about it.

And you are tackling that to try to change it, and you are running into roadblock after


Yeah but Hackie, figure as a healthcare professionals this is what we have to deal with first of

all… you know so it's more than finances, it's more than lack of education of health

care providers, there is this stigma, you know in your field, you know everybody … I'm

a sports medicine guy, because that's what they lead at in your specialty of orthopedic

surgeon, they…

We only fill half the fellowships for pediatric orthopedics.

That's right, those are the cream, I'm wanna be in sports medicine…

I wanna treat the athletes of richer families.

So you've got the stigma of you are treating people with intellectual disabilities that's

'cause you are not good enough to treat neurotypical people.

You know, the lack of communication, the problem with communications problems, you know you've

got the patients spoke all day and now you've got somebody who's brought to your office

because maybe they have a limp or their behavior is bad now, because all of a sudden they are

exhibiting behavioral issues.

A lot of times that behavioral issue is an underline medical problem that that person

can't express to you, so you get somebody who brings the patient from a group home and

you are talking to the caregiver and the caregivers says I just drove him here, I don't know

the history of the problem.

I don't know when it started, I don't know how it manifest itself, is it worse in

the morning than at night?

I don't know, is it worse when it has activity?

I don't know and you are dealing with a non-verbal patient.

So those communication problems to somebody who has a busy afternoon they are terrible!

You know the lack of… the problems of who has ownership of this problem, you know you

see a problem with one of your patients and you need to operate them but you need consent

of a legal guardian who's is gonna take…

That's what I mean, so what you are describing it's like this- and you have to make it

to… here's the cook book pal, ABCD…

You took, back in the formation of this, an individual who was supposed to get all of

their teeth pulled because it's the best thing to do, a consensus of 99.9% of dentist

in the world, that's the best thing to do for this individual and Steve Perlman said


We'll go in there, here's our cook book- we'll do general anesthesia we'll get

the right assistance, the right equipment, the right everything, we'll also contact

their medical doctor to see as long as this patient is under general anesthesia what else

are we gonna do, there's communication, there's spirit, there's a goal and guess

what, everybody likes a leader.

If the leader has a good thing he wants to do, people are basically good I feel, but

they get scared when they are ignorant and they get scared when they don't know what

they are doing and they get scared when they are not getting paid and they have to meet

their overhead, you know, and these are all things where we'll say you know here's

how we are going to attack it and that's what you'd been doing.

All I'm doing is trying to be on a soapbox to get people to listen to you because you

know what you are doing.

Next, let's hear from Dr. Bankole Johnson, who's the head of the brain concentration

down at the University of Maryland.

Bankole was featured in the HBO documentary Addiction, and he's one of these people who

really gets it.

He's a leader, who understands as does the University of Maryland, the need to get under

one roof.

The neurological, the mental health issues, and all of the associated issues that we see

in different brains.

here are Different Brains we're trying to get it all under one roof and everyone except

for you is in all these different silos where you have mental health issues over here and

developmental here and neurological issues here and it's all the same stuff.

Wouldn't you agree with that?

It is all the same stuff and I can give you a perfectly good analogy if you'd like to

hear one.

I would love it.

Lets say you were walking down the streets of else where and unfortunately for you somebody

punched you in the head.

Now you might well say when you got punched in the head and you later became depressed

because somebody punched me in the head obviously it upset me because I wasn't very happy

about it and I wasn't happy that I got punched in the first place.

But here is the other piece of it.

Could it be that when you got punched in the face that caused a swelling in your brain,

that swelling in your brain changed specific structures in your brain and it made you depressed

and it had nothing to do with your psychological reaction to it which could have been a part

but the primary issue is because you got punched in the head.

Now also when you get punched in the head as you know, you have traumatic brain injury

so you also have traumatic brain injury also seeded with it.

So the neurological is associated with the psychological and is also associated with

the behavioral and it's all in one brain.

you have no idea, this is such music to my ears it's like a kindred spirit where you

get it.

Now why is it?

And I'll quote here Steve Ronik, he happens to be the head of Henderson Behavioral Systems

down here at Behavioral Health Henderson down here in Florida they have 800 employees, they

serve 30,000 patients a year, he said hackie why is it when you go to a cardiologist or

an oncologist there is no stigma but if you go to a mental health professional there is

a stigma attached and we get better results.

We get better results and what you're doing there, it sounds like it may help get rid

of the whole stigma to all of this.

I couldn't agree with you more and I think it dates back to a few hundred years where

people tried to separate the mind from the body as if it were two components of a system

that never really talked about another and at least my angle is going to be some higher

order type of cognitive thinking and the body was meant to be basically the mechanics and

they were not connected so if you're going to see someone if you have mental health issue

people believe that it must be due to this nebulas concept of a mind and that its some

how your responsibility or at least partially your responsibility and it has nothing to

do with your body.

Well we know now that this is completely incorrect.

The brain is the most complex organ in the universe, it has connections with you heart,

it has connections with basically everything else and to give your friend the heart analogy

we now know that individuals who have heart disease often also have mental manifestations

of that heart disease and brain stress or distress in the brain is also associated with

cardiac arrest and cardiovascular disease.

It's one system.

I think some people like to make it simple, but as my professor used to say it can only

be as simple as it really is.

Next, we have another dedicated dentist, Dr. Allen Wong, also of the AADMD.

And he's at the Pacific School of Dentistry where he teaches and inspires.

And he has some very good insights into helping those who need our help the most.

What message, if you had to give one message on the podium to the participants at that

meeting in Chicago, the combined meeting of the IADH and the Special Care Dentistry Association,

what would that succinct message be?

The succinct message is this: That we need to think things differently, through a different

paradigm; our patients with special needs, we need to focus more on what we call caries

management by risk assessment.

Many of the problems that are faced with our patients with dental problems are preventable,

and if we capture them early and use some of the prevention strategies such as the fluoride

brushes, and now we have a new method of silver-diming fluoride that might be something to look at.

If we work on the prevention area earlier, we wont have to have the patient suffering

of dental disease.

So I think we need to all work together concentrating on more research of the prevention.

So we can capture our friends at an early age and hopefully help them to not have unnecessary

teeth flaws so that they can function and participate inside without having to have

be silently suffering in pain.

So my passion is, let's work together in prevention, and lets work together in caries

risk assessment.

Well that's great.

That was a great, great statement, because oftentimes, we physicians and dentists get

so caught up in the day-to-day logistics of the office, we forget that word prevention


And that old adage about an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, in the dentistry

world, based on my limited understanding, it's a ton of cure.

Can you elaborate, and I know our friends also at the tooth fairy, also America's

Tooth Fairy and the other people all doing a great job in prevention–could you elaborate

on some of the specifics of prevention?

Well, certainly.

I'd happy to.

And you mentioned, also, another great organization, America's Tooth Fairy, they have done a

tremendous amount of support and–so I cant say enough about them, they're a great organization


But in prevention, its not a one thing that causes cavities or gum disease; its a multiple

of things.

So I think in terms of being aware of things and looking for misconceptions.

For example, many of our patients take medications; some for anti-seizures, sometimes for anti

hypertension, anti-neuroleptic, all of those medications have side effects.

One of the major side effects is drying of the mouth.

And the drying of the mouth causes a stomach effect that increases cavities–its all about


So whenever our saliva is decreased or changed, the PH is also altered, it becomes more acidic.

And a lot of our patients have multiple medical problems that have side effects that have

gastric reflux.

That also brings acid to the mouth and that also weakens the teeth and makes them more

prone to cavities.

Those simple things working together in an interdisciplinary approach, and saying is

this the right medicine, and what is it doing to your mouth, if you start thinking in those

terms and saying we need to do things that counteract it; either neutralize some of the

acids in the mouth to minimize the cavity disease process, or that we need to garnish

the teeth or seal the teeth at an early age so that they are more resistant to cavities,

those are the things that we think about; your brushing and flossing is helpful, but

its not what's going to solve the problem, because really understanding that the chemical

change in the mouth, whether its lack of saliva, decrease of saliva, increase of sugar intake–so

the nutritional concept, the hygiene concept, the salivary health is all important things

that we should be thinking about for the patient.

Next on Exploring Different Brains, we move a little bit closer to home in Florida.

We go to Nova Southeastern University where Dr. Tom Temple, who's the head of TRED--The

Translational Research and Economic Development.

Tom has a great history as a brilliant orthopedic surgeon, specializing in oncology.

I used to refer patients to him down at the University of Miami back when he was an orthopedic

surgeon actively practicing.

And then he took over the tissue bank down there and now, he's at Nova Southeastern University.

And Tom Temple is a visionary who's trying to get all the research under one roof.

And he's another one who gets the importance of all of our different brains.

I think that this is one of the final frontiers, our fundamental understanding of the brain,

and we have a number of behavioral initiatives and…

Parkinson's disease for example, and addiction and people whose brains have been affected

by toxic exposure; and our goal is to bring in all of these behavioral elements into the

various institutes and there's so many synergies between the brain and cancer, the brain and

the immune system, the brain and stem cells for example that we could fundamentally take

a human being with Parkinson's disease and deliver a stem cell product into a very specific

part of the brain and reverse those effects.

Now, we have a Parkinson model right now in a rat, where we actually created a defect

in that part of the brain and those animals walk in a circle just like a part of a behavior,

but when we repopulate that part of the brain with a stem cell we can write their date.

So we are looking at different ways of using stem cells, of using drugs and delivering

them in the blood brain or through the blood brain barrier or across the blood brain barrier

through a nasal root.

So there are a lot… when you combine pharmacy, when you combine cell biology, stem cell research

and neuro-biology, and neuro-anatomy and what we are doing is breaking down those silos.

We don't have the department of Parkinson disease, we are not the department of bad

behavior, I mean they are together and that's the whole purpose of the Centre for Collaborative

Research, I mean, everybody is focused on problems from their different perspective

and they actually talk to one another, and they actually learn from one another and is

not just Nova Southeastern, we have global relationships with the university of Saint

Petersburg, with India, with the Karolinska institute, so this is a global enterprise.

It's not just Nova Southeastern and we've gathered the best of everybody in the world

to look at these problems and tackle them.

Finally, we're going to talk to another one of the leaders of the AADMD.

Who's on a path to become its president.

And that's Dr. Steve Sulkes, from the University of Rochester.

I actually I'm like many people who work with people with intellectual and developmental

disabilities had no personal experience with this population.

In fact when I was applying for pediatric residencies, where there were programs that

had obligations with people with developmental disabilities I actually sort of rated them

lower because I was scared.

I happened to end up at a really great residency program at the time in Syracuse, New York

at Upstate Medical Center.

While I was there they created a rotation for pediatric residents focusing on developmental

and behavioral problems.

I was one of the first people to go through it and it was pretty creative.

One of the things that they did was the first or second day they had us go to a state institution

in Syracuse and after some introductory talk they had us go and meet some of the people

who lived there and the first thing I was asked to do was to feed a guy lunch.

This was a guy with cerebral palsy and behavioral challenges and was nonverbal and I didn't

know what the heck I was doing.

I was wearing more of the purred food by the end of that meal than ever got into him.

I was thinking this was going to be a long month.

Anyway I got my lunch break and they had me go to this guys program area where he was

getting served in a day program and there I saw the same guy that I couldn't do anything

with responding to a very creative teacher in the room and doing various tasks and every

time he successfully completed a task they wheeled his wheelchair over to a wind chime

that was hanging in the middle of the room where he could get at it and he would whack

the wind chime and get a big smile on his face.

I thought oh man did I misjudge this guy and did I misjudge the entire field.

Well over the course of that month I spent time in schools, in community settings, and

really got to see kids with developmental disabilities in settings that were not health

settings and I suddenly realized that these kids have lives and they were cute and they

were fun and they were playful.

I went to one school I will never forget, it's called Jowonio in Syracuse where half

the kids had disabilities and half were typical kids.

At recess they went out in pairs to the playground and I went out after them and when I got out

to the playground, if the kids weren't using adaptive equipment I couldn't tell which

kids were which.

I thought this is it!

This is Valhalla this is the way it's supposed to go in the world and I said boy have I been


I mentioned our LEND program and that we have people in all these different disciplines

and we have 15 to 20 people come through each year and they're all graduate students or

fellows, advanced folks who want to develop in disabilities.

One of the most powerful experiences we give them is to connect them with a family and

go into the community and visit the family in the home or go to a person's school or

work place and have the kind of experiences I had when I was a resident of actually seeing

what people's lives are like where they are living and seeing the challenges but also

seeing the successes when you get out of your professional bubble and start seeing people

as people as opposed to patients or people we're serving, I think that's profound

and my little dream, it's been working great for our LEND trainees for many years, my dream

is to have every primary care position and dental resident coming through the University

of Rochester health care system have that kind of experience.

Just 2, 3 visit with an individual or a family where you're not being asked any medical

or dental questions.

You're there to learn and you're there to learn about the person's life and find

out about the family and the circle of support that person has.

I think that once we get out of our professional bubbles we can understand people as people

and not just as patients.

For more infomation >> Uniting Physician Perspectives for Neurodiversity | EDB 83 - Duration: 25:44.


Chicken - Duration: 0:39.

(casual music)

(distant chicken noise)

[Jane] Here, chckie, chickie, chickie

- What's Jane doing?

I told her because of the Roseland annexation,

she had to give rid of her animals.

- That's not true.

[Jane] Here, chckie, chickie, chickie

- You sure?

- Yeah.

- Hmm.

- So, you gonna tell her?

- Nope.

- [Kim] Here, chickie, chickie, chickie, chickie.

- Good call.

(chicken balking)

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