Welcome to CNN STUDENT NEWS. I`m Carl Azuz. It`s a country of nearly 45 million people,
one of the largest nations in Europe. And right now it`s in a struggle with itself.
We`re talking about Ukraine. Kind of a crossroads, Western Europe to one side, and Russia to
the other. The tension happening in Ukraine right now is over which side the country should
be closer to. Ukraine`s president and many of its people prefer to be aligned with Russia.
Ukrainians who want to move toward Western Europe have been protesting. They`ve taken
over parts of the capital city, Kiev, and put up barricades around their gathering spots.
That is until late Tuesday night.
It`s 2:00 in the morning, and it would appear that the riot police have decided that this
is the time to go into the square in full force. I don`t know how we`re going to get
in, this is the only way down, and there are police three deep (ph), but we`ll try.
(INAUDIBLE) How are they going to push through these barricades, which have been up there
for a long time. You can see the protesters manning the barricades and there are hundreds
of riot police here, but no easy access for them through into this square, which is exactly
the way the protesters want it.
So, the police have moved on here with chainsaws to try and saw through these barricades and
also use brute force to pull them back. And it does look as though in that corner it is
giving way.
Now, you have the sea of helmets, the red helmets of the protesters against the black
helmets of the riot police, head on head. And we`ll see what happens next.
On Wednesday, protesters in Kiev started rebuilding those barricades that were torn down overnight.
Catching up on a few other stories now, starting with Merrill Newman. The 85-yar old American
is home after being held in North Korea for weeks. That country`s government released
a video, in which Newman read a supposed apology for things he did during the Korean War. Newman
says that apology was given under duress. "Anyone who has read the text of it knows
that the words were not mine, and were not delivered voluntarily."
Next up, a lawsuit involving human rights for non-humans. The Non- Human Rights Project
was suing to get chimpanzees some of the same rights as the legal person. Their goal was
to get some animals move from private owners to sanctuaries. Three courts of New York have
rejected the lawsuits. The Non-Human Rights Project says it will appeal those decisions.
And finally, a follow up about outbreak of meningitis, which involves inflammation around
the brain and spinal cord. After several cases of the disease at Princeton University, school
officials decided to offer students there vaccine. This particular vaccine is approved
in other countries, but not in the United States. Princeton says it will cover the cost
of the vaccine and only offer it to students and certain members of the university community.
It`s time for the "Shoutout." What did Queen Elizabeth II, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mark
Zuckerberg have in common? If you think you know it then shout it out. Have they all been
Nobel Prize winners? "Time`s" Person of the Year? Awarded the Medal of Freedom? Or Harvard
Graduates? You`ve got three seconds, go!
The Queen, MLK and Zuckerberg have all been "Time`s" Person of the Year. That`s your answer
and that`s your shoutout.
When picking a person of the year, the editors of "Time" magazine consider who affected the
news and people`s lives the most? Good or bad? And who embodied what was most important
about the year. "Time`s" pick for 2013, Pope Francis. He was elected to lead the Roman
Catholic Church in March of this year. One of "Time" magazine`s editors says that since
he became pope, Francis has changed he church`s image and its substance, focusing on service
and helping the poor.
Some people thought "Time`s" Person of the Year should have been the runner up (ph) Edward
Snowden. The former U.S. National Security Agency contractor leaked information about
government surveillance programs. People pushing for Snowden to be person of the year say he
had a bigger impact on the world than the new pope.
This next story is kind of about technology, it`s kind of about the environment, it`s kind
of about business. But it`s mostly about perceptions, and that old advice not to judge a book by
its cover. Think about the aps that people use on smartphones. Now, try to picture what
the people who design those aps look like, and now watch.
This is Patrick, the kind of driven computer wiz who starts companies in college. He came
to New York hoping to meet someone in tech that would buy his ideas and change his life.
He just didn`t know it would be the homeless guy on the walk to work.
He just has something about him. And the first time I remember thinking of him ahead like
- you know, who is this guy?
This is Leo. As a kid, he was obsessed with science, astronomy, chemistry, physics, but
then he fell in with the wrong crowd, became a father too soon. And two years ago first
lost his job, and then his home.
What did you think he wanted?
I didn`t do anything.
You got the wrong guy.
No, he just said, hey, I`m just - it may sounds strange, but I`ll put you an offer. I`ll either
give you $100 and you spend it however you want to or I (inaudible) with this brand new
laptop and teach you how to code. And instantly, I just said, in my mind, number two.
He would write code for hours, for days, on the banks of the Hudson or in the corner nook
in Patrick`s office. At night, Patrick would go home, and Leo would go back outside. Shelters
just aren`t his thing. Which all seemed fine, until winter blew in.
How do you stay warm on those really bitter nights?
I can go to train station or bungalow (ph) like tons of blankets.
It`s getting really cold, and I keep telling this, and he, you know, he`s like, I`m good,
man, let`s keep going.
See, Patrick just wanted to get him employed and housed ASAP, but Leo had other priorities.
What is it you wanted to do with this information he was teaching you?
Make the world a better place.
See, he is a passionate environmentalist. His heroes are scientists who brave the rugged
This is what life is supposed to be like, you know.
Going outside?
Yeah. I want to be around plants and I want to breathe as much oxygen as possible.
Since he`s really worried about a changing climate, he decided to use his new skills
to create a carbon cutting ride sharing app, called Trees for Cars.
These would be riders in the same area who want to ride with you.
If you make money off of this app.
Are you going to go get an apartment? What are you going to do?
Oh, yes, of course! Trump (inaudible) Hotel.
Central Florida, western Pennsylvania, southern Indiana. That`s where we are heading for today`s
"Roll Call." In Florida, we are checking in with the Hawks from Lake Minneola High School.
From there it`s up to Pennsylvania and the Warren Area High School Dragons. And finally,
we`ll make our way over to Clarksville, Indiana, where the Providence Pioneers close out today`s
roll call journey.
Going to the gym is always a little easier when you`ve got a workout buddy. And who better
than men`s best friend? In fact, this gym is designed more for the pooches than their
personable pals. The owner says it`s designed for dogs to relax and have fun, apparently
get a serious workout, too. There are programs for athletic dogs, for older dogs. Treadmills,
waterobics. Presumably, it`s open to groups who want to lose some weight because after
all, gym is a perfect place to deal with dog pounds. Of course, there`s only one way to
describe how these pounds come off: shedding. It`s a weighty subject, but we still like
to have a little pun in every show. We`ll work out some more and meet you bark here
tomorrow to close at the week.
For more infomation >> CNN 10 - June 27, 2017 | The reason why some people preferred the runner-up - Duration: 10:00.-------------------------------------------
Stolen purse returned to 92-year-old woman - Duration: 0:36.
dicas sobre a unidade óptica de DVD - Duration: 4:43.
Opel Astra Coupé 1.8-16V AIRCO / D-RIEM VERVANGEN / 149.000 KM NAP-CERTICICAAT - Duration: 0:44.
vlc record 2017 05 21 13h17m06s D - Duration: 4:13.
Here's My Canada: Canada is an Amazing Country - Duration: 0:37.
Here's My Canada: Open - Duration: 0:34.
My name is Ryan Jun, and I'm in grade five and I come from
Broadacres Junior School. I think Canada is amazing because it's peaceful and it
allows everybody who comes from other countries, like refugees and tourists, inside its
borders, and you can live wherever you want, do whatever you want and take
jobs, go to school ,and do basically everything you want. That is why I think
Canada is amazing to me.
Here's My Canada: Canada is My Inspiration - Duration: 0:20.
Hi, my name is Rebecca and I'm a student at Broadacres Junior School. Canada, to me,
is a free country. Canada is my inspiration whether it is L. M.
Montgomery's Cavendish or the mountains in Alberta, it's always saying, "You can
do it."
Here's My Canada: Beautiful and Free - Duration: 0:22.
Hi, my name is Talise and I'm in the gifted program at Broadacres Junior School.
This is what Canada means to me.
Canada is important to me because it is my home and it's a very beautiful country.
Also, it's very free because we don't have any wars or anything like that.
Here's My Canada: Home - Duration: 0:29.
Hi, my name is Grace and what Canada means to me is home. It has been my home
for my entire life, and up to now it has kept me, my family, and everybody I
know safe. As Canada's 150th anniversary approaches, I hope
that all of Canada can celebrate everything that we've accomplished,
embrace all the history, and celebrate making Canada great and free.
Here's My Canada: Welcoming - Duration: 0:22.
Hi, my name is Aya, and I'm in grade five at Broadacres Junior School.
I love Canada because it is a free country and you can do what you want. We
are free to wear, be, and do whatever we want.
I love how Canada accepts who you are and is such a welcoming place.
Here's My Canada: Beautiful Country - Duration: 0:28.
I'm Sanguay, and I'm from Broadacres Junior School. Canada is a wonderful place. It's a
peaceful country and a beautiful country.
When you come to Canada, you can have a great
opportunity in life, get good education and a good job.
Canada is a place for everyone: refugees, tourists, and people from all over
the world
Garlic & White Bean Crostini~ White Bean Dip Appetizer~Tasty Snack~Pantry Cooking~Noreen's Kitchen - Duration: 5:04.
Hi, everyone. I'm Noreen and welcome back to my kitchen and today by popular demand. We are making the very highly requested
White Bean and Garlic Crostini topping that we talked about in our fresh tomato, Bruschetta video, so let's go see how this all comes together
Alright the day has come
when I did my fresh tomato, Bruschetta video
I asked you if you'd like to see my recipe for garlic and white Bean Crostini topping and
Everybody said definitely so here. We go. This is super simple
It's made from pantry stock or what you have in your fridge
And you don't have to use fresh items like the parsley in the garlic, but they do make it so much better
So we're going to start with is 1
15 ounce can of white Cannellini beans
That has been drained and rinsed
2 to 3 cloves of Fresh garlic
about a quarter of a cup of fresh chopped parsley and a quarter of a cup of olive oil
And this is super super easy. I have already made some crostini toast, so we're going to have that with it
I just have my mini chopper because this is totally going to be
super quick to make
I'm just going to pulse this to break the beans down a little and then we're going to go ahead and put everything else in
And then we'll go ahead and put the olive oil in here as well
That'll loosen it up a bit
Ok if you find it to be a little bit on the sixth side, I'm going to hit this with a little bit of water
don't worry those beans can tend to get a little bit thick I'm going to toss in my garlic and
My parsley and this is going to give it a little bit of a green hue
So here we go, and I almost forgot you totally need the juice of one lemon
Okay, we're also going to add a teaspoon of Kosher salt and 1/2 a teaspoon of cracked black pepper
And that's how easy it is to make white Bean and Garlic Crostini topping perfect
It's the perfect consistency for me if you like it a little bit thicker
Don't add the water you can also make this in your blender
If you've liked a vitamix or a heavy-duty blender this would be the perfect time to use it
You can also make this in your magic bullet or any other heavy duty like bullet style
Blender that you might have I'm going to go ahead and put this in serving dish and I'll be right back in we'll give it
a taste
Well there you have it
delicious white bean and Garlic Crostini topping I went ahead and I toasted up some crostini with I
Rubbed it with the fresh garlic clove brushed it with olive oil
And it is ready to go this is fantastic. You know what it's like. I mean, I'm not gonna Lie
It's not hummus, so it's like Italian hummus
And it's it's just perfect and delicious and you can make this on the fly from things you have on hand in your pantry
Just if you don't have fresh garlic or fresh Parsley on hand use the dry stuff
Who's going to know it doesn't matter and you want to taste it too, okay? Give it a taste
Crispity crunchity
I'm delicious
Mm-Hmm oh Scribe
You can totally adjust the seasonings the salt the pepper
You can put less or more garlic in it if you like
You put more lemon juice in it where I put a little bit of water in mine
Oh totally up to you
But no matter what you do give this a try if you haven't tried it before
Those of you who do know what it's like, you will know
How delicious this is?
So I hope that one day soon. You will give this a try. I want to thank you for joining me today
If you're new welcome, I hope you enjoyed what you saw, and I hope you will hit that subscribe
bye, and if you are already one of my tried-And-true viewers
Please remember hit the bail notification button because we don't want any of you to miss out on all the real food for real people
Real easy recipes that we present all the time right here on our YouTube channel and straight from our kitchen
Hope you'll give this white Bean and Garlic Crostini
Topping a try sometime this summer or any time and I hope that you love it and until next time I'll see ya
How To Choose your Minosaka Iaito - Jidai, Higo & Hon Koshirae - W/Subtitles - Duration: 9:21.
Hi guys
In the video today we want to show you the 3 most popular Iaito models of the Minosaka
workshop: one for beginners, one for intermediate practitioners and a heavy one for advanced
practitioners and training focused on Tameshigiri.
And as they say, first things first: These Iaito are, of course, fully made in Japan, including
the blade and all parts!
The models presented here are available in stock in different sizes and can be shipped
within 2 business days.
Of course, they are also available in full custom mount.
Note that all the blades are made of aluminium alloy, they don't cut and can't be sharpened.
If you want to learn more about Iaito and this particular Minosaka workshop, we recommend
our documentary available on Youtube !
First up is the Jidai Koshirae, a basic model of standard Japanese quality that suits beginners,
intermediate practitioners on a budget, or Aikidoists who occasionally want to practice
with a sword.
The blade is made of a zinc-aluminium alloy, featuring a classic "Suguha" hamon.
For this entry level model, the time spent on the blade polishing is limited and although
the technical specifications are similar to higher-grade models, the finish is a bit basic.
The habaki is made of copper without specific design.
The seppa on both sides of the tsuba are made of oxidized bronze, giving it a dark coloring
for an ancient look.
The tsuba, made of wrought iron, is called "kasuga" meaning "spring sun", referring
to a classic Kasuga "style" shaped tsuba.
With a weight of about 138 grams, this tsuba is considered heavy.
It pushes the balance toward the tsuka, making it easier to handle for beginners.
The fuchi, describing the collar, and the kashira, the butt of the handle, are both made of copper
and decorated with the traditional sakura, the cherry blossoms.
Matching this, the Menuki, placed under the cord wrapping is made of aluminium, representing
the same sakura motif and the handle is well fixed and secured with two mekugi.
The Same, the ray skin on this model, is white, contrasting the tsukaito and the sageo, the
black cotton cords on the handle and the saya.
The saya is very classic, made from Magnolia wood and with a black Kuroishime lacquer that
is more scratch resistant than a kuroro, a glossy saya.
On this entry model, the lacquer grain is looser than on higher grade kuroishime lacquer models.
This model is available in 4 different sizes, suiting practitioners from 160 to 180 cm and
can be fitted with blades from 2.30 to 2.45 shaku.
This model is basic, and the emphasis was placed on the mount, rather than its overall
It can be considered as an entry level product, but it does feature the same structural quality
as any other model.
The Higo Koshirae is the most popular Iaito among Iaido practitioners and perfect for
intermediate practitioners looking for a classic, well balanced, and high quality sword.
With more attention placed on details, this model seems to be of higher quality than the Jidai Koshirae.
Its structural qualities, however, are similar.
As all Iaito blades, made of aluminium/zinc alloy, with straight "Suguha" hamon, greater
emphasis was put on the yokote finish for a very nice kissaki shape.
This model features an exquisite gold-plated habaki and matching golden seppa.
The wrought iron tsuba model is called Maru Kuyomon, and its name refers to the gold inlay
symbolizing the 9 planets in buddhist teachings but also describes a famous heraldic emblem.
With a weight of 136 g, it is relatively heavy, this Tsuba will push the balance toward the
The fuchi and kashira feature the Higo style, which is mainly characterized by a rounded shape.
The fuchi, and the bronze menuki, both perfectly reflecting the colors of the tsuba, symbolize
two crossing swords with a mountain herb called oxalis in English.
The Kenkatabami design is also a very famous heraldic emblem.
Fixed with two Mekugi, the mounting of this Iaito is absolutely secure.
The Same, the ray skin on this model is also white, and to keep consistency in the design,
the tsukaito and sageo are made of brown cotton.
The saya is made from Magnolia wood and with a matt and slightly rough brown Chaishime
lacquer, that is quite scratch resistant.
Comparing it to the Jidai model, you will notice the tighter grain of the lacquer, as
it is of higher quality.
The sizing and weight are similar to the Jidai Koshirae, the model presented before.
This Iaito is also available in 4 different sizes, suiting practitioners from 160 to 180 cm,
and can be fitted with blades from 2.30 to 2.45 shaku.
The blade is made of aluminium/zinc alloy, with a straight "Suguha" hamon, and with
an elaborate kissaki (tip).
The silver plated Seppa and Habaki were chosen to match the silver ginko inlay of the
Icho Zogan Tsuba, weighing 141 g.
The Menuki, made of copper, represents a dragon.
And the Fuchi and Kashira, made of brass, feature a traditional tendril motive, called Guribori
in Japanese.
As all instock models, the Hon Koshirae is mounted with two Mekugi for maximum safety.
The blue Tsukaito and Sageo add to the cold design of this sword.
Both cords are made of Japanese silk, firmly woven, resulting in a very long lasting quality.
The Saya is coated with the strongest and most scratch resistant Kuroishime lacquer
featuring a black grainy color.
Unlike standard Kuroishime lacquer, the manufacturing process for this saya is called "Hon Kuroishime"
(real Kuroishime) which is the same process used for saya of high grade Shinken, the real swords.
The grain is smaller than that of the standard Ishime finish and there are more layers of lacquer.
The Hon Koshirae model is a "heavy" blade Iaito.
It wasn't designed for the majority of practitioners and certainly not for beginners.
These types of blades are closer to blades of real Shinken and therefore suited for advanced
practitioners, for research and practice oriented toward tameshigiri.
It may also be a good choice for intermediate practitioners with a strong build who think
that a standard blade is too light.
This Iaito is also available in 3 different sizes, suiting practitioners from 175 to 185 cm,
and can be fitted with blades from 2.40 to 2.55 shaku.
How to choose the right size?
The length in shaku, a Japanese traditional unit, is measured including only partially
the Habaki, as shown in the picture.
Our blade length recommendations come from the Japanese Iaido Federation and should suit
most practitioners of classic Iai schools.
However, each school, and even each teacher or dojo might have its own recommendation,
so we advise that you check the length with your teacher before making your choice.
In addition, we recommend to Aikidoists a one size shorter blade, as the noto (the unsheathing
technique) won't be their main focus.
The tsuka length is decided based on two factors.
The sword's balance and the size of your hands.
Westerners have slightly bigger hands than Japanese, which let us set slightly longer
tsuka on these instock models, whilst preserving the overall balance.
You can check the size tables for more details.
In this video we presented 3 very different in stock Iaito models.
If you're looking for something different, on our website you will find more models,
that can be customized to your liking.
Thanks a lot for watching and feel free to comment on the video if you have any questions,
and if you think this video could help your dojo mates, feel free to share!
See you next time!
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Kylie Vacation Collection - TOO LIGHT FOR PALE SKIN? Where Did My Lips Go? - Duration: 4:08.
Hi everyone, welcome back to my channel, if you have never been here before I'm Kimbyrleigha
and today I'm going to be testing out the Kylie Jenner Velvet Liquid Lipsticks.
I've had my eyes on these for a while because Iove nudes and I have NOTHING on my lips right
now because I wanted to have a clean slate to show you all the different colors and I
didn't want to be bias about which color I end up liking the best.
So let's get right into the swatching and then right into the lip swatches because I
want to show you what they look like on me and I also want to show you what they look
like on my arm but I have self tanner on, so just keep that in mind.
You probably saw them hanging out back there but here they are in all their glory.
They're really pretty, I love all these colors, I think they're really nice.
I'll show you them up close.
This is Bare and I can tell you right away I love the way this color looks just in the
So, I'm just gonna go ahead and swatch it right on my hand.
The next color I have is Commando.
That one looks really really good, it looks really really good, I like that!
This one, I'm not sure I'm gonna like.
This is Birthday Suit.
I just do not know, It's kind of a brown, and I don't usually do well with browns.
Last but not least, I have Naked.
I just turned down my lights so you can really get an idea of what the colors look like,
and I really this one and I like this one too.
Okay, so let's get to swatching on the lips.
Is it just me or are my lips blending into my face right now LOL, It reminds me when
people decide to pretty much erase their eyebrows with concealer.
If you're going for the uh "I don't have lips look" haha this will be right up your alley.
This is nude, this is block out my lips I don't have lips anymore nude.
This is like the nudest of the nude.
This is like nudest colony 101 haha.
I feel like I have to turn down my lights just to be able to see that, it also looks
like I have a Mustache.
hha Oh my god, from the shadow, hmm I dunno, what do you think?
Tell me what color you liked best too.
If that didn't do it for you then this one will.
This one is "I self tanner on and I wanna pretty much block out my lips" haha Okay.
So that's what that looks like.
I dunno why, ugh, I dunno guys.
What do you think?
I really like it.
It's really pretty.
I love that these go on really soft and smooth and you can actually blend your lips together.
I remember the matte liquid lipsticks were really cakey on me sometimes and I definitely
had to have a lip topper but for this no problems so I love that consistency and I think this
color is really pretty.
This one's like a pinky nude.
That one's really cute.
It's really really nice.
That's probably my favorite one, saved the best for last and I didn't even know it.
Thank you guys so much for watching, I have to say I like the two last colors I did but
I don't know how I feel about the really really really nude ones.
I think if you have darker skin they might go better with your complexion because I think
it's just too light for my skin tone.
Let me know which ones you like the best and don't forget to subscribe and also thank you
so much for watching, I will see you in my next one.
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