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7 Ways to MAKE You INSTANTLY HAPPY! - HOW TO BE HAPPY - Duration: 6:42.
hi guys and welcome to my channel today I'm going to talk about six ways to make
yourself instantly happy this is something that people ask me about all
the time how are you so happy how are you always
so positive how do you oh eh how are you always in such a bad mood and so I
wanted to do this videos all of those people who have asked and some of these
things may seem also all or super odds but they definitely give me an instant
boost for happiness. So use these ways to be happy and let's get right into this video one of the first things
I'll do if I need happiness mood booster is I will go into the bathroom and close
the door just me in the mirror and I will think to myself what is one thing
that was absolutely ridiculous and I will do it in front of a mirror I know
that sounds super crazy I know you're going to think wow you are so weird
but and sometimes I'll even do something really weird like maybe four times like
you're a fish out of water and like flop around and try to do that acting motion
I know that sounds so crazy but doing something so childish or doing something
that's so like out of your element and out of your typical box really just put
yourself in a different day and almost with you in a vulnerable state square it
you almost have to I am you just can't help yourself and it releases endorphins
it just helps you like even if you're like oh my gosh this is totally out of
my comfort zone I'm not doing this and you try to do it you're like this is
awkward you still are going to have a little smirk because you to be like
seriously did I really just do that and you would not believe how much that I
actually read about that in a book when I was in high school and I couldn't
believe it I started doing it no way that is so crazy to definitely give that
a try remember to last some of your favorite music and not the music that is
like your favorite bad music or your favorite music that reminds you of
somebody that's Pat favorite music that just gives your soul
pumping if you wanted to move and it makes you smile the music that just
speaks to you on the empty ice and get a playlist going and jam out that music
and have a great time listening some jams that you love it'll definitely put
a smile on your face the third thing I do to get instantly happy is do
something that I absolutely love one of my favorite things to do is dance but I
also love to draw so if I just take a minute and do one of those things that
I'm passionate about it makes me really really happy
especially dancing sometimes I'll go down into the basement and I'll tell my
husband I'm just going to work out for a few minutes I just need some time to
myself I'll blare the music like I always do
when I work out and I will just go to town and dance and just have a good time
for some like no one's around because literally no one is around and when I'm
done even if it's for like five minutes I
just and I'm upstairs I'm just gleaming I'm so happy like I
got I got my body moving and I just feel so good like dang Mel is so fun I love
to dance so doing something like that is like a full dose of vitamin C just like
splash through your body it just feels so good
another thing that I do that it's so good for you it'll definitely give you
an instant happiness boost especially if you need that is giving into an impulse
I would not consider myself an extremely impulsive person and nor would I
normally encourage people to give in to all of your impulses but even if you
have something a little tiny impulse like oh my gosh I've always wanted to go
to a restaurant and pretend like I'm a food critic with a clip for it and go
and assess the situation or something little even if it's so arbitrary or
random do it giving in to your impulses makes your body feel like you are in
charge and you are the person that you're in control of your body which you
totally are and it just makes you feel satiated like you gave in to that desire
even if it was so incredibly petty so definitely give that a try like I said
don't do anything outrageous but doing that can make a huge huge difference
number five is to indulge in something little I never want to encourage people
to purchase things to create happiness but if you
want a little boost of happiness and you've done some of the other things
this can also help if you're buying something or purchasing something small
not some big outrageous purchase or something small like a drink that you've
been wanting to try or picking up a nice bouquet of flowers or something little
they just can encourage you I've been working really hard lately and I deserve
a small reward and it just sometimes it can just feel good
number six trying something new that you have always been wanting to try no
matter what it is on your bucket list but trying something new it makes you
feel refreshing it makes you feel relevant and it also gives you so much
more life to your body because it gives you something new to talk about with
your friends and you're not talking about the same thing and it's just a
really cool opportunity to experience new things so that will definitely
enlighten you and bring a smile to your face one of the things that I have been
talking about trying for so long is yoga and I try it in my home and cause it's
just not for me but I want to genuinely try it I want to try it with my heart
and soul like just let go all in and not have any mindsets like not be
close-minded but just really go all in and enjoy it and just embrace everything
about it and my very last tip to get instant happiness is to get lost in
nature I do not know what it is about nature but I feel like being out in
nature is so healing so if you have something that's heavy on your heart or
you're very stressed or whatever you have going on being in nature just I
feel like it just naturally heals things that need to be filled any underlining
stressors or any underlining issues that maybe is going on internally
it can feel that and just make you feel really refreshed and amazing so
definitely get out in nature the sunshine is not only amazing is a
beautiful greenery that is out there is just so breathtaking but just getting
that opportunity to get some fresh air and be refreshed by just nature is so
amazing so I hope you guys liked all my tips if you did give this video a big
thumbs up and let me know in the comments below what is
one thing that you do to make yourself more happy or one thing that you do that
really helps when you're down in the dumps or you need a boost of happiness I
would love to be encouraged by some of the things that you guys do and let me
know if you do any of the things that I've talked about in this video that
would be so cool thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in my next
Alberto Contador: The Other Contador - Duration: 5:12.
Well, there came a moment in which everyone knew Alberto through what he had won,
through what he was doing, and somehow he… his status, right? And his position…
It's a position, a status that allows him to do something different, to help others.
And that was the idea and the way in which the Alberto Contador Foundation was born.
For me, the Foundation has special value because I'm in a situation and in a place in which I feel privileged.
Obviously it's been a lot of work, but I feel fortunate to be part of it.
I think that from my position, I'm able to help a lot of people in different ways.
For me, cycling is my way of life, it's my passion, and in a certain sense,
it's my way of giving back to the sport that has given me everything.
The Alberto Contador Foundation originated with two objectives—right?
To raise awareness, of the illness that Alberto had, the brain stroke, and to develop and promote the sport of cycling.
And in each of these objectives, we developed different goals.
Regarding bicycles, there's Bicycles for Life.
Bicycles for Life has to do with giving a second life to bicycles.
Together with a company, with SEUR, we collect bicycles.
These bicycles come to us at the Foundation,
which is in collaboration with the Pinto Disabilities Association from my city.
The process then moves on to inspection, classification, and repair…
reconditioning the bicycles so that they're in optimum condition for a second life.
The people that work here at the Bikes for Life warehouse are people with disabilities.
There are monitors and mentors with them that train them and help them.
The idea is that they can develop themselves so that in the future,
they can be integrated into the workforce in the world of bicycle mechanics.
Together with the Ananta Association, we then donate these bicycles to underprivileged areas
or places where they can be very useful.
Two months ago we took a truck full of bicycles to three mountain villages in the Moroccan Atlas
where a donation was made.
It's very interesting because the villages are quite isolated,
and with these bicycles they're going to be able to get around, fetch water, and get the children to school.
Which means the bicycles are given a second life and are truly useful.
Another thing I like about the Foundation is that provides the kid who likes bicycles a place to practice, right?
A place where this child can easily explore possibilities.
When I began at fifteen years old, everything was completely different.
You didn't have options… in the end, it was all about soccer.
Soccer, soccer, soccer.
And cycling, if you picked up a bicycle to try and compete, you'd seem strange.
And for me it was almost impossible to be able to acquire a bicycle, be able to acquire clothing for cycling, equipment…
And in this sense with the school, well, all of that is much simpler.
Everyone has these opportunities, and they have the option of molding themselves with cycling.
Because I think that the values that cycling gives you—not because it's my sport—
I think few sports can give you those values.
In the cycling school it's about fun, about having a good time with friends,
learning to ride a bicycle and training bike skills.
And in the youth and U-23 teams, it's probably more focused on competition—
but the idea is always to promote the bicycle and outreach of cycling.
The activity, you're progressively growing year after year and really, we don't put limits on ourselves.
In fact, I'm sure that once my sports career finishes, a large part of my time will be taken up by the Foundation.
I think Alberto doesn't only have to be a champion on the bike, but also has to demonstrate that he's one off of it.
He has to have a series of values and motivations that make him that champion and make him who he is.
Suzuki Grand Vitara - Duration: 1:05.
Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT Seven 5drs - Duration: 0:58.
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Business Pack, Navi, Climate, 17" LMV! - Duration: 1:00.
Volvo V70 2.4D Momentum Automaat Navi 18 Inch Nieuw Model Bruin Leder - Duration: 0:43.
Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D VX automaat leder een echte! - Duration: 0:59.
Volvo C30 2.0D Kinetic Clima Nieuwe Distributieriem 136PK! - Duration: 0:42.
Toyota Verso 1.6 D-4D Business - Duration: 1:00.
The Grey Nuns Motherhouse's infirmaries, Montreal - Duration: 2:40.
In the house here, we had a few wings where we took care of elderly women, and, on the ground floor, elderly men.
Early in the morning, the novices would start at the ground floor, and we'd make the beds for the old men.
That was the first thing we'd do before Mass.
We'd get up, pray, and then right away we'd go and do all the beds for the old men along that whole hallway.
There were a lot of them at the Mother House.
The people we looked after then, it's not like it is now.
There weren't just a dozen, there were 30 or 40.
At a certain point you have nuns who are getting old, who are all about the same age … There were a lot of people in the infirmaries.
They put me in the Mother House, in the infirmaries, I took care of the elderly nuns and I really loved that.
Because we'd get them talking and they'd tell us their stories, about how they'd been in the far north, and here, and there…
And they had a need to talk too, so … I really enjoyed it.
It was not intense care. It was looking after sisters who were in decline.
So, in 1949 to '51, we already had many older nuns, who had worked as missionaries.
People worked hard back in those days; they might have been in the far north, in Western Canada, at the d'Youville nursery…
So there were two or three special departments to take care of our older nuns.
We called one the infirmary, and there was even a part we called the seigniory.
The nuns were starting to get older and there were more of them, more space was required, so they moved them to the street side.
I really had a lot of pleasure taking care of our elderly nuns in the infirmary, at the very end of their lives.
I did it for 30 years, and I helped 487 sisters. I saw them all leave this world.
First of all, the way they accepted death.
Some of them had prognoses that were hard, like you have two months to live, or one month to live …
But I was always surprised to see how quickly they accepted it.
Honouring Sainte Marguérite d'Youville at the Grey Nuns Motherhouse, Montreal - Duration: 2:18.
Mother d'Youville was beatified in 1959.
As was done in those days, to honour her presence and to introduce her to people, we had what we called the Marguerite d'Youville Centre.
It was a special room with a little sanctuary and that's where we put the stained glass, as a kind of decoration.
When people came to pray to Mother d'Youville, they could learn something about her life from the stained glass panels.
I don't know if you've ever seen a funeral effigy.
At the time it was a common practice when a person was beatified or declared a saint.
She was shown lying down, with a wax image of her face, wearing the habit of a Grey Nun.
It was done about the time she was beatified.
We were informed that Marguerite d'Youville would be beatified on May 3, 1959.
When you take your final vows, you receive a ring as a symbol of your commitment.
First we received our crosses, then later our rings, in 1959.
We had the privilege of having our fingers measured and the rings made in advance, and our Superior General who went to the beatification in Rome had our rings blessed by Pope John.
So Saint John the 23rd blessed the rings for our final vows in 1959.
It was a very special year. We didn't go to Rome, but our rings did!
7 Ways to MAKE You INSTANTLY HAPPY! - HOW TO BE HAPPY - Duration: 6:42.
hi guys and welcome to my channel today I'm going to talk about six ways to make
yourself instantly happy this is something that people ask me about all
the time how are you so happy how are you always
so positive how do you oh eh how are you always in such a bad mood and so I
wanted to do this videos all of those people who have asked and some of these
things may seem also all or super odds but they definitely give me an instant
boost for happiness. So use these ways to be happy and let's get right into this video one of the first things
I'll do if I need happiness mood booster is I will go into the bathroom and close
the door just me in the mirror and I will think to myself what is one thing
that was absolutely ridiculous and I will do it in front of a mirror I know
that sounds super crazy I know you're going to think wow you are so weird
but and sometimes I'll even do something really weird like maybe four times like
you're a fish out of water and like flop around and try to do that acting motion
I know that sounds so crazy but doing something so childish or doing something
that's so like out of your element and out of your typical box really just put
yourself in a different day and almost with you in a vulnerable state square it
you almost have to I am you just can't help yourself and it releases endorphins
it just helps you like even if you're like oh my gosh this is totally out of
my comfort zone I'm not doing this and you try to do it you're like this is
awkward you still are going to have a little smirk because you to be like
seriously did I really just do that and you would not believe how much that I
actually read about that in a book when I was in high school and I couldn't
believe it I started doing it no way that is so crazy to definitely give that
a try remember to last some of your favorite music and not the music that is
like your favorite bad music or your favorite music that reminds you of
somebody that's Pat favorite music that just gives your soul
pumping if you wanted to move and it makes you smile the music that just
speaks to you on the empty ice and get a playlist going and jam out that music
and have a great time listening some jams that you love it'll definitely put
a smile on your face the third thing I do to get instantly happy is do
something that I absolutely love one of my favorite things to do is dance but I
also love to draw so if I just take a minute and do one of those things that
I'm passionate about it makes me really really happy
especially dancing sometimes I'll go down into the basement and I'll tell my
husband I'm just going to work out for a few minutes I just need some time to
myself I'll blare the music like I always do
when I work out and I will just go to town and dance and just have a good time
for some like no one's around because literally no one is around and when I'm
done even if it's for like five minutes I
just and I'm upstairs I'm just gleaming I'm so happy like I
got I got my body moving and I just feel so good like dang Mel is so fun I love
to dance so doing something like that is like a full dose of vitamin C just like
splash through your body it just feels so good
another thing that I do that it's so good for you it'll definitely give you
an instant happiness boost especially if you need that is giving into an impulse
I would not consider myself an extremely impulsive person and nor would I
normally encourage people to give in to all of your impulses but even if you
have something a little tiny impulse like oh my gosh I've always wanted to go
to a restaurant and pretend like I'm a food critic with a clip for it and go
and assess the situation or something little even if it's so arbitrary or
random do it giving in to your impulses makes your body feel like you are in
charge and you are the person that you're in control of your body which you
totally are and it just makes you feel satiated like you gave in to that desire
even if it was so incredibly petty so definitely give that a try like I said
don't do anything outrageous but doing that can make a huge huge difference
number five is to indulge in something little I never want to encourage people
to purchase things to create happiness but if you
want a little boost of happiness and you've done some of the other things
this can also help if you're buying something or purchasing something small
not some big outrageous purchase or something small like a drink that you've
been wanting to try or picking up a nice bouquet of flowers or something little
they just can encourage you I've been working really hard lately and I deserve
a small reward and it just sometimes it can just feel good
number six trying something new that you have always been wanting to try no
matter what it is on your bucket list but trying something new it makes you
feel refreshing it makes you feel relevant and it also gives you so much
more life to your body because it gives you something new to talk about with
your friends and you're not talking about the same thing and it's just a
really cool opportunity to experience new things so that will definitely
enlighten you and bring a smile to your face one of the things that I have been
talking about trying for so long is yoga and I try it in my home and cause it's
just not for me but I want to genuinely try it I want to try it with my heart
and soul like just let go all in and not have any mindsets like not be
close-minded but just really go all in and enjoy it and just embrace everything
about it and my very last tip to get instant happiness is to get lost in
nature I do not know what it is about nature but I feel like being out in
nature is so healing so if you have something that's heavy on your heart or
you're very stressed or whatever you have going on being in nature just I
feel like it just naturally heals things that need to be filled any underlining
stressors or any underlining issues that maybe is going on internally
it can feel that and just make you feel really refreshed and amazing so
definitely get out in nature the sunshine is not only amazing is a
beautiful greenery that is out there is just so breathtaking but just getting
that opportunity to get some fresh air and be refreshed by just nature is so
amazing so I hope you guys liked all my tips if you did give this video a big
thumbs up and let me know in the comments below what is
one thing that you do to make yourself more happy or one thing that you do that
really helps when you're down in the dumps or you need a boost of happiness I
would love to be encouraged by some of the things that you guys do and let me
know if you do any of the things that I've talked about in this video that
would be so cool thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in my next
Alberto Contador: The Other Contador - Duration: 5:12.
Well, there came a moment in which everyone knew Alberto through what he had won,
through what he was doing, and somehow he… his status, right? And his position…
It's a position, a status that allows him to do something different, to help others.
And that was the idea and the way in which the Alberto Contador Foundation was born.
For me, the Foundation has special value because I'm in a situation and in a place in which I feel privileged.
Obviously it's been a lot of work, but I feel fortunate to be part of it.
I think that from my position, I'm able to help a lot of people in different ways.
For me, cycling is my way of life, it's my passion, and in a certain sense,
it's my way of giving back to the sport that has given me everything.
The Alberto Contador Foundation originated with two objectives—right?
To raise awareness, of the illness that Alberto had, the brain stroke, and to develop and promote the sport of cycling.
And in each of these objectives, we developed different goals.
Regarding bicycles, there's Bicycles for Life.
Bicycles for Life has to do with giving a second life to bicycles.
Together with a company, with SEUR, we collect bicycles.
These bicycles come to us at the Foundation,
which is in collaboration with the Pinto Disabilities Association from my city.
The process then moves on to inspection, classification, and repair…
reconditioning the bicycles so that they're in optimum condition for a second life.
The people that work here at the Bikes for Life warehouse are people with disabilities.
There are monitors and mentors with them that train them and help them.
The idea is that they can develop themselves so that in the future,
they can be integrated into the workforce in the world of bicycle mechanics.
Together with the Ananta Association, we then donate these bicycles to underprivileged areas
or places where they can be very useful.
Two months ago we took a truck full of bicycles to three mountain villages in the Moroccan Atlas
where a donation was made.
It's very interesting because the villages are quite isolated,
and with these bicycles they're going to be able to get around, fetch water, and get the children to school.
Which means the bicycles are given a second life and are truly useful.
Another thing I like about the Foundation is that provides the kid who likes bicycles a place to practice, right?
A place where this child can easily explore possibilities.
When I began at fifteen years old, everything was completely different.
You didn't have options… in the end, it was all about soccer.
Soccer, soccer, soccer.
And cycling, if you picked up a bicycle to try and compete, you'd seem strange.
And for me it was almost impossible to be able to acquire a bicycle, be able to acquire clothing for cycling, equipment…
And in this sense with the school, well, all of that is much simpler.
Everyone has these opportunities, and they have the option of molding themselves with cycling.
Because I think that the values that cycling gives you—not because it's my sport—
I think few sports can give you those values.
In the cycling school it's about fun, about having a good time with friends,
learning to ride a bicycle and training bike skills.
And in the youth and U-23 teams, it's probably more focused on competition—
but the idea is always to promote the bicycle and outreach of cycling.
The activity, you're progressively growing year after year and really, we don't put limits on ourselves.
In fact, I'm sure that once my sports career finishes, a large part of my time will be taken up by the Foundation.
I think Alberto doesn't only have to be a champion on the bike, but also has to demonstrate that he's one off of it.
He has to have a series of values and motivations that make him that champion and make him who he is.
Barbara d'Urso: rigettata l'accusa di esercizio abusivo della professione giornalistica| K.N.B.T - Duration: 4:09.
The Grey Nuns Motherhouse kitchen, Montreal - Duration: 1:29.
One of the days that was very important every year
was the day they celebrated the Jubilee, a nun's 50th anniversary, with guests.
In fact, the biggest year was the first year I was here, it was the first time I did that.
We'd serve cold dishes, but for the nuns, there was a special dish.
There were one or two favourites, like filet mignon with a special soup.
I made that often and it was always well received.
For the regular menu in those days, they always enjoyed chicken.
Fish, less so. They didn't eat a lot of beef because of the expense.
At the age I was then, I was younger than most of the nuns, but we had a similar background in terms of food.
So really filet mignon was one of the favourite dishes and often what they chose for a very special occasion.
The green garden of the Grey Nuns Motherhouse, Montreal - Duration: 5:01.
In the fall, when I entered the community, I passed by the garden and there were rows of carrots, cabbages and turnips.
And, like I used to do at home, I pulled up some carrots, brushed them off on my apron and ate them.
All of a sudden I thought, what will they say if they see me eating the carrots?!
And the nun in charge of food was very strict, so I hoped I didn't run into her.
And the aunt of the nun who was in charge of the young sisters (the postulants), she won't be happy that I was pulling vegetables out of her garden.
Then one day, at noon, there was a box in the cafeteria, marked: To my little rabbit postulants.
And she had put in little chocolate rabbits for us.
Later, when I was a nun, even as a novice, we spent days canning in the little grey building in the yard, beside the garden.
Where the parking area is now, there was a very big kiosk.
When it was the bean harvest, or the raspberries, we'd all go there and help out.
We'd have what we called "bees"; instead of saying "corvée" we'd say "bee," an English word.
So we'd have tomato bees, I remember that one mainly because it was messy, juice everywhere.
It was during mosquito season, yes. And we had to work in the strawberries and we'd slap the mosquitoes. We'd get all dirty.
So they'd store the preserves for winter.
The tomatoes came in in big boxes and we had to clean them and arrange them to put them in the freezers.
So we'd all be chatting, we were allowed to, and we'd talk away…
So we did that in our free period, but when 1 o'clock came around, it was silence.
Then there was a nun who read to us.
Her name was Sister Légaré and she had a very loud voice. A strong voice.
Once we were all set up to do the tomatoes, or strawberries, she'd have a book, and she'd read to us.
And then, around 1960, they removed the canning kiosk.
A little later, they put in a skating rink, and we had a skating rink instead of a garden.
That didn't last long. I don't know what happened, but… it wasn't there long.
But after, they put in grass where the garden used to be and they built a grotto in the back,
close to the stores, with a Virgin Mary, and the nuns would go there to pray.
And they planted a row of trees all the way along and they made a little gravel path and the nuns could walk there in the garden.
As I said before, much of the day was spent in silence.
But we had one free period after lunch, and one in the evening after supper.
I remember, after lunch, we'd walk. We'd walk in the courtyard and we'd chat.
We got to know each other better and we were good companions, if there was one who left,
who had decided to do something else, they never told us ahead of time.
We knew, but once she was gone, we were sad. But it was her decision.
It was hard to see our companions leave like that.
It was a change that happened after the Vatican Second Council. Part of a whole series of events.
But for us it was hard to say, well I'm doing what I'm doing and I want to do it.
But to see that others were leaving, well, for me it was…
Because the other changes we went through, the change in habit, even the change in structure, since many sections of our constitution were altered.
There were a lot of changes, many different kinds of changes.
And, figuring out how to accept that, to keep growing and not stay in the same place.
Each woman had to answer that for herself. It's not always easy to go through, but you can get through it.
But in the community of nuns, because we support each other,
we're together, there's a communion among us, so it's easier.
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You pay three point five percent plus fifteen cents per transaction, the same rate as other
manually keyed-in transactions.
And just like other standard Square payments, you get your funds in one to two business days.
To take a payment with Virtual Terminal, log in to your Square Dashboard.
In the left-side panel, click Virtual Terminal, then Take a Payment.
Enter the payment amount followed by your customer's card number, expiration date,
CVV, and billing ZIP code.
Add a note for your customer, or describe the purchase.
Then, click Charge.
You can send an email receipt to your customer, or print one out for your records.
Once you see Payment Successful on screen, you're all set.
Payments you take with Virtual Terminal appear as card transactions in your Sales reports.
In your Transaction Status Report, the source appears as Virtual Terminal.
You can edit your Employee Management settings to grant employees access to Virtual Terminal.
Start by clicking Employees, located in the left-side panel of your Square Dashboard.
You need at least one employee in your employee list.
To give an employee access to Virtual Terminal, click the name of the employee whose permissions
you'd like to update.
Then, click Edit Role.
If it has not been checked off already, toggle on Access Employee Dashboard.
Check Take Payments with Virtual Terminal.
Then, click Save.
After you grant an employee access to Virtual Terminal, they receive an email with instructions
on how to use it.
Employees can only see account information that you have granted them access to.
Whether it's you or your employees taking payments, Virtual Terminal helps your business
get paid fast—no matter where your customers are.
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7 Ways to MAKE You INSTANTLY HAPPY! - HOW TO BE HAPPY - Duration: 6:42.
hi guys and welcome to my channel today I'm going to talk about six ways to make
yourself instantly happy this is something that people ask me about all
the time how are you so happy how are you always
so positive how do you oh eh how are you always in such a bad mood and so I
wanted to do this videos all of those people who have asked and some of these
things may seem also all or super odds but they definitely give me an instant
boost for happiness. So use these ways to be happy and let's get right into this video one of the first things
I'll do if I need happiness mood booster is I will go into the bathroom and close
the door just me in the mirror and I will think to myself what is one thing
that was absolutely ridiculous and I will do it in front of a mirror I know
that sounds super crazy I know you're going to think wow you are so weird
but and sometimes I'll even do something really weird like maybe four times like
you're a fish out of water and like flop around and try to do that acting motion
I know that sounds so crazy but doing something so childish or doing something
that's so like out of your element and out of your typical box really just put
yourself in a different day and almost with you in a vulnerable state square it
you almost have to I am you just can't help yourself and it releases endorphins
it just helps you like even if you're like oh my gosh this is totally out of
my comfort zone I'm not doing this and you try to do it you're like this is
awkward you still are going to have a little smirk because you to be like
seriously did I really just do that and you would not believe how much that I
actually read about that in a book when I was in high school and I couldn't
believe it I started doing it no way that is so crazy to definitely give that
a try remember to last some of your favorite music and not the music that is
like your favorite bad music or your favorite music that reminds you of
somebody that's Pat favorite music that just gives your soul
pumping if you wanted to move and it makes you smile the music that just
speaks to you on the empty ice and get a playlist going and jam out that music
and have a great time listening some jams that you love it'll definitely put
a smile on your face the third thing I do to get instantly happy is do
something that I absolutely love one of my favorite things to do is dance but I
also love to draw so if I just take a minute and do one of those things that
I'm passionate about it makes me really really happy
especially dancing sometimes I'll go down into the basement and I'll tell my
husband I'm just going to work out for a few minutes I just need some time to
myself I'll blare the music like I always do
when I work out and I will just go to town and dance and just have a good time
for some like no one's around because literally no one is around and when I'm
done even if it's for like five minutes I
just and I'm upstairs I'm just gleaming I'm so happy like I
got I got my body moving and I just feel so good like dang Mel is so fun I love
to dance so doing something like that is like a full dose of vitamin C just like
splash through your body it just feels so good
another thing that I do that it's so good for you it'll definitely give you
an instant happiness boost especially if you need that is giving into an impulse
I would not consider myself an extremely impulsive person and nor would I
normally encourage people to give in to all of your impulses but even if you
have something a little tiny impulse like oh my gosh I've always wanted to go
to a restaurant and pretend like I'm a food critic with a clip for it and go
and assess the situation or something little even if it's so arbitrary or
random do it giving in to your impulses makes your body feel like you are in
charge and you are the person that you're in control of your body which you
totally are and it just makes you feel satiated like you gave in to that desire
even if it was so incredibly petty so definitely give that a try like I said
don't do anything outrageous but doing that can make a huge huge difference
number five is to indulge in something little I never want to encourage people
to purchase things to create happiness but if you
want a little boost of happiness and you've done some of the other things
this can also help if you're buying something or purchasing something small
not some big outrageous purchase or something small like a drink that you've
been wanting to try or picking up a nice bouquet of flowers or something little
they just can encourage you I've been working really hard lately and I deserve
a small reward and it just sometimes it can just feel good
number six trying something new that you have always been wanting to try no
matter what it is on your bucket list but trying something new it makes you
feel refreshing it makes you feel relevant and it also gives you so much
more life to your body because it gives you something new to talk about with
your friends and you're not talking about the same thing and it's just a
really cool opportunity to experience new things so that will definitely
enlighten you and bring a smile to your face one of the things that I have been
talking about trying for so long is yoga and I try it in my home and cause it's
just not for me but I want to genuinely try it I want to try it with my heart
and soul like just let go all in and not have any mindsets like not be
close-minded but just really go all in and enjoy it and just embrace everything
about it and my very last tip to get instant happiness is to get lost in
nature I do not know what it is about nature but I feel like being out in
nature is so healing so if you have something that's heavy on your heart or
you're very stressed or whatever you have going on being in nature just I
feel like it just naturally heals things that need to be filled any underlining
stressors or any underlining issues that maybe is going on internally
it can feel that and just make you feel really refreshed and amazing so
definitely get out in nature the sunshine is not only amazing is a
beautiful greenery that is out there is just so breathtaking but just getting
that opportunity to get some fresh air and be refreshed by just nature is so
amazing so I hope you guys liked all my tips if you did give this video a big
thumbs up and let me know in the comments below what is
one thing that you do to make yourself more happy or one thing that you do that
really helps when you're down in the dumps or you need a boost of happiness I
would love to be encouraged by some of the things that you guys do and let me
know if you do any of the things that I've talked about in this video that
would be so cool thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in my next
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