(VICTON's Born Identity)
(It's idol groups' golden ages in the saturated market of idol groups)
(Idol groups need something special to become the best)
(VICTON has debuted 7 months ago)
(even personalities, they have everything but one thing)
(Their own identity)
(This is their journey to find their own characters)
(A project to find their true identity)
(VICTON is to find their characters- Born Identity)
(One fine day)
"VICTON's Seven Running Men."
(Today's entertainment show: "Seven Running Men")
The sun is welcoming us.
We heard that you've been looking forward to shooting this one.
(A big smile)
Is there an entertainment show that you want to try?
I want to try all of them.
I want to try "Running Man."
(VICTON's Born Identity: Today's entertainment show)
(They will be a part of Korea's top pursuit show: Seven Running Men)
(An unpredictable pursuit done by)
(the members of VICTON)
(How will this fierce and thrilling pursuit end?)
- Will it be done individually? - Yes.
It's an individual game? No way.
Can we form teams on our own?
He's already thinking that he can't do it on his own.
He's already planning to betray others.
He's already planning to betray others.
With whom would you form alliances with?
To be honest...
We should team up like this.
(The most realistic way to divide teams from Subin's point of view)
- Subin said it. - We must get rid of Seungwoo first.
(Let us tell you a little about this man)
(He creates new records all the time)
(Not just one)
(but he can defeat two members at once)
(He is invincible)
(He is powerful and quick)
(He is a great athlete)
(Hanpha-go who can be updated infinitely)
They are in good conditions. We should get started quickly.
There may be a reward or a penalty depending on the final result.
- A reward or a penalty? - A penalty?
- Please do your best. - There's a penalty, too?
- Why? - I'm scared.
We'll play various games from now on.
I'm nervous.
The person who wins each game
can enter the building and work on the mission.
- That could work as an advantage. - Why are you doing this to us?
Wear the pants in front of you without using your hands.
How do we wear these without using our hands?
- Can we take off our shoes? - Do we start now?
You may begin once the music comes on.
(Adding a character- Intelligent Subin) (He sits down first)
(We must copy what works well)
(These two are fast from the start)
How are we supposed to do this?
(It looked easy on television)
(Complete mental breakdown)
(VICTON's day spent in the field)
What is this?
(They gain another experience by struggling with their bodies)
(There are members who adapt to the game quickly, too)
(Stomp stomp)
(Who's the first one to wear the pants?)
Seungsik finished first.
Wow! He's done?
(His pants are worn the highest)
Let's rip his name tag off first.
Let's go in and rip his name tag off first.
- Let's kill him off first. - Seungsik first.
Okay, okay.
- Get him out of the game. - We'll get rid of you first.
Be careful when you go in.
I won the game fair and square.
(Mission Card)
Find the envelopes...
(Find the envelopes hidden inside the building)
(Find the vowels and consonants placed inside the envelopes)
(and complete your name)
(Depending on the ranking from this game)
(your fate in the next mission will differ)
(Who is the winner of the race in finding vowels and consonants?)
I must find characters to complete my name.
Do I start now?
(As soon as he begins)
(he finds an envelope)
(Not sure)
I don't think this is it.
What is this?
Kang Seungsik has entered.
They even make an announcement.
What is this?
What is this?
I have to stay still for 5 minutes?
As soon as I start?
The second game is to make the water bottle stand.
Oh, that?
Subin is good at this game.
Why am I so nervous?
One, two, three.
(Who will be the second member)
(to enter the building?)
Wow. Sejun.
(Im Sejun goes in second)
(Im Sejun has entered)
What are you doing?
What are you up to?
I've been waiting to form an alliance.
Is that so?
I already found one.
Where did you get it?
(He casts a bait)
We're supposed to find vowels and consonants, right?
If I find a "j," it's useless to me.
Is that a "j"? Is it?
Later on...
If you find a "k" you can trade with me.
They're placed in envelopes.
Who else are you waiting for?
I was just standing here to plan what to do.
Oh really? I see.
- See you later. - Bye.
The third game is an initial consonant game.
Here's the question.
Why is it so long?
Oh, come on.
This is so hard.
It's a sentence?
(Correct answer)
(The moment you show up wearing something tight, my heart jumps)
Is this a four character idiom?
It's a sentence.
Send you away.
Oh, I got it.
The moment you show up...
Wait. That's not it.
The moment you show up wearing something tight, my heart jumps.
You gave the answer away.
(Oh gee!!)
- It was a freebie. - You're such a fool.
(Adding a character - Freebie mania)
(Heo Chan is the third member to enter)
Heo Chan has entered.
I smell something here.
(He ended up following the smell)
(In big strides)
There are too many suspicious things.
(I found one)
(Let's take a look)
(Stay still for 5 minutes)
Must I sit here and wait for 5 minutes?
(Seungsik-Chan share the same destiny)
I'm ruined.
(In the meantime, Hanse wins the fourth game and enters)
I'm in.
Do Hanse has entered.
Do Hanse has entered.
(He searched the first floor first)
They find things very easily on television.
(But in reality)
(He opens every single locker)
(Hard work never betrays you)
(Adding a character- Persistent Hanse)
(He happens to find...)
A "b"? I don't need it.
Who needs it? Byungchan.
I will try to make a deal with Byungchan later.
I'm going to win.
Here's another one.
(He doesn't miss any corner)
(and is finding the characters that he needs)
I'm very good at this.
(Adding a character- The icon of sincerity)
(Sejun who came in second)
(also finds the envelopes, too)
(Adding a character- Sejun is a gamer who is good at missions)
Chan came in, but I haven't seen him yet.
(I'm such a fool)
I found a hidden card.
A hidden card?
You found a penalty card, right? Stay still for 5 minutes?
I have one here, too.
- Have you found many envelopes? - This is an unbelievable card.
- What is it? - A bonus.
A bonus? There's no such thing.
This is an amazing bonus.
If there is one more person with me, even that person gets lucky.
I'm sorry, but...
- will you show me? - I can't show it to you.
Give me a hint.
(Ding dong)
Han Seungwoo has entered.
We're ruined. We have to run.
- He's here. He's here. - We must run.
We have to run. Help.
Wait up.
(The cause of this chaos)
Let's get started now.
(Sneaking up)
(Hee hee)
I knew he was coming and he still scared me.
(Seungwoo moves to the other floors)
We can't rip off name tags yet.
- Just go. - Don't be scared.
Ah! No!
What are you doing?
(Everyone wants to avoid Han Seungwoo)
Don't be scared.
(But the truth is...)
Let me at least find one. Please.
(He searches here)
(and there)
(He even kneels down to look for envelopes)
They already went through the whole building
so of course I can't find any.
(Here's an envelope)
I weigh 64 kg. Of that 44 kg is water.
I think I have the lowest amount.
(Subin enters the building)
Jung Subin has entered.
Do we get started right away?
Then I'll get started.
I'll start with the nearest place.
(Finally all VICTON members have entered They begin the search!)
I don't think there are any envelopes here.
(Each member's strategy: Do Hanse)
(Shoe lockers)
(and lockers)
(He opens up everything that he can open)
(Human opener Hanse)
(Each member's strategy: Choi Byungchan)
Go ahead and have fun. Look around.
When else would you come to a children's museum?
(He reads books)
(and plays with dolls)
(He entered the building last)
(but he enjoys the moment)
It's amazing.
It went off. Good.
You must've found something nice. You look quite happy.
I already went around here once.
Seungsik took everything already.
Why don't we grab him and take the letters that we need?
Shall we?
There is a bonus card, too.
Is that the bonus card?
Stop. Stop.
- Is it in there? - Of course.
- I really do have it. - Give us two each.
There's no point in finding the letters.
You'll end up giving them to me for this.
I'm sure they've already looked here.
(Meanwhile, Seungwoo hasn't found one yet)
(He searches every corner for a while)
I'm sure they've already looked.
(He finally finds one)
I finally found one.
(He found "n")
(Han Seungwoo)
Let me bow to wish for luck.
I'm 100% I'll find one here.
(He uses his senses)
(and easily finds envelopes)
What? It's an empty envelope.
It's empty.
This isn't fair.
This isn't fair.
This is terrible.
(The secret behind empty envelopes- Sejun contemplated about empty ones)
(He starts to hide empty envelopes everywhere)
(Go ahead)
(and be fooled)
(He's quite diligent at times like this)
(Sejun worked hard to fool others)
(Adding a character - He is sometimes smart)
(He's using his brain 100% today)
Where are you looking?
(He checks the camera's angle)
(By calculating the angle)
(he finds an envelope)
(He has found his talent He is a professional gamer)
(Where Sejun stands)
(there's an envelope, too)
I'm so good at this.
(What is this card?)
This must be a card that's similar to what Seungsik has.
(Hidden cards truly exist)
(Lucky or unlucky cards that will be used in the second mission)
(The members who've found the hidden cards can use them)
This is unbelievable.
There is such thing as a bonus?
(Who will end up with these cards?)
I will use this card on just one member.
(Maybe him?)
(He hasn't found any cards since he found "n")
Where are the envelopes?
(Chan sees Seungwoo wandering around)
- Seungwoo. - Yes?
Where did you find all those envelopes?
Can't you give me one?
I'd like to do that, but I don't have anything that'd be useful to you.
You don't need "s."
I will give you "s."
Can you get me "h" from Sejun?
All right. Just wait.
(Adding a character- The god of negotiation
(He walks around not knowing what's about to happen to him)
(He finds the target)
(He sneaks up on Sejun)
You scared me.
What is it?
- Can't you give me one? - Of course. Of course.
But can't you let me go once in the next mission?
Later. In an emergency.
I run so slow.
I will give you a chance to run. I'll let you live.
- You promised. - Yes.
(Seungwoo gets a letter from Sejun)
(The transaction is complete)
- Chan. - Yes, Seungwoo?
What letter did you need?
A "h."
Then give me one that you don't need.
- What? - I got you a "h."
Let me see. It's true.
General Seungwoo.
General Seungwoo. Thank you.
(He switches "h" and "s" as they promised)
(Meanwhile, Subin and Sejun are together)
All the young members are here.
Do you want me to give you a few?
You want me to share love?
Wow. A "b."
You have a "b."
- You don't need a "b." - Right.
- Do you have a "n?" - No.
Byungchan, do you want this "b?"
That's all right.
I'll take it. Give it to me.
- Byungchan, you haven't found any? - No.
You can take this.
Thank you.
I got a "ch" and a "b."
I got a "ch" and a "b."
(Kidault Choi Byungchan gets people to want to help)
I don't think we'll find anything here.
Chan. Give me an "i."
I gave you a "s" earlier.
Didn't I give you enough information earlier?
You don't need an "i." What would you do with it?
Just have one.
Something useless.
- This.. - What is it?
(What is it?)
From now on, you can steal each other's letters.
(Group mental breakdown)
(Except one person)
I will rip all of them off!
(Hurry up and hide)
(Subin is in a hurry)
(They are running away as if they're running from a virus)
I'm really scared.
(Even weak Byungchan is running upon the news of Seungwoo's outrage)
I'm tired.
- Wait. Seungwoo. - He's coming.
(Chan is being chased by Seungwoo)
Isn't this what "Running Man" is about?
Isn't that right?
Wait. Where did you go?
Your camera man is here.
All right, Chan. Meet up with your camera first.
(He's more scared of Seungwoo than he cares for the airtime)
That's strange.
Where did everyone go?
(1F: Sejun, Subin, 2F: Seungwoo 3F: Byungchan, Chan, Hanse, Seungsik)
(These are the survivors from the Seungwoo virus)
(A high-five of relief)
Hanse, your name is almost complete.
(Byungchan is alive, too)
Let's form an alliance.
- An alliance? - Yes.
(Seungwoo shows up)
(He automatically walks backward)
Hanse, come here.
I have two bonus cards.
I will give you one. Give me one of the letters.
(Hanse hands over "eu" without a hesitation)
What is this?
(He takes Hanse's "ng")
What's going on?
(and completes his name)
(But his joy doesn't last long)
I'm done.
All right. All right. I'm done.
Wait. Wait.
(This is how they got started on ganging up on Seungsik)
(Byungchan has joined, too)
(I will be merciless)
(Hanse takes a "s")
What do we finish this game?
(The key consonant "s" is missing)
I completed my name earlier.
(3. Complete your name and return to the HQ to complete the mission)
You have to return to the headquarters.
Oh, really?
(He has complete "se" with the "s" he stole)
I need to find two more now.
Hanse, how many did you find? Let me see.
I have one letter left.
- Hey! - Yes?
(He detects danger)
Hanse has only one letter left to go.
Let's go.
(VICTON members get excited upon the news that Hanse is almost finished)
(You go that way) (I'll take the stairs)
(Upon Chan's words, they begin to gang up on Hanse)
(Everything moves rapidly)
Get, Do Hanse.
(Welcome, Hanse)
(Hanse won't be caught easily)
He only has one letter to go.
One letter. Come here.
(Hanse is finally caught)
(Seungsik steals "eo")
Over there.
I don't have the "eo." It's over there.
- You have "Kang." - Where?
(Meanwhile, at the HQ)
(Heo Chan proudly wins first place)
I made it perfectly.
(How did Chan win?)
(What happened?)
(While everyone was after Hanse)
(The "eo" that Seungsik stole)
(Chan naturally takes it)
(He takes out the "h" that he kept hidden to complete his name)
(He quietly and secretly gets moving)
(This is why he got everyone to attack Hanse)
(His clever mind is proven once again in "Seven Running Men")
(Adding a character - Lucky guy)
It's perfect.
Oh, come on.
Wait. Wait.
(Right then)
Where is everyone else? Where are Subin and Byungchan?
(Seungwoo joins in, too)
Wait. Let's find a peaceful way to finish this.
Wait. Let us all take a breath. You too, Hanse.
I'm not tired.
Oh, come on.
I worked so hard for these.
- Come on. - Come on.
(Hanse finds a "n")
(Seungwoo wins a "ng")
I don't need this.
I need that.
(After the steal, they leave without hesitation)
I need to find a few more.
(Mr. Kang ...Si is left alone with wounds)
You talked about having hidden cards, but they're all ripped up now.
You liar.
(Excessive tricks can bring misfortune)
(After successfully stealing from Seungsik)
(he returns to becoming obsessive)
(Hard work never betrays him)
(Hard effort x obsession)
Oh no. This is a penalty.
(You must run with bells on in the next race)
I should look through the envelope in the light next time.
(Byungchan who was nonchalantly walking around)
(he finds another lucky card)
(thanks to his height)
Do I keep it?
(Right then)
Take it.
(Seungwoo doesn't need a "b")
(There's something else I need)
(Byungchan gets caught right away)
No. You can't take this.
(There's a huge difference in their athletic abilities)
Do you know how hard I worked to get these?
(He takes a seat and starts to harvest)
(What he doesn't need)
(He successfully steals an "a")
(The strongest member proudly leaves after his harvest)
(and the weakest member is left alone in bits and pieces)
Where did everyone go?
(Adding a character - Weak Byungchan)
(Meanwhile, Sejun has arrived on the third floor)
(He looks around and quickly runs towards the headquarters)
I finally did it.
(He puts together the letters he found)
Like this.
(Im Sejun comes in second in the first race)
(Another member walks towards the headquarters)
(He completed his name after stealing the letter from Byungchan)
(Seungwoo comes in third)
What's going on here?
(Hanse comes in 4th)
(Then who comes in 5th?)
Subin, you found everything?
He did it.
Seungsik kept talking about that.
He kept saying that he has a golden card and that I should trust him.
He kept telling that to me, too.
He kept telling me to trust him.
We shouldn't trust him at all. He kept asking me to go get Byungchan,
but when I came in here after completing my name
he said he was about to attack me.
I shouldn't have been cunning.
I'm heartbroken.
(He came in last and he's about to finish the race last)
The letter Seungwoo took was the key.
(Who will lose in the first race?)
(Someone is walking in)
- You're done? - What is this?
(After the hardship, he finally completed his name)
- Wow. - You're done.
- Byungchan is last. - Byungchan is last.
(Byungchan, you're last)
(Current ranking)
(1. Chan 2. Sejun 3. Seungwoo 4. Hanse 5. Subin 6, Seungsik 7. Byungchan)
(Explosive power)
(Unstoppable action)
(The real pursuit starts now)
(Find the true winner of "Seven Running Men")
It's okay for one member to die.
The group is starting to split up.
(What's waiting for the members)
(after a long, long race?)
- Give it to me. - Look at his face.
(VICTON's Born Identity) (No. 13 Character Holder)
(Heo Chan)
(An energetic day)
(A life with sponsorship)
I will give you a "s."
Can you get me a "h" from Sejun?
Let's grab Seungsik together
and get one letter that we need each.
(Competent Chan)
(His big picture)
He only has one character left to go.
Let's go.
(Don't miss VICTON's Born Identity at 8 pm every Tuesday and Thursday)
For more infomation >> [Ep.13] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_빅톤의 세븐 런닝맨 1회! - Duration: 25:27.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 CVT Automaat Aspiration - Duration: 0:54.
Audi A6 1.8 TFSI S-Line | Automaat | Navigatie | Climatronic - Duration: 1:01.
Klarlund: Ny forretning i Axel Towers, København - Duration: 1:02.
Hotel Gaya en Paguera, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
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Steve Rogers Meets Natasha Romanoff & Bruce Banner | The Avengers (2012) | Movie Clip 4K - Duration: 4:04.
Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers.
- Ma'am. - Hi.
They need you on the bridge.
They're starting the face-trace.
See you there.
It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice.
I thought Coulson was gonna swoon.
Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?
Trading cards?
They're vintage. He's very proud.
Dr Banner.
Yeah, hi.
They told me you would be coming.
Word is, you can find the Cube.
Is that the only word on me?
Only word I care about.
It must be strange for you, all of this.
Well, this is actually kind of familiar.
Gentlemen, you might want to step inside in a minute.
It's going to get a little hard to breathe.
Flight crew, secure the deck.
Is this a submarine?
They want me in a submerged, pressurised, metal container?
No, no, this is much worse.
Hover power check complete. Position cyclic.
Increase collective to 8.0%.
Preparing for maximum performance takeoff.
Increase output to capacity.
Power plant performing at capacity.
We are clear.
All engines operating.
S.H.I.E.L.D. Emergency Protocol 193.6 in effect.
- We are at level, sir. - Good.
Let's vanish.
Engage retro-reflection panels.
Reflection panels engaged.
Doctor, thank you for coming.
Thanks for asking nicely.
So, how long am I staying?
Once we get our hands on the Tesseract,
you're in the wind.
Where are you with that?
We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible
camera on the planet.
Cell phones, laptops...
If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us.
That's still not gonna find them in time.
You have to narrow your field.
How many spectrometers do you have access to?
- How many are there? - Call every lab you know.
Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof
and calibrate them for gamma rays.
I'll rough out a tracking algorithm, basic cluster recognition.
At least we could rule out a few places.
Do you have somewhere for me to work?
Agent Romanoff,
could you show Dr Banner to his laboratory, please?
Audi A6 1.8 TFSI Ultra 190pk S Tronic Automatic - Duration: 0:57.
Hotel Don Antonio en Paguera, Mallorca, España - Duration: 4:08.
Hotel Don Antonio
Offers accommodation in Mallorca
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Eix Alcudia Hotel - Adults Only en Port d'Alcudia, Mallorca, España - Duration: 4:08.
Eix Alcudia Hotel - Adults Only
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Hotel Grupotel Gran Vista & Spa en Can Picafort, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
Grupotel Gran Vista & Spa
Offers accommodation in Mallorca
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Hotel Hipotels Cala Millor Park en Cala Millor, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
Hipotels Cala Millor Park
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How to make letters from paper with your own hands. 1 video. Do the Decor! - Duration: 14:04.
Kuzu no Honkai (Scum's Wish) - Heikousen (Ending) Guitar Tutorial | Guitar Lesson TAB (Easy Version) - Duration: 4:36.
Thank you for watching my Kuzu no Honaki (Scum's Wish) - Heikousen (Ending) Guitar Tutorial.
You can download Kuzu no Honaki (Scum's Wish) Tabs from my site, link in the description
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I hope you like my Kuzu no Honaki (Scum's Wish) - Heikousen (Ending) Tabs.
Any way I could improve this Kuzu no Honaki (Scum's Wish) - Heikousen (Ending) Guitar Lesson? Let me know in the comments.
Remember to ask the tab author for permission first before making an Kuzu no Honaki (Scum's Wish) Guitar Cover
심리를 활용한 다이어트 일상 꾸르팁 5가지!! Real Life Diet Hacks You Should Try - Duration: 5:22.
Disclaimer: This video does not represent any medical treatment. Included contents does not guarantee a diagnosis, treatment plan or recommendation for your health. You agree the use of this information is at your own risk.
I took a nap for 3 hours.. I am still waking up lol
I am glad a lot of you are sharing your ideas and thoughts on comment section these days.
I am proud of you!
Typically people tend to think of diet consists of workout and eating habits
however, it is very important to conform your everyday habits and routine for healthy diet.
so today I want to share everyday habits for healthy diet
Also, I purchased a lot of items from DAISO to film this video.
If you are interested in the products, check out DAISO! It's very affordable and super cute!
If it's your first time on my channel, subscribe for upcoming videos!
Before furtherado, let's get this video started!
real life diet tip number one!
it's about dishes!
There's a study that using smaller dishes can give you more fullness.
so I also enjoy using small dishes when plating my food.
You'll feel more full when using small dishes! Be careful not to spill your food;)
Let's try if you need to control portion!
number #2!
It's about color!
yellow and red are known for stimulating appetite.
Mcdonald's also present yellow and red, right?
so it's hard to control myself from craving..T.T
How about getting some blue then?
blue is more likely to suppress appetite, so try to use blue dishes or blue table cloth!
It looks cool and controls your appetite at the same time!
I was afraid of weighing machine when I was a kid, anybody?
If you still are, please not!
your body weight doesn't tell you everything. Your body can look so much different both outside and inside with same body weight.
Instead of lbs, why don't we give more attention to our body figure?
your muscle, fat, and body balance is more important than your weight.
I also check myself in the mirror everyday
I find this a good way to motivate myself to maintain healthy body.
It's about snacks, snacks, snacks!
It's important to control snacks you eat everyday
so you'd better contain your snacks and keep track of them.
my method is transparent pouch with snacks.
I also put beauty products in my pouch.
transparency allows you to keep track of your remaining snacks!
Diet is all about consistency.
To motivate myself, I search for inspirations!
I enjoy going through google images and sometimes save it for myself.
I also keep it as my home screen
Let's keep up!
Tadah~so far this was my diet tip video!
some of the tips may be familar to you, and some may not,
I hope you enjoyed watching!
especially I try to remember tip #3 because it took a long time to get over it.
I had a hard time to get used to more healthier way to analyze my body.
I hope you enjoy your diet and love your body!
I have to wrap up, see you on my next video! Bye~
Baywatch Full Movie 2017 Part-1 HD - Duration: 59:53.
Eix Alcudia Hotel - Adults Only en Port d'Alcudia, Mallorca, España - Duration: 4:08.
Eix Alcudia Hotel - Adults Only
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Chroniques d'en haut sur le viaduc de Millau - Duration: 2:37.
Presentació del Centre d'Estudis LSC-UPF Actua - Duration: 3:14.
Boutique Hotel H10 Punta Negra en Portals Nous, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
Boutique Hotel H10 Punta Negra
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Hey... what is this?
I don't know. let it spin
Our COMPLETE Guide to the Costa del Sol | Travel better in... SPAIN ✈🇪🇦🤗 - Duration: 6:17.
Hotel Sentido Playa del Moro en Cala Millor, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
Sentido Playa del Moro
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[Ep.13] VICTON(빅톤)'s Born 아이덴티티_빅톤의 세븐 런닝맨 1회! - Duration: 25:27.
(VICTON's Born Identity)
(It's idol groups' golden ages in the saturated market of idol groups)
(Idol groups need something special to become the best)
(VICTON has debuted 7 months ago)
(even personalities, they have everything but one thing)
(Their own identity)
(This is their journey to find their own characters)
(A project to find their true identity)
(VICTON is to find their characters- Born Identity)
(One fine day)
"VICTON's Seven Running Men."
(Today's entertainment show: "Seven Running Men")
The sun is welcoming us.
We heard that you've been looking forward to shooting this one.
(A big smile)
Is there an entertainment show that you want to try?
I want to try all of them.
I want to try "Running Man."
(VICTON's Born Identity: Today's entertainment show)
(They will be a part of Korea's top pursuit show: Seven Running Men)
(An unpredictable pursuit done by)
(the members of VICTON)
(How will this fierce and thrilling pursuit end?)
- Will it be done individually? - Yes.
It's an individual game? No way.
Can we form teams on our own?
He's already thinking that he can't do it on his own.
He's already planning to betray others.
He's already planning to betray others.
With whom would you form alliances with?
To be honest...
We should team up like this.
(The most realistic way to divide teams from Subin's point of view)
- Subin said it. - We must get rid of Seungwoo first.
(Let us tell you a little about this man)
(He creates new records all the time)
(Not just one)
(but he can defeat two members at once)
(He is invincible)
(He is powerful and quick)
(He is a great athlete)
(Hanpha-go who can be updated infinitely)
They are in good conditions. We should get started quickly.
There may be a reward or a penalty depending on the final result.
- A reward or a penalty? - A penalty?
- Please do your best. - There's a penalty, too?
- Why? - I'm scared.
We'll play various games from now on.
I'm nervous.
The person who wins each game
can enter the building and work on the mission.
- That could work as an advantage. - Why are you doing this to us?
Wear the pants in front of you without using your hands.
How do we wear these without using our hands?
- Can we take off our shoes? - Do we start now?
You may begin once the music comes on.
(Adding a character- Intelligent Subin) (He sits down first)
(We must copy what works well)
(These two are fast from the start)
How are we supposed to do this?
(It looked easy on television)
(Complete mental breakdown)
(VICTON's day spent in the field)
What is this?
(They gain another experience by struggling with their bodies)
(There are members who adapt to the game quickly, too)
(Stomp stomp)
(Who's the first one to wear the pants?)
Seungsik finished first.
Wow! He's done?
(His pants are worn the highest)
Let's rip his name tag off first.
Let's go in and rip his name tag off first.
- Let's kill him off first. - Seungsik first.
Okay, okay.
- Get him out of the game. - We'll get rid of you first.
Be careful when you go in.
I won the game fair and square.
(Mission Card)
Find the envelopes...
(Find the envelopes hidden inside the building)
(Find the vowels and consonants placed inside the envelopes)
(and complete your name)
(Depending on the ranking from this game)
(your fate in the next mission will differ)
(Who is the winner of the race in finding vowels and consonants?)
I must find characters to complete my name.
Do I start now?
(As soon as he begins)
(he finds an envelope)
(Not sure)
I don't think this is it.
What is this?
Kang Seungsik has entered.
They even make an announcement.
What is this?
What is this?
I have to stay still for 5 minutes?
As soon as I start?
The second game is to make the water bottle stand.
Oh, that?
Subin is good at this game.
Why am I so nervous?
One, two, three.
(Who will be the second member)
(to enter the building?)
Wow. Sejun.
(Im Sejun goes in second)
(Im Sejun has entered)
What are you doing?
What are you up to?
I've been waiting to form an alliance.
Is that so?
I already found one.
Where did you get it?
(He casts a bait)
We're supposed to find vowels and consonants, right?
If I find a "j," it's useless to me.
Is that a "j"? Is it?
Later on...
If you find a "k" you can trade with me.
They're placed in envelopes.
Who else are you waiting for?
I was just standing here to plan what to do.
Oh really? I see.
- See you later. - Bye.
The third game is an initial consonant game.
Here's the question.
Why is it so long?
Oh, come on.
This is so hard.
It's a sentence?
(Correct answer)
(The moment you show up wearing something tight, my heart jumps)
Is this a four character idiom?
It's a sentence.
Send you away.
Oh, I got it.
The moment you show up...
Wait. That's not it.
The moment you show up wearing something tight, my heart jumps.
You gave the answer away.
(Oh gee!!)
- It was a freebie. - You're such a fool.
(Adding a character - Freebie mania)
(Heo Chan is the third member to enter)
Heo Chan has entered.
I smell something here.
(He ended up following the smell)
(In big strides)
There are too many suspicious things.
(I found one)
(Let's take a look)
(Stay still for 5 minutes)
Must I sit here and wait for 5 minutes?
(Seungsik-Chan share the same destiny)
I'm ruined.
(In the meantime, Hanse wins the fourth game and enters)
I'm in.
Do Hanse has entered.
Do Hanse has entered.
(He searched the first floor first)
They find things very easily on television.
(But in reality)
(He opens every single locker)
(Hard work never betrays you)
(Adding a character- Persistent Hanse)
(He happens to find...)
A "b"? I don't need it.
Who needs it? Byungchan.
I will try to make a deal with Byungchan later.
I'm going to win.
Here's another one.
(He doesn't miss any corner)
(and is finding the characters that he needs)
I'm very good at this.
(Adding a character- The icon of sincerity)
(Sejun who came in second)
(also finds the envelopes, too)
(Adding a character- Sejun is a gamer who is good at missions)
Chan came in, but I haven't seen him yet.
(I'm such a fool)
I found a hidden card.
A hidden card?
You found a penalty card, right? Stay still for 5 minutes?
I have one here, too.
- Have you found many envelopes? - This is an unbelievable card.
- What is it? - A bonus.
A bonus? There's no such thing.
This is an amazing bonus.
If there is one more person with me, even that person gets lucky.
I'm sorry, but...
- will you show me? - I can't show it to you.
Give me a hint.
(Ding dong)
Han Seungwoo has entered.
We're ruined. We have to run.
- He's here. He's here. - We must run.
We have to run. Help.
Wait up.
(The cause of this chaos)
Let's get started now.
(Sneaking up)
(Hee hee)
I knew he was coming and he still scared me.
(Seungwoo moves to the other floors)
We can't rip off name tags yet.
- Just go. - Don't be scared.
Ah! No!
What are you doing?
(Everyone wants to avoid Han Seungwoo)
Don't be scared.
(But the truth is...)
Let me at least find one. Please.
(He searches here)
(and there)
(He even kneels down to look for envelopes)
They already went through the whole building
so of course I can't find any.
(Here's an envelope)
I weigh 64 kg. Of that 44 kg is water.
I think I have the lowest amount.
(Subin enters the building)
Jung Subin has entered.
Do we get started right away?
Then I'll get started.
I'll start with the nearest place.
(Finally all VICTON members have entered They begin the search!)
I don't think there are any envelopes here.
(Each member's strategy: Do Hanse)
(Shoe lockers)
(and lockers)
(He opens up everything that he can open)
(Human opener Hanse)
(Each member's strategy: Choi Byungchan)
Go ahead and have fun. Look around.
When else would you come to a children's museum?
(He reads books)
(and plays with dolls)
(He entered the building last)
(but he enjoys the moment)
It's amazing.
It went off. Good.
You must've found something nice. You look quite happy.
I already went around here once.
Seungsik took everything already.
Why don't we grab him and take the letters that we need?
Shall we?
There is a bonus card, too.
Is that the bonus card?
Stop. Stop.
- Is it in there? - Of course.
- I really do have it. - Give us two each.
There's no point in finding the letters.
You'll end up giving them to me for this.
I'm sure they've already looked here.
(Meanwhile, Seungwoo hasn't found one yet)
(He searches every corner for a while)
I'm sure they've already looked.
(He finally finds one)
I finally found one.
(He found "n")
(Han Seungwoo)
Let me bow to wish for luck.
I'm 100% I'll find one here.
(He uses his senses)
(and easily finds envelopes)
What? It's an empty envelope.
It's empty.
This isn't fair.
This isn't fair.
This is terrible.
(The secret behind empty envelopes- Sejun contemplated about empty ones)
(He starts to hide empty envelopes everywhere)
(Go ahead)
(and be fooled)
(He's quite diligent at times like this)
(Sejun worked hard to fool others)
(Adding a character - He is sometimes smart)
(He's using his brain 100% today)
Where are you looking?
(He checks the camera's angle)
(By calculating the angle)
(he finds an envelope)
(He has found his talent He is a professional gamer)
(Where Sejun stands)
(there's an envelope, too)
I'm so good at this.
(What is this card?)
This must be a card that's similar to what Seungsik has.
(Hidden cards truly exist)
(Lucky or unlucky cards that will be used in the second mission)
(The members who've found the hidden cards can use them)
This is unbelievable.
There is such thing as a bonus?
(Who will end up with these cards?)
I will use this card on just one member.
(Maybe him?)
(He hasn't found any cards since he found "n")
Where are the envelopes?
(Chan sees Seungwoo wandering around)
- Seungwoo. - Yes?
Where did you find all those envelopes?
Can't you give me one?
I'd like to do that, but I don't have anything that'd be useful to you.
You don't need "s."
I will give you "s."
Can you get me "h" from Sejun?
All right. Just wait.
(Adding a character- The god of negotiation
(He walks around not knowing what's about to happen to him)
(He finds the target)
(He sneaks up on Sejun)
You scared me.
What is it?
- Can't you give me one? - Of course. Of course.
But can't you let me go once in the next mission?
Later. In an emergency.
I run so slow.
I will give you a chance to run. I'll let you live.
- You promised. - Yes.
(Seungwoo gets a letter from Sejun)
(The transaction is complete)
- Chan. - Yes, Seungwoo?
What letter did you need?
A "h."
Then give me one that you don't need.
- What? - I got you a "h."
Let me see. It's true.
General Seungwoo.
General Seungwoo. Thank you.
(He switches "h" and "s" as they promised)
(Meanwhile, Subin and Sejun are together)
All the young members are here.
Do you want me to give you a few?
You want me to share love?
Wow. A "b."
You have a "b."
- You don't need a "b." - Right.
- Do you have a "n?" - No.
Byungchan, do you want this "b?"
That's all right.
I'll take it. Give it to me.
- Byungchan, you haven't found any? - No.
You can take this.
Thank you.
I got a "ch" and a "b."
I got a "ch" and a "b."
(Kidault Choi Byungchan gets people to want to help)
I don't think we'll find anything here.
Chan. Give me an "i."
I gave you a "s" earlier.
Didn't I give you enough information earlier?
You don't need an "i." What would you do with it?
Just have one.
Something useless.
- This.. - What is it?
(What is it?)
From now on, you can steal each other's letters.
(Group mental breakdown)
(Except one person)
I will rip all of them off!
(Hurry up and hide)
(Subin is in a hurry)
(They are running away as if they're running from a virus)
I'm really scared.
(Even weak Byungchan is running upon the news of Seungwoo's outrage)
I'm tired.
- Wait. Seungwoo. - He's coming.
(Chan is being chased by Seungwoo)
Isn't this what "Running Man" is about?
Isn't that right?
Wait. Where did you go?
Your camera man is here.
All right, Chan. Meet up with your camera first.
(He's more scared of Seungwoo than he cares for the airtime)
That's strange.
Where did everyone go?
(1F: Sejun, Subin, 2F: Seungwoo 3F: Byungchan, Chan, Hanse, Seungsik)
(These are the survivors from the Seungwoo virus)
(A high-five of relief)
Hanse, your name is almost complete.
(Byungchan is alive, too)
Let's form an alliance.
- An alliance? - Yes.
(Seungwoo shows up)
(He automatically walks backward)
Hanse, come here.
I have two bonus cards.
I will give you one. Give me one of the letters.
(Hanse hands over "eu" without a hesitation)
What is this?
(He takes Hanse's "ng")
What's going on?
(and completes his name)
(But his joy doesn't last long)
I'm done.
All right. All right. I'm done.
Wait. Wait.
(This is how they got started on ganging up on Seungsik)
(Byungchan has joined, too)
(I will be merciless)
(Hanse takes a "s")
What do we finish this game?
(The key consonant "s" is missing)
I completed my name earlier.
(3. Complete your name and return to the HQ to complete the mission)
You have to return to the headquarters.
Oh, really?
(He has complete "se" with the "s" he stole)
I need to find two more now.
Hanse, how many did you find? Let me see.
I have one letter left.
- Hey! - Yes?
(He detects danger)
Hanse has only one letter left to go.
Let's go.
(VICTON members get excited upon the news that Hanse is almost finished)
(You go that way) (I'll take the stairs)
(Upon Chan's words, they begin to gang up on Hanse)
(Everything moves rapidly)
Get, Do Hanse.
(Welcome, Hanse)
(Hanse won't be caught easily)
He only has one letter to go.
One letter. Come here.
(Hanse is finally caught)
(Seungsik steals "eo")
Over there.
I don't have the "eo." It's over there.
- You have "Kang." - Where?
(Meanwhile, at the HQ)
(Heo Chan proudly wins first place)
I made it perfectly.
(How did Chan win?)
(What happened?)
(While everyone was after Hanse)
(The "eo" that Seungsik stole)
(Chan naturally takes it)
(He takes out the "h" that he kept hidden to complete his name)
(He quietly and secretly gets moving)
(This is why he got everyone to attack Hanse)
(His clever mind is proven once again in "Seven Running Men")
(Adding a character - Lucky guy)
It's perfect.
Oh, come on.
Wait. Wait.
(Right then)
Where is everyone else? Where are Subin and Byungchan?
(Seungwoo joins in, too)
Wait. Let's find a peaceful way to finish this.
Wait. Let us all take a breath. You too, Hanse.
I'm not tired.
Oh, come on.
I worked so hard for these.
- Come on. - Come on.
(Hanse finds a "n")
(Seungwoo wins a "ng")
I don't need this.
I need that.
(After the steal, they leave without hesitation)
I need to find a few more.
(Mr. Kang ...Si is left alone with wounds)
You talked about having hidden cards, but they're all ripped up now.
You liar.
(Excessive tricks can bring misfortune)
(After successfully stealing from Seungsik)
(he returns to becoming obsessive)
(Hard work never betrays him)
(Hard effort x obsession)
Oh no. This is a penalty.
(You must run with bells on in the next race)
I should look through the envelope in the light next time.
(Byungchan who was nonchalantly walking around)
(he finds another lucky card)
(thanks to his height)
Do I keep it?
(Right then)
Take it.
(Seungwoo doesn't need a "b")
(There's something else I need)
(Byungchan gets caught right away)
No. You can't take this.
(There's a huge difference in their athletic abilities)
Do you know how hard I worked to get these?
(He takes a seat and starts to harvest)
(What he doesn't need)
(He successfully steals an "a")
(The strongest member proudly leaves after his harvest)
(and the weakest member is left alone in bits and pieces)
Where did everyone go?
(Adding a character - Weak Byungchan)
(Meanwhile, Sejun has arrived on the third floor)
(He looks around and quickly runs towards the headquarters)
I finally did it.
(He puts together the letters he found)
Like this.
(Im Sejun comes in second in the first race)
(Another member walks towards the headquarters)
(He completed his name after stealing the letter from Byungchan)
(Seungwoo comes in third)
What's going on here?
(Hanse comes in 4th)
(Then who comes in 5th?)
Subin, you found everything?
He did it.
Seungsik kept talking about that.
He kept saying that he has a golden card and that I should trust him.
He kept telling that to me, too.
He kept telling me to trust him.
We shouldn't trust him at all. He kept asking me to go get Byungchan,
but when I came in here after completing my name
he said he was about to attack me.
I shouldn't have been cunning.
I'm heartbroken.
(He came in last and he's about to finish the race last)
The letter Seungwoo took was the key.
(Who will lose in the first race?)
(Someone is walking in)
- You're done? - What is this?
(After the hardship, he finally completed his name)
- Wow. - You're done.
- Byungchan is last. - Byungchan is last.
(Byungchan, you're last)
(Current ranking)
(1. Chan 2. Sejun 3. Seungwoo 4. Hanse 5. Subin 6, Seungsik 7. Byungchan)
(Explosive power)
(Unstoppable action)
(The real pursuit starts now)
(Find the true winner of "Seven Running Men")
It's okay for one member to die.
The group is starting to split up.
(What's waiting for the members)
(after a long, long race?)
- Give it to me. - Look at his face.
(VICTON's Born Identity) (No. 13 Character Holder)
(Heo Chan)
(An energetic day)
(A life with sponsorship)
I will give you a "s."
Can you get me a "h" from Sejun?
Let's grab Seungsik together
and get one letter that we need each.
(Competent Chan)
(His big picture)
He only has one character left to go.
Let's go.
(Don't miss VICTON's Born Identity at 8 pm every Tuesday and Thursday)
Hotel Gaya en Paguera, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
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Hotel Grupotel Gran Vista & Spa en Can Picafort, Mallorca, España - Duration: 3:43.
Grupotel Gran Vista & Spa
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Learn colors for children with Spiderman and Hulk Scream Magic Binoculars Pranks Superhero real life - Duration: 10:20.
彩妝師游絲棋出國必買的歐美系底妝聖品 | 老師請分享 | Vogue Taiwan - Duration: 10:01.
Hotel La Concha Soul en Paguera, Mallorca, España - Duration: 4:43.
Hotel La Concha Soul
Offers accommodation in Mallorca
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Make your reservation at the best price on our website
Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places
Visit places like Es Farayó, Puig d'es Gats, is Toro or S'Illot,
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How to make letters from paper with your own hands. 1 video. Do the Decor! - Duration: 14:04.
The Face That Launch'd A Thousand Ships - Christopher Marlowe poem reading | Jordan Harling Reads - Duration: 1:33.
Was this the face that launch'd a thousand ships,
And burnt the topless towers of Ilium?
Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss.
Her lips suck forth my soul: see where it flies!
Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again.
Here will I dwell, for heaven is in these lips,
And all is dross that is not Helena.
I will be Paris, and for love of thee, Instead of Troy, shall Wittenberg be sack'd;
And I will combat with weak Menelaus, And wear thy colours on my plumed crest;
Yea, I will wound Achilles in the heel, And then return to Helen for a kiss.
O, thou art fairer than the evening air Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars;
Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter When he appear'd to hapless Semele;
More lovely than the monarch of the sky In wanton Arethusa's azur'd arms;
And none but thou shalt be my paramour!
The Face That Launch'd A Thousand Ships - written by Christopher Marlowe.
Narrated by Jordan Harling.
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