Hello friends,I am Amit Nagpal. Welcome to Poultry India TV. Poultry India TV Give You Regular Daily Broiler & Egg rates.
Today's Topic is Less Growth, usually it has been noticed,on 18-20th days sometime Growth of Broiler Birds is not as Expected.
Many farmers are commenting on videos & asking Why the growth of Birds is not as expected.
& Some farmers are suffering from diarrhea in their poultry farm & asking for solution.
It is 100% clear,your bird is eating feed but output (FCR or Egg Production) is not as per requirement.
Now come to solution.
Subscribe & click bell after clicking bell for regular Poultry rater of Commercial Broiler,Egg ,Broiler Chicks,Poultry Feed Grain rates & Poultry Knowledge.
There are many reason of diarrhea but the common reason is gut related like Necrotic Entritis & Mild Coccidiosis.
Usually Consultant recomment Zinc Bacitracin & Light dose of Amprolium .
Zinc Bacitracin work on Gut infection & Light dose of Amprolium also work on Gut related problems.
Zinc Bacitracin dose as per company recommendation & Amprolium dose as per Consultant guidance as guided by Poultry 's consultant is needed.
Never forget to discuss with consultant,You can share our views of YouTube Channel Poultry India Tv as we share all views only after having discussion with Top Poultry's consultants.
We are also planning to make live streaming with poultry consultants to make more benefit or help you.
The video displaying in end are more poultry related issues & one funny chat of Poultry farmer & poultry consultant. Coming tomorrow with more poultry's All India Broiler & Egg rates & More Poultry related issues.Never Miss to discuss about our Channel with others. Thank You.
For more infomation >> Tips Of Top Consultants for Diarrhea & Less Growth In Poultry Farm for Commercial Broiler. - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Opel Movano SELECTION 2.3D L2H2 110PK - CRUISECONTROL AIRCO - Duration: 1:03.
Opel Movano BESTEL 2.3D L2H2 110PK - CRUISECONTROL AIRCO - Duration: 0:57.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-Sport AWD Automaat Navi/Camara/Pnoramadak/Keyless/Headup/20inch - Duration: 0:57.
Mercedes-Benz GLC-Klasse GLC 220 d Coupé 4-Matic Ambition Automaat - Duration: 0:58.
10 Détails Incroyables Cachés Dans Les Films d'Animation 2 - Duration: 5:28.
Iker-Acha Rubalcava-SWY2018 - Duration: 1:28.
I'm Iker Acha Rubalcava. I'm 19 years old. I live in Cuernavaca, Morelos.
And I'm majoring on Mechatronics Engineering at Tec de Monterrey Cuernavaca
I'm currently the president of AIRE (Association for the Inclusion, Respect, and Equality) that works for the discriminated groups of the region.
Lead the organizing committee of various local and national leadership congresses for the Mexican youth.
I've received Honorific Mentions on UN Models.
I've been High School President at Prepa Tec Cuernavaca. And I founded 5 student groups that promote leadership and collaboration with the community.
I speak English, Spanish and French. As of today I've visited 8 countries, and 18 of the 32 Mexican states.
I'm a feminist and as a gay man a proud member of the LGBT community
The importance of Ship for the World Youth lies on its exchange of ideas to solve current social issues.
It promotes the seeking of knowledge; wakes our curiosity and teaches tolerance and respect for other nations.
I want to inspire Mexicans to aim for higher goals.
To end helplessness, indefference, inequality and conformity.
I KNOW how to spread ideas
I want to be chosen because I have a lot of experience designing campaigns and educational activities
I want to be chosen because I have an action plan.
During the trip I will give conferences and workshops on motivation, design thinking
creativity, and leadership and above all to show how a Mexican leader looks like.
I'll promote a positive and accurate representation of my country with dignity and a lot of pride.
I'm culturally sensitive and I know how to interact with people from any kind of cultural background
I'm resilient to adversity and I lead my actions to reach nothing but excellence because I want to leave a legacy.
I am than more ready to do everything that I just said
if you give me the opportunity to represent Mexico on the Ship for the World Youth 2018
Thank you for your time! And have a beautiful day! :D
Les difficultés que peut rencontrer un entrepreneur en Roumanie - Duration: 21:31.
Trouver des financements : Les business angels - Duration: 4:07.
Les Excavateurs pour les enfants| Yateland Diggers Jeux vidéo pour enfant| Véhicule de construction - Duration: 8:55.
Improving FPS in World of Tanks on any computer - Duration: 3:26.
Hi everybody!
In this video I will show you how to unlock parameter
FPS in the game World of Tanks.
Most often, your FPS in the game looks like that.
But it can be corrected.
Now I will tell how it do.
Before setting up the FPS check that the game was not running.
So, to increase the value FPS in the game you have to do the following:
Through a conductor must be opened games folder.
Eg C: \ World_of_Tanks Inside this folder, locate
RES folder open it.
There find engine_config.xml file Copy it to anyone
event in a safe place, to return back
if you do something wrong.
It will be necessary to adjust FPS in this file.
But it is packed.
What to do?
Unpack it with WOT Tools program.
A link to download this the program can be found in
the description of the video.
After downloading run downloaded file wottools 0.5.3
multy.exe With the program open
File C: \ World_of_Tanks \ res \ engine_config.xml When you open it automatically
save the unzipped engine_config.xml at the same place,
from which you opened it.
Now open it in Windows Explorer using Notepad.
The text files get string "<maxFrameRate> 120 </ maxFrameRate>"
or similar.
Number 120 - is the maximum FPS, set up in your
Replace this number by more for example at 200.
In this way you will increase maximum
FPS in the game to 200.
Of course, if such a value pull your system.
If you do not pull, then increase will not happen.
Save the modified engine_config.xml on top of the old one.
Start the game and check FPS - it must be increased.
If the game does not start, then you have done something
Restore the file engine_config.xml of copies.
I hope this video will help you to play even better.
Thank you all for your attention.
subscribe to the channel and place the thumb upwards.
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