This is the type of hacker who I will just never get. Look at this dude he's
bunny hopping around the place has obvious forcefield turned on. Like I can at
least understand the people who make their hacks somewhat hidden. Like look at
it he turns on Fast Bow and it makes his super obvious. I actually had to turn off
something to keep him from getting auto banned so I could actually ban him that's
what's so crazy about it. I'm just going to go ahead and ban him. Slash ban
RJ zombie cheating fastbow and he is gone get wrecked. At least trying to hide them
you know just a little bit come on. meanwhile all right guys we got another
All right guys we got another
hacker here this one again using really obvious bunny hop. So I actually want to
confront this guy considering the past couple actors have been incredibly
obvious and I want to see what this dude has to say. Let's ask him why are you
hacking good sir? So his first response is "Hacker: um I'm not" oh okay I must
have the wrong person sorry about that. Right now I'm going to
put him back and let's see if he continues hacking okay let's see if he
actually turns it back on he said oh no problem
TP here Matty. I will let him go back to fighting oh my goodness oh my
goodness look at this he literally is still bunny hopping. Like he must be like
wow I was clearly hacking these people can't catch anyone. Oh and now he's
experiencing some issues oh he might be getting auto-banned. Wow this guy is not
the sharpest tool in the shed. Okay let's wait and see if he continues
to hack and then we'll confront him again. You know what on one hand I'm actually
glad that he started hacking I don't know what I would do if he had like
stopped right then would I ban him or would I let him go I'm not sure. Let's
inventory and see is he using auto-soup. Come on I'm trying to catch it and there
is he's using auto soup too so he's still hacking. All right let's go ahead and TP him
back up and see what he has to say now. Alright I messaged him why are you hacking. He says
"Hacker: You got the wrong person again" I'll say I just saw you using auto soup
and bunnyhop. Is he going to confess to it or will he continue to deny it. He said "Hacker: no my
goldfish jumped on my keyboard and that's why I was being weird" oh my gosh
sorry about that. Oh okay sorry my mistake I'll put you back all right.
Let's see third time's the charm is he going to continue hacking oh my
goodness nobody's been giving this many chances
so if he actually continues hacking I just I'm not even gonna believe it part
of me can't think that someone is actually that stupid he's got to be
trolling. All right I just banned someone for Fastbow and that he definitely saw that
so let's see if he leaves his hacks on now that he's basically been given two
chances and he just saw someone else get banned. Alright so this dude definitely
turned off his anti KB or he lowered it but he's still using some sort of
movement hack I think not 110 percent sure on that and he may have disabled
his auto soup because he keeps dying so he may end up turning that one back on
he doesn't seem to know how to soup very well but it looks like he might actually
be trying to be legit we're gonna have to keep an eye on him and make sure but
I think he might actually be trying. Oh no guys look he turned on Auto soup
again so I watched him fight and he fought legitly for so long but he was
getting rekt by people and it looks like he gave up and turned his auto suit back
on so let's go ahead and we're going to confront him again alright let's tell
him you're using auto soup again so give me the question marks but I told him I
saw you using auto soup he says he's not using it
oh my goodness dude is crazy alright I just told him tell you what confess to
using auto soup and I won't ban you okay? I will give you a warning. Oh my gosh
guys he just said I was using auto soup or a Jesus velocity bhop and long jump
Okay I just said oh wow that's a lot of hacks
Why are you hacking so much? He says because I suck at this game and he just
said I hack because I have no friends and that pretty much sums up well I
think most people hack in this game is because they're bad or they have no
friends to play with or something like that and it makes him feel better feel
good to hack okay I just told him okay thank you
for being honest with me but I have to ban you now okay he just said you said
you'd give me a warning dude I gave you like three warnings and you still kept hacking
okay how can I even trust you when I caught you and you turned it off and on
and all that stuff I'm sorry man I can't trust you. But you know what a lot of you
guys last time we're really mad when you said oh bad you said you'd give that guy
another chance and then you went and banned him. What's wrong with you you said that if he
beat you in a 1v1 you wouldn't ban him. EEEEEEE. "Hacker: So why are you dancing in front
of me." Oh my goodness guys I messaged him and I'm like hey man what are you
willing to do to a not get banned or for an unban and I said are you willing to
promise never to have to on your account ever again
and he said no that's too far! Oh my. You know what I know this is going to tick
some of you off but you know I guess I did promise not to ban him you know I
said that you know I'd give him a chance as long as he confessed so so you know
what I guess I can't I'm not going to ban him just this once
I'm gonna give a hacker another Chance. All right Matty? You're gonna get one
more chance and I lied. And he's banned goodbye that is why you don't hack on the server.
But let me know what you guys think do hackers deserve second chances
No god please no no nooooooooo all right guys we have another hacker for you by the name
of DeathBringer123 and as you can see he is x-raying. He just found
an ultra in the chat we're on prison by the way but this dude is using x-ray and
I love catching extra hackers but I don't get to do it very often because
their hacks are usually pretty obvious but they're usually really upset if you
catch them and they usually have some decent reactions. So let's go to watch
and just confirm it you can hear my dogs bark in the background.
All right look at him he's digging straight for it Oh
Oh is he get is he gonna do it oh oh he's almost always almost there and wait
wait wait wait he looks behind him oh he was checking who's checking to see if someones
there and he found it alright let's go ahead and confront him, um, let's go
ahead and pop down next to him and see what he has to say
Slash vis can you see me there we go now you can see me hello DeathBringer how you
doing. Oh my goodness wait wait wait he's still mining he's still mining let's see
what he does so a lot of times after you confront one they will try and make it
look like they're not x-raying but look he just went towards the iron and the
gold see he's trying to make it look he's like wait where'd that guy go. Oh is he
is he going to keep doing it no he's not he's not that dumb that would be really
dumb if he kept going there's nothing in this direction
No see he's trying to make it look at what he's doing. He's trying to make it
really not obvious he's like no I'm not x-raying I'm just mining see. So yeah we're
gonna go ahead and confront oh no is he mining towards this chest he's actually
gonna do it no way no way he isn't there's no way he's that dumb he saw
no no come on man you're not that stupid oh my goodness Oh he looked he's looking behind him
he's like okay no one's there What! NO come on keep keep going past it. NOO!
oh my gosh I can't believe it. He went towards it even after we appeared next
to him. What is this he's so dumb this dude is so
dumb. Oh my goodness will he do it a third time? I'm gonna pop
in next to him again let's say I go into gamemode C (creative). We're going to make it
really obvious that we're watching him you know we're just going to appear next
to him can he see us we're just looking let's go invis while he's looking at us there we
go we just went invis right next to him while he's looking at us there's no way
no way on this planet that he would do it a third time. No No one is. No one is that dumb.
is that dumb no one is that stupid there is no way I mean there look there's one
right here but there's no way he must be trying to make it you know make us think
that he's strip mining there no way he's gonna he that dumb. Like no one is
that stupid. Once maybe but when we clearly show that we're in
creative next to him. There's no way he's gonna do it again oh my goodness
it's like I can't believe this you have to be kidding me. No one is this stupid
there is. I didn't even think hackers could get this stupid. What oh my gosh
this. I'm done I'm done this guy is the dumbest the dumbest hacker. I'm gonna
confront him I just said are you stupid are you stupid Death Bringer stop using
x-ray I'm right here is he gonna deny it? He says I know he says I ain't using x-ray
I am mining. No oh come on come on man like really I saw you use it you saw me
I was standing next to you twice and you still use. I can't believe he's denying this.
this dude is so retarded this is crazy okay I just told him I saw you using it
two times I was standing right next to you you looked at me and then used it
again like seriously dude. Ooo I got a crate let me open this ultra ultra come
on come on come on come on come on stop stop stop ultra ultra ultra what yes oh
boy Batman chest. All right I just asked him do you have anything to say before I ban you? "Hacker: I
was not hacking one and two can't a guy just strip mine and have luck" He says "Hacker:
bro I wasn't hacking okay bro you have Skype you can see my screen." and I asked
him what his Skype is but he's not answering on skype so slash ban so let's go to
Ban him and banned. Now remember kids and never hold it against someone just
because their hacker okay you know. T-Treat everyone fairly hahaha.
No no I'm just I just kidding ban everyone. Ban all the hackers they
deserve to be banned!
For more infomation >> WHY ARE HACKERS SO STUPID??? - Duration: 10:46.-------------------------------------------
Honda Civic 1.8i VTEC Type "S" Advantage XENON - AFN. TREKHAAK - LAGE KMSTAND - Duration: 0:58.
Ford S-Max 2.0tdci AIRCO LEDER BOEKJES N.A.P - Duration: 0:54.
Porsche Boxster S 3.2 Ned. Auto BTW Auto Youngtimer - Duration: 1:01.
Garasjefestival 2017 || Teaser 2 - Duration: 1:00.
It's quiet...
Before the storm
The stage...
is set
The fires...
are lit
The revolution...
Starts NOW!
BMW X3 2.0D *!*NAVIGATIE/TREKHAAK/18''LMV*!* - Duration: 0:57.
Yandere Simulator - La más pervertida (Parodia) - Touhou 東方 PV - Duration: 2:34.
WHY ARE HACKERS SO STUPID??? - Duration: 10:46.
This is the type of hacker who I will just never get. Look at this dude he's
bunny hopping around the place has obvious forcefield turned on. Like I can at
least understand the people who make their hacks somewhat hidden. Like look at
it he turns on Fast Bow and it makes his super obvious. I actually had to turn off
something to keep him from getting auto banned so I could actually ban him that's
what's so crazy about it. I'm just going to go ahead and ban him. Slash ban
RJ zombie cheating fastbow and he is gone get wrecked. At least trying to hide them
you know just a little bit come on. meanwhile all right guys we got another
All right guys we got another
hacker here this one again using really obvious bunny hop. So I actually want to
confront this guy considering the past couple actors have been incredibly
obvious and I want to see what this dude has to say. Let's ask him why are you
hacking good sir? So his first response is "Hacker: um I'm not" oh okay I must
have the wrong person sorry about that. Right now I'm going to
put him back and let's see if he continues hacking okay let's see if he
actually turns it back on he said oh no problem
TP here Matty. I will let him go back to fighting oh my goodness oh my
goodness look at this he literally is still bunny hopping. Like he must be like
wow I was clearly hacking these people can't catch anyone. Oh and now he's
experiencing some issues oh he might be getting auto-banned. Wow this guy is not
the sharpest tool in the shed. Okay let's wait and see if he continues
to hack and then we'll confront him again. You know what on one hand I'm actually
glad that he started hacking I don't know what I would do if he had like
stopped right then would I ban him or would I let him go I'm not sure. Let's
inventory and see is he using auto-soup. Come on I'm trying to catch it and there
is he's using auto soup too so he's still hacking. All right let's go ahead and TP him
back up and see what he has to say now. Alright I messaged him why are you hacking. He says
"Hacker: You got the wrong person again" I'll say I just saw you using auto soup
and bunnyhop. Is he going to confess to it or will he continue to deny it. He said "Hacker: no my
goldfish jumped on my keyboard and that's why I was being weird" oh my gosh
sorry about that. Oh okay sorry my mistake I'll put you back all right.
Let's see third time's the charm is he going to continue hacking oh my
goodness nobody's been giving this many chances
so if he actually continues hacking I just I'm not even gonna believe it part
of me can't think that someone is actually that stupid he's got to be
trolling. All right I just banned someone for Fastbow and that he definitely saw that
so let's see if he leaves his hacks on now that he's basically been given two
chances and he just saw someone else get banned. Alright so this dude definitely
turned off his anti KB or he lowered it but he's still using some sort of
movement hack I think not 110 percent sure on that and he may have disabled
his auto soup because he keeps dying so he may end up turning that one back on
he doesn't seem to know how to soup very well but it looks like he might actually
be trying to be legit we're gonna have to keep an eye on him and make sure but
I think he might actually be trying. Oh no guys look he turned on Auto soup
again so I watched him fight and he fought legitly for so long but he was
getting rekt by people and it looks like he gave up and turned his auto suit back
on so let's go ahead and we're going to confront him again alright let's tell
him you're using auto soup again so give me the question marks but I told him I
saw you using auto soup he says he's not using it
oh my goodness dude is crazy alright I just told him tell you what confess to
using auto soup and I won't ban you okay? I will give you a warning. Oh my gosh
guys he just said I was using auto soup or a Jesus velocity bhop and long jump
Okay I just said oh wow that's a lot of hacks
Why are you hacking so much? He says because I suck at this game and he just
said I hack because I have no friends and that pretty much sums up well I
think most people hack in this game is because they're bad or they have no
friends to play with or something like that and it makes him feel better feel
good to hack okay I just told him okay thank you
for being honest with me but I have to ban you now okay he just said you said
you'd give me a warning dude I gave you like three warnings and you still kept hacking
okay how can I even trust you when I caught you and you turned it off and on
and all that stuff I'm sorry man I can't trust you. But you know what a lot of you
guys last time we're really mad when you said oh bad you said you'd give that guy
another chance and then you went and banned him. What's wrong with you you said that if he
beat you in a 1v1 you wouldn't ban him. EEEEEEE. "Hacker: So why are you dancing in front
of me." Oh my goodness guys I messaged him and I'm like hey man what are you
willing to do to a not get banned or for an unban and I said are you willing to
promise never to have to on your account ever again
and he said no that's too far! Oh my. You know what I know this is going to tick
some of you off but you know I guess I did promise not to ban him you know I
said that you know I'd give him a chance as long as he confessed so so you know
what I guess I can't I'm not going to ban him just this once
I'm gonna give a hacker another Chance. All right Matty? You're gonna get one
more chance and I lied. And he's banned goodbye that is why you don't hack on the server.
But let me know what you guys think do hackers deserve second chances
No god please no no nooooooooo all right guys we have another hacker for you by the name
of DeathBringer123 and as you can see he is x-raying. He just found
an ultra in the chat we're on prison by the way but this dude is using x-ray and
I love catching extra hackers but I don't get to do it very often because
their hacks are usually pretty obvious but they're usually really upset if you
catch them and they usually have some decent reactions. So let's go to watch
and just confirm it you can hear my dogs bark in the background.
All right look at him he's digging straight for it Oh
Oh is he get is he gonna do it oh oh he's almost always almost there and wait
wait wait wait he looks behind him oh he was checking who's checking to see if someones
there and he found it alright let's go ahead and confront him, um, let's go
ahead and pop down next to him and see what he has to say
Slash vis can you see me there we go now you can see me hello DeathBringer how you
doing. Oh my goodness wait wait wait he's still mining he's still mining let's see
what he does so a lot of times after you confront one they will try and make it
look like they're not x-raying but look he just went towards the iron and the
gold see he's trying to make it look he's like wait where'd that guy go. Oh is he
is he going to keep doing it no he's not he's not that dumb that would be really
dumb if he kept going there's nothing in this direction
No see he's trying to make it look at what he's doing. He's trying to make it
really not obvious he's like no I'm not x-raying I'm just mining see. So yeah we're
gonna go ahead and confront oh no is he mining towards this chest he's actually
gonna do it no way no way he isn't there's no way he's that dumb he saw
no no come on man you're not that stupid oh my goodness Oh he looked he's looking behind him
he's like okay no one's there What! NO come on keep keep going past it. NOO!
oh my gosh I can't believe it. He went towards it even after we appeared next
to him. What is this he's so dumb this dude is so
dumb. Oh my goodness will he do it a third time? I'm gonna pop
in next to him again let's say I go into gamemode C (creative). We're going to make it
really obvious that we're watching him you know we're just going to appear next
to him can he see us we're just looking let's go invis while he's looking at us there we
go we just went invis right next to him while he's looking at us there's no way
no way on this planet that he would do it a third time. No No one is. No one is that dumb.
is that dumb no one is that stupid there is no way I mean there look there's one
right here but there's no way he must be trying to make it you know make us think
that he's strip mining there no way he's gonna he that dumb. Like no one is
that stupid. Once maybe but when we clearly show that we're in
creative next to him. There's no way he's gonna do it again oh my goodness
it's like I can't believe this you have to be kidding me. No one is this stupid
there is. I didn't even think hackers could get this stupid. What oh my gosh
this. I'm done I'm done this guy is the dumbest the dumbest hacker. I'm gonna
confront him I just said are you stupid are you stupid Death Bringer stop using
x-ray I'm right here is he gonna deny it? He says I know he says I ain't using x-ray
I am mining. No oh come on come on man like really I saw you use it you saw me
I was standing next to you twice and you still use. I can't believe he's denying this.
this dude is so retarded this is crazy okay I just told him I saw you using it
two times I was standing right next to you you looked at me and then used it
again like seriously dude. Ooo I got a crate let me open this ultra ultra come
on come on come on come on come on stop stop stop ultra ultra ultra what yes oh
boy Batman chest. All right I just asked him do you have anything to say before I ban you? "Hacker: I
was not hacking one and two can't a guy just strip mine and have luck" He says "Hacker:
bro I wasn't hacking okay bro you have Skype you can see my screen." and I asked
him what his Skype is but he's not answering on skype so slash ban so let's go to
Ban him and banned. Now remember kids and never hold it against someone just
because their hacker okay you know. T-Treat everyone fairly hahaha.
No no I'm just I just kidding ban everyone. Ban all the hackers they
deserve to be banned!
#2 Pakistanais parle français/Pakistani speaking french - Duration: 1:00.
Hello every one and welcome to my second video on speaking french
I hope that you all are doing well
Today in this video I am going to tell you how hard is french to learn
I think that in fact learning french is easier than other languages
If you know already English because
I think that maybe almost 50% of words are same in French as in English
Just the way of pronunciation is different
But sometimes you have to be careful because
Some words of English in French have different meanings
and that's it..
If you are interested in French Language and other foreign languages
Subscribe to my channel
and in my next video, I will show you something
about the Eiffiel Tower in Pakistan
So, take care and see you :)
Interview with Fátima, from Mirandela - Duration: 12:10.
IRIA- an increasingly industrialized world craftsmen are highly sought after by those
they do not want only one piece, but also a piece that truly complements
their needs and the space will dwell.
The weaving is a craft techniques oldest in the world.
To better understand, we can say that tissues are interwoven wire to wire.
Currently, they can be manually made with manual or automatic looms.
But to explain us about this technique artisanal and ancient, we have a special guest
which is recognized by fine works.
We are pleased to interview the weaver D.
LILIANA- confess we do not know much this technique.
Could you explain better how and what are the materials used?
FATIMA: I make rugs in wool, traditional was the blankets that were used on the beds
was my mother and my grandmother then I did the innovation already sold less
blankets so I started to do to be used as ground parts, and there began
succeed and here I am 30 years working.
LILIANA: These parts require feedstock, is there any special care in the collection?
D.FÁTIMA- The special is to buy wool to pastors at shearing time.
LILIANA: The family had some influence in your interest for this art?
D.FÁTIMA-I was born in the art, is a traditional art family's.
LILIANA- What led you to work with this technical, and how long?
D.FÁTIMA-has always LILIANA- Can you explain descriptively
the steps of weaving?
I can D.FÁTIMA- first shearing to sheep wool that is not I who do
are the shearers, after that have to washing the wool, let dry, opening, carding,
spinning only after that goes to the loom to It is woven intertwined.
LILIANA- On average, how long does each piece to be performed?
D.FÁTIMA-We can never be an exact calculation, for example morning the card was spin
and wash now weave.
I do not make a play always start and end on the same day.
The part that I'm now doing maybe it will take 15 days at the loom.
LILIANA- The craft is their profession or is an occupation / source of extra income?
D.FÁTIMA-It's my profession and income Extra have her husband's pension.
LILIANA-Rate evolution of his art the last 20 years?
D.FÁTIMA-The evolution of art in the last 20 years evolved, at least by that practice
You are gained by experience, innovation We are always creating.
LILIANA-Do you have any hobby you'd like to mention?
Out of the craft, which like to do?
D.FÁTIMA-Off like to do crafts much, only that I have no time.
I like to treat my garden, my bees, like the field but do not have time.
LILIANA- What is your greatest source of income the level of customer?
Local residents or tourists?
They are the D.FÁTIMA-inhabitants of the whole country.
LILIANA- Its sales vary with seasonality (Seasons, summer vs. winter)?
D.FÁTIMA- Varies customers appear.
So much It makes it in summer as in winter.
LILIANA-What is the factor that differentiates his art of other?
D.FÁTIMA-I can not answer for others, but I like my love for her.
LILIANA-currently there is much talk in the modernization of craft processes, you agree?
D.FÁTIMA-Neither agree nor disagree, my It is an art
application, it is art, even!
LILIANA- What was the happiest / memorable moment of his career, the most difficult and the most
D.FÁTIMA-I have had many, have won awards, I have clients who are a jewelry people
this is all part of the closed life we take for months.
The most difficult time is not worth it remember, and the funny
life also teaches us to have happy moments.
LILIANA-Where and how do you sell and disseminate their work?
That uses sales techniques and dissemination?
D.FÁTIMA-in craft fairs, shops and I have customers who know me through
the tourist office.
Most disclosure
It is on holiday crafts.
LILIANA-What are the characteristics you believe essential to agree that the result
end was good?
D.FÁTIMA-A piece whenever we end It is always a little
of us.
LILIANA-What are the challenges and
difficulties of placing on the market of handmade?
In D.FÁTIMA-ionic was a little complicated after achieving the objectives.
LILIANA-How was the decision to be craftswoman and the transition to live craft?
D.FÁTIMA-As my husband had a salary down and I knew how to weave decided to help.
IRIA- The craft not only helps in life financial as well as side, psychological
people with all this we learn the craftsman should be much better known
than they are, because the craft is also art.
Il y a 10 ans naissait l'iPhone - Duration: 0:40.
Meditating On Scripture | How To Have Joy - Duration: 4:23.
Have you ever wondered about Scripture Meditation and what it means to meditate on God's word?
Well stick around, because today we're going to dig into Psalm 1.
Hey there my name is WayneWrz and on this channel we are walking the journey towards
Jesus together.
You can subscribe to join our community and get a new Bible study video every Thursday.
Meditation is something that, as Christians, we sometimes are a bit weary of.
The first thing that pops into your head might be easter religions where the point of meditation
is to clear your head and center yourself.
But meditating on Scripture, meditation on God's Word is something different and something
that we are told to do in Scripture.
Psalm 1 tells us:
1Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers.
2But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.
3They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.
4But not the wicked!
They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind.
5They will be condemned at the time of judgment.
Sinners will have no place among the godly.
6For the Lord watches over the path of the godly,
but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.
You've got to love a verse that starts out "Oh the Joy".
God wants us to find joy, but where does that joy come from?
It comes from meditating on God's Word, meditating on Scripture.
But what is meditation?
The Google let me know that meditation is the action or practice of meditating.
Real helpful Google.
Some of the synonyms (words that mean the same thing) of meditation are contemplation,
thought, musing, pondering, reflection, and rumination.
So often when we read the Bible we simply read through it and walk away.
And reading the Scripture is imperative, we must know the Bible.
But we must do more.
We need to meditate on the Word of God.
To set aside time where we can just contemplate what God is saying to us through His word.
It is easy for me to just read Scripture and want to apply it, but Scripture is so much
more than instructions.
I'd encourage you even now to pause the video and spend 5 or 10 minutes reading and
thinking about Psalm 1.
Verse 3 tells us that we are like trees planted along the riverbank bearing fruit in season.
You need the roots to have the fruits.
Finding Joy comes when we are willing to set aside the time to abide in God's word.
I once heard a wise man say " we must have deep roots to maintain our joy in Christ no
matter our circumstances".
I bought a plant at a garage sale we did last weekend for a youth fundraiser.
Sometimes I kill plants, but I only needed to keep this one alive until Thursday.
But even keeping a plant alive for a few days requires that I water it.
Plants and trees need to be able to draw water from the soil to grow, to be stable and sturdy,
and to produce fruit.
To grow in Christ, to become more like Him, we have to be willing to put time in on the
banks of the river, soaking in God's Word.
Thanks so much for checking out the video, if you liked it go ahead and smash that thumbs
up button and share it with your friends and you can subsribe for new videos every Thursday.
Let me leave you with this question that you can answer in the comments and discuss with
a friend, parent or pastor:
Is it easier for you to slow down and meditate on a passage of Scripture or to just read
through a chapter or two?
And how are both helpful in walking the journey towards Jesus?
We'll see you later, alligator.
What's MyLifeNote - Duration: 0:44.
Dear Evan Hansen - A Part of Me {Different Version} - Duration: 1:17.
ALL: A part of me
ZOE: I'm blown away, this isn't real
ALL: A part of me
ZOE/EVAN: Doesn't know how much to feel
ALL: A part of me
Z/E: Finds a rush in the pain
ALL: A part of me
Z/E: Needs the feeling to remain
ALL: A part of me
Z/E: Wants to share the hurt and heartache
Z/E: So the world can see
Z/E: That you'll always be
ALL: A part of me
ALL: A part of me
ALL: A part of me
Z: Everything you've said in your speech
Z: Everything you've done
ALL: A part of me
Z: You don't know how much-
E: No, I, it's... it isn't-
Z: You've given me my brother back.
(Sorry no Connor in this one, guys.)
(Still that random pause that makes you contemplate
life, though)
(Aaaand here we go)
(Cue comment section crying because Connor is gone)
🐚Mystical Mermaid : The Queen Of Pearls🐚 - Duration: 7:59.
sorry guys for the audio i dont know what happened to it (of the next clip) ;-;
now i am adding the barnacles
to make the barnacles
you will be needing some clay
and sculpting tools
if you don't have sculpting tools
you can use the tip of the brush
it will do the work ^^
take a small ball of clay
and push it downwards
to make the wall of barnacles
as well look at the reference picture while creating this. you can do various sizes of barnacles
small to big upto your preference
now using the sculpting tool,i am making holes and cracks just to make it look a bit more realistic
and here i am painting the barnacles
i already painted the barnacles using a concealer, the lightest shade i had
and now i am going in with a brown cream face paint
through the cracks and the holes i have created
to give it a more dimension and realness to the barnacles
and you should get something similar to this :D
10 Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cance - Duration: 7:56.
10 Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer
The average general health article on pancreatic cancer states flatly that this type of cancer
shows no early symptoms.
Most people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are already in the advanced stage of the disease
by the time it's caught, and the typical prognosis is death within five years.
Only 4 percent of pancreatic cancer patients live beyond five years.
In recent years, pancreatic cancer has claimed the lives of numerous celebrities and public
figures, including Steve Jobs, actor Patrick Swayze, and actress Bonnie Franklin, leading
many people to ask the key question, "Are there any early warning signs of pancreatic cancer?"
The answer is yes, there are.
But to understand these signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer, it's important to understand
where the pancreas is, and what it does.
Located deep inside the abdomen, the pancreas is only 4 to 6 inches long and shaped like
a tadpole.
In the "tail" of the pancreas are cells that produce insulin, and tumors at this end are
usually endocrine tumors.
They're easier to diagnose, but are much rarer.
At the other end, the "head" of the pancreas, are cells that produce digestive enzymes,
and tumors at this end are called exocrine tumors.
These are by far the most common, and are much more difficult to detect.
However, the idea that a pancreatic tumor is asymptomatic is a bit of a myth.
Dig deep into journal articles and ask patients what they remember and the result is a long
list of odd signs and symptoms of pancreatic cancer to watch out for.
Taken one by one, these symptoms could mean many things.
But if you find yourself experiencing two or three of these early warning signs of pancreatic
cancer, call your doctor and ask for a scan.
Imaging techniques such as MRIs can detect pancreatic cancer some of the time, depending
on the location of the tumor.
Early Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer
Diabetes, especially if it comes on suddenly.
Recently, the Mayo Clinic published startling research showing that 40 percent of pancreatic
cancer patients had been diagnosed with diabetes one to two years before discovering they had
a pancreatic tumor.
Researchers believe the diabetes is caused by tumors that simply haven't been detected
The problem is, diabetes is very common, and the majority of diabetes isn't pancreatic
cancer, so doctors are trying to develop screening tools to tell the difference.
Right now, they say family history is an important clue.
If you're diagnosed with diabetes that seems to come on suddenly and you have no family
history of diabetes, bring this to your doctor's attention and ask for further screening for
pancreatic cancer.
Yellowing of the eyes or skin.
Even a small pancreatic tumor can block the bile duct in the head of the pancreas, causing
bile to build up.
This causes jaundice.
Itchy skin, palms, and soles of feet.
A little-known side-effect of jaundice is itchy hands and feet.
It's due to a skin reaction to the bilirubin, the yellowish brown liver chemical that causes
Lack of appetite.
An Italian study found that six to eight months before being diagnosed with pancreatic tumors,
patients reported a sudden drop in their appetite and a tendency to feel full after eating very
Changes in taste.
In the same Italian study, some of the patients surveyed said they'd suddenly lost their taste
for coffee, wine, and smoking.
In fact, they said, they felt "disgust" for the smell and taste of coffee and alcohol.
Abdominal pain.
Pancreatic cancer sufferers remember this pain as a gnawing pain, rather than a sharp
cramp or ache, and it radiates toward the back.
A characteristic clue: the pain goes away when you lean forward.
An enlarged gall bladder.
The same blockage of the bile duct that causes jaundice can also cause an enlarged gallbladder,
as the bile builds up behind the duct.
The good news is that an enlarged gallbladder can be seen on imaging tests, and it may even
be possible for a doctor to feel it during a physical exam.
Pale, floating, smelly stools.
If a pancreatic tumor prevents digestive enzymes from reaching the intestine, the result is
an inability to digest fatty foods.
So you end up with loose, smelly "floaters" as a result of the excess fat.
Doctors say this symptom, in particular, can be an early clue and is too often overlooked.
Dark, tarry stools.
Bleeding in the upper intestines causes this symptom.
Sudden, unexplained weight loss.
Weight loss is not always, as many people mistakenly believe, a sign of advanced cancer
that's spread to the liver.
It can also happen because a lack of pancreatic enzymes is causing fat to pass through the
body undigested.
What do you do if you're worried about any of these symptoms?
Document all symptoms, and report them to your doctor in as much detail as possible.
If your doctor is convinced you have legitimate concerns (and remember, you may have to do
some convincing), tests such as an ultrasound, a CT scan, and an endoscopy followed by a
biopsy can be used to search for a pancreatic tumor.
A blood test is now available for a biomarker called CA 19-9 that is released by pancreatic
cancer cells.
Unfortunately, by the time CA 19-9 reaches detectable levels, the cancer is usually no
longer in the early stage, although the test is useful during treatment and for detecting
Another biomarker test, CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen), is also not sensitive enough to
provide early diagnosis.
While tragic early deaths like Steve Jobs' are the hard reality of pancreatic cancer,
there are also people living productive lives thanks to an early diagnosis of pancreatic
Such was the case with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who's still practicing
after having a tiny pancreatic tumor surgically removed.
Yes, she got "lucky," as she put it -- but she also got a CT scan, which is how the tumor
was found.
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