G. Edward Griffin: We like sweet and that is the beginning of the problem or least the
answer to the question, why does modern man have cancer and primitive man does
There's a part of the answer.
Well anyway, this substance is called amygdalin.
It's well known.
It's been in the pharmacopeia for almost a hundred years.
I think it was first isolated and described in Germany and it's been used for medicinal
purposes for a long, long time.
Amygdalin is a substance that is bitter, and it's found in grasses and in seeds primarily.
They have found that in those cultures, those places
in the world, where the diet, the native diet is rich in
amygdalin foods, the cancer rate is very low if not zero.
You compare the diet to the same food or you compare that diet to the diet of the people
in modern societies where cancer rates are high, and you find
there's practically no amygdalin at all.
It's just a complete eye opener.
What are those cultures?
Hunzas I think you mentioned a moment ago are probably
the best known, from a little kingdom up in Northwest
It's a very idyllic place, I'm told.
The story Shangri-La, they say, was actually written based
upon Hunza as the model.
Everybody knows the story of Shangri-La.
Well Hunza's pretty much like that.
It's very remote.
If you risk your life getting into it, and I always thought I wanted to go visit Hunza
after I read about it until some photographs of these
deep ravines that you have to walk across on a rope bridge
and it's about a mile and a half straight down, go along the cliffs like this, you know,
I said no, I think I'll just read about it.
Ty Bollinger: I'll read about it.
G. Edward Griffin: But anyway that is really the way it was.
I guess they have a road in now.
The people in Hunza never had cancer but afterwards when they come out
of Hunza and they go into other countries and they start
eating the same foods that those people eat they come down with cancer like everyone else.
In Hunza, at least in the beginning when all this research
was done, there was no such thing as money.
It's kind of a primitive society and a man's wealth was
measured by the number of apricot trees he owns.
People eat apricot seeds there, a little sweeter
than the ones in California but still loaded with amygdalin and
they eat them like candy.
It was like a delicacy there.
Well there's just one example.
There are other cultures, the Bilcabamba's, the Navajo and
Hopi Indians, the aboriginal Eskimos, all of those cultures
have zero or very low cancer rates.
If you look at the native diet, in every case their foods are at least
200 times, if not more, rich in amygdalin than anything that you would find in a major
city or even in the countryside in our western world.
For more infomation >> Why the Hunza People Don't Get Cancer - G. Edward Griffin - Duration: 3:38.-------------------------------------------
How many countries make up the UK? - Duration: 4:39.
It's been said before that the United Kingdom is made up of four countries:
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
I said this myself in my video on the Union Jack, YouTube comments of cause rolled in,
and pointed out that I was wrong!
Northern Ireland is a province, not a country, they said.
I'm in good company with this simplification, other more notable youtubers,
and even number 10's own website have referred to the UK as being made up of these four countries.
So let's take a look at this, and ask ourselves what are the countries of the UK.
England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are Administrative Divisions of the United Kingdom
and each has their own parliament and so can be referred to as "constituent countries".
The term "Country" can be confusing, as can refer to sovereign nations,
such as the United Kingdom itself;
but it has also shown up in various laws though Britain's history.
The first union is between England and Wales, with the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542
Wales was annexed to England and becomes a single entity commonly known for centuries simply
as the Kingdom of England, but later renamed as the Kingdom of England and Wales.
During this period Wales was described as "country", "principality", and "dominion" in common language.
But were looking for something official so our next law is the Acts of Union 1707.
When Scotland joined England to form a new single state,
and this document defines England and Scotland as a "part" of a United Kingdom of Great Britain.
We're still no closer to an official bonofied country definition.
So next up is The Acts of Union 1800 – these Acts united this Kingdom of Great Britain
and the Kingdom of Ireland which had been previously in personal union with the British crown.
Here we find the official term of "country" used to describe Great Britain and Ireland
By the way, in this document England and Scotland are again referred to as "Part" of Great Britain.
but I digress So we have an answer: 2 countries:
Great Britain and Ireland
However Britain did not retain the entire island of Ireland, So perhaps we should look further ...
The Government of Ireland Act 1920 described Great Britain, Southern Ireland,
and Northern Ireland as "countries", at least in provisions relating to taxation,
so this gives a good historical argument for referring to Northern Ireland as a Country like I did.
Except … this Act was repealed with The Northern Ireland Act 1998,
and here we find no term to describe Northern Ireland with at all; and find ourselves back at square one
So, let's look somewhere else.
In 2007, United Nations held a conference to try and standardize regional names;
imaginatively named the Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names.
The UK made her submission and defined the UK as being made up of
two countries (England and Scotland), one principality (Wales) and one province (Northern Ireland).
So there we are back at two countries!
But wait, Wales isn't defined as a country here, my YouTube comments didn't mention that!
My commenters are basing their criticisms on the definitions given by
the International Organization for Standardization, which calls England, Scotland, and Wales "Countries"
while Northern Ireland is declared a "Provence".
And it doesn't quite make sense to call Wales a Principality,
since the historic Principality of Wales encompassed only the northern part of the region.
A fact, and position, the Welsh government eagerly points out on their own website.
However, referring to Northern Ireland as a province, in reference to the province of
Ulster is also problematic on similar logic.
Northern Ireland is made up of six of the nine counties that constitute Ulster,
the remaining three being part of (the republic of) Ireland.
The nomenclature here is quite the complicated web, so what are we to take form this?
The choice of term used can tell more of the political preferences of the author than reality.
Nationalists might prefer province to be reserved for the traditional province of Ulster
and call it "the six counties", while Unionists might want to go further and simply call it Ulster.
The result of this controversy is that there isn't any particularly good official title to give the area.
Personally I still prefer country, keeping, at least in name,
all four regions of the United Kingdom on an equal level and reflecting the four devolved parliaments;
but tell me what you think in the comments below!
КОНКУРС!1!! - Duration: 0:22.
Power Rangers (2017) Blu-Ray CLIP | Rita Repulsa Nightmare Scene | HD - Duration: 5:08.
Do we have a choice?
Don't think so.
Look! It's Zordon!
Zordon, they don't know who you are.
Come in! Come in!
These are them? They're so small.
Funny, I said the same thing, actually.
You mean to tell me that the fate of the universe
is placed in the hands of these... these children?
The universe? That's a big place.
They're teenagers.
Somewhere between infancy and full maturity.
- It's hard to explain, really. I don't... - Show me the coins.
The morphing grid is never wrong.
If the power coins have returned to the ship with these...
With these teenagers,
then these teenagers are the Power Rangers.
Power Rangers!
Okay, quick question.
Hello. Hate to interrupt.
Did I just hear you say we're Power Rangers?
Yes. Yes. You are the Power Rangers.
Any other questions?
- No, I think I'm good. - Good.
I got a question. Um... Hi, how you doing?
Oh, okay... um, my name is Billy. Billy Cranston.
- Kids used to call me Billy Crams-tons... - Billy! Stop.
I'm sorry. Uh... the images here in this sphere
tell a history of the Power Rangers.
Looks like the Power Rangers were a team that protected life.
And life is a bright light. Or... a piece of light?
Yes. Yes, very good, Billy.
It is called the Zeo Crystal.
Oh, I love this part. This is good.
And every planet in the universe that has life
has a piece of the crystal buried inside it.
Sixty-five million years ago,
Zordon's team died defending the crystal here in what is now Angel Grove.
- The coins have chosen you five. - Yes! I knew it!
Now you must protect the Zeo Crystal and life on earth.
Because... we... are the Power Rangers?
He's smart!
I'm sorry, um, is this some kind of joke?
Like, I'm standing here with a wet wedgie.
My socks are soaked. We're squishing around in here.
We're talking to a wall. I mean, guys...
Dig! Dig, Goldar!
Sir, I'm detecting elevated heart rates.
They're... they're very scared.
I don't understand.
Why would you show us that nightmare?
It's not a nightmare. It's the future.
- Was that for real? - Felt like it.
- And who was that woman? - Her name is Rita Repulsa.
She will create Goldar,
a huge monster who will rip the crystal from the earth,
and all life on your planet will die.
With the crystal, Rita will have the power to create and destroy worlds.
So, let me guess.
You want us to kill this woman? R... Rita?
Ay, ay, ay! Rita!
She must be stopped.
When is she coming?
She's already here.
My best guess is we have 11 months.
Oh, I'm sorry, days. Days, 11 days.
If we're the Power Rangers and this is our ship,
if I walk through that door right now, will it open for me?
Yes, of course.
Let's go.
Whoa, what you doing?
No, no, no, come back! No. No, please, don't leave.
Jason, my ranger team died defending the crystal from Rita.
That's why I'm in this wall.
How'd you know my name?
Because it's you, Jason Scott.
You are the leader. You are the Red Ranger.
Rita was a ranger, too. And my friend.
But she betrayed us.
Wanted more power.
She lost her way.
Now she is just pure evil.
You must bring them back. All of the rangers.
You must train your team to stop Rita
before she has the strength to find the crystal.
Okay. I'm leaving.
- And I only speak for myself when I... - No! You speak for all of them.
You know that, deep down, what I'm saying is true.
You were born for this.(Cliptonite)
Iveco Daily 50C15V 3.0 145pk L2H3 Extra Hoog, Laadlift, Bedrijfsinrichting, Navi, Airco, wb330, L2 H - Duration: 0:59.
BREAKING: Sean Hannity Launches MAJOR Attack On CNN's CEO… His Career Is Over | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:05.
Sean Hannity is officially going after CNN's CEO Jeff Zucker.
First, he posted a story on Twitter about Donald Trump Jr. calling for scrutiny of Zucker's
fake news.
"The hypocrisy at CNN is astounding," Trump, Jr. said.
"Facing the biggest fake news scandal in the network's history after an embarrassing
retraction, nobody from the network is answering questions–even to their own reporters–and
they have the audacity to demand on-camera press briefings from the White House to boost
their ratings and make their personalities famous?
"Maybe Jeff Zucker should do an on-camera press briefing about CNN's fake news scandal
before the White House does any more of them," Trump Jr. concluded.
Then, Hannity chimed in — being a little more direct.
"Hey CNN, when will you fire Zucker?
He has destroyed the network with lies and VERY FAKE NEWS."
what do you think about this? please share this news if you stand with Sean
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