Finally we have set off! With three days late,
Because the weather was really bad.
So we leave quietly
we have two sunny days that should give us time to get to Camaret
Here we will put in shelters because there is another depression happens
And it is unclear if it will allow us to leave after for Ireland.
So we left, we do not really know where to go, but we go!
It's good ?
It must be thrown overboard ...
Having supplied the boat for the next ten years,
Last cheking weather, champion's breakfast,
and finally here we go!
Cap on Camaret
Here, stop 24 hours, the time to stretch the legs,
and we puts the sails
So we left this morning Camaret, we will finally to Ireland
We have 280 miles to go
So two and a half three days if all goes well.
Vigilance ABSOLUTE to cross the rail Cargot Ouessant ...
And return to normal life.
And shrine fly!
Finally we arrive at Cape Clear after two days and 9 hours of nav.
Hardly time to refresh FUGA,
And we're in for Baltimore, recover Jean Jacques, our trainee.
And now the crew is complete,
Now we can start the tour!
I believe that Oi has the blues of departure ...
Why are we going?
We made a stop at Belle Isle
meanwhile some wind.
Meanwhile explores the wild side!
It is 6:30 am
And we're back in the muddy waters of La Rochelle
I'm a little sad but at the same time,
I think that in two months we leave
And this time it is for good!
It raises morale ...
For more infomation >> Nomade Voile EP 4 : CAP ON IRELAND - Duration: 5:49.
10 Facts About Sodium fluoride sodium fluorosilicate or hydrofluorosilicic acid - Duration: 19:54.
Michael Connick "Fluoride Action Network"
Hello I'm Michael Connick,
an attorney with a Fluoride Action Network.
If you live in the United States
the odds are pretty high
that fluoride chemicals
are added to your tap water
fluoride is added to water as a way to prevent tooth decay
although health authorities in North America continued to promote fluoridation
a number of communities have recently decided
to end their fluoridation programs
in Canada the number of people drinking fluoridated water
has dropped by about twenty-five percent since 2008
so why are some communities ending fluoridation
to help answer that question
let's take a look at ten basic facts about fluoride
Fact Number 1
most developed countries do not fluoridate their water
in the United States health authorities call fluoridation
one of the top ten public health achievements of the 20th century
few other countries however share this view
in fact there are now more people
drinking fluoridated water in the United States alone
than the rest of the world combined
this is because most advanced nations
do not fluoridate their water
in Western Europe for example
ninety-seven percent of the population has water
without a single drop of fluoride added to it
Fact Number 2
fluoridated countries do not have less tooth decay
than non-fluoridated countries
it is often claimed that fluoridated water
is the main reason the United States has seen a significant decline
in tooth decay over the past 60 years
this same decline in tooth decay
has occurred in all developed countries
most of which have never added any fluoride to their water
today according to data from the World Health Organization
there is no discernable difference in tooth decay
between the minority of developed countries
that fluoridate the water
and the majority that do not
Fact Number 3
fluoride affects many tissues in the body
besides the teeth
advocates of fluoridation have long claimed
that the safety of fluoridation is beyond scientific debate
however according to the well-known toxicologist Dr. John Dual
who chaired the National Academy of Sciences "Review on Fluoride"
the safety of fluoridation remains
poorly studied and largely unknown
in 2006 Dual`s Committee at the NAS
published a comprehensive 500 page review of "fluoride`s toxicity"
the report concludes that fluoride is an endocrine disruptor
and can affect many things in the body
including the bones, the brain, the thyroid gland, the pineal gland,
and even blood sugar levels
so far from giving fluoride a clean bill of health
the NAS called on scientists to investigate
if current fluoride exposures in the United States
are contributing to chronic health problems
like bone disorders, thyroid disease, low intelligence,
dementia and diabetes.
Particularly in people
who are most vulnerable to fluorides effects
these recommendations highlight that
despite 60 years of fluoridation
many of the basic studies necessary
for determining the program safety
have yet to be conducted
Fact Number 4
fluoridation is not a natural process
fluoridation advocates often claim that
nature thought of fluoridation first
by this advocates mean that fluoride can occur
at naturally high levels in some water supplies
however lots of toxic substances
like Arsenic and even some medicines like
Lithium can occur at naturally high levels
this doesn't mean that they're safe
plus, the level of fluoride that is found
in the vast majority of fresh surface water
like rivers and lakes, is far lower
than the level of fluoride added in fluoridation programs
in the rare circumstance, where a river or a pond
has the same level of fluoride, that is added to tap water
studies have found, that salmon and frogs
suffer serious harm
including bone disease changes in behavior and shorter lifespan
the main fluoride chemical
that is added to water
is not what most people would call
a naturally occurring compound
it is a corrosive acid
captured in the air pollution-control-devices
of the phosphate fertilizer industries
so why is fluoride captured in air pollution control devices
because fluoride gases or hazardous air pollutants
if released into the air
cause significant environmental harm
now just because fluoridation chemicals are derived from
the toxic gases of the fertilizer industry
doesn't necessarily mean that they're unsafe
when diluted down into our tap water
recent studies however suggests that these chemicals
may present unique risks
that are not found with natural fluorides
Fact Number 5
forty percent of american teenagers
show visible signs of fluoride overexposure
according to a recent national survey by the Centers for Disease Control
about forty percent of american teenagers
now have a condition called dental fluorosis
fluorosis is a defect of tooth enamel
that is caused by fluorides interference
with tooth forming cells
the condition shows as white spots and streaks
and in more severe cases brown stains and tooth erosion
in the 1950s health officials claimed
that fluorosis would only affect about ten percent of
children in fluoridated areas
and would be limited to its most mild forms
this however has proven false
not only do 40 percent
of american teenagers now have fluorosis
but in some fluoridated areas the rate
is as high as 70 to 80 percent
with some children suffering advanced forms of the condition
the high rate of fluorosis that we now see
reflects the fact that children today are receiving fluoride
from many sources besides tap water
when fluoridation first began
there was not a single tube of toothpaste
that contained fluoride
today if you go to a grocery store
it can be difficult to find any toothpaste
that doesn't contain fluoride
in addition to toothpaste
many processed beverages and foods
made in fluoridated countries
also contain elevated levels of fluoride
this is because when you add fluoride to water
you don't just add fluoride to the water itself
you add fluoride to all of the foods and beverages
that are made with that water
and there are other sources of fluoride as well
including fluoride pesticides, tea, teflon pans
and some fluorinated pharmaceuticals
the concern today therefore
it is not just about the safety of fluoridated water by itself
but the safety of fluoridated water
in combination with all the other sources
to which we're now exposed
Fact Number 6
for infants fluoridated water provides no benefits
only risks !
up until the 1990s health authorities advise parents
to give fluoride to newborn babies
this is no longer the case
today the Institute of Medicine
recommends that babies consume
a miniscule ten micrograms of fluoride per day
10 micrograms of fluoride is roughly
the equivalent of what babies ingest from breast milk
breast milk contains virtually no fluoride
by contrast
infants who consume fluoridated water and baby formula
consume up to 700 to 1200 micrograms per day
which is about a hundred times more fluoride
than the Institute of Medicine now recommends
according to the CDC, these early spikes of fluoride exposure
provide no known advantage to teeth
these spikes can however produce harm
for example
recent studies have found that
babies who drink fluoridated water in their formula
develope significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis
in their permanent front teeth
because of this
a number of prominent dental researchers
now advise that parents should not add fluoridated water
to baby formula
and teeth are not the only concern
in July of 2012 a team of Harvard scientists warned
that the developing brain may be another target to fluoride toxicity
the Harvard team-based this warning
on a large number of studies from China
that have found reduced IQ scores among children
exposed to elevated levels of fluoride
during the early years of life
12 of the studies that the Harvard team reviewed
found IQ loss at levels of fluoride exposure
currently deemed safe in the United States
and one of the studies which was sponsored by UNICEF
found IQ loss among nutritionally deprived children
at the same level of fluoride
that is added to water in fluoridation programs
Fact Number 7
fluoride supplements have never been approved by the FDA
this pill that I'm holding here
is called a fluoride supplement
it's designed to provide young children
who live in non-fluoridated areas
the same dose of fluoride that they would receive
by drinking fluoridated water
this particular pill
which is to be chewed and swallowed once a day
contains 0.25 milligrams of fluoride
that's the same dose of fluoride that is found
in about one glass of fluoridated water
but you can't just go into a grocery store and buy this pill
instead due to fluoride`s toxicity
you need to have a doctor's prescription
yet although fluoride supplements
have been prescribed for over 50 years
and although federal law requires that all prescription drugs
be approved as safe and effective by the FDA
the FDA has never approved fluoride supplements
for the prevention of tooth decay
in fact the only fluoride supplements
that the FDA has ever reviewed
have been rejected
so with fluoridation
we are adding to the water
a prescription-strength dose of a drug
that has never been approved by the FDA
Fact Number 8
fluoride is the only medicine
that is intentionally added to water
fluoride is the only chemical that we add to water
that doesn't actually treat the water
Chlorine for example
is added to water, to kill the bacteria
so that when we drink the water
we don't get sick
fluoride by contrast
is added to provide a medical treatment
for a disease that is not caused by the water
now fluoridation proponents claim that
fluoridation is not a medication
because in their view
it's no different than
adding Iodine to salt or Vitamin D to milk
however proponents fail to acknowledge
that Iodine and Vitamin D
are both essential nutrients
but Fluoride is not
an essential nutrient is something
the body has a physiological demand for
we need them
if we don't have enough Iodine for example
the thyroid gland will not function properly
fluoridation advocates sometimes claim
that fluoride is also a nutrient
but the National Academy of Sciences
has repeatedly confirmed
that this is not the case
because fluoride is not a nutrient
the FDA has defined fluoride as a drug
when used to prevent disease
tooth decay is a disease
so, when fluoride is added to a pill
to prevent tooth decay
the FDA labels it a drug and
when fluoride is added to toothpaste
to prevent tooth decay
the FDA again labels it a drug
so, as a matter of logic
adding fluoride to water, to prevent tooth decay
is a form of medication
in fact, this is a key reason
why many european Nations rejected fluoridation
because in their view the water supply is not
an appropriate way, to deliver a medicine
because with all other medicines
it is the patient not the doctor
that has the right to decide
which medications to take
fluoridation denies people
this basic right
Fact Number 9
ingesting fluoride provides little benefit to teeth
when water fluoridation first began back in the 1940s
the medical profession believed
that fluoride needed to be ingested
to be most effective at preventing cavities
this was why fluoride was added to water and pills
because these are things that people swallow
today however, it is widely recognized
that fluorides main benefit
does not actually come from ingestion
it comes from fluorides topical contact with the teeth
a fact that even the Centers for Disease Control
has now acknowledged
so with fluoridation
we are not only adding a medicine to water
we are adding a medicine
that does not actually need to be swallowed
Fact Number 10
disadvantaged communities are the most disadvantaged by fluoride
for many people the main selling point for water fluoridation
is the idea that it can provide dental care
to those who can't afford a dentist
in the United States there is a serious shortage of dentists
who will treat low-income patients
up to eighty percent of dentists for example
will not accept children on Medic-Aid
the notion however
that we can compensate for this lack of care
by forcing poor populations to consume fluoride chemicals
is a dangerous one
here's why
the dose of fluoride that can be safe for a healthy person
can be harmful for a person in poor health
children with nutrient deficiencies for example
have been found to suffer significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis
and greater damage to their brain from fluoride exposure
than children with optimal nutrition
and in the 1970s studies convincingly proved
that dialysis patients
were suffering incapacitating bone disease
from the inclusion of fluoridated water and dialysis treatment
although dialysis centers now filter the fluoride out
recent studies show
that dialysis patients continue to accumulate
high levels of fluoride in their bone
high enough to put them at risk for bone damage
so how does this relate to the question
of whether fluoridation is good for low-income populations
it relates because kidney disease,
poor nutrition and other health problems
are far more prevalent in poor populations
than affluent ones
this may help explain
why african-american and mexican-american children
suffer significantly higher rates of dental fluorosis
these disparities in fluoride risks
have prompted several civil rights leaders
including the former mayor of atlanta
and the nation's largest hispanic civil rights organization
to call for an end to fluoridation
and finally
claims that fluoridation
can prevent the high rates of tooth decay
now seen in poor areas
do not withstand scrutiny
this picture shows an example of baby bottle tooth decay
this is the most devastating form of tooth decay
seen in poor communities
studies in the United States have repeatedly found
that fluoridated water does not prevent this condition
but the big elephant in the room is this
the vast majority of poor urban areas
have been fluoridated for over 30 years
and yet are still suffering
from what many are calling an oral health crisis
in Cincinnati the city's dental director
described the state of oral health
among poor children
as absolutely heartbreaking and a travesty
noting that people would be shocked
to learn how bad the problem has become
Cincinnati has been fluoridated since 1979
in Chicago 64% of 3rd graders have tooth decay
Chicago has been fluoridated since 1956
in Boston black teeth rotted down to the roots
have been described as a common occurrence
in the city's poor neighborhoods
despite being as one nurse put it
a site we should never see in this country
Boston has been floated since 1978
poor populations need dental care
not cheap industrial chemicals in their water
the millions of dollars spent each year, promoting fluoridation
would be better spent advocating for policies
that will provide real dental care
like allowing dental therapists
to provide affordable care to populations
who have no practical access to dentists !
Learning numbers Learn to count from 1 to 10 Educational cartoons for kids Candy M&M's Finger family - Duration: 10:02.
Grand Theft Auto V Car Shopping - Duration: 15:00.
5,000 Likes Get It!!!
Bier her! | Zur Sache Baden-Württemberg! - Duration: 2:05.
S-WAT RFC Initial Solo June, 19 2017 - Duration: 7:54.
Instructor : Riverside tower, 94268, his instructor gonna get drop off now since he going to get on a first solo.
Riverside tower : Roger.
S-WAT : Riverside ground, good morning,
Cessna 94268 at RFC ramp 2, information Whisky, requesting for work in close traffic.
Riverside ground : Cessna 94268, Riverside ground, runway 1 L, taxi via A.
S-WAT : 1 L, via A, 94268.
Cessna 268, are you ready for depart?
Ready sir, 268.
268, runway 1 R, clear for takeoff.
1 R, clear for takeoff, 268.
268, your traffic to follow is ahead in front with to your Right
in the Right cross wind turn.
Traffic in sight, 268.
268, turn cross wind.
Turn cross wind, 268.
Cessna 268, you're now no.2, follow a Cessna Right base, runway 1 R clear for the option.
Traffic in sight, no.2, 1 R clear for the option, 268.
Riverside tower : Cessna 54B, Turn Left runway 31, contact ground .7, have a good day.
Cessna 54B : Tower turn on 31, and go to tower 121.7, 54B, have a good day.
Riverside tower : 268 should able turn right on 31, runway 1 R, taxi via Z.
S-WAT : Turn right 31, to 1 R, via Z, 268.
Riverside tower : Cessna 268, follow Cessna just depart off, runway 1 R, clear for take off.
S-WAT : Follow traffic, 1 R, clear for takeoff, 268.
Audi A5 Sportback 1.8 TFSI AUTOMATIC SPORT EDITION - Duration: 0:54.
Classement des souscripteurs d'obligations vertes T1 2017 - Message vidéo de Camille - Duration: 0:18.
Good morning, here Camille from Climate Bonds
Do you know that three French underwriters are leading in our latest green bond league table for the first quarter of 2017?
For more information, please check out our blog
And see you soon for our next league table!
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI PLUS PACK - Duration: 1:00.
24시간:'아이돌학교' D-15, 전교생 출격 교가 '예쁘니까' 영상 공개 - Duration: 4:08.
Georgia Man Upset With TSA For Taking Pictures Of Giant Lobster - Duration: 0:36.
Ultime notizie: Barbara D'Urso e Loredana Bertè, quel bacio saffico finito su Instagram| K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:18.
FGO - シュヴァリエ・デオン・フランシス・ドレイク New 宝具 - Duration: 0:35.
Fate/Grand Order - Francis Drake and Le Chevalier d'Eon new noble phantasm
voir la vie comme un combat ou comme une danse? - Duration: 8:56.
As Minas de Sampa - Duration: 7:49.
"The discreet lack of elegance of its girls", by Caetano.
"The woman who walks around the city", by Vanzolini
"The modern woman, timeless pampered woman", by Rita Lee
Many were the ones who sang
but, after all, who are the women of São Paulo?
How do they connect to the city? and How does São Paulo connect to them?
The Girls of São Paulo
And there is not a better place to find out more about this relationship
if not, on a Sunday day, on Paulista Avenue.
THE CITY - I would describe the city of São Paulo as a place of multiculture. Do you understand?
People from all over the world, but I also see a rather cold city
of people that just work a lot. Do you understand?
It is very big
We do not have any idea how big it is and the difficulty that mayors have in managing the city.
The same difficulty that often makes us run our own house
imagine running a big city..
THE WOMAN - I would say that the women from São Paulo are women who have a lot of things to do
have to work, have to get crowded buses every day
Most of them. Right? We are not talking about the bourgeoisie
Here in São Paulo, women end up being freer than women in Rio de Janeiro
Here, I have already witnessed several situations in which women took off their blouses and walked naked
For me, to go through this type of experience I had to leave Rio de Janeiro
RELATIONSHIP - My relationship with the city is of love and hate. I love Sao Paulo. I love it very much
but there's traffic, take subway crowded, they do not make up for it.
If São Paulo is a good city for women?
Dude! World is not a good place for women
LIKES -Look! What I like to do when I am here in São Paulo...
is to find a place to eat
Because here has many options
so you can go from a Japanese restaurant to a street hot dog. You find it here
IDENTIFICATION - "I was born here in the center of the city almost 60 years ago
City center, Anhagabaú
Direita Street
This quadrilateral that we are
From Avenida Paulista to...
the Municipal Market
this city center, this well-extended center of the city
The Cracolândia, the Luz, this is the place where I identify myself
I identify more with the center of the city
There is a prostitute at the corner, transvestites, homosexuals
It has straight woman, homo woman, it has a gay women, whatever
The city center is more our type. Right?
Because the city center is the street
But SP is not just the city center
Have you heard about East Zone?
And about Tiradentes City?
We went to there to have a nice chat with Loira
a bus driver of the line 312N – São Miguel – Tiradentes
The women of São Paulo are equal to us, we are the representatives
The noise of Sao Paulo, I like too much, the buzz, right?
What do I identify with the most? Traffic, I spend all my time in it
I relate well with São Paulo, in fact I relate well in all places
I like everyone. I like everything, it's difficult to find something I do not like
What I like the most is the feeling of freedom I have when I'm driving
I put people in here and it's very good for me to take care of
because it's a lot of people, I like people, I work with people, It's very good for me. "
IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Every woman can get off the point after 10pm. This is law!
From the East, we left for Galeria do Rock
and São Bento Square to talk to Issa Paz
one of the organizers of the Dominação battle
We are tracking hot stuff down around the city, to occupy mainly the city
We chose São Bento Subway Station near here because we needed a place in the center
so that all the girls from all over the city's outskirts could arrive easily
As MC, I believe that we transform the city little by little. Right?
Occupying spaces and making interventions in the street
I believe that women connect to the city in the way that the city connects to them
And São Paulo ends up putting this burden
because it is a big city, you do not trust people, you do not know people
Woman feel more insecure to walk downtown at night sometimes, doing her stuff
The city is already intimidating in many ways and we feel intimidated in many ways as well
What's up sexist, oppressor, abuser? We are watching you!
Nearby, we went to Sesc Bom Retiro
to talk with Xênia França
singer of Aláfia band
who brings in their last album "São Paulo Não é Sopa", an unsung SP
We have to be very strong. Right?
To have a lot of courage to live here
because at first, when you arrive in São Paulo, which is my case
the city is a city that is already configured and established with its standards and its values, its lifestyle
and everything has to happen for now, for now, for tomorrow
"When I arrived in São Paulo I wanted to be a model, I wanted to travel the world
I wanted to be a woman ...
a girl from São Paulo. Right?
The city was very hard on me
but I still couldn't understand the city and I had even a very negative view of what São Paulo was
I packed my luggage several times to leave
but she never let me go, always found a way for me to stay
I needed to have a lot of will, a lot of courage, a lot of perseverance to continue here
to continue living here during those 13 years
and because of that courage that I ended up getting involved with music
letting the music enter in my life and shape a bit what would be this: my adult-woman personality
And it's not from today that São Paulo is not a piece of cake. Right?
From the moment I arrived in São Paulo there are so many questions, so many questions
It only intensified and gave us food for thought, much stuff to think about
It ended up being our material, who gave material was the city
we did not have to do anything because the city has a lot of material to work on
Whats is about you? Women of SP
How is your relationship with the city that is not a piece of cake?
Hard Banger Hip Hop Beat Rap Instrumental 2017 #131 | Free Beats By MR. HODEN ► - Duration: 3:57.
احسن مايك احترافي لتسجيل الصوت + رخيص السعر ويستخدم مع الاندرويد و IOS - Duration: 1:57.
In today 's video, we are working for you
Mike is professional as well as his cheap price
Follow us
In today's video, we have been working for Spike LINK
We open the box
I want to talk to you frankly before I buy the mike
Shoufat Lih Vdihat but on the channels of a lot
Shoufat Lih Vdihat but on the channels of a lot
Of course, the sound is in our record
Of the new meek
But I know you difference sound quality
At the end of the video we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the mike
We talked about the advantages of mike
The first thing is its cheap price
It does not exceed seven dollars
The mike is on the market site. Com
Tani's advantage is excellent sound quality for its price
A disadvantage of myc is the lack of a filter
Tone to clear the sound
Dee is considered a defect of the mike
The disadvantage is the length of the wire
About 2.5 meters long and considered an appropriate length
But some people need a longer wire than this
At the end of the video, do not forget to subscribe to the channel
And video admiration and follow-up on social networking sites
Facebook Twitter Instagram
Škoda Fabia 1.4-16V 5DRS / AIRCO / CRUISE CONTROL / D-RIEM VERVANGEN - Duration: 0:42.
2 Pro Tips for Shooting Professional Looking Social Media Videos - Duration: 9:40.
Congratulations! You have decided to do some videos especially for your social
media marketing for your business! I'm happy for you and now that you are all
motivated to create these amazing videos for your social media channels there's
two more things I wanted to tell you about and that's what I'm going to
talk about in today's video eTip. I am Susan Friesen with eVision Media
and today's video eTip is helping you get the best out of the videos that
you're creating with the equipment that you have and I'm going to be talking
about having the right lighting and having the right audio for your videos.
Have you ever looked at a video and you thought something was off about it?
It was grainy, it was dark, the whites looked kind of yellowish or
creamy colored, it was just fuzzy, poor quality. That is an indicator
the lighting isn't all that good. When you have that disconnect,
that feeling something is off about that video, then what is
happening is it's distracting your audience. They're more focused on
why does that colour look so weird? As opposed to actually listening to what
you have to say. Talking about listening, the other super important thing is your
audio. Obviously there are things we can get away with because these are just
social media videos. It's not as if it's a production studio quality video
you're going to be wanting to showcase on the homepage of your website - that's a
whole different ball of wax - and you would want to incorporate a
professional videographer for that. I'm talking specifically about videos for
your for your social media accounts so you can get yourself out there,
showcase your business and build your brand exposure through the use of video.
Back to the audio - the audio is just as important as the lighting because if
people can't hear what you're saying then there's no point in having any
video up, right? So let's go back to lighting for a second. Back when I worked
at our local cablevision studio, back then we had MSA cable 3 - shout-out to
the crew back then - and we had a studio where I was the first
paid master control operator of that studio so learned tons about video production,
lighting, and audio editing, directing - the whole nine yards. In a
studio setting there's typically three kinds of lighting that gets set up and
I'm going to describe to you what that lighting is and then I'll go into how
you can set up your own system without having to invest in a ton
of lighting. The first one is a backlight a backlight would be a spotlight
that would shine on the back of my head, behind my head, so it would be
taking care of all the shadows that you're currently seeing behind me. As you
can see right now, I don't have the best lighting so you can see there are
shadows happening behind me. Now if I had a backlight that wouldn't be happening.
A backlight is one thing we use in a studio. The other thing you use
in a studio is a fill light. A fill light has a broader spectrum - it creates more
of a wider range, a softer diffused light. Usually you see a fill light off to
the side and it fills the whole space. I have a light beside me right now
that's acting as my fill light. Then the final light you would
see in a studio setting is a keylight. A keylight is more like a spotlight.
It's a little bit more up front, in front of you and it's shining directly on the
subject. With those three lighting's in mind, and of course in a bigger studio
setting there's lots more lights than that but this is just keeping it basic
for you. For us to try and emulate that - right now I'm in my
office and what I'm taking advantage of is lighting coming from my
window. It happens to be a cloudy, darker day today so that's why the
overall ambiance isn't ideal but take advantage of the window lighting
wherever you can. Get yourself in front of the window lighting and use
that as your fill light. One side note is when I'm on location,
obviously you're not going to be hauling all of your lights with you so
find a window and stand in front that window so the camera is
looking at you but you're looking at the window and that suffices often as
enough lighting you would need. That can be working as your fill light. The
backlight - there's not much you can do about a backlight unless you happen to have an
overhead light that's shining above you but you can use more fill
lights or try to get a key light and use that as more of a spotlight but I
have a light sitting right here you can see it shining on my
Penguin's here. There's a little bit of light there. I've got a light there and
I've got a light up here too and these are just lamps and so those are lights
that I've created to bring the lighting up a bit. As I said
it's not ideal - it could be better and probably my next investment will be
to buy proper lighting - fill lighting especially so I can get my lighting
up a little bit better. Give lighting a try - lighting is super important. The
more lighting it is the better. Even though it feels like the
the room is already bright for you that doesn't mean that's going to translate
well into the camera. So make it as bright as you can without overdoing it.
Just another side note - if you are outside, try to avoid doing a
video in the in the sunshine because the sunshine will actually cause too bright
of a light on your face and it will cause way too many shadows behind you
too. So bright sunshine is actually not ideal unless you're looking at the
window where the sunshine is outside and is bringing in lots of beautiful light
in through the window. That's fine but standing outside in the sunshine is not
great. You actually want to be looking at more of a cloudy day if you're
going to be doing your videos outside. Let's move onto audio. As you can see I'm
wearing a lapel audio microphone right now. It's hooked to my sweater hooked up
into my iPhone and I'm using that for my audio. This is a lavaliere mic - quite
low cost - not a big deal to purchase and I find
these kind of microphones are much better than just using your phone
microphone but that is another option for you - use the microphone
that's in your phone like an iPhone or Android. The
time that would be okay with using your microphone that's in your phone is
if you are doing a selfie or doing a fairly close-up shot so the
microphone is close to your mouth. Right now my camera is too far away.
I would sound very echoey. It wouldn't sound very good. The other thing you
can use is a headset. For quite a while there, before I got the lavaliere mic, I
would sit in front of my webcam at my desk and I had a headset that had a
microphone attached to it and it wrapped around the back of my neck. That
actually worked really well. The microphone was well hidden with my long
hair and that sufficed beautifully for audio but of course that wasn't very
mobile - I couldn't use that with my smart phone - but it was a great option
to use for when I do my videos in front of my computer, using my computer my
webcam. Then there's one more microphone you can use and
that's the good old fashioned handheld microphone you see people using those in
interview situations where they're literally standing there holding a
microphone. That's probably a little bit too over the top for the kinds of videos
that we're talking about but if you happen to have one laying around that's
perfectly acceptable as long as it can plug into whatever recording device
you're using. There you have it - your lighting and your audio - the final steps
to having a great audio and lighting quality production video for your
business. In a past tip I did talk about the framing so be sure to reference that
video too to understand where to stand zooming in and out panning left and
right all that fun stuff and get the proper framing and so at the end of
the day you want to avoid any kind of distraction or anything that will make
people feel like, "Oh what was that?" We want a hundred percent focus on what
we're talking about in our talking head videos. I'm talking about a
talking head video here not if you're going to be out doing a reporting
at a live event or anything like that. So that's it for today's
eTip! If you have any questions at all about videos and social media using
videos for social media please leave a comment below show some love and
like this video leave a comment I would love to hear your feedback if you found
that these videos have been helpful for you. We've been focusing a lot on videos
because video is a huge hit right now - something I encourage all
entrepreneurs and business owners to take advantage of. Do sign up for my
newsletter as well - we send it out every Tuesday morning with a fresh new
eTip video for you to look at and also a brand new article that's written
specifically to help entrepreneurs and business owners with their marketing for
their business and sometimes we throw in a guest article about another
great topic that all business owners need to know about. Please share the
love - share the videos and I will talk to you next time. Thanks! Bye now
tuto comment filmer son ecran - Duration: 4:43.
Lexus IS F 5.0 V8 Automaat - Duration: 1:00.
HOT PUNCH "KING VERSION" "EP- 7" - Duration: 1:51.
Guys u might not have seen this kind of party in your life ...drink as much as u want...!
Yes bro Really...! i haven't saw this king of party...What bro..your are drinking costly wine and gave us only beer
Guys i am doing this for your own good...If i make you drink costly wine today....
Then you might want it tomorrow too and u cant afford...But if you drink beer today
then you can buy them on your own tommarow
Bro...Don't be smart....Main reason is that u want company to drink.So u need to get us something and got us the beer
As i came on my own to your room and giving you party..but guys are criticising me...
Stop it bro...If you drink at home then Ur wife will kick you...So that you came here
Ok guys...dat's fine..I don't wanna hide it anymore.I came here to tell my problem
Problem ?...What happend bro...
my wife and i got in to a fight and now she isn't talking to me for whole 30 days
What bro...Every one thought that the wife's will talk too much unnecessarily ..u must fell happy bro
But why are you so sad
Hey...Do you think that i a fool to feel sad if wife won't talk
But you just now told that you are feeling very sad about that ...
Guys..the reason for my sadness is not that she stops talking
Thing is that she won't talk to me for 30days as today is the last day...That make me so sad
Grand Theft Auto V Car Shopping - Duration: 15:00.
5,000 Likes Get It!!!
2015-2016 F150 2.7L Corsa 3" Sport Cat-Back EcoBoost Sound Clip & Install - Duration: 5:17.
What's up guys?
Justin with here with my detailed breakdown of the Corsa Sport three-inch
single side exit cat-back exhaust system equipped with a black Pro-Series tip available for
the 2015 and up, 2.7-liter EcoBoost powered SuperCrew and SuperCab F150s.
In this video I'm gonna talk to you about what kind of sound you can expect out of the
Corsa Sport single side exit system, what you're gonna be looking at as far as materials
and overall construction and then finally a quick little walk through the install itself.
Now, speaking of the install, guys, expect a pretty pedestrian one out of three wrenches
on the difficulty meter with a little bit more detail coming up later on.
Now the Corsa systems, whether they be for your F150 or Mustang or whatever, are gonna
be one of your top options out there when it comes to overall build, quality of materials,
but also tone.
As you guys heard with our sound clips for the 2.7-liter EcoBoost motor, you're getting
a good amount of sound out of their sport system, which is the milder of their two offerings,
the other being the extreme.
Now breaking out the wake the neighbor scale, I have the Corsa Sport coming in at a very
strong three out of five on my one to five or want to wake the neighbor scale.
Again, for the EcoBoost owners out you might want to be a little bit under the radar.
This one might be on the borderline for you because again you are hearing this thing outside
of the truck but again there are definitely more aggressive systems out there.
Sticking with the sound a little bit more here, guys.
One thing I always like to point out when talking about the Corsa systems is the total
lack of drone inside the cab while cruising.
That's really important to point out because it is one of the big separating factors when
going with a premium brand as opposed to a more entry level or value cat-back.
A big portion of that can be attributed to the fact that the Corsa patented the RSC or
reflective sound cancellation technology.
So even though you're getting a bunch of engine noise, you're getting a little bit more turbo
noise out of the back, the cab is gonna remain dead quiet, and that's something that is again
a nice thing to point out.
All right guys, with the sound out the way, let's get into the construction and materials
a little bit more here with the Corsa.
Really what you expect or what you come to expect from Corsa is just nothing but the
You're talking about premium grade 304 stainless steel throughout, perfect welds, three-mandrel
bent tubing.
Just really what you want to see when you are dropping top dollar on a premium system.
The Corsa system is a single side exit system much like the factory configuration, however
with one of my favorite tips in the category.
This is their Pro-Series black dual four-tip here which as you can see just looks really
It's more of a black chrome.
In person it is really is stunning.
Of course, it does also offer the same pro-series dual four-inch tip in a more standard or traditional
polished finish.
It's actually going to cost you a little bit less than the black option here, and that
is also available on the side if that's the look you're after.
Speaking of pricing, if you're familiar with Corsa, then you know their systems do usually
come with a big price tag and you are gonna be dropping top dollar here with their F150
systems as well.
In fact, look to spend right around $1100 for the Pro-Series black tip pier with the
single side exit system, which does put it right in line with the Borla and the Ford
racing options for the top tier and the pricing category.
When it comes time to get this puppy installed guys, expect a very simple one out of three
wrenches on the difficulty meter.
Maybe an hour or two from start to finish in the shop or garage.
Because this is a direct replacement bolt on here for all SuperCrew and SuperCab trucks,
expect nothing more than a basic socket set as far as tools go, maybe a set of race rams,
jack and jack stains for a lift to help you get under the truck a little easier.
At the end of the day guys this is gonna be a premium system and you are gonna be paying
top dollar for the Corsa brand.
However, if you don't mind dropping that extra dough for a more premium system, you're gonna
get a stellar build, a decent tone overall, and a noise inside the cabin that is absolutely
So that's my review here of the Corsa Sport single side exit system, which you can grab
right here at
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