- What's up, crazy girl? - Hey.
Shall we do this?
You need to follow the three rules
to being a Power Ranger.
You must never use your powers for personal gain.
You must never escalate a fight, unless your enemy forces you to.
And you must never reveal your identity. Ever.
To assume your ranger identities, you need to morph.
Have any of you morphed before?
Yes. But only in the shower.
Okay, okay. Let's step into the footprints, please.
Let's try this.
Standing in this circle as a team,
you can easily connect to the morphing grid.
- Do you feel it? - Yeah, they do.
No. Not feeling it.
You need to morph to get your armor.
I knew it! We do get armor.
Jason! We get armor! Oh, we get armor.
Cool. When do you give us the armor?
You already have it inside of you.
You bring it out by connecting to each other
and connecting to the morphing grid.
Clear your minds and focus.
Power Rangers were a legion of warriors sworn to protect life.
You must become those warriors.
Become the warriors!
What? What, did it... did it work?
Alpha 5, why didn't they morph?
Yeah, I don't... I don't know, sir. It's... it's disturbing.
Very disturbing. This might take some time.
We don't have time.
If they can't morph, what are we supposed to do?
They'll have to train without armor.
- They need to prepare. - Without armor?
Sir, that'll be very painful.
Take them down to the pit.
All right, follow me. We're going to the pit!
Jason, I don't wanna find out what the pit is.
So this is the pit. It's nice, right?
Alpha 5, begin the exercise.
Uh... sorry, guys.
- What exercise? - Chill out, dude.
These creatures before you
are a simulation of Rita's army.
They're called Putties.
You must get through them to get to her.
No, no, no, no, Jason.
Cool. Look, relax, guys. It's a hologram.
Like a video game. Look.
That's a strong-ass hologram.
Not a video game.
This is why you must morph into your armor.
If Rita becomes strong enough to build her army,
it'll be the beginning of the end.
Rangers, welcome to training.
I'm so excited you guys are back.
Aim for the center mass.
One more time.
Come on, duck the punches. Find their weak side.
Let's go a couple o' hits, okay? Hit one...
No, let's try it again.
Now this is exciting.
Yeah, Trini!
Ready, master Billy?
You need to learn the element of surprise.
Ready? Let's go again.
All right, Billy, lighter on your feet.
Hands up.
Play with some energy now! Let's go!
Focus! Focus! Everybody just focus!
Lucky shot.
You guys all know you could be murdered, right'?
You must shed your masks to wear this armor.
I don't feel anything.
Take them down to the pit.
Now watch me...
slip, grab, lift.
Slip, grab, lift!
Think only of each other,
and the morphing grid will open to you.
Is it working?
No, it's not.
Come on! Try harder!
Let's just concentrate.
I've been concentrating though, Jason.
'Cause we haven't been concentrating...
all we need to do is just concentrate.
Don't tell me to concentrate.
Just follow my lead.
Let's not fight with each other.
Zack, now is not the time.
Come on. Let's go train.
The information we need to triangulate
the location of the crystal was lost in the battle. So...
Billy, are you listening to me?
Billy, what are you doing?
Where's the crystal? Find it, Billy, find it.
Where's the crystal?
One, two... Okay, 17 degrees north...
Hey, idiot, watch where you're going!
- One, two, three... - Wake up!.(CoolestClips4K)
For more infomation >> Power Rangers (2017) Blu-ray CLIP | Power Rangers 'The Pit' Training Scene | HD - Duration: 6:14.-------------------------------------------
Ultime notizie: Al Bano smentisce matrimonio con la Lecciso | K.N.B.T - Duration: 1:41.
Phát Hiện Kinh H.oàng Chàng Trai Trốn (Láu) Trong Căn Nhà Làm Việc Động Trời Như Thế Này ... - Duration: 1:06:26.
J Balvin lanzó su nuevo reto llamado Mi gente | Suelta La Sopa | Entretenimiento - Duration: 0:51.
Soviet song (1951) - Stand Up Against the War! (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:08.
Vicious enemies of peace divide the earthly spaces,
Vicious enemies of peace sow enmity and discords.
People who are strong in spirit, everyone who is faithful to the truth,
People who are strong in spirit, stand up against the war!
Let our song fly over the world, Let our song sound louder -
In the name of people living under the sun, In the name of the heroes who died in the battles!
We will not allow war, Yes, we will not allow war!
Stronger, friends, men and women, Close our ranks;
More vigilantly, friends, men and women, Defend peace on earth!
The forces of peace of all nations, All those who are loyal to friendship,
The forces of peace of all nations, Stand up against the war!
Let our vow fly over the world, Let vow sound louder -
In the name of people living under the sun, In the name of the heroes who died in the battles!
We will not allow war, Yes, we will not allow war!
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