by M M
The following answers were received from Corey Goode on June 26 in response to questions
I sent to him about information he shared recently in an article about the Vatican being
involved in an extraterrestrial disclosure initiative. In his responses, he provides
further details about what he has been told by multiple sources about ongoing events involving
the Vatican, Nordic extraterrestrials and a US Air Force run secret space program.
For those still questioning the credibility of Goode and his disclosures, I recommend
an article published on June 11 where documents and professional references are provided that
prove two prominent UFO investigators were conducting a hoax investigation into Goode.
The investigators clearly attempted to tarnish Goode�s credibility by saying his former
career as a well-respected and highly paid Information Technology consultant was wholly
contrived, and therefore he is a �pathological liar�.
I have to date communicated with three Information Technology experts who have corroborated Goode�s
professional IT background, and they added that he continues to be highly regarded. In
all, five IT professionals have vouched for Goode, four of whom have provided recommendations
listed in Goode�s LinkedIn account. What this information clearly shows is that Goode
was indeed a highly respected IT professional before going public in 2014 with his extraordinary
whistleblower claims.
This does not prove any of Goode�s remarkable statements about secret space programs, but
it does establish his credibility as a whistleblower whose information deserves serious scrutiny.
Since coming forward, irreparable damage has been done to his prospects of working in the
IT industry again. What follows adds important information about the role of the Vatican
and the U.S. Air Force in impending disclosure initiatives involving Nordic (human looking)
Questions and Responses
Q1. Can you explain who told you about a group of extraterrestrials working with the Vatican
and other religious leaders about alien disclosure?
I had heard this info in various forms for at least the last 6 months. I think I first
heard it from Gonzales. Most recently �Sigmund� and his 2 Airmen Escorts have mentioned it
as well. On June 15th, while discussing a number of topics Ka Aree mentioned it in the
same conversation of the M.[Muhammad] Accords now being ignored by up to 4 Non-Human Groups.
Q2. What do you know of the Nordic extraterrestrials working with the religious community and why
does Ka Aree consider them �brothers and sisters in the Confederation?
Ka Aree stated that the Nordics have worked with Humanity for a very long time. They have
mostly worked quietly in the background, but do pop up in historical documents referenced
as �Angels�. They would directly interact with certain groups within the Military and
Government (including the founding fathers of the United States) as well as with various
religious leaders. They have been heavily involved in developing Humanity in a number
of ways.
First they (& other races) began to manipulate our DNA to assist in the ability to use speech
and to have higher cognitive abilities. Then they developed civilization and base religions
with humanity. During this time, Humanity began another important stage of our evolution.
The Industrial and Technological Booms were assisted by a number of races including the
Nordics. From the beginning these groups were manicuring our consciousness through belief
systems and religions.
New belief systems and religions have been crafted by these groups (the Nordics in particular)
up until the present day. In fact, The Airforce General we call �Sigmund� had just completed
a report prior to his disappearance. In the report he concluded that the experiences I
am having are all created and controlled by the Nordics. Further, his report stated that
he and his superiors were convinced that this same Nordic group had created the Law of One
information as well. He was convinced from the moment I met him that the Nordics were
behind this.
The report stated there is no evidence of a NAVY SSP or credible reports from within
the Airforce Space Command of there being a barrier around the solar system or a new
group of ET�s arriving in Planet Sized Spheres. This is very interesting knowing that Sigmund
did indeed make contact with members of the Navy SSP and even arrested and interrogated
a few of them. This report was dated in April 2017, just prior to his disappearance. I�m
not at all sure that he wrote the report that was filed under his name.
Q3. What were you told about the contents of an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement
in terms of why it would become the basis for a new world religion?
After these beings are introduced, they expect the public will have a lot of questions about
the ET�s. The ET�s beliefs and knowledge of the Universe and God would be among the
top questions. At this point these beings are expected to share a newly crafted belief
system that is based on the ET�s true belief system. These beings will be doing this to
help Humanity from the ET perspective.
Q4. You say 90% of people will adopt the new religion quickly. Were you told why it would
happen so quickly?
It is expected that most will question their belief systems in the first few years of an
introduction to ET�s. Humanity will understand how little we know and will be reaching out
to these new �friends� for assistance and answers. This sets up a situation for
the majority of people on the planet to adopt a similar belief system that gets them away
from the current division�Read More
For more infomation >> COREY GOODE ON NORDIC EXTRATERRESTRIALS WORKING WITH RELIGIOUS LEADERS FOR DISCLOSURE - Duration: 7:23.-------------------------------------------
How To Win The Heart Of A Goddess - Duration: 6:20.
How To Win The Heart Of A Goddess
Even in today�s age of growing gender equality, the onus is still predominantly on our men
to make the first move in relationships and many of you are struggling with this. So,
allow me to pass on an important tip to winning the heart of that Goddess you have fallen
for � One which will place you way ahead of any other suitors who may be knocking on
her door.
As a single, spiritually awakened woman, I don�t get out much in the real life social
scene. I�m done with the small talk from men, the awkward chat up lines and most definitely
being appraised up and down like a piece of meat. I�m a happy homebody who enjoys her
own company, independence and peaceful, drama free lifestyle. However, that�s not to say
I wouldn�t welcome a relationship but I�m only willing to renounce my single status
for a man who can fearlessly open his heart. Someone who is strong enough to be vulnerable
� A modern day warrior who can show me who he is without his walls and armour � I�m
looking for a hero
I hang out quite a bit on social media. I love my online vibe tribe. We have a, beautiful,
inspiring connection, sharing a passion to lift humanity and the planet. The other topic
that gets thrown around is the fact that many of us are single. The men often lamenting
about how us women have set our standards way too high and us ladies wondering, where
the hell are all the heart connected men hiding?
If my inbox is any indication, I believe the problem here lies in the initial approach
that many men have when they decide to reach out to the woman who has flipped their interest.
They see a woman they like, maybe it�s her smile, her energy or her passion for life
and decide to test the waters. So, they decide to reach out half-heartedly in a nonchalant
manner, unwilling to risk rejection and gauge the level of interest by just sticking their
big toe in the water.
Maybe they send a casual message just saying, �Hi beautiful� or �Are you single?�
or �Can I teach you Tantra?� � I�m laughing because believe me, I�ve heard
them all. These introductions lack depth and originality. They are just not to stop the
girl of your dreams dead in her tracks and make her go � �Wow, I really feel I want
to get to know this guy better.�
If you really want to impress your crush and explore if she�s open to getting to know
you better, you�re going to have to dig deeper and give her something special. Oh
boy I can hear you saying, more flowers, chocolates, fancy restaurants � Well no actually, that�s
definitely not going to win the heart of a woman with any depth, and what I�m suggesting
you give her cannot be bought with any credit card or impressive bank balance either. If
she�s an awakened woman, you�re just not going impress her with your shiny car, bulging
biceps, cheesy words or corny memes.
Right from the start she�s going to want to know if you can fearlessly open your heart�.
That�s what she�s looking for in a man.
So be brave and give her something no one else can � Give her a piece of your heart.
Give her an insight into a side of you that you don�t show to everyone else. Tell her
how you feel about her and mention that you�re nervous but she�s worth taking the risk
for. Be authentic and genuine, she�s not interested in flashy showmanship and you only
ever going to get one chance to make that vital first impression.
Now doing that takes real guts � Warrior courage�. But she�s never going settle
for anything less in a man.
Look at you, you�ve been walking the hard yards on your own spiritual journey. You�ve
embraced the lessons from past relationships and grown from the inevitable pain. You know
you have something special to offer her. You are unique, no one else can give her what
you�ve got � After all that�s what you�re selling right? � Your heart.
And you know what? Despite your best efforts, maybe she�s still won�t reciprocate your
same level of interest. But I�ll tell you one thing � You�ll have gained her respect
and she�s unlikely to forget you either.
If she�s not interested, don�t see it as rejection, we can�t fall romantically
in love with everyone we meet. Just look how strong you are to even allow yourself be vulnerable
� Now that shows real strength as a man.
If it doesn�t work out, don�t close the door on your heart, everything is a stepping
stone. Gently remind yourself that you�ve managed to wrench open your heart a tiny bit
more, ready for when that one special lady who will see you as her true hero, comes along
� And she will. because a man who can open his heart is in huge demand with us single
You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Fearlessly show her your heart �
And just maybe, you will win hers.
Sofia Coppola Talks About Remaking The Brutal, Feminine 'The Beguilled'| HitFix - Duration: 2:31.
When did you come across the story and realize
that you just had to take a crack at telling it?
A couple years ago my friend Anne Ross said I just watched this movie The Beguiled
And she said "Oh I think you would love it, I think you need to remake it."
And I thought, I would never remake someone else's film
But I when I saw it, it just stayed in my mind and I understood what she was talking about.
And it's a story about this group of women, the original film was told through the point of view
of the soldier who comes across them.
And I thought oh I would love to know the story of these women and what it was like for them.
And just sort of tell the same story from the other side of it
To me this is definitely a genre film. It's a thriller and it even has some scary moments.
Do you think that you would do another genre film now that you've done this?
For me it was like fun and a challenge of how to do something, and I love the southern gothic
and all the kind of symbols of that of candelabras and spiky gates.
But how to do that in my own style was a fun exercise.
But I think I love that it was wartime and it's savage and brutal but then there's a layer
of manners over it.
One of the things I found fascinating was the role of etiquette
and how etiquette was almost this code that people relied on.
Yeah I thought that was a big, important part and also the movie gets so brutal
and it's under this layer of lady-like manners
Sofia sent us a book of like etiquette of that time, like different manners of how to be a good southern lady.
A lot of it had to with how to impress a man. Like if a man is in the house
how everything changes and how you're supposed to just do everything for him.
You do see in the film how that slowly
those manners go out the window.
That's the fun of the story I think because it shifts
and you discover who's really beguiling who.
This feels like a period film but to me it also feels very contemporary and very timeless.
Why do you think that is? Is it the relationship between men and women?
Is it the psychology of their characters?
The kind of mystery between men and women, I've always found that an interesting topic.
And then this is in such a heightened way, so I think you get to really indulge that side.
If you were to have one thing that people think about when they leave the theatre
after they've seen this film, what do you want them to be asking themselves?
I mean I love leaving that to the audience. I never have a message I want people to take away
But I hope they have a good experience, I hope they enjoy it.
Because it's fun to see with an audience and to laugh and to get freaked out.
To have a whole experience, so I hope people see it especially together in a theatre.
"Mõistlik" kaubikujuht - Duration: 0:34.
Seat Ibiza 1.6-16V FREESTYLE ecc cruise lmv nap 5drs zeer nette - Duration: 0:58.
Renault Clio TCE 90pk Dynamique (Camera/R-LINK/Climate/P.Glass/PDC/17''LMV) - Duration: 0:54.
Community Tab & Marauder's Marathon! | Wake Up Date #31 - Duration: 5:25.
Good morning and welcome to this month's episode of the Wake Up Date! I've been
working on a ton of new videos lately, some of which you probably have already
seen, so that's good news! Last month, I came home from YouTube Nextup full of
inspiration and motivation and I came up with a ton of video ideas while I was
there and so I'm just really excited to make videos right now, which is good news
for you! Because it means that hopefully there will be lots of things
for you to watch. And in addition to that, I've been coming up with a bunch of new
ways to interact with all of you, which for me is really exciting because I love
that part of having a YouTube channel! I'm not just making videos and putting
them on the internet. It's like the start of a conversation, you know? And I love
reading all of your comments and it just makes me so happy that I get to talk to
all of you. So one very exciting new way that I've been doing that this month is
that I've got the community tab on my youtube channel! If you don't know what
that is, that's probably because very few youtubers actually have this
functionality so far. They did kind of a limited release to some very
specific channels a while back and while I was at YouTube Nextup, they announced
that all of the winners would actually be getting the community tab, so that's
pretty cool! So the way that you can find my community tab is by going to my
channel page and up where it says videos and about and all of those little tabs
you see, there's also a new tab on there that says community and this is where
I've been posting polls and questions and all sorts of little ways for us to
chat in between posting videos. If there's anything that you would love to
see from me in my community tab, definitely leave a comment down below
and let me know what that it is and if you already subscribe to any youtubers
that have had the community tab for a while, what are some of the things that
they do that you really like? Mostly I'd love to know what would be most exciting
to all of you. And the last little news update is that I am doing the Marauder's
Marathon. This is a Harry Potter themed virtual race, it's going to take place
this summer, and I'm really excited for it. It's being run by the Harry Potter
Alliance which I love and this is their third race. I've participated in all of them
so far, so I'm naturally really excited for the next one. It's going to be a
marathon length race but you can finish it in pieces and you can do it in any
way you want to. You can walk, you can bike, you can wheel, you can - run.
I mean running might be the obvious choice, but I actually have not been
running very much lately so I'm going to use this
as a way to kind of get back into running again. We'll see how that goes! If
not, I'll walk some of it but the point is to be active and travel some miles and
you get to log them in the app and since it's virtual and Harry Potter-themed, it
actually, as you log miles, it takes you on a little virtual tour of a bunch of
different Harry Potter filming locations so you get to see all of these places that
you're virtually visiting and then at the end, you get a medal so that's
exciting for me. So to find out how to sign up for the Marauder's Marathon, read
the video description below, I'll put some information in there, and I hope
that you'll join me for this little challenge! I think it's going to be
really fun. Okay, so I have a piece of mail to open, I have actually had this
for a little while now and I'm kind of excited to open it. So there's a note! This
package came from Marlene by the sea. she says "I hand crochet these items myself."
they're actually made to order and she says that they could come in any color
you choose at no extra cost which is amazing. Doing made-to-order Etsy shops is
really hard, so awesome job, Marlene! Aww! This is so cute! It's a little crocheted
seashell coin purse, it's beautiful! Oh my gosh! And this one's a starfish! Oh it's so
cute. I'm always really impressed when I see wonderful beautiful creative work
like this, especially little teeny tiny crochet projects like this, I just love
them. Thank you so much for sending me these, Marlene! That was so nice of you. I
get so excited when I get handmade stuff in the mail because I know all the work
that goes into it and I just appreciate it so much. Thank you! If you like these
as much as I do and you want to buy one, check out Marlene's Etsy shop! I'm going
to leave a link in the video description below. Okay, so lastly I want to give out a
couple of patreon shoutouts! This is something that I do every month to thank
my members over on it means so much to
me that those of you who have the means to do so are willing to pledge a little
bit of money every time I post a video. It's huge for me and I really really
appreciate it. Thank you so so much! This month I actually have a new patron which
is really exciting to me. He's actually somebody that I know from my Etsy shop.
He's bought a couple of my plush toys in past years and so it was very exciting
to me to see that he had joined on patreon as well. So I just wanted to say
hi and welcome and thank you so much to Mohammed B. Shout-out to
Antonio G, he actually makes YouTube videos as well - he does all kinds of
review videos on comic books and movies and if you're into that sort of thing, you
would love his channel so definitely go check it out.
I'd like to send out a big THANK YOU to Nicky B, thank you for leaving comments
on my videos you're super sweet and I really appreciate you thank you so much
to Lucy Black, you are the best, thank you to Markslide, I just you're amazing, you
I - I don't even have words apparently for how great you are. And hey how's it goin
Andrew Hansen, thank you so much! Okay so that's it for this month's wake up date
I'm gonna go work on some more videos because Matt's watching the baby and I'm
all motivated and excited and so, yeah! I hope you like em! I'm excited to share
them with you when they're done. Thank you for watching and I'll see you soon!
WWE Summerslam Main Event Changed! Scott Steiner Shoots On Triple H! | WrestleTalk News June 2017 - Duration: 4:51.
Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News! I'm Oli Davis.
When Satire Becomes Real On this week's Smackdown, Jinder Mahal revealed
the stipulation for his third WWE Championship match against Randy Orton: the dreaded Punjabi
Prison. 'Dreaded' because the matches in it are usually pretty rubbish.
While a Steel Cage stipulation only has one layer of entrapment, the Punjabi Prison surrounds
its competitors with two - an inner cage of bamboo, with an octagonal structure topped
with 'razor-sharp bamboo spikes'. It's so successful, there's only been two Punjabi
Prison matches in WWE history, and the stipulation hasn't been used in over a decade.
But according to satirical wrestling website KayFabe News - who publish humorously fake
articles - this has been the plan all along. Reddit user GeePrimus has unearthed a 2012
article from the site entitled: 'Jinder Mahal only hired so WWE can use Punjabi Prison
again'. "We spent a goddamn fortune on that thing,"
reads a 2009 memo from WWE Chairman Vince McMahon to senior staffers, referring to the
25-foot-tall bamboo setpiece. "Find a new Indian guy so we can use it again." Mahal
has yet to have a match inside the oversized structure — apparently because "doing
it too soon might look a tad racist," according to the leaked documents."
Well done, wrestling. You've become your own satire.
Summerslam Main Event Changed Soon after Jinder and Orton's Punjabi Prison
clash at Battleground lies the next of WWE's Big Four pay-per-views: Summerfest!
The long-reported and teased main event for Summerslam has always been Braun Strowman
vs Brock Lesnar for the Universal Championship, but according to the latest Wrestling Observer
Newsletter, this changed a few weeks ago - and it's most likely Lesnar vs Roman Reigns.
If that's the direction WWE are heading in, it means the main event plan for Wrestlemania
34 has been brought forward a whole nine months, possibly to combat Raw's sliding ratings,
giving Monday nights a more frequently appearing Universal Champion in Reigns. It could also
potentially set up a new big money match for Wrestlemania 34: Roman Reigns vs 'free agent'
John Cena. Or Roman could lose at Summerslam, setting
up a bigger rematch against Lesnar for New Orleans.
Dave Meltzer notes, however, that there's an outside chance Samoa Joe could be added
to the Summerslam main event, as his feud with Brock heading into Great Balls of Fire
has impressed WWE officials. Scott Steiner Shoots On Triple H
One man who definitely won't be getting an invite back to WWE's biggest show of
the year, though, is TNA Impact Wrestling's Scott Steiner.
In a conference call to promote his Slammiversary match with Josh Mathews against Joseph Park
and Jeremy Borash, he called previous TNA President Dixie Carter both "a joke" and
"a mark," claimed he slept with 15,000 women in a single year (which I'm pretty
sure works out as 33 ⅓ plus 66% women a day, math fans), and described how he would
make professional wrestling great again: "The first change they should make is getting
rid of Stephanie McMahon and Hunter McMahon, because they're two idiots who are running
the whole place up there...the reason why I call him Hunter McMahon is because she obviously
wears the pants." Impact Wrestling Acquires GFW
And in more Impact Wrestling news, the company has 'acquired' Jeff Jarrett's Global
Force Wrestling promotion. Whatever that means. Support WrestleTalk On Patreon
It's time to honour those who've donated $10 a month or more to WrestleTalk's Patreon
page, with their own WrestleTalk Hall of Fame rings. So thank you...
Rollerball Rocco Bevilaque ($100) - your personalised message will be with you shortly.
Diamond Mitchell Janda Courtney Chaos (@QueenHouseChaos on Twitter.)
The Crafstman Blake Carpenter Phil Ain't No Stopping Ford Now
Dr Fantastic Marc Johnson The Hairy Hannibal Harry Bur-Jess
Queen Elizabeth Mazorra Justin Credible Garcia
The Pretender POSER Wrestling Brawling Bryan Kriser
The Crown Jewel Julean Burger The Reaper Jared Reaser
Nickolei Burger With Cheese Man The Guns Sean Garrison
And The Best Commentator in Wrestling History Josh Matthews
Do we have a new worst segment of the year? Find out in mine and Luke's Raw and Smackdown
review in WrestleRamble. And what was the backstage chaos at this week's Raw? Click
the videos to the left to learn more, press subscribe and support WrestleTalk on Patreon.
I've been Oli Davis, and that was wrestling.
------------------------------------------- - Loa Soundmax A2100 2.1 âm trầm với chức năng karaoke - Duration: 13:04.
Volvo V50 1.6D S/S SUMMUM R-design, afn Trekhaak - Duration: 1:01.
Mercedes-Benz S 600 - Duration: 1:01.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TSI Comfortline - Duration: 1:02.
Giv slip på knuden indeni - Duration: 5:09.
Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ Hanneton Monde: Jak Na Výrazné Rty - Duration: 4:58.
Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ Akamedia Krásy: Jak Na Výrazné Rty - Duration: 2:02.
Xiaomi Mi Laser Projector Review: 150 inches and 4 built-in speakers - Duration: 4:04.
Hi guys!
Some days ago, we heard rumors about first Projector from Xiaomi.
Today, the Chinese company has a conference, where Mi Laser Projector was officialy announced.
It presents with an expansive 150-inch display size.
We want to tell you about features, specs and price of new device from Xiaomi.
Xiaomi Mi Laser Projector comes with 0.233:1 large depth of field and has an ultra-short
focal lens design.
The projector screen can be placed in TV cabinet with the size adjusted to fit in.
The wall can also be used, as the screen, so it does not occupy too much indoor space.
Mi Laser projector needs to be placed 50 cm away from the wall in order to deliver
150-inch screen projection.
You don't need to manually focus the lens, as it fine tunes itself.
Xiaomi says, that laser light inside the projector has a shelve life of 250000 hours.
It is about 34 years usage, if the projector is used for 2 hours daily.
Picture quality is very good, because of advanced laser fluorescence display technology.
The projector provides a red light ratio of 16%, to 18% wide color gamut, color quasi
with contrast comparable to the laser studio 3000:1 screen contrast.
The light source brightness can reach up to 5000 lumens, which is of theater screen level.
As for quality sound, there is Xiaomi TV custom speaker system with built-in high-power
dual full-frequency and dual high-frequency high-fidelity speakers.
The sound system supports three kinds of external audio.
Xiaomi Mi Laser projector provides theatre-level audio-visuals right in the comfort of the
sitting room.
In addition, Xiaomi Mi Laser Projector also comes built-in with all the content available
on Xiaomi Mi TV.
Laser projector has its own remote control which supports Xiaomi universal remote control
Now, the most interesting part - the price.
Xiaomi Mi Laser Prjector will sell for 9999 Yuan, or about $1,470.
That is a fairly high price, but it is far cheaper, than Samsung most expensive smart
TV models, with prices from $2000 to $2800.
Xioami Mi Laser TV will go on sale on July 4.
Thanks for watching!
Under the video you can find specification list, and where to buy projector cheaper.
Subscribe to our channel – Tech Brothers .
İki Kuşun Ötesindeki - Duration: 9:49.
Make-up in The City Blogger School w/ Blueberry Pink: Jak Na Výrazné Rty - Duration: 4:23.
Audi A5 Sportback 2.0 TDI 190 pk Launch Edition S-tronic - Duration: 1:01.
❄😴Bruit Du Vent Froid De La Montagne Pour S'endormir❄😴 - Duration: 4:02:19.
Relax at Genesis; The Big Exhale - Duration: 1:08.
Ngắm gái nghe nhạc giải trí cùng Hot Korea - Duration: 7:56.
D-Day - IV: The Atlantic Wall - Extra History - Duration: 10:49.
June 6th 1944 is a day that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
has been looking forward to for a long time: his wife's birthday.
With bad weather making an invasion impossible
and intelligence suggesting that Eisenhower's waiting for more troops,
the commander of Normandy's defences has decided to go home
and surprise his wife with a pair of Parisian shoes.
In the middle of the night, his phone rings. The invasion's begun.
This episode is sponsored by Wargaming!
New players can download World of Tanks
and use the code NEPTUNE for free goodies. Link in the description!
The Nazi leadership had begun preparing for D-Day
even before the Allies held their conference at Tehran.
Following a British Commando raid at St. Nazaire
and the landings at Dieppe in 1942,
Hitler had realized that even if an invasion lay years off,
the Allies were already capable of hitting ports in occupied France.
His solution was the Atlantic Wall,
a line of coastal defences that originally clustered around ports,
but eventually stretched from the Spanish border to Norway.
Rather than building a continuous defensive barrier,
German engineers drafted a million forced labourers from France
to create a string of machine gun and artillery positions.
These hard points had overlapping fields of fire, with artillery intended to fire
along the length of the beach, rather than out to sea.
This allowed the German army to cover a larger amount of territory
with fewer men - a consideration that was crucially important by 1944.
In late 1943, Hitler had appointed Rommel
as overall commander of forces in northern France.
It was a political as well as practical appointment,
leveraging Germany's most famous general
in order to reassure the troops and the public.
Rommel also had a personal relationship with Hitler, which allowed him
to operate semi-autonomously outside the chain of command.
When Rommel arrived, he was shocked at the state of the Atlantic Wall.
Command had stripped troops for the Eastern Front,
and many of the men were either new recruits, conscripts from Eastern Europe
or had gone soft garrisoning the wine-soaked towns of France.
Allied bombing had nullified the Luftwaffe. Rommel went to work.
He sent veteran units to supplement the poorly-trained divisions.
He seeded the ground around the defensive emplacements with mines
that jumped into the air before exploding.
At low tide, he sank a forest of wooden stakes
tipped with anti-tank mines that sat just below the waves.
Now, any invader would have to choose between running the gauntlet at high tide,
or landing at low tide and crossing 300 yards of open beach.
He also flooded the low country, erected poles to tear apart gliders,
and stationed troops inland to slow the Allied advance
in preparation for a counter-attack.
But planning around that counter-attack was a problem.
First of all, they didn't know exactly where the Allies would land.
Luckily, German intelligence pulled off a coup:
they successfully deployed multiple agents in England.
Soon, they were receiving reports of armies marshalling to attack
Pas de Calais, along with diversionary attacks in occupied Norway
and... What was the other one? Normandy? Eh, whatever.
And aerial reconnaissance confirmed forces massing for these attacks.
Of course, every single one of those German agents
was actually working for the British. Good work, Garbo!
Regardless of where the landings took place,
Rommel believed the battle would be decided on the beaches.
Should the Allies establish a beachhead, it would be over.
In his plan, the divisions defending the coast would slow the enemy down
in preparation for a decisive counter-attack.
As a result, he wanted the Panzer reserve under his own command,
close to the shore in order to sweep the Allies back into the sea.
However, Hitler's leadership style started to affect strategy.
From his early days in the Nazi party,
Hitler had promoted a kind of social Darwinism among his staff,
giving them overlapping responsibilities
and intentionally fostering feuds and competition.
This meant that subordinates couldn't amass enough power to challenge him,
and it elevated his position as the final arbiter of any dispute.
In this case, Rommel was opposed by officers,
including the elderly Eastern Front veteran von Rundstedt,
who wanted the tank reserves held near Paris. This would keep them flexible
in case the Allies landed somewhere unexpected,
and shield them from shore bombardment. Rommel countered
that the long drive toward the coast would make them vulnerable to air attacks.
After fierce debate, they put it to the Führer,
who, ever indecisive, created an unworkable compromise.
He broke up the reserve, giving Rommel three Panzer divisions
and keeping the larger reserve around Paris as a personal unit,
which couldn't be moved without his express permission.
Only one of Rommel's divisions, the 21st Panzer, was sent to Normandy.
So, the stage is set for June 5th, and the weather could not be uglier.
With conditions so poor for both sailing and flying,
senior officers relax in the knowledge that the Allies will not arrive anytime soon.
Many take the opportunity to rush home on leave.
And that is when paratroopers start to land.
At 5:30 AM on June 6th,
German soldiers peer out of their bunkers to see shapes in the morning mist:
ships stretching from horizon to horizon. Then: aircraft engines.
A massive Allied bombardment rocks the ground
as bombs, naval shells, and rockets pound French soil.
But the bombers drop too far inland. The rockets fall short.
Naval guns make little headway against the steel-reinforced bunkers.
1,745 tons of ordinance drop on Omaha Beach
without killing a single German, but the roads inland are wrecked.
Worse, Allied paratrooper and glider units
land between the static units and their reserve,
with resistance elements destroying crucial bridges and rail lines,
meaning that reinforcements and supplies can't get through.
Landing craft begin to plunge toward the shore. On Omaha Beach,
the Germans see the first Allied soldiers trudging in the surf.
Machine guns open fire.
Far away, Allied soldiers lie face down, pinned,
as the first wave of mortars and artillery shells fling bodies into the air.
Months of preparation mean that German artillery crews
have ranged out the beaches and know exactly where to drop their ordinance.
The initial slaughter is monumentally one-sided.
One American company at Omaha takes 92% casualties.
By 1:30 that afternoon, German observers at Omaha report
that small groups of Americans have broken through, but the defence is holding.
They're pushing the Allies back into the sea.
But Omaha is the exception. Despite fierce resistance,
the British have broken through at Sword and Gold,
and the Canadians at Juno. The botched American landing at Utah
has reorganized into a chaotic opportunity.
Here, the bombardments have had more effect,
and the terrain isn't as challenging, but men still die in droves.
The chaos on the beach is mirrored at every German headquarters
between Normandy and Hitler's vacation home at Berchtesgaden.
Generals argue over whether to commit reserves, and where.
Rommel is rushing to toward the battle in a staff car, unable to issue orders.
His rival von Rundstedt quickly orders the 21st Panzer
to meet the British advancing on Caen,
and issues orders for the reserve units near Paris to move out.
But his orders are countermanded.
That unit can only be moved by the Führer's personal order.
And Hitler is asleep. Ever since his days as a bohemian in Vienna,
Hitler has always been a late riser.
Rigid procedure dictates that the Führer should not be woken unnecessarily,
and even in the face of invasion, no one wants to break this protocol.
After all, what if it's only a diversion?
When Hitler eventually wakes at noon, he is thrilled the invasion has arrived.
This, he says, is his chance to decisively crush the Allies! And yet he delays.
It's 4:00 PM before he orders the Panzer reserve to move out.
By that time, the clouds have cleared, exposing the column to Allied air power.
So, instead of advancing, the unit ends up hiding in the woods until dusk.
It will take them two days and a night to join the battle.
As the Allies overwhelm German defences and march inland,
Hitler spends his day ordering V-1 revenge strikes, not on Normandy,
but on London, then holds a conference with minor functionaries.
When Goebbels shows him the Normandy landings on a map,
Hitler exclaims with delight: "Just where we expected them!"
Goebbels, who has heard Hitler rant for months
about how the Allied target would be Calais,
simply nods at the Führer's historical revisionism.
After all, Hitler is somewhat right, in a way.
They all knew that a diversionary landing would happen at Normandy.
Probably best to keep the strong units in Calais.
Meanwhile, the Atlantic Wall is crumbling.
Even at Omaha, the defence has degraded.
Ammunition is running out. Artillery emplacements fall silent.
Americans begin breaking through and enveloping the casements.
At Caen, the Germans see one last opportunity:
a gap between the Canadian and British lines.
A grenadier regiment rushes to exploit it,
and by 8:00 PM radios that they're on the beach.
With armoured support, they can hold. But the Allies have gotten wise.
When the 21st Panzer tries to follow, they find themselves running a gauntlet.
Fire pours in from both sides. Every minute, another tank explodes.
Seeing that the window of opportunity has closed,
their commander orders them to halt and dig in around Caen.
But the defence is stiffening. All along the battlefront, Allied units
begin failing their first-day objectives of advancing and linking up inland.
By dusk, the Allies have scattered beachheads, but not much more.
Within days, German reinforcements will arrive.
And the hedgerows of Normandy will become a killing field
that will dwarf the casualties of the landings.
D-Day is over, but Operation Overlord could still fail.
To win, the Allies are gonna have to push just as hard on D-Day +1,
and D-Day +2, and every day after that.
For all of these forces,
American, British Commonwealth, French, German, and Soviet,
the fight would continue for eleven murderous months.
But the Allies now had a beachhead, and in trying to throw them back,
Germany would spend more men, fuel, and equipment that they could ill-afford.
Allied victory is a long way off, but for the first time, it's in sight.
Anonymous believes that NASA is ready to announce the discovery of extraterrestrials - Duration: 3:40.
The alliens coming! According Anonymous NASA would have made discoveries
in this direction. Discoveries confirm Thomas Zurbuchen,
astrophysicist at the US space agency. "Given all the different activities
and missions dedicated to the search of alien life, we are on
the verge of one of the deepest and unpublished history of discoveries. "
Last April he would have discovered hydrogen on one of the satellites of the planet Saturn.
And kinds of lakes on a moon of Jupiter.
Will there be one day aliens or shape more modest extraterrestrial intelligent life
land on Earth? For now, nothing is less certain, but it was not counting
on the revelations made by Anonymous in a video posted a few days ago
YouTube, via a chain claiming some 89,000 subscribers.
Babbler wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, blurred image, robotic voices and disturbing
: Communication revenue of the organization do not change. But this time, the new
is rather original: NASA is on to announce to the world the existence of a
form of intelligent extraterrestrial life. And to support his revelation, Anonymous
evokes the words of Thomas Zurbuchen, a spokesman for NASA in April.
The words of the spokesman were taken out of context and in the same statement
Congress astrophysicist hinted that NASA "[did] not found
definitive evidence of extraterrestrial life. " In fact, the phrases by Anonymous
focused on meaningful tasks promote looking for these signs and that should
soon bear fruit. In a video dating from June 20,
the activist group stresses the importance these statements by incorporating those
other astronauts and astrology enthusiasts. The group says enough evidence
exist for "something passes beyond the atmosphere. "
The video is also based on videos Previews UFO around the world
as well as the discovery of new 10 of 219 exoplanets which are habitable. These
different elements placed end to end would prove So for Anonymous, that NASA would
about to declare that "the aliens arrive. "
Except that problem, Anonymous is a philosophy, a concept. Anyone can be Anonymous.
Therefore, not obvious to unravel right from wrong! And given "evidence"
made in this video, the file is not not concrete! For its part, NASA has clearly
denied this, stating that no announcement on this will be made.
Are we alone in the universe? We do still do not know, but we missions
progressing and can help answer this fundamental question.
I guess if you came to this video is to get a response,
favorable hypothesis the idea. I suggest you watch the video
suggested on this screen. You can support this chain of Tipeee,
by subscribing and sharing this video. I let you judge for yourself and
tells you soon on the chain "Nicolas Eem's videos."
Splash Summer Camp - Duration: 3:15.
roblox (zase :D) - Duration: 10:36.
Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D SX 5-persoons | AUTOMAAT | Navigatie | Climate | Trekhaak - Duration: 0:56.
Suzuki Splash 1.2 EXCLUSIVE AUTOMAAT 5-D. Airco.LM-velgen.1e EIG. - Duration: 0:41.
Toyota Avensis Wagon 2.0 D-4D Business | Navigatie | Cruise control | Bluetooth | - Duration: 1:00.
LIVELOUD - In Your Arms - Duration: 2:43.
Il arrive parfois… - Duration: 1:27.
GET OUT - Duration: 0:10.
I feel like I need to scrub myself.
And put some clothes on!
Community Tab & Marauder's Marathon! | Wake Up Date #31 - Duration: 5:25.
Good morning and welcome to this month's episode of the Wake Up Date! I've been
working on a ton of new videos lately, some of which you probably have already
seen, so that's good news! Last month, I came home from YouTube Nextup full of
inspiration and motivation and I came up with a ton of video ideas while I was
there and so I'm just really excited to make videos right now, which is good news
for you! Because it means that hopefully there will be lots of things
for you to watch. And in addition to that, I've been coming up with a bunch of new
ways to interact with all of you, which for me is really exciting because I love
that part of having a YouTube channel! I'm not just making videos and putting
them on the internet. It's like the start of a conversation, you know? And I love
reading all of your comments and it just makes me so happy that I get to talk to
all of you. So one very exciting new way that I've been doing that this month is
that I've got the community tab on my youtube channel! If you don't know what
that is, that's probably because very few youtubers actually have this
functionality so far. They did kind of a limited release to some very
specific channels a while back and while I was at YouTube Nextup, they announced
that all of the winners would actually be getting the community tab, so that's
pretty cool! So the way that you can find my community tab is by going to my
channel page and up where it says videos and about and all of those little tabs
you see, there's also a new tab on there that says community and this is where
I've been posting polls and questions and all sorts of little ways for us to
chat in between posting videos. If there's anything that you would love to
see from me in my community tab, definitely leave a comment down below
and let me know what that it is and if you already subscribe to any youtubers
that have had the community tab for a while, what are some of the things that
they do that you really like? Mostly I'd love to know what would be most exciting
to all of you. And the last little news update is that I am doing the Marauder's
Marathon. This is a Harry Potter themed virtual race, it's going to take place
this summer, and I'm really excited for it. It's being run by the Harry Potter
Alliance which I love and this is their third race. I've participated in all of them
so far, so I'm naturally really excited for the next one. It's going to be a
marathon length race but you can finish it in pieces and you can do it in any
way you want to. You can walk, you can bike, you can wheel, you can - run.
I mean running might be the obvious choice, but I actually have not been
running very much lately so I'm going to use this
as a way to kind of get back into running again. We'll see how that goes! If
not, I'll walk some of it but the point is to be active and travel some miles and
you get to log them in the app and since it's virtual and Harry Potter-themed, it
actually, as you log miles, it takes you on a little virtual tour of a bunch of
different Harry Potter filming locations so you get to see all of these places that
you're virtually visiting and then at the end, you get a medal so that's
exciting for me. So to find out how to sign up for the Marauder's Marathon, read
the video description below, I'll put some information in there, and I hope
that you'll join me for this little challenge! I think it's going to be
really fun. Okay, so I have a piece of mail to open, I have actually had this
for a little while now and I'm kind of excited to open it. So there's a note! This
package came from Marlene by the sea. she says "I hand crochet these items myself."
they're actually made to order and she says that they could come in any color
you choose at no extra cost which is amazing. Doing made-to-order Etsy shops is
really hard, so awesome job, Marlene! Aww! This is so cute! It's a little crocheted
seashell coin purse, it's beautiful! Oh my gosh! And this one's a starfish! Oh it's so
cute. I'm always really impressed when I see wonderful beautiful creative work
like this, especially little teeny tiny crochet projects like this, I just love
them. Thank you so much for sending me these, Marlene! That was so nice of you. I
get so excited when I get handmade stuff in the mail because I know all the work
that goes into it and I just appreciate it so much. Thank you! If you like these
as much as I do and you want to buy one, check out Marlene's Etsy shop! I'm going
to leave a link in the video description below. Okay, so lastly I want to give out a
couple of patreon shoutouts! This is something that I do every month to thank
my members over on it means so much to
me that those of you who have the means to do so are willing to pledge a little
bit of money every time I post a video. It's huge for me and I really really
appreciate it. Thank you so so much! This month I actually have a new patron which
is really exciting to me. He's actually somebody that I know from my Etsy shop.
He's bought a couple of my plush toys in past years and so it was very exciting
to me to see that he had joined on patreon as well. So I just wanted to say
hi and welcome and thank you so much to Mohammed B. Shout-out to
Antonio G, he actually makes YouTube videos as well - he does all kinds of
review videos on comic books and movies and if you're into that sort of thing, you
would love his channel so definitely go check it out.
I'd like to send out a big THANK YOU to Nicky B, thank you for leaving comments
on my videos you're super sweet and I really appreciate you thank you so much
to Lucy Black, you are the best, thank you to Markslide, I just you're amazing, you
I - I don't even have words apparently for how great you are. And hey how's it goin
Andrew Hansen, thank you so much! Okay so that's it for this month's wake up date
I'm gonna go work on some more videos because Matt's watching the baby and I'm
all motivated and excited and so, yeah! I hope you like em! I'm excited to share
them with you when they're done. Thank you for watching and I'll see you soon!
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