If your friend subscribes, i'll unmute him xD
Tell him that
OK Abel
I'm gonna unmute you !
For more infomation >> HOW to earn New Subscribers while Streaming CS:GO ??? :P - Duration: 1:18.-------------------------------------------
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Edition (Airco/BlueTooth) - Duration: 0:59.
Power Rangers (2017) Blu-Ray CLIP | Rita Repulsa Nightmare Scene | HD - Duration: 5:08.
Do we have a choice?
Don't think so.
Look! It's Zordon!
Zordon, they don't know who you are.
Come in! Come in!
These are them? They're so small.
Funny, I said the same thing, actually.
You mean to tell me that the fate of the universe
is placed in the hands of these... these children?
The universe? That's a big place.
They're teenagers.
Somewhere between infancy and full maturity.
- It's hard to explain, really. I don't... - Show me the coins.
The morphing grid is never wrong.
If the power coins have returned to the ship with these...
With these teenagers,
then these teenagers are the Power Rangers.
Power Rangers!
Okay, quick question.
Hello. Hate to interrupt.
Did I just hear you say we're Power Rangers?
Yes. Yes. You are the Power Rangers.
Any other questions?
- No, I think I'm good. - Good.
I got a question. Um... Hi, how you doing?
Oh, okay... um, my name is Billy. Billy Cranston.
- Kids used to call me Billy Crams-tons... - Billy! Stop.
I'm sorry. Uh... the images here in this sphere
tell a history of the Power Rangers.
Looks like the Power Rangers were a team that protected life.
And life is a bright light. Or... a piece of light?
Yes. Yes, very good, Billy.
It is called the Zeo Crystal.
Oh, I love this part. This is good.
And every planet in the universe that has life
has a piece of the crystal buried inside it.
Sixty-five million years ago,
Zordon's team died defending the crystal here in what is now Angel Grove.
- The coins have chosen you five. - Yes! I knew it!
Now you must protect the Zeo Crystal and life on earth.
Because... we... are the Power Rangers?
He's smart!
I'm sorry, um, is this some kind of joke?
Like, I'm standing here with a wet wedgie.
My socks are soaked. We're squishing around in here.
We're talking to a wall. I mean, guys...
Dig! Dig, Goldar!
Sir, I'm detecting elevated heart rates.
They're... they're very scared.
I don't understand.
Why would you show us that nightmare?
It's not a nightmare. It's the future.
- Was that for real? - Felt like it.
- And who was that woman? - Her name is Rita Repulsa.
She will create Goldar,
a huge monster who will rip the crystal from the earth,
and all life on your planet will die.
With the crystal, Rita will have the power to create and destroy worlds.
So, let me guess.
You want us to kill this woman? R... Rita?
Ay, ay, ay! Rita!
She must be stopped.
When is she coming?
She's already here.
My best guess is we have 11 months.
Oh, I'm sorry, days. Days, 11 days.
If we're the Power Rangers and this is our ship,
if I walk through that door right now, will it open for me?
Yes, of course.
Let's go.
Whoa, what you doing?
No, no, no, come back! No. No, please, don't leave.
Jason, my ranger team died defending the crystal from Rita.
That's why I'm in this wall.
How'd you know my name?
Because it's you, Jason Scott.
You are the leader. You are the Red Ranger.
Rita was a ranger, too. And my friend.
But she betrayed us.
Wanted more power.
She lost her way.
Now she is just pure evil.
You must bring them back. All of the rangers.
You must train your team to stop Rita
before she has the strength to find the crystal.
Okay. I'm leaving.
- And I only speak for myself when I... - No! You speak for all of them.
You know that, deep down, what I'm saying is true.
You were born for this.(Cliptonite)
Opel Vivaro 2.0 CDTI L1H1 - Duration: 1:01.
Asia Vlog - Episode 01 La Pre-Depart - Duration: 2:51.
Hi it's Alex,
Welcome the the first episode of my Travel Vlog
and, That's it!
Today is my last day of work
and I'm whispering because there is someone that is still sleeping here
ok Let's go
Here is the "Tech office"
I still have to do my setup,
today is a Music School Show
so I have a little setup in the Entrance and In the Theater
So That's the board I'll use today,
It's the Venue SC48 from Avid. It's working pretty well..
Work day is done,
I'm now in vacation
And I'm going to Japan and Vietnam in 2 days
I still have to make my luggage...
And to sleep...
And we'll see what I miss.
Maybe something to do my video editing
That's it..!
See you Soon!
❄ Bruit Du Vent ❄ Vent D'Hiver Qui Souffle Fort Pour Dormir Profondément ❄ Relaxation ❄ Sommeil ❄ - Duration: 4:02:19.
High School DxD (Haisukūru D×D) - Ep 03 - T1; V.O - sub: español (Capítulo 3) (三) HD - Duration: 23:43.
High School DxD (Haisukūru D×D) - Ep 11 - T1; V.O - sub: español (Capítulo 11) (十一) HD - Duration: 23:42.
Rita Bonaccorso shock: strappa la sua carta d'identità da Barbara D'Urso| K.N.B.T - Duration: 2:39.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-Sport AWD Automaat Navi/Camara/Panoramadak/Keyless/Headup/20inch - Duration: 0:57.
Kia pro_cee'd 1.6 CVVT X-Ecutive (GLAZEN DAK!!!/NAV./Camera/Climate/Cruise/16''LMV) - Duration: 0:57.
MINI Countryman 1.6 One D Chili Bruin Leder Navi Panoramadak Xenon - Duration: 0:50.
BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE AUT8, Panoramadak, Leer, Navi Pro, 21 inch lmv, full - Duration: 1:00.
❄ Bruit Du Vent ❄ Vent D'Hiver Qui Souffle Fort Pour Dormir Profondément ❄ Relaxation ❄ Sommeil ❄ - Duration: 4:02:19.
Arak,LIQUEUR,Ivan - [AMV] DRAGON BALL SUPER - Duration: 1:24.
Minecraft Console: How to find a diamond block in Woodland Mansions - Duration: 0:03.
If you find one of these rooms dig to the middle of the lava to find a diamond block :D
YouTuber Famoso - Spiderman (Parodia - Jaden Smith - Batman) - Duration: 2:18.
[PUBG] How to scare your mate to death (w/ subtitles) - Duration: 1:15.
He's on the roof.
Where's the entrance for the roof anyway?
I think on the side he's standing at...
I'm just asking myself where his friend is.
Yeaaah, it's enough... >-<
Yeah I think my bullets aren't even existing anyway
Hiii! :3
You didn't do that, you didn't do that xD
Dude, scare somebody else. D:
You didn't do that...
Oh god
You just gave me the hearth attack of my life, dude.
How did you even get there?
I got on the other house and jumped over to this one...
Just Assassin's Creed style :P
Therapy & Travel. Know your starting point. [FR] - Duration: 3:19.
Throughout my travels
I learned that it was important to say goodbye
to the people and the places
know where we are from
to know what positive things they brought us
and forgive the difficult moments
Doing this work, allows me to go peacefully to Peru
for new adventures and horizons
This is where i grew up and I wanted to share with you this beautiful images
I hope you liked this video, different and personal
You have other videos of Therapy&Travel right here
You can also suscribe to the youtube channel
Chantal Bossé from CHABOS recommends some great classics - Duration: 17:07.
Hi, I'm Micheline Bourque, Business reading club
I'm in the fabulous University Club of Montreal library
a partner of our club.
They allow us to produce content here and we appreciate it. So thank you University Club!
Today I'm really happy to finally have with me Chantal Bossé
Chantal, we now know each other for about 4 or 5 years? At least
Chantal has been a good fan of our reading club, always ready to share our content. Thank you!
Chantal is an expert in something, so Chantal, take a moment to present yourself.
And tell us about that "special card" that you have, and that very few people have.
First, my passion for communications has always been present.
And even more since 2004, when I created my business.
We specialize in presentations and visual communications
We say we are there to inspire
presenters and speakers to create and structure world-class presentations
to help them have better results.
Since 2004, my business as evolved
And I was noticed by Microsoft
and I am now a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
what they call Most Valuable Professional for the PowerPoint software. But it goes beyond the software.
It's also for the expertise for how we help people communicate better.
And let's mention they are 13 in Canada
There are 2 PowerPoint MVPs in Canada,
16 in North America
and 13 Canadian women from all MVP categories
out of 203 Canadian MVPs
All professionals, me included, stumble again and again
and we would like it so much to do a nice Powerpoint
and we know, what, 5% of the tool?
Between 5 and 10 according to experts.
And you have seen it evolve as a platform,
additional functionalities, and the web integration
It's really incredible now
It's a completely new world, and is accessible for many people.
Yes, absolutely, because basically Powerpoint is not that complex
I always said, when my kids were younger, that I could put my 10-year old in front of it
and something will be produced in about 30 minutes.
When we are in the business world, it's "something" that is not always efficient.
Through the years we have always talked about it because I think what you do is inspiring
And you had mentioned a few authors that are important
Authors that are well-known in your trade and that have put forward new trends
in this niche of communication
And that is what we will do today. We will present them to you.
I'll let you chose the first one.
The first I'll present is Garr Reynolds, because he's well known for his blog PresentationZen.
The book I'm presentating is Presentationzen Design
Mine is in English, but it also available in French. "Présentation Zen Design".
Which sounds almost the same.
Published in 2009 in English.
Even a second edition in 2013.
It is accessible for everyone because it's the art of applying
the uncluttered style put forward by the Janapese
like the famous Japanese zen gardens.
We apply that uncluttered and clean look to our visuals.
In his book we can see the basics
how to get our visuals
how to put emphasis on images
how we select our colors, fonts
It helps people question themselves and revisit what they do
At the time I was more into corporate presentations
I figured that it was interesting. I really like the concept.
Whatever we do, even when sometimes people tell me
But Chantal, I'm in an really analytical industry, or full of data, or really scientitifc...
They can still inspire themselves with this concept to at least start unclettering their content.
Between you and I, people, and many speakers, that present with a lot of text
Forget about that, it's a thing of the past. C-It does not work!
People don't listen to you. They read text.
It has evolved now.
But still, I was attending presentations recently
and there were some respected people that just pulled out text.
So start with Garr Reynolds. Presentationzen Design.
So, it is an important book
that people doing what you do should know about.
Yes, absolutely. Knowing about this book is well worth it and be inspired by it.
There are many things we can apply from it
Some people might say it is a style more suited for some speakers
I kinf of agree with them because
If we flip through it we have some examples
like photos with very few words
or one word. It will often apply more for speakers.
But I still bring people from other industries to do it
it's just that we'll do it by mixing some other styles.
In between other styles maybe? Exactly.
Like mixing one in-between two more data-heavy slides.
We mix and change the way to present content
And what you were mentioning before
people read so they don't listen to us.
It's because our brain is wired this way.
If we think of both sides of our brain,
if we are listening and reading, we are trigering the same side of our brain.
It's our analytical brain.
Even more, it's the low-persuasion side of our brain.
So finally, we are putting all chances "against" us.
So that was Garr Reynolds.
The next one, I really need to read that author.
I absolutely need to read that author!
She's really well-known. Is she the most famous?
Is she the most famous? Of course, in our trade,
I would say yes.
She has done so much for the industry.
Without further ado... Nancy Duarte.
We're happy to present her.
I would say that I'm drawn to her style a lot. I look up at her work a lot.
In the way she and her team work.
I feel it is really aligned to what I do with my own client base.
In how we succeed in bringing people to change the way they present.
I've followed her early on, and I have had the chance to meet her a few times
When I attend conferences for my own training in the U.S.
and in the early years that she was a little less known so had more time
we could see her more often.
That's when we take advantage of it! Exactly!
And now she is also a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP so she's part of our group.
Member of the "gang".
So you have brought us three books. Yes, I brought three.
We'll show them. So, Slideology
And Illuminate. I have kept my small notes there.
So I'll let you present them. Which one are you starting with?
I'll go in chronological order.
So Slideology is the first one that caught my eye.
And we can say that many things in Slideology
we could also find in Presentation Zen Design
Basics are the same
Talking about composition
how we layout our content elements, declutter, have white space
colors, and many more
we will have a lot of similar content in both.
What is interesting is that we have more details for the creative process.
Encouraging doodling or hand drawing and schematics
And she shows it in the book.
It's really like a production. Create the concept
Before even starting to write text
So really think through our general concept .
What she explains in here is really
the creative process that her whole team has been using at Duarte Design in California
For them, starting a project is not done at a computer.
It starts in their creative room with white boards, Post-its, markers.
They even have some big bean bags. It's a very playful and creative environment.
People that are just starting, whether they use the other book or this one, it's a must have.
They go through the basics. And this one is also available in French.
Bravo Nancy, we're really proud of you!
And her team is the one that worked on Al Gore's presentation, Inconvenient Truth
The Al Gore film? Well, the presentation he did in many places and everyone was talking about
It's the result of Duarte's work.
The next one? Resonate.
I love that word: Resonate.
Unfortunately, in French it was translated as Vibrations
I don't connect with that title as much as resonate. Indeed, it's not perfect.
I would say that Resonte is Step 2.
The way Nancy writes, we see a progression, the steps.
Resonate goes a step further.
She told us the story of the creation of this book.
She thought that there must be a way to determine... there must be a shape
for great speeches that have impact, and are inspiring.
So she analyzed speeches of many renowned speakers or public speakers.
Whether we're talking about some past US Presidents, or some of the greats speeches we've heard.
So she analyzed them and finally found a shape.
It looks like a sinusoid.
And she explains how we navigate between the bottom and the top.
And that, in Resonate, is how we will reach the next step, the Storytelling we hear so much about.
It's how we can apply it more.
How we will trigger emotions even more in people.
Thus the name Resonate, or vibrations, that trigger people.
It evokes all kinds of emotions. Interesting.
This book in particular, I make sure that speakers I work with that have more potential embark in that process
I had one that got tremendous success at TEDxQuebec
It was great. Earle's speech at the conference really "resonated" with the audience.
What I like also...and I'll give you the last one because time is flying...
Those books look so nice, done by professionals, so obviously they are pleasant to read.
They are crafted to touch, and work. We want to "be" in them.
I don't know if you understand me...
I have not scribbled a lot in them but sometimes I added some elements. It becomes a work tool.
A reference book.
You're lucky in a way because not everyone has books like that, that are not university textbooks
or designated by a professional association. So people like you
because your trade did not exist when you guys started.
And you had to learn on the job, but by getting those tools.
And it's fabulous that anyone can buy those books. C- Absolutely! Wwork with them.
and develop some tools that will be efficient
But of course, we can get more efficient ones when we work with a real professional. At least they are available.
Every step we take is worth taking.
So when people change change one small thing,
and say they'll do it alone, I'd rather have that they begin that way
so audiences get a better experience. M- Absolutely!
And the last one, is it new?
It's 2016. M- So it's all new. C-So not in French yet.
So Illuminate is another step forward. It goes deeper in terms of team communication in businesses.
How we can bring people to embrace change.
How we can help them with big changes that have to be done in our business.
And how we communicate it to our team to make them embark on our journey
I see this one as a more advanced business book.
Because we go beyond design.
We go beyond design because we are aiming...
Oh, look at the sub-title...
And she wrote it with another person, Patti Sanchez.
Patti Sanchez is a VP in her company, that has marketing experience and a whole lot more.
She's been with Duarte for a long time
Those two ladies are marvelous.
Brilliant! C- Oh yes.
We hear so much about storytelling now.
What we realize with this type of book, and you can confirm it,
it's applicable everywhere.
It is applicable everywhere because as soon as we start to think about changing how we communicate,
we get results in our personal life, professional life, our every day life with people around us.
I was talking about Earle before, with resonate,
and after following the process for his conference, he told me he even changed his way of communicating to his team in his business.
Imagine! C- It's fascinating! And the results!
As we say at home it's deep!
It's deep!
It's very interesting.
So, affordable books. There are two in French.
Illuminate is not in French yet.
But there are three if we consider Garr's book too.
Presentation Zen Design in available in French.
Resonate that becomes "Vibrations" in French.
And "Slideologie"
I'm really happy to present you these books.
I think about people, like me,
that need to do presentations. It's really difficult.
We don't know where to start.
But there are tools for us.
Until we can afford professional services to help us. So we can go further.
But let's be proactive! We need to chose good books and improve our presentations.
And I'm the first one to which this I saying this.
So thank you again Chantal. C- Thank you, it was a pleasure.
Good continuation as we should say in France.
Continuity here.
Thank you very much to have offered us that review. I think many people will be interested.
And I hope they will take the step to get the books and flip through them, It really is worth it.
Remind us of your web site Chantal.
www.chabos.ca. Perfect. Thank you very much!
25 curiosidades Katsuni - Duration: 5:53.
Skype Therapy Sessions - Therapy via Skype - Duration: 3:32.
My name is Peter Strong and I offer Skype therapy sessions for the treatment of anxiety
and Skype therapy sessions for working with panic attacks and many other common anxiety
disorders that don't require medical treatment.
Most anxiety responds extremely well to the process of Mindfulness Therapy, which is what
I offer during these therapy sessions.
Mindfulness teaches you how to break free from that tendency to become identified with
your anxiety.
This is the biggest problem that we face when we're trying to break free from anxiety.
We get sucked into our anxiety, we literally become the anxiety itself.
What we need to do is trying to develop a conscious relationship with our emotions.
We need to become like the caring parent to our anxiety, instead of just becoming swallowed
up by the anxiety.
This is what we train in during the Skype therapy sessions that I offer for the treatment
of anxiety and also depression.
It's not that difficult, but it does require some guidance on how to do this, on how to
build a conscious and also a friendly relationship with your anxiety.
The friendliness aspect is very important because the more friendly you become the better
the relationship, and the better the relationship with your anxiety, the freer you will become
from the grip of the anxiety.
So friendliness actually aids the process of becoming free from your anxiety.
You do this by actually meditating on how anxiety you learn how to hold anxiety within
the mind without becoming reactive and without becoming swallowed up by the anxiety, without
becoming reactive and identified.
In technical terms this is often referred to as mindfulness-based affect tolerance.
So we are learning to tolerate the anxiety without becoming reactive and without feeding
that anxiety.
If you'd like to learn more about how to apply mindfulness for healing anxiety and depression,
as well, then please go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session.
Therapy via Skype is very effective and mindfulness therapy works very well online.
So I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
Jaguar F-Pace 2.0D R-Sport AWD Automaat Navi/Camara/Panoramadak/Keyless/Headup/20inch - Duration: 0:57.
train derailment | subway derailment - Duration: 1:54.
The Drucker School Community - Duration: 2:35.
- I'm an academic and I really enjoy reading and researching
but I always look for a balance and I think that's what
I really liked about the professors
that we went on the trip with.
- Professor Aicha, Professor Mills, top notch.
It's like they know how to balance the personal
and the academic.
- It fell into this very family sort of atmosphere.
I really grew to admire a lot of the qualities
about a lot of the MBA students that I was traveling with.
I knew all of the EMBA students I was traveling with
so it was just like a long vacation from class with them.
- Interacting with my classmates and learning more
about them and building a bond with them,
for me that was very special because I didn't wanna just
come to grad school to get the knowledge,
I wanted to build lifelong relationships.
- We had time to speak to, of course,
people who are knowledgeable about the economy
and about the political system and then we had our own time
to venture out and there was just this beautiful rooftop
in Hong Kong and the sights were just gorgeous.
- As an MBA, I was exposed to a CFO who was actually great
and she's very down to earth and she's very helpful
and informative, so having her as an EMBA student
talking to us about her experiences and over her
30-year career just provided a lot of insight.
- It's going back and thinking about the great memories
that we created, the friendships,
definitely the relationships, moving forward to the program
and also for beyond the program,
I think it will be invaluable.
- Got life skills, be able to bond and when we came back
I felt like, okay, this is my professor
and it makes you wanna work harder in the class.
- To come back years later and like I'm here,
and I'm a year past and I've taken all my difficult courses,
it's a life changer, it kinda makes me realize,
oh, at the time where I thought I knew everything,
I knew nothing.
I wouldn't recommend any other program,
I'm sure there's better ones out there but me personally,
no, if you asked me, I would say Claremont,
'cause that's the best bet.
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