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Revisiting the Bauer Clinic 💋 [VLOG IN SWEDISH + CC] - Duration: 12:48.
Good morning everyone!
Today I thought I'd vlog in Swedish!
If you do not understand Swedish, I recommend that you put on the subtitles.
Otherwise you won't understand anything!
The reason I wanted to vlog in Swedish today is actually 'cause I'm going to get my lips
done and I thought it would be nice if we could speak a bit to Angelica.
Super weird for me, probably fun for you.
A lot of people ask me to "do more videos in Swedish".
So today we're doing it!
And then I have a meeting with my partner manager Amanda.
We are going to go through how things are going and then after my meeting I'm just going
to get ready, do my makeup, whatever, and then I leave home at 3.45 pm.
So there, now I'm fin... finally?
Now I'm done with my meeting with Amanda.
Now I'm going to translate some articles, and then I think I'm going to start getting
Articles, then makeup.
I guess it's mainly people who know Swedish that could notice a difference, but I never
vlog in Swedish.
Obviously, since my channel is in English.
I haven't really developed my Swedish vlog side, so I'm kinda back at square one where
it used to be awkward to vlog.
And it's pretty different, in my opinion, compared to when I vlog in English.
Ta-daa!This product called Warmth, from bareMinerals is pretty much my favorite.
So there, now my makeup is done, big brows, not so much else.
I am going to do my hair, but I think I want to eat first, 'cause I'm deadly hungry.
Okay, first I have to clean up here a little 'cause it's naaasty.
A pot!
We need 4 dl milk, some salt, and of course, last but not least, semolina!
'Cause you can't make semolina porridge without semolina.
I have filled my lips twice before with juvéderm.
And I have been super happy with the result.
But it is supposed to last for AT LEAST 6 months, and for me it's completely gone after
And it sucks so bad.
I am happy with the result but it doesn't last.
So I wrote Angelica and said that this is not working, there is no point in continuing
'cause I can't keep filling my lips every other month.
It's unreasonable.
I had already given up, but then she said that this had happened to two other customers
and that they have tried filling with Voluma which is another kind of filler that is a
bit thicker.
And it has worked perfectly for them, 'cause their bodies have also absorbed the juvederm
very fast.
So that is what we are going to try out today!
I'm going to try to fill my lips with another product.
This is how my master piece turned out!
Is it even possible to have this much hair?
Now I thought I would braid my hair.
So there, now the first braid is done.
It only goes to the crown of my head so to speak.
And now I have to make a braid on the other side as well.
Fuck I'm so sweaty right now!
Oh my god.
This is what it looks like anyway.
Just two Dutch braids!
Now I'm actually "done" for today.
I leave home in about three hours.
"Hello all Katrin's viewers!
What you don't know is that I speak like this when I speak Swedish!
It sounds a bit different when I speak English right?
Just kidding!
I actually speak like this.
Hey everyone, my name is Sonny if you haven't seen me before!
Welcome to Katrin's vlog in Swedish!
I just got back from work where I have been driving bread all day.
Have a good one!".
Woo, now I'm here.
My legs started hurting so bad when I walked.
Now I just have to ring the bell here.
I'm even making the video in Swedish today, which is not common.
This is the worst part of all.
Oh that's right you're the one that doesn't like this.
The worst is when it touches the tongue, which is always does!
Now I'm adding some numbing cream that should stay on for about 20 minutes.
Today we are going to try Volume on this lady here, to get yet some more fullness and pout.
I think it will suit you great.
It lasts for a long time too, so you will look fabulous all summer with this!
Since we are using a pretty thick filler today, we won't be working so much with contouring,
and instead focus on adding volume.
Are the healing processes the same with both filler kinds?
Yes they are.
This might swell up a little more though since it's a bit thicker.
Do you think this one hurts more?
Yeah actually.
A lot of people do different things during the healing, some in some videos say that
you have to massage your lips all the time otherwise there will be chaos!
What do you say to that?
No, don't.
I massage your lips now when you're here and then you don't have to massage it anymore
'Cause then you risk moving around the filler in your lips.
If you feel any small lumps or so, it might be because of a bruise of course, then you
might have to massage it a little, but not that you need to sit at home massaging it
It also depends on what product you use.
If you use restylane or if you use a harder filler, but this one is so soft.
Did you experience a lot of lumps last time?
Just maybe two larger ones, not many small.
One in the bottom lip and one in the top one.
I still think they look larger than the other times.
Do you?
Yeah 'cause now I see that they are bigger.
The other times they have more looked fuller.
But now, big!
I would definitely consider adding some more.
For me I feel like the bigger the better.
I like it, it's not like I'd be disappointed if they turned out too big.
It's actually crazy how your tissue just soaks up the product.
I have never seen this before.
Now I'm done!
And like she said, a lot of Voluma in my lips!
And I'm super happy and now we are going to go home.
Hope there is a train that leaves soon!
Now it's swollen, and it has not bruised as far as I can see.
The two other times I have had at least some bruising right away that has gotten worse
with time.
So that feels good.
I think they look super pretty now.
The swelling will sadly go down a bit hehe, but we packed them full with Voluma, so I
think it'll be okay anyway.
Super niceeee!
It definitely hurt more with this.
Juvederm did not hurt as much at all, if Juvederm was a 3 out of 10 this was about a 5 out of
But still not so bad and definitely worth it!
I'm so swollen in my mouth OUCH it hurts to speak.
I have a feeling already that this healing process will be more painful than the others,
and that is because the filler is a lot thicker.
So there, time to end this vlog!
I am super happy with the result, it's obviously very swollen now, which is perfectly fine
with me, I like it even when it's swollen.
What I wanted to say was that if you have thought about getting fillers done, because
you want them for yourself, not 'cause you think you HAVE TO get them or for anyone else,
then I very much recommend the Bauer Clinic.
I have been super happy with everything I've done there.
I've only done my lips, but all three times I've been super happy.
This is a collaboration, so everyone is aware of that.
It says in the description below and in the beginning of the video.
It's a collaboration with the Bauer Clinic, and I'm super duper happy, I would never ever
recommend a beauty clinic and injections if I was not completely satisfied and trusted
Angelica 100%.
So if you want to use my discount code, it's listed in the description below.
She is located in Linköping and Stockholm, where she does fillers, some microblading
and stuff like that.
More information is of course available on her homepage.
I am so hungry right now, so tired, and I think I need a popsicle to get some ice on
these lips.
I hope you have liked this video!
And I hope that you have kept up despite it being in Swedish, for all of you who don't
speak Swedish.
Until next time, have a super good one.
Jarní příprava 2 - Trénink na ultramaraton (HD) / Spring training 2 - Ultramarathon training - Duration: 13:20.
Marathon around The great Bolevec Pond
I'm due to run 4th Marathon in my life
start is in 5 minutes, nervousness is getting higher
i'll run 13 times around The great Bolevec Pond
10 km behind me, so far it's ok
i keep to my planned time, but it's quite fast
I've just run halfmarathon, time under 1:40
the pace is really fast
my legs are getting stiff
I can't imagine that I'll run it one more time in the same pace
I stopped filming, i forgot
almost 32 km
i slow down
Jirkov crossmarathon
we're running up 6km
when i was young, i came to Svahova to drink beer
now i'm running marathon here
times are changing
i'm on 26th kilometer
we're running through a forest
I started to eat magnesium
my legs are getting stiff
30th kilometer and we are running down to Jirkov
I'm flying like a wind
38th kilometer, I'm running through Brezenec
last refreshment stop is behind me
I ate a few raisins
although i'm running easily today, it hurts
I have enough
number 60 is crossing the finish line
it's behind him, he's satisfied
Czech-German border Mai-June 2017
40 days till ultramarathon
Sagging Pores? Go Anti-Aging! - Duration: 6:59.
Hi everybody! Welcome back!
I'm Roger.
I'm Wulan. It's been a while
It HAS been while, right?
We've covered the topics of clogged pores
and open pores in our previous videos.
I don't want my pores to be sagging. EVER.
That's only when you've been trying to close your pores and, you know,
you haven't had any success.
Then maybe you have sagging pores.
So usually these scary things called Sagging Pores
they are caused by skin damage that have been accumulating for years,
like damage that's caused by sun exposure or early aging.
So today, special for you!
We're going to talk about sagging pores
and how to prevent them.
But before we do that,
let's do a little reminder for our new viewers!
If you have not subscribed, do consider doing so!
We have new videos every week about Japanese beauty products and Kyoto lifestyle.
Plus, it will help the channel to grow, definitely!
First, we need to know about the scary sagging pore first.
I will keep saying "scary" or whatever
because it's really scary!
Well well, for sagging pore,
it can be caused by our own skin.
So, our skin becomes lossened as we age.
As we age.
As we age...
All of us are aging!
Don't remind us of it!
We're all aging.
Stop it!
Our pores get weighed down
because the skin's sagging,
the pores also become sagged.
So yea, people,
it's quite common to have sagging pores,
it's just because you're aging.
I won't say this is inevitable.
Well, you see, sagging pores are usually...
Well, sagging skin usually comes from decrease in proteins
and hyaluronic acid in the skin.
So when you think about it,
these proteins contains elastin and collagen.
They are what builds up the skin layer.
And hyaluronic (acid) plays an important part in retaining moisture.
You're worried, huh?
You're VERY worried, huh?
Isn't it obvious!
The lack of all these ingredients, like you said,
causes the skin to slack, it loses it shape,
and gravity takes over.
So we know now how that nightmare called sagging pores is formed.
It's because of the...
ting ting ting ting ting
... whatever Roger-san just said.
We can't just make gravity disappear or,
you know like, move to Mars or something, right?
So we need a less expensive technology that's around us,
which is an...
Is it "antai-" or "antee-"?
Whatever you call it, Anti-Aging!
Things like this!
These products usually contain moisture retaining ingredients
such as ceramide and hyaluronic acid.
So it will help the skin to retain its shape.
Sometimes they include beauty ingredients
that includes anti-oxidants such as retinol
which is important in encouraging the turnover of our skin
and revitalising the skin cells.
Vitamin C derivatives too help to repair the damaged skin cells.
It is an antioxidant that works in synergy with collagen
to recover the youthfulness and bounciness in the skin.
By the way!
Vitamin C derivatives are well known for skin whitening too.
We'd also would like to take in nutrients from food or supplements to
replenish collagen and proteins in our skin layer.
oK! So here are some essences and lotions
recommend for anyone who wants to tackle sagging pores.
And the first one we're going to talk about is Rohto Obagi.
A number of our viewers would have already heard of Obagi C before.
These beauty lotions are densely formulated with vitamin C,
and approaches sagging pores by soothing the skin, giving it a clear look.
There are three levels of vitamin C density:
the Obagi C5, C10, and C20.
We should really start from C10 for sagging pores.
Because even though Obagi C20 has exceptionally high Vitamin C content,
and will be more effective.
But because it's so strong
it might be better to start with just C10 first
to allow the skin to adjust to the change.
When we talk about stem cell cosmetics,
The LITS Shape Moist Essence is often mentioned.
The reason is because of its ability to youthanise skin on a cellular level.
The lotion uses two ingredients:
capsule collagen and passionfruit extract.
Capsule collagen stimulates the release of collagen in the dermis layer of the skin,
and passionfruit extract tightens the pores on the skin for a smoother look.
This item is good for people with sensitive skin too
because it does not consist of any paraben, alcohol,
colourant, petroleum surfactants, scents or mineral oils.
FANCL fans will already know this anti-aging gem:
the FANCL Active Conditioning.
It uses active ceramide, collagen and bioglycogen
to cultivate a young dermis layer for plump-looking, bouncy skin.
Active ceramide encourages skin cell regeneration,
and bioglycogen prevents the build up of reactive oxygens.
On top of that,
FANCL is well-known for being preservative-free.
Free from preservatives, scents, synthetic colourings,
petroleum surfactants, UV absorbents and alcohols.
Even though FUJIFILM is well-known for photo development,
its ASTALIFT products are now among the top products in cosmetics.
The series is the result of FUJIFILM's years of experience involving nanotechonology,
which is used in ASTALIFT to allow beauty ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin.
The formulated lycopene, three kinds of collagen, hyaluronic acid,
and FUJIFILM's unique ingredient astaxanthin
gives the skin moisture and springiness.
And that's the end of the video for today!
Let us know if you have used any of these products before,
and how well they have worked for you.
We'll see you next week, ciaos~
... enjoy your sagging pores!
She's just saying it to herself.
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