Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018

 が7月18日に両A面シングル「S & G」をリリース。オフィシャルサイト内に 作の特設ページがオープンした。  特設ページでは、フジテレビ系テレビアニメ「ゲ ゲの鬼太郎」の本日7月1日(日)放送回より新エンディングテーマに採用された「GE A NOTE」、がストーリーテラーになって1人4役をこなす"的昔話"の「BAN SHI」、NHK大河ドラマ「西郷どん」のパワープッシュソング「SEGODON」の 部が試聴可能

さらにエディターの渡辺祐によるオフィシャルインタビューが掲載されており、Q&A形 で「GET A NOTE」にまつわる意外なエピソードなどを読むことができる。 ま 特設ページでは「S & G」の予約および購入特典の詳細も発表

遊び心が詰まった内容となっているので、気になる人は早速チェックしておこう。なおシ グルの初回限定盤に「 TOUR 2018」のチケットの先行抽選予約を受け付けるシ アルコードが封入されることが決定


For more infomation >> レキシ新作「S & G」特設ページで鬼太郎ED曲含む試聴スタート - 音楽ナタリー - Duration: 1:09.


Omelette mit Pilzen und Avocado | Omelette mit Champignons und Avocado - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Omelette mit Pilzen und Avocado | Omelette mit Champignons und Avocado - Duration: 5:24.


Erwin Schrott. Dulcamara (мой русский перевод) - Duration: 7:41.

For more infomation >> Erwin Schrott. Dulcamara (мой русский перевод) - Duration: 7:41.


Kim Kardashian Reveals Her 'Biggest Nightmare' & It's Not What You'd Expect - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Kim Kardashian Reveals Her 'Biggest Nightmare' & It's Not What You'd Expect - Duration: 2:29.


Melania Laughed At Ivanka Taking Credit For Immigrant Family Reunions – Hollywood Life - Duration: 2:39.

For more infomation >> Melania Laughed At Ivanka Taking Credit For Immigrant Family Reunions – Hollywood Life - Duration: 2:39.


火影忍者OL(十理) 賽季忍者碎片被吃了?! - Duration: 1:51.

For more infomation >> 火影忍者OL(十理) 賽季忍者碎片被吃了?! - Duration: 1:51.


Hotel Transylvania 3 director on working with 'very honest' Selena Gomez - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> Hotel Transylvania 3 director on working with 'very honest' Selena Gomez - Duration: 2:34.


Newtonian Gravity - Orbits and gravity inside Earth - Duration: 3:00.

Making sense of how the stuff up in the sky moves took us a long time.

It wasn't until Johannes Kepler that we started to make sense of the observations.

According to Kepler, the planets in the solar system move in elliptical paths, being the sun at one of the foci.

His second law says the segment between the sun and the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time.

By the way, the elliptical orbits of planets, are very similar to circles.

And his third law indicates a relationship between the orbital period and the semi-major axis.

But it wasn't until Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation that we had a mathematical theory for gravity.

According to the shell theorem, we can treat a planet as if it had all of its mass in one point at the center.

So the radius in this equation would be the distance between these two point masses.

Do you remember Kepler's third law?

If we assume orbits to be circular we can deduce it by equaling this force to the centripetal force.

And, with the required maths, it can be proven that orbits are conics.

Conics are the shapes that are result of slicing a cone with a plane.

Depending on the angle, you can have these different shapes.

These are the cases of orbital trajectories in classical mechanics.

The parabola can be seen as the limit between a closed conic curve and an open conic curve.

And because of this, the parabola is precisely the trajectory that an object with just enough

kinetic energy would make to escape forever from a gravitational attraction.

How to tell apart the hyperbola from the parabola?

You can zoom out and see the hyperbola conserves its shape while the parabola becomes a noodle.

In a parabolic trajectory, the planet will eventually (but actually never) get to

an infinite distance while decreasing its velocity until it becomes still, in that infinitely

far away point.

This is why for closed orbits, the mechanical energy of this planet is negative while for

open orbits it is positive.

But as a curiosity, have you ever wondered what gravity would be like inside Earth?

According to the shell theorem, gravity works like always for bodies outside a shell,

which is a hollow sphere, but inside it, there is no gravity, since the forces from every point

of the shell would all cancel out!

This is true even if we are really close to one point of the shell.

We cannot directly apply the theorem to Earth because the Earth is not hollow.

But we can imagine the Earth as a number of shells.

Inside Earth, we would have the equivalent gravity to removing shells that are above

us and experience gravity only from the rest of shells, below us.

Just like my pet Simba is doing in Earth's core

So, what is gravity like for Simba?

Because the density inside the core is more or less constant, for Simba, gravity would

be proportional to the radius, the distance to the center.

And if he got to the center of the earth, he'd experience no gravity at all.

He would just...

float around.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Newtonian Gravity - Orbits and gravity inside Earth - Duration: 3:00.


Victoria's Secret Model Sabrina Jales 'Massacred' by Bed Bugs to Sue California Hotel - Duration: 3:40.

For more infomation >> Victoria's Secret Model Sabrina Jales 'Massacred' by Bed Bugs to Sue California Hotel - Duration: 3:40.


Um Retrato de Mulher (The Woman in the Window, 1944) | Filme completo | Legendado | HD - Duration: 1:39:06.

For more infomation >> Um Retrato de Mulher (The Woman in the Window, 1944) | Filme completo | Legendado | HD - Duration: 1:39:06.


Matt Cappotelli of WWE fame dies at 38 - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Matt Cappotelli of WWE fame dies at 38 - Duration: 2:29.


J-20이 자신 있다는 중국은 왜 SU-35을 도입할까 - Duration: 4:48.

For more infomation >> J-20이 자신 있다는 중국은 왜 SU-35을 도입할까 - Duration: 4:48.


【愕然】電車の中でジャンプした結果wwwまさかのwwwwww - Duration: 0:21.

あるある もっと勢いつけなあかん ワイもスマホ落とした瞬間壁に衝突したとこあ わ ワイそれで手首骨折したわ 中間おすすめ記事 ワイはそれで電車に置いてい れたわ 1 電車でキャッチボールしたらボールが顔面に跳ね返ってきたわ これ じだったら止まるまでずっと激突したドアに張り付いたままちゃうか? 24: > 20 想像して草 51: >>20 電車の中で時速120kmくらいで走れ 戻れるんちゃう 1人キャッチボールやったわ 等速直線運動な 2 子供の頃 ら疑問だったんだけど、電車内でキャッチボールした場合、進行方向に投げたら実力以上 球速が出るの? 29: >>25 電車の外から見ればそうなるやろな 3 >>29 球を受ける側が感じる球速は普段と変わらないってこと? 49: > 35 受ける側も電車と同じ速度で移動してるからプラマイゼロや 69: >> 9 あーそっか サンガツ 新幹線が博多に着く頃にはみんなへばりついてる 地上でジャンプした結果wwww 太平洋に落ちましたわ 33: >>27 ワイ1年間地球に帰ってこれんかったわ 空中に浮いている蝿はすごいスピードで飛 でいることになるな 毎日地球の自転に着いていくので精一杯や 3 ジャンプし 時に電車が急停車したら前の壁に激突できるで 5 マジレスすると電車が動く瞬間 ジャンプするとほんまに軽く移動するで おすすめ記事1001: 厳選記事 2020 01/01 00:00:00 ID:newsmatomemory【衝撃的】に納豆 パック食ってた結果wwwマジかよwww 引用元:

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