Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 27 2018

1. Dieta.Unikaj spożywania czerwonego mięsa, białej mąki, cukru oraz mleka krowiego. Wszystkie te produkty spowalniają procesy trawienne.

Zamień je na owoce, zwłaszcza owoce cytrusowe. Pomagają one wzmocnić układ odpornościowy oraz wspomagają naturalne procesy oczyszczania organizmu.

2. Jogurt naturalny.Jogurt możesz też nakładać bezpośrednio na zaatakowane chorobą miejsca i wcierać delikatnie w skórę.

3. Sok z cytryny.Kiedy nakładasz go bezpośrednio na objęte zmianami miejsca, zawarty w nim kwas cytrynowy działa leczniczo, likwidując grzybicę.

Zabieg z użyciem soku z cytryny najlepiej stosować na noc, ponieważ w kontakcie ze słońcem skóra poddawana działaniu kwasów może ulec odbarwieniu.

4. Sok żurawinowy.Sok z żurawiny ma wspaniałe właściwości przeciwgrzybiczne, więc picie go regularnie wesprze Cię skutecznie w walce z chorobą od wewnątrz.

5. Herbata.Aplikowanie okładów z herbaty bezpośrednio na zmienione chorobowo miejsca pomaga wyeliminować problem grzybicy,

ponieważ zawarte w herbacie taniny posiadają właściwości antybakteryjne i działają jak naturalny antybiotyk. Takie zabiegi usuną uciążliwe pieczenie i swędzenie.

By osiągnąć jak najlepsze rezultaty, stosuj herbaciane okłady dwa do trzech razy dziennie.

6. Liście oliwki.Liście zielonej oliwki mogą pomóc Ci na dwa sposoby. Poza wzmacnianiem układu immunologicznego, mogą one bezpośrednio wyeliminować problem grzybicy.

Aby w pełni skorzystać z ich dobroczynnych właściwości możesz:Pić regularnie napar z liści oliwki.Nakładać okłady z wywaru bezpośrednio na skórę. 

7. Sól morska.Być może Cię to zaskoczy, ale grzybica skóry może zostać wyleczona z pomocą tego prostego, łatwo dostępnego środka. Aby aktywować działanie soli morskiej, należy wymieszać ją z wodą.

Składniki:1 szklanka wody (200 ml).2 łyżki soli morskiej (30 g).Sposób przygotowania.Wsyp sól do wody i mieszaj aż do całkowitego rozpuszczenia. Nakładaj mieszankę na miejsca objęte chorobą kilkanaście razy na dzień.

8. Czosnek.Czosnek to bez wątpienia jeden z najlepszych naturalnych, domowych środków zwalczających grzybicę skóry.

Ma on wspaniałe właściwości grzybobójcze. Możesz stosować go wewnętrznie oraz bezpośrednio na skórę:Stosowanie wewnętrznie: Czosnek pomaga usunąć z organizmu toksyny.

Najlepiej spożywać go na pusty żołądek z odrobiną chleba lub mleka roślinnego a zaraz później porzuć przez dłuższą chwilę świeżą natkę pietruszki by usunąć nieprzyjemny zapach i posmak.

Okład: Przeciśnij ząbek czosnku przez praskę lub zetrzyj na tarce o drobnych oczkach i umieść w jałowej gazie. Przyłóż okład do zmienionego chorobowo miejsca na kilka minut. Nie spłukuj.

9. Olej z oregano.Stosowanie wewnętrznie: Dodawaj 2-3 krople do szklanki wody.Okład: Wymieszaj olej z oregano z oliwą z oliwek w rówych proporcjach, smaruj objęte chorobą miejsca.

10. Olej kokosowy.Olej kokosowy zawiera kwasy tłuszczowe, które mają doskonałe właściwości grzybobójcze.

By w pełni wykorzystać dobroczynny potencjał oleju kokosowego, nakładaj go na zmienione chorobowo miejsca 2-3 razy dziennie.

11. Ocet jabłkowy.Kwas octowy reguluje naturalne pH skóry. Powstrzymuje tym samym grzyby przed namnażaniem się. Ocet jabłkowy należy rozcieńczyć w wodzie.

Składniki.2 łyżki wody (30 ml).1 łyżka octu jabłkowego (15 ml).Sposób przygotowania.Wymieszaj ocet z wodą i nałóż na miejsca objęte chorobą przy pomocy jałowej gazy.

12. Olejek z drzewa herbacianego.Olejek z drzewa herbacianego to wyjątkowo skuteczna i silna substancja przeciwgrzybiczna,

która zapobiega rozprzestrzenianiu się choroby na inne obszary skóry.Należy stosować go miejscowo na zmienione chorobowo miejsca.

13. Kurkuma (ostryż długi).Kurkuma to kolejny naturalny środek przeciwgrzybiczny. Możesz stosować ją na dwa sposoby:

Okład: nałóż ją na zmienione chorobowo miejsca na kilka godzin, po czym spłucz.Stosowanie wewnętrznie: wymieszaj ją z mlekiem i miodem.

14. Srebro koloidalne.Srebro koloidalne to bardzo silny naturalny antybiotyk, który pomoże Ci zasuszyć kolonie grzybów.Nakładaj je na miejsca objęte zmianami chorobowymi i nie spłukuj.

15. Sok z aloesu.Lista dobroczynnych efektów stosowania soku z aloesu jest niemal nieskończona i znajduje się na niej również efekt antygrzybiczny.

Natnij liść aloesu, wyciśnij delikatnie żel i nakładaj go kilkanaście razy dziennie na objete chorobą miejsca.

Pamiętaj, że skuteczność tych domowych metod zależy od stosowania ich regularnie oraz od utrzymywania higieny na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Grzybica skóry jest całkowicie wyleczalna!

For more infomation >> Grzybica skóry – 15 domowych sposobów leczenia - Duration: 4:21.


T-Mobile® Merger

For more infomation >> T-Mobile® Merger


What Do 'Natural' and 'Artificial' Flavors Really Mean? - Duration: 9:34.


If somebody gives you the choice between two tasty-looking snack cakes -- but one is labeled

'naturally flavored', and the other 'artificially flavored' -- most people would probably

go with the natural one.

It sounds better.

Who wants to eat food that's fake?

I like real food.

But those labels can be pretty misleading.

In fact, the flavorings could be chemically identical.

There are rules to what gets labeled "natural" or "artificial," but they're pretty


And you definitely don't need to avoid artificial flavors to stay healthy or be eco-friendly.

The only reason you might want to opt for the natural version in some cases is its … just,

its flavor?

In the US, artificial and natural flavors are defined by the Food and Drug Administration,

because that's the agency that gets a say in how companies market and label their foods.

So first, the term "flavors" itself refers to ingredients that are in the food mainly

for their taste, rather than any nutritional value.

So an apple in an apple pie would certainly be adding to the overall flavor, but it would

not technically be considered a flavor or flavoring.

And the FDA considers something a 'natural' flavor if it comes from a plant or animal.

That source could be virtually anything: fruit, bark, herbs, veggies, meats.

The list is long.

But if it's made from a plant or animal, it's natural.

If not, it's artificial.

It does get a little more complicated than that, but in the vast majority of cases, the

difference between the two is only the source.

We're sticking to specifics of the US here, but plenty of other countries differentiate

these flavors along the same lines, so you'll see similar claims on their food packaging.

Seems simple enough, but if you think about how we experience flavor, you can see why

this whole binary system the FDA has cooked up is not necessarily all that useful.

Because what makes your favorite chocolate chip cookies so delicious comes down to the

molecules you taste and smell, not where those molecules come from.

They're chemicals, whether they come from natural sources or are made from scratch in

a lab.

And in many cases, the molecules in natural and artificial flavors are exactly the same

— down to the placement of each atom and bond.

That's because for a lot of common flavors, we know the main chemical behind them, and

whether you purify it from fruit or make it synthetically, a compound is a compound is

a compound.

Take the vanilla you might use when you bake cookies.

The main flavor component of vanilla -- and the one we recognize as having that sweet,

characteristic taste -- is a chemical called vanillin.

You can naturally extract it from vanilla beans by soaking them in water and alcohol.

Or, you can make the exact same chemical in the lab.

If you go the all-natural route, expect to pay big bucks, though, because vanilla beans

are the fruits of finicky tropical orchids.

They're a huge pain to grow and harvest.

And vanilla is the world's most popular flavor, we cannot grow enough beans to flavor

everything we want using only the real stuff.

There is another natural way to get vanilla flavor, with something called castoreum, but

that's not likely to be a fan favorite.

That's because it comes from the castor sacs of beavers, which are located down near

their tails.

Basically, flavoring via beaver butt.

Milking beavers for their secretions is not exactly a high-volume industry either, so

castoreum is too expensive to put in most foods.

But in the lab, you can make the same vanillin in huge batches and for much less money by

doing some fancy chemistry on paper pulp or petroleum derivatives.

That may sound less appetizing than getting it from the beans, but remember: the molecule

you get at the end is exactly the same.

And, it's how we're able to vanilla-fy most of the foods we eat.

So maybe don't write off artificial vanilla just because it's not natural.

You'll save some big bucks.

Then there are also some misconceptions about the environmental impact.

Counterintuitive as it might sound, natural flavorings aren't always so great for nature.

They can have much bigger environmental footprints than their artificial counterparts.

Take massoia lactone, a chemical that tastes like coconut, which you can find in the bark

of certain trees in Southeast Asia.

The tricky part is if you strip off the bark to get it, you kill the tree.

So, as much as we might want to have that lovely pina colada flavor, the natural version

is really inefficient and unsustainable.

Whereas synthetic chemists can whip up massoia lactone in the lab, no tree stripping necessary.

Granted, artificial flavorings aren't perfect for the planet either.

They're often made from oil, and can require special materials that aren't environmentally-friendly.

Production can also create wastewater.

Still, that's usually better than killing entire groves of trees or going through thousands

of kilos of fruit in search of specific flavor compounds.

There is one major downside to keeping things strictly in the lab, though: the taste.

Because while synthetic vanillin is the same molecule you'll find in the stuff from vanilla

beans, real vanilla has hundreds of other compounds that subtly change the flavor.

Artificial vanilla is a pretty good substitute because around 80% of vanilla flavor comes

from that one vanillin compound.

Most people can't tell the difference.

But other flavors are much harder to replicate.

Artificial strawberry might be delicious, for example, but if you think about it, it

doesn't really taste like strawberries.

That's because you simply can't reproduce that flavor very well with one or two chemicals.

It's super complex.

So, the purity you get with artificial methods may sometimes make for less-sophisticated


On the other hand, it also means that those flavors are better-known to scientists, and

more rigorously tested.

If this runs counter to your intuition, you're not alone.

Packages proudly proclaiming 'no artificial flavors' are trying to appeal to the common

feeling that substances from Mother Nature are inherently safer and better than ones

invented and produced by people.

That's called the naturalistic fallacy.

But nature isn't infallible, and there's all kinds of stuff out there that's natural,

but will also super kill you.

Just because a flavoring comes from a plant or animal doesn't mean it's safer or healthier.

Which is why US flavor regulations apply to both natural and artificial flavors.

It's a system called Generally Recognized As Safe, or GRAS.

Basically, back in the mid-20th century, the FDA decided that food additives should be

tested, although they could be exempted from review if experts already agreed that the

substance was safe.

Since the rules took full effect in the late 1950s, just two flavors have been banned,

one natural and one artificial: calamus, which comes from a plant also known as sweet root;

and cinnamyl anthranilate, a synthetic compound that gives a grape or cherry flavor.

Some flavorings have raised other types of health flags, like diacetyl, the artificial

buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn.

If it's inhaled in extremely large amounts — like if you work in a popcorn factory

and don't use protective equipment — it can cause a lung disease known as popcorn


But eating it isn't a problem, so we still use it.

In theory, it's still possible that some flavors we use have minor negative health

effects we just don't know about, even with this testing system.

One complication is that the evidence is summarized by an industry group.

But since the rules apply to both types of flavors, there's no reason to be extra suspicious

of the artificial ones.

Another part of artificial flavoring's bad reputation comes from the fact that it's

in processed foods, which are less healthy for you — they're often high in sugar

and fat while also being low in fiber and nutrients.

But that's not the flavoring's fault.

And of course, natural flavoring is used for the exact same thing.

Perhaps the most misleading example of this is orange juice.

Americans used to get most of their orange juice from concentrate, but these days, we

tend to buy it in cartons where the juice doesn't need to be diluted.

It seems like a fresher option, and companies have marketed it that way to get a premium


But the juice isn't as fresh as they make it sound.

Because of the realities of large-scale production, the juice ends up sitting in tanks for months

at a time.

To keep it from spoiling, producers pasteurize it and also remove all the oxygen in a process

called deaeration.

To be fair, that processing is important to keep the juice safe to drink.

But it also removes a bunch of the nicer flavor compounds that make freshly squeezed juice

so refreshing.

The juice might not be from concentrate, but companies still re-flavor it right before

it's put in the carton, with what people in the industry call juice packs.

The packs are a mix of flavors, usually from oranges, orange oil, or orange essence.

So technically, they have natural sources.

But that doesn't mean the flavor is coming from freshly-squeezed orange juice, or that

the juice is somehow less processed and healthier because the flavorings are natural.

Once you find out what the terms "natural" and "artificial" really mean, you start

to see this type of misleading marketing everywhere.

But if you think it's confusing now, just wait a few years.

Because biotech is getting in on flavorings, blurring the lines even more.

Companies are trying to come up with new ways to make flavors that still count as 'natural'

under current labeling regulations -- even though the source may be bacteria or yeast,

rather than any recognizable plant or animal.

With genetic engineering, you can program microbes to produce certain flavor molecules,

then isolate the molecules and use them just like other flavorings.

That could be a more efficient and eco-friendly solution in some cases, especially for hard-to-source

flavor compounds.

But in a way, it would make the labeling claims on food packaging even more meaningless.

Like, is that all-natural vanilla flavor from vanilla beans or a very special strain of


If you wanted the natural stuff for the more nuanced flavor, you'd have no way of knowing

what you were getting.

For now, just don't be fooled by claims that sticking to natural flavors is healthier

or better for the environment.

Tastes and flavors are based on chemistry, and a lot of the time, the artificial ones

are just as good.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you're interested in learning more about flavor chemistry, you can check out one of

our previous episodes, about 5 chemicals that are in everything you eat.


For more infomation >> What Do 'Natural' and 'Artificial' Flavors Really Mean? - Duration: 9:34.


HSN | Caya Costa UPF Fashions 06.27.2018 - 02 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.

For more infomation >> HSN | Caya Costa UPF Fashions 06.27.2018 - 02 PM - Duration: 1:00:01.


小s在节目中吃豆腐,刘德华、林更新、谢霆锋都中招 - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> 小s在节目中吃豆腐,刘德华、林更新、谢霆锋都中招 - Duration: 1:56.


Are Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra Getting Engaged? Wild Rumor Suggests He'll Propose This Summer - Da - Duration: 2:18.

Whoa, that was fast! A new report claims Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas plan to take their relationship to the next level with an engagement — what is going on?!    After Pete Davidson and Ariana Grande's quick engagement after only a few weeks of dating, really anything is possible

Now, a new report claims Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas will be engaged by August! "By July end or August this year" Priyanka will have a ring on her finger, according to sources at FilmFare

The site added that Nick met Priyanka's family during their trip to India and it was then they decided they wanted to take their things to the next step! Wow!  Nick and Priyanka arrived in Mumbai last week, where Nick met her mother and friends

"We just went out for dinner where Nick was present. But it was a large group. There were 10-odd people, so I didn't get the time to know him that well

I've met him for the first time, so it's too early to form an opinion," Priyanka's mom Madhu told DNA

Shortly after, the couple and the Quantico actress's family jetted to Goa, India for a beach vacation

There, Priyanka shared on her Instagram story a photo of Nick and her brother looking out into the Arabian Sea, calling them her "favourite men

" So cute.    On this same trip, Nick went "social media official" with their relationship, posting a video of a beaming Priyanka with the words "Her

" She also met Nick's family while joining him as his date to his cousin's wedding! Things are getting pretty serious between these two — maybe there will be a wedding around the corner

Of course, we assume, Priyanka will also accompany Nick at his brother Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner's upcoming nuptials

We're definitely shipping this couple!

For more infomation >> Are Nick Jonas & Priyanka Chopra Getting Engaged? Wild Rumor Suggests He'll Propose This Summer - Da - Duration: 2:18.


Maytronics Dolphin S300i Robotic Pool Cleaner Buyers Guide - Duration: 1:24.

If you spend more time cleaning your pool than enjoying it, you might want to enlist a robot to do some work for you.

As with most robotic pool cleaners, the $1,499 Maytronics Dolphin S300i is rather pricey,

But when you consider the hours spent scrubbing and vacuuming your pool over the course of the season, it's money well spent.

The S300i does a fantastic job of vacuuming pool sides and floors, and its dual filtration

system will keep things spotless all summer.

As with our top pick for pool cleaners, the Polaris 9650iQ Sport, the S300i can be controlled

using a phone and a mobile app, but it's missing a few of the features we love about the Polaris model.

For more infomation >> Maytronics Dolphin S300i Robotic Pool Cleaner Buyers Guide - Duration: 1:24.


El acuerdo entre Fox y Disney aún necesita muchas otras aprobaciones de entidades regulatorias de o - Duration: 2:13.

El Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos se apresta a entregar la autorización regulatoria este miércoles para que Walt Disney adquiera una participación mayoritaria en 21st Century Fox, indicó una fuente cercana a la transacción

Previamente este mes, Comcast ofreció 65,000 millones de dólares para que Fox eludiera el acuerdo con Disney, un aumento de 20% respecto de la suma ofrecida por su rival, lo que inició una puja de ofertas de compra entre las dos mayores compañías de medios de Estados Unidos

El acuerdo entre Fox y Disney aún necesita muchas otras aprobaciones de entidades regulatorias de otros países

Disney y el Departamento de Justicia no respondieron de inmediato a los pedidos para emitir comentarios

De concretarse la transacción, el escenario mediático del entretenimiento se vería reacomodado de una forma profunda, ya que el imperio de Mickey Mouse obtendría los derechos de cientos de películas y programas de televisión, algunos de ellas icónicos para la cultura pop, como "Los Simpsons", por ejemplo

Del cine, van incluidos los derechos que tiene Fox de superhéroes de Marvel Cómics, como los X-Men y los Fantastic Four, los cuales Disney no ha podido mostrar en su Universo Cinematrográfico de Marvel

Además, la adquisición incluye decenas de canales de televisión de paga tanto en diversas regiones del mundo, como los deportivos que tiene Estados Unidos y que poseen, a su vez, los derechos de transmisión de equipo de la MLB y NBA

For more infomation >> El acuerdo entre Fox y Disney aún necesita muchas otras aprobaciones de entidades regulatorias de o - Duration: 2:13.


Émilie Fiorelli : Son tatouage en hommage à sa fille Louna ! - Duration: 2:29.

 Révélée dans Secret Story 9, le programme de télé-réalité qu'elle a remporté en 2016, Émilie Fiorelli s'est depuis éloignée de la sphère médiatique

À la place, elle a rejoint le club des influenceuses mode sur les réseaux sociaux

Du côté de sa vie privée, la Marseillaise est en couple avec le footballeur M'Baye Niang et filait déjà le parfait amour avec lui lorsqu'elle a appris qu'elle était enceinte

   Près d'un an plus tard, le 22 avril 2018, Émilie accouchait et donnait naissance à une petite fille, qu'elle a appelée Louna

Épanouie dans sa nouvelle vie, la jeune maman a décidé de se faire tatouer le prénom et la date de naissance de sa fille

Une manière de prouver son affection et de l'avoir toujours auprès d'elle. "Mon amour de ma vie gravée dans ma peau", inscrit-t-elle en légende de sa story Instagram

   La relation entre unz mère et sa fille est souvent très forte, Émilie l'aura bien compris

C'est pourquoi elle a également tenu à symboliser l'amour inconditionnel qu'elle porte pour sa mère, Chantal, en lui offrant aussi une place pour un tatouage

For more infomation >> Émilie Fiorelli : Son tatouage en hommage à sa fille Louna ! - Duration: 2:29.


Citroën C3 Aircross 1.2 PureTech S&S Feel Airco - Navigatiesysteem - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 Aircross 1.2 PureTech S&S Feel Airco - Navigatiesysteem - Duration: 1:09.


Coupe du monde: entraînement léger pour les Argentins, à trois jours d'affronter les Bleus - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde: entraînement léger pour les Argentins, à trois jours d'affronter les Bleus - Duration: 2:07.


Volvo V70 2.4D EDITION CLASSIC Leer+Xenon+Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Volvo V70 2.4D EDITION CLASSIC Leer+Xenon+Navigatie - Duration: 1:13.


Peugeot Partner 170C 1.9 D AVANTAGE nw apk nap cv ele pakket lage km !!! - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 170C 1.9 D AVANTAGE nw apk nap cv ele pakket lage km !!! - Duration: 0:52.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Business Solution Automaat | AVANTGARDE | LED - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Business Solution Automaat | AVANTGARDE | LED - Duration: 1:11.


BMW X1 2.3D XDRIVE BUSINESS Panoramadak Leer Navi Stoelverw. FULL! 204PK! - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> BMW X1 2.3D XDRIVE BUSINESS Panoramadak Leer Navi Stoelverw. FULL! 204PK! - Duration: 1:10.


MINI Clubman 1.6 ONE D BUSINESS LINE Ecc Pdc Mistl/voor 101dkm! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> MINI Clubman 1.6 ONE D BUSINESS LINE Ecc Pdc Mistl/voor 101dkm! - Duration: 1:07.


Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 200 d Estate Automaat Sport Edition | Nightpakket - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse C 200 d Estate Automaat Sport Edition | Nightpakket - Duration: 0:46.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Limousine E 200 d Automaat Taxi Edition | Antidiefstal-pakket - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse Limousine E 200 d Automaat Taxi Edition | Antidiefstal-pakket - Duration: 0:53.


tutti i tesori dei vip d'italia - margherita agnelli ha una società da 1,5 miliardi alle isole vergi - Duration: 13:25.

La lite familiare più ricca della storia d' Italia si era chiusa in Cassazione, nel 2015, con un verdetto chiaro: Margherita Agnelli, l' erede insoddisfatta di casa Fiat, non ha ottenuto un soldo in più di quello che aveva già incassato nel 2004, un anno dopo la morte del padre

Anni di processi però non hanno svelato il dato di fondo: a quanto ammontava l' eredità di Gianni Agnelli e quanto aveva ricevuto esattamente la figlia Margherita? L' unica cifra conosciuta, all' inizio, era un bonifico bancario di 109 milioni

Poi un avvocato svizzero, vistosi accusare di aver preteso una parcella esagerata, ha replicato che Margherita avrebbe ottenuto beni per un valore complessivo di 1

166 milioni. Ora, per la prima volta, è lei stessa a quantificare il suo tesoro ereditario, che supera ogni precedente stima: un miliardo e mezzo

A rivelare questo e molti altri tesori offshore dei ricchi d' Italia sono i nuovi Panama Papers: 1,2 milioni di documenti ottenuti dal quotidiano tedesco Sueddeutsche Zeitung e condivisi con il consorzio giornalistico Icij, di cui fa parte L' Espresso

Le nuove carte fotografano gli effetti della prima, colossale fuga di notizie su oltre 200 mila casseforti offshore create dal 1977 al 2015 dallo studio Mossack Fonseca

Il 3 aprile 2016, quando oltre 300 giornalisti di tutto il mondo cominciano a pubblicare i nomi dei ricchi e potenti con società e conti nei paradisi fiscali, a Panama City scoppia il panico

Lo studio delle offshore avrebbe dovuto identificare e registrare tutti gli azionisti, invece decine di migliaia di società sono totalmente anonime

Solo a Panama, su 10.551 offshore in attività, 7.913 hanno beneficiari sconosciuti

Alle British Virgin Islands, su 28.427, sono fuorilegge 20.465. Alle Seychelles, su 5

575, solo 118 hanno titolari registrati. I giornalisti della squadra Icij continuano a svelare nomi di oligarchi russi, miliardari arabi, politici europei, stelle dello spettacolo e personalità di tutto il pianeta con tesori segreti nei paradisi fiscali, mentre le autorità di molti Stati premono sul governo di Panama e professionisti di mezzo mondo, infuriati, temono la fuga dei clienti più ricchi

A Panama parte così una caccia disperata ai nomi dei beneficiari. E alle certificazioni sull' origine delle loro ricchezze

Nel tentativo di evitare il disastro poi verificatosi: arresto dei titolari, chiusura dello studio, indagini in decine di stati, compresa l' Italia, dove il fisco indaga su una prima lista di 800 signori delle offshore

In questo clima, il 22 settembre 2016, un fiduciario svizzero della Fidaudit si sente chiedere chi sia il suo cliente, titolare di una società ricchissima, Blossom Investment Services Corp

, fondata alle British Virgin Islands il 4 giugno 2003 e controllata da un' altra offshore, Seashell Holding Corporaton

La filiale di Mossack Fonseca a Ginevra riceve la risposta il 20 ottobre: il beneficiario unico è la signora Margherita Agnelli

Nel modulo sulle ricchezze, il suo fiduciario svizzero, che è anche amministratore della società-cassaforte, scrive a penna che l' attività della Blossom è «la gestione di conti bancari per investimenti finanziari in Svizzera, Lussemburgo, Singapore e Nassau», del valore di «1,5 miliardi», che provengono dalla «eredità di suo padre Giovani Agnelli» (scritto così, senza una enne)

Margherita Agnelli vive da anni in Svizzera. E i suoi avvocati italiani, interpellati da L' Espresso, precisano che non ha obblighi fiscali verso l' Italia

Nei nuovi Panama papers compare anche un' altra prestigiosa dinastia industriale italiana

Due anni fa, nei primi documenti, L' Espresso aveva trovato una offshore di Emanuela Barilla: Jamers International, creata nel 2014 nelle Isole Vergini Britanniche e controllata dalla Maya International Foundation di Panama

Le carte più recenti mostrano che quella fondazione, domiciliata nella sede di Mossack Fonseca, era azionista anche di un' altra offshore delle Isole Vergini, chiamata Kimora Industries Ltd, che ha per beneficiari gli altri tre fratelli: Guido Maria, Paolo e Luca

Il primo è l' attuale presidente del gruppo di Parma, gli altri sono consiglieri d' amministrazione

La Kimora Industries nasce nell' autunno 1999 e fin dall' inizio fa capo ai tre attuali beneficiari

Tra il 2015 e il 2016 un loro avvocato svizzero riceve l' incarico di aprire e gestire un conto a Hong Kong, alla Standard Chartered Private Bank

Le comunicazioni si interrompono nella primavera 2016, quando esplode lo scandalo dei Panama papers

Un anno dopo i tre fratelli Barilla decidono di liquidare la Kimora, che viene chiusa il 7 aprile 2017

A quel punto i vari consulenti, Mossack Fonseca a Panama e lo studio Kellerhals Carrard in Svizzera, pianificano di spostare altrove i fondi usciti dalla Kimora

Destinazione prescelta: Emirati Arabi. A riceverli saranno altre due società offshore, Starsight Trading e Samag Resources, sui rispettivi conti alla First Gulf Bank di Dubai

I professionisti svizzeri chiedono ai colleghi di Panama, che devono liquidare la Kimora, di non mandare i soldi direttamente sui conti di Dubai, ma di usare come intermediario la Citibank di New York

Emanuela Barilla con la sua Jamers, l' unica offshore già rivelata nel 2016, decide di seguire un' altra strada

Il 21 agosto 2017 i gestori della sua offshore cancellano i titoli di proprietà della Maya Foundation e li sostituiscono con un solo certificato che vale 50 mila azioni, intestato a Emanuela Barilla

Che da quel momento è la beneficiaria diretta della Jamers, senza più lo schermo ormai bruciato della fondazione di Panama

Alla fine del 2017 i suoi consulenti avviano le pratiche per creare una nuova società, senza specificare dove, ma a quel punto i documenti si interrompono

Guido Maria Barilla, anche a nome dei fratelli, ha risposto alle nostre domande con questa importante dichiarazione: «I componenti della famiglia Barilla sono in regola con le obbligazioni tributarie in Italia»

Dall' industria di Parma che ha reso famosa nel mondo la pasta italiana è arrivata anche un' altra precisazione: «Il Gruppo Barilla è completamente estraneo ai fatti, dati o circostanze riportati» nei Panama Papers

Stefano Pessina è un famoso imprenditore italo-americano che è diventato il re della distribuzione di farmaci, come primo azionista della multinazionale Wallgreens Boots Alliance

Il suo nome era già comparso nei Panama Papers del 2016. Ora i nuovi documenti svelano altre sue offshore e, soprattutto, quantificano la sua immensa ricchezza

Quando è scoppiato lo scandalo di Panama, l' ingegner Pessina non ha fatto una piega

È rimasto cliente di Mossack Fonseca e ha risposto tranquillamente, il 4 aprile 2017, alle richieste di fornire tutti i documenti per identificare i beneficiari di tre società delle British Virgin Islands: Ambassador Rose International, Empire Rose Management e Pecove Holding

Attraverso i consulenti, ha trasmesso la copia del suo passaporto e una bolletta di casa, per provare la sua residenza

A quel punto lo studio ha potuto rilasciare il certificato di titolarità delle tre offshore, che oltre a Pessina hanno altri due azionisti: Claude Sol Cohen e Antonella Fiorentino Vedeo

La trafila si ripete per la società Zenith delle Isole Vergini, controllata solo da Pessina e Cohen, usata per gestire proprietà immobiliari nel Principato di Monaco

Qui la bolletta allegata riguarda la residenza di Pessina a Montecarlo, chiamata con ironia «Villa Farniente»

E proprio nel dossier sull' origine dei fondi destinati alla Zenith («parecchi milioni di euro»), nell' ultima pagina, Pessina quantifica la fortuna complessiva accumulata con la sua «carriera nell' industria farmaceutica»: «oltre 10 miliardi di dollari americani»

Di tutt' altra specie sono le ricchezze nascoste alla Mashreq Bank di Dubai da Francesco Corallo, il re delle slot machine oggi inquisito per una maxifrode fiscale da oltre 200 milioni e per la presunta corruzione di Gianfranco Fini, con almeno sei milioni versati ai suoi familiari Elisabetta e Giancarlo Tulliani

L' allarme a Panama scatta solo nel dicembre 2016, dopo l' arresto di Corallo: «Urgente - Alto rischio - Il beneficiario della nostra offshore è stato incarcerato»

 La cassaforte segreta di Corallo, svelata da l' Espresso nell' aprile 2016, è una società delle Seychelles chiamata Vales Tru Admin Services Limited

Sui conti di Dubai (tre personali, tre della offshore) sono arrivati oltre 42 milioni di euro sottratti allo Stato italiano, secondo le accuse documentate dai finanzieri dello Scico, che hanno convinto i magistrati di Roma a ordinarne il sequestro

Non ancora eseguito, però, dagli Emirati Arabi. Ma anche in Italia l' imputato Corallo continua non avere problemi con le autorità politiche: a difenderlo in tribunale è ancora lo studio dell' avvocato Giulia Bongiorno, oggi ministro della Lega

For more infomation >> tutti i tesori dei vip d'italia - margherita agnelli ha una società da 1,5 miliardi alle isole vergi - Duration: 13:25.


Neymar Jr vs Serbia HD 1080i (27/06/2018) - Duration: 10:24.

Marcelo is pulled over, and is now being told to go over to the side.

It looks like he wants to take a break.

Neymar still might get there

Back on top of the group!

For more infomation >> Neymar Jr vs Serbia HD 1080i (27/06/2018) - Duration: 10:24.


Important Announcement for the Channel ! (English Subtitles Available !) - Duration: 1:37.

Hi everyone ! It's Yuki :3 I have to tell many things in this video !

First, here's my OC, the one that represents me. I know I've changed a lot XD BUT! This one will be definitive XD Because this time, he fits me perfectly !

If you want to know my story and my universe, go to the channel in the description : it will become a official channel !

I warn you : this channel will only be in English ^^ I'm sorry for those who struggle with English, but it's easier for me, and you don't have to subscribe again !

Little explanation :3 The first channel ( the one with 3000 subscribers ) will be entirely for Undertale or Lovetale and for a few videos where I have fun with my friends :3

The second channel in English ( the one in the description ) will be for my universe, memes, animations, and it'll be cleaner at my opinion !

I have lots of reasons but they're too long to justify X) I hope you won't blame me for that ^w^ Anyway, I hope I'll see you on this channel which will be more active I think ! ( my social networks don't change but I'll talk more in English ). But if you begin in French I'll answer in French too ^^

Well ! I hope I've explained well X) I hope to see you on the other channel :3 See you soon in my next videos which will be the QnA and the sequel of the MC Horror Map :3

For more infomation >> Important Announcement for the Channel ! (English Subtitles Available !) - Duration: 1:37.


What Do 'Natural' and 'Artificial' Flavors Really Mean? - Duration: 9:34.


If somebody gives you the choice between two tasty-looking snack cakes -- but one is labeled

'naturally flavored', and the other 'artificially flavored' -- most people would probably

go with the natural one.

It sounds better.

Who wants to eat food that's fake?

I like real food.

But those labels can be pretty misleading.

In fact, the flavorings could be chemically identical.

There are rules to what gets labeled "natural" or "artificial," but they're pretty


And you definitely don't need to avoid artificial flavors to stay healthy or be eco-friendly.

The only reason you might want to opt for the natural version in some cases is its … just,

its flavor?

In the US, artificial and natural flavors are defined by the Food and Drug Administration,

because that's the agency that gets a say in how companies market and label their foods.

So first, the term "flavors" itself refers to ingredients that are in the food mainly

for their taste, rather than any nutritional value.

So an apple in an apple pie would certainly be adding to the overall flavor, but it would

not technically be considered a flavor or flavoring.

And the FDA considers something a 'natural' flavor if it comes from a plant or animal.

That source could be virtually anything: fruit, bark, herbs, veggies, meats.

The list is long.

But if it's made from a plant or animal, it's natural.

If not, it's artificial.

It does get a little more complicated than that, but in the vast majority of cases, the

difference between the two is only the source.

We're sticking to specifics of the US here, but plenty of other countries differentiate

these flavors along the same lines, so you'll see similar claims on their food packaging.

Seems simple enough, but if you think about how we experience flavor, you can see why

this whole binary system the FDA has cooked up is not necessarily all that useful.

Because what makes your favorite chocolate chip cookies so delicious comes down to the

molecules you taste and smell, not where those molecules come from.

They're chemicals, whether they come from natural sources or are made from scratch in

a lab.

And in many cases, the molecules in natural and artificial flavors are exactly the same

— down to the placement of each atom and bond.

That's because for a lot of common flavors, we know the main chemical behind them, and

whether you purify it from fruit or make it synthetically, a compound is a compound is

a compound.

Take the vanilla you might use when you bake cookies.

The main flavor component of vanilla -- and the one we recognize as having that sweet,

characteristic taste -- is a chemical called vanillin.

You can naturally extract it from vanilla beans by soaking them in water and alcohol.

Or, you can make the exact same chemical in the lab.

If you go the all-natural route, expect to pay big bucks, though, because vanilla beans

are the fruits of finicky tropical orchids.

They're a huge pain to grow and harvest.

And vanilla is the world's most popular flavor, we cannot grow enough beans to flavor

everything we want using only the real stuff.

There is another natural way to get vanilla flavor, with something called castoreum, but

that's not likely to be a fan favorite.

That's because it comes from the castor sacs of beavers, which are located down near

their tails.

Basically, flavoring via beaver butt.

Milking beavers for their secretions is not exactly a high-volume industry either, so

castoreum is too expensive to put in most foods.

But in the lab, you can make the same vanillin in huge batches and for much less money by

doing some fancy chemistry on paper pulp or petroleum derivatives.

That may sound less appetizing than getting it from the beans, but remember: the molecule

you get at the end is exactly the same.

And, it's how we're able to vanilla-fy most of the foods we eat.

So maybe don't write off artificial vanilla just because it's not natural.

You'll save some big bucks.

Then there are also some misconceptions about the environmental impact.

Counterintuitive as it might sound, natural flavorings aren't always so great for nature.

They can have much bigger environmental footprints than their artificial counterparts.

Take massoia lactone, a chemical that tastes like coconut, which you can find in the bark

of certain trees in Southeast Asia.

The tricky part is if you strip off the bark to get it, you kill the tree.

So, as much as we might want to have that lovely pina colada flavor, the natural version

is really inefficient and unsustainable.

Whereas synthetic chemists can whip up massoia lactone in the lab, no tree stripping necessary.

Granted, artificial flavorings aren't perfect for the planet either.

They're often made from oil, and can require special materials that aren't environmentally-friendly.

Production can also create wastewater.

Still, that's usually better than killing entire groves of trees or going through thousands

of kilos of fruit in search of specific flavor compounds.

There is one major downside to keeping things strictly in the lab, though: the taste.

Because while synthetic vanillin is the same molecule you'll find in the stuff from vanilla

beans, real vanilla has hundreds of other compounds that subtly change the flavor.

Artificial vanilla is a pretty good substitute because around 80% of vanilla flavor comes

from that one vanillin compound.

Most people can't tell the difference.

But other flavors are much harder to replicate.

Artificial strawberry might be delicious, for example, but if you think about it, it

doesn't really taste like strawberries.

That's because you simply can't reproduce that flavor very well with one or two chemicals.

It's super complex.

So, the purity you get with artificial methods may sometimes make for less-sophisticated


On the other hand, it also means that those flavors are better-known to scientists, and

more rigorously tested.

If this runs counter to your intuition, you're not alone.

Packages proudly proclaiming 'no artificial flavors' are trying to appeal to the common

feeling that substances from Mother Nature are inherently safer and better than ones

invented and produced by people.

That's called the naturalistic fallacy.

But nature isn't infallible, and there's all kinds of stuff out there that's natural,

but will also super kill you.

Just because a flavoring comes from a plant or animal doesn't mean it's safer or healthier.

Which is why US flavor regulations apply to both natural and artificial flavors.

It's a system called Generally Recognized As Safe, or GRAS.

Basically, back in the mid-20th century, the FDA decided that food additives should be

tested, although they could be exempted from review if experts already agreed that the

substance was safe.

Since the rules took full effect in the late 1950s, just two flavors have been banned,

one natural and one artificial: calamus, which comes from a plant also known as sweet root;

and cinnamyl anthranilate, a synthetic compound that gives a grape or cherry flavor.

Some flavorings have raised other types of health flags, like diacetyl, the artificial

buttery flavoring in microwave popcorn.

If it's inhaled in extremely large amounts — like if you work in a popcorn factory

and don't use protective equipment — it can cause a lung disease known as popcorn


But eating it isn't a problem, so we still use it.

In theory, it's still possible that some flavors we use have minor negative health

effects we just don't know about, even with this testing system.

One complication is that the evidence is summarized by an industry group.

But since the rules apply to both types of flavors, there's no reason to be extra suspicious

of the artificial ones.

Another part of artificial flavoring's bad reputation comes from the fact that it's

in processed foods, which are less healthy for you — they're often high in sugar

and fat while also being low in fiber and nutrients.

But that's not the flavoring's fault.

And of course, natural flavoring is used for the exact same thing.

Perhaps the most misleading example of this is orange juice.

Americans used to get most of their orange juice from concentrate, but these days, we

tend to buy it in cartons where the juice doesn't need to be diluted.

It seems like a fresher option, and companies have marketed it that way to get a premium


But the juice isn't as fresh as they make it sound.

Because of the realities of large-scale production, the juice ends up sitting in tanks for months

at a time.

To keep it from spoiling, producers pasteurize it and also remove all the oxygen in a process

called deaeration.

To be fair, that processing is important to keep the juice safe to drink.

But it also removes a bunch of the nicer flavor compounds that make freshly squeezed juice

so refreshing.

The juice might not be from concentrate, but companies still re-flavor it right before

it's put in the carton, with what people in the industry call juice packs.

The packs are a mix of flavors, usually from oranges, orange oil, or orange essence.

So technically, they have natural sources.

But that doesn't mean the flavor is coming from freshly-squeezed orange juice, or that

the juice is somehow less processed and healthier because the flavorings are natural.

Once you find out what the terms "natural" and "artificial" really mean, you start

to see this type of misleading marketing everywhere.

But if you think it's confusing now, just wait a few years.

Because biotech is getting in on flavorings, blurring the lines even more.

Companies are trying to come up with new ways to make flavors that still count as 'natural'

under current labeling regulations -- even though the source may be bacteria or yeast,

rather than any recognizable plant or animal.

With genetic engineering, you can program microbes to produce certain flavor molecules,

then isolate the molecules and use them just like other flavorings.

That could be a more efficient and eco-friendly solution in some cases, especially for hard-to-source

flavor compounds.

But in a way, it would make the labeling claims on food packaging even more meaningless.

Like, is that all-natural vanilla flavor from vanilla beans or a very special strain of


If you wanted the natural stuff for the more nuanced flavor, you'd have no way of knowing

what you were getting.

For now, just don't be fooled by claims that sticking to natural flavors is healthier

or better for the environment.

Tastes and flavors are based on chemistry, and a lot of the time, the artificial ones

are just as good.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

If you're interested in learning more about flavor chemistry, you can check out one of

our previous episodes, about 5 chemicals that are in everything you eat.


For more infomation >> What Do 'Natural' and 'Artificial' Flavors Really Mean? - Duration: 9:34.


Chelsea transfer news: Matias Vecino update as agent holds talks with Inter Milan - Duration: 3:00.

 Vecino is on Chelsea's radar as they prepare for Maurizio Sarri replacing Antonio Conte in the Stamford Bridge dugout

 The midfielder made 29 appearances for Inter Milan this season on the way to booking his place in Uruguay's World Cup squad

 Chelsea will have been interested onlookers as Vecino featured in all three of his country's group games in Russia

 Chelsea defender Davide Zappacosta has been linked with a return to his native Italy as part of a deal for Vecino

 However, it seems Vecino could be staying put after his agent, Alessandro Lucci, visited Inter Milan for talks

 According to Italian outlet Tutto Mercato Web, Lucci was in Milan to discuss a contract extension for his client

 Vecino potentially putting pen to paper at Inter will come as a blow to Sarri as he plans for next season

 The former Napoli gaffer is set to make a host of changes to the squad he will inherit from Conte

 Former Premier League star Paul Merson reckons defence and attack are where Chelsea should be focussing the most attention

 "I wouldn't say Chelsea need a new manager because Antonio Conte is one of the best in the world but I do think he will leave and I just think it needs to be done sooner rather than later," said Merson

 "Arsenal have done their business right as Unai Emery has now got time to improve his squad

 "Chelsea need to get it done quickly because if they don't get players in they won't win anything as anyone who comes in won't be better than Conte

 "I think they need strengthening at the back with a centre-half and another forward

 "I'm a big fan of Alvaro Morata's but I just don't know whether he's up to the Premier League week-in, week-out so I think they'll sell him and get another striker in

 "Olivier Giroud has proven to be a great buy but I'd like to see another forward in

 "I'd like to see Robert Lewandowski but without Champions League football the price would have to be right


For more infomation >> Chelsea transfer news: Matias Vecino update as agent holds talks with Inter Milan - Duration: 3:00.


Merci, maman! - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Merci, maman! - Duration: 1:52.



we grab a section of the hair

we do a ponytail

with a brush, we tousle the ponytail for having more volume and so it's easier to do the bun

we do the bun

with bobby pins we ensure the bun

we do the same on the other side

we divide half and half of the hair

(I didn't have a mirror lol)

we do a ponytail with half of the hair

we give the hair more volume with the brush

we do the bun

you can dishevel it a bit if you want

we do the same on the other side

we do a low ponytail BUT before doing the last one we leave it at half of it :

with the rest of the hair, we roll it up and hold it with bobby pins

we grab the upper section of the hair

and do a ponytail

we tousle the ponytail

and do the bun

and again, we hold it with bobby pins

and we dishevel it a bit

we dishevel it so it is more "tumblr" xD



For more infomation >> TUMBLR HAIRSTYLES WITH BUNS ♡ - Duration: 3:52.


Dites adieu à la dépression grâce à ce smoothie du bonheur - Duration: 9:01.

For more infomation >> Dites adieu à la dépression grâce à ce smoothie du bonheur - Duration: 9:01.


Merci, papa! - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Merci, papa! - Duration: 1:55.


Plumbing Video Inspection Laguna Beach CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Video Inspection Laguna Beach CA - Duration: 1:19.

Plumbing Video Inspection Laguna Beach CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

6 months to come clear it out?

Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree

roots intruding into sewer lines.

We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree

roots or any other blockages in your pipes.

While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the

entire surface of the pipe.

We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.

We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.

Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!

For more infomation >> Plumbing Video Inspection Laguna Beach CA 800-538-4537 Plumbing Video Inspection Laguna Beach CA - Duration: 1:19.


HOT NEWS !!! Leo Sound System Has Unveils By Constellation Audio - Duration: 2:36.

a new sound system has been unveiled by Constellation audio in the form of the

Leo which looks more like a next generation games console than a sound

system equipped with a pair of 6.5 inch woofers the woofers are positioned

within the case in an opposed parallel configuration to cancel out vibrations

each is powered by a dedicated twin 140 watt Class D amplifiers while the two

2.5 inch mid-range drivers and dual 0.75 inch tweeters each have their own 70

watt amps for a total of 500 60 watts of power other features of the Leo include

a multi-channel DSP that optimizes the sound quality tailoring it to whatever

source is playing whether it be airplay chromecast Bluetooth optical digital

Ethernet or the built in MCM Mpho no stage no existing product category seems

adequate to contain Leo Leo embodies the same no compromise spirit that inspired

our original reference series components hailed by many experts as the finest

ever created yet it fits into environments that could never

accommodate a traditional audio system Leo blends many approaches to audio

ultra modern digital audio processing and amplification technologies combined

with traditional design philosophies and techniques refined through decades of

experience unfortunately no information on pricing or worldwide availability has

been released as yet but as soon as information comes to light we will keep

you updated as always expect more information to be made available towards

the end of 2018 to describe Leo in concrete terms it is a try amplified

stereo sound system that delivers inspiring performance from any source be

it a moving coil phone a cartridge a networked computer an internet radio

station a high-end music streamer a CD player or even a smart phone

For more infomation >> HOT NEWS !!! Leo Sound System Has Unveils By Constellation Audio - Duration: 2:36.


The Nets' interest is for the Magic's other free agent - Daily News - Duration: 4:09.

 The Nets need another athletic big, and some great young ones are hitting restricted free agency, GM Sean Marks' weapon of choice

But fans already penciling Aaron Gordon or Clint Capela into the lineup may be disappointed

 After Marks handed Otto Porter Jr., Tyler Johnson and Allen Crabbe huge offer sheets over the past two offseasons, many Brooklyn fans are expecting him to go big in an RFA market that includes Orlando's Gordon, Houston's Capela, the Lakers' Julius Randle and Milwaukee's Jabari Parker

 ESPN's Stephen A. Smith stirred the pot Wednesday by speculating that Brooklyn might throw a huge offer sheet at Randle or Capela

But don't bet on Gordon or Capela, or Brooklyn breaking the bank for anybody.  The Nets' top priority is protecting their trove of salary-cap space for the summer of 2019, when they could have enough room for two max deals

They think they have Capela-lite in Jarrett Allen, who molds his game after the Rockets star

And while they may have interest in Randle, he'd require a move to clear cap space (like dealing DeMarre Carroll or Jeremy Lin)

 Brooklyn wants to maintain flexibility while Gordon wants to stay in Orlando, preferring to not even get to the point of talking to other teams in the free agency dog-and-pony show

 "Hopefully not. Hopefully we just get in wrapped up with Orlando. That would be fantastic," Gordon, 22, said Tuesday night on the red carpet for the premier of "Uncle Drew" at Lincoln Center

"Yeah, that would be great. That'd be great."  The Magic tendered Gordon a qualifying offer on Tuesday, and president of basketball operations Jeff Weltman told the Orlando Sentinel he didn't think they'll have to "recruit" Gordon because of the relationship they've already developed

By the sound of Gordon on Tuesday, Weltman was right.  Once the Nets complete a buyout with Dwight Howard — assuming he leaves about $8 million on the table to bolt Brooklyn — they could have up to $12 million to spend

They may not even spend that, eyeing cheaper players and holding cap space into the season

 The Lakers' pursuit of LeBron James and Paul George could leave Randle obtainable, although he also could end up in a deal for Kawhi Leonard

Meanwhile, Gordon stated he wants a max contract and said Tuesday he felt he'll get one

 "Definitely," Gordon said. "But we'll see how it goes; whatever Orlando wants to do

As a restricted free agent, I have complete trust in the regime. So it's going to go how it's going to go

"  Brooklyn definitely has interest in Gordon's teammate, Mario Hezonja, 23. That's the kind of neighborhood they're shopping in

 Hezonja hasn't lived up to his billing as the No. 5 pick in 2015, but the Nets have liked him for some time and are known to do the reclamation-project thing

After acquiring the No. 2 (D'Angelo Russell) and No. 3 (Jahlil Okafor) picks in that same draft, and the No

8 pick from 2014 (Nik Stauskas), Hezonja could be the latest roll of the dice.  After Orlando declined to pick up Hezonja's fourth-year option, he finally started showing signs of tapping into his potential

He averaged a career-high 9.6 points last season, but bumped that to 14.0 points on

371 percent from deep in 30 starts. At 6-8, 215 pounds, he can play anywhere from the two through four, but started taking advantage of mismatches as a smallball four

For more infomation >> The Nets' interest is for the Magic's other free agent - Daily News - Duration: 4:09.


Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom

For more infomation >> Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom


MG F 1.8I 120pk, 127.dkm! Lmv, windscherm, Elek pakket, Radio/cd! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> MG F 1.8I 120pk, 127.dkm! Lmv, windscherm, Elek pakket, Radio/cd! - Duration: 1:07.


Jaguar F-Pace 2.0 PRESTIGE AWD 20D || Premium business | DAB | 20" LM - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Jaguar F-Pace 2.0 PRESTIGE AWD 20D || Premium business | DAB | 20" LM - Duration: 0:55.


기체 커지고 중량 늘어나고...KF-X, 2년 반만에 최종모델 눈앞 - 군사 - Duration: 6:56.

For more infomation >> 기체 커지고 중량 늘어나고...KF-X, 2년 반만에 최종모델 눈앞 - 군사 - Duration: 6:56.


Battle of the Canon 85's | 85mm 1.2, 1.4 & 1.8 - Duration: 4:23.

The 85mm lens.

It's that classic focal length it's great for portraiture, textures; anytime you want

to isolate a subject.

Canon makes 3 of these things.

We're going to be putting the trio through its paces today here at the beach.

See what makes each one special.

Canon 85mm f/1.8 USM.

Because of its construction and 1.8 maximum aperture, this is pushing the least amount

of glass of the 3.

Making it the fastest to autofocus.

So, if you have an application fast-moving subject documentary work will you need snappy,

fast autofocus, this is probably the best option for you.

Canon 85mm f/1.4 L IS.

At f/1.4, slightly larger maximum aperture.

There 9 rounded aperture blades for smooth bokeh.

Now there's even modern coatings on here which help reduce ghosting and flare.

But, the high order bid of the lens: Built-in Optical image stabilization.

That saves you about 4 stops of hand shake If you're making for portrait or any kind

of shot in lower mix-light.

Obviously, it's not a low or mix light day out here at the beach.

We're going to try to find some shade maybe go under the boardwalk and put it through

its paces.

The Canon 85mm f/1.2L MK II.

This has the largest maximum aperture of all of Canon's current 85mm lenses.

Because of that, it's also has the slowest autofocus.

So, quick tip here, if you manually focus the lens using the focus distance scale and

then finish out with the AF, things will move a lot faster and a lot smoother for you.

Also, because of the design of the lens, the glass goes all the way to the edge of the

lens mount.

When you are attaching the lens or your detaching the lens from the camera body, exercise extreme


That rear element is very, very easy to accidentally fingerprint or, even scratch if you bump it

against the lens mount.

But, you follow all those tips, you'll get incredibly dreamy portraits at f/1.2.

It is crazy bright out here today.

I'm so, so happy that we had the assist from the Profoto B2.

Canon's 85mm lenses are among the best in the business.

But, they make 3 of them.

And there is different use cases for all 3.

If you are the type of photographer that needs the fastest possible auto-focus or if you're

working on a fast-precise single point autofocus, the 85mm f/1.8 USM is probably the way to


If you're the type of photography shooting in a lower, mixed light situation you need

to work at a slower exposure, the optical image-stabilization in the 85mm f/1.4L IS

is probably the way to go.

And if you need the largest aperture, the smoothest possible bokeh, the 85mm f/1.2L

MK II is the treat.

I had an awesome time shooting with all 3 of the 85mm lenses today.

If your use cases overlap, thee is not nothing wrong with owning 2 or even all 3 of these lenses.

For more on photography, 85mm lenses and all things imaging, visit B&H.

I'm photographer David Flores, see you next time.

We're testing it today with Jake in motion.

This is Jake.

Hey David, good to see you again.

Good to see you too buddy.


Beach Day!

Roll another one of those.

Yeah let's do that again.

For more infomation >> Battle of the Canon 85's | 85mm 1.2, 1.4 & 1.8 - Duration: 4:23.


Sensacja w Kazaniu! Niemcy odpadają z MŚ! [Wiadomości] - Duration: 4:59.

Największa sensacja piłkarskich mistrzostw świata Rosja 2018 stała się faktem. Reprezentacja Niemiec w Kazaniu przegrała ze skazywaną na pożarcie Koreą Południową 0-2 (0-0) i pożegnała się - jako urzędujący mistrz świata - z turniejem

Piłkarze Joachima Loewa zajęli ostatnie miejsce w grupie F i występ w Rosji jeszcze przez długie miesiące będzie dla nich powodem do wstydu

Pierwszy raz w historii nie awansowali z grupy MŚ. Odtwarzacz wideo wymaga uruchomienia obsługi JavaScript w przeglądarce

Reprezentacja Niemiec, aktualny mistrz świata, by awansować do fazy pucharowej mundialu w Rosji musiała pokonać w środę w Kazaniu Koreę Południową, która w grupie F do tej pory przegrała i ze Szwecją (0-1) i z Meksykiem (1-2)

Azjaci już odpadli z MŚ, ale nie zamierzali ułatwiać zadania faworytom, którzy przegrali najpierw z Meksykiem (0-1), by po dramatycznej walce ograć Trzy Korony (2-1)

Joachim Loew znów dokonał zmian w składzie i jego maszyna miała tym razem wygrać starcie MŚ w sposób bezapelacyjny

Wydawało się, że Niemcy szybko rzucą się na rywali i już na początku gry rozstrzygną losy zwycięstwa i awansu

Nic takiego się nie stało. Co prawda okazję miał w 14. minucie Timo Werner, ale nie uderzył na bramkę rywali, zdecydował się podać i zrobił to fatalnie

Pięć minut później to Koreańczycy mogli prowadzić, bo po strzale z rzutu wolnego Seon Min Moona Manuel Neuer wypuścił piłkę przed siebie i musiał mocno się starać, żeby któryś z rywali nie dobił piłki do siatki mistrzów świata

Niemcy długimi chwilami nie byli w stanie skutecznie zaatakować, dreptali po murawie i nie mieli pomysłu na przerwanie linii defensywnych przeciwnika

W 39. minucie znów okazję miał Werner, dograł mu dobrze Marco Reus, ale snajper zwlekał ze strzałem i w końcu zablokowali go rywale

Źle rozgrywał ataki drużyny Mesut Oezil, który wciąż na MŚ jest cieniem samego siebie

Podań nie dostawali Marco Reus i Leon Goretzka, a kontry Korei sprawiały, że Niemcy nie atakowali całą drużyną

Dość wspomnieć, że Heung Min Son miał znakomitą okazję po jednym z szybkich ataków, ale chybił celu uderzając z pola karnego

W ten sposób do przerwy bramki nie padły. Po powrocie na murawę od razu okazję miał Leon Goretzka, wrzucił mu piłkę na głowę Joshua Kimmich, ale koreański golkiper w znakomitym stylu odbił piłkę

Chwilę później mógł wpisać się na listę strzelców Werner, ale jego strzał z pola karnego był fatalny

Piłka minęła bramkę i kibice tylko głośno jęknęli. Tak samo jak po kolejnych podaniach Oezila, który grał wprost fatalnie i zagrywał głównie do rywali

A gdy w 62. minucie miał okazję do strzału po akcji Wernera, podał do Kroosa, który uderzył niecelnie

Reklama Koreańczycy mogli skarcić za słabą grę mistrzów świata, ale Son i spółka im bliżej byli bramki Neuera, tym gorzej rozgrywali piłkę

Mieli przynajmniej dwie znakomite kontry, które kończyli irytującymi stratami przed bramką Niemiec

Taka sytuacja trwała do ostatnich minut spotkania, gdy Azjaci absolutnie sparaliżowali mistrzów świata i posłali ich wprost do sportowego piekła

A wszystko rozegrało się w doliczonym czasie gry, który którąś z kolei kontrę Azjatów z trudem zatrzymali defensorzy mistrzów świata

Koreańczycy wykonali rzut rożny, w zamieszaniu pod bramką Kim Young-Gwon wepchnął piłkę do siatki, ale rozjemcy odgwizdali pozycję spaloną

Tyle tylko, że sędzia Mark Geiger ruszył obejrzeć całą sytuację przy pomocy VAR, a ten wykazał, że piłkę do rywala podał Toni Kroos

Decyzja mogła być jedna, sędzia wskazał na środek boiska i reprezentacja Korei utonęła sobie w ramionach, fetując gola

Mistrzowie świata musieli strzelić dwa gole, mieli jeszcze kilka minut czasu, natarli całą jedenastką i otrzymali drugi cios nokautujący

Manuel Neuer stracił piłkę, Koreańczycy daleko ją wybili, a pierwszy dogonił Heung-Min Son, który strzałem do pustej bramki ustalił wynik meczu

Z grupy F do 1/8 finału awans wzięły Szwecja i Meksyk (Trzy Korony bezpośredni mecz wygrały 3-0), a Korea i Niemcy pożegnały się z turniejem

W Kazaniu obejrzeliśmy kres wielkiej drużyny Joachima Loewa i w lipcu na pewno poznamy w Moskwie nowych mistrzów świata

Obecni już mogą się pakować i wracać do domów. Z grupy MŚ nie wyszli po raz pierwszy w swojej historii

  Korea Południowa - Niemcy 2-0 (0-0) Bramki: Kim Young-Gwon (90), Son Heung-Min (90) Żółte kartki: Jung Woo-young, Lee Jae-seong, Moon Seon-min, Son Heung-min Sędziował: Mark Geiger (USA) Widzów: 41 835 Korea Południowa: Cho Hyun-woo - Lee Yong, Yun Yong-sun, Kim Young-gwon, Hong Chul - Lee Jae-seong, Jung Woo-young, Jang Hyun-soo, Moon Seon-min (69

Ju Se-jong) - Koo Ja-cheol (56. Hwang Hee-chan, 79. Go Yo-han), Son Heung-min Niemcy: Manuel Neuer - Joshua Kimmich, Niklas Suele, Mats Hummels, Jonas Hector (78

Julian Brandt) - Sami Khedira (58. Mario Gomez), Toni Kroos, Leon Goretzka (63. Thomas Mueller), Mesut Oezil, Marco Reus - Timo Werner

Sprawdź sytuację w grupie F mundialu Odtwarzacz wideo wymaga uruchomienia obsługi JavaScript w przeglądarce

For more infomation >> Sensacja w Kazaniu! Niemcy odpadają z MŚ! [Wiadomości] - Duration: 4:59.


Mundial 2018. Meksyk - Szwecja 0-3 [Wiadomości] - Duration: 4:03.

Meksyk przegrał 0-3 ze Szwecją w Jekaterynburgu w meczu grupy F mundialu w Rosji. Obie drużyny awansowały do 1/8 finału, bo Niemcy sensacyjnie przegrali z Koreą Południową! Kliknij, aby przejść do zapisu relacji na żywo z meczu Meksyk - Szwecja Reklama Relacja na żywo dla urządzeń mobilnych Sytuacja w grupie F należała do jednej z najciekawszych na rosyjskim mundialu

Przed ostatnią turą spotkań wszystkie drużyny miały jeszcze szanse na awans (nawet Korea Południowa, która przegrała dwa mecze) i żadna nie była awansu pewna (nawet Meksyk, który wygrał oba wcześniejsze mecze)

Swoją sytuację w drugiej kolejce mocno skomplikowali Szwedzi, którzy w ostatnich minutach spotkania z Niemcami wypuścili z rąk korzystny remis

W tym meczu gracze "Trzech Koron" chcieli za wszelką cenę szybko rozpocząć strzelanie i od razu rzucili się do ataku

Już w pierwszej akcji żółtą kartką ukarany został Jesus Gallardo i po rzucie wolnym praktycznie z linii bramkowej wybijali piłkę Meksykanie

  Z ciekawostek, pokazany w 13. sekundzie kartonik był najszybszą żółtą kartką w historii MŚ

Chwilę później po rzucie rożnym piłkę głową strącił Andreas Granqvist, a Marcus Berg przewrotką uderzył tuż obok słupka

W odpowiedzi niezłą akcję przeprowadzili Meksykanie. Przed polem karnym rywala wymienili kilka szybkich podań, ale uderzenie Carlosa Veli o centymetry minęło słupek bramki

Po pół godzinie gry doszło do kolejnej sędziowskiej kontrowersji na rosyjskim mundialu

Wyprowadzający piłkę z własnego pola karnego Javi Hernandez pomógł sobie przy przyjęciu ręką, czego pierwotnie nie zauważył argentyński sędzia Nestor Pitana

Arbiter dostał jednak sygnał na słuchawki i pobiegł skorzystać z systemu VAR. Po obejrzeniu powtórek, ku rozczarowaniu Szwedów i uldze "Chicharito", nie zdecydował się na podyktowanie "jedenastki"

Na koniec bardzo dobrej, ale pozbawionej bramek pierwszej połowy groźne strzały ponownie oddali Berg i Vela

Oboje jednak posłali piłkę obok bramki. Marzenia Szwedów spełniły się w 51. minucie, dzięki

kiksowi Victora Claessona. Nieczyste uderzenie spowodowało, że piłka spadła pod nogi Ludwiga Augustinssona, a lewy obrońca mocnym strzałem pokonał Guilhermo Ochoę! Mecz nabrał szalonego tempa

Chwilę po strzelonym golu boisko z kontuzją opuścił Sebastian Larsson, a już w kolejnej akcji Szwedzi wywalczyli rzut karny

Rywala w swoim polu karnym równo z ziemią "wyciął" Hector Moreno. Do piłki podszedł Andreas Granqvist i huknął nie do obrony pod poprzeczkę! 2-0! To drugi gol Granqvista z rzutu karnego na tym mundialu

Kwadrans przed końcem meczu fatalną drugą połowę w wykonaniu Meksyku podsumował Edson Alvarez, strzelając kuriozalnego samobója

Na piątym metrze przed własną bramką nie trafił w piłkę lewą nogą, ta odbiła się od jego dłoni i

trafiła do bramki. Szwedzi po kapitalnym spotkaniu zajęli pierwsze miejsce w grupie i awansowali do 1/8 finału MŚ

Awans wywalczyli też Meksykanie mimo wysokiej porażki, bo w równoległym spotkaniu Niemcy sensacyjnie przegrali 0-2 z Koreą Południową! Wojciech Górski Meksyk - Szwecja 0-3 (0-0) Bramka: 0-1 Augustinsson (51

), 0-2 Granqvist (62. - z rzutu karnego), 0-3 Alvarez (74.). Żółta kartka - Meksyk: Jesus Gallardo, Hector Moreno, Miguel Layun

Szwecja: Sebastian Larsson, Mikael Lustig. Sędzia: Nestor Pitana (Argentyna). Widzów 33 061

Meksyk: Guillermo Ochoa - Carlos Salcedo, Edson Alvarez, Hector Moreno, Jesus Gallardo (65

Marco Fabian) - Hector Herrera, Andres Guardado (75. Jesus Manuel Corona), Miguel Layun (89

Oribe Peralta), Carlos Vela, Hirving Lozano - Javier Hernandez. Szwecja: Robin Olsen - Mikael Lustig, Victor Lindeloef, Andreas Granqvist, Ludwig Augustinsson - Victor Claesson, Sebastian Larsson (57

Gustav Svensson), Albin Ekdal (80. Oscar Hiljemark), Emil Forsberg - Marcus Berg (68

Isaac Kiese Thelin), Ola Toivonen.Sprawdź sytuację w grupie F mundialu Odtwarzacz wideo wymaga uruchomienia obsługi JavaScript w przeglądarce

For more infomation >> Mundial 2018. Meksyk - Szwecja 0-3 [Wiadomości] - Duration: 4:03.


독일전서 장현수가 '주장'일 수도 있는 이유.txt - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> 독일전서 장현수가 '주장'일 수도 있는 이유.txt - Duration: 3:24.


✅ Paparazzi! Σάγια: Η πρώτη εμφάνιση με μαγιό έναν χρόνο μετά τη γέννηση του γιου της | News | fthis - Duration: 1:18.

 Πριν από έναν περίπου χρόνο, η Σάγια έγινε για πρώτη φορά μαμά. Η γνωστή τραγουδίστρια έφερε στον κόσμο ένα υγιέστατο αγοράκι σε ιδιωτικό μαιευτήριο των Αθηνών και ολοκλήρωσε με τον καλύτερο τρόπο την οικογενειακή της ευτυχία με τον αγαπημένο της, Θοδωρή Παναντώνη

 Το ζευγάρι σχεδιάζει πλέον να παντρευτεί στα τέλη Σεπτεμβρίου στη Λευκάδα, ενώ την ίδια ημέρα θα βαφτίσει και τον γιο του

 Η Σάγια βρέθηκε πρόσφατα στη Μύκονο και δεν έχασε την ευκαιρία να απολαύσει τον ήλιο και τη θάλασσα

Ο φωτογραφικός φακός του FTHIS.GR την απαθανάτισε στην παραλία, με ένα ολόσωμο πολύχρωμο μαγιό, καθώς και με ένα λευκό μπικίνι

Η τραγουδίστρια, όπως θα δείτε, μοιάζει σα να μη γέννησε ποτέ.

For more infomation >> ✅ Paparazzi! Σάγια: Η πρώτη εμφάνιση με μαγιό έναν χρόνο μετά τη γέννηση του γιου της | News | fthis - Duration: 1:18.


Suspect - Kino Kabaret Geneva 2017 - Duration: 7:55.

Yes darling how are you?

Listen, no, I crossed the border 20 minutes ago.

I'm at Secheron station now

How is the little one?

Yeah? Was it okay?

Hey! What?!

Leave me alone!

I'm just trying to help you. Calm down.

Thank you.

Okay, listen...

I see him now.

Mr Darius?


May I see your passport please?

Is there a problem?

Where are you coming from?

From Paris.

Follow me.


You said from Paris. Are you sure?

Yes. No, Brussels. Excuse me.

I went Brussels Paris, Paris Geneva.

There I see you were in Damascus?

Yes, last August. I have friends there.

I see.

Listen, Sir, I'm really tired,

I just want to go home.

Mr. Darius

Would you please follow me?

My wife is waiting for me-

Follow me. Now.

Why don't you answer me?

I 've sent 40 texts and a dozen messages



...they're watching us.

You write a message and they read it.

You talk and they listen.


They are everywhere

They have cameras on us. Right now.

Good day.

Merry Christmas.

It's not Christmas.

What the fuck do I care?

Are you ready for your close up?

How long have you been here?

Five sandwiches.

Excuse me, do you have the time?

What did I say?

Our fucking phones don't work!


Let's be practical.

How long have you known Sofia Saraf?

And where did you meet her?

I don't know who you're talking about

Mr. Darius, let's not play games

Help us a little and let's wrap this up

I don't know any Sofia Saraf

Sofia is a very interesting young woman

If you say so

You see. We know.

You know what?

What do you know? What? What?

We've known Sofia for a while now

And now we also know you, Adam


I sell watches. There is nothing to know.

You came from Brussels

Yes I came from Brussels. So what?

And last summer you were in Syria

Can I please call my wife?

She must be terrified.

All things in their time, Mr. Darius

Everything in its time.

You don't have the right

I'm an honest citizen

For more infomation >> Suspect - Kino Kabaret Geneva 2017 - Duration: 7:55.


+++ WM-Liveticker: Peinliche Pleite! Deutschland ist raus - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> +++ WM-Liveticker: Peinliche Pleite! Deutschland ist raus - Duration: 2:34.


WM-Liveticker: Peinliche Pleite! Deutschland ist raus! - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> WM-Liveticker: Peinliche Pleite! Deutschland ist raus! - Duration: 3:24.


Memes borran amargura de la derrota de México ante Suecia - Duration: 1:25.

 La selección mexicana de fútbol clasificó angustiosamente a los octavos de final de Rusia 2018 tras perder 0-3 con Suecia y la victoria de Corea del Sur ante Alemania por 2-0, por lo que el Tri avanzó como segundo lugar del Grupo F

 Sin embargo, pese a la amarga derrota por goleada contra los europeos, los mexicanos no perdieron la oportunidad de expresarse con memes, en especial para agradecerle a Corea del Sur por vencer a Alemania

 México necesitaba que Alemania no le ganara a los asiáticos para avanzar a los octavos de final, lo cual sucedió con dos goles coreanos en tiempo de compensación

 Será el lunes 2 de julio a las 8 de la mañana cuando México jugará su partido de octavos de final con rival aún por conocerse


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