Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 29 2018

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today i'm going to be doing

my june wrap-up part 2. I'm going to be talking about all of the books that I

finished in the second half of the month. I have plenty to talk about. So let's

jump right in. Actually, before I jump in to the books that I read, I do want to

mention that last week I put up a video of my 10 at least popular books on my

TBR. I just want to point that out in case you missed it. I went through my

physical TBR and I looked up every single one on Goodreads to see which one

had the least amount of reviews and ratings and just talked about them a

little bit in that video. And it was kind of fun.

Link to that will be up in the cards. You can check that out if you haven't

already. A lot of you guys seem to really enjoy that as well. And I just thought it

was fun to talk about some under-the-radar books that could

potentially use a little bit more love. Alright so the first book I'm going to

mention is a reread. And I don't typically do a lot of rereads. But what

has been happening more frequently recently is that I am listening to

audiobooks and doing like reread the books through audiobooks. And something

about that is just so appealing to me. Like last winter I started re-reading the

Harry Potter books through audiobook. And I didn't get through all of them. I think

I got through two or three and then I stopped because I wanted to do other

things. And then recently on hoopla, they added all of Marissa Meyers books. So I

decided to listen to cinder by Marissa Meyer. I'm not gonna do a whole spiel on

this book because I read this when it originally came out, which was like in

2014 or 2013 or something along those lines. And I really enjoyed it back then

and I had followed the series all the way through and really enjoyed the books.

I was actually talking about this book with someone recently and, because

we were talking about like fairytale retellings. And so I was talking about

how much I love this book and then they decided to pick it up. And then I was

like, 'ah crap, what if it doesn't like hold up anymore?' And then I saw it on hoopla. So I

decided to listen to it. And luckily, for me at least, it does hold up. It is like

the most predictable out of the entire series. It follows the Cinderella story

line like so closely. It's like so obvious what's gonna happen. Like I think

even when I originally read it, I saw a lot of the plot points happen. But yeah,

it was just kind of nice to jump back into this world. I loved Iko to death

still. And yeah, I probably will be slowly

working my way through the audiobook versions of this. And I'm especially

excited to see sort of how Scarlet holds up for me because I did not enjoy

Scarlet very much. I mean, I still liked it. It's my least favorite out of the

four and I'm kind of just intrigued to see how that one holds up for me.

Especially because I think that's also the one I remember the least of because

I didn't enjoy it as much. So yeah, I'm gonna link to my super old cinder review.

Do not judge me on that video because it's so old. The lighting is terrible. The sound is

terrible. The way I talk is terrible. Like, oh man, old rincey definitely was not

comfortable in front of cameras as much as she is now. So yes, cinder. Still

really enjoy it. The other audiobook I listened to this month was the kiss

quotient by Helen Hoang. This is also on hoopla and I ended up picking this one

up because I got kind of sick and I couldn't look at screens and I wanted to

read but I didn't really want to hold up a book. So I found this on hoopla and

decided to give it a go. I gave this one a 3 out of 5 stars. I liked it I didn't

love it. There are parts of it I like super duper enjoyed and there's parts of

it that were just kind of okay for me. So in this story, you are following this

character named Stella who has Asperger's and she's around 30 years old.

She works as like an engineer or computer programmer or something along those

lines. And she has made like so much money. But the one thing that she is like

super terrible at is relationships. And she does want to like get married or

have a serious relationship. And so what she decides to do is to hire an escort

basically to teach her how to do things like kiss and have sex and things like that.

So she does that. She ends up hiring this

escort named Michael Phan who is half Vietnamese, half Swedish, I want to say.

He's half white. So when they first meet, she like sort of lays out what she wants and

she asks him if he's willing to like basically do like a 6-month teaching

lesson or something along those lines. Or like a three months teaching lesson

or something like that to slowly teach her all the different things that she

needs to know about like the physical aspects of a relationship. And then they

basically just like slowly fall for each other. And then they like realize that

she doesn't need to just learned the physical aspects but

she also needs to know like what it's like being a girlfriend and what it's

like being in a relationship and things along those lines.

So yeah the parts of this book that I really enjoyed are the characters

themselves. Stella is such a fantastic character and it's also really great to

follow a character who has Asperger's. I believe that the author herself is also

on the spectrum. So you know that like the things that Stella is going through

is relatively accurate to what it's like to be on the autism spectrum. They do a

really, really great job of talking about the things that are triggers for her, the

things that are really difficult for her to deal with. And also show how she's

able to overcome those things and live a relatively like normal life, how like her

being on the spectrum doesn't mean that she has to be this like closeted weirdo.

Like one of the things I really like about this book is that Stella is

portrayed as being like really successful and relatively likable. Like

she's not super duper like off-putting to everyone that she comes into contact

with. But she just has a hard time with certain aspects of relationships. And

obviously they talk about how it's like difficult for her to read certain social

cues and things like that. And I think that the way Michael in the story

handles that as well as the way that he like accommodates her and things like

that is like really sweet and really touching. What I didn't like about the

book is like how sex heavy it is. I mean, I know that sounds kind of weird cause

this is basically a romance book and like they tell you that Stella wants to

learn like how to have sex. But they basically just start having sex

immediately and it feels like they just constantly have sex. Like I don't know if

it's just because I was listening to it in one like straight listen. But it just

felt like it was so much sex. And maybe it's just me being a prude but it just

felt, I don't know. It just felt like too much for me at times. And then also like

the way the story goes. Like things that happen in the second half of the book

just feel a little bit too outrageous I suppose you can say for me. I don't know

like the way everything wraps up is just nice and sweet. And again it wasn't a bad

book by any means but I think it's just personally not my favorite romance novel

that I've read. But again the fact that I'm enjoying these romance novels

are great. And I think that the author is writing a second book in the series. And

it's not following the same characters, Stella and Michael. You're actually

following I think it's Michael's cousin who also has autism. So I'm kind of

intrigued to see how that plays out. So I probably will pick up the next book in

this series. But again, this wasn't like my favorite romance by any means.

All right, the next book that I finished was Undead girl gang by Lily Anderson. This

is a pretty new young adult book. This book was pitched as Veronica Mars meets

the craft, which is 100% the reason why I ended up picking this one up. So in this

story, you are mainly following this character named Mila Flores who is a

teenager. She's in high school and her best friend and basically only friend

Riley ends up dead. She's like found in the creek and people just assumed that

it's a suicide. But Miley is very much convinced that it was murder or

something happened to her because there's no reason why Riley would ever

be in or near the creek. And this death happened shortly after two other girls

from their high school were found hanging in what seems to be sort of like

a suicide pact sort of situation. So people are wondering if like Riley was a

part of that or is just like amongst this trend of girls in their high school

committing suicide, something along those lines. So Riley and Mila were basically

like practicing Wicca. So she decides that she is going to try to use the

spells that she finds in order to bring Riley back to life, at least temporarily

to figure out what exactly happened in her death. But when she does the spell,

not only does Riley come back to life but so do the two other girls who

recently died. Then you just follow them as they try to figure out what exactly

happened in their death. Because when they came come back to life, they don't

remember everything that happened immediately right before they died.

So it's sort of like the story of crazy hijinks as these three basically zombies

are wandering the earth trying to both hide as well as to see the people that

they love and they're not gonna be able to see anymore as well as trying to

figure out what exactly happened here. So yeah, this is another book that got a

three out of five stars for me. It's very like addicting page-turner, very unique

plot. There's a lot of things in here that just don't seem-- it seems kind of

stupid to say don't seem realistic cause like it's a story about zombies. But like

even within the zombie-ness, some of it just didn't really click with me. There are

situations where people see the zombies and I feel like

the reaction is a little bit underrated, sort of. Like people aren't asking as

many questions as I feel like they should be asking when they see people

that they know are dead. But again really fun book. It's really interesting

to see sort of where it goes because it does not go where I think it's going to

go or where I thought it was going to go at all. Like the last 50 to 75 pages,

there's like this major thing that happens and then from then on it's sort

of like a roller coaster to see how it all wraps up. It's pretty unique.

Like I don't think I've ever read anything like this and even just what

Lily Anderson does with the book is very like original and things like that.

I think one of the flaws that I had with this book is that they talked a lot

about being Wiccan and that sort of like religion thing and I feel like it

was sort of underserved. For a religion that's pretty non mainstream,

they don't talk about it very well. Like they talk about all these aspects of

Wiccan culture that feel like caricatures of being a witch. And while

they do point out that some of the things that happen in here aren't

typical of Wiccan culture or religion, I feel like they don't do a good job of

explaining what being a Wiccan is actually like. So that was one of the

reasons why it's only a three star book for me as opposed to a four star book.

But yeah, if you're looking for something different and plot driven and want

something sort of like out of the box and weird, I recommend this. I think that

if you like shows like izombie, you'll probably like this one as well. So yeah,

three out of five stars. Not bad, but not you know great either. Alright next up, if

you watched my June wrap-up part one, you would have seen me talk about how I was

reading John Adams by David McCullough. And I said in that video if I would just

focus solely on this book, I could probably finish it. And so I decided to

just do that after I like got over my sickness and could read like a normal

person again. So I did. I focused on this book and I finished it and I really

enjoyed it. I was slightly skeptical about this book going into it because

John Adams doesn't have like the best reputation. Like he's not the smartest

founding father and he's not like the bravest like George Washington and he's

not like super a fun and exciting like Thomas Jefferson.

But he was a very like honest and hardworking person. And especially like

his relationship with Abigail was probably the best for me. I also think

David McCullough is just a fantastic history writer. Like he is able to make

everything seem interesting. I think it's because like he's so invested in the

topics and people that he decides to write about and that comes across in his

writing. And so I feel like this is like really-- So I feel like this is a great

biography of John Adams for sure. It's super readable. Obviously like it's on

the longer side and it's gonna be like extremely detailed. But I think that if

this was your very first biography that you ever read, this would be a pretty

good entry point. One of the things though that I just found amusing is just

how much of the other founding fathers are in this biography. Like obviously,

talking about the Revolution, talking about the starting of the country, you

have to talk about even just like Washington and things like that because he

was vice president for Washington and you talk about how he compares to the

other people around during that time period. But it felt like so much of this

book was taken up by the scandals of Thomas Jefferson and like the scandals

of Hamilton and things like that. There were like legitimate giant chunks

that just talked about Thomas Jefferson. And I was like, 'well this has nothing to

do with John Adams.' But I'm assuming that's also because it gives you context

for things that were happening during that time period and that John Adams

had to deal with. And you know, he was sort of friends with Thomas Jefferson. So

he would have had to encounter all of these stories as well. So I know, I

understand it provides context. But some of the time when I was reading this book

I was like, 'is John Adams just so boring they don't have any fun stories about

him? So they're throwing in fun stories about Thomas Jefferson?' And by fun I mean

like scandalous. So yeah, John Adams interesting president. I'm definitely

glad that I've read this and I'm very excited to continue on with the next

biography. Now I have to look up to see which Thomas Jefferson biography I'm

going to read since he is next up on the list. But yeah, I wish David McCullough

would just write a biography on every president because I feel like he would

make them all seem interesting. All right, the next book that I finished this month

is probably my favorite read of the month. It's a contender for my favorite

read of the year or at least it'll probably be on my list of favorite reads

of the year. And that is there there by Tommy orange.

I'm not gonna talk about this one too much here because I am gonna do a full

review on it because I loved it so much. It deserves its own review. But this book

was fantastic. Tommy Orange is of Native American descent.

And this book follows Native Americans modern-day who are living basically in

like the Oakland area. It's a multi-generational story and you are

following a bunch of different characters every single chapter follows

a different character. And then like after a while the characters you know

rotate through. And so typically stories with multiple points of view

don't vibe with me. But I think because all of these characters are intertwined,

like the way that their relationships are, like actual blood relationships,

really do look like a spider's web. One of the things that someone at book riot

was talking about recently like right before I picked up this book was how

like complicated the web was. And they decided to like draw out like a family

tree type of situation or draw like connections between all the characters.

And they like posted a picture on Slack and it's like all over the place because

there are so many different connections. So I will say that if you decide to pick

up this book, it feels more like interconnected short stories than a

novel. There is like a plot that sort of runs through it. But it's more of a

character based story than a plot based story. In fact I think the plot is the

weakest part of the story. But if you are having a really hard time, I highly

recommend like writing down the character names as you're coming across

them and then writing down what their relationships are to other characters

and just like keeping that piece of paper like as your bookmark in the book

because it does get a little bit confusing at times how everyone is sort

of related to each other. There's a lot of characters that you come across. But

this book is beautiful. It's beautifully written. Like there were so many passages

in here that if this, I wasn't owning a library copy I would have underlined.

I kept like posting pictures of it on my Instagram stories. I didn't even post all

of the pictures. Like I took so many more pictures than I posted because I was

like, okay this is getting kind of obnoxious with the number of quotes I

was posting out to my stories. But the writing in here just like poignant and

heartbreaking. This book talks a lot about just like grief and trauma and the

way that we deal with like these difficult situations. And by we I just

mean like people in general. But also like the very specific

difficult situations that Native Americans have had to deal with in our

country and their like erasure. Both like literally being killed off and

their culture also being killed off, and what it means to be a Native American in

the United States today. Especially because like most people just think of

Native Americans as this very specific type of person. But if you're

living in like a major city like Oakland and you've grown up your entire life in

the city and you are just like almost everyone else but you're also not like

everyone else because you have this whole culture in history and how much do

you need to know about your culture in history in order to consider yourself an

Indian. All of these different topics are discussed in here and it's just like

beautiful. I have a strong feeling that the ending is going to be very divisive

for people. So just a warning for that. But I just love this book so so much.

This is probably my number two book of the year so far with Circe being number

one. I loved it. I loved it, loved it, loved it. All right so after he finished there

there, I was having a little bit of a book hangover. So I decided that I would

pick up a comic book to deal with it. And I picked up Ms. Marvel vol 7. And this one

is subtitled damage per second. Again, if you follow me on Instagram and you watch

my stories, you would have seen me posting some panels from this. This one

covers issues 14 through 18, 13 through 18 I believe of like the most recent run.

And 13 is almost like a standalone. Then 14 through 17 are a three-issue arc and

then 18 is almost like a standalone. So the first issue in this arc deals a

lot with like voting and democracy and I think it was meant to come out right

around the time of the election or I think it did come out right around the

time of the election. And they're just like these really great panels in here.

Like full-page panels of Ms. Marvel like holding a flag encouraging people to

take part in democracy and to go vote. And I just like desperately want all of

these as like full giant posters to hang on my walls. So that's one thing. But yeah, I

was reading this like right after the most recent Supreme Court decisions came

out and I was feeling like so disheartened by democracy. And then I was

reading that issue and I was like, well, that's a little bit healing / helpful

and I was like tears running down my cheeks in my bed. So yeah that issue was

like great. I mean it's very much one of those things that's like written for

kids, high schoolers who might be

entering voting age soon here in the United States and like encouraging them

to take part in what's happening in the world and politics and to go out and

vote and make your voice heard, which 100% to hear for all of that. Then

the arc for this volume is probably like my least favorite arc that I've read so

far in Ms. Marvel. Not to say that it was terrible but it just felt like super

preachy to me. The villain in that arc is like a literal internet troll. And the

way that she talks about things like being kind on the internet and stuff

like that, I'm like, yes, good message. But also just, it just walked that line, that

very fine line of like being helpful and good for teens but also just being like

super preachy. And I was just like, it was a little bit eye roll-y at times. So yeah

this is not my favorite volume of Ms Marvel by any means, but I'm still

continuing on because I love Ms. Marvel. Also the final issue features Bruno and

that was fun. I don't think I can say more than that without spoilers. But I'm

kind of hoping that Bruno comes back soon. Is that considered a spoiler?

I don't know. If you're not caught up I suppose. But like this came out forever

ago. Like I'm super behind in Ms. Marvel cause vol 8 is already out.

So yeah stuff happens with Bruno in the previous volume which broke my

heart. And yeah, stuff's happening with him and so I'm very intrigued just to see

what happens with him. I don't know how long he's gonna be gone for. I own vol 8

so I might as well just read that one just to see what happens.

Alright so that's everything I have finished so far in June. I had a pretty

great reading month to be honest. I'm very proud of myself for reading the

John Adams biography because I didn't know if that was actually gonna happen.

If you saw my last video I think I talked about how I did a summer TBR type

of video for a book riot. And so I basically picked out three big books

that I'm gonna be reading over the course of like June, July, and August.

June was John Adams obviously. July is going to be me attempting to read

Barkskins by Annie Proux. And then August I will be reading Three Musketeers which

will hopefully be a read along with some of you guys. So I will have a video

coming out next Friday talking about the three musketeers read along and talking

just about how I deal with read alongs in general and inviting you guys to pick up

Three Musketeers along with me in August. So just a heads up for that. So yeah, that's

everything that I have for this video. Feel free to

leave a comment down below letting me know, have you read any of these books?

Do you have any questions about any of these books? Otherwise let me know what

your favorite read of the month was. So yeah, that's all I have for now and

thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> June 2018 Reading Wrap Part 2 - Duration: 20:28.


মধুপুরের বিখ্যাত সিংগাড়া Vlog 10 in Jhenaidah || Akib Ahmed - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> মধুপুরের বিখ্যাত সিংগাড়া Vlog 10 in Jhenaidah || Akib Ahmed - Duration: 9:37.


The Adventures of Kesha & Macklemore Tour | Ep.1: BTS | T-Mobile - Duration: 3:43.

Hey Animals, it's Kesha and I am driving to the airport right to come

to Phoenix. First stop on the adventures of Kesha & Macklemore.

So we're with Kesha, it's gonna be crazy. Let's go.

Here we are, we got the brand new bus 2018 edition.

This is a big moment for us, you know anytime you're on tour and you get on

the bus, it's like "oh what's my home gonna look like for the next couple

months?" We chose this color of burnt orange, Armageddon orange, straight from

1979 baby. [rapping]

I'm super excited because it's a really big production

and we're playing like the biggest venues I think I've ever played in America.

Here we are at the venue, day one. Kesha, myself, Phoenix, Arizona. It's 109 degrees

Why did I wear the polyester shirt? So this tour is special. I feel like everything from the

setlist, the songs, the musicians, the production, everything is so top-notch

and on point.

There's maybe a big thing that's really awesome. I don't know if I should give

away the secret. She's got a f**king spaceship.

How long has she been asking for that UFO?

I don't know, I mean at least 94 years.

You're like the guy in [inaudible] that always talks to the camera.

No, your brother asked me!

I haven't played a show in a while because I messed up my knee on stage in Dubai.

I tore my meniscus and Kesha tore

her ACL. It's kind of like the broken body parts tour 2018. I started working

with Kesha as a physical therapist - after surgery. First show she'll be three and a

half months out of surgery. To give you kind of a reference, even a professional

athlete would just barely be running at that point.

She's very athletic, she's very strong, and she's worked incredibly hard

to get to where she's at now. For Macklemore, he just looks phenomenal.

It's hard to believe that he had any kind of procedure three weeks ago.

Just a testament to how hard he must have worked and how much he must have really

must have wanted to be out on stage for the fans.


For more infomation >> The Adventures of Kesha & Macklemore Tour | Ep.1: BTS | T-Mobile - Duration: 3:43.


The Protein Custard. To decorate the cake. - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> The Protein Custard. To decorate the cake. - Duration: 2:06.


Proprietà magiche di foglia di alloro, di cui probabilmente non lo sapeva | K.N.B.T - Duration: 9:22.

For more infomation >> Proprietà magiche di foglia di alloro, di cui probabilmente non lo sapeva | K.N.B.T - Duration: 9:22.


Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Licht&zicht | LED - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz B-Klasse B 180 Automaat | Urban | Nightpakket | Licht&zicht | LED - Duration: 0:45.


Opel Zafira Tourer 1.6 CDTI BUSINESS+ *Navi* Climate* Zeer compleet* van Bunningen Alphen a/d Rijn - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira Tourer 1.6 CDTI BUSINESS+ *Navi* Climate* Zeer compleet* van Bunningen Alphen a/d Rijn - Duration: 1:06.


Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI Comfortline | 7pers. | navi | clima | cruise | - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Touran 1.2 TSI Comfortline | 7pers. | navi | clima | cruise | - Duration: 1:06.


Audi TT Roadster 2.0TFSI 211pk Pro Line S S tronic | MMI | Xenon | Leder - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Audi TT Roadster 2.0TFSI 211pk Pro Line S S tronic | MMI | Xenon | Leder - Duration: 1:05.


Opel Corsa 3drs Blackroof Edition 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navi | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 3drs Blackroof Edition 1.0 Turbo 90pk | Navi | OPC-Line - Duration: 1:09.


How to make Bike Monster at home with Cardboard - Duration: 6:52.

Thank You! very much for watching and support me

For more infomation >> How to make Bike Monster at home with Cardboard - Duration: 6:52.


Who is Jarrod W. Ramos? Suspected Capital Gazette Shooter revealed - Duration: 6:57.

The Capital Gazette shooting in Annapolis, Maryland has left the United States shocked, reportedly leaving five dead and three others injured after the newspaper office was targeted by a gunman thought to be named Jarrod W

Ramos.Jarrod W. Ramos had a long-running grudge against Maryland's Capital Gazette after the newspaper exposed him for Facebook stalking a woman and he entered the office armed with a shotgun and smoke grenades, launching an attack on journalists

After the police stormed the building, Ramos was arrested and despite refusing to identify himself to authorities after the shooting, a law enforcement official used facial recognition technology to find out who he was

But who is Jarrod W. Ramos? Who is Jarrod W. Ramos?Jarrod W. Ramos, who lives in Laurel, Maryland has been named as a suspect and has been taken into custody for the Capital Gazette shooting that saw five people killed and two people injured in a newsroom

The five victims were named by police as Wendi Winters, 65, Rebecca Smith, 34, Robert Hiaasen, 59, Gerald Fischman, 61, and John McNamara, 56

A law enforcement official identified the suspect with facial recognition as the shooter

Police said that the newspaper had received threats on social media prior to the deadly shooting and investigators were trying to see whether or not these threats were linked to the suspect, according to The Baltimore Sun

The publication also reported that Ramos was a US Bureau of Labor Statistics employee with no criminal record and a degree in computer engineering

In 2013, Ramos had unsuccessfully sued the newspaper and one of its former reporters for defamation and a Twitter profile under his name includes frequent tweets about the newspaper and its staff after an article had been published with the title: 'Jarrod wants to be your friend', after he pleaded guilty to criminal harassment

In the 2011 article, Ramos was alleged to have threatened and harassed a former high school classmate on Facebook and had reportedly sent the woman many emails over the course of several months in which he told her to kill herself

After the publication of this article, the suspect attempted to sue the newspaper, the reporter who wrote about the case, a judge and the woman who testified against him

However, his defamation suit was thrown out in 2015 because Ramos could not prove that what the newspaper had printed was false

In recent years, Ramos has used Twitter as a platform to harass journalists at the newspaper, one of which targeted Capital Gazette victim Rob Hiaasen

In addition to this, the woman who was harassed by Ramos told WBAL TV that she had warned police he would 'be young next mass shooter'

Capital Gazette shootingAccording to police, Ramos was found under a desk when police found him after storming the building and a shotgun and an explosive device was recovered from the site

Despite a number of casualties, staff at the newspaper provided coverage of the tragedy throughout the evening

Journalists described how they were forced to crawl under their desks to hide from the gunman and listened to the repeated fire of his gun as he walked through the newsroom

The lone gunman reportedly shot through the glass door of the offices and opened fire on the employees

President Trump said in a tweet that he was briefed on the shooting at The Capital Gazette before departing Wisconsin

He said: 'My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families' as he thanked 'all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene'

SHOOTING COMES TWO DAYS AFTER MILO YIANNOPOULOS SAID HE 'CAN'T WAIT FOR VIGILANTE SQUADS TO START GUNNING JOURNALISTS DOWN' As news of the Capital Gazette shooting broke on Thursday, many on Twitter pointed out that the tragedy comes just two days after conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos cheered the idea of journalists being murdered

When asked to comment on two different stories being written by The Daily Beast and The Observer, the alt-right poster boy responded with the same one sentence:'I can't wait for vigilante squads to start gunning journalists down on signt

'When asked by the Observer to elaborate about what had upset them about their story, about a popular GOP watering hole, Yiannopoulos replied that it was his 'standard response to a request for comment'

(The Daily Beast's story was about the UK Independence Party.)It's still unclear what inspired Thursday's shooting reached out to Yiannopolis for comment, and he responded, saying there was no evidence, as his critics said online, that he may have inspired the attack

 In a longer statement on his website, he said if anyone is to blame, it's the two outlets that published his statements, which were meant to be private

 'I sent a troll about 'vigilante death squads' as a *private* response to a few hostile journalists who were asking me for comment, basically as a way of saying, 'F*** off

' They then published it.'If there turns out to be any dimension to this crime related to my private, misreported remarks, the responsibility for that lies squarely and wholly with Will Sommer of the Beast and the Observer's Davis Richardson for drumming up fake hysteria about a private joke, and with the verified liberals who pretended they thought I was serious,' he said

 The 33-year-old Brit was forced out of his role as a senior editor at Breitbart in February 2017, after interviews surfaced of him expressing sympathy for pedophiles

Since then he has self-published an autobiography titled 'Dangerous' which became an Amazon

com best seller. Simon & Schuster was originally supposed to release the book, but ended the business deal over the pedophile scandal

IN OTHER NEWS. Who is Jarrod W. Ramos? Suspected Capital Gazette Shooter revealed  Fanta Lemon discontinued in the US, but you can still buy it in the UK Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis: Google Doodle remembers the famous Indian scientist  Bruce Willis Comedy Central Roast: All you need to know 'Trump Baby' balloon protesting President Trump's UK visit may go on world tour Drake's Scorpion album already eligible for platinum certification from the RIAA Ex-RuPaul's Drag Race star Gia Gunn on gender confirming surgery  World Cup 2018 - Sweden vs Switzerland: All you need to know Who is Anthony Kennedy? Outgoing Supreme Court Justice revealed after retirement announcement  Gemma Collins's private jet claims debunked by fans on Twitter Independence Day: All you need to know England's next World Cup game: When is it, which TV channel is it on and where will it be played? Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Who gets nominated on Week 1? Are Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas engaged? Relationship revealed amid engagement rumours Brazil vs Mexico - World Cup 2018: All you need to know World Cup 2018 - Spain vs Russia: All you need to know Joel Embiid revealed after becoming NBA Live 19 cover athlete What is the Duchess Slant? Why Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton cross their legs at the ankle Kid Creole: Savanna Darnell from Love Island's dad revealed Uruguay vs Portugal - World Cup 2018: All you need to know

For more infomation >> Who is Jarrod W. Ramos? Suspected Capital Gazette Shooter revealed - Duration: 6:57.


LEGO® Friends - We've Got Heart

For more infomation >> LEGO® Friends - We've Got Heart


CAPITALISM ● Questions and Answers | Gordon H. Clark - Duration: 4:24.

in this connection we're moving on to another aspect of it dr. Clark if

Christianity must oppose humanistic socialism as a false religion are we

therefore justified in embracing the modern premises of capitalism as many

evangelical Christians have does not capital capitalism to have anti-biblical

premises in its modern manifestations the suggesting that Christians should

occupy a third position rather than baptizing any modern date particular

structure oh I would want to know what that third position is I think you have

to choose between limited government and so Talat Arianism and I don't know what

a third position would be of course we are all sinners but to say that

capitalism has some sinners somewhere around isn't to show that socialism has

no sinners anywhere around you'd have just as much sin under socialism and

more oppression and bureaucracy than you do under capitalism and the question

really is should the government set prices for political reasons under the

pressure of groups or should the prices of commodities be set in a free market

and I think a free market is by far the best way of handling of the economy and

I don't see any contradiction or antithesis between capitalism and

Christianity it was john calvin who insisted on the right of charging it

and I take it that John Calvin was the originator of the modern capitalism good

cat Calvinistic doctrine dr. Bethany this is somebody your area so uh not

know where further comment dr. Morris I don't think Christianity is shut up to

capitalism of that matter socialism I think Christianity existed before

capitalism did and if some further form of organizing men were found which

wasn't capitalistic I don't think Christianity would Dayak I am no

economic expert and I don't know much about the various systems that there are

but I certainly would not say that Christianity is wedded to any one

particular social system or economic system that's all a comment I'd make on

in what well it seems to me that although Christianity can exist and has

existed through totalitarian regimes and in that sense is not dependent for its

existence on capitalism nevertheless I believe that Christianity

has certain economic implications and that a an elementary form of capitalism

was found in ancient Israel they had a hard money system they insisted on

correct weights and measures I don't know that the devaluation of the shekel

was a particularly Hebrew wasn't a commandment of God and so on so I think

sound monetary policy is an implication of Christian principles of honesty that

there are that there the sins and crimes committed by

capitalists of course is quite true but to look at the corrupt bureaucracies in

the world

For more infomation >> CAPITALISM ● Questions and Answers | Gordon H. Clark - Duration: 4:24.


REI Trailheads: It's Time For An Adventure! - Duration: 12:21.



Colin! Colin!

Hey, Colin, it's Anna, just calling you again.

He has these big arms, but he's actually really weak.

Tells a lot of bad jokes.

-Any luck? -Colin!




-Oh, man. -You asleep in that bush?

Wait up, um--

Let me get this.

I don't even want to know.

Classic Colin.

-What a dingus. -Vegas.

You better have made a ton of money on slots after this.

Good morning, guys.

Welcome to Vegas.

Happy you guys could all make it.

-Yeah. -I'm Mike.

-And I'm Kelly. -And we're gonna be

your guides for our trip.

This is the Zion and Bryce REI Signature Camp.

I think it's gonna really blow your guys' mind.

-You guys! -Look at this.

And now we're suddenly in a forest.

-This is crazy. -Look at this vanilla wafer.

Kind of makes you want to cry.

And before we get started here,

we got you guys some welcome gifts.

That's just kind of a starter pack.

It has a few items in there

that you can use along your trip

that will help you have a good time.

-So, what do we do first? -So, we're gonna make sure

that you guys are well-suited for the drive.

It's gonna be about five hours in the vehicle

on the way to Bryce, so get comfortable,

grab some snacks, water.

I'm about to do some damage.

Ooh, it's so fuzzy.

We got jackets that look like pants.

We got pants that convert into jackets.

She's nice.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Go with a little color--oh!

Use the restroom, and we'll be on our way.

Come on in.

So we just left the REI Henderson store,

and we're on our way to an adventure!

So, I am so excited.

One to ten, how excited are you guys?



Well, this is gonna be a really fun adventure.

I'm excited, I'm a ten in case you were wondering.

To be clear, we have only been in the car for 1.5 hours

and this is the state of the union.

Welcome, guys.

Look at the view!

Welcome to our Signature Camp

outside of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Your guys' bags have already been taken care of,

but I'd like to show you around camp.

-Cool. -Let's do it.

Here's the tour. Ready?

Tent, tent, tent.

Didn't have to set up that tent.

We're really roughing it out here.

-We're home. -Mi casa is always su casa,

as you guys know.

This is the--this is the foyer.

This is crazy.

I had no idea.

I'm Colin's servant.

Anything I can do for you?

Can we just look at our view for one second?

It's so pretty! It's so nice!

I'm gonna weep a lot on this adventure.

Welcome to Bryce.

(indistinct chatter)



-Anna. -Kelsi?

Bryce Canyon sunrise.

-We gotta go. -Okay.

Elena, Anna, we gotta go.

-What? -It's sunrise time.

It's gonna be beautiful.

It's worth it.

-Come on. -What time is it?

I'll meet you at the car.

Kelsi, what time is it?


Sometimes my schedule is a little overwhelming, guys,

but I mean, this is so worth it, right?

-Yes. -My eye bags say "no,"

but my heart says "yes."

It's turning more red.

It's changing colors!

Honestly, I have never actually watched

the sun rise before.

This is my first sunrise.

You might as well just be done with sunrises after this.

Like, you're never gonna see a more beautiful sunrise.

We're, like, the luckiest people

in the world right now.

If only sunrise was at, like, 11:00 a.m.

That would be dope.

Are you guys ready for some coffee?


Today has been unreal.

Awesome and super challenging.

-This is what we trained for. -We trained?

I don't usually start every day

at 3:30 in the morning, but today I did.

I'm a little winded here, y'all.

And it was worth every second.

I just saw the most unbelievable scenery.

It's like a hundred feet!


And then there was one.

I don't know that I'll ever see a sunrise like that again.

It was pretty crazy, I'm getting a little choked up

-thinking about it. -I got to share it

with some of my best friends.

I ate the most unbeatable food.

The food here has been amazing.

Like, when I think of camp food, I think of sad food.

Just, like, a lot of hot dogs, a lot of sandwiches.

And they have taken such good care of us here.

I feel like we packed so much into the day.

I'm exhausted.

All of my cells are saying,

"You really wore us out today, bud."

But I had one of the most beautiful days

and wonderful experiences I ever had in my life.

I grew up surrounded by beautiful landscapes everywhere

and I will tell you that what I saw today

was nothing near what I have seen

ever before in my life.

I feel like we're getting a peek

behind the veil here of what we can experience.

If this is the first couple days,

I'm super stoked to see what happens

in the next couple of days.


Today, we go off to Zion.

Bye, camp.

'Cause there was a small chance of rain,

Mike and Kelly had to drive us in, like, these--

Four-by-fours, I don't even know what they're called.

Which was an adventure of itself.

We zipped our way through another epic view.

We go up these, like, dirt path roads,

your hair is blowing in the wind,

and it's just the best way

to ever be transported anywhere.

And, then, they take us to this magical clearing

-in the woods. -All right, guys,

ready to see camp?

And we have this amazing campsite.

It's beautiful here.

-This is sweet. -This is awesome.

-Nice. -All right, guys.

Let me show you around.

I can't even believe, like, how much effort

is put into these campsites.

This hammock is definitely where it's at.

-Hammock life. -Check it out.

This is a cool one.

It's ours.

These are my digs currently.

So, these are a little bit more spread out

than the ones at Bryce.

Kind of nice to just have, like,

you know, a little bit of space

apart from people who haven't showered in ten days.

-(coughs) Colin. -Yeah, that would be me.

This is awesome.

You have no cell service out here

and you have no Wi-Fi, which I really appreciate.

And you can hear...


-Crickets. -That takes me to the kitchen,

which is the most important.

Oh, my gosh, Anna, look at this spread.

Craig had all these snacks laid out.

Oh, my gosh, is that Brie?

-Mm. -Just, like, above and beyond.

I want to be greeted like this at home.

Yeah, you could really get used to living this way.

Excited for what's to come, but in the meantime,

just look at that.

-Good morning! -Good morning.

We are on our way to go hiking this morning

in Zion National Park.

This is kind of like the culmination for today.

How are you feeling about hiking up a mountain?

That's it right there, that's all she wrote.

All right, guys, here we are.

This is the final day of our hiking

and we're in for a big one.

-Are we hiking up that? -We sure are.

-Taking it to the top. -So, before we get started,

we just want to go through a few things.

Right off the bat, we should have sunscreen

going before we start.

Want to make sure that you guys all brought water... brought snacks along,

and that we're prepared for the hike

so that we can make it a good one.

So, we've been building up for this.

It's going to be a lot of uphill...

Starting to gain some elevation.

...but that's going to be super rewarding

because we're gonna have some fantastic views

-up at the top. -I think it's gorge.

It's like a literal gorge.


See how the river cut this land.

-Yeah. -This is wild.

Your comfort is important to us on this hike,

being that it is gonna be a little more strenuous

than the ones we've been doing.

I'm gonna definitely replace a few cals this evening.

Just make sure that you're taking care of yourselves.

If you need to take a break, let us know.

We're more than happy to stop, you know, in a shaded area

and hang out for a minute.

That's a good place for a nap.

Taking a fiver.

Still a lot left to be discovered.

Let's go.

Cool, are you guys ready to go?

-Yes. -Let's do it.

-Awesome, let's go. -Yay!

So, this has been one heck of a week for Elena.

This is the hardest thing I've ever done.

I have challenged myself both physically and mentally.

When I finish this, I'm gonna feel like a badass.

There were a couple of times where I wanted to quit.

This is hard, guys, I don't know

if I'm gonna be able to make it.

-You got this. -You got it, Elena.

With the encouragement of my friends...

-Oh, that helps. -Does it?

...and my self-determination,

and our awesome guides who were a tremendous support,

I was able to get to the top

and take in one of the most beautiful views

I've ever seen.


This is truly incredible.

Kelsi, come smell this tree up here.

Is it the ponderosa?


I'm someone who kind of, like, has a hard time

making me time in my day-to-day life,

and I'm really, really, really grateful

for this entire experience.

Let me know if you think it smells like

butterscotch or vanilla.

What do you smell?

Oh, wow, it smells like butterscotch.

It really truly has been one hell of a week.

We've made it so far.

I will tell people about this for the rest of my life.

I'm pooped, I'm like a dog who has just gotten to, like,

run and dive off a dock 50 times

catching a tennis ball, and I am loving it.

I now understand why people have this

on their bucket list for their life,

because it's a life-changing experience.

I like to think of myself as one of these flowers.

While there aren't very many of them,

I do belong up here.

-I do. -It sounds corny to say,

"You've got to go on an REI adventure,"

but you have got to go on an REI adventure.

And I really want to do another one, so let's go.

Where else are we going?

This has been the trip of a lifetime.

-I'll never forget it. -What a world.

What a world.

You guys, we made it!






Hey, bud, you all right?


-Colin? -Huh? Yeah.

You okay?



-Shall we head down? -Let's do it.

-Let's do it. -We did it, guys!

-I can't believe I did that. -That was unbelievable.

We climbed above the birds, y'all.

-We did climb above the birds. -Straight up into the heavens.


-Straight up into heaven. -Whoa.

For more infomation >> REI Trailheads: It's Time For An Adventure! - Duration: 12:21.


মধুপুরের বিখ্যাত সিংগাড়া Vlog 10 in Jhenaidah || Akib Ahmed - Duration: 9:37.

For more infomation >> মধুপুরের বিখ্যাত সিংগাড়া Vlog 10 in Jhenaidah || Akib Ahmed - Duration: 9:37.


Japon J-10 ! Visa, itinéraire et objectifs - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Japon J-10 ! Visa, itinéraire et objectifs - Duration: 9:23.


Xiaomi electric scooter hard test 22Km and battery recovery mode - Duration: 9:07.

For more infomation >> Xiaomi electric scooter hard test 22Km and battery recovery mode - Duration: 9:07.


"얄팍하고 얍삽하다" 일본-폴란드 전 비판하는 김대범 | 서울 KR - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> "얄팍하고 얍삽하다" 일본-폴란드 전 비판하는 김대범 | 서울 KR - Duration: 2:49.


Można się popłakać. Polscy piłkarze żegnają się z Mundialem. - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Można się popłakać. Polscy piłkarze żegnają się z Mundialem. - Duration: 4:43.


Japon J-10 ! Visa, itinéraire et objectifs - Duration: 9:23.

For more infomation >> Japon J-10 ! Visa, itinéraire et objectifs - Duration: 9:23.


Meet Kevin J. Townshend, MD, Family Medicine | Ascension Wisconsin - Duration: 2:36.

Hi. My name is Kevin Townshend and I'm a family medicine doctor.

I went into medicine because I'm passionate about helping people live happier, healthier

lives and specifically went into family medicine because I really enjoy seeing all ages.

I can see newborn babies all the way up to grandmas and grandpas and anything in between.

There's a lot of variety in family medicine too, which is great.

It keeps me on my toes.

The thing that makes my practice unique here, I think, is we have a really good collaborative


The other physicians and nurse practitioners are really great people and great practitioners.

The support staff is wonderful.

We have a lot of great resources available here at our clinic.

I think the thing that I enjoy most about family medicine and my work is probably developing

the long-term therapeutic relationships with my patients and their families.

It's really rewarding when you work together with a patient and help them achieve some

of their personal health goals.

On a personal note, I've got three little kids of my own, so I really enjoy working

with young families and children.

I like to go hiking, camping, backpacking.

I'm pretty involved with boy scouting.

My oldest son is in Boy Scouts, so I enjoy spending time with that and I did that growing


I also like watching Wisconsin sports, so Packers, Badgers, Brewers, getting to games

when I can.

I also personally like to go curling and of course, I like spending time with my kids,

my wife either at home or in the community or traveling.

Those are the things I like to do.

Trust and communication are obviously really important.

In my practice, I like to take the time to listen to my patients and get to know what

their values are and what their priorities are so that I can make sure that I'm addressing

their needs as best as I can.

For more infomation >> Meet Kevin J. Townshend, MD, Family Medicine | Ascension Wisconsin - Duration: 2:36.


Meet Tiffany J. King, APNP, Family Medicine | Ascension Wisconsin - Duration: 2:52.

Hi, my name's Tiffany King, I am a nurse practitioner in family practice.

When I was in fifth grade, I read a book about what it was like to be a nurse, and ever since

then, I have been hooked on the idea of taking care of others.

So since fifth grade I knew I was going to be in the healthcare profession, I wasn't

quite sure what capacity I'd be in, but I knew I'd be in healthcare of some type.

I really like to have patients to have input into their own healthcare decisions.

I like to give them the treatment options that are available and have a discussion with

them, but ultimately it's their body and their lifestyle, so I want them to make the decision

that's right for them.

What works for one patient may not work for the next individual, so I like to have that

conversation with them and let them make the decision that works best for them.

I work in family practice, which means I get to see all walks of life.

So I can go from one minute seeing a newborn baby, to the next minute I'm taking care of

an elderly patient who's suffering from dementia.

So I like the variety it gives me, and getting to hear and talk to everybody and learn their

unique stories.

I guess I want patients to know that my style of care is built on strong compassionate care

and using common sense medicine.

I like to stay up to date on all the latest trends, but ultimately I want the patient

to know that I'm going to work with them to come up with a solution for all the concerns

that they have.

I absolutely love spending time with my family, family is huge for me, not only immediate

family but extended family.

In regards to my immediate family, I have a husband, I have a year-and-a-half-old daughter,

and I have a son on the way, which I'm very excited about, and we enjoy kayaking and hiking.

Actually, this last summer we went to Yosemite for a week and we hiked probably 25 miles

with my daughter strapped to my chest the entire time, and it was so much fun.

So I like to build trust with my patients by actively listening to them.

That means I'm not just sitting behind my computer and kind of vaguely listening to


I'm actually using eye contact and listening to them.

I never want them to feel rushed at all.

I always want to know that whatever they need I'm there for them.

I always like to end each visit by telling them, "If there's anything else you need,

please feel free to contact me."

Then when they do contact me, I always make sure that we give good follow up and that

I'm actually following through with their needs.

For more infomation >> Meet Tiffany J. King, APNP, Family Medicine | Ascension Wisconsin - Duration: 2:52.


The Music Theory Of Jacob Collier - Duration: 8:01.

hey, welcome to 12tone! if you're the sort of person who watches my videos, you probably

already know who Jacob Collier is, but just in case, he's a Grammy-winning singer, songwriter,

arranger, and multi-instrumentalist who rose to fame for his intricate one-man arrangements

of popular songs on YouTube. but he's also a really talented theorist who's done some

awesome videos about the ideas behind his work. plus he's five years younger than me

and I'm totally not jealous. anyway, today I want to take a closer look at one idea that

seems to be pretty central to his conceptions about harmony: the duality between fifths

and fourths. that is, his idea that perfect 5ths are effectively major, whereas perfect

4ths are minor.

Jacob often justifies this by comparison to the circle of 5ths. we've covered this before,

but basically, it's a mnemonic device for remembering how key signatures work. we start

at the top with C major, whose key signature is empty, then we go clockwise around the

circle, moving up a perfect fifth every time, so G, D, A, and so on, until we get back around

to Bb, F, and finally C, completing the circle. we can also move counter-clockwise, going

down a perfect 5th at a time, which is equivalent to going up a perfect 4th. they're the same

thing, just different directions.

so what does this give us? well, if we look at the various major scales associated with

these notes, we see that going one step clockwise around the circle means raising one note in

the scale, so going from A major (bang) to E major (bang) means taking this D natural

and making it sharp. in a sense, then, moving to a key whose root is a perfect fifth higher

does result in a brighter tonality, because the set of notes we can use has shifted slightly

upwards. and going the other way round the circle works similarly: going from E major

back to A major means lowering the D# to D natural, darkening the overall pitch collection.

of course, all of this is relative: there is no objectively brightest key. that's why

it's a circle: you can keep rising or falling forever, depending on which way you want to


but Jacob expands this idea far past simple key changes. he also applies it to the construction

of individual chords, so that this (bang) would sound more bright and major than this

(bang) even though I used the same notes both times. and here is where I want to focus,

because Jacob isn't just pulling this out of thin air. you may have noticed at the beginning

that I described his theory as "duality", and that was a very deliberate choice. I've

never heard Jacob use that specific word to describe it, but his ideas trace their roots

back to one of the most controversial ideas of the 19th century: Harmonic dualism.

ok, maybe not the most controversial, but if we traveled back in time to around the

1860s and 70s, you'd see a battle raging among the theorist crowd between monism and dualism,

because we theorists are very serious people who only fight about very important things.

to quickly summarize the dispute, monism is the idea that the major triad is king, and

the minor triad is just a corruption or shadow of it, whereas dualism puts both on equal

footing. that's a one-sentence explanation of a decades-long argument, so it's admittedly

missing a little of the nuance, but monism isn't really relevant here so let's dive in.

probably the first important name is the German theorist Moritz Hauptmann, who published The

Nature of Harmony and Metre in 1853. in it, he broke the notes of a triad up into three

different functions which he called "moments": each chord consists of the unity, the duality,

and the union, which are defined by their relations to each other. if you play the unity

and duality at the same time, you get a perfect fifth, while the unity and union make a major

3rd. the unity is effectively the root of the chord, in that it participates in both

these relationships, but it doesn't have to actually be the root in the classic sense

of the word. in a major chord, it is: if we take A as our unity, then we can have E as

the duality a perfect fifth up and C# as the union in between. but if we have A minor,

then it's no longer really an A chord at all: the only note that's part of both a perfect

fifth and a major third is E, so that becomes our unity even though it's actually the fifth

of the chord. this is where the comparison to Jacob's theory comes from: in a major chord,

the duality is a perfect 5th above the unity, whereas in a minor one the duality is a perfect

5th down, or a perfect 4th up. in effect, Hauptmann believed that the minor triad was

just like the major one, but upside-down.

this idea is at the heart of the dualist philosophy, but it received some significant pushback.

perhaps one of the most famous critics was Hermann von Helmholtz, who argued that the

minor triad couldn't be equivalent to the major one, because its overtones were significantly

messier. you see, Hauptmann had been assuming that going up and going down were the same

thing, but in a real, acoustic sense, they're not. when you play a note, you're creating

a soundwave with a specific frequency, but you're also creating what are called overtones,

which are just all the multiples of that frequency. so the A I just played was 220 hertz, or cycles

per second, but there were also shades of 440 hertz, 660, 880, and so on, forever. these

overtones are real acoustic phenomena, and one of the reasons a major triad sounds so

pleasant is that the base frequencies of the notes line up to create a fairly simple overtone


but there's no downward equivalent, at least not a real one. plenty of people, including

Helmholtz, have theorized about a sort of undertone series, where 220 hertz would create

110, 73, 55, and so on, but it's not an actual thing that actually happens when you play

the note on an actual instrument. it's just an idea, and while ideas are great, they're

not the same as sounds, so Helmholtz argued that Hauptmann's symmetries, while lovely

in concept, fell apart in the harsh realities of practice.

but that wasn't the end for dualism. its next advocate was Arthur von Oettingen, who was

actually a physicist by training. Oettingen's approach was based on two ideas he called

"phonicity" and "tonicity". the phonicity of an interval or chord has to do with which

overtones all the notes share, so if we have, say, 220 and 330 hertz, the lowest note they

both create is 660 hertz, which is called their phonic overtone. tonicity, on the other

hand, is about which fundamental note generates all the others as overtones, so if we again

take 220 and 330, we find they're both overtones of 110 hertz, which we call the tonic fundamental.

in a major triad, the tonic fundamental is consonant: that is, it's a note that's already

part of the chord. with A major, for instance, it's a low A. however, the phonic overtone

isn't: it's a G#, which is a whole new note. A minor, on the other hand, has a phonic overtone

of E, which is in the chord, re-establishing a real symmetry between the two and reinforcing

Hauptmann's idea that the actual root of a minor triad is its fifth. it's worth noting

that this is based, in part, on Helmholtz's own work, combining it with Hauptmann's models

in order to rescue them from Helmholtz's attack, because sometimes music theory is just wonderfully


Oettingen also developed the idea of laying notes out on a grid, like this, in order to

build chords. here, the rows represent movement by perfect fifth, and the columns go by major

third. he claimed that all proper triads could be found along diagonals like this one, connecting

notes a minor third apart. the only difference is that major triads also include the note

above the line, while minor triads use the one below instead. if you've heard me talk

about Neo-Riemannian theory before, this may look familiar: it's a tonnetz. normally those

are rotated a bit so the triangles are equilateral, but structurally it's the exact same thing.

if you don't know what that is, don't worry, it's not that important right now, I just

needed a segue to talk about our last and most famous dualist, Hugo Riemann.

Riemann further formalized these dualist relationships by developing a set of transformations that

could take you from one chord to another. the first of these are Schritte, or step transformations,

which slide the chord up or down to a new root without changing the quality. of particular

note is the Quintschritt transformation, which moves to a chord whose root is your starting

chord's duality, to borrow Hauptmann's terms, so like from A major to E major or A minor

to D minor. the second transformation is the Wechsel, or change transformation, which flips

the chord across its unity, changing it from major to minor or vice versa. most notable

of these is the Terzwechsel, which moves it to the chord's union, then flips it, so like

A major to F# minor or vice versa. these two relationships formed the basis of Riemann's

theories of functional harmony, but we've talked a lot about that elsewhere and this

video is getting long enough already, so let's get back to Jacob Collier.

what does all of this say about Jacob's theory that fifths are major and fourths are minor?

is he right? well, that's where this all kinda falls apart, because in music theory, the

ideas of right and wrong are sorta meaningless. it's all just expert interpretation, and Jacob's

an expert, so in a sense he's inherently right, even if his ideas don't really match mine,

or Helmholtz's, or anyone else's. thinking about harmony the way he does has allowed

him to make some awesome songs, and if his models help you write or understand music

better, that's what matters. that's all any of us are trying to do, and I'd say Jacob's

doing it really well.

anyway, thanks for watching, and thanks to our Patreon patrons for supporting us and

making these videos possible. if you want to help out, and get some sweet perks like

sneak peeks of upcoming episodes, there's a link to our Patreon on screen now. you can

also join our mailing list to find out about new episodes, like, share, comment, subscribe,

and above all, keep on rockin'.

For more infomation >> The Music Theory Of Jacob Collier - Duration: 8:01.


[Tuto] Comment hack Jailbreak sur Roblox 2018 - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> [Tuto] Comment hack Jailbreak sur Roblox 2018 - Duration: 2:21.


Top 3 MUST HAVE Jackets & Overshirts For Men | SSE | EPISODE 3 - Duration: 3:52.

What's up guys, my name is Joe and welcome to episode 3 of store Style

essentials brought to you inside limited Manchester where we're on a mission to

bring you guys the absolute essentials the basics if you will that are needed

to put together a versatile wardrobe like always if at any point you are

enjoying what you're watching hitting that thumbs up button that would mean a

lot to me last week we talked all about jeans and pants but this week I'm

bringing you guys three essentials when it comes to jackets and over shirts in

other words the pieces that allow you to layer now we are in the heart of summer

so we're not talking about anything overly heavy or thick but if you stumble

upon you know cooler evening you got a cool breeze coming through you might

want to take a look at item number one bomber jacket bomber jackets originally

stemmed from military clothing but have since become a fashion staple back in

the 90s they were often seem kind of Punk and tied more often to smaller sub

cultures that were trying to be different but nowadays bombers are

everywhere and my personal favorite type of outerwear piece I'm wearing one right

now the theme of this series is showcasing versatile pieces and bombers

are no exception they're often light enough to not put on a sweat when it's

warmer and you can mix and match in just so many different way normal t-shirt

bomber looks great longline shirts bomber on top looks great button-up

shirt you get the point bombers are super versatile bombers can

come in different colors different materials you might have some with

quirky patches or pockets but the overall design and cut of the jacket has

basically remained the same since the mid-1950s personally I love my off-white

bombers really helps to put an outfit together and I've also got this bright

yellow e orange one you know if I feel like adding a pop of color limited which

is the store that I'm in they offer a ton of awesome bombers if you want to

check out any of those I do have their website linked in the description of

this video the brand that I'm wearing this can also be found on limited item

number two are over shirt now there's not one specific type of over shirt the

best way to describe it is something that you wear over your t-shirt but it's

not as thick as a normal jacket but not also not as thin as like a normal button

up it's kind of somewhat somewhere there in

the middle now this is gonna depend on where you live but here in the UK I

pretty much never leave my house without an over shirt in the summer and that's

pretty much just because you never really know how warm or cool it's gonna

be and that's exactly what these are for they're perfect for cool summer evenings

or when you've got cool wind's coming through over shirts add that little bit

of wind proofing that can make all the difference and not to mention over

shirts look awesome since they add to that layering effect and unlike Bombers

which give off a bit more of that street wear look you know there's so many

different types of over shirts you can pick one to fit your personal aesthetic

very easily they're totally appropriate for grabbing a drink at night but

they're also great for the workplace you know of course depending on where you

work and our third and final outerwear piece is a nice simple crew neck sweater

now we're in the summer so you want to make sure that any sweaters that you're

picking out our lightweight and light color being light-colored will help to

reflect excess heat preventing you from overheating also obviously light colors

very summer appropriate it may seem strange talking about sweaters in the

summer but again not every day is a hot day and you'll be leaving these for

those cooler times I've picked up this light pinkish salmon color sweater from

junk de luxe you know it's light it's breathable it's great for the season but

that's that guys make sure to subscribe tune back in for next Friday's video

when we're gonna be tackling shoe thanks everybody for watching and I'm gonna see

everybody next time

For more infomation >> Top 3 MUST HAVE Jackets & Overshirts For Men | SSE | EPISODE 3 - Duration: 3:52.


[TÉMOIGNAGE / AVIS] Kévin, membre des formations en ligne ÉTUDES MARTIALES - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> [TÉMOIGNAGE / AVIS] Kévin, membre des formations en ligne ÉTUDES MARTIALES - Duration: 3:30.


Reggaeton Mix 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 ★ Música Urbana De Julio 2018 Ozuna, Maluma - Duration: 1:36:51.

For more infomation >> Reggaeton Mix 2018 Lo Mas Nuevo Estrenos Reggaeton 2018 ★ Música Urbana De Julio 2018 Ozuna, Maluma - Duration: 1:36:51.


Festival Hellfest 2018 - Duration: 7:19.

Hello and welcome to this new video

I am in Clisson in Loire Atlantique

I live in a city that welcomes once a year

more than 180 000 festival-goers

who come from all over the world to the Hellfest

metal music festival

who are they ?

I will go and ask them so stay tuned

this is the fourth year that I come to the Hellfest

I stay always two or three days

I do the whole festival

with all my friends now

I came I offered this for the 30-year anniversary of my friend who had already come

it's still a little new experience for me

I am used to group celebrations

it's still a good experience

there is really something very warm

very healthy and very well organized

everything is well done

oui c'est ma première fois

ça a été génial

il y a deux groupes que je voulais vraiment voir

et je ne savais pas si j'aurais l'occasion de les voir ensemble

qui sont Jude prince et Iron maiden

deux groupes que j'aime le plus

ils jouent tous les deux ici

Je ne pouvais pas le manquer

it's been 23 years that I live clisson

I see the hellfest every year

they know me here

they know my stuff

the hellfest at the start the first year

we had a little apprehension

because we saw funny characters

and we managed to get to know them

and we see that they are nice people

very smiling and very kind

very polite and after we adopted them

on the other hand this year it was a little different for me because I was working

today I enjoy but still great atmosphere at the top

we have beautiful weather every time

always so many people, beautiful scenery

we are surprised every year and it's the top


à quoi ça ressemble et surtout la nuit

la convivialité et la nature de toutes les personnes impliquées

c'est la meilleure organisation chaque année

par rapport à n'importe quelle festival dans le monde

We took the pass for 3 days

without knowing who was going to be here

I bet on the atmosphere more than on music groups

it's faithful to what it is

c'était un casse tête mais j'ai réussi à avoir un ticket

c'était un mal de tête d'arriver ici aussi

un gros casse tête mais ça vaut le coup

mais je vais le faire l'année prochaine aussi

there are more people than before

we always see the same people coming back

who are delighted and who also like to stay with local people

to share things with local people

they find the local people very nice

They like the city as well

they discover and come talk to us and are not wild


nous avons à clisson pour les huits dernières années, un bar dans le village qui n'existe plus

chaque année, nous rencontrons les meilleurs locaux

Nous les aimons et ils nous aiment

awesome everyone is very welcoming

when we come to the city we are treated well and it goes very well

it's worth it and now I'm thinking next year

what will we do

the question will really arise

there are beautiful encounters and something healthy

good and things not found elsewhere

I come originally from "des landes"

we can see festivals like "bayonne and dax"

which are well known but here it is unique

people respect each other and know why they are here

Would you like that this festival stay her in Clisson?


Would you like that this festival stay her in Clisson?


For more infomation >> Festival Hellfest 2018 - Duration: 7:19.


Chatbot : voici comment facilement implémenter et gérer son Chatbot avec - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Chatbot : voici comment facilement implémenter et gérer son Chatbot avec - Duration: 1:52.


How to Test Shopify Products Using Facebook Ads (The Pair Method!) - Duration: 15:41.

WHAT is up Ninjas! If you use Facebook ads to sell ecommerce or anything on the

internet that you need to know what the ninja pair strategy can do for you this

video is going to show you how to create super eye-catching video ads on Facebook

and the ninja pair method is going to show you something that I promise you

you've never used before stay tuned in just this is gonna be a

good one watch this way

hi guys what is up today we're gonna go over some very very good stuff I'm

specifically related to Shopify and Facebook ads and what we're gonna talk

about is how to make ads that catch people's attention and how to do that by

being a little bit different right using sub title bars like this using emojis

catching people's attention and then advertising them in two unique ways

right if we're doing things like doing quality infusers or you know slot t and

fusers what we can do is we can target people who are interested and like it's

a sloth related types of products are slots in general and we can also dually

target people who are interested in tea right because if you hit people on two

passionate niches I'm kind of with a single synergistic product then you can

actually hit them from two different ways and you can really kind of hone in

and laser target your audience and we're also gonna target how our we're gonna

talk about how to make these sub title bars because being able to like make

these and using emojis it just really stands out especially if you have kind

of a high quality video so we're gonna talk about how to do that even if you

have no video editing skills of any kind guys and I don't know if you guys know

this but at the end or like near the end of every single video that we're putting

out giving away $100 cash every single day to whoever gives us the best

funniest comments right whoever is the most active on all of our social medias

on Instagram on you know with our podcasts commenting on YouTube right so

if you want to win $100 cash or thousands of dollars worth of courses

make sure that you're commenting on all of these videos watching all of these

videos to make sure that or to see if you won guys so let's talk about how to

actually do this right and so the first thing we're gonna do is we are going to

make sure that we're choosing our location correctly right because one of

the things that I think a lot of people do wrong with Facebook ads is they leave

it on everyone in this location instead of people who live in this location

right because everyone in this location means that you'd be showing ads to

people who are traveling who are you know on on vacation here who are touring

through the United States for example when they're not going to be buying from

your Shopify store because they probably don't have an address to ship it to here

so what we're gonna do is we're gonna change this to people who live in this

location and we're gonna leave it as United States but you know you can also

target the other big four countries like Australia Canada the UK and the United

States which make up about 95 percent of our e-commerce sales and so the next

thing that we're going to do guys's let's take a let's take a quick

look let's say that we're gonna sell you know like a slaw tea infuser or even a

koala tea infuser right and what we're gonna do is we're taking a quick look at

what the kind of demographics that people have are when they like a page

related to koalas right so we're gonna choose koala but let's go over in the

audience insights and to get here super quick just head into audience insights

in business manager we typed in koala here under interest and we can see that

almost 70% of people who like koalas are women right so we're probably gonna

focus a little bit more on women we also know that people who like koalas also

like animal rescue they like National Geographic right some of these things

like if somebody likes kind of exotic animals like that they probably also

like other animals like I love my dog crazy animals all of these things right

here right so I like to kind of go by affinity score what this means basically

is if somebody likes koalas they're two hundred and seven times more likely to

also like this page per feyo's right and so these are kind of the ones that I

would take a look at if I was also trying to kind of split test and test

targeting these interests also for people who have shown interest in koalas

right but what we're gonna do is we're gonna do what I like to call this the

ninja pair method and so if you guys have never heard of the ninja pair

method it basically uses when you're targeting products specifically like

this right it hits people on two fronts they like koalas but they're also

interested in tea right what we can do is instead of doing a create new ad set

we can go to create multiple new ad sets right here and then what we can do is

down in detail targeting we can do koala and then we can also do we're gonna

narrow the audience right so they have two like koalas and they must also match

they must also match that they're interested in listen and let's change

this from koala to tea right so people that are interested let's do green tea

so people who are interested in green tea 73% of them are women right we can

see other things that they like traditional medicines simple most whole

foods market right they kind of have like the homeopathic five a little bit

traditional medicinal is right here blue apron so we're gonna do koalas and we're

also going to do green tea and what this does guys is it allows you to target

people who both like koalas and they all also have to like green tea so you're

narrowing your audience so much and your laser targeting people because if

somebody likes a quality infuser you know how much more likely are they

gonna be to buy your quality infuser if they've already proven through their

browsing history on Facebook to both like koalas and also like green tea

right somebody that's using a koala green tea infuser this would be a

perfect gift and one of the other things that I want to talk about really quickly

is how we can do it like this right so we can do and must also match further

right we can do birthday if we type in birthday here what we can see is here we

can do close friends close friends with people with birthdays in the next 7 to

30 days right so we can target people who have who have friends or close

friends or best friends right close friends and best ones to be the same

thing close friends of people with a birthday that's coming up we can do

close friends of women with a birthday in seven to thirty days and think about

how amazing this is because we have looked right here that when we type in

green tea seventy-three percent of them are women and when we typed in Koala

sixty-nine percent of them are women right so seven out of ten people who

like both of these things or more about 71 percent of everyone who likes both of

these things is women and we can literally target close friends of women

with a birthday coming up if they have a birthday coming up it's likely that

their close friends are gonna buy them a gift and what an amazing gift that it

would be like a little funny gag gift especially if they're close friends they

probably know that this person likes koalas if they like koalas enough to

actually go out of their way to like a koala related page on Facebook then they

really like koalas right and their friend and their close friends probably

know that and so this is how you really get creative with Facebook Ads guys

you can literally target people in such unique ways and you can target them you

know they have to like koalas they have to also like green tea and they also

have to have close friends of women with a birthday in seven to thirty days so

these are the types of ways that you actually take your Facebook Ads to the

next level and become profitable right from the start all right so let's talk

about the ninja pair and strategy because this strategy is one of the best

ways to kind of split tests up front using these kind of pairs right like

usually I'll have to but sometimes I'll put three if it like works perfectly I'm

just a kind of illustrated though I'm just gonna keep it as two right this

koala being one korean t being the other targeting people who would be interested

in kind of a gag gift which is a koala tea infuser which is probably like

almost nothing when it comes to actual cost so what we're gonna do guys is for

the second version of the pair we're gonna click add a detailed targeting

variation so we click Add util targeting variation right here now we're gonna

split his Facebook is gonna create split tested ad sets for us automatically and

this is a beautiful time-saver if you've used Facebook Ads in the past you

understand how exciting this feature is it's amazing right so what we're gonna

do is we're gonna head back into audience insights and we're gonna look

at page likes right so let's do a traditional medicinal medicinals because

people who like green tea are 56 times more likely to also like traditional and

medicinals which is really hard to say try saying that five times fast so

traditional medicinals we can type this in right here traditional medicinals has

a million people right and we're gonna narrow the audience so they also must

match whatever is closest according to audience insights for koala

all right so we're gonna raise green tea here and we're gonna go back in and

we're gonna look at koala and now we're gonna see according to a fit the

affinity score per face is one there's not that many people who like it though

I guess they have nine hundred forty-one thousand so let's do awesome ocean I'm

so we're gonna do awesome ocean right and let's take a quick look just to make

sure that this is like reasonably related so awesome ocean looks like it's

okay so it's like a brand yeah and they have like cute animals like seals and

stuff like that and like animals yes this is perfect so we're gonna do

awesome ocean here and so now we have two pairs right so people have to like

both of the most related thing to green tea and the thing that's most related to

koalas so these are two sets of pairs right the ninja pair method and these is

um this is a fantastic way to really target people I'm kind of from the start

on two fronts right they have to they have to match two things one thing and

also right we see that it's very important and must also match the

and this is a good way of laser targeting your audience kind of from the

very start and so you know what we would do next is take a look at kind of the

demographics so you know 70% are women most of which are kind of the 25 to 34

year old range so if we wanted to get even more kind of aggressive here or we

wanted to make our audience size smaller you know we could narrow this by only

doing women and we could only do like for example 24 year olds through 35 year

olds because they do happen to be the largest kind of data set here oh yeah 20

25 to 34 year olds I mean so 25 to 34 year olds and so that's a great way

using the ninja pair method to kind of hit people on to two different fronts to

make a super super targeted audience from the very start and then also split

testing based on these two pairs because what you're gonna see is you know koala

and green tea might be might perform awesome and it's getting you a ton of

sales super profitable and then traditional medicinals and awesome ocean

is just complete crap right and it's not doing anything for you and it's not

making any sales and so then obviously you know you'd create automation rules

to automatically scale the ad sets that we're winning and automatically stop or

pause the ad sets that we're losing if you don't know how to make automation

rules they are a kind of a more advanced technique that we do talk about a ton in

the Facebook ads ninja master class shameless plug link in the description

if you guys want to check it out this is completely free training it will be the

first link down in the description all right so let's talk about one more very

important hack because this hack has given us a bunch of really profitable

results because you can actually target people by if they're engaged

shoppers right and what this means is Facebook actually has kind of data

surrounding people who spend more money right because they partner with credit

card companies and they purchase you know for huge sums of money all of this

data pretty much on all of us right and it's creepy but it's good for us as

advertisers right so we're gonna choose engaged shoppers here and then if we

kick suggestions it'll give us other kind of options here and what I've found

to work really well is people who are active credit card users and people who

are top spenders so we're gonna click on top spenders here and this is also

something that is worth noting right like this just popped up I've never seen

this before Facebook changes

all the time right we will be removing some detailed targeting options your

audience contains interest behaviors or demographics which will soon no longer

be available on our platform you can still publish these changes for now but

eventually you won't be able to use these items right and so this is a good

kind of idea so you know like any business we have to continue to evolve

continue to change continue to find things before other people and use them

to our advantages right continue to find interests that are converting and you

know if you're part of the ninja family you will always have access to the best

ways to target things whether it's ecommerce Shopify Amazon whether you're

creating a Facebook ad agency you know if you're trying to create like your own

personal brand it does not matter right if you are a part of the Facebook Ads

ninja master class you will always be you know not one step ahead but three

steps ahead guys we just did a literally live QA for like two hours yesterday in

the private student group where I answered questions personally alive

sharing my screen for all of my different students in the Facebook as a

ninja master class really going into their specific businesses right we

talked about a shipping and logistics company that somebody just got hired to

run ads for we talked about a ton of things and it was so much fun I love

going through all of that with you guys and so the last thing that I want to

talk about guys is actually how to kind of make these ads right because if you

want to make you know ads like this for example but you don't have kind of the

video editing skills um it's very easy to do this and I could teach you you

know how to actually do this yourself on Camtasia or I could teach you the lazy

way to do it which is actually the better way to do it so if we go to and type in video editing here i like to sort by best selling and

if you contact any of these like that and give them a video and say hey i need

a video that fits you know facebook ads and that you know they'll probably all

know and if not you know just do like a quick google search and you'll be able

to figure out what the dimensions are just say hey I need a Facebook ad that

looks like this ad like the top subtitle bar you know with this text ad emojis

just like this you know add emojis down on the bottom and these ads guys they

work right trust me when I tell you that ads with subtitle bars like this work

and people on Fiverr can probably give you a video like this where they'll add

these you know top and bottom subtitle bars for like five to ten dollars and

it's so so so so worth it for your products guys and make sure that you

outsource things like this because it's gonna save you a ton of time and it's

gonna make it's gonna put you a step or even two steps above your competition

because most people aren't willing to go this extra step and create beautiful

kind of eye catching ads like this and so the last thing I'm gonna say guys is

if you guys are interested in what I like to call the ninja carousel hack

there's a way to actually use pictures write pictures of products that you can

take from all the Express you can take them yourself right there's a way to use

pictures to create video ads on facebook and then for literally pennies on the

dollar you can retarget people who watch for

specific percentages of your video ad that you made entirely from pictures and

this is probably the single way besides maybe dynamic product ads that we've

made the most money specifically related to e-commerce and to Shopify guys so if

you guys are interested in learning exactly how to do this do me a favor

like this video right if we get a thousand likes on this video and we get

five hundred comments that say Facebook Ads Shopify then I will make that video

and show you how to do the ninja slideshow hack where you can use only

pictures to make super super high quality video ads and then retarget

people in a very very profitable way even if you don't have a video camera if

you have no experience I'm gonna teach you how to do it completely from scratch

even if you're a complete beginner so comment Facebook ads Shopify on this

video look like and if you haven't ninjas make sure you tap that little

subscribe button turn on the notification bells and if you want a

chance to win our hundred dollar daily giveaway plus thousands of dollars worth

of courses check out the description cuz we teach you step by step are we sure

you set my step exactly how to enter to win guys and we're giving away so much

money every single day so watch all the videos and see if you've won guys so I

hope you like this one I hope you enjoyed it I hope it was helpful and

we'll see you on the next one

For more infomation >> How to Test Shopify Products Using Facebook Ads (The Pair Method!) - Duration: 15:41.


feet care tips at home in urdu hindi | beauty tips in urdu | پاؤں کے کالے نشانوں سے چھُٹکارہ پائیں - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> feet care tips at home in urdu hindi | beauty tips in urdu | پاؤں کے کالے نشانوں سے چھُٹکارہ پائیں - Duration: 2:09.


Hotel Transylvania: The Series - Slug's intestines (CZ) - Duration: 1:10.

One, two, three, four ...


♪ Intestines of a slug in a hair ... ♪

Yeah, what's going on?

Just that, teen Lydia,

that you now become Aunt Lydia.

And the best thing is that my song gets it.

♪ Intestines of a slug everywhere ... ♪

Look, what's wrong with her?

It turned out that she is actually allergic to pop music,

but do not be afraid then she grow older,

she get out of here

and we will be able to enjoy the concert in peace!

Eee, should not she get out?

Stop it!

♪ I don't care! ♪

Holy rabies, she ages too fast! (♪ I don'T care! ♪)

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ Yeah, great! ♪

Hey! No, not that!

I'm so sorry, I'm sorry,

but this is a bit of a crisis.

For more infomation >> Hotel Transylvania: The Series - Slug's intestines (CZ) - Duration: 1:10.


(not really) unpopular kpop opinions - Duration: 5:43.

hello you dumbasses

hahaHAH, just kidding.

anyways today I want to hop on the unpopular opinion trend

which is probably already dead, but I'm always late so let's start

1. BTS is not overrated

they work so hard and truly deserve the love and awards they are getting

I can understand that some people dislike them,

their music or the fandom but please stop being an asshole and just ignore it and stan your faves

2. the whole ''stan loona'' thing is getting annoying

Loona is a great group with great songs and talent and all but you don't have to comments it on

every single video you find because it will take the motivation of some people you maybe wanted to

Stan them but think their fandom is annoying

3. 2018 music was 90% a disappointment

I do love some songs of 2018 and the groups are doing their best, but music wise I just don't love

This year till now even 2017 had more bops (which) I loved

But as I said, there are some songs/ comebacks, I really enjoyed like pentagon's shine

Junhyung's go away and shinee's comebacks

4. Saying XY is soOOo gay is also getting annoying

as you can see I get annoyed pretty fast, but saying an idol is gay because they accidentally touched

The leg of the other member is complete bullshit

Sometimes it's funny and great for memes and all but it's just too much if my whole timeline is

Filled with gays who say every single member of this and that group is gay

Like after a time, it's just enough and maybe uncomfortable for the idol expect they say so

Themselves like Holland

5. Kpop merch is kind of cringy. Don't get me wrong

supporting your faves is really great and its kind of promotion but having some inside joke on a

shirt or their name on the back with some number makes me wanna run away

If I see people with BTS or EXO merch I usually think they are cringy even if I don't want to

Kard's and gfriend's music don't sound the same. I guess some people never heard of having a trademark or a concept (through different comebacks)

their music is great and each song is different and I'm sick of people hating on both groups because

They think all their songs sound the same

Like do these songs sound the same?

No, they don't

6. Summer kpop will never be the same without sistar. The queens of summer made their last comeback last year and honestly

I miss them and their really really

Great songs that blessed my summers. I just hope they will be active as solo artists

PS dally by hyolyn issa whole bob

7. Highlight, infinite and shinee are the holy vocal trinty of kpop and that is not even the tea

This is a fact all the groups have not even one member that can't sing

they are always stable even with a hard-ass choreographies and I love their friendship and

little interactions

8. Making an unpopular opinion video doesn't give you the right to hate and discredit a group or artist

I hate it when some people start saying how this and that member is ugly, can't sing and is extremely

untalented like bitch no

It's fine to say you dislike them of their music. That's why it is called opinion

But don't start to hate on a group and no, even a disclaimer doesn't give you the right

So this was my first video of this kind

I hope you enjoyed that even if some of these opinions are not really unpopular or the tea you wanted and

Please don't hate on me. If you want to you can comment your unpopular kpop opinion and we can discuss about it

Have a great day

thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> (not really) unpopular kpop opinions - Duration: 5:43.


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For more infomation >> Można się popłakać. Polscy piłkarze żegnają się z Mundialem. - Duration: 4:43.


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For more infomation >> Screen Recorder Test - Duration: 1:09.


Aranda - Satisfied Lyrics Cover on Subtitles / Description - Duration: 3:30.

Welcome I'm LeoRocker the broadcaster in this radio,

please turn on subtitles on the video,

and the next rock band is coming Aranda with the song " Satisfied " with the lyric Cover

I no I never wanna see you smile, And I never wanna see you satisfied

If the sun came up tomorrow, and you lived in a perfect place,

that just wouldn't be good enough for you

You could have a happy family, money, and the perfect face,

but that wouldn't be good enough for you,

enough for you...

And I no I never wanna see you smile,

and I never wanna see you satisfied on a Sunday morning, never moving on

I no I never wanna see you die, but I never wanna see you satisfied,

Are you satisfied? Oh!

Are you satisfied? How it came and went,

satisfied when I pay your rent,

will you ever regret, all the things you said

satisfied oh!


I crashed and burned a thousand times, just to be your friend,

but you gave me nothing in return

you played on my obsession for you,

until the bitter end,

I can't believe I got, what you deserved,

what you deserved

I no I never wanna see you smile,

and I never wanna see you satisfied,

Are you satisfied? oh!

Are you satisfied? How it came and went,

satisfied when I pay your rent,

will you ever regret, all the things you said

Are you satisfied? oh!

Are you satisfied? in another man's bed, Satisfied you left me all but dead,

How dare you ever deny, all the things I did

Satisfied ah!


I no I never wanna see you die,

but I never wanna see you satisfied...

and remember It's the rock, It's the life,

It's your rock station, see you later

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