Thursday, June 28, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 28 2018

Gorgeous Charming Park Model Tiny House with a BIG view for sale

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Charming Park Model Tiny House with a BIG view for sale - Duration: 2:55.


「Nightcore」→ Live It Up (Switching Vocals / Official World Cup Song) - Duration: 3:36.

Nightcore - Live It Up (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Live It Up (Switching Vocals / Official World Cup Song) - Duration: 3:36.


「Nightcore」→Havana ✗ It Ain't Me ✗ Shape Of You ✗ Thunder ✗ Attention ✗ MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:31.

「Nightcore」→Havana ✗ It Ain't Me ✗ Shape Of You ✗ Thunder ✗ Attention ✗ MORE (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→Havana ✗ It Ain't Me ✗ Shape Of You ✗ Thunder ✗ Attention ✗ MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:31.


馬刺交易Leonard同時瞄準了厄文和鶯歌 與綠軍短暫對話 - Duration: 12:34.

For more infomation >> 馬刺交易Leonard同時瞄準了厄文和鶯歌 與綠軍短暫對話 - Duration: 12:34.


Thanh hưng cover chay Sai người sai thời điểm cực hay - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Thanh hưng cover chay Sai người sai thời điểm cực hay - Duration: 5:22.


【影片】突發!湯神朋友遭CBA球員呂曉明危險動作侵犯 湯神怒了!摔水瓶怒噴並離開球場! - Duration: 13:12.

For more infomation >> 【影片】突發!湯神朋友遭CBA球員呂曉明危險動作侵犯 湯神怒了!摔水瓶怒噴並離開球場! - Duration: 13:12.


Thanh Hưng live cực hay Ta còn yêu nhau - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Thanh Hưng live cực hay Ta còn yêu nhau - Duration: 7:14.


Seat Leon 1.2 TSI Ecomotive Businessline COPA Navigatie, pdc achter, 16"velgen, cruise control - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Seat Leon 1.2 TSI Ecomotive Businessline COPA Navigatie, pdc achter, 16"velgen, cruise control - Duration: 0:53.


Nissan Note 1.6 Connect Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.6 Connect Edition Nav. Clim.contr. - Duration: 1:12.


Dwayne Johnson releases wireless workout headphones with Under Armour and JBL - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Dwayne Johnson releases wireless workout headphones with Under Armour and JBL - Duration: 1:03.


Breaking: Trump-Putin summit set for Helsinki, Finland on July 16 - live updates - Duration: 3:49.

For more infomation >> Breaking: Trump-Putin summit set for Helsinki, Finland on July 16 - live updates - Duration: 3:49.


Trump brands Sen. Heitkamp 'liberal Democrat,' but she's not - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Trump brands Sen. Heitkamp 'liberal Democrat,' but she's not - Duration: 5:12.


KHÁM PHÁ PHỐ ĐÈN ĐỎ Ở QUẬN HÀ ĐÔNG HÀ NỘI NGÀY NAY - Vietnam travel - Duration: 18:34.

Explore the red light district in Hà Nội, Hanoi, Vietnam

City of joy in Hanoi, Vietnam

Cave street in hanoi Vietnam

Massage in Hanoi Vietnam

For more infomation >> KHÁM PHÁ PHỐ ĐÈN ĐỎ Ở QUẬN HÀ ĐÔNG HÀ NỘI NGÀY NAY - Vietnam travel - Duration: 18:34.


Gorgeous Stunning Tiny House on a Trailer 24' Efficient & Lightweight SIP Tiny House - Duration: 2:33.

Gorgeous Stunning Tiny House on a Trailer 24' Efficient & Lightweight SIP Tiny House

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Stunning Tiny House on a Trailer 24' Efficient & Lightweight SIP Tiny House - Duration: 2:33.


Luigi parla dopo la fine della storia con Sara : "Voleva solo terminare il suo percorso" - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Luigi parla dopo la fine della storia con Sara : "Voleva solo terminare il suo percorso" - Duration: 2:11.


「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✘ Havana ✘ Shape Of You ✘ New Rules ✘ Dusk Till Dawn & More (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:36.

Subtitles are in the video

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✘ Havana ✘ Shape Of You ✘ New Rules ✘ Dusk Till Dawn & More (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:36.


Luigi Mastroianni contro l'ex fidanzata Sara: 'Mi ha scelto solo per chiudere il percorso' - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Luigi Mastroianni contro l'ex fidanzata Sara: 'Mi ha scelto solo per chiudere il percorso' - Duration: 3:58.


U&D/ Luigi confessa: 'Sara sempre molto distante da me, una grande delusione' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> U&D/ Luigi confessa: 'Sara sempre molto distante da me, una grande delusione' | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:37.


Lula pede para 2ª Turma do STF rever decisão de Fachin - Duration: 2:13.

 A defesa do ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva apresentou uma reclamação constitucional à 2ª Turma do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) nesta segunda-feira (28/6) para que ela revise uma decisão do ministro Edson Fachin

Ele enviou para o plenário da Corte a análise do pedido de liberdade do ex-presidente

 Os advogados de Lula querem que a questão volte para a 2ª Turma, onde acreditam que o petista tem mais chances de vencer

"A peça questiona o STF a razão pela qual somente os processos contra Lula com a perspectiva de resultado favorável no órgão competente – a  2ª Turma- são submetidos ao Plenário", diz nota divulgada à imprensa e assinada pelo advogado Cristiano Zanin Martins

  Mais sobre o assunto Fachin decide submeter recurso de Lula ao plenário do STF 2ª Turma do STF impõe derrotas a Fachin, relator da Lava Jato Fachin questiona PGR sobre providências em relação a amigo de Temer A defesa diz ainda que Fachin não demonstrou a presença de quaisquer das hipóteses que o regimento interno do STF autoriza o relator de um caso a submetê-lo ao plenário da Corte

 Na terça (26), a 2ª Turma analisou as reclamações do ex-ministro José Dirceu e do ex-assessor do PP João Genu e suspendeu a execução de pena de ambos

 O pedido de liberdade de Lula estava pautado para ser julgado nesta Turma na última terça (26) mas não foi analisado em decorrência da decisão do ministro Fachin


For more infomation >> Lula pede para 2ª Turma do STF rever decisão de Fachin - Duration: 2:13.


Thanh hưng cover chay Sai người sai thời điểm cực hay - Duration: 5:22.

For more infomation >> Thanh hưng cover chay Sai người sai thời điểm cực hay - Duration: 5:22.


Thanh Hưng live cực hay Ta còn yêu nhau - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Thanh Hưng live cực hay Ta còn yêu nhau - Duration: 7:14.


Mundial 2018: Japonia - Polska online. Transmisja TV, stream na żywo w internecie [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:38.

Transmisję z meczu Japonia - Polska można oglądać w telewizji i internecie. Mecz na żywo pokaże TVP 1 i TVP 4K

Stream online na żywo udostępni, a relację live portal WP . Ostatni mecz grupy H Japonia -Polska odbędzie się w czwartek 28 czerwca 2018 roku o godzinie 16:00

Transmisję przeprowadzą telewizje TVP 1 i TVP 4K. Z kolei w TVP Sport od godziny 13:05 dostępne będzie przedmeczowe studio, a następnie transmisja łączona z obu spotkań grupy H

Komentatorami meczu Japonia - Polska będą Jacek Laskowski oraz Radosław Gilewicz

Mecz Japonia - Polska na żywo można oglądać również w internecie. Darmowy i legalny stream online udostepnia serwis sport, a także aplikacja mobilna TVP Sport. Tekstową relację live przeprowadzi portal WP

Polska przegrała dotychczasowe dwa mecze i nie ma już szans na wyjście z grupy i grę w 1/8 finału mistrzostw świata

Walczy o to natomiast Japonia, której zwycięstwo pozwoli zagrać w kolejnej rundzie

Obecnie reprezentacja tego kraju ma trzy punkty, czyli o jeden mniej niż Kolumbia i Senegal

/ 28.06.2018 godzina 16:00. TVP 1, TVP Sport. WP . </form> Kto wygra mecz Japonia - Polska? Japonia Remis Polska

For more infomation >> Mundial 2018: Japonia - Polska online. Transmisja TV, stream na żywo w internecie [Wiadomości] - Duration: 1:38.


Nissan 300ZX, com 985 cv de potência e que chega aos 421 km/h, será leiloado - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan 300ZX, com 985 cv de potência e que chega aos 421 km/h, será leiloado - Duration: 5:12.


スマート、ブランド誕生20周年…次の20年は全車電動化を加速へ - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> スマート、ブランド誕生20周年…次の20年は全車電動化を加速へ - Duration: 2:31.


Nissan 300ZX, com 985 cv de potência e que chega aos 421 km/h, será leiloado - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> Nissan 300ZX, com 985 cv de potência e que chega aos 421 km/h, será leiloado - Duration: 4:31.


【MINI クーパーS コンバーチブル 試乗】こ奴、猪口才にも実にスムーズに走る…中村孝仁 - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> 【MINI クーパーS コンバーチブル 試乗】こ奴、猪口才にも実にスムーズに走る…中村孝仁 - Duration: 8:24.


[4K][E/J] 목동 팬싸인회 직캠 스케치 @ 171110 (Mokdong Fansign Event Unofficial Fancam Sketch) - Duration: 4:42.

EXID Fansign Event (Unofficial) Sketch

1. Chicken Run

Jeonghwa : What's this?

(Text) A fan is giving something (Chicken?) to Jeonghwa

(Text) Wear it, wear it

(Text) Shall I?

(Text) Strange Music is coming from somewhere...

Jeonghwa : What, What's happening?

(Text) A state of panic

(Text) lol lol lol lol lol lol

(Jeonghwa) What's happening right now? Is this moving?

(Text) Watching herself through a mirror

(Jeonghwa : Oooohhh What should I do what should I do)

2. Pro Mischievous Girl

(Hyojin used Guitar Tackle!)

(Hani is expressing irritation)

(lol lol lol lol lol)

(Hyojin changed a target....)

(Hyojin used Guitar Tackle!)

(It's not very effective...)

(Hyojin changed a target once again...)

(lol lol lol lol)

(Hyojin used Hide and Poke!)

(It's super effective!!)

(Jeonghwa is surprised and started to chatter)

2-1. EXID's the Cr......

Hyelin : I couldn't sleep enough.... So I'm manic now.

Hyelin : So please excuse me~~

3. Fan service

LE : Are you satisfied?

(Fans : yes~~)

(Text : Pleased)

LE : OK! Thank you!

4. Wrapping up the fansign event

(Text : Members have to "pretend that they are beautiful and cute")

Hani : What are you doing now? You have to be cute!

LE : W o o o o w ..... I t ' s n o t c u t e ....

LE : Try another pose....

Hyelin : My presence itself is a symbol of cuteness!

Jeonghwa : No way! I saw what you did but it was NOT CUTE!

Jeonghwa : NOT CUTE AT ALL!

Jeonghwa : Just do "Juseyo" aegyo then you will be more cute~~

(Text : Now it's Jeonghwa's Turn)

LE : One, Two, Three!

LE : What are you doing....

(Jeonghwa : It's too hard ㅠㅠㅠ)

LE : Oh, you mean you are BEAUTIFUL even without taking a pose?

(Text : LE is trying to run away lol lol lol) LE : So it was our first fan sign event of this season....

(Text : Anti-Aegyo activist No.2 is helping LE)

LE : Let's meet again tomorrow at another fansign event lol lol

LE : Thank you~~~~

LE : So far~This was EXID~~~ (Running away)

(After few seconds)

(Text : Anti-Aegyo activist No.2 was brought to the stage) LE : Say "Juseyo"

(Voice : Jeonghwa)

Jeonghwa : The reaction has been zip...?

(Text : Finally, Anti-Aegyo activist No.1's turn)

Jeonghwa : Act pretty!

Jeonghwa : Act pretty! P.R.E.T.T.Y!

Jeonghwa : Act pretty! P.R.E.T.T.Y! I said you to act pretty

Jeonghwa : A.C.T.P.R.E.T.T.Y!

Jeonghwa : Unnie, please act "Am I sexy?"

LE : Hey, hello everyone~

LE : Do you know who I am?

Hyelin&Hani : It's Hani Lee! Hani Lee! (LE did a parody of Hani Lee's famous line in SNL Korea)

For more infomation >> [4K][E/J] 목동 팬싸인회 직캠 스케치 @ 171110 (Mokdong Fansign Event Unofficial Fancam Sketch) - Duration: 4:42.


J. Prince - Rising to the Top of Hip Hop with "The Art & Science of Respect" | The Daily Show - Duration: 6:45.

My guest tonight is an entrepreneur

who started one of the first independent rap labels,

Rap-A-Lot Records.

He has a new memoir called The Art & Science of Respect.

Please welcome J Prince.

-♪ ♪ -(cheering, applause)

Welcome to the show.

Privileged and honored to be here.

It's so great to have you, because so many times

in conversations in and around hip-hop-- the culture,

the music and what it's created--

the name J Prince comes up.

Many people don't know

that you were the name and the inspiration

behind some of the greatest names in hip-hop

that, you know, that we know today.

But your story is what you talk about in this book.

When you... when you went into music,

when you started your company, you had a specific purpose,

and that was to change your life and your mom's life.

Why was that so important to you?

It was important because... (clears throat)

all of my life, uh, we lived in the projects,

and I would hear my mom, you know, wish for a home.

You know, "I want a home one day."

So, you know, my inspiration came from, you know,

watching her deal with poverty,

watching my grandmother deal with poverty,

and, you know, at the age of eight, nine years old,

I vowed that I was gonna be the one

to break the poverty curse on my family.

-Right. And... -(cheering, applause)

What I... what I really found, uh, you know,

insightful in the book is you talk about that curse

and how it can affect the community,

how it can affect the people.

You didn't go on to create just a record label,

you also went to make... you went on to make sure

that your company employed people

who couldn't get opportunities, people who had records,

people who had been caught up in the justice system.

That also, that seems like a risky proposition,

but you said: No, I'm gonna hire these "ex-cons"

that nobody wants to hire. Why?

Well, that meant a lot to me,

because I grew up with a lot of these guys,

and I witnessed, uh, the system not being willing

to give them a second chance.

And once I got in a position of power

and, you know, had an understanding with the guys,

and you told them, "You can't straddle the fence.

"If you're willing to change your life,

"then, you know, I will extend an invitation and opportunity

for you to do just that."

And, you know, we all came together and built

the number one independent record label of the year,

-you know, for years. Yeah. -Right.

You-you were behind a lot of the music

that came from the South-- a lot of what hip-hop is today,

people credit to J Prince.

In The Art of Science... The Art of Science & Respect,

um... there are a lot of conversations

in and around respect in hip-hop.

A lot of the times, that connotation comes from,

you know, gangs or violence-- people go like,

"Oh, the only way you get respect is by shooting"--

but J Prince, the one thing you always hear people say is:

No, J Prince, people respect the businessman,

people respect the work ethic.

Was that really important for you, you know, in your career?

Yeah, very important.

And it begins with giving respect.

You know, I come from a family, I come from...

114-year-old great-grandmother

who, uh, emphasized the importance of respect.

And I learned, and I carried it with me

in my business, in personal levels,

and I was able to, uh, you know, live off of those same standards

-that she left with... me with, you know, years ago. -Right.

And it works today.

You're, in many ways-- reading through this book,

what I loved about it is--

you're like the Forrest Gump of hip-hop.

Like, I'm serious.

There are so many amazing stories in this book

where you're like, you were there, and you were there,

and you were there, and you were there.

Like, I mean, I mean, it had a tragic ending,

but you spoke to Tupac and Biggie

about squashing their beef.

At a time when many people were like,

this is what hip-hop is about, you said to them

they need to squash their beef.

You even warned Biggie not to travel

to cities that didn't want him.

You talk about that in the book.

That seems counter to what people want hip-hop to be,

and yet you didn't want that. Why?

Well, you know, I feel like somebody

have to have some sense.

Somebody have to know how to think.

You know what I mean?

(cheering and applause)

You know, you-you get a bunch

of people that can't think together, and, you know,

a bad ending is gonna take place,

so I tried to separate myself

and think above and beyond, you know, the standards.

And, um, sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.

Right. And now a lot of people may not know this,

but the forward of this book was written by Drake.

And people go like, why would Drake write that forward?

But it was actually your son

who discovered Drake on MySpace,

and then it was yourself who put Drake together

with Cash Money and with Lil Wayne,

which is the reason we know Drake today.

Um, are the rumors true

that you were again, a force of peace

between Drake and Pusha T, where you stepped in and said,

"Hey. I don't think this beef needs to happen"?

Yeah, most definitely.

And, you know, I felt that way because I felt like

the beef crossed the lines of music.

You know, when you talk about one's mother, his father,

uh, and then you go on, and,

you know, his friend who is dying,

and I feel like that crosses the guidelines

-where music is concerned. -Right.

And once you do that, then that's how you have

a Tupac and a Biggie situation

because those guys have no brakes after that.

So, you know, I felt like, uh, I should speak up.

I did, because, you know, with Drake, we--

we are about a movement not a moment.

Right, right. It's a movement, not a moment.

Your life has been a movement,

moving from one place to the next.

An independent rap label that in many ways...

started everything we know as hip-hop today,

what people are experiencing.

Where does J Prince go from here?

What are you still trying to do?

Well, I'm-I'm having fun.

I'm enjoying life.



And, um, you know,

-I'm talking to a lot of movie guys right now, -Right.

-because, you know, there is an interest in a movie

since I have put this book out.

And, uh, I think it's gonna be a pretty good movie.

Yo, man, as someone who's read it, I can agree with that.

Thank you so much for being on the show.

Meant a lot, bro.

The Art of Science & Respect will be available July 6.

J Prince, everybody.

For more infomation >> J. Prince - Rising to the Top of Hip Hop with "The Art & Science of Respect" | The Daily Show - Duration: 6:45.


The MoxCar Minute – free concert, fireworks and more - Duration: 1:00.

The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra will perform the

34th Annual Free Pilot Flying J Independence Day Concert.

The July 4 concert will start at 8 p.m. at World's Fair Park and end with a spectacular

fireworks show.

Fireworks are fun – but can also cause serious injuries.

"What you're looking at is a welding stick.

Handing it to a child is tantamount to injuring them the same that you would

with a welding torch."

Knox County Mayor Tim Burchett told South College graduates that education is the basis

for their future, but hard work is the catalyst for their success.

The June ceremony recognized graduates of the college's business, education, legal,

nursing and criminal justice programs.

U.S. Cellular is the 2018 Top Workplace in Knoxville.

The wireless company claimed the No. 1 spot among large companies, citing its values and

dedication to customer service as key differentiators.

The MoxCar Minute – news for you.

For more infomation >> The MoxCar Minute – free concert, fireworks and more - Duration: 1:00.


[ENG SUB] Run BTS! 2018 - EP.52 - Behind the scene - Duration: 18:15.

[#1. V's Warm-up]

[#2. Jimin the Copycat] This, this.

- Right before you close.... - No, no. It's right when you close and right after you open your eyes.

- Just... - You got it. This is it.

It came out well.

[#3. The youngest photo bragging]

Jung Kook came out good. Do you want to see it?

- This isn't there. - Does that look good?

[#4. Artist Jung Kook, working hard today] I went thinking, "Let me go to see the Polaroid."

The same thing was there.

- So I want to use it too.... - Okay.

[#5. Jung Kook working hard today part 2]

[#6. Please take the picture for us] We have to take our concept picture.

How will we do the concept shot?

Please take the picture for us.

Thank you.

[#7. Onion Man No.5]

[#8. Jimin's escape room story] Jin and I went around a lot doing the escape room games.

- I think escape room is really fun. Don't you agree? - Yes.

Escape room game is so fun, but I'm really bad.

I wonder how I'm so bad at it. I do it by continuously calling.

That's because you can't do it.

Yes, but I'm still like that with someone.

Hey! You're saying I'm also bad at it?

He was also like, "Hey, try calling! It's not working. We have to call."

I'm usually the one that calls.

"Sorry. Can you please teach this to us?"

"What's after this? What's after that?"

"How do we do this?" It doesn't stop.

[#9. So scary!] You, J-Hope, and I went into a scary room and couldn't turn the lights on for 5 minutes.

The three of us, altogether, hugged like this.

- "How do we do this? - We were like, "Can you go over there?"

- We called and... - "Can you give us another room?"

It wasn't to ask for a hint, but "Please let us change rooms."

"It's really scary."

He asked, "Did you turn on the lights?"

So we were like, "How do we turn it on?"

- "I will just turn the lights on for you." The light switch was next to the door. -Yeah.

- Saying it was the most basic thing. - It was really scary.

[#10. V-slate again]

1, 2, 3!

[#11. Prize of the day] Is this prize next to the director...

- You two are on another team anyway. - That's correct.

- Whoever wins here today, an escape room prize... - Whoa!

- Is it heavy? Is it heavy?

[#12. Competition] Isn't it obvious that we won?

I think that too.

First off, there are a lot of people.

But, the more people there are, you can't even solve basic problems.

- That's not true. - Please take a look.

This person's personality is that he will get angry if one problem isn't solved.

This person is smart.

- This person is just good at guessing. - I'm good.

- The results of my experience is - He's just good.

...when hints are given to many people, it needs to be seen like this and like this.

When one person is looking, another will say, "Give it to me, too!" So a lot of time will pass.

He's giving another tip again.

[#13. It's not easy from the start] I feel like the pictures won't be easy.

- Did it already start? - No, no. It'll start after we watch the VCR.

[#14. Strong ambitions] Part-time sauna job!

- What is this? - Look at the steam.

What is this?

[#15. Why isn't it opening? (feat. Ditto) Why isn't it opening, Jimin?

- It's exactly the number of corners. - No. The way I see it, there's an order.

- What order? - Ditto that question.

[#16. Am I talking to anyone?] Guys. With these... Up high... What is this?

Guys, there's something here.

Guys? Am I talking to anyone?

- Am I talking to anyone? - No, no. You can't touch that. We have to solve this first.

[#17. I tried it already] Maybe there's something with 2067?

I tried it. That's not it.

- You tried everything? - I tried everything.

- I tried all sorts of things with the dry sauna. - I tried with 2067. - I did. I tried everything.

- I just... - But the ice room...

[#18. Inside Dorothy's dream?] Did we go into Dorothy's dream?

[#19. I don't know a thing] I really don't know a thing.

[#20. Too many people in the sauna team]

- Should we try calling? - No. There's still some time.

It goes by quickly.

- We have solve one to get the hint inside of it. - I think the cardinal directions is right.

But I absolutely don't know what this hint is for. I'm going crazy.

[#21. We don't know!] We don't know!

[#22. Jong Kook caring for the camera]

[#23. The 9-year class president's leadership] - 12! - It's 12?

- It's here. - Where's the lock here?

- Where? - The start is over here.

[#24. Oh my gosh!]

We just changed the symmetry.

[#25. What is this thing used for?] What are you doing?

- It shows the reverse. - You need a mirror for this.

- You see the reverse? - The mirror... - You're right.

When you look with this, it shows in reverse. This... What do we do with this?

What is this? Why do we have it?

This is a dragon. Maybe there's something with a dragon? Or not?

Isn't this a dragon?

Maybe we have to press the ones with just the dragons on it.

Don't we have to stick that in somewhere?

It fits right here. What's this?

What's this? That's amazing.

- It came up when I stuck it in. - What is this?

[#26. Oh my gosh! Part 2] It opened now because I did this. From what I did before.

Oh my gosh!

Oh my gosh.

I was really surprised.

[#27. One by one] I opened that before.

[#28. J-Hope's tenacity]

1001 is right.

3, 4! Oh! 3, 4!

Down, right, up!

Down! Right! Up!

I don't know.

Wow, that's absolutely not it. Wow...

It's absolutely not it, right?

[#29. Open sesame!] Open sesame! Close it again.

[#30. A strange light] Why is that light on?

We were told to sit down first and look from over there.

It's written there.

The red one disappeared!

It's because I put it down.

No, no. That's not it.

This is a sensor! If you sit here and look, something will open.

- I will try sitting down. -I'll sit too.

- Oh! - Oh! Why?

Stay seated!

[#31. Talk one at a time!] - Sit. Sit for now. - Okay.

- X, X! X here. - X on the bottom.

- G. - Talk one at a time.

[#32. Oh!] Stand up.

1, 2, 3! Oh!

- It worked. - Oh!

Wait, what is that? What is that? The light turned on over there too.

There's a button here.

[#33. I absolutely don't know] What is this? What could it be?

- Blue, yellow... - I absolutely don't know.

[#34. Suga who's making Jin nervous] Dorothy's wedding dress.

Suga, my friend, don't make others nervous. Please!

[#35. The Hello Swamp] Hello? Now, we are...

Yes, looking at the wax figure arrows...

Yes, so can you tell me about that.

No, should I see that and come back?

Okay. Please let me know what it is.

Okay. I'll be back quickly.


Everything opened while I was on the phone.

6 mirrors?

Have our backs face the 6 mirrors? Because I'm on the phone.

Honestly, I'm not good at it.

Because the two of them are doing it.

Okay. Please let know what it is.


We had our backs face the 6 mirrors.

It's the last room, right?

Nine columns? I'll come back after I check.

Hello? Are you able to talk?

We pressed it, but it's not opening.

Oh! The order of lights when we sit down?

We'll sit first and then I'll update you.

[#36. Do as you're told for now] With our back facing the wall, this is this!

Have our backs face the six mirrors. This has to come in like this.

- R. - G. - G.

Absolutely nothing is happening.

[#38. Should we take a quick break...?] - Should we take a quick break? - Is this for something?

No, there's nothing for that. We're not supposed to use that now.

[#39. V, the English genius] Dorothy's wedding dress. Would you marry me?

[#40. Dorothy!] - This way. - Dorothy!

Dorothy, where are you? Dorothy!

We won!

We made Dorothy happy.

What was Dorothy doing that the door locked?

[#41. Perfect Teamwork] I struck the sword perfectly.

If you strike your sword, I would've sliced it right then and there.

Our teamwork was perfect.

- It can't be more perfect than this. - We came out first?

[#42. Two teams checking in] - Just heard you coming out. - Just heard you coming out. - We even ate here.

- You used all the hints? - No.

- We used 2 hints. - We didn't use any hints.

- Really? - But, it was pretty easy.

Just now, this person said they didn't use at all and this person said they used two.

I said I used two and this person didn't use any.

[#42. Two teams checking in Part 2] - This is very interesting. - I don't know about this.

- Come to the back for now. - They rang the bell now.

[#44. Where do you think you're trying to rub?] Where are you trying to rub? You're going to be bibimbap.

- Wow, seriously. - You're making me get hot even though I just came out of a sauna.

- A 10 second difference can be big. - 1, 2! 1, 2!

Seriously, where are you trying to rub?

[#45. Unexpected prize] - Isn't this used with a cellphone? - I'll use it. - You use it.

Yes! Thank you! Jin gave it to me.

[#46. Picture with the gift]

[#47. Cutie pie]

[#48. V is curious] The dry sauna? It seems very hot.

[#49. Tenor V's ending performance]

["Run BTS!" Behind The Scenes Episode 52]

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] Run BTS! 2018 - EP.52 - Behind the scene - Duration: 18:15.


「Nightcore」→ Live It Up (Switching Vocals / Official World Cup Song) - Duration: 3:36.

Nightcore - Live It Up (subtitles in video)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Live It Up (Switching Vocals / Official World Cup Song) - Duration: 3:36.


「Nightcore」→Havana ✗ It Ain't Me ✗ Shape Of You ✗ Thunder ✗ Attention ✗ MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:31.

「Nightcore」→Havana ✗ It Ain't Me ✗ Shape Of You ✗ Thunder ✗ Attention ✗ MORE (Switching Vocal)

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→Havana ✗ It Ain't Me ✗ Shape Of You ✗ Thunder ✗ Attention ✗ MORE (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 3:31.


How to get paragraphs in Instagram feeds | Alison J Prince - Duration: 5:55.

- Because I kinda live and breathe this world

every single day.

Break it up.

There's the container in all its glory.

It's a big one.

I love eCommerce.

(upbeat rock music)

Hey, this is Alison.

I've got two things today.

Number one, I'm gonna show you how you can get

beautiful spaces in between your Instagram paragraphs,

because no one want to read a big, huge, long chunk of text.

Break it up,

and I'll show you how to do it very fast and easy,

and then, the second thing,

I'm gonna show you a sneak peek

of the container that we just got,

a big old 40-foot container,

and give you a sneak peek at some items that are in there,

so don't forget to like, share, subscribe,

all that social stuff, and let's get started.

- We just got word that our container arrived,

a 40-foot container full of a ton of stuff,

so I'm headed over to make sure that it's all good.

I'm excited to see what's in there.

Here it comes.

Big, big container.

It's a big one.

(light pop music)

Let's do five at a time, please.

Alright, you're gonna love this trick.

It is so fast and easy.

Like oh my gosh, it just makes my heart so happy.

Okay, so I'm gonna scroll down.

This is my Instagram page,

scroll down a little bit and find a picture

of how I used to post, so I would post,

and I would add emojis to kinda help break it up,

but it was still a big block of paragraph,

and I hated the way that it looked.

I know, I like paragraphs.

They're just faster to read, right?

And so, what I did is I

started posting this way, as I'd type some information in,

hit enter here, and put a dot,

and enter again, and then the next paragraph,

and then the next paragraph,

but I really didn't like the way that those dots looked,

and I've seen other people post without it,

so I actually posted this in my Instagram,

on an Instagram story, and I had a guy respond back to me,

and he said hey, there's this really cool site

that will help you do it,

and the site's free, which isn't that the best thing ever?

So it's actually called Apps4Life, and the URL's right here,

and I will put a link down below

so that you can get this link easy,

and all you do is you literally type in

the shenanigans that you wanna write,

whatever you wanna write.

I would recommend not typing in this and posting that,

'cause it's just gibberish,

and then you can enter in a whole bunch of spaces

so that you can hide your hashtags even further down,

so people don't have to see them right away,

or whatever you wanna do, right?

And then I wanna show you what it looks like

once you have added that to your post.

Look at this post right here.

There's no dots in between.

It's easier to read.

It's faster for people to just glance at

versus a whole huge chunk of text,

and all it was was me just putting the information in

right here, converting and copying to the clipboard,

hitting okay, and then pasting it in my post.

Now, you can do this on a computer.

If you're on your desktop,

I actually use Hootsuite to schedule out

all my Instagram posts,

or if I'm just on my phone,

this actually opens up in your phone

and it works really well on your phone, too,

so there's two ways to do it for you to be able to add

those beautiful, clean spaces in between your writing.

Like here's another one right here.

Who wants to win?

Like that's so fast and easy to read,

and then, here's what we're giving away,

and then, here's how to enter.

It's just so much cleaner, so get using it,

because it's just awesome, and it's free.

I had some boxes brought over,

and you wanna see what's in them?

That was in that huge container?

I'll give you a sneak peek of a few of the items.

Alright, here are the boxes right here.

I just had them set them right here.

Here's my office.

The lights are on, we're recording, and,

okay, here's one of them right here.

I may need to set this down,

'cause I have a hard time opening packages

with one hand on camera.


look how cute that is.

It is, let's see if it's on this side.

Yep, there it is right there.

It's a bread box.

Oh, here's my sister, hi.

I'm recording.

Say hi.

- No.

- I love my sister.

Anyways, cute bread box, right there.

That's one thing that came on the container,

and then here's another one down here.

I'm not gonna pull that one out, but it's fun, fun stuff.

I love this.

I love eCommerce.

That's a lot of product, right?

A 40 foot container, you never realize how big it is

until it gets here, and I actually have

another 1 1/2 coming, so I guess that tells you

a little bit about me.

I love eCommerce.

I love selling products online,

because I can do it when I'm in my pajamas,

or while I'm at my son's soccer practice, right?

Like it's the best thing ever.

I love it.

If eCommerce interests you,

don't forget to click the link below and find out more,

because I kinda live and breathe this world

every single day, because it's magical.

It's awesome.

And come over, join, and just learn

how eCommerce can change your life.

Okay, I'll talk to you later.


(upbeat rock music)

For more infomation >> How to get paragraphs in Instagram feeds | Alison J Prince - Duration: 5:55.


[CHiCO with HoneyWorks] Watashi, Idol Sengen VOSTFR + Lyrics - Duration: 4:28.

For more infomation >> [CHiCO with HoneyWorks] Watashi, Idol Sengen VOSTFR + Lyrics - Duration: 4:28.


电影《动物世界》首映发布会,李易峰首度透露小丑形象幕后故事 - Duration: 13:33.

For more infomation >> 电影《动物世界》首映发布会,李易峰首度透露小丑形象幕后故事 - Duration: 13:33.


「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✘ Havana ✘ Shape Of You ✘ New Rules ✘ Dusk Till Dawn & More (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:36.

Subtitles are in the video

For more infomation >> 「Nightcore」→ Despacito ✘ Havana ✘ Shape Of You ✘ New Rules ✘ Dusk Till Dawn & More (Switching Vocal) - Duration: 2:36.


랩터 잡겠다는 중국의 스텔스 전투기 실전 배치되다 - Duration: 7:46.

For more infomation >> 랩터 잡겠다는 중국의 스텔스 전투기 실전 배치되다 - Duration: 7:46.


Samsung and Apple settle smartphone patent dispute - Duration: 1:38.

We're finally seeing the end of a patent war that seemed to rage forever between the titans

of the tech realm.

It all started 7 years ago, when Apple accused Samsung of stealing key elements of its iPhones.

Our Ko Roon-hee shows us how the two are settling things.

The patent battle started in 2011 when Apple accused Samsung of copying the iPhone's design

and software features.

The court originally sided with Apple, ordering the Korean tech giant to pay more than one-billion

U.S. dollars in damages.

The two companies spent the next six years in court…fighting over the damages amount.

A series of appeals pushed the dispute all the way to the Supreme Court in 2016.

The most recent decision was made last month, when a California jury determined the reward

for Apple should be 539 million U.S. dollars.

However, according to Reuters on Thursday… the two companies are putting the case behind


instead of going through more appeals.

The terms of this settlement filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District

of California were not available… including how much Samsung will pay Apple.

Both Apple and Samsung have declined to comment.

Apple only pointed to a statement released last month…following the jury award saying

"This case has always been more than money."

Local news outlets added that although the smartphone market is no longer growing at

such an explosive pace, Apple and Samsung will remain competitors in new sectors like

self-driving cars and artificial intelligence software.

Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Samsung and Apple settle smartphone patent dispute - Duration: 1:38.


South Korea upsets Germany in final group stage match, but both sides eliminated - Duration: 2:28.

It was David versus Goliath as South Korea took on Germany in the final Group stage match

in Russia.

A team missing its captain due to injury with no wins in their campaign going up against

the defending champs that made the knockout round every time since the 1930s.

But the taeguk warriors were the stars of this World Cup's biggest underdog story.

While the win is not enough to earn them a spot in the sweet sixteen, the 2-nothing annihilation

of the titan of the sport, validated they have the heart of a champion.

Lee Seung-jae has the full story.

The 13th day of the 2018 World Cup was anything but unlucky for South Korea as they produced

one of the biggest World Cup upsets EVER in Kazan.

The Taeguk Warriors, without their captain Ki Sung-yueng ,... played by far their best

game of this year's World Cup,... keeping the Germans at bay for the duration of the

match's 90-plus minutes.

However,... it was in the third minute of stoppage time that world football shook.

South Korea's Kim Young-gwon slotted home a close-range shot that was initially called

off-side,... but upon closer inspection by the video referee,... Kim was deemed onside

and the goal was awarded to South Korea.

The goal sparked desperate scenes from Germany, as they realized they were heading toward

first-round elimination for the first time since 1938, with goalkeeper Manuel Neuer going

on the offense, leaving a gaping hole for Son Heung-min to slot home an easy second

goal in the sixth minute of stoppage time.

Despite the historic win, South Korea will be leaving Russia along with Germany,... but

it's the Germans that finish rock bottom of Group F.

However, the win was bittersweet as the two-nil victory might have been enough for South Korea

to progress had it not been for a surprise three-nil victory by Sweden over Mexico.

The result means Sweden and Mexico are the Group F teams that qualify for the last 16.

South Korea might be out,... but a new star has been born.

Goalkeeper Jo Hyun-woo,... nicknamed Dae-Gea,.. a reference to his club team Daegu FC,.. and

a comparison to star Spanish goalkeeper David De Gea,... made some of the most impressive

saves of the World Cup so far,... including six against Germany.

Jo's heroics between the goalposts have brought him to the attention of several European teams.

Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea upsets Germany in final group stage match, but both sides eliminated - Duration: 2:28.


Government to come up with measures to support low income households by July - Duration: 1:51.

Officials tasked with handling matters related to the nation's economy held a meeting today.

They focused on supporting innovative growth and ways to deal with issues linked to the

widening wealth gap.

Kim Hyesung has the highlights from that session.

Korea's economic policymakers gathered Thursday to discuss two key issues, tackling income

inequality and supporting innovative growth.

"Innovative growth is not limited to certain specific areas or companies, but it covers

all economic and social areas, and helps create jobs.

We will look into ways to create a synergy to also solve the income distribution problem."

The wealth gap has widened to record levels in Korea.

According to Statistics Korea, the monthly average income for those in the bottom 20

percent income bracket dropped eight percent in the first quarter this year while income

for households in the upper 20 percent soared nine-point-three percent on year, widening

the income gap to nearly six times.

Minister Kim vowed to pinpoint the cause of such discrepancy and come up with detailed

measures to support low income households by July.

At the meeting, ministers also delved into innovative growth plans in construction businesses

and fishing villages.

The transport ministry said it is working on removing regulations in the construction

industry and strengthen companies' self-building obligations to boost competitiveness, and

promised to come up with detailed plans by the third quarter of this year.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries said it is pushing for the implementation

of the so-called "Fishing Villages New Deal 300" to modernize outdated fishing villages,

saying 3-hundred out of 23-hundred fishing ports need to be revamped in order to boost

safety and help support tourism in the future.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Government to come up with measures to support low income households by July - Duration: 1:51.


S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:14.

The nation's defense minister met with his American counterpart James Mattis today in

Seoul. During their third meeting following sit-downs

in Hawaii and Singapore earlier this year... the duo agreed, now is a significant moment

for the Korean Peninsula. Park Ji-won has our top story.

In their opening statement before their closed-door meeting,... the two defense chiefs reaffirmed

their steadfast and ironclad alliance,... vowing that they will continue (quote) "watertight"

consultations,... at a time when major changes are happening on the Korean peninsula.

"We're standing at a turning point between the dark shadow of conflict and confrontation

that hung over the Korean peninsula for the last 70 years, and the brighter new history

of peace and cooperation. This is a precious opportunity made by President Moon and U.S.

President Trump's vision and decisions. South Korea and the U. S. pledge their utmost effort

to ensure that this opportunity not only leads to the peace and prosperity of the Korean

Peninsula, but also Northeast Asia and the world."

They also confirmed the decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise,... originally

scheduled for this August. Mattis said the suspension of the joint military

exercises will create a better environment for diplomats to negotiate with the North.

"The recent decision to suspend the Freedom Guardian exercise creates an increased opportunity

for our diplomats to negotiate, increasing the prospects for a peaceful solution on the

Korean Peninsula. At the same time the U.S. and ROK forces remain united, vigilant and

ready to defend against any challenge."

The suspension of the Freedom Guardian exercise, however, doesn't mean that the two countries

will suspend all future military drills. Military sources told Arirang News that the

two defense chiefs agreed that the two countries will decide the timing, scope and scale of

future joint military drills and announce the details together,... considering the North's

progress in denuclearization and the military's combat readiness.

Mattis also stressed that the U.S. will maintain its current troop levels on the Peninsula.

"U.S. commitment to the Republic of Korea remains ironclad and the U.S. will continue

to use a full range of diplomatic and military capabilities to uphold this commitment. This

includes maintaining the current the U.S. force levels on the Korean peninsula."

The two leaders also shared a common view that international sanctions on the North

should remain in effect,.. until Pyongyang takes concrete and irreversible steps for

denuclearization. The two defense chiefs also briefly discussed

the transfer of wartime operational control to South Korea,... but didn't reveal many

details of those discussions. They stressed that this year marks the 65th

anniversary of the signing of the bilateral mutual defense treaty and 50 years of close

consultation through annual joint security consultative meetings,... and they vowed to

further strengthen the alliance,.. in pursuit of the shared goal of peace in the region.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> S. Korean, U.S. defense chiefs reaffirm ironclad alliance and watertight consultations - Duration: 3:14.


Two Koreas to form joint teams for 3 sports at Asian Games - Duration: 0:30.

Seoul and Pyongyang agreed to field joint teams in canoeing, rowing and women's basketball,...

at the 2018 Asian Games set to kick off in August in Indonesia.

The announcement was made at a meeting in Jakarta,... between the Olympic Council of

Asia, the Games organizers and National Olympic Committees of the two Koreas.

There will be no other additions to the categories, and further details will be decided later.

But for certain, South and North Korea will march together during the closing and opening

ceremonies of the Asian Games.

For more infomation >> Two Koreas to form joint teams for 3 sports at Asian Games - Duration: 0:30.


U.S. top diplomats comment on on-going denuclearization - Duration: 2:03.

America's top diplomat expressed confidence that North Korea understood the scope of Washington's

desire for complete denuclearization.

In contrast, the U.S. national security adviser pushed Pyongyang to move quicker.

Cha Sang-mi zooms in on the two official's take on how the regime should go about dismantling

its nukes.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has stated that contacts with North Korea are ongoing,...

with him in the lead of the communication.

However,... during testimony to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Wednesday, Pompeo

refused to give any details.

He said he was not prepared to talk about internal discussions taking place with Pyongyang,

calling it inappropriate and counterproductive,... before adding that the North Koreans would

be (quote) "watching this hearing."

The top U.S. diplomat said he was sure the regime knew the scope of denuclearization

the Trump administration is calling for.

"The North Koreans understand the scope of the request that we're making with respect

to denuclearization, and the elements that would be required in one of those elements.

So, we have been pretty unambiguous in our conversations about what we mean when we say

complete denuclearization."

Pompeo also confirmed that no remains of U.S. soldiers killed during the Korean War have

been handed over by the North, but said he was optimistic they will be "in the not too

distant future."

Meanwhile, President Trump's National Security Adviser John Bolton during his visit to Moscow

on Wednesday, had more to add on North Korea's denuclearization.

When asked whether Trump plans to attend the fourth Eastern Economic Summit in Vladivostok,

to which North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is invited, Bolton chose instead to express his

anticipation for the regime to start giving up its nuclear weapons without delay.

"I don't know the answer to that.

It's possible.

But I do expect that following the meeting in Singapore that discussions with North Korea

on the denuclearization of North Korea are going to proceed quickly.

At least it's our hope and expectation."

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. top diplomats comment on on-going denuclearization - Duration: 2:03.


Fmr. State Department N. Korea analyst: Rushing N. Korean denuclearization won't work - Duration: 3:53.

The first ever meeting between the leaders of Pyongyang and Washington was a welcome

development by the world.

But many felt the agreement reached on denuclearizing North Korea left much to be desired, as it

lacked specifics.

A veteran U.S. State Department analyst begs to differ.

That a slow but steady approach could win the race in the long run.

Our Oh Soo-young sat down with John Merrill for his take on what was produced in Singapore.

You've been at the State Department for nearly 30 years,… seeing a number of U.S. presidents

come and go.

What sets the Trump administration apart in terms of North Korea Policy.

Is it close to successfully denuclearizing the North?

The verdict is still out on whether it will be successful.

But I think the summit was a very promising start.

I think Trump is different from his predecessors in a number of important ways.

He's a dealmaker, and he knows that the first thing you have to do in a negotiation is to

establish rapport with your opposite member.

So I think he's been much prepared to do that with the North Koreans than his predecessors

who were more standoffish.

So I think that approach has produced the results and he's been helped by the fact that

he's dealing with a new type of leader and a progressive president in the South.

Well, there's been some concern over the apparent downsizing of joint military drills between

South Korea and the U.S.

You've said halting such war games could enable engagement and even a deal with North Korea.

Do you stand by this position?


But with some qualification.

I've never advocated doing away with exercises entirely.

I think these war games grew to over the top exercises.

When you have three air craft carrier battle, with three air wings and all those planes,

many of those planes are nuclear capable.

That's too much.

Especially when you're trying to convince North Korea to do is denuclearize.

It sends the opposite message.

Your secretary of state Mike Pompeo said there's no timeline on the denuclearization process.


I was very happy to see that and he's exactly right.

Sometimes the best is the enemy of the good and if we front load this process too much

and demand complete verifiable, irreversible, denuclearization,

I'm not sure we will get much of anything.

This is obviously something gonna take years.

It's a process that needs to build momentum gradually.

So what would you say is the next step for the United States to secure the complete and

verifiable denuclearization of North Korea?

I would say we have to go into this with our eyes open.

And be patient.

Apparently we've submitted, or are about to submit, a list of asks to North Korea.

I think it's unlikely we'll get all of what we want.

What I would like to see is a down payment of denuclearization.

I'd like to see North Korea send some fissile material out of the country.

Maybe to the U.S. or China or some other.

I'd like to see the IAEA back in there and progress on some other issues like human rights.

I see.

Well, thank you for your time today, Dr. Merrill.

My pleasure.

I'm a big fan of Arirang TV.

Thank you.

Really. .

For more infomation >> Fmr. State Department N. Korea analyst: Rushing N. Korean denuclearization won't work - Duration: 3:53.


Police: 4 people shot, 4 detained in altercation, shooting on West Side - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Police: 4 people shot, 4 detained in altercation, shooting on West Side - Duration: 1:10.


✔✔ 배우 황승언, 독일전 직관 인증 너무 자랑스러워 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> ✔✔ 배우 황승언, 독일전 직관 인증 너무 자랑스러워 ♥ 뉴스 속보 - Duration: 2:08.


Mt. San Jacinto. T A P Web Series S1 E5 - Duration: 6:37.

You Know what? I should have never taken the bet with Champy.

It was a great idea at first.

But now I'm feeling it right now...

10,000 Feet.

Over 10,000 ft. in elevation...

Elevation is getting to me...

Ankles..knees... it's finally catching up.

No Pain .. No Gain right?

The After Peak!

The most important thing in life...

Whatever you earn... You keep!

I got the mind on the money and the money on my mind!

Why so worry homeboy?

You worry about that Paul guy?

He gonna be dead...Dead!

That little punk bitch!

You guys hear that?

That's right...

The sound of nature.

There's nobody here.

It's peaceful... It's quiet.

I'm not afraid to get lost.

Got my All Trails app running.

Looks like that's the ranger station.

It's actually pretty cool.

This is actually where people can actually camp out.

Looks like I'm going

This way.

Follow the signs

and you won't get lost.

Man... I am beat.

Mt. Baldy...

And Mt. San Jacinto in back to back days...

Over 10,000 ft in elevation...

Over 10 Miles...

I don't think I can do San Gorgornio...

The 3 Pack of Peaks Challenge...

I will admit defeat.

Sorry Champy I couldn't do it.

I can only imagine what you're going to say right now...

That little punk b$%^&

Yeah that's right...

That's right!

I rather be a little punk B$%^& then die slow Champy!

Alright well...

That's it for today.

Until next time.

Until the next episode...

Peace out!

For more infomation >> Mt. San Jacinto. T A P Web Series S1 E5 - Duration: 6:37.



For more infomation >> THOMAS MÜLLER: BITTERE VERKÜNDUNG KURZ VOR DEM WM-SPIEL - Duration: 3:00.


CZ- Jak rychle vyměnit pozadí na fotce Změna pozadí ve Photoshopu - Duration: 1:28.

Hi, I'm Sami, from Fawzi academy. In this video, I will talk about. How to change a background in Photoshop.

In Photoshop, open the foreground and background image.On your foreground image.

Use different selection tools to select the object you'd like to keep. Save the selection from the Select menu.

Inverse the selection then remove the selected background only.

To change the background, go to layer menu and select duplicate layer.

Resize and or drag, the background image to reposition.

In the Layers panel, drag the background layer below the foreground image layer.

To math the brightness in both new background and the foreground image.Load the saved selection from the select menu

.Inverse the brightness and contrast from adjustment layers.

Thank you, for watching Fawzi academy. Please, like. Subscribe, share, this video, and visit, our website,

For more infomation >> CZ- Jak rychle vyměnit pozadí na fotce Změna pozadí ve Photoshopu - Duration: 1:28.


Boxer Kličko a herečka Panettiere mají dceru, jmenuje se Kaya Evdokia - Duration: 2:45.

 „Jsme šťastní a bláznivě zamilovaní!" známili novopečení rodiče s tím, že jeji h první dcera přišla na svět v úterý 9

prosince.  Holčička vážila 3,5 kilogram a měřila 50 centimetrů. Dostala jméno K ya Evdokia

 Jméno vybírali dlouho, protože ukrajins ý boxer žije v USA i Německu a přesto ch ěl vybrat dceři jméno, které by odpovída o nejen americké kultuře

 „Musíme si být jisti, že bude americké ukrajinské ve stejnou chvíli. Je to tro hu těžké… Pořád hledáme," uvedla herečka k výběru jména ještě před porodem

 Pár se potkal v roce 2008, po třech let ch se rozešel. Pak se znovu dal dohromad a loni v říjnu se dvojice zasnoubila

Na roli matky se herečka moc těšila. „M teřství je nejkrásnější, nejúžasnější vě a není nic, čeho bych nemohla dosáhnout když mám děti," řekla Panettiere

 Drobná herečka také doufá, že její dítě s Kličkem bude mít průměrnou výšku. Zatí co ona měří 157 centimetrů, její snouben c je vysoký 198 centimetrů

 Ukrajinec Kličko v polovině listopadu k okautoval Bulhara Kubrata Puleva a dál z stává šampionem organizací WBA, IBF, WBO a IBO

Jeho neporazitelnost trvá už deset let. Další zápas zatím naplánovaný nemá, takž se může naplno věnovat rodičovským povi nostem


For more infomation >> Boxer Kličko a herečka Panettiere mají dceru, jmenuje se Kaya Evdokia - Duration: 2:45.


✅ Çağla Şıkel takipçsine ayar verdi! - Duration: 1:38.

Çağla Şıkel takipçsine ayar verdi! Çağla Şıkel, Instagram'dan kendisi hakkında yorum yapan bir takipçisine ayar verdi

Çağla Şıkel, Emre Altuğ ile evliliğinden olan Uzay ve Kuzey'le birlikte Bodrum'da tatil yapıyor

Türkbükü'nde bir beach'te görüntülenen Şıkel, fiziğiyle gündemden düşmüyor. Podyumların aranan ismi, fit vücuduyla magazin sayfalarına konu oldu

Çağla Şıkel'in bikinili görüntüsüne 'kusursuz fizik' başlıkları atıldı. Çağla Şıkel'in Bodrum'daki görüntülerine bir takipçisi, "Bu mu kusursuz fizik? ın kemikleri sayılıyor

Kapkara bir dişiliği yok. Ağzını bir açıyor köpek balığı insan yutmaya geliyor gibi

Sizin kadın anlayışınız batsın" yorumunu yaptı. Manken ve sunucu Şıkel, takipçisinin yorumuna sessiz kalmadı

Çağla Şıkel, "Meraktan soruyorum, madem öyle beni neden takip ediyorsunuz? Sizi de ham yaparsam görürsünüz" diyerek şakayla karışık ayar verdi

For more infomation >> ✅ Çağla Şıkel takipçsine ayar verdi! - Duration: 1:38.


Housefull 4 trailer | akshay kumar | Ritesh Deshmukh | Bobby Deol | Kriti Sanon | Movies Trailers - Duration: 1:26.

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