Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 27 2018

Pauline Hanson's changing stance on company tax cuts over 72 hours

Struggling to keep up with where Pauline Hanson stands on the Federal Government's corporate tax cuts? You're not alone.

The Coalition's cuts for businesses with an annual turnover of up to $50 million have already passed, but reductions for companies bigger than that are stuck in Senate limbo.

To get the legislation through, the Government needs the support of the two One Nation senators and two others.

But deciphering Senator Hanson's stance on the legislation is proving to be a challenge.

After striking a deal with the Coalition in March to support the changes, Senator Hanson withdrew that support last month, triggering the resignation of One Nation-turned-independent-turned-United Australia Party senator Brian Burston.

Since then, Senator Hanson has courted, flirted with and danced around the prospect of supporting the cuts, initially denying — then conceding — she's "flip-flopped" on the issue.

It prompted Labor senator Doug Cameron to declare her "the most unstable senator I have ever seen in my decade in Parliament", adding: "No-one knows what she will do.

To try to get to the bottom of exactly that, here's a brief timeline of Senator Hanson's varied stances on the company tax changes — within the last two days.

Monday, 7:30am.

Pauline Hanson says her party will not support company tax cuts unless the Coalition takes action on multinational tax avoidance, among other things.

"I understand they need another four votes, they haven't got One Nation, and I give the people my guarantee that, unless they really target multinationals, it's so important to me, we need to have a revenue stream come into the country.

Tuesday, 5:15pm.

After leaving the door open on the prospect of supporting the cuts, Pauline Hanson slams it shut in the Senate.

"One Nation will not be supporting company tax cuts.

So I haven't flip-flopped, I said no originally, then I said yes, then I have said no and I've stuck to it.".

Wednesday, 7:25am.

Less than a day later, Pauline Hanson appears to soften her stance on Channel Nine's Today Show, indicating she is open to negotiations.

When asked where she stands, Senator Hanson replies: "I've made my point really clear about this.

Senator Hanson says she wants multinationals to pay more tax, and told Finance Minister Matthias Cormann as much during a meeting on Tuesday night.

"It doesn't mean to say I'm going to back their corporate tax cuts, what I'm saying to him is start doing something about the multinationals in Australia not paying their taxes," she says.

And if Pauline Hanson wants to flip-flop, she will.

"In the chamber today again [Labor's] used flip-flopping, that's my prerogative! And I will change my mind as many times as I want to, to ensure I come up with the right decision.

Wednesday, 7:30am.

Pauline Hanson tells reporters in a Parliament House corridor "Minister Cormann has not got me over the line" on the company tax cuts.

She is then asked if she can understand why people are saying she has flip-flopped.

"I'm not going to apologise to anyone for that," she says.

"That's not a bad thing to do.

If you get better information, you want things for the country — why not? It's about what's right for the country.".

Wednesday, 9:10am.

Less than two hours later, Pauline Hanson does change her mind — again.

She tells Melbourne radio station 3AW One Nation has settled its position.

"We have come to a firm decision, we are not supporting the corporate tax cuts.

It's not changing.

I've sent a message to Minister Cormann this morning, so anyway, he knows.".

And so do we. For now at least.

What next?.

Senator Hanson says she will let the Government take the policy to the next election and allow the public to decide.

Until then, she's offered a suggestion to help the Coalition get the cuts through the Senate.

"I suggest Cormann go and knock on the door of Labor or the Greens and see if they can get them over the line.

For more infomation >> Pauline Hanson's changing stance on company tax cuts over 72 hours - Duration: 7:19.


Border Security Force Recruitment 2018 | 270 BSF Posts Notification 2018 | BSF Recruitment 2018 - Duration: 2:56.

Border Security Force Recruitment 2018

270 BSF Posts Notification 2018

BSF Recruitment 2018

For more infomation >> Border Security Force Recruitment 2018 | 270 BSF Posts Notification 2018 | BSF Recruitment 2018 - Duration: 2:56.


'America's Got Talent' 5th Judge: Howie Mandel Nearly Loses His Balls, Heidi Klum Embarras... - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 'America's Got Talent' 5th Judge: Howie Mandel Nearly Loses His Balls, Heidi Klum Embarras... - Duration: 9:48.


✅ Tras 23 años su suegro aún lo odia por haberse casado con la hija menor - Duration: 2:58.

 Doctor:  Llevo años haciendo méritos en la familia de mi esposa, son 23 años de casados y por más que regale plata, saque la chequera para garantías en las clínicas, me cuadre con los asados, los cumpleaños, los bautizos y todo festejo familiar… mi suegro me odia

 ¿La razón? Me casé con la hija equivocada, según ellos. Pasa que cuando llegué a la familia era pololo de la mayor de las hijas, pero a poco andar me fijé en la del medio y flechazo, corazón de roto, lágrimas y un drama

 Nunca me perdonó y después, con las cosas que pasaron, como que la hija mayor se casó con un sinvergüenza y ladrón, ¡paf! más rencor en contra mía

 Mi señora y mi suegrita me dicen que no pesque al caballero, que en el fondo me quiere

Si hasta la hermana que fue mi polola me dice que es una tontera del padre… Pero él, cada vez que se toma un copete, en medio de la felicidad, me machaca

 Lorenzo Don Lore:  En realidad, su esposa, su suegra y su cuñada tienen una tremenda razón: no pesque al caballero

Debe haber querido hacer feliz primero a la hija mayor y usted le desordenó el juego, pero eso es parte del pasado y él se quedó pegado en el tiempo

 En fin, trate de no fregarse la vida usted no más. Ignore las locuras del patriarca y hágale más caso a la matriarca

Ella lo quiere porque usted siempre ha estado firme con la familia, en las duras y en las maduras

Así es que no pesque, en serio, y siga su vida como el gran y verdadero protector del clan

 Aunque se me ocurre que el caballero, como debe ser medio penca, lo ve con envidia por ser tan bacán y desprendido

Ya, juegue solito no más y filo con el suegro.  Tus consultas y dramas de tipo amoroso pueden aparecer en la Ventanita Sentimental si las mandas a doctorcarino@lacuarta


For more infomation >> ✅ Tras 23 años su suegro aún lo odia por haberse casado con la hija menor - Duration: 2:58.


夠勁爆!全美第一媒體曝光杜威對罵內容,KD太「粗俗」,威少復刻Kobe(影) - Duration: 0:53.

 昨天的一場焦點戰中,勇士最終輸給了雷霆,比賽中杜蘭特和威少 對曾經的兄弟上演了決裂互噴的場面。    比賽第三節,KD曾 神龜臉貼臉對噴,那麼問題來了,他們到底在罵什麼?ESPN著名 者Chris-Haynes為我們做了解答,他公開了兩人對噴的 容

   其實早在第二節末端,倆人就已經有點壓不住火了。當時勇 快攻,杜蘭特持球被威少一把打出底線,神龜隨即面對勇士替補席大 挑釁:"NO(過我想都別想)!"杜少也不吃虧,瘋狂拍手嘲諷威

   第三節還剩6分47秒,倆人矛盾終於爆發。杜威頭頂頭互 髒字,杜蘭特放話:"你就是個p***y(美國國罵,很不文雅) "神龜毫不吃虧,用出了當年科比指著霍華德大罵的詞:"你就是個 蛋!"雖然賽后兩人都有意識避談這件事,但這個插曲還是被場邊記 記錄了下來


For more infomation >> 夠勁爆!全美第一媒體曝光杜威對罵內容,KD太「粗俗」,威少復刻Kobe(影) - Duration: 0:53.


Nói thương nhau thì đừng làm trái tim em đau bích phương live cực hay - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Nói thương nhau thì đừng làm trái tim em đau bích phương live cực hay - Duration: 3:43.


Sing Along ABC Songs

For more infomation >> Sing Along ABC Songs


S. Korea sending inspection team this week to N. Korea's Mt. Kumgang to check facilities - Duration: 0:42.

South Korea is dispatching an inspection team to North Korea's Mount Kumgang for three days

starting today.

The team will inspect the resort that will be used in August for the reunions of families

separated by the Korean War,.... as agreed at the inter-Korean Red Cross Talks last Friday.

The team is made up of 20 people, led by the director general of Seoul's Unification Ministry's

humanitarian cooperation bureau, Kim Byung-dae , and includes workers from the South Korean

Red Cross and technicians.

The team will check the meeting rooms, hotels, rest areas and power supplies.

And after this week's inspection, South Korea will start renovating the facilities in July

or August.

For more infomation >> S. Korea sending inspection team this week to N. Korea's Mt. Kumgang to check facilities - Duration: 0:42.


Messi et l'Argentine s'attendent à un match "très compliqué" contre les Bleus - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Messi et l'Argentine s'attendent à un match "très compliqué" contre les Bleus - Duration: 3:12.


Honda Jazz 1.2 S 5 DEURS AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Honda Jazz 1.2 S 5 DEURS AIRCO TREKHAAK - Duration: 1:11.


Audi A4 1.8 TFSI 210pk AUT Pro Line S-Line Leer/Navi/Xenon - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 1.8 TFSI 210pk AUT Pro Line S-Line Leer/Navi/Xenon - Duration: 1:12.


TAJNÝ POHŘEB: Basiková se loučila s maminkou (✝73). Na nohou ji drželexmanžel! - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> TAJNÝ POHŘEB: Basiková se loučila s maminkou (✝73). Na nohou ji drželexmanžel! - Duration: 1:17.


Kla-6 Car Care & Espresso Project | Pierre-Philippe Hauteclair - Duration: 5:01.

You are dreaming when you are young about different things and I remember

one day coming from school and there was on television and interview with

young entrepreneur I just say to my grandma I want to be an entrepreneur

firstly I would like to take over this grocery from my grandma a place where

you have always to care about something I loved it be honest it comes more and

more inside your veins that you want to make something on yourself

My name is Pierre I am serial entrepreneur

digital dynamics eyeplay blisque smart driving, xpanity, working for Porsche, Volkswagen

Scoda, Bentley. In all the businesses we try to solve a problem to something that

we have discovered. Four years ago had a very bad injury

I thought maybe the time to get back and enjoy my my first passion and get back to

hand-work. When I was studying at the University I have seen that coffee can

be a starter it can also be used a closer; in the morning to wake up when I go to a

corporate event presentation, I got a coffee served that looks like nothing

that has no taste I thought why not create a business;

- Espresso Project, this is a mobile coffee bar installed on an Italian scooter from

1967 I don't want him to lose the original

look but however I wanted to have a place to put my machine, I wanted to have

some lights and a space also to put my water and so on. I want my coffee to be

the same today as it will be tomorrow as it will be in one month but also as a

base to create specific recipe. Water is also something to play with it level of

nutrient, nearly equal to zero and thanks to this I could be sure that my coffee will

be always the same. We are using Espresso Project mostly product launch, product

presentation, we are asked for weddings. Yes, people like the experience.

Once the scooter was built, I want to be looking good. First cleaning with water,

I didn't get the result I was expecting. The machine being used is also full of

Chrome and I think maybe I should try to leave Chrome with products from the

car industry. I am a lover I like those cars to be good-looking.

I was already testing a lot of products. I thought, why not share my experience,

what I've learned, what I've tested, so this is how this business Kla-6 Car Care has

been created. A lot of people don't know how to wash a car and this is something

you ca. quickly learn. Having a bucket dedicated for your car. Something that

is always clean, having a correct sponge, having the correct products,

Snow, for me, is a very good basis to wash your car. While using it I've seen that

this blanket spread on the car and make so that the dust will go inside the foam

and nicely glide with the soap. Drying your car with correct microfibers,

trying to avoid creating swirls. I'm not a detailer, but I want those products to

be available to different type of people for the money they pay and which

they have been working hard.

The true life of entrepreneur: you cannot expect to have a return on investment

quickly. You also have sometimes no return on

investment. But I am from the way that if I saw something in my head I want to

test it out and yea sometimes it can be painfu,l because not all of my businesses

are successful. But you have to take also all the risk to work for your dream.

The best reward is to get people saying thank you. It's not always something that

you have to create from the ground, sometimes things are existing and you

can just with your personality, with your ideas and with your conviction, you can

make big things. I changed I got injured I was not enjoying life so I have to

find a balance. Work and family leisure and all those things, so when you are going

to bed you can say okay I'm pretty good with things I'm doing.

For more infomation >> Kla-6 Car Care & Espresso Project | Pierre-Philippe Hauteclair - Duration: 5:01.


LOOM KNITTING Poncho Pattern (Any Loom w 40 pegs) Higby Lacy Poncho - Duration: 23:54.

I wanted to design a pattern for a poncho, but I wanted it to be bright and

airy. Found the perfect stitch by Theresa Higby and so today I'm going to teach

you how to knit the Higby Poncho. Hey, it's Denise again from Loomahat.com.

For a list of supplies and more information visit the website or the

description. And, special thanks to Carol from PromiseLearningATL.com and Laurie

Kopaczewski for covering the cost of closed captioning. I'll be using a large

gauge 41 peg loom and 200 yards of finger weight yarn.

Now let's cast on 40 pegs. we're going to knit using one single strand of yarn and

you're going to want to secure that to the anchor peg. I'm using a simple knot,

you can use a slip knot, if you're more comfortable. The direction that you go in,

is not going to matter. I'm going to be knitting to the right.

So take your working yarn and you're going to wrap all 40 pegs. You will

notice that I have two edge markers in gray and that I have marked every other

peg. This is going to help me follow my pattern. You don't need to do this, it is

optional. We are knitting flat so we're going to turn around. Go ahead

and knit that peg number 40 one more time. Pull on your working yarn and now

let's turn direction. So you're going to knit that peg and in all reality we are

going to knit the complete roll, so we're knitting all 40 pegs. I'm using the

Uwrap version of the knit stitch which means that I'm going to half wrap

the peg and knit-off, half wrap and knit- off. Continue knitting.

When you're back at peg number one, you're going to knit that peg three

times. So, one, two, that's an eWrap and a three is your last. Go ahead and pull on the

working yarn. You're done knitting your cast on, we're ready for row number

one. For Row one, you're going to do an e-Wrap knit stitch, then a drop stitch,

then your next one would be a purl, then a drop stitch and you're going to

continue that knit, drop, purl drop, until the last peg, which is peg number forty.

At that point, you will knit that peg three times. Let me show you how to do

that. You're going to slip that first peg, go to peg two and eWrap the peg, knit

off and wrap that peg again, because you're going to add a drop stitch. Bring

the working yarn down below the next peg with your hook. You're going to scoop up

that working yarn, create a new loop, take the old loop off, put the new one on.

You're going to pull on the string, that's your purl and now wrap the peg

again to create the drop stitch. Now, when you go to the next one, you're gonna do

like a figure eight and wrap that peg. That's your, you're repeating your knit

stitch so you knit off and then you wrap the peg again. Bring the working yarn

down, because we're gonna do a purl, scoop it up, create a new loop, take the old

loop off, put the new loop on, tighten and wrap it again to create your drop stitch.

Again, like a figure eight you, go to the next peg and you wrap it. So we're

repeating the knit, drop, purl, drop, knit, drop, purl, drop. You're going to continue

this two peg pattern, until you reach the last peg.

Remember that we're doing 40 pegs. So the reason I have marked my pegs, as you can

see, you have the slip, here you knit with a drop,

okay, knit, drop, here you did your purl and this loop you have above it right

here, that's your drop stitch, so knit, drop,

purl, drop and you're basically doing the same thing. it is a rib stitch, I

guess you can say, a rib stitch with a drop stitch. So just continue until you

get to the last peg and then you're going to knit that last peg,

peg number 40, three times.

Here's the last stitch, wrap and knit off and wrap, number two, knit off and your

last one, you're going to wrap which is number three and knit off. Now it's time

for Row 2. Here we're going to do a knit and purl, but before you work each

peg, you're going to remove the drop stitch. Only remove one drop stitch at a

time so here's the first one, we remove it and now we're going to knit this peg,

so wrap and knit off, because we're using the e wrap version of the knit stitch.

The next one we dropped the drop stitch, we remove it and now we're going to do a

purl stitch. So if you're following my little rubber bands, you'll notice that

here I did a knit, here I did a purl and it's like the reverse, right. It's, I'm

stacking a knit where I did a purl and I'm stacking a purl where I did a knit.

But the pattern remains. You remove a drop stitch, you do a knit, you remove a

drop stitch, you do a purl. So it's a rib stitch, you just have to make sure that

you remove the drop stitch before you do it and don't remove all of your drop

stitches and then do the knit, purl, it's not going to go well, trust me. It's best

if you just remove the drop stitch right before you knit that peg and continue to

your last peg which you want knit three times.

Now we're ready for Row 3. It's just the inverse of Row 1. Now you're going to

purl, drop, knit, drop.You can remove the knot from your anchor peg. Let's

start again, you're going to slip that first peg, you're gonna go to peg number

2 and this time you're starting with a purl, right, so go ahead and scoop up the

loop, take the old one off, put the new one on and pull. Now, you're gonna

wrap your peg in order to add a drop stitch. And this is going to be a knit, so

you're gonna wrap it, knit off and wrap it again, to create your drop stitch.

Now you're gonna bring it down and purl because again, you've swap your pattern

and now you're doing a purl with a drop stitch on top, going to the next one and

you're going to knit. So you wrap the peg, knit off and wrap it one more time, to

create that drop stitch and just like before you're gonna repeat that pattern

until you get to the last peg when you're going to then knit that peg three

times. Keep knitting

Now for row number four, it's time to remove your drop stitch and purl, knit,

purl, knit, just like before. So we slip the first stitch and we go to

the next one, remove the drop stitch, we're going to

purl that peg, remove the drop stitch and knit the next one. Again remove the drop

stitch, purl that peg, go to the next one

and knit. Keep knitting.

You're on your last peg, don't forget that you have to wrap this last peg

three times. Now this is the end of the four row, stitch pattern, What

you're going to do is these four rows, you're going to repeat them 14 more

times and that's gonna give you a total of 60 rows. Tthen it's time to start

with the reductions. It's really not as painful as it sounds. We're going to be

reducing two stitches before we start the next row. So we're going to move

these three loops with the hook. You're going to take the loop off of 40, 39 and

then peg 38 and in that order because it's really important. You're gonna

move them over, those two are going to be moved over. Those two stitches are going

to be removed and they're going to go on 36, right here and 37 and then peg 38 is

going to be your new edge. So you put that last loop right there. Stretch out

your stitch, your fabric and then knit off peg 36 and peg 37 and like I said

your new edge is peg 38. See if those two are the two stitch reductions and

personally I like to know my edge and so I'm going to move my rubber bands. Again,

this is not something you have to do, for me this just makes the easy, it just

makes the pattern easier and so I'm going to put my new edge color right

here. And, that is peg 38 and like I said,

you reduced by two stitches and now those two are empty and we're ready to

start our four row, stitch pattern again. Then you're going to reduce by two

stitches and repeat the four row stitch pattern, six more times. That will give

you a total of 88 rows. When you finish row 88, you have no more reductions and

now you will just repeat rows 1 through 4, three more times for a total of 100 rows.

That will leave you with a small poncho, for a larger one, just repeat rows 1

through 4 until you get your desired length. Now we're ready to bind off and

we're going to use the super stretchy bind-off. You're gonna take the working

yarn and you're going to measure the length of your project 2 times. Then

go ahead and get your scissors. I'm gonna leave myself a little extra and cut your

yarn. That extra isn't really necessary but just in case. You're gonna work

over these two pegs first, so from the top scoop up and through your loop, pull

the working yarn and then you're gonna go back to peg 1 and from the bottom

you're gonna scoop the working yarn down and through the loop and then things are

going to change from this point on. That's because it was the beginning, from

now on you're gonna skip a peg. So we started here with peg 1, now we're going

to skip peg 2 and scoop from peg 3. So skip peg two, get your hook and from the

top you're gonna scoop the working yarn up and through that loop. On peg three

and you're going to go back to the peg you skipped, which was two, right here

and then from the bottom, this time you're gonna scoop the working yarn down

and through the loop. Now you're going to go to the next peg. So you're going to

skip peg three and you're going to go to peg four and from the top you're gonna

scoop your working yarn up and then go back to the peg that you skipped which

was three. Put the working yarn over the existing loops and from the bottom scoop

down and through the loop and tug on your working yarn a little bit. And, you

can release a couple of the loops and tug on it again, then skip a peg and from

the top scoop up and through the loop. Go back to the one that you skipped and

from the bottom scoop down and pull the working yarn through the loop. You're

gonna repeat the process, skip a peg, from the top

scoop up and through go back to the peg that you skipped and from the bottom

scoop down and through feed your working yarn through that loop all the way and

continue the process. Now remember, you can remove a few of the loops as you

work your way through, which is why you don't really need as much yarn as you

normally would. Don't forget to tug on it just a little

bit, don't overdo it because you don't want it to bunch up. Alright, keep going.

All right, when you have the last two, you're gonna take your working yarn, put

it on the last peg and from the top you're gonna get your hook and scoop up

and through that last loop. Go back to the one you skipped and from the top

scoop down. Then come back to that last peg and you're gonna scoop up and

through and you're pretty secure you can now remove whatever loops you have still

on your loom including the last peg, you just remove it and you are done. Now the

next thing we need to do is to sew the two sides of the poncho together. I

decided to use a small model of the poncho to show you what I'm going to do.

So I'm taking the wider side and bending it down like this and the narrow one I'm

gonna take it and attach it to the side, like this and then I'm just gonna sew

from the bottom up. This is what the poncho will basically look like. So get

your sewing needle and in my case I'm going to get some locking stitch markers,

so I can put everything in place. I prefer to do this first, you can probably

use some paper clips or maybe even some pins or you could just freehand it. I

like to have it together first and then I'm gonna use some of the working yarn

that was leftover. I prefer a metal needle, so I'm going to thread my needle

and I'm going to start then from the tip of the two sides. I want to bring them

together and secure them. You will notice,

as you can see right here that there's some like knots along the edges and then

you have some really long straight ones, so find two little knots, one on each

side and we're going to sew from side to side and then create a knot right here,

on the very tip of the two sides. Now I'm going to remove my locking stitch marker

and then I'm going to continue to sew the project going up. I continue to

look for, you know, little knots. If you only find one on one side, that's fine,

but if you can find them on both sides that's even better. I'm using a blunt

needle, it's your best option because you don't want to split your yarn and this

is finger weight yarn so I just find that it's much easier if I have a blunt

needle. You can see that I continue to look for those little knots along the

fabric. Don't pull on your thread when you go to the next one, you want the

thread to be nice and loose. This is a lacy project and if you pull too much

you're gonna bunch, you're going to bunch up the fabric and you don't want to do

that. So just continue until you've made it all the way to the top of your poncho.

At the very top, you're going to want to bring the two sides together and just

like you did on the tip, you're going to want to make a nice knot up here. So

bring the two sides together and then make a knot and then you're going to

want to go ahead and weave in your ends. For me, I like to go down the project

and after I've done a few of them then I'll go up in the opposite direction.

I feel that it makes it safer. I make a knot and then I cut the excess yarn. All

right, that's my top, I'm gonna go hunt for my other end and as you can see here

is the stitch pattern which I totally love and I think you will too.

Find your other end and I've attached some hardware here to the end.

I love these tassels. By the way I do have a video on how to make the tassels

and I will put it in the description and at the website posting. Well guys I hope

you liked the project. Thank you - Teresa Higby for this beautiful stitch, don't

forget to share the video, that helps me a lot, like it, comment and if you haven't

already done so subscribe.

For more infomation >> LOOM KNITTING Poncho Pattern (Any Loom w 40 pegs) Higby Lacy Poncho - Duration: 23:54.


Nigeria-Argentine: le match surréaliste de Mascherano, avec le visage en sang - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Nigeria-Argentine: le match surréaliste de Mascherano, avec le visage en sang - Duration: 2:36.


トヨタ新型カローラスポーツ(ハッチバック)6月26日発売!オーリス後継車種の価格やスペックは?2 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> トヨタ新型カローラスポーツ(ハッチバック)6月26日発売!オーリス後継車種の価格やスペックは?2 - Duration: 4:04.


Unpacking Czech beads and accessories from the store Czech Beads Exclusive - Duration: 10:02.

For more infomation >> Unpacking Czech beads and accessories from the store Czech Beads Exclusive - Duration: 10:02.


✅ Poslední focení před tím, než na 5 týdnů nazuje holiny! Eliška Bučková vystavila své vnady - Duration: 1:25.

  Eliška Bučková (28) si užila poslední focení a dokonalý make-up a vlasy před tím, než na více než měsíc oblékne tepláky a největším luxusem pro ni bude teplá voda

"Šlo o mé poslední focení šatů před táborem, kam odjíždím v pátek. Teď už budu pět týdnů jen v holinách," řekla Super.cz Eliška

 Ta už druhý rok organizuje s partnerem Jakubem Vágnerem (36) na Katlově rybářský tábor. "Na táboře si občas dám řasenku, abych se cítila i hezky, ale to je tak všechno

Tam na to ani není čas, žádná foukačka vlasů, nic," vysvětlila na focení kampaně pro luxusní šaty Downtown Brands. Eliška si užívá, když o ni pečují vizážisté, ale v pohodě zvládá i tvrdé podmínky rybářů

"Za tři roky s Kubou už jsem si docela zvykla. V jedenácti stupních jsem spala ve stanu tento víkend. A žiju," dodala se smíchem


For more infomation >> ✅ Poslední focení před tím, než na 5 týdnů nazuje holiny! Eliška Bučková vystavila své vnady - Duration: 1:25.


Nói thương nhau thì đừng làm trái tim em đau bích phương live cực hay - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Nói thương nhau thì đừng làm trái tim em đau bích phương live cực hay - Duration: 3:43.


PHOTOS – Louane, femme fatale en mini-jupe en cuir et top dénudé aux épaules - Gala - Duration: 1:41.

 Louane, comme beaucoup de femmes, possède une tenue fétiche qu'elle sort pour les moments importants

Une tenue dans laquelle elle se sent bien et pour cause, elle lui va à ravir. La jeune chanteuse et actrice de 21 ans, en pleine promotion du film Les Affamés en salles le 27 juin 2018, adore le rouge et le noir et le combo : top rouge et mini-jupe en cuir

Un style qui lui va bien avec ce top manches courtes au col large qui dénude une de ses épaules et cette jupe en cuir, très stylée avec cette petite ceinture

Une jupe courte qui dévoile ses jolies jambes. Pour casser l'effet trop sexy s'il en est, Louane assortit sa tenue de boots noires et d'une jolie coiffure wavy

 Un look qu'elle adore et qu'elle arborait déjà en couverture de Télé 7 jours daté du 18 juin et lors du concert live donné dans l'appart' de Gala

Une tenue fétiche, sexy qui fait de Louane, une vraie femme fatale. Crédits photos : bestimage

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Louane, femme fatale en mini-jupe en cuir et top dénudé aux épaules - Gala - Duration: 1:41.


지드래곤 국군병원 특혜논란의 진실 - Duration: 4:53.

군복무 중인 빅뱅의 지드래곤 특혜입원 논란이 불거진 가운데, 소속사 YG 공식입장에 관심이 모아지고 있습니다.

이날 25일 디스패치는 지드래곤(권지용)이 현재 국군양주병원의 '대령실'에 입원해 있다는 소식과 면회 시간도 자유롭게 사용한다면서,

특혜를 받고 있는 것이 아니냐는 의혹을 제기했는데요.

보도에 따르면 지드래곤은 지난 19일부터 이 병원 대령실에 입원해 머물고 있습니다.

대령실에는 일반병실과 다르게 에어컨과 냉장고 등이 구비됐는데요.

해당 매체에 따르면 일병인 지드래곤은 지난 4월 5일 자대배치 이후 4차례 이상 병원을 방문했습니다.

군입대 이후 한 차례 발목 수술을 받기도 했는데요.

더불어 해당 매체는 면회 또한 차별적으로 진행됐다고 주장했습니다.

일반 병실 면회 시간은 오전 11시부터 오후 5시까지로 지정됐는데요.

하지만 한 병사는 "지드래곤 매니저로 보이는 사람을 오후 5시 이후에도 봤다"고 디스패치를 통해 전했습니다.

또한, 육군양주병원 측은 '대령실 입원 및 사용 기준'에 대한 질문에 대해 "취재 협조 공문을 보내야 논의 후 답할 수 있다"면서 즉답을 피한 것으로 알려졌는데요.

국방부 측 역시 지드래곤 특혜 논란에 대해 현재 "사실 관계를 확인 중"이라고 밝혔습니다

이에 해당 의혹은 더욱 커져가고있는 상황인데요.

이와 관련 현재 지드래곤의 소속사 YG엔터테인먼트는 묵묵부답으로 일관 중입니다.

한편, 지난 2월 강원도 철원 육군 3사단 백골부대 신병교육대를 통해 입소한 지드래곤은 2019년 11월 전역 예정인데요.

4월 5일에 자대배치를 받은 지드래곤은 지난 두 달동안 발목불안정증 진단을 받고 수차례 치료를 받았고, 이에 따라 9박 10일 병가를 얻은 바 있습니다.

For more infomation >> 지드래곤 국군병원 특혜논란의 진실 - Duration: 4:53.


Meurtre de Sophie Lionnet : le couple condamné à la perpétuité - Duration: 5:09.

 Les Français Sabrina Kouider et Ouissem Medouni ont été condamnés mardi à la prison à vie, assortie d'une peine de sûreté de trente ans, pour le meurtre à Londres de leur jeune fille au pair Sophie Lionnet

Les peines ont été prononcées par la cour criminelle de l'Old Bailey qui, le 24 mai, avait reconnu le couple coupable du meurtre, en septembre 2017, de la jeune fille de 21 ans, dont le corps carbonisé avait été retrouvé dans leur jardin

 Aussi lourde soit-elle, cette sentence ne saurait « refléter la valeur de la vie » de Sophie Lionnet, a déclaré le juge Nicholas Hilliard, soulignant que sa famille « ne se remettra jamais » de sa mort

Kouider et Medouni ont également été condamnés à cinq ans et demi de prison pour obstruction à la justice pour avoir tenté de faire disparaître le corps de Sophie en le brûlant

 Avant de prononcer les peines, le juge avait écouté les avocats des accusés et pris en compte les expertises psychiatriques du couple

Les médecins ont conclu que Sabrina Kouider souffrait de troubles mentaux et d'obsessions

Elle « retournera immédiatement à l'hôpital », a déclaré le juge.  Pendant le procès, Medouni et Kouider avaient tous deux plaidé non coupables du chef d'accusation de meurtre, évoquant un accident et rejetant chacun la responsabilité sur l'autre, mais ils avaient reconnu avoir tenté de brûler le corps la jeune fille originaire de Troyes (sud-est de Paris)

Selon l'accusation, le couple était persuadé d'un complot fomenté par Sophie Lionnet avec Mark Walton, l'un des fondateurs du groupe Boyzone et père d'un des enfants de Sabrina Kouider, pour droguer et abuser sexuellement des membres de leur famille

Un fantasme, sans fondement, dans lequel ils se sont enfermés, a souligné le juge mardi

Désir de vengeance  Mardi, le juge s'est dit convaincu que, malgré ses troubles mentaux, les agissements de Kouider « sont attribuables à un désir de vengeance »

« Vous saviez tous les deux que ce que vous faisiez était terriblement mal », a-t-il lancé aux deux condamnés

Le magistrat a insisté sur le fait que les accusations portées par les accusés envers Sophie étaient totalement fausses

« On peut dire en toute confiance qu'il n'y avait aucune vérité [dans les accusations selon lesquelles] Sophie a maltraité ou abusé de qui que ce soit, ou sur le fait qu'elle était de connivence avec Mark Walton

[.] C'était une fiction complète », a-t-il dit.  Dans une lettre adressée à Sophie et à sa famille et lue par son avocat, Icah Peart, mardi, Sabrina Kouider affirme être « profondément désolée pour ce qui est arrivé à Sophie »

« Je pense à toi tous les jours », ajoute-t-elle. Le corps de Sophie avait été retrouvé en septembre dernier par les pompiers, alertés par des voisins du couple, intrigués par une importante fumée et une « horrible » odeur se dégageant de leur propriété du sud-ouest de Londres

Le corps présentait de multiples fractures, aux côtes, au sternum ou à la mâchoire, mais en raison des brûlures la cause exacte de la mort n'a pas pu être déterminée

 La jeune fille s'occupait des deux enfants que Sabrina Kouider avait eus avec d'anciens compagnons

Arrivée à Londres en janvier 2016, elle n'avait jamais pu rentrer en France, et vivait sous l'emprise de ses employeurs, qui la nourrissaient peu, ne la payaient quasiment pas et la battaient, selon des voisins

For more infomation >> Meurtre de Sophie Lionnet : le couple condamné à la perpétuité - Duration: 5:09.



For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0D HIGH EXECUTIVE PANORAMA_COMFORTSIT_NL-AUTO_N.A.P. - Duration: 1:07.


Newcomer Ocasio-Cortez Beats Democrat Rep. Joe Crowley In Primary | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 8:00.

For more infomation >> Newcomer Ocasio-Cortez Beats Democrat Rep. Joe Crowley In Primary | The 11th Hour | MSNBC - Duration: 8:00.


Warface: ЭЛЕЗ МОЗГОЛЮБ и Beretta ARX160 - Duration: 11:32.

For more infomation >> Warface: ЭЛЕЗ МОЗГОЛЮБ и Beretta ARX160 - Duration: 11:32.


惡魔高校 DxD | High School DxD | ハイスクール・ディーディー 高清 HD - 【02】 - Duration: 23:45.

For more infomation >> 惡魔高校 DxD | High School DxD | ハイスクール・ディーディー 高清 HD - 【02】 - Duration: 23:45.


海贼王:路飞掌握3种雷法神技,1种重创传说海贼,1种吊打超新星 - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 海贼王:路飞掌握3种雷法神技,1种重创传说海贼,1种吊打超新星 - Duration: 3:55.


Nigeria-Argentine: le match surréaliste de Mascherano, avec le visage en sang - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Nigeria-Argentine: le match surréaliste de Mascherano, avec le visage en sang - Duration: 2:36.


Produce 48 look like Kpop idols - Duration: 1:52.

Produce 48 look like Kpop idols

Kim Minseo - Yoon Jisung.

Daehwi x Donghyun

Choi Yeonsoo - Park Jihoon.

Kim Suyoon - Lai Kuanlin.

Choi Yeonsoo - Hwang Minhyun.

Bae EunYoung - Quế Luân Mỹ

Lee Sian - IOI / DIA Jung Chaeyeon

Jo Yuri - IOI / Weki Meki Choi YooJung

Honda Hitomi - Kim Jaehwan.

Jo Yuri - Im Youngmin.

Jang Gyuri -???

For more infomation >> Produce 48 look like Kpop idols - Duration: 1:52.


Trump Warned Maxine Waters And She Didn't Listen, Now He's Sending In The Feds - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Trump Warned Maxine Waters And She Didn't Listen, Now He's Sending In The Feds - Duration: 5:13.


'America's Got Talent' 5th Judge: Howie Mandel Nearly Loses His Balls, Heidi Klum Embarras... - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 'America's Got Talent' 5th Judge: Howie Mandel Nearly Loses His Balls, Heidi Klum Embarras... - Duration: 9:48.


前登州大臣实现承诺!为一马公司案到反贪会自首爆料! - Duration: 1:32.

 正当爆出一个马来西亚发展有限公司洗黑钱案多达1000人涉及 登嘉楼州前州务大臣拿督斯里阿末赛益自愿到反贪污委员会总部给口 ,协助调查。  今天早上9时30分,他乘坐奥迪轿车,由1名 家属陪同抵达反贪会

 阿末赛益也是基惹区州议员,他于上月表明,准备就前首相拿督 里纳吉被指滥权案,向当向提供口供。  一马公司的前身是登嘉 投资机构(TIA),是于2008年成立,宗旨是发展登州经济, 持州子民的社会经济地位

 在纳吉出任首相后,该机构于隔年1月易名为一马公司。   年5月,阿末赛益表示,一马公司的前身即登嘉楼投资机构(TIA 经过在他手中创办,因此他了解当中的问题

   登州前大臣拿督斯里阿末赛益 (档案图)  (甘马挽 4日讯)登州前大臣拿督斯里阿末赛益说,将配合协助调查一马公司 1MDB),他不会再保持沉默。  根据本地媒体《Astro wani》报道,针对涉及前首相纳吉的不当行为指控,阿末赛益准 就有关调查供证

 阿末赛益表示,一马公司的前身即登嘉楼投资机构(TIA)经 在他手中创办,因此他了解当中的问题。  他表示,若被要求成 证人,他愿意提供任何证据,不会隐瞒任何事情

 此外,阿末赛益接受《马新社》访问时也指出,大多数党员都认 巫统很难东山再起,并觉得纳吉现在辞职太晚了,应该在大选前退位  「纳吉辞职太晚了,因为我们认为,他应该在大选前就退位, 别是敦马哈迪批评纳吉若不下台,国阵会输掉大选,而正是现在所发 的事情

」    PUTRAJAYA: Former Terengg nu Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahm d Said has arrived at the Mala sian Anti-Corruption Commissio here to give a statement on a leged corruption believed to b related to 1Malaysia Developm nt Berhad (1MDB).  He arrived t 9.30am on Tuesday (June 26) nd was accompanied by a family member.  It is understood that the Umno vice presidential can idate came voluntarily and not because he was called by MACC.  1MDB was formerly the Terengg nu Investment Authority (TIA), a sovereign wealth fund set up in 2008 aimed at spurring sust inable socio-economic developm nt in Terengganu for the long erm. TIA was renamed 1MDB in J nuary 2009.

For more infomation >> 前登州大臣实现承诺!为一马公司案到反贪会自首爆料! - Duration: 1:32.


"È già tutto deciso". Si è saputo: la notizia su Salvini che lui non è riuscito a bloccare - Duration: 3:49.

        Un vero e proprio tornado, la donna che più di tutte riesce a catalizzare le attenzioni degli utenti sui social scatenando puntualmente una gamma vastissima di reazioni

Se sul fronte politico il personaggio del momento, che lo si ami o lo si odi, è il neo ministro dell'Interno Matteo Salvini, l'etere ha incoronato di recente proprio la first lady Elisa Isoardi come sua regina

In origine erano state le parole in cui la giornalista annunciava di voler tenere un profilo basso per non disturbare la carriera del compagno in un momento così delicato a provocare un piccolo putiferio virtuale

Poi era stata la volta delle immagini che mostravano Elisa intenta a stirare le camice del suo fidanzato

Anche lì, apriti cielo: per alcuni "l'esempio perfetto della donna sottomessa all'uomo"

Per altri, un'immagine dolce e molto sincera. In ogni caso, insomma, la banalità non sembra proprio di casa in questi ultimi mesi per la coppia

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Alla faccia di chi la voleva però troppo sottotono e pronta a passare in secondo piano per il bene del leader della Lega, al governo insieme al Movimento Cinque Stelle di Luigi Di Maio, Elisa era poi esploda in tutto il suo splendore con degli scatti che la mostravano in costume da bagno sotto il sole di Ischia: uno spettacolo veramente mozzafiato, con la Isoardi a mettere in evidenza un corpo decisamente sensuale e a ricevere apprezzamenti a non finire dai suoi tanti follower

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto) Di recente Elisa era poi tornata a far parlare di sé con uno strano messaggio lanciato in rete attraverso il proprio profilo, una sorta di preghiera che in molti avevano letto come possibile indizio di qualche turbolenza con Salvini

In realtà, come emerso successivamente, un pensiero a una zia alle prese con problemi di salute alla quale la Isoardi aveva anche fatto visita in Piemonte

Le voci di crisi con Matteo, dunque, sono più false che mai. Anzi, secondo Chi c'è una bella novità in arrivo

(Continua a leggere dopo la foto)  Il settimanale di Alfonso Signorini ha infatti pubblicato le foto che mostrano Elisa e Matteo al mare insieme, con i due figli del vicepremier

E aggiunge che a breve i due dovrebbero tagliare un prestigioso traguardo, quello della convivenza

Il nido d'amore già scelto è la città eterna, Roma. Una notizia che ovviamente riguarda la vita privata del ministro e della compagna ma che, con le attenzioni dei giornali tutte puntate sui due, è rimasta segreta davvero per poco


For more infomation >> "È già tutto deciso". Si è saputo: la notizia su Salvini che lui non è riuscito a bloccare - Duration: 3:49.


Coupe du monde: les Bleus doivent-ils avoir peur de l'Argentine? - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde: les Bleus doivent-ils avoir peur de l'Argentine? - Duration: 3:38.


刚做巫青团团长就警告林冠英,不要故意贬低国文! - Duration: 1:19.

 巫青新团长:贬低国文 "财长须道歉 收回中文稿"  新任 青团长拿督阿拉斯夫表示,巫青团严正看待财政部长林冠英使用中文 表官方文告,而非使用作为国家语文的马来文,并要林冠英向全马人 为贬低国文公开道歉及收回相关中文文告

 (吉隆坡25日讯)新任巫青团长拿督阿拉斯夫表示,巫青团 正看待财政部长林冠英使用中文发表官方文告,而非使用作为国家语 的马来文,并要林冠英向全马人民为贬低国文公开道歉及收回相关中 文告

 他今日发文告说,林冠英的做法完全不能接受,而且是蓄意玩弄 族情绪,侮辱马来文作为国家语文的地位。  "不要用了新马来 亚的名号后,所有的事情就要被禁止,甚至抵触联邦宪法,而宪法是 国独立61年以来维持和谐与和平的基础

"    他指出,此举也完全违背1963年/1967年国家 文法令,当中提及官方媒介语必须使用国文的条规,众所周知,当中 指的国文就是马来文。  "我要提醒他,作为在政坛的旧人,他理 更加敏锐及敏感,知道什么事情是不能触碰的,这是在联邦宪法阐明 同意的事项

"  他指出,联邦宪法的所有事项,包括国文地位都是自大马独 以来,大马民族文明及风俗的支柱,因此,如果正如林冠英之前所说 觉得自己更加是马来西亚人甚于华人,那么使用国文是不容妥协的

For more infomation >> 刚做巫青团团长就警告林冠英,不要故意贬低国文! - Duration: 1:19.


保羅:哈登配得上MVP榮譽 他最終會拿到總冠軍 - Duration: 1:45.

6月27日,據著名八卦媒體《TMZ》的報導,昨天的NBA頒 典禮,火箭球星詹姆斯-哈登拿到了例行賽的MVP,接受採訪的時 ,克里斯-保羅表示,哈登配得上這樣的榮譽,而且哈登未來會拿到 冠軍

哈登得到例行賽MVP,可以說是實至名歸,接受採訪的時候, 羅也表示,"MVP是哈登應得的。"而當記者問及保羅,MVP會 會是哈登生涯中最大的成就時,保羅回應稱,"他也會拿到總冠軍

" 對於保羅的說法,火箭主帥D'Antoni也表示支持,他認 哈登的MVP是毋庸置疑的。"毫無疑問,過去一個賽季,他是聯盟 出色的球員,事實上,過去三年,他都準備好了去拿到MVP

" 過去的一個賽季中,哈登場均出戰35.4分鐘,可以得到30 4分5.4個籃板8.8次助攻,投籃命中率為44.9%,三分球 中率為36.7%。而季後賽中,哈登場均出戰36.5分鐘,可以 到28.6分5.2個籃板6.8次助攻,投籃命中率為41%

哈登成為了2017-18賽季的MVP,而大帝Embiid已 準備好了去拿到下個賽季的MVP。今年,Embiid將成為著名 球遊戲《NBA live19》的封面人物,而上一位擔任這一遊 封面人物的球員,就是詹姆斯-哈登,他剛剛拿到了MVP

接受採訪的時候,Embiid表示自己職業生涯的下個目標, 是拿到MVP,而且他已經準備好了如何去慶祝。當記者問及Emb id他接下來的目標是什麼的時候,Embiid回應稱,"下個賽 拿到MVP,如果我拿到MVP,我不管走到哪里都會帶著

" 過去的一個賽季中,Embiid在76人場均出戰30.4分 ,可以得到22.9分11個籃板,投籃命中率為48.3%。而季 賽期間,Embiid場均出戰34.6分鐘,可以得到21.4分 2.6個籃板,投籃命中率為43.5%

For more infomation >> 保羅:哈登配得上MVP榮譽 他最終會拿到總冠軍 - Duration: 1:45.


Messi et l'Argentine s'attendent à un match "très compliqué" contre les Bleus - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Messi et l'Argentine s'attendent à un match "très compliqué" contre les Bleus - Duration: 3:12.


Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 3-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 1.0 60pk 3-DRS Move Up! | Executive pakket | Climatic - Duration: 1:10.


Volkswagen up! 5DRS MOVE UP! - AIRCO - VOORRAAD - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen up! 5DRS MOVE UP! - AIRCO - VOORRAAD - Duration: 0:53.


Corona resta sotto osservazione, i giudici: 'Deve disintossicarsi dalla droga' - Duration: 4:05.

 "Il percorso intrapreso da Fabrizio Corona resta lungo e faticoso, deve liberarsi dalla dipendenza fisica e psicologica delle droghe"

Questo è quello che scrivono in una nota i giudici del tribunale di Sorveglianza, citando in parte la relazione del carcere di Bollate, nel provvedimento che rinvia al prossimo autunno la decisione riguardo al mantenimento o meno dell'affidamento terapeutico concesso a Corona lo scorso febbraio, in maniera provvisoria

La relazione della Smi  Nella lunga relazione stilata dai Servizi Multidisciplinari Integrati dell'istituto penitenziario, che svolgono la funzione rieducativa del 'paziente', si legge che Corona ha diverse difficoltà: in primis a confrontarsi con gli altri [VIDEO] e in secundis a contare su sè stesso

 Ma non solo, si parla di un paziente che ha mostrato più volte insofferenza rispetto alle regole imposte dal programma di recupero, soprattutto nel seguire le attività da esso imposte

Il compito dei giudici non sarà semplice, se da una parte dovranno tenere conto dei passi avanti fatti da Corona, dall'altra non potranno non osservare queste criticità mostrate nei confronti del piano rieducativo

Per questo motivo si è deciso di prendere ulteriore tempo per valutare il comportamento di Fabrizio nel medio-lungo termine e poter trarre la decisione più corretta

La nuova udienza  I giudici hanno per ora sospeso il giudizio rinviando al prossimo 26 novembre l'udienza in cui verrà presa una decisione definitiva

Nel mentre Fabrizio Corona [VIDEO] resta in affidamento provvisorio e sotto la 'lente d'ingrandimento'

 Il sostituto Pg Antonio Lamanna, in seguito alle numerose violazioni perpetuate dall'ex re dei paparazzi, aveva chiesto la ricarcerazione

I giudici, a differenza del giudizio di Lamanna, hanno preferito optare per un nuovo periodo di osservazione: una decisione rara nei casi di persone che scontano la pena con misure alternative

Nel loro atto, hanno parlato della necessità di avere un 'giusto' rinvio per valutare la perfetta adesione del soggetto al piano di recupero

Una vera e propria ultima chance nella speranza che Corona capisca effettivamente il pieno rispetto delle regole e soprattutto che il trattamento risulti quanto più possibile efficace

La nuova vita dell'ex marito di Nina Moric passa inesorabilmente attraverso la piena presa di coscienza degli errori passati per evitare una futura carcerazione

Questo articolo è stato verificato con: https://milano.corriere.it/notizie/cronaca/18_giugno_25/processo-corona-giudici-serve-piu-tempo-decidere-affidamento-andato-palestra-orari-vietati-aa070dce-7860-11e8-a34f-88cbebf7b4e2_amp

html https://www.ilgiorno.it/milano/cronaca/fabrizio-corona-1.4001226 Chiedi la correzione di questo articolo

For more infomation >> Corona resta sotto osservazione, i giudici: 'Deve disintossicarsi dalla droga' - Duration: 4:05.


PHOTOS – Louane, femme fatale en mini-jupe en cuir et top dénudé aux épaules - Gala - Duration: 1:41.

 Louane, comme beaucoup de femmes, possède une tenue fétiche qu'elle sort pour les moments importants

Une tenue dans laquelle elle se sent bien et pour cause, elle lui va à ravir. La jeune chanteuse et actrice de 21 ans, en pleine promotion du film Les Affamés en salles le 27 juin 2018, adore le rouge et le noir et le combo : top rouge et mini-jupe en cuir

Un style qui lui va bien avec ce top manches courtes au col large qui dénude une de ses épaules et cette jupe en cuir, très stylée avec cette petite ceinture

Une jupe courte qui dévoile ses jolies jambes. Pour casser l'effet trop sexy s'il en est, Louane assortit sa tenue de boots noires et d'une jolie coiffure wavy

 Un look qu'elle adore et qu'elle arborait déjà en couverture de Télé 7 jours daté du 18 juin et lors du concert live donné dans l'appart' de Gala

Une tenue fétiche, sexy qui fait de Louane, une vraie femme fatale. Crédits photos : bestimage

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Louane, femme fatale en mini-jupe en cuir et top dénudé aux épaules - Gala - Duration: 1:41.


Meurtre de Sophie Lionnet : le couple condamné à la perpétuité - Duration: 5:09.

 Les Français Sabrina Kouider et Ouissem Medouni ont été condamnés mardi à la prison à vie, assortie d'une peine de sûreté de trente ans, pour le meurtre à Londres de leur jeune fille au pair Sophie Lionnet

Les peines ont été prononcées par la cour criminelle de l'Old Bailey qui, le 24 mai, avait reconnu le couple coupable du meurtre, en septembre 2017, de la jeune fille de 21 ans, dont le corps carbonisé avait été retrouvé dans leur jardin

 Aussi lourde soit-elle, cette sentence ne saurait « refléter la valeur de la vie » de Sophie Lionnet, a déclaré le juge Nicholas Hilliard, soulignant que sa famille « ne se remettra jamais » de sa mort

Kouider et Medouni ont également été condamnés à cinq ans et demi de prison pour obstruction à la justice pour avoir tenté de faire disparaître le corps de Sophie en le brûlant

 Avant de prononcer les peines, le juge avait écouté les avocats des accusés et pris en compte les expertises psychiatriques du couple

Les médecins ont conclu que Sabrina Kouider souffrait de troubles mentaux et d'obsessions

Elle « retournera immédiatement à l'hôpital », a déclaré le juge.  Pendant le procès, Medouni et Kouider avaient tous deux plaidé non coupables du chef d'accusation de meurtre, évoquant un accident et rejetant chacun la responsabilité sur l'autre, mais ils avaient reconnu avoir tenté de brûler le corps la jeune fille originaire de Troyes (sud-est de Paris)

Selon l'accusation, le couple était persuadé d'un complot fomenté par Sophie Lionnet avec Mark Walton, l'un des fondateurs du groupe Boyzone et père d'un des enfants de Sabrina Kouider, pour droguer et abuser sexuellement des membres de leur famille

Un fantasme, sans fondement, dans lequel ils se sont enfermés, a souligné le juge mardi

Désir de vengeance  Mardi, le juge s'est dit convaincu que, malgré ses troubles mentaux, les agissements de Kouider « sont attribuables à un désir de vengeance »

« Vous saviez tous les deux que ce que vous faisiez était terriblement mal », a-t-il lancé aux deux condamnés

Le magistrat a insisté sur le fait que les accusations portées par les accusés envers Sophie étaient totalement fausses

« On peut dire en toute confiance qu'il n'y avait aucune vérité [dans les accusations selon lesquelles] Sophie a maltraité ou abusé de qui que ce soit, ou sur le fait qu'elle était de connivence avec Mark Walton

[.] C'était une fiction complète », a-t-il dit.  Dans une lettre adressée à Sophie et à sa famille et lue par son avocat, Icah Peart, mardi, Sabrina Kouider affirme être « profondément désolée pour ce qui est arrivé à Sophie »

« Je pense à toi tous les jours », ajoute-t-elle. Le corps de Sophie avait été retrouvé en septembre dernier par les pompiers, alertés par des voisins du couple, intrigués par une importante fumée et une « horrible » odeur se dégageant de leur propriété du sud-ouest de Londres

Le corps présentait de multiples fractures, aux côtes, au sternum ou à la mâchoire, mais en raison des brûlures la cause exacte de la mort n'a pas pu être déterminée

 La jeune fille s'occupait des deux enfants que Sabrina Kouider avait eus avec d'anciens compagnons

Arrivée à Londres en janvier 2016, elle n'avait jamais pu rentrer en France, et vivait sous l'emprise de ses employeurs, qui la nourrissaient peu, ne la payaient quasiment pas et la battaient, selon des voisins

For more infomation >> Meurtre de Sophie Lionnet : le couple condamné à la perpétuité - Duration: 5:09.


Police presence surrounds a JetBlue flight at JFK 'because the cockpit is not communicating' - Duration: 4:39.

AJetBlue pilot accidentally told air traffic control that his plane had been hijacked, sparking a massive police response at John F

Kennedy International Airport in New York.The pilot had apparently told controllers that the aircraft was having radio issues, but used the code to signal a hijacking, the New York Post reports

The incident led to dozens of Port Authority police and firefighters surrounding JetBlue flight 1623 around 8pm on Tuesday stopping it from getting near the terminal

'Shortly before departure, Flight 1623 from New York JFK to Los Angeles experienced a radio issue impacting the crew's ability to communicate and a false alarm was sent to JFK tower,' she said in a statement

'While communication was reestablished via alternate channels, authorities responded in an abundance of caution

The aircraft was cleared and returned to the gate for inspection.' A Port Authority spokeswoman said the plane 'was inspected and cleared with no security threat', the Post reports

It was reported earlier Tuesday night police responded after the cockpit had stopped communicating with tower officials

Department of Homeland Security and the FBI were said to be on the scene.The Federal Aviation Administration released a statement saying the aircraft 'experienced a radio equipment problem while taxing for departure at John F

Kennedy International Airport'.The LAX-bound flight departed the gate just before 7

30pm but never left the ground.'The crew requested to return to the ramp.The FAA will investigate,' the statement continued

It was later determined that the aircraft experienced a broken radio but air traffic controllers initially feared that the plane might have been hijacked after the pilots stopped communicating

About 30 minutes into the incident, dozens of police had the plane surrounded.Terrified passengers tweeted photos from inside the aircraft saying they were told to put their hands in the air as armed guards searched the plane

'Woah.My worst nightmare.JFK to LAX right now, honestly thought we were going to die,' tweeted passenger Alexa Curtis

'I AM ALIVE THANK GOSH I MEDITATE U GUYS what is going on'.Curis, a blogger from California, later tweeted that the incident was 'traumatizing'

She said hundreds of people are now stuck at JFK trying to figure out to get to Los Angeles, where the JetBlue flight was headed

Another passenger, Tony Schwartz, tweeted that ten 'heavily armed guards' stormed the flight

The plane was stuck on the runway for an hour-and-a-half before it was towed back to the gate

For more infomation >> Police presence surrounds a JetBlue flight at JFK 'because the cockpit is not communicating' - Duration: 4:39.


美媒:中国歼-10改进型成美军大威胁 - Duration: 5:59.

For more infomation >> 美媒:中国歼-10改进型成美军大威胁 - Duration: 5:59.


Tommy Lee slams Howard Stern for 'suggesting he is to blame for Heather Locklear's issues' - Duration: 4:44.

Tommy Lee has slammed Howard Stern after the radio host blamed his ex-wife Heather Locklear's recent arrests and substance abuse issues on their marriage

The 55-year-old rocker took to Twitter to unleash a torrent of abuse targeting Stern in the wake of the latter's tongue-in-cheek comments about the Melrose Place actress on his radio show

Stern reportedly said that being married to Tommy Lee and Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora had 'driven Locklear crazy'

In response, the Mötley Crüe drummer posted: '@HowardStern Queen of media! How dare you blame me for Heathers recent troubles! [sic] 'That was like 24 years ago you idiot! #cowardsterntimewarp you should be wishing her well and not bashing me f***head!!! Wtf is wrong with you? I normally don't respond to this stuff

f***ing BS!!' Lee's social media outrage comes a day after Locklear, who was married to the drummer from 1986 to 1993, was arrested on suspicion of fighting with first responders for the second time this year

Locklear appeared extremely intoxicated when deputies arrived at her Southern California home at about 11 p

m.Sunday to investigate a dispute between Locklear and either family members or friends, Ventura County Sheriff's Capt

Garo Kuredjian said.Locklear kicked one of the deputies then kicked a paramedic who was called to evaluate her because of her intoxication, Kuredjian said

She was taken to a hospital then taken to jail and booked on two misdemeanor battery counts, he said

Locklear was released Monday morning after posting $20,000 bail, and later checked herself in to a treatment facility, a person close to Locklear said

The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because of medical privacy restrictions

Locklear's managers did not immediately return an email seeking comment.In February, she was arrested under similar circumstances and charged with four misdemeanor counts of battery on an officer

Authorities say she attacked four deputies called to her home because of a dispute with her boyfriend

She has pleaded not guilty in that case, which remains pending.The 56-year-old actress was among the biggest television stars of the 1980s and 1990s, with roles on 'Dynasty,' ''T

J.Hooker' and 'Melrose Place.' She still works frequently, with recurring roles on cable shows like 'Franklin & Bash' and the Tyler Perry series 'Too Close to Home

' But she has struggled in recent years with substance abuse.In 2008, she was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of prescription drugs

She pleaded to a lesser charge of reckless driving and was sentenced to unsupervised probation

For more infomation >> Tommy Lee slams Howard Stern for 'suggesting he is to blame for Heather Locklear's issues' - Duration: 4:44.


La inteligencia de los pulpos: Otras mentes, Peter Godfrey-Smith - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> La inteligencia de los pulpos: Otras mentes, Peter Godfrey-Smith - Duration: 4:56.


Noah Omri Levin - Pilot Episode - Why I Am Doing This - Duration: 8:46.

Okay friends out there on the Internetz. People are asking what the plan is

what the deal is with my Instagram posts, these videos...

why don't we find out what I'm up to

I wanted to set out to build an amazing set of recordings, these videos...

put them out there for you all to explore the world of digital

I wanted to do this to connect to you, the people out there listening to this, my friends, old co-workers,

people in the industry, people not yet in the industry, people who want

to get into data analytics and digital marketing, business intelligence...

I want to hear from you and I want to be helping you thrive in this world

we're gonna start off with some behavioral traits

there's personality tests that are out there and there's behavioral assessments

I'm much more into the behavioral side the reason for that is that personality

traits aren't observable. There's a lot of internal, intrinsic... being... there

that I just find hard to understand and hard to see in somebody when you first meet them.

Behavior is something you see on the surface. It's how we like to behave

It's our preferences for environments

it's whether we like to go fast or slow it's whether we're people oriented or

results and facts oriented. It's how we go about solving problems

Do we trust you at the beginning of a relationship or does it take time to earn that trust?

Are you somebody who is risk-averse or do you take some risks here or there?

how do we work with various different types of people

you get data people who are not necessarily the same guys as your sales and

marketing department. The guy leading the company has a totally different

personality, totally different behaviors, than the guy who's running your digital analytics

all of these factors change how we do business every day and when

you can understand yourself when you understand where you're coming from and

what you bring to the table... what your preferences are and you take

that and you also apply that as you understand where they're coming from,

now there's some magic that can happen

there's so much to be done and I wanted

to be connecting to the people out there to see if I could make a difference

I teach classes at a great organization, General Assembly. I head downtown a couple times

a month to teach a 101 class and it's one of my favorite things to do because

there's just such a passion in the people that show up and I'm hoping to

ignite that. There's an ember in every single person out there

and figuring out what it takes to light it up to make you glow that's what...

that's the business that I'm in. We need minds... we need more people

in this world and it is not beyond your reach

We're also going to look at why you choose an agency over an in-house team

or some hybrid of the two. We'll talk about what's happening in the digital

agency world and companies like ours that went from a digital media company,

a digital media agency and is shifting towards business intelligence and data

analytics and why we've made those moves while still retaining our prowess in the

digital marketing space. I'll be talking about opportunities that those of you

that are in the industry... you can take in your local communities

I found immense opportunities to be speaking ,to teach, to build the industry

a lot of times we complain about the lack of talent that's out there in our

industry and the reality is is that we're the ones that can solve that.

That is the group that's going to educate the next generation of amazing digital

marketers, of people in the data analytics space, people who know tag management,

people who understand marketing automation who understand what

it takes to leverage AI in an effective way who also can apply that to brands

and how to build and grow influence in the marketplace

so I'm really excited to get this started and hear from all of you

so much of our success and failure rides on the people involved. Many of the actual problems

that we deal with on a daily basis are not that complicated

as much as coding and data analytics... a lot of these pieces they can

be complicated but many of the things that need to get done have been mapped

out, the roadmaps are clear, and really what needs to happen is pretty pretty

much worked out it's just a matter of getting those people the people involved

the stakeholders on the client side you know in the agency world and the

people across the business units that need to be activated to

get them excited motivated to enable them to really thrive in their

roles and align them with the vision of what could be possible. I think it would be

helpful to just give you some background on

where I came from how I ended up where I'm at today. I was working at a large digital

agency in New York City really focused specifically on automation around

Paid Search and how to make our lives at the time

better as marketers. Paid Search being the ads that you see on Google, Bing that was

my specialty and I spent a lot of time with really awesome people at Razorfish

learning Marin media management technology at the time that was

extremely popular still popular today... great people over there... and I was

brought down to Atlanta to help roll that out. The thing that really attracted

me to join Search Discovery was the founders passion his name is

Lee Blankenship he was just always interested in creating an environment

for people the thrive. He worked in a larger agency didn't get that experience

himself and he just set out to fix it for the world which is an amazing thing

So that was not an easy decision there were 16 people at Search Discovery of

the time and the easy route would have been

go with the big agency and build yourself up, get lots of experience with large clients. Instead,

just seeing a person who started a company purely to create an environment

for people to thrive really just blew my mind, it was not something I had experienced elsewhere

our heard of... so I took the gamble

I joined up with as I said there are 16 people

six years later we're around 103

again with large brands, amazing work with amazing people really that have come into play

but what's built it up entire time, what what's gotten us to where we are today

has been to focus on the people. What I'd love to see from all of

you is subscribing following wherever you see this whether it's LinkedIn

Instagram and excited to hear the feedback see the comments can't wait to

do more of this with you and hopefully will make a difference

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