Jio Latest Offers 2018
Jio Unlimited Offers 2018
251310 - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
I Am Sandy Hill / Côte-de-Sable c'est moi - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Piramide Suerte Decenas Sorteo del Domingo 1 Julio 2018 Loteria Nacional Panama Dominical Numeros - Duration: 1:15.-------------------------------------------
Germany boss Joachim Low REFUSES to blame Arsenal star Mesut Ozil for World Cup calamity ● #AFC - Duration: 2:14.GERMANY manager Joachim Low has refused to blame the nation's humiliating World Cup
exit on Mesut Ozil.
The holders were dumped out in the group stage after losing 2-0 to South Korea.
That meant Germany managed just two goals in their three matches and were unimpressive
But Arsenal star Ozil, who has been criticised for his performances, was not blamed by Low.
"Today, because of a number of bans and injuries, we had to make changes," the Germany
manager explained.
"In 2014 and 2017 that was also the case, it happens.
"A team only begins to gel later at the tournament, so it makes sense to bring some
[players] in and let it [the gelling process] go easy on them.
"It wasn't only Ozil, a number of other players didn't perform as they normally would.
I take responsibility for that and stand up for that, but I thought it was a good team.
"I didn't think Thomas Muller had been that convincing in the first two matches and I
wanted to make a point there [by dropping him].
"Towards the finish when we realised we needed a goal we took a defender out late
on and that meant we became less structured, but we couldn't wait, we had to risk.
"We needed to throw things forward and it opened things up in defence."
Germany being dumped out meant Sweden and Mexico have made it to the last 16 in Russia.
Ozil was also criticised by some Arsenal fans last season for his displays as the Gunners
finished sixth in the Premier League.
New manager Unai Emery will have a tough decision to make over the Germany international and
his future at the Emirates.
嗆柯「不要做中共同路人」丟鞋抗議 柯P:逮捕就好了 | 演習柯P被丟鞋 | 要聞 | 聯合新聞網 - Duration: 1:57.嗆柯「不要做中共同路人」丟鞋抗議 柯P:逮捕就好了 用LINE傳送 +分享 享留言列印 A-A+ 2018-06-28 10:50聯合報 記者邱瓊玉╱即時報 台北車站今上午舉辦大規模災防演練,台北市長柯文哲出席視察,不料演習還沒 始,台灣國辦公室主任陳峻涵卻突然拿著紅色拖鞋衝出來對柯文哲丟鞋抗議,嗆柯文哲「不 做中共同路人」,這已是柯文哲近來第二度被丟鞋抗議
台北車站防災演習上午舉行,出席的台北市長柯文哲在接受媒體專訪時,突有抗議民眾 左)企圖丟向柯文哲,場面混亂。記者高彬原/攝影 分享 facebook 事發時,隨扈反應迅速火速衝出來擋下陳峻涵,但拖鞋也丟出,但沒丟中柯文哲,卻丟到幕 的頭,陳峻涵還丟了一瓶水,瓶水灑了一地
不滿柯文哲從「墨綠」變「全身紅」,3月底時柯文哲出席活動時,即有獨派人 埋伏丟鞋突襲,當時也被隨扈擋下,台灣國辦公室隨後強調發起「臭鞋丟臭人」運動,強調 用鞋子把柯文哲丟到下台為止,柯文哲則是回嗆「要丟準一點」
今天上午陳峻涵手持貼有「臭鞋丟臭柯」的紅色拖鞋,趁著災防演習尚未開始前,突 衝出丟鞋,但沒丟中柯。柯文哲一旁見狀則是小聲的說「逮捕,把他逮捕就好了」。 體詢問,是否覺得隨扈反應很快?柯文哲說,可以了啦
是否有被嚇到?柯文哲則說,還好啦,司空見慣了。 台北車站防災演習上午舉行,出席 台北市長柯文哲在接受媒體專訪時,突有抗議民眾企圖丟向柯文哲,場面混亂。記者高彬原 攝影 分享 facebook 台北車站防災演習上午舉行,出席的台北市長柯 哲(右四)在接受媒體專訪時,突有抗議民眾(左一)企圖丟向柯文哲,場面混亂
記者高彬原/攝影 分享 facebook 台灣國辦公室主任陳峻涵今天手持 有「臭鞋丟臭顆」的紅色拖鞋,趁著災防演習尚未開始前,突然衝出打算丟鞋抗議,所幸被 扈擋下
記者邱瓊玉/攝影 分享 facebook
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Tesla Model S 85D 422PK 4WD S INCL BTW | Next Generation stoelen | Autopilot | Panoramadak - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Audi Q5 2.0 TFSI quattro Pro Line S PANORAMADAK LEDER NAVI CLIMATE CONTROL PARKEERSENSOR ZEER COMPLE - Duration: 1:08.-------------------------------------------
Brésil : Neymar dévoile ses ambitions pour le Mondial ! - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Eva Longoria enceinte de jumeaux ? Elle répond à la rumeur ! - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Tristan Thompson réconcilié avec Khloé Kardashian, sa fille True est son sosie - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
【视频】哈迪律师亲口承认,聂阿都录音属实! - Duration: 3:41.伊党收取9000万献金案 律师坦承聂阿都录音声效属实 载文章:透视大马 伊斯兰党主席哈迪阿旺代表律师向伦敦 庭承认,伊党万捷国会议员聂阿都承认收取巫统资金录音声效属实, 哈迪阿旺将会亲自向法庭证明录音中的说词已被"曲解"
(透视大马:档案照) 根据《砂拉越报告》报道,伊斯兰党主 哈迪阿旺代表律师向伦敦高庭承认,伊党万捷国会议员聂阿都承认收 巫统献金录音声效属实,惟哈迪阿旺将会亲自向法庭证明录音中的说 已被"曲解"
报导指出,哈迪阿旺正努力向法庭指出录音中的"说词"已遭误 ,哈迪阿旺的代表律师贾谷迪恩说,正确的诠释将会于7月31日在 敦高庭抗辩时提呈。 伦敦高庭已经择定明年4月1日听审哈迪 旺越洋提告砂拉越报告主编克莱尔指控他收取巫统9000万令吉的 论
哈迪阿旺的律师指出,聂阿都以及其他在录音中交谈的人士,相 是哈迪阿旺女婿查哈鲁汀慕哈末将会在审讯供证。 贾谷迪 庭上指出,正在接触约8到9名证人,对宗教学校接获献金供证
"负责选举事项的起诉人政治秘书都知道这些相关费用,还有起 人的友人玛祖基也承认伊党接获这些献金。" "看起来他 (玛 基)应该供证,还有伊党总财政。还有被指收取金钱的户头信托人至 1至2人,这已经让供证人数增至6人,还有录音中的人士聂阿都, 是我们预计供证的人数
" 代表律师也在庭上告知哈迪阿旺有意飞赴伦敦支持这项对《 拉越报告》的诉讼。 《砂拉越报告》在2016年8月揭露伊斯 党高层收取前任首相纳吉9000万令吉政治献金,哈迪阿旺遂于2 17年4月越洋到伦敦诉讼,要求法庭就砂拉越报告就该篇报道发出 令及赔偿
哈迪阿旺也曾驳斥辩方提呈的录音是虚假,因此对方指控 阿都为其儿子。 聂阿都于今年2月28日撇清他非录音中的人士 并指这项指控为诽谤垃圾,并表示上苍会惩罚那些散播录音及指控他 人士
"伊党是一个不会涉及违反伊斯兰的政党,包括向巫统索贿及追 行动党。" 根据录音文字如下: "在砂拉越大选期间,人 与巫统合作以击败行动党,至于资金的事情,哈迪阿旺已经获得巫统 资金,我拿了巫统的钱,大家都声称拿了巫统的钱
在众多我们获得巫统的资助的原因之一是,巫统协助我们获胜, 10至11个,这是我们的精明,巫统是愚蠢,为何有人一再问我们 于巫统的献金?这个课题已经过去,不是问题?哈伦丁不是一个课题 今天的会议…不是问题
….我已经与哈迪会面,他说,你很幸运,拿了巫统的钱,就让 们做我们想做的事情,但别用作我们私人用途,用在宗教事务上,这 我们与巫统关系良好的原因,为何纳吉愿意接受法案修正案
" 新闻来源:https://www.themalaysi 年十一月,伊斯兰党前副主席胡桑慕沙也表示,他亲眼见过伊党领袖 收巫统超过9000万令吉
胡桑慕沙也是国家诚信党沙罗州议员,他昨晚在面子书上传一项 话会视频时说,汇款交易是透过艾芬银行(Affin Bank) 行。 "我不是胡说,我是亲眼见到资料,以及确认资料准确,才 的
" 他说,该笔款项透过艾芬银行,汇给一些与伊党领导层有关的 党。 他还说,伊党领袖所接收的款项,是超过9000万令 。 "在我早前的演讲,我没提及款项数额
我只是提起艾芬银行。" 胡桑慕沙在接受对话会主持人赛依布拉 (Syed Ibrahim Syed Noh)访问时直言:" 了款项数额,我坚持我所说过的话。" 前年8月6日,《砂拉越 告》刊登一篇评论,指伊党最高领导层收取了首相拿督斯里纳吉的9 00万令吉,以便支持国阵和巫统
消息震惊政坛,但伊党否认,并指该篇评论具有恶意。 因此,伊 主席拿督斯里哈迪阿旺起诉《砂拉越报告》主编克莱,要求停止指控 索取赔偿。 而克莱在答辩书中,说明曾在2016年7月, 洽净选盟前主席拿督安美嘉讨论纳吉、伊党和一马发展公司(1MD )课题
克莱说,安美嘉声称有关"纳吉汇9000万令吉给伊党领袖" 情,都是来自"可靠"消息。 另外,本月4日,纳吉否认支付伊 9000万令吉,以阻止后者继续质问有关一马发展公司的课题
✅ Émilie Fiorelli : Son tatouage en hommage à sa fille Louna ! - Duration: 1:59.Révélée dans Secret Story 9, le programme de télé-réalité qu'elle a remporté en 2016, Émilie Fiorelli s'est depuis éloignée de la sphère médiatique
À la place, elle a rejoint le club des influenceuses mode sur les réseaux sociaux
Du côté de sa vie privée, la Marseillaise est en couple avec le footballeur M'Baye Niang et filait déjà le parfait amour avec lui lorsqu'elle a appris qu'elle était enceinte
Près d'un an plus tard, le 22 avril 2018, Émilie accouchait et donnait naissance à une petite fille, qu'elle a appelée Louna
Épanouie dans sa nouvelle vie, la jeune maman a décidé de se faire tatouer le prénom et la date de naissance de sa fille
Une manière de prouver son affection et de l'avoir toujours auprès d'elle. "Mon amour de ma vie gravée dans ma peau", inscrit-t-elle en légende de sa story Instagram
La relation entre unz mère et sa fille est souvent très forte, Émilie l'aura bien compris
C'est pourquoi elle a également tenu à symboliser l'amour inconditionnel qu'elle porte pour sa mère, Chantal, en lui offrant aussi une place pour un tatouage
Opel ADAM 1.0 TURBO 90PK S&S JAM FAVORITE - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Vogue šokuje modelkou s vosím pasem sešněrovaným na 33 centimetrů - Duration: 2:13.Na snímku, který fotil Steven Meisel, e Tennantová oblečená do kabátu značky P ada a pas má stažený na 33 centimetrů
Snímek je inspirován skutečnou postavou Ethel Grangerovou. Ta žila v letech 1905 až 1982 a pyšnila se titulem nositelky n južšího pasu na světě
Stále je s 33 centimetry zapsaná v Gui nessově knize rekordů. Grangerová také e perimentovala s piercingem, nosila někol k kroužků a kruhů v uších i v nose
Své tělo však trýznila především neustá ým stahováním do korzetu, aby měla pas d slova jako vosa
Ethel Grangerová, žena s nejužším pasem na světě Korzet Tennantové pro snímek na rhla Deborah Milnerová, a i když je mode ka velmi štíhlá, do nejužšího pasu na sv tě by se ji podařilo těžko jen tak sešně ovat
Magazín tak musel přistoupit k retuši. Chce tím upozornit na bizarnosti ve svět módy
Už se ale ozvaly hlasy, které podobné s ímky odsuzují jako šíření módy extrémníc tělesných proporcí, která ohrožuje zdra í mnoha dívek
Four Ways to Get Rid of Bunions and Corns - Duration: 8:01.Four Ways to Get Rid of Bunions and Corns
Bunions and corns can appear on the feet for a variety of reasons.
While they're not usually dangerous, they can cause physical discomfort, insecurity, and problems with self-esteem.
Read on to find out more about this problem and learn the most effective and appropriate solutions according to your needs.
What are bunions and corns?.
Bunions and corns are protuberances either of bone or skin that appear for a variety of reasons, ranging from genetic factors to poor choice in footwear.
These lumps are harmless most of the time.
Keep in mind, however, that in the following cases you will require the attention of a specialist:.
Patients with diabetes.
Inflammation or increased temperature in the area around the bunion.
Bleeding. Difficulty walking.
Bone protrusions.
How can you distinguish between bone or skin protrusions?.
Knowing which type of protrusion you have is really important because your treatment will depending on this distinction.
Bone protrusions are usually hard to the touch and appear in the joints, the most common one being the big toe.
This is known as a classic bunion.
The treatment to correct these includes using special pads and braces, as well as orthopedic shoes and splints.
Before you start any corrective processes, it's important to have the diagnosis and recommendations from a specialist.
On the other hand, a protrusion can appear in places where you've had constant friction between your skin and another item, such as a shoe.
These are known as corns, which are thickened skin that's usually found on the top or the sides of the toes, as well as the bottom of your feet.
They can be eliminated without difficulty with some simple methods.
Today, we want to share four great options that you can choose from for treating bunions and corns on the feet.
Treatments for bunions and corns.
1, Aspirin and lemon juice.
The acetylsalicylic acid found in aspirin is used in dermatology for its anti-inflammatory properties and to help fight acne.
It's also the active ingredient in many of the patches that are available on the market for corns.
In this instance, it will be combined with the antiseptic properties of lemon juice.
Ingredients. 5 or 6 aspirin tablets.
The juice from 1 lemon.
What should you do?.
Crush five or six aspirin tablets into a powder and add the lemon juice until a paste is formed.
Apply this mixture to the affected area and cover it with gauze and a plastic bag for 10 minutes.
Rinse after the indicated time has passed.
Repeat this every day for one or two weeks.
2, Apple cider vinegar and bread.
Apple cider vinegar has very powerful antiseptic properties that help soften hardened skin.
Ingredients. 1 slice of bread.
1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml).
What should you do?.
For this simple but effective treatment, soak a small slice of bread in apple cider vinegar.
Wash your feet with warm water and place the moistened bread over the corn.
Affix it to the area with some gauze and medical tape.
Allow this remedy to work overnight.
Repeat every night until you get results.
3, Pumice stone and Epsom salts.
3 tablespoons of Epsom salts (30 g).
Water (as much as you need). Utensils.
A bucket. A pumice stone.
What should you do?.
Soak your feet in a bucket of warm water and Epsom salts for 10 minutes.
After that time, rub them with the pumice stone for two minutes, taking care not to harm the skin.
It's important to apply this treatment every day and stop if your protrusion starts to bleed or hurt.
4, Aloe vera.
To use aloe vera, all you need to do is cut a leaf in two and scrape the gel from the plant.
Apply it to the affected area and leave it on overnight.
Soon, you'll see that your corn disappears.
Tips to prevent their reappearance.
Remember that your feet work hard every day, so you should pamper them by choosing comfortable shoes that fit properly and don't pinch.
Don't wear high heels, as problems such as bunions can arise from them.
Avoid footwear with a narrow forefoot that can prevent your toes from resting comfortably, which leads to the formation of corns.
Use pads and extra support in your shoes, along with protectors for the joints of your big toes.
Clonage : l'homme doit-il réellement faire revenir les espèces animales éteintes ? - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
El grupo C finaliza en Rusia 2018 con Francia y Dinamarca en Octavos de final - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
Haute-Vienne : les médecins de Limoges testent un système d'alerte en cas d'agression - Duration: 3:14.Afin de prévenir les agressions de médecins en Haute-Vienne, la ville de Limoges expérimente un dispositif inédit : les médecins de garde sont équipés depuis près de deux semaines d'un bouton poussoir afin de donner l'alerte, rapporte France Bleu Limousin
En cas d'agression ou de menace, le médecin appuie sur le bouton, et un mail contenant son nom, son numéro de téléphone et sa géolocalisation est envoyé au Samu et à la police
Pour l'instant, une quarantaine de médecins, qui assurent les gardes, sont équipés de ce système inédit en France
Il leur est fourni gratuitement. En cas de d'alerte, la police pourra rapidement mobiliser la patrouille la plus proche, et les agents interviendront dès que le Samu aura confirmé qu'il y a un problème
"On a un peu détourné une application faite au départ pour géolocaliser les chiens de chasse perdus", précise le docteur Eric Rouchaud, le médecin de Limoges qui a passé deux ans à développer ce dispositif
"65% des agressions verbales ou physiques se produisent dans nos cabinets" Depuis des années déjà, les médecins pouvaient demander à être accompagnés par la police ou les gendarmes pour des visites en zone sensible ou avec des patients agressifs
Mais les tensions ne s'anticipent pas toujours et peuvent survenir partout. D'ailleurs, "65% des agressions verbales ou physiques se produisent dans nos cabinets", selon Eric Rouchaud
Le but de ce système est avant tout de rassurer les médecins car "les agressions ne sont pas très nombreuses en Haute-Vienne, mais le sentiment d'insécurité existe pour les médecins", précise Eric Rouchaud
En 2016 et 2017, il y a ainsi eu seulement 18 signalements d'agressions verbales ou physiques faits auprès de l'ordre des médecins
En général, environ la moitié débouche sur une plainte. A partir de mi-juillet, ce dispositif devrait être proposé à tous les médecins de Limoges qui le souhaitent
En revanche, l'installation sera peut-être payante pour eux (environ 80 euros) sauf si des subventions viennent couvrir ces frais d'ici là
Et le but est de le généraliser à toute la Haute-Vienne en décembre. Sujets associés
how i learn japanese (thank you for 10k+) - Duration: 24:38.hi guys it looks like a lot of you wanted the Japanese video so here it is
it's gonna be long I hope you can listen through all of it I hope it's not too
boring and I hope that you can take a thing or two out of it first off
know that some of you might want to start learning but cant afford to take
classes be it due to cost or time so I want to say that you don't necessarily need
to take Japanese lessons to study Japanese I took Japanese classes as a
free elective in university for two semesters and I personally think that
going to classes to study something you like kinda ruins the learning process I
don't mean to say that classes arent fun but sometimes I just want to study at my
own pace and not be chased by deadlines for homework or having to memorize a whole
list of vocabulary for tests and then forgetting everything the moment
you're done with it and of course I'm not saying that no you shouldn't
take lessons if you can and you want to feel free to so it's nice to have a
qualified teacher tell you what's wrong whats right and just guide you through the whole
thing it's just that usually if you take lessons you tend to force yourself to
memorize vocabulary grammar rules other exceptions and whatnot and I feel like
it's not an effective way to learn a language or to learn anything, really
instead of memorizing I think the best way is to slowly get used to it and
get yourself exposed to the language frequently one day you'll realize that it
just sort of comes naturally to you you know so for this video I'm just gonna
tell you how I study what apps I use other resources and such just to
remind you these methods are what works for me
these might not work for everyone but I try my best to make learning fun and just to
remind you again no one said this was gonna be easy and the only way to get
through this is through perseverance determination hard work constant
practice and last not least your love for the language itself
so yeah that's get to it so if you're just starting to learn the first thing you do
is of course learn your hiragana and katakana so this is for those who ask me how I
memorize my kanji and hiragana or katakana an easy way to study is
through your favorite Japanese songs go search for the lyrics of a Japanese song
you really like and just start writing everything in hiragana you can use the
hiragana chart of course which you can find anywhere on the Internet
and just keep practicing again you don't have to force yourself to memorize the
more you practice the easier it gets over time listen to the song as you're
practicing just relax and take it slow it's not a race you don't have to rush
same goes for your katakana and when you're done writing down your hiragana katakana
lyrics close your tab and try reading out what you've written down next you're
gonna want to practice your listening skills and when I say listening skills
I meant recognizing words being said if you're still new to a language it'll
sound like gibberish in your ears so you're gonna want to practice
recognizing them even if you don't understand what it means start out with anime
that cover lighter topics like romance or slice-of-life or just
anything that isn't too heavy I say to start with anime because voice actors
generally pronounce and enunciate words slowly and very clearly
so next time you're chilling and watching anime instead of just focusing
on the subs try listening to what has been said also
use your headphones because it makes listening a lot easier you'll find yourself
picking up words soon once you get used to it
once you think you're comfortable with that you can move on to watching seiyuu
events TV programs live stages radios or basically anything that features a
natural everyday Japanese conversation this is because they usually speak a lot
faster compared to what you're used to hearing an anime if it's your first time
doing this you might not understand anything but don't worry about it when I
first started watching seiyuu events without subs I couldn't understand
anything either and I would just laugh when they laugh and I wouldn't know what
they're laughing about you know another point i wanna cover is to recognize your
pitch accents the Japanese language has only two pitch accents up and down to make
yourself sound more natural I do suggest that you learn to recognize those pitch
accents while listening if you're curious about the pitch accent for a certain
word there is a website that shows this very clearly or you can just head over
to Google Translate and press the speech button works just as well also I highly
recommend you start with standard pitch accent because that's most commonly used
this is where it starts to get difficult now maybe you're good with your hiragana
and katakana but kanji is on a whole nother level knowing Chinese beforehand
really helps but if you don't that's alright
so one website that I really recommend this is Wanikani I also just started
using this recently as well while searching for resources and I feel like
this really helps with learning your Japanese kanji because it helps you pace
yourself and and they help you keep reviewing the kanjis you have learned it's like if
you don't know any Chinese characters before this they help you break down
the Chinese characters and help you memorize by defining each of the
character so it really makes everything easier how did
I go about starting to read in Japanese a few years back I started translating
doujins and that is why I really improved in my Japanese reading skills
so I think on quick way to improve is by diving right into Japanese texts and how
do you do this now think of a social media you always open every day and
maybe almost every day say in my case it's Twitter so you can go and follow your
favorite Japanese artist and anime official twitters so the next time you scroll
through your timeline you can't help but read updates from them
I also highly recommend Twitter because not only does it load quickly but a
lot of Japanese artists and anime studios use this platform to communicate with
their fans also you don't really have to understand everything that is written
down the point is to practice reading so that it feels as natural as reading
something in your mother tongue you can always look up meaning of words using
websites when you feel a little more comfortable reading you can move on to
reading your favorite manga in Japanese like for example here I have a volume of
Daiya no ace ace of diamonds and three volumes of joker game that I've read so
I also suggest you pick up manga that has furigana at the side not only is it
easier to read but will help you with searching up specific words on the
dictionary if say you havent learned writing your kanji yet if you have yet
to learn how to write kanji and learning about stroke orders usually
manga under shounen jump or shoujo manga will have furigana on the side
if you decide to pick up the seinen or josei mangas
they don't always have furigana at the side because their target audience is
of an older age range so for last part is for writing so for this I
actually suggest you keep a journal and you can write anything you want like
everyday events like say what you ate today who did you meet what did you do
just simple stuff like thing I ate meat today
I drank soda water today i meet kaji san something like
that so you don't necessarily have to complete sentences say you wanna say
I ate meat today in Japanese kyou wa niku wo tabeta and say you don't know how to say
meat in Japanese you can just replace Niku with meat instead or if it's something
simple you can just look it up in the dictionary if it's something more
complicated then yeah you can keep replacing your English words not
everything has to be in Japanese and not everything has to be in kanji either if
you don't know how to write it although if you're using your phone and it can
convert directly to kanji but I highly suggest you write it down instead
because I heard that recently since people have been using more technology
they forget how to write kanji so I think it's better if you write it down
keep a journal yeah or but if you insist to write it on
your phone like say youre outside or something and I recommend you this app over
here which I always use and also when you read your
Japanese texts you can write down your vocab words like so write down your
kanji and then hiragana and the meaning of the word you don't
necessarily have to keep practicing them you don't have to keep writing them down
you can just occasionally look at it when you have the time so yeah just try to
make learning fun I guess since you already I'm assuming you all like anime
so you know you can go and buy doujins by drama CDs listen to more Japanese
music listen to radio seiyuu events and also a lot of people seem to think I'm
fluent but I'm really not like I still use the dictionary to look up stuff and also for
resources these are a few apps and websites that I highly suggest using
first is takoboto the Japanese dictionary this dictionary by the way is
offline which is great and also you can look up and say for example here a list
of word can look up like these kind of stuff you have your vocab you have your
kanji numbers counting and again you don't have to memorize if you don't want
to unless you have like a test the next day then I guess you have no choice
also one thing that I don't really like about this is that you can't write using
your finger like say you you want to search for word that you don't know how
to read you have so search it up according to like the strokes which is
very troublesome i dont like using it either but I just use it if I
already know how its read so yeah the second one I want to talk about is tangoristo
this is actually a Japanese news but I mean if you don't like to read news
that's okay I guess but uh I mean it's a news app but it's like really simplified it's
very easy to read and even though there are kanji words here and there like you
can just press it to look at the meaning and how its read there's also furigana
written there so it's just very convenient to use next one is
of course and you can also if you scroll down over here you can search
up like specific stuff and as you can see under every word under the word you
can see what level of Japanese that word is here you can play audio I think not
all words have audio but yeah here you can press show inflections basically you
can see these like positive or negative Next is Twitter of course like here
Yamashita Daiki twitter DaiKing_boy and yeah you can try reading
them slowly you do n't necessarily have to be able to read everything just try
you know like say over here a tweet from Miyake Kenta the voice actor of All Might
so yeah or like over here you can see
wow great content yeah anyway
he's so excited lucky for you
people in Los Angeles im so jealous look so good im hungry
he's so cute
this is kousuke kuwano sparkly boy's voice actor so here we have Kaji san's twitter
umm mostly news yeahhh you know sometimes im too lazy to read
these too but you know try your best good luck
xiao long bao now
look so good here we
have IshiKai's Twitter account looks like he hasn't tweeted for so long
but yeah you can look for more active artists I guess next thing I wanna
recommend is to follow Japanese artists from your favorite fandom like say from
heroaca cos usually they like to make like small comics and post them
on Twitter and you can try reading them it's fun you get content you know and
you get to learn Japanese as well it's the win-win situation like say for this
one from Touken Ranbu most of the time it's like simple Japanese so you can you know
just try your best as for learning grammar rules there's
this app called Tae Kim's learning Japanese it's very well designed well not well designed but
it's very detailed and guided it's pretty much like a textbook it's free
by the way you can just download it so like say you have lesson 1 hiragana katakana kanji
you have basic grammar expressing state of being it's pretty like i
haven't really used this because i actually learnt grammar in my Japanese
University class so I havent really look through this but looks pretty detailed
and well explained from what I've seen so far so you can use the you know it's
nices that it's in your phone so like if you're outside and you happen to have time
you can just you know sim through it a little next is like manga or like novels
if you're brave enough so I've been reading this novel to help me study
Japanese it's called genocidal organ
or gyakusatsu kikan because the other time it was airing and I went to watch it because
sakurai-san is there and then I decided to buy the novel I'm like half
regretting it because it's so difficult it's so high level but I was thinking
like say if I get through this then I think my Japanese will really improve a
lot so I think that's part of learning you know you cant always stay in your
comfort zone you have to keep challenging yourself like say you want
to start translating or writing stuff in Japanese like I know it's scary
you're afraid to know how bad you're at Japanese but then like if you don't try
then you wont ever get there you know the other thing I want to talk about
is motivation I think some of you mentioned this that you want to start
learning but you don't know how to you don't have the motivation to I wanna say
that it's a long process you're not gonna wake up the next day and be fluent
in Japanese you know don't think that you need to wait for motivation to
come to you I mean motivation is something that you
have to pull out of yourself like you have to start doing something to get
motivated at least that's what I think so if you're feeling unmotivated I say
you just sit down and just clean your table prepare everything and just start
writing anything it doesn't have to be like real studying and I feel like once
you get really on it will be easier it'll get easier I think and for listening I also
suggest a listening to a drama cds like here I have joker game drama cds
I don't know how many of you know joker game here but please watch it if you don't
know it's a great although I do suggest you start with like easier drama CDs like
usually high school theme usually are easier because they're more like daily
conversations and instead of like difficult subjects last thing I wanna recommend is
bilingual radio so basically in this radio like there's a male English speaker
and a Japanese female speaker they'll be discussing like news so basically the
female will be speaking in Japanese and the male be speaking in English so I used to
listen to that but things got a little busy but yeah I do
highly recommend that one and also if you worry about money and cost like that
like having to buying resources there's a lot of resources on the internet you
just have to look for them oh someone also asked about onyomi and kunyomi
this one is kind of complicated you'll have to get used to it there's no way to
like know you'll have to look it up because a lot of kanjis have a lot of different
readings so you'll just have to get used to it most of the time there's always
this one reading that's most commonly used
I cant really say that you have to memorize how did you start to think in Japanese I
don't think in Japanese I don't think im fluent enough to be thinking in
Japanese i still think in English most of the time what's a good way to understand
the sentence structure can try using the tae kim's leaning Japanese so you can
refer to that to practice it I do suggest you read a lot you'll notice like
sentence structures along the way you'll know if something is wrong a little explanation
on the honorifics would be great can you use the honorific kun with know because ive never seen it
if you havent notices iida always uses kun for his female classmates
like uraraka kun or yaoyorozu kun and isnt actually limited to male or boys you use it in
like a work setting or like bosses to their female employees for
example I heard that like in universities in Japan
female faculty members will be called using kun at the back by other faculty members so yeah
why does kaji use anata when talking to daiki i though it is only used for lovers or
someone you're very close with if you've taken Japanese lessons before
they actually tell you that anata is the most formal way to say you in order
of formality it'll be anata then kimi then omae but actually there are like certain
rules this you can't just use anata to anyone you see like you can't use this to
someone who is older than you actually kaji san only uses anata when
talking to daiki kun if he's like trying to call him out on his actions but like
generally he doesn't use it like he uses like if he's trying to get
daiki's opinion he would say like yamashita kun wa dou desu ka
or like daiki himself uses kaji san wa dou desu ka and also like if
you want to use you the safest bet is to use someone's name with the san at the back
so the reason why I think that memorizing isn't really efficient in
studying languages is because English isn't my first language I learnt
english since I was a little kid and I feel like the point where it really took off
like the point where I really started improving is when I started reading more
novels they were out of my comfort zone and also the school i went to everyone was
speaking English there so like I had to speak English and like it got easier
somewhere along the way like I don't remember ever having to like sit down
and practice or anything and even like the vocab words my teachers do teach
like English vocab words in classes but I feel like the most I got out off was from reading
novels instead of like the vocab words that my teachers teach like honestly I
don't remember anything so yeah I think that should be the same for like
learning Japanese so if youve learn a different language before I think that
you should try to remember how you learned it in the first place like even
for your first language it's not like you have to like if you're
memorizing something you're drawing it out of your brain it's like you're
reciting a language instead of like using it to communicate you know and I
remember i actually had to learn Chinese in school and like of course we had
to like memorise vocabs and like grammar rules and like have dictation test
every now and then like and I feel like it's like so ineffective I don't
remember anything I studied back then maybe like just basic stuff but like
like I haven't been using Chinese for so long like I don't really remember
anything except for like everyday stuff maybe and even then I don't really
practice that much I lose it so quickly I feel so yeah the key
is consistency you have to practice it every day so that you don't lose it so
yeah I guess my last tip is that try not to think that Japanese is really hard or
like it's something that is unattainable I guess like if you slowly work through
it you'll someday realize how far you've come since you started and also
like I tell people that I spend four to five years studying to get to this point
but like my way of studying it's like very very casual like I started learning
hiragana and katakana around last year of high school and even then it's like
only sometimes I would do like the song writing lyrics but only
sometimes like and it's like I didn't really practice that much because you
know last year of high school so busy with like exams and like university
applications and whatnot then an even after that well I try my best to spend
time in learning Japanese but like university is difficult I mean it's hard
like a lot of the courses have heavy workload and I don't always have time to
learn it so like sit down and learn so I just I guess that's how I came up with
like the fun way so like instead of like making time to like learn
I would instead used like my spare time where I like relax by watching
anime or like listening to radio or like seiyuu events and like while I chill and
relax I learned Japanese at the same time I guess also like the whole Twitter
thing you know when you wake up you look at your phone and there's Twitter
and theres like your japanese tweets and whatnot and also like i had to commute
using the train to uni yeah during that time i would like look through my phone
and learn japanese just make yourself like every a little time that you have
like even though it feels like you're not really learning anything but trust
me like it really does compile you'll
feel it but like you get there so yeah like I feel like if you really put
your heart into it you won't have to spend like four to five years four to
five years is pretty long yeah just do your best I know I say this
a lot but like do your best like cuz I know it's going to be kind of
difficult but I guess I'll end this here so yeah I guess that's pretty much it if
I can think of more ways that I use or things that I accidentally left on from
this video maybe I can make another one and if you have other questions yeah use
#detroitsmash on the comments section maybe I'll answer it in a future
video yeah if you've listened to this part
thank you for listening and good luck on your Japanese studying I hope this video
is helpful even if you're learning Japanese right now and you're using
most of the methods that I'm using right now hopefully you can at least take a
thing or two out of this so yeah thank you for listening and watching I hope
it's helpful so for the radio show if you haven't
noticed it yet I always put the links in the description so please check the
description box for links before asking in the comments and also the full radio
is around 30 minutes per episode new episodes every other Friday the most
recent episode was on june 15 so the next episode will be June 29 It'll be up
usually around 3:30 Japan time watch out for their tweet in the heroaca twitter account they
usually post it there like the links as well so yeah
Warface: Не Бойся как Элез - Duration: 5:35.-------------------------------------------
Krótkie info: Przepraszam za to że nie ma odcinka, czasu mało, jutro już będzie - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
BÍ QUYẾT CHIÊN RÁN KHÔNG LO BỊ CHÁY HAY ÁM MÙI KHÉT MÀ CÒN TIẾT KIỆM DẦU MỠ - Duration: 3:36.-------------------------------------------
Kia Venga 1.4 CVVT Travel Edition *Navigatie,Airco, LM Velgen* - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Brésil : Neymar dévoile ses ambitions pour le Mondial ! - Duration: 2:42.-------------------------------------------
Tristan Thompson réconcilié avec Khloé Kardashian, sa fille True est son sosie - Duration: 2:26.-------------------------------------------
Eva Longoria enceinte de jumeaux ? Elle répond à la rumeur ! - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0TURBO 120PK DynamicLine 3529,- VOORDEEL OP=OP - Duration: 1:09.-------------------------------------------
纳吉:你们懂什么?"我跟奥巴马普京是同个level"! - Duration: 1:19.纳吉:我与已故沙地国王关系亲密 警方公布在前首相拿督斯 纳吉相关住处查获逾11亿令吉财物后,纳吉在《当今大马》办公室 受专访时说,他与已故沙地阿拉伯国王阿都拉关系尤其亲密,后者还 予他沙地阿拉伯最崇高的头衔,与美国总统奥巴马、俄罗斯总统普京 列
(吉隆坡27日讯)警方公布在前首相拿督斯里纳吉相关住处查 逾11亿令吉财物后,纳吉在《当今大马》办公室接受专访时说,他 已故沙地阿拉伯国王阿都拉关系尤其亲密,后者还授予他沙地阿拉伯 崇高的头衔,与美国总统奥巴马、俄罗斯总统普京同列
纳吉坦言,罗斯玛听到警方公布搜获的财物数量后,自己 感到惊讶。 "我想,这估价……她不相信会有这个数额。况且 些物品,珠宝商有其转运记录,因此我们须确认这些商品,并将它们 回去
" 部分珠宝属女儿女婿所有 他指出,部分的珠宝并非罗斯 所有,而是他们女儿诺雅娜、女婿及岳母的财物。 他说,一些珠 商已向他们致函,以索回这些珠宝。 "不过,我们当下别妄下结
让我们(先)逐一确认(这些财物)。" 他说,一旦确立 充公财物名单,还需纳入其他考虑。 "像珠宝物品,我们需了解 购买日子。" "你也知道,20年前买到或收到的宝石价格远 于现在……宝石价格飙升,因此这胥视如何评估
" 文章来源:星洲网·2018.06.28
前登州大臣实现承诺!为一马公司案到反贪会自首爆料! - Duration: 1:32.正当爆出一个马来西亚发展有限公司洗黑钱案多达1000人涉及 登嘉楼州前州务大臣拿督斯里阿末赛益自愿到反贪污委员会总部给口 ,协助调查。 今天早上9时30分,他乘坐奥迪轿车,由1名 家属陪同抵达反贪会
阿末赛益也是基惹区州议员,他于上月表明,准备就前首相拿督 里纳吉被指滥权案,向当向提供口供。 一马公司的前身是登嘉 投资机构(TIA),是于2008年成立,宗旨是发展登州经济, 持州子民的社会经济地位
在纳吉出任首相后,该机构于隔年1月易名为一马公司。 年5月,阿末赛益表示,一马公司的前身即登嘉楼投资机构(TIA 经过在他手中创办,因此他了解当中的问题
登州前大臣拿督斯里阿末赛益 (档案图) (甘马挽 4日讯)登州前大臣拿督斯里阿末赛益说,将配合协助调查一马公司 1MDB),他不会再保持沉默。 根据本地媒体《Astro wani》报道,针对涉及前首相纳吉的不当行为指控,阿末赛益准 就有关调查供证
阿末赛益表示,一马公司的前身即登嘉楼投资机构(TIA)经 在他手中创办,因此他了解当中的问题。 他表示,若被要求成 证人,他愿意提供任何证据,不会隐瞒任何事情
此外,阿末赛益接受《马新社》访问时也指出,大多数党员都认 巫统很难东山再起,并觉得纳吉现在辞职太晚了,应该在大选前退位 「纳吉辞职太晚了,因为我们认为,他应该在大选前就退位, 别是敦马哈迪批评纳吉若不下台,国阵会输掉大选,而正是现在所发 的事情
」 PUTRAJAYA: Former Terengg nu Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Ahm d Said has arrived at the Mala sian Anti-Corruption Commissio here to give a statement on a leged corruption believed to b related to 1Malaysia Developm nt Berhad (1MDB). He arrived t 9.30am on Tuesday (June 26) nd was accompanied by a family member. It is understood that the Umno vice presidential can idate came voluntarily and not because he was called by MACC. 1MDB was formerly the Terengg nu Investment Authority (TIA), a sovereign wealth fund set up in 2008 aimed at spurring sust inable socio-economic developm nt in Terengganu for the long erm. TIA was renamed 1MDB in J nuary 2009.
SANZIONI ECONOMICHE CONTRO LA RUSSIA ESTESE DI ALTRI SEI MESI - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
✅ Francis Perrin : les gros coups durs qu'il a affrontés pour soigner la maladie de son fils - Duration: 2:18.Ce soir sera diffusé le documentaire Presque comme les autres, feuilleton retraçant la bataille de Séverine et Christophe, confrontés à l'autisme de leur jeune fils de trois ans, Tom
Cette histoire, inspirée de faits réels, se base sur la vie de Gersende et de son mari, le comédien Francis Perrin
>>> Francis Perrin : son fils Louis a eu un petit rôle dans le téléfilm sur l'autisme qui raconte son histoire Parents d'un petit Louis, né en 2002, Gersende et Francis Perrin n'ont découvert la maladie que trois ans plus tard
Un diagnostic sévère que les déclarations fracassantes du corps médical n'ont pas arrangé
« Un ponte de l'hôpital Necker nous a dit : "Vous pouvez faire le deuil de votre enfant !", d'autres ont mis en cause la différence d'âge entre nous, le métier de comédienne de la maman et même ses cheveux roux, explique Francis Perrin à nos confrères Télé Loisirs
Gersende a été laminée ! » Et au-delà des remarques décourageantes de certains médecins, le couple a également fait face aux lourdes conséquences que la maladie a eues sur leur équilibre familial
Francis Perrin a « sombré dans l'alcool » quand sa femme Gersende s'est avouée « minée par l'isolement » : « J'étais en colère, je dormais tout le temps
» Après des années de lutte, le duo a fini par découvrir une méthode comportementale efficace qui a permis aujourd'hui à Louis, âgé de 14 ans, d'apprendre « à marcher, à parler, à ne pas être violent envers lui-même ou les autres, et même à se nourrir »
Une évolution qu'ils jugent plus que jamais indispensable à partager pour donner de l'espoir aux autres
✅ Émilie Fiorelli : Son tatouage en hommage à sa fille Louna ! - Duration: 1:59.Révélée dans Secret Story 9, le programme de télé-réalité qu'elle a remporté en 2016, Émilie Fiorelli s'est depuis éloignée de la sphère médiatique
À la place, elle a rejoint le club des influenceuses mode sur les réseaux sociaux
Du côté de sa vie privée, la Marseillaise est en couple avec le footballeur M'Baye Niang et filait déjà le parfait amour avec lui lorsqu'elle a appris qu'elle était enceinte
Près d'un an plus tard, le 22 avril 2018, Émilie accouchait et donnait naissance à une petite fille, qu'elle a appelée Louna
Épanouie dans sa nouvelle vie, la jeune maman a décidé de se faire tatouer le prénom et la date de naissance de sa fille
Une manière de prouver son affection et de l'avoir toujours auprès d'elle. "Mon amour de ma vie gravée dans ma peau", inscrit-t-elle en légende de sa story Instagram
La relation entre unz mère et sa fille est souvent très forte, Émilie l'aura bien compris
C'est pourquoi elle a également tenu à symboliser l'amour inconditionnel qu'elle porte pour sa mère, Chantal, en lui offrant aussi une place pour un tatouage
Haute-Vienne : les médecins de Limoges testent un système d'alerte en cas d'agression - Duration: 3:14.Afin de prévenir les agressions de médecins en Haute-Vienne, la ville de Limoges expérimente un dispositif inédit : les médecins de garde sont équipés depuis près de deux semaines d'un bouton poussoir afin de donner l'alerte, rapporte France Bleu Limousin
En cas d'agression ou de menace, le médecin appuie sur le bouton, et un mail contenant son nom, son numéro de téléphone et sa géolocalisation est envoyé au Samu et à la police
Pour l'instant, une quarantaine de médecins, qui assurent les gardes, sont équipés de ce système inédit en France
Il leur est fourni gratuitement. En cas de d'alerte, la police pourra rapidement mobiliser la patrouille la plus proche, et les agents interviendront dès que le Samu aura confirmé qu'il y a un problème
"On a un peu détourné une application faite au départ pour géolocaliser les chiens de chasse perdus", précise le docteur Eric Rouchaud, le médecin de Limoges qui a passé deux ans à développer ce dispositif
"65% des agressions verbales ou physiques se produisent dans nos cabinets" Depuis des années déjà, les médecins pouvaient demander à être accompagnés par la police ou les gendarmes pour des visites en zone sensible ou avec des patients agressifs
Mais les tensions ne s'anticipent pas toujours et peuvent survenir partout. D'ailleurs, "65% des agressions verbales ou physiques se produisent dans nos cabinets", selon Eric Rouchaud
Le but de ce système est avant tout de rassurer les médecins car "les agressions ne sont pas très nombreuses en Haute-Vienne, mais le sentiment d'insécurité existe pour les médecins", précise Eric Rouchaud
En 2016 et 2017, il y a ainsi eu seulement 18 signalements d'agressions verbales ou physiques faits auprès de l'ordre des médecins
En général, environ la moitié débouche sur une plainte. A partir de mi-juillet, ce dispositif devrait être proposé à tous les médecins de Limoges qui le souhaitent
En revanche, l'installation sera peut-être payante pour eux (environ 80 euros) sauf si des subventions viennent couvrir ces frais d'ici là
Et le but est de le généraliser à toute la Haute-Vienne en décembre. Sujets associés
Clonage : l'homme doit-il réellement faire revenir les espèces animales éteintes ? - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
Apple und Samsung haben ihren zähen Patentstreit in den USA nach mehr als sieben Jahren beigelegt. D - Duration: 2:45.Apple und Samsung haben ihren zähen Patentstreit in den USA nach mehr als sieben Jahren beigelegt
Die Konditionen der außergerichtlichen Einigung wurden nicht bekannt. Die zuständige kalifornische Richterin Lucy Koh ordnete am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) die Einstellung des Verfahrens ein
Es ging auf eine Klage von Apple vom April 2011 zurück. Der US-Konzern warf darin dem südkoreanischen Konkurrenten Samsung vor, Design und Technik des iPhone und iPad kopiert zu haben
Die Klage löste einen regelrechten Patentkrieg mit zeitweise rund 50 Verfahren in mehreren Ländern aus
Die Streitigkeiten außerhalb der USA wurden vor der nun erzielten Einigung zwischen beiden Smartphone-Schwergewichten beigelegt
In dem jetzt eingestellten Verfahren hatte Apple von kalifornischen Geschworenen 2012 gut eine Milliarde Dollar (1 Mrd
Dollar=860,88 Mio. Euro) zugesprochen bekommen. Samsung legte Berufung ein, der Fall ging bis zum Obersten Gericht
Es entschied, dass über einen Teil der Summe neu verhandelt werden müsse. Apple entschied jedoch auch diese Runde für sich – die Geschworenen sprachen dem Konzern im Mai 539 Millionen Dollar zu
Samsung verzichtete mit der außergerichtlichen Einigung darauf, auch diese Entscheidung anzufechten
Il 39% italiani vuole pistola facile. Salvini: nuova legge - Duration: 9:25.Il Censis rivela che ben il 39% degli italiani vorrebbe criteri meno rigidi per acquistare e possedere un'arma
Salvini annuncia una nuova legge. Matteo Salvini su Twitter annuncia una "nuova legge che permetta la legittima difesa delle persone perbene nelle proprie case"
Il ministro dell'Interno si fa forte degli ultimi dati pubblicati dal Censis nel primo "Rapporto sulla filiera della sicurezza in Italia", realizzato con Federsicurezza e presentato oggi a Roma
In base alle ultime rilevazioni, infatti, ben il 39 per cento degli italiani è favorevole alla "pistola facile", ovvero all'introduzione di criteri meno rigidi per il possesso di un'arma da fuoco per la difesa personale
Pistola facile, i dati Censis I reati sono in calo ma crescono paure e insicurezze, tanto che una buona fetta della popolazione vorrebbe poter possedere con più facilità (e probabilmente meno costi) un'arma per una sicurezza "fai da te"
Questa mattina, infatti, è stato presentato a Roma dal Censis il primo "Rapporto sulla filiera della sicurezza in Italia"
I dati confermano il trend delle ultime elezioni, sia politiche che amministrative, che ha visto il boom della Lega di Matteo Salvini
Il rapporto del Censis, infatti, rivela che ben il 39% degli italiani è favorevole all'introduzione di criteri meno rigidi per il possesso di un'arma da fuoco per la difesa personale
L'Istituto, in un comunicato stampa, specifica che questo dato è in netto aumento rispetto al 26 per cento rilevato nel 2015
A volere la "pistola facile" sono soprattutto le persone meno istruite (il 51 per cento tra chi ha al massimo la licenza media) e gli anziani (il 41 per cento degli over 65 anni)
Non a caso, nel 2017 le licenze per porto d'armi sono in aumento del 13,8 per cento
Considerando tutte le diverse tipologie (dall'uso caccia alla difesa personale), lo scorso anno si contavano invece nel nostro Paese 1
398.920 licenze per porto d'armi, con un incremento del 20,5 per cento sul 2016. La crescita più forte si è avuta per le licenze per il tiro a volo (sono quasi 585
000, pari ad un più 21,1 per cento in un anno). Ciò non è dipeso da una crescita improvvisa per questo sport olimpico ma solo perché questo tipo di licenze sono più facili da ottenere
Il Censis informa quindi che oggi complessivamente c'è un'arma da fuoco nelle case di quasi 4,5 milioni di italiani (di cui 700
000 con minori). Nuova legge legittima difesa Appena pubblicato il rapporto, Matteo Salvini annuncia subito su Twitter che priorità del suo governo è quello di far approvare "una nuova legge che permetta la legittima difesa delle persone perbene nelle proprie case"
Ciò che non dice il ministro dell'Interno, però, è che nel 2017 in Italia sono stati denunciati complessivamente 2
232.552 reati, diminuiti del 10,2 per cento rispetto all'anno precedente. In particolare, viene evidenziato sempre nel rapporto del Censis, gli omicidi si riducono dai 611 del 2008 ai 343 dell'ultimo anno (meno 43,9 per cento), le rapine passano da 45
857 a 28.612 (meno 37,6 per cento) e i furti scendono da quasi 1,4 milioni a poco meno di 1,2 milioni (meno 13,9 per cento)
Meno reati più paure Ad aumentare però sono le paure, soprattutto a causa della concentrazione dei reati in alcune zone d'Italia
In sole quattro province italiane, dove vive il 21,4 per cento della popolazione, si consuma infatti ben il 30 per cento dei reati
Capitale del crimine è Milano, al primo posto con 237.365 reati commessi nel 2016 (il 9,5 per cento del totale), poi Roma (con 228
856 crimini, il 9,2 per cento), Torino (136.384, pari al 5,5 per cento) e Napoli (136
043, pari al 5,5 per cento). Anche considerando l'incidenza del numero dei reati in rapporto alla popolazione, Milano resta in vetta alla classifica, con 7,4 reati denunciati ogni 100 abitanti, seguita da Rimini (7,2), Bologna (6,6), Torino e Prato (entrambe con 6 reati ogni 100 abitanti)
Ecco perché il 31,9 per cento delle famiglie italiane percepisce il rischio di criminalità nella zona in cui vive
Ad avere una sensazione di insicurezza maggiore sono le persone che abitano al Centro (35,9 per cento) e al Nord-Ovest (33 per cento), ma soprattutto nelle aree metropolitane (50,8 per cento), dove si sente insicuro un cittadino su due
Il 21,5 per cento degli italiani, inoltre, continua a ritenere la criminalità un problema grave per il Paese, al quarto posto dopo la mancanza di lavoro, l'evasione fiscale e le tasse eccessive
Come spesso accade, la fascia di popolazione più penalizzata è quella con i redditi bassi
Per chi vive infatti in contesti disagiati e ha minori possibilità di utilizzare risorse economiche personali per l'autodifesa, la criminalità diventa il secondo problema più grave dell'Italia (segnalato dal 27,1 per cento), dopo la mancanza di lavoro
L'autodifesa casalinga Non a caso il 92,5 per cento degli italiani adotta almeno un accorgimento per difendersi da ladri e rapinatori
Il Censis rivela infatti che il sistema più utilizzato è la porta blindata, che protegge dalle intrusioni le case di oltre 33 milioni di italiani (il 66,3 per cento della popolazione adulta)
Ben 21 milioni di cittadini (il 42 per cento) si è invece dotato di un sistema d'allarme
Più di 17 milioni (il 33,5 per cento) hanno montato inferriate a porte e finestre, quasi 16 milioni (il 31,3 per cento) hanno optato per vetri e infissi blindati, più di 15 milioni (il 30,7 per cento) hanno installato una telecamera mentre poco meno di 10 milioni (il 19,4 per cento) hanno comprato una cassaforte per custodire i propri beni
Per 15 milioni di italiani (il 29 per cento) il sistema di lasciare le luci accese quando si esce di casa è sempre valido
Filippo Sisti, dopo Carlo e Camilla in Segheria, insieme ai ragazzi del Pinch, apre un locale che po - Duration: 4:53.Al Talea non ci arrivi per caso, lo devi cercare. In via Argelati, all'interno di una zona industriale di Milano, defilato rispetto alle centinaia di altri locali sui navigli, Talea è qualcosa di diverso e unico
Un outsider che parte dal concetto di cucina liquida per scardinare completamente il mondo della mixologia
Alla base ci sono 11 main spirits, bottiglie selezionate e molto versatili da abbinare a ingredienti ricercati che richiedono ore di macerazione, fermentazione, infusione cotture sottovuoto e affumicature
Top stories Il tutto nasce prima nella testa di Filippo Sisti e del suo staff, per poi essere creato manipolando materie prime di qualità
Il risultato sono 14 cocktails. Più che drinks, un'esperienza sensoriale a 360 gradi
Ed è proprio nell'esperienza in cui crede Filippo, quando afferma che quello che lui realizza, si beve senza cannuccia
I COCKTAILS Lo capisci quando percepisci l'aroma della noce di cocco in cui è servito il Super Bowl, cocktail a base di estratto di piselli freschi e te verde, succo di canna e zucchero, Vodka Ketel One infusa al gelsomino, sormontato da una spuma di gelato al cocco che sembra una morbida montagna innevata, spolverata di granella di Baobab
Un gioco di colori, profumi e consistenze che regalano sapori inaspettati, come quello del Good Morning Earth,estratto di barbabietola e caffè, Mezcal infuso alla verbena e al te Earl Grey, vermouth di datteri rossi e vino alle foglie di ravanello
Un vero e proprio risveglio per il palato servito in una barbabietola! Filippo e il suo staff ti studiano e si interrogano sul tuo stato d'animo, cercano di capire quali tra le loro creazioni più rispecchia il mood della tua serata
La parte da leone, la fa sicuramente il Ghost of Classic, che, servito in una coppa di onice, fa sentire un re chi sorseggia il distillato di rabarbaro, Wind Turkey infuso con noci pecan affumicate, Amaro Farmily alla melassa di carrube
E se vi state chiedendo che cosa sia quella gemma color rubino che lo accompagna, rimarrete stupiti nell'assaggiare il Sour Cherry Egg: uovo di quaglia dolce cotto nel succo di ciliegie e acido citrico
UN'ORA NELLA WUNDERKAMMER Per chi volesse immergersi ancora più a fondo nel mondo alchemico del barman, può prenotare uno dei sei posti al Vivarium, un angolo nascosto del locale, una stanza delle meraviglie dove Filippo ti guida alla scoperta di 5 nuove creazioni, accompagnate da altrettanti bites
Il percorso dura un'ora e si tratta di un viaggio sensoriale, dove vengono stimolati gusto, olfatto, tatto, vista e udito
Ogni cocktail infatti sarà concepito come una vera e propria istallazione e abbinato ad un sound e visual design che aiuta il cliente a comprendere a pieno il drink
Ogni aperitivo è accompagnato da Snorky, una simpatica grolla di ceramica, i cui beccucci contengono piccole sorprese per allentare i morsi della fame
Se ancora lo stomaco reclama qualcosa di solido, è in arrivo un tagliere rivisitato con 6 assaggi
Talea è quindi il germoglio di una nuova realtà,un laboratorio di sperimentazioni alcoliche , che siamo sicuri vi conquisterà
美 F35機 전면 비행중단… 한국 FX(차기 전투기)사업 돌발변수 - 핫이슈Korea - Duration: 5:55.-------------------------------------------
Germany boss Joachim Low REFUSES to blame Arsenal star Mesut Ozil for World Cup calamity ● #AFC - Duration: 2:14.GERMANY manager Joachim Low has refused to blame the nation's humiliating World Cup
exit on Mesut Ozil.
The holders were dumped out in the group stage after losing 2-0 to South Korea.
That meant Germany managed just two goals in their three matches and were unimpressive
But Arsenal star Ozil, who has been criticised for his performances, was not blamed by Low.
"Today, because of a number of bans and injuries, we had to make changes," the Germany
manager explained.
"In 2014 and 2017 that was also the case, it happens.
"A team only begins to gel later at the tournament, so it makes sense to bring some
[players] in and let it [the gelling process] go easy on them.
"It wasn't only Ozil, a number of other players didn't perform as they normally would.
I take responsibility for that and stand up for that, but I thought it was a good team.
"I didn't think Thomas Muller had been that convincing in the first two matches and I
wanted to make a point there [by dropping him].
"Towards the finish when we realised we needed a goal we took a defender out late
on and that meant we became less structured, but we couldn't wait, we had to risk.
"We needed to throw things forward and it opened things up in defence."
Germany being dumped out meant Sweden and Mexico have made it to the last 16 in Russia.
Ozil was also criticised by some Arsenal fans last season for his displays as the Gunners
finished sixth in the Premier League.
New manager Unai Emery will have a tough decision to make over the Germany international and
his future at the Emirates.
S1E06: Shopping for a home with Vivien. - Duration: 5:05.Hi, this is Vivien, thanks so much for joining me today, so here. We are we did all the due diligence
We did the budget we did the financing we met with the mortgage lender. We got a
Pre-approval for a mortgage and we selected a real estate agent
So now it's time to go out and look at properties according to the criteria that we selected
this is a very important time when
The buyers go out with their real estate professional, and they look at properties
Normally one looks at six properties maximum in one day because one can't see any more properties at that point
you look at the major features of the house if it feels good to you if
You're with a spouse or a partner you both have to agree on
the same
the same criteria of the house once you've selected a neighborhood to
Go to a visit and to see these properties
You go in and you see how does the property feel to you?
Can you imagine living in this house is it large enough for your growing family?
Do you have enough bedrooms is the basement complete?
What are the things you need do you need a large garden?
Do you love to garden and that would be a priority for you?
So there's so many things that you have to check off on your list, but you need to note that no house is perfect
If you get eight points out of ten that you can tick off that you like of this house
That's a pretty high standard to beat and I want to mention also that
You have to look beyond the cosmetic
Somebody could easily not like pink paint on the wall
however one must look past it because to paint the wall a suitable color to you is not a huge endeavor or a
Huge expense there are two things that are really really important to people today when they're looking for a home
The kitchen in the bath have they been updated recently and the floors
I will say that old broad loom that used to be popular in the 70s and in the 80s is not popular anymore
What is popular is?
hardwood floor engineered wood floor usually in the basement a less expensive
Laminate floor these are some things that are really really important to my clients. That's for sure and that's what they're
Looking for when they look for a house of course the layout of the rooms is
Extremely important to them are the windows new or will they have to put on a new roof is the furnace very old?
What is the plumbing like?
these are things that you would I would recommend you would hire a
Home inspector for they come in they come for three hours plus
They go through the house top to bottom if you want a more extensive study they bring an infrared camera
Where they can go behind the walls to see if there's any moisture damage I would
Recommend that when you're buying a home. This is a lifetime investment
It is time consuming. It's extremely important so when I was looking for a house
It was really important that I selected an area that was a neighborhood
that would be good for a family that the
Neighborhood would be perfect for my children that it would be close to the school that I wanted them to go to within this particular
geographical area and the lifestyle that my family wanted that was really important, so
Based on that I created
Knowing what people are looking for a special VIP pass which is a specific tour of?
Neighborhoods for my clients for my customers so that they know and I help them see through my eyes through their eyes
What would work for their lifestyle and I will take them on?
A tour of the neighborhood of their choice so that they will know what's best for them
when the time is right to make that decision
So go to my website vivian sharon comm you'll see a VIP pass there
Please fill it out contact me
and I'd love to meet with you and show you a neighborhood that you would like so I hope you find this information useful and
You will like it and share it with your friends and on the next episode
We're gonna go into more detail about shopping for a home
Wishing you a great day, and see you again soon bye for now
Hi, this is Vivien, thanks so much for tuning in if you like this video, please subscribe if you'd like to see more episodes
Just tuned in
페라리 812의 새 적수, 애스턴마틴 DBS 슈퍼레게라(2) - Duration: 4:12.-------------------------------------------
◇第100回全国高校野球選手権記念南北海道大会札幌支部Fブロック2回戦 札幌第一5―3とわの森三愛(2018年6月 - Duration: 0:53.◇第100回全国高校選手権記念南大会札幌支部Fブロック2回戦 札幌第一5 3とわの森三愛(2018年6月28日 札幌麻生) 春季大会優勝の札幌第一が逆 勝ちし、6年ぶりの夏の甲子園出場にスタートを切った
2点を追う7回1死二、三塁で5番・村田凜(2年)が右翼線に同点。さらに8回に、1 一、三塁で若松尚輝(3年)の勝ち越しの左越えと暴投で勝ち越した。 守っても2 手をリードした村田は「夏はどの試合も苦しくなる
5 trucos ideales para calmar los nervios - Duration: 7:42.-------------------------------------------
[2018 러시아 월드컵] 한국, 독일에 2-0 승리 '16강 동반 탈락'…"잘 싸웠지만 아쉽다" - Duration: 2:45.-------------------------------------------
✅ Francis Perrin : les gros coups durs qu'il a affrontés pour soigner la maladie de son fils - Duration: 2:18.Ce soir sera diffusé le documentaire Presque comme les autres, feuilleton retraçant la bataille de Séverine et Christophe, confrontés à l'autisme de leur jeune fils de trois ans, Tom
Cette histoire, inspirée de faits réels, se base sur la vie de Gersende et de son mari, le comédien Francis Perrin
>>> Francis Perrin : son fils Louis a eu un petit rôle dans le téléfilm sur l'autisme qui raconte son histoire Parents d'un petit Louis, né en 2002, Gersende et Francis Perrin n'ont découvert la maladie que trois ans plus tard
Un diagnostic sévère que les déclarations fracassantes du corps médical n'ont pas arrangé
« Un ponte de l'hôpital Necker nous a dit : "Vous pouvez faire le deuil de votre enfant !", d'autres ont mis en cause la différence d'âge entre nous, le métier de comédienne de la maman et même ses cheveux roux, explique Francis Perrin à nos confrères Télé Loisirs
Gersende a été laminée ! » Et au-delà des remarques décourageantes de certains médecins, le couple a également fait face aux lourdes conséquences que la maladie a eues sur leur équilibre familial
Francis Perrin a « sombré dans l'alcool » quand sa femme Gersende s'est avouée « minée par l'isolement » : « J'étais en colère, je dormais tout le temps
» Après des années de lutte, le duo a fini par découvrir une méthode comportementale efficace qui a permis aujourd'hui à Louis, âgé de 14 ans, d'apprendre « à marcher, à parler, à ne pas être violent envers lui-même ou les autres, et même à se nourrir »
Une évolution qu'ils jugent plus que jamais indispensable à partager pour donner de l'espoir aux autres
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