Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2018

 Es ist eine Titelseite, die unendlich viel Kraft gekostet haben muss: Die Mitarbeiter der „Capital Gazette" trauern um fünf ihrer Kollegen

 Ein bewaffneter Mann war am Donnerstag in die Redaktion der kleinen Lokalzeitung in Annapolis/Maryland eingedrungen und hatte das Feuer eröffnet - offenbar hegte er seit langem einen tiefen Groll gegen die Zeitung

Blutbad in Zeitungsredaktion schockt die USA Foto:  dpa Foto:  dpa Foto:  dpa Foto:  dpa Foto:  dpa Foto:  dpa Foto:  dpa  Die überlebenden Journalisten stellten nur wenige Stunden später eine Zeitung auf die Beine

Vom Titel prangten die Gesichter der Toten. „Wir sind untröstlich, am Boden zerstört

Unsere Kollegen und Freunde sind weg", schrieb der Herausgeber der Zeitung, Rick Hutzell

Die Meinungsseite blieb bis auf wenige Worte leer. Bei dem mutmaßlichen Täter handelt es sich Berichten zufolge um einen 38-Jährigen aus der Region

Der Polizeichef Timothy Altomare bestätigte, dass die Behörden ihnen mittels einer Technologie zur Gesichtserkennung identifizierten

Der Polizist weigerte sich, den Namen des Verdächtigen zu nennen, um ihm nicht noch mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu geben

 Den Ermittlern zufolge stürmte der Mann am Donnerstagnachmittag mit einer Pumpgun in die Redaktion und schoss auf Mitarbeiter

„Der Kerl war da, um so viele Menschen wie möglich zu töten", sagte Polizeichef Altomare

 Nach Angaben der Staatsanwaltschaft verbarrikadierte der Verdächtige einen Ausgang der Redaktion, damit die Mitarbeiter nicht entkommen konnten

Die Redaktion habe zwei Türen gehabt, sagte Staatsanwalt Wes Adams. Der Mann sei zur vorderen Tür hineingekommen, die hintere habe er verbarrikadiert

Eines der Opfer habe versucht, durch diese Tür zu entkommen, und sei dann getroffen worden

 Reporter des Blattes berichteten, wie sie sich unter ihren Schreibtischen verschanzten

„Ich habe nur gehofft, dass mein Telefon nicht klingelt", sagte der Journalist Phil Davis dem Sender CNN

Eine andere Reporterin musste den Tod eines Kollegen aus nächster Nähe mit ansehen

„Ich sah nicht den Täter, aber ich sah, wie er (der Kollege) getroffen wurde", sagte sie

Ein Fotograf erklärte, er sei um sein Leben gerannt und habe dabei über die Leiche eines Kollegen hinwegspringen müssen

Ein Journalist sprach von einem „Kriegsgebiet". Unter den Opfern sind zwei Frauen - eine Verkaufsassistentin, die erst seit kurzem bei dem Blatt arbeitete, sowie eine Lokalreporterin und Kolumnistin

Getötet wurden auch ein langjähriger Sportjournalist, ein Leitartikel-Autor und der stellvertretende Chefredakteur

Zwei Menschen erlitten Verletzungen. Der Schütze wurde festgenommen. Der 38-Jährige soll mit dem Blatt seit Jahren einen erbitterten Rechtsstreit ausgefochten haben

Der stellvertretende Polizeichef Bill Krampf sprach von einem gezielten Angriff. Vor den tödlichen Schüssen habe es über soziale Medien Drohungen gegen die Redaktion gegeben, sagte er

Details zu Inhalt und Urheber nannte er zunächst nicht. Laut „Capital Gazette" hatte die Zeitung 2011 über Belästigungsvorwürfe gegen den Mann geschrieben

Er soll einer ehemaligen Mitschülerin auf Facebook gedroht und ihr das Leben zur Hölle gemacht haben

Wegen der Berichterstattung über den Fall sei der Mann vor Gericht gezogen und habe verloren, schrieb die Zeitung

Weder der Kolumnist, der damals berichtete, noch der damalige Herausgeber und Verleger arbeiteten heute noch für die Zeitung, zum Zeitpunkt des Angriffes seien sie auch nicht in der Redaktion gewesen

 Das Entsetzen über die Tat ist groß. Präsident Donald Trump drückte den Opfern und ihren Angehörigen via Twitter sein Mitgefühl aus

Am Freitag verurteilte er die Attacke noch einmal scharf und nahm den Berufsstand der Journalisten in Schutz: „Journalisten, wie alle Amerikaner, sollten bei ihrer Arbeit frei sein können von der Angst gewalttätiger Angriffe", sagte der Präsident

Er kündigte an, seine Regierung werde nicht ruhen, ehe alles getan sei, um die Fälle von Gewaltverbrechen zu reduzieren

 Der Angriff auf die kleine Redaktion fällt mitten hinein in eine Zeit, in der das gesellschaftliche Klima in den USA in vielen Bereichen vergiftet erscheint

In sozialen Netzwerken ergießt sich immer wieder Hass gegen Medien. Manche Journalisten berichten von Todesdrohungen

 Trump teilt selbst immer wieder gegen ihm unliebsame Medien aus, er hat sie als „Feinde des amerikanischen Volkes" bezeichnet

Nach der Tat wurde diese Äußerung auf Twitter etliche Male aufgegriffen. Spekulationen über das mögliche Motiv des Täters schossen ins Kraut

Der Sender CNN fragte am Freitag, ob die medienfeindliche Rhetorik zu weit gegangen sei

 Aber nichts deutet bislang darauf hin, dass die Tat mit Trumps Attacken oder der medienfeindlichen Stimmung in Teilen der Gesellschaft in Zusammenhang stehen könnte

Vielmehr deutet alles auf ein persönliches Motiv des Täters hin. Der Mann wurde am Freitagmorgen des fünffachen Mordes angeklagt

Die „Capital Gazette" berichtete weiter. Reporter Phil Davis schrieb dazu: „Ich kann nicht schlafen, also werde ich das Einzige tun, was ich kann - und berichten

" (dpa)

For more infomation >> Es ist eine Titelseite, die unendlich viel Kraft gekostet haben muss: Die Mitarbeiter der „Capital G - Duration: 10:13.


Canberra massage parlour workers underpaid $900k, Fair Work Ombudsman says - Duration: 6:34.

Canberra massage parlour workers underpaid $900k, Fair Work Ombudsman says

The Fair Work Ombudsman is taking the former owner of a Canberra massage business to court for allegedly underpaying workers by almost $1 million and threatening their families if they spoke out.

Seven foreign workers from the Foot and Thai massage parlour in Belconnen claim their employer, Colin Kenneth Elvin, and supervisor, Jun Millard Puerto, underpaid them by about $900,000 between 2012 and 2016.

It is alleged the six women and one man were required to work an average of more than 65 hours per week, but were generally only paid for 38 hours per week.

The Fair Work Ombudsman has also alleged that six of the employees were required to pay back $800 of their wages per fortnight over a nine-month period when Mr Elvin deemed the shop was not getting enough income and customers.

Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James said the workers and their families were then threatened.

"These very vulnerable workers were told that if they complained they would be sent back home, or that their family would be the subject or physical violence or indeed that they might even be killed," she said.

The Ombudsman has commenced civil legal proceedings in the Federal Court against the former operators of the parlour.

The business went into voluntary administration and is now run by new owners who are not accused of any wrongdoing.

'Among the most shocking allegations' Fair Work has seen.

Ms James said the workers were all provided accommodation at a house in the suburb of Higgins, where the gates were locked overnight.

They were allegedly transported between the Higgins property and the massage parlour in a van each working day.

Ms James described it as "some of the most shocking allegations of exploitation" the agency had ever seen.

"We allege that the threats made to these employees were ongoing while they were in Australia and designed to conceal the way they were being callously exploited," she said.

"This type of conduct has no place in Australia and it deserves utter condemnation and appropriate sanctioning.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is seeking penalties from both Foot & Thai Massage Pty Ltd and individuals Mr Elvin and Mr Puerto.

The Ombudsman is also seeking court orders requiring Mr Elvin and his company to back pay the workers in full and to pay additional compensation to the employees for the loss or damage they allegedly suffered as a result of some of the alleged breaches.

Most cases never make it to court.

Ms James said while this case of alleged exploitation would be brought before a judge, many other cases flagged with the Ombudsman never made it to court.

"I think we have more than 80 cases in the courts right now as we speak," she said.

"[But] we certainly wouldn't be able to take every matter involving an underpayment to court — we have well over 25,000 people who come to us for help about a range of issues every year.

"Matters that go to court take on average four years to resolve.

Labor spokesman for workplace relations Brendan O'Connor said his party wanted to examine the resources available to the Ombudsman.

"I do think that there is significant — if not widespread — intentional underpayment in some sectors of our labour market," he said.

"And I think too often business that do the wrong thing, factor in that if they get caught — all they'll have to do is pay back the money they owe.

"Certainly Labor believes we need to increase the penalties for intentional underpayment and we do believe we need to examine the resources of the FWO.

And the FWO needs to use the powers at its disposal.".

Workplace Minister Craig Laundy said the Turnbull Government "had zero tolerance for the exploitation of workers", but said "in the vast majority of cases the FWO was successful in obtaining back pay".

"This is why the Turnbull Government increased funding to the Fair Work Ombudsman by $20 million and introduced tougher laws to crack down on employers who exploit vulnerable workers - including stronger investigative powers for the FWO and penalties that are now 10 times higher than previously," he said.

For more infomation >> Canberra massage parlour workers underpaid $900k, Fair Work Ombudsman says - Duration: 6:34.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains democratic socialism on the "Late Show" - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains democratic socialism on the "Late Show" - Duration: 2:55.


She's 'Hurt' – Hollywood Life - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> She's 'Hurt' – Hollywood Life - Duration: 2:21.


Wants To Smack Her Face After Shading – Hollywood Life - Duration: 3:13.

For more infomation >> Wants To Smack Her Face After Shading – Hollywood Life - Duration: 3:13.


Cruz to IL-3 voters: Don't vote for the 'avowed Nazi' running as a Republican | American T... - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> Cruz to IL-3 voters: Don't vote for the 'avowed Nazi' running as a Republican | American T... - Duration: 2:08.


Younes Bendjima & Kourtney Kardashian's Kids Bond In Capri On Vacation – Hollywood Life - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Younes Bendjima & Kourtney Kardashian's Kids Bond In Capri On Vacation – Hollywood Life - Duration: 3:12.


Police: Cal State Poly Pomona officer killed in stabbing, suspect fatally shot - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Police: Cal State Poly Pomona officer killed in stabbing, suspect fatally shot - Duration: 1:30.


[K-ICM] Liên Khúc DJ Organ: Đừng Như Thói Quen | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 10:27.

Genius playing the organ - Khanhnendan

Like, share video and subscribe youtube channel

Prodigy playing the organ - Very good

Like, share video and subscribe youtube channel

For more infomation >> [K-ICM] Liên Khúc DJ Organ: Đừng Như Thói Quen | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 10:27.


Lấy Mụn Cho Bạn Dũng - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Lấy Mụn Cho Bạn Dũng - Duration: 1:54.


How I Make Money Online

For more infomation >> How I Make Money Online


伊朗总统:政府能处理美国制裁带来的经济压力809680 - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> 伊朗总统:政府能处理美国制裁带来的经济压力809680 - Duration: 2:05.


Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.

Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party

For more infomation >> Mario Party 10: "Gamer Gaming" All mini games in Mario Party - Duration: 13:42.


Tiny Is Beautiful [Moustache Bikes and learning-Bikes] - Duration: 8:49.

I like biking.

I like uh to ride down fast!

I like the wind.


You're feeling good?

Yes it is good like that.

It is feeling good my bike.

I like to close doors.

I like melon with sea weeds!

Sea weeds, it is the grass that grows in the sea.

I love my sister.

I like avocado with

soya sauce !

You must do like this. I love to maintain my bike.

I like to ride my bike.

- Luce!

Come tidy up your room.

- No, I do not want to tidy up my room.

- Luce! You must tidy up your room!

Luce! - I don't want to tidy up my room.

- And I turn...

- Mom, this is there. - Yes, but I can not go there.

But where is she? - There !

- Yes ! Down !

I will not tidy up my room! No !

- Clean your room !

- No, I do not want to clean my room.

Mom will not catch me.

- Where has Luce gone?

- Yippee! Downhill !

- Shall we call the rescue services sometime, or... just wait?

I did not say "I love to ride down!" I did not say that !

It's too hard for me to get on the bike and ride and it's too hard this.

You have to say "You must tidy up your room Luce", you have not said this.

- I did not say "Luce you must clean your room"?

- No... - I should have?

- Yes.

I would not clean my room. No!

That was what I was talking about.

The video is laughing!

- Ah! Careful ! Excuse me but really... AH!

- So I obey your instructions, I keep filming. Like you said earlier,

the missed shots we must keep. - Maybe we'll do that all day?

- Let's keeps them. We will make a video

with missed shots. I think. We will give Moustache

a video made of missed shots...

- You say "Come on, Luce you must clean your room."

- Why did you crash, what's made you fall?

- It was the wood. - Ahhhh. You've banged on a piece of wood.

- Yes, and that makes me fall with my bike

bang bang and I made a big crash. - But you're still riding?

- Um yes ! and I will not fall!

- It's good !

Yeah but Luce? This is not a good idea

to ride on it with your bike. You're still a bit young to do things

like this.

- I want to film your head.

- You want to film my head? - Yes.

- You want to say thank you to those who manufactured the bicycle ?

- Uh, no they left. - Greg, is his name.

- Uh no, I don't want to say. - You don't want to tell him?

- No. - Sorry Greg.

- Greg, thank you! - Ah that's good.

- But I want to watch the film. - Oh yeah? But to watch it

we must finish it. And to finish it we must go shooting.

- In the house ? - For example.

We need to go shooting with the bike. Let's go ?

- Yes ! - Come. There.

- Over there !

For more infomation >> Tiny Is Beautiful [Moustache Bikes and learning-Bikes] - Duration: 8:49.


DIY unicorn notebook - Duration: 2:14.

Do you like this unicorn notebook?

In this video i will show you how to mae your own, step by step.

Hello, I hope you are well? Keep on watching to

see what we used for this DIY unicorn notebook and the step by step tutorial.

If you do not know how to draw a kawaii unicorn follow the link.

Start by cutting out a manes, tail , a horn and a body

out of a foam sheet ( a light color would be best).

You can also use two separate colors.

Use a double sided tape to stick the horn, manes, and tale first.

On the top of these, stick the body and head using double sided tape.

All that is left to do

is to draw the

awaii unicorn eyes

and color in rainbow colours

the tail and manes of your unicorn.

You can also use some glitter for the horn.

Again, if you need a step by step tutorial to learn

how to draw a kawaii unicorn, follow the lin!

You hope you enjoyed this video and you lied the unicorn notebook.

Please subscribe like and share if so!

see you soon!

For more infomation >> DIY unicorn notebook - Duration: 2:14.


[K-ICM] Liên Khúc DJ Organ: Đừng Như Thói Quen | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 10:27.

Genius playing the organ - Khanhnendan

Like, share video and subscribe youtube channel

Prodigy playing the organ - Very good

Like, share video and subscribe youtube channel

For more infomation >> [K-ICM] Liên Khúc DJ Organ: Đừng Như Thói Quen | Khánh Nện Đàn - Duration: 10:27.


Canberra massage parlour workers underpaid $900k, Fair Work Ombudsman says - Duration: 6:34.

Canberra massage parlour workers underpaid $900k, Fair Work Ombudsman says

The Fair Work Ombudsman is taking the former owner of a Canberra massage business to court for allegedly underpaying workers by almost $1 million and threatening their families if they spoke out.

Seven foreign workers from the Foot and Thai massage parlour in Belconnen claim their employer, Colin Kenneth Elvin, and supervisor, Jun Millard Puerto, underpaid them by about $900,000 between 2012 and 2016.

It is alleged the six women and one man were required to work an average of more than 65 hours per week, but were generally only paid for 38 hours per week.

The Fair Work Ombudsman has also alleged that six of the employees were required to pay back $800 of their wages per fortnight over a nine-month period when Mr Elvin deemed the shop was not getting enough income and customers.

Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James said the workers and their families were then threatened.

"These very vulnerable workers were told that if they complained they would be sent back home, or that their family would be the subject or physical violence or indeed that they might even be killed," she said.

The Ombudsman has commenced civil legal proceedings in the Federal Court against the former operators of the parlour.

The business went into voluntary administration and is now run by new owners who are not accused of any wrongdoing.

'Among the most shocking allegations' Fair Work has seen.

Ms James said the workers were all provided accommodation at a house in the suburb of Higgins, where the gates were locked overnight.

They were allegedly transported between the Higgins property and the massage parlour in a van each working day.

Ms James described it as "some of the most shocking allegations of exploitation" the agency had ever seen.

"We allege that the threats made to these employees were ongoing while they were in Australia and designed to conceal the way they were being callously exploited," she said.

"This type of conduct has no place in Australia and it deserves utter condemnation and appropriate sanctioning.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is seeking penalties from both Foot & Thai Massage Pty Ltd and individuals Mr Elvin and Mr Puerto.

The Ombudsman is also seeking court orders requiring Mr Elvin and his company to back pay the workers in full and to pay additional compensation to the employees for the loss or damage they allegedly suffered as a result of some of the alleged breaches.

Most cases never make it to court.

Ms James said while this case of alleged exploitation would be brought before a judge, many other cases flagged with the Ombudsman never made it to court.

"I think we have more than 80 cases in the courts right now as we speak," she said.

"[But] we certainly wouldn't be able to take every matter involving an underpayment to court — we have well over 25,000 people who come to us for help about a range of issues every year.

"Matters that go to court take on average four years to resolve.

Labor spokesman for workplace relations Brendan O'Connor said his party wanted to examine the resources available to the Ombudsman.

"I do think that there is significant — if not widespread — intentional underpayment in some sectors of our labour market," he said.

"And I think too often business that do the wrong thing, factor in that if they get caught — all they'll have to do is pay back the money they owe.

"Certainly Labor believes we need to increase the penalties for intentional underpayment and we do believe we need to examine the resources of the FWO.

And the FWO needs to use the powers at its disposal.".

Workplace Minister Craig Laundy said the Turnbull Government "had zero tolerance for the exploitation of workers", but said "in the vast majority of cases the FWO was successful in obtaining back pay".

"This is why the Turnbull Government increased funding to the Fair Work Ombudsman by $20 million and introduced tougher laws to crack down on employers who exploit vulnerable workers - including stronger investigative powers for the FWO and penalties that are now 10 times higher than previously," he said.

For more infomation >> Canberra massage parlour workers underpaid $900k, Fair Work Ombudsman says - Duration: 6:34.


Guru Pournami 2018 | Pournami 2018 | Pournami Chandra Grahan 2018 | Guru Pournami | KALABHAIRAVA - Duration: 6:42.

Please Like Comments

For more infomation >> Guru Pournami 2018 | Pournami 2018 | Pournami Chandra Grahan 2018 | Guru Pournami | KALABHAIRAVA - Duration: 6:42.


2018 vs. 2078 - 60 Years Later!!! So Funny! (CC Available) - Duration: 9:16.


So refreshing!

Omg, this thing is so heavy!

My back hurts now!

Hubba Bubba!

Big Mama has a great idea!


I heard something!

Who is it in there?

Hubba Bubba!

I wonder how am I gonna be like 60 years from now?

60 years later...

Banh Bao!

Banh Bao

Banh Bao

Where are you?

Banh Bao

What is it Leo?

I need to take my afternoon nap!

What do you want now?

Change the channel

I think I left the TV remote upstairs

Wait a minute!

I'll go get it

Goodness, Leo is getting more and more handsome as he ages!

Leo is getting stronger and stronger as year goes by

Leo, be careful!

or you're gonna break your hip

Hello guys,

Banh Bao


Hi mom

Guys, remember what I told you 60 years ago..

You didn't listen to me

Eat healthy, lots of vegetables!


You guys had a really poor diet!

I told you to stay away from sugar

60 years ago Big Mama warned you

Salad? Not again mom!

Mom, I can't eat it no more!

Come give Big Mama a hug honey!

Bye mom!

See you tonight

I love you

Have you guys seen anyone over a 100 years old and still look like this?

I need to go get that TV remote mom!

I have to climb all the way up there

Honey, you need my help?

Be careful!

Don't worry mom!

I can handle this!

Big Mama needs to go upstairs too!

Go after me mom

Put me down mom, I can go myself

Thanks mom!

You're welcome honey!


I just realized! I need to listen to Big Mama

Guys, remember don't eat too much sugar

Eat healthy

Stay fit! exercise daily

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, drink lots of water

If you like this video, don't forget to give it a thumb up

Click that subscribe button

and turn on that notification bell

Bye guys, I will see you guys on Princess Banh Bao tomorrow

Bye guys, love you:)

Banh Bao, I just had a weirdest nightmare

you and I we're like super old

and Big Mama she is still like super strong

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