Saturday, June 30, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 30 2018


my mustache is getting long



What are you doing now?

This one?


I use this when my mustache is getting long

How to use it?


Touch me

How do you feel ?

I want to shave your beard

Oh sweetheart, I already done with myself

Where is she?


It is done


It is done

Where is the best place to hide ?

That is it

She will never find me !

I got you

You little fairy

Why you make a mustache to me ?

For more infomation >> Funny magic learn colors. kids toy. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:17.


José Luis Lozano exigió equidad de circunstancias para los comerciantes establecidos e informales. - Duration: 1:25.

San Luis Potosí, SLP.- El próximo presidente municipal de San Luis Potosí debe poner en orden y en regla al comercio informal, porque se ha incrementado en los últimos meses en el Centro Histórico, sin que la autoridad actúe

El ex presidente de la asociación "Nuestro Centro", José Luis Lozano Andalón, exigió equidad de circunstancias tanto con los comerciantes establecidos e informales, porque mientras los primeros cumplen con todas sus obligaciones fiscales, los segundos actúan en completa ilegalidad

"El ambulantaje es como un mal necesario y lo único que pido es que nos pongan en igualdad de circunstancias que paguen impuestos y Seguro Social, tal y como lo hacemos los que conformamos el comercio establecido, porque en todo el mundo existe el ambulantaje y en algunas partes hasta te reciben tarjeta de crédito y eso es porque tienen más educación y en México lo que pasa es que siempre son manejados por líderes que son los únicos que ganan dinero y obtienen beneficios", dijo Lozano Andalón

Indicó que si lo que quieren es vender los ambulantes, pues que lo hagan, siempre y cuando la autoridad los regule y cumplan con todos los gastos de los negocios establecidos, "por eso pido a la autoridad les exija ser ordenados y que no dejen tiradero de basura", apuntó

For more infomation >> José Luis Lozano exigió equidad de circunstancias para los comerciantes establecidos e informales. - Duration: 1:25.


Tim Robbins ve Varech uvedl Shawshank: Nejdřív ale musel před lidmi na záchod! - Duration: 1:09.

 Natěšení diváci nabalení v bundách a mikinách, jelikož je v lázeňském městě chladný večer s teplotami okolo 10 stupňů, mu proto cestu na WC zpestřili velkým potleskem

Když se pak Robbins na jeviště vrátil, sklidil aplaus znovu.    prohlásil pak herec

dodal Robbins a vysloužil si od řady lidí potlesk ve stoje. Následně z letního kina odjel zpět do centra města, kde se věnuje společenským povinnostem


For more infomation >> Tim Robbins ve Varech uvedl Shawshank: Nejdřív ale musel před lidmi na záchod! - Duration: 1:09.


Kyle / Piano Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "All I Asked For" (2018) - Duration: 2:13.

Kyle / Piano Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "All I Asked For" (2018)

For more infomation >> Kyle / Piano Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "All I Asked For" (2018) - Duration: 2:13.


Citroën C3 1.2 PureTech S&S Shine - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Citroën C3 1.2 PureTech S&S Shine - Duration: 1:07.


Master Python with Udemy

For more infomation >> Master Python with Udemy


🔷 HILARIOUS New Feud Alert!🍒Farrah Abraham Vs. Drita D'Avanzo - Duration: 5:10.

That Farrah Abraham, always getting into trouble with that big, silly mouth of hers!

Except this time, Farrah made have run that mouth about the wrong person.

Seriously, she really messed up this time.

OK, so are you familiar with Drita D'Avanzo?

She was on Mob Wives, she was friends with the legendary Big Ang, and she's known for

having a bit of a temper.

Like, she was arrested a couple of years ago for beating her neighbor over a parking spot

. Drita does not play around.

Anyway, Drita and Farrah appeared together at the opening of an Atlantic City club on

Thursday night, and afterwards, Farrah took to her Instagram to rant about the experience.

In a live video, she explained "I normally don't do joint appearances because to be honest,

I am done with other quote unquote reality people."

"I feel like they're either hung up on drugs, drinking, f-cked up, unprofessional, just

f-cking nasty pieces of sh-t on earth."

It's funny, because Farrah is most definitely in the category of "reality people," and there

are many of her peers that would likely call her "f-cked up, unprofessional, just f-cking

nasty pieces of sh-t on earth ."

But that's a conversation for another day.

Without saying Drita's name, Farrah siad "You have someone show up and like talk to the

owner about how you couldn't send her her freaking money at my dinner table because

she didn't want to eat together, but then she can't even do the photos for the club,

she can't meet anymore, she can't talk to anyone, then she just disappears!"

"Here's my vibe," she continued.

"If you can't be professional to show up to work, don't cry to other people when you have

no money, no work, no nothing ... because you are nothing."

"I'm sorry, if you are replaceable in the workforce, no one wants to hire you -- that's

not everyone's fault, that is your fault."

She told her followers that "I had to release this, because I am done.

I don't even know why they even shared my night with someone who is a has-been."

"I'm like, give me a break, it's either you're nice, you're amazing, you have a good work

ethic, or stay the f-ck out of my way!"

Again, it's funny, because she's never nice or amazing , right?

Is she honestly this delusional?

Well, yes.

But that's what happened when Farrah met Drita.

And when Page Six reached out to Drita for a comment on what Farrah had said, the Mob

Wives star said "I'm going to slap the sh-t out of that Mr. Ed-looking f-cker."

You're already living for this feud, right?

Drita also said that she wasn't too clear on who Farrah is, and that she thinks she's

"an unemployed porn star."

She "doesn't care if she's a hooker," but still, "she f-cked with the wrong person."

She repeated those comments in a video she shared on Instagram last night:

It seems like in the time between the interview and the Instagram video, she figured out that

Farrah's famous for being on Teen Mom OG, but she still thinks that later " she became

a hooker or some sh-t ."

But that doesn't bother her -- she explained that what does bother her is that Farrah was

nice to her face, and then later "ripped me to shreds."

"I don't know who you dealt with in the past," Drita said, "but you got the wrong motherf-cker."

"I no longer assault anybody, because the last time someone tried to test me they ended

up putting me in jail.

You're not worth it."

"However," she added, "I might have to make an exception."

It's at this point that you really start to appreciate how badly Farrah messed up, right?

For what it's worth though, Drita did say that "I'm not gonna closed fist punch your

face in, I'm gonna open hand smack the f-ck out of you, straight up, on sight.

Just so you know."

Small miracles, huh?

If you've already gotten so invested in this amazing new reality star feud, don't worry

-- we have one more bit of news!

Farrah saw Drita's comments about her comments, and she addressed her on Twitter directly,

writing one of her most aggressive word salads yet!

"F-cking low class trash dusted up nobody show up and work you have no work ethic and

act like a criminal say what you want about me so you feel better about how pathetic you

are!" she tweeted.

"Use me for press haha your a loser go get a real job my lawyer will be contacting you



She also tweeted "Dinner & Atlantic City was fabulous I hope the clown fixes her drug

problem & her abusive relationship."

Farrah Abraham: Having Mental Breakdown After Being Fired from Teen Mom OG?!

Start Gallery

"Girl I'm rootin for ya but have self control & don't threaten my safety such a bad

look on top of not working no wonder you don't get paid."

Can't wait to see what happens next!

For more infomation >> 🔷 HILARIOUS New Feud Alert!🍒Farrah Abraham Vs. Drita D'Avanzo - Duration: 5:10.



Sucha skóra, zaparcia, wysoki cholesterol, ogólne zmęczenie – to tylko niektóre objawy tej dolegliwości atakującej tarczycę. Leczy się ją farmakologiczne, ale wiele zdziałać może też jedzenie.

 Witamina D3.Tak działa: Zmniejsza ryzyko wystąpienia Hashimoto i innych schorzeń tarczycy. Źródła: łosoś, tuńczyk, mleko, jaja i... spacery (słońce wytwarza witaminę D). Zalecana dawka: 400 IU (jednostek międzynarodowych) na dobę. Zapewni ją, np.: 20 dag świeżej makreli (i codzienne półgodzinne spacery).

Jod.Tak działa: Utrzymuje stężenie TSH na właściwym poziomie (niedobór jodu wywołuje wzrost stężenia hormonu i powiększenie gruczołu tarczowego). Źródła: owoce morza, sól kuchenna, dorsz, mintaj, makrela, sardynki, tuńczyk, groch, szpinak. 

Zalecana dawka: 150 mikrogramów jodu na dobę. Zapewni ją, np.: 13-14 dag świeżego dorsza, 15 dag mintaja.

Cynk.Tak działa: Wspomaga produkcję hormonów tarczycy. Źródła: owoce morza, wołowina, kurczak, soczewica, fasola biała i czerwona, pestki dyni, kasza gryczana, migdały, kakao, mleko (bez laktozy). 

Zalecana dawka: 10 mg (miligramów) cynku na dzień. Zapewni ją, np.: 10 dag kaszy gryczanej + 10 dag wołowiny + 3,5 dag (3,5 łyżki) pestek dyni.

Witamina B12.Tak działa: Zapobiega rozdrażnieniu i depresji; bierze udział w przemianach tłuszczowych, białkowych i węglowodanowych. Osoby z chorobą Hashimoto mają niedobory tej witaminy, bo jej nie przyswajają. Powinny uzupełniać jej braki. 

Źródła: wołowina, cielęcina, mleko sojowe, tofu, orzeszki ziemne. Zalecana dawka: 2,4 mikrogramów na dobę. Zapewni ją, np.: 17 dag wołowiny lub cielęciny.

Selen.Tak działa: Bierze udział w regulowaniu na właściwym poziomie hormonów tarczycy T4 i T3; wykazuje działanie przeciwzapalne, wzmacnia odporność. 

Źródła: jajka, tuńczyk, sardynki, soja, orzeszki ziemne. Zalecana dawka: 75-200 μg (mikrogramów) na dzień. Zapewnią ją, np.: 2 jajka plus 10 dag tuńczyka.

Wskazówki.Zapewniaj tarczycy jod, selen, cynk, witaminy. Wybieraj nabiał bez laktozy (przy Hashimoto może być jej nietolerancja). Gotuj warzywa kapustne bez przykrycia: to pozbawia je szkodliwych dla tarczycy substancji. 

Nie rezygnuj ze strączków, gdy choroba jest stabilna, bo są w nich minerały. Stosuj 3-godz. przerwy między posiłkiem a lekiem (lek lepiej się wchłonie).Te produkty są niewskazane!

Ogranicz: brukselkę, kalafior, jarmuż, gorczycę, brokuły, bo zawierają goitrogeny - substancje wolotwórcze, które mogą hamować syntezę hormonów tarczycy; słodycze, bo szybko podnoszą poziom cukru we krwi (a w Hashimoto pojawia się insulinooporność i ryzyko cukrzycy oraz problemy z wagą);

produkty przetworzone, np. fast-food, czy produkty instant, bo sprzyjają stanom zapalnym; paprykę, pomidory, ziemniaki, bakłażany, jeśli po ich zjedzeniu dokucza ci zgaga, uczucie ciężkości.Napoje bezpieczne i... odradzane

Jak najczęściej pij niegazowaną wodę z niską zawartością sodu (od 5-20 mg na litr). Wybieraj taką, która wzbogacona jest jodem, magnezem, selenem, cynkiem (sprawdzaj skład wody na etykiecie). Nie popijaj leków sokiem grejpfrutowym i z buraka, bo zaburzają ich wchłanianie. 

For more infomation >> DIETA ŁAGODZĄCA OBJAWY HASHIMOTO - Duration: 2:30.


Funny magic learn colors. kids toy. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:17.


my mustache is getting long



What are you doing now?

This one?


I use this when my mustache is getting long

How to use it?


Touch me

How do you feel ?

I want to shave your beard

Oh sweetheart, I already done with myself

Where is she?


It is done


It is done

Where is the best place to hide ?

That is it

She will never find me !

I got you

You little fairy

Why you make a mustache to me ?

For more infomation >> Funny magic learn colors. kids toy. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 5:17.


Kyle / Piano Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "All I Asked For" (2018) - Duration: 2:13.

Kyle / Piano Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "All I Asked For" (2018)

For more infomation >> Kyle / Piano Type Beat [[Prod. by Asa]] "All I Asked For" (2018) - Duration: 2:13.



hi guys and welcome to my crash bandicoot insane trilogy let's play I'm

going to be doing an introduction today because I realized that I am going to

London tomorrow and I'm not going to get time to record the first few episodes so

I thought I might as well give you a little bit of something that it wasn't

gonna take me long to do so I'm just gonna introduce what this series is and

it's really self-explanatory I am doing a let's play of Crash Bandicoot insane

trilogy which has just come out on the PC so it is really exciting I've played

you're obviously in the background I've got some gameplay of me just playing

level one I just couldn't resist I just had to have a look so there are some

really interesting like intro a bits and like how you when the game opens it's

really it's really funny so yeah I'm gonna be doing a proper proper lately

like that so obviously like Crash Bandicoot is a really funny it was

really fun game I've see this get the the insane trilogy has all three games

the first second and third one and so expect I really I really I really love

this game I really love this game as a child so I wouldn't be super excited

when I'm playing this game so yeah and also expect me to probably get really

angry as well because you know what this games like if once you fail a few times

you know you're a little bit down but then when it gets to the 20th time when

you haven't done it just screaming at the screaming at the TV to just to just

let you

so yes it's probably going to be hearing weird weird curse words and well not

curse words because obviously I'm going to get you know YouTube will tell me

after doing that so we'll have some funny funny names coming out my mouth

but it that way mmmm so yeah so be prepared for that but

yeah anyway so hopefully there won't be any video on Sunday but hopefully on

Monday that's when we'll be we'll be getting started on this no see I'll have

other things as well so yeah so thanks for watching this

video I hope you all ready for this playthrough I know I am so yeah I will

see you in episode 1 okay thanks guys bye

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