Friday, June 29, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 29 2018

As my favorite comic strip artist once said, "The surest sign that intelligent life exists

elsewhere in the universe is that is none of it has tried to contact us."

But as it turns out, we earthlings may be luckier than we previously thought.

Scientists have new evidence that one element in particular may be essential to creating

life, and that it could be pretty scarce in the rest of the universe.

So, are we really all alone out here on our blue dot?

There are a handful of chemical elements that are the primary building blocks of most life

on Earth, and some of the big ones are oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

Those four are a few of the so-called 'bulk' elements that make up our muscles and organs

and that we need to consume a lot of to stay alive.

(You may have noticed that breathing is pretty important).

But the another element, phosphorus, also has an essential task: it's the key additional

piece that makes up our DNA and RNA (our genetic makeup inside which the rest of our existence

is encoded) and our ATP, which is how we store and use energy.

It's like if you were a book being written by hand by a monk who's looking at instructions

in another book.

Without phosphorus, not only is there no instruction book, but there's no monk.

And all the pages are on the floor.

Maybe this wasn't the best metaphor.


Phosphorus is necessary to create and sustain almost all life as we know it.

But hold on--let's back up.

How is it that Earth has these essential elements in the first place?

Before the Big Bang, there was nothing.

Then the Big Bang, and there was A LOT of really hot something, mostly super-light elements

like hydrogen and helium, which together make up 99% of the matter in the universe .

NASA scientists have determined that the other life-giving elements are created inside the

core of stars that then become supernovae, which is when massive, dying stars explode

and eject their mass out into the universe in a catastrophic eruption, spitting out all

kinds of stuff...including the heavier elements needed for life.

Scientists think that meteorites carrying phosphorus came from a nearby exploding star

and plonked down onto Earth at just the right time to get included in making Earth's "proto-biomolecules",

or the precursors to what we now recognize as the basic molecules that make up our living


The thing is, new evidence indicates that phosphorus-creating supernovae may be kinda


Researchers observing the Crab Nebula, which is the remnant of a supernova so big and so

bright it was first noticed by us Earth-dwellers in the year 1054, have found that it contains

much less phosphorus than our models have predicted.

Using telescopes to observe infrared light readings from the phosphorus and iron traces

in the Crab Nebula, researchers compared it to a previously studied supernova remnant,

Cassiopeia A. The Crab Nebula phosphorous readings are far lower than those for Cass

A, suggesting that supernovae contents could vary dramatically.

This means that even if a planet has habitable qualities similar to Earth's, they may not

be near a supernova, and even if they are, that supernova may be spitting out different

elements than the ones we were touched by, meaning life like ours may be even more uncommon

than we thought.

And we've always thought we were pretty darn lucky.

But I mean, what about other kinds of life?

What if there's life out there that uses the elements we know of in vastly different

ways and doesn't need DNA because it's a life structure we can't even comprehend?

Or if there are elements we haven't even discovered out there in the universe creating

life that we have no idea how to picture?

There's no scientific evidence for this, at all, but I'm just saying, it's cool

to think about.

Thanks for tuning in and don't forget to subscribe to Seeker for more SPACE...Check

out this video about sending a submarine to Titan, and.

Fun fact, the neutron star (or ex-supernova) at the center of the Crab Nebula is as massive

as our Sun, but is only the size of a small town.

That's so dense that a single teaspoon would weigh a billion tons.

I'm Maren, thanks for watching Seeker.

For more infomation >> Is Phosphorus the Reason We Haven't Found Aliens Yet? - Duration: 3:53.


Amazon Online Booking New Rules | Amazon Rules Were Changed | Amazon Booking Rules - Duration: 2:14.

Amazon Online Booking New Rules

Amazon Rules Were Changed

Amazon Booking Rules

For more infomation >> Amazon Online Booking New Rules | Amazon Rules Were Changed | Amazon Booking Rules - Duration: 2:14.


大暴落中仮想通貨リップル将来性はないのか?Ripple最新情報とXRP価格推移とは?リップルコイン今後の爆上げ予想!証券化アマゾンamazon提携の噂に続く2018年6月7月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 5:42.

For more infomation >> 大暴落中仮想通貨リップル将来性はないのか?Ripple最新情報とXRP価格推移とは?リップルコイン今後の爆上げ予想!証券化アマゾンamazon提携の噂に続く2018年6月7月最前線暗号通貨ニュース - Duration: 5:42.


Sing Along ABC Songs

For more infomation >> Sing Along ABC Songs


Toyota Yaris 1.3 S-LINE Airco - Trekhaak - 5 Deuren - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.3 S-LINE Airco - Trekhaak - 5 Deuren - Duration: 1:06.


Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Acenta AUTOMAAT! 1e eigenaar! dealer onderhouden! mooi exemplaar! - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Acenta AUTOMAAT! 1e eigenaar! dealer onderhouden! mooi exemplaar! - Duration: 0:53.


Yarol Poupaud évoque sa "relation presque familiale" avec Johnny et Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Yarol Poupaud évoque sa "relation presque familiale" avec Johnny et Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 2:13.


Bertrand Artigny – Contractualisation avec l'Etat : le pot de fer contre le pot de terre - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Bertrand Artigny – Contractualisation avec l'Etat : le pot de fer contre le pot de terre - Duration: 1:48.


「ммd」 - || UT Chara & Frisk - Luna Dreemurr - Gumi || → Is pepsi Ok?【 Vietsub Phụ Đề】 - Duration: 1:20.

For more infomation >> 「ммd」 - || UT Chara & Frisk - Luna Dreemurr - Gumi || → Is pepsi Ok?【 Vietsub Phụ Đề】 - Duration: 1:20.


Així es fustiga puigdemont - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Així es fustiga puigdemont - Duration: 2:57.


Alan Walker & Marshmello Mix 2018 - New Songs of Marshmello and Alan Walker Mix - Duration: 1:49:49.

For more infomation >> Alan Walker & Marshmello Mix 2018 - New Songs of Marshmello and Alan Walker Mix - Duration: 1:49:49.


Das Sommerhaus der Stars 2018: Wie gut kennen sich die Promi-Pärchen wirklich? - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> Das Sommerhaus der Stars 2018: Wie gut kennen sich die Promi-Pärchen wirklich? - Duration: 2:02.


KE柯蕭 - 燥 ft.94K、Sowut (Dir.方豪) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> KE柯蕭 - 燥 ft.94K、Sowut (Dir.方豪) - Duration: 3:58.


Image et son animaux pour bébé | Les animaux pour bébé en français comptines - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Image et son animaux pour bébé | Les animaux pour bébé en français comptines - Duration: 7:34.


5 Days to Outline a Short Story Challenge: Day 4, Plan a Plot - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 5 Days to Outline a Short Story Challenge: Day 4, Plan a Plot - Duration: 4:10.


如何渡過車廂內的24小時|少旅藏都|Day 2 - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> 如何渡過車廂內的24小時|少旅藏都|Day 2 - Duration: 10:08.


Aunque ha bajado el caudal de los afluentes, el paso sigue siendo complicado Plano Informativo, úni - Duration: 1:25.

Ciudad Fernández, SLP.- A pesar de haber bajado el caudal de los cuerpos de agua en los municipios de Rioverde y Ciudad Fernández, habitantes de la rivera han llamado a no arriesgarse en el cruce del Rio Verde debido a la erosión del suelo

Esta mañana una camioneta de carga pesada intentó cruzar el caudal del Río Verde , sin embargo, el arrastre del agua, dejó el terreno con piedras, bancos de arena y un terreno irregular que no permitió el paso del vehículo que se quedó atorado a mitad del caudal

Se recomienda a los visitantes no  arriesgarse y a tomar las vías alternas para poder cruzar sin exponer su seguridad y la de quienes se encuentren a bordo del vehículo

Habitantes de la localidad auxiliaron al conductor de la camioneta que se presume es propiedad de un invernadero de la zona, para que pudiera salir del atolladero en donde cayó

For more infomation >> Aunque ha bajado el caudal de los afluentes, el paso sigue siendo complicado Plano Informativo, úni - Duration: 1:25.


ItalDesign célèbre 50 ans de Nissan GT-R - - Duration: 1:57.

 Cette année, la Nissan GT-R et ItalDesign ont 50 ans. Le constructeur japonais et le carrossier italien ont uni leurs forces pour imaginer une GT-R unique, la GT-R50 by ItalDesign

   Si l'on reconnaît au premier coup d'œil une GT-R, il ne faut pas se tromper : la GT-R50 by ItalDesign présente des lignes totalement originales

Les dimensions de cette GT-R sont d'ailleurs revues. La GT-R50 by ItalDesign mesure 4 784 mm en longueur (contre 4 690 mm pour la GT-R), 1 992 mm en largeur (contre 1 895 mm) et 1 316 mm en hauteur (contre 1 370 mm)

Basée sur une GT-R Nismo  Les deux partenaires expliquent que cette GT-R unique, développée à partir de la version Nismo, s'inspire tecnhiquement de la version GT3 de la japonaise

Sous le capot aussi cette GT-R50 by ItalDesign se distingue d'une GT-R classique

Son V6 3,8 litres VR38DETT affiche la coquette puissance de 720 ch pour un couple de 780 Nm

   Source et images : ItalDesign

For more infomation >> ItalDesign célèbre 50 ans de Nissan GT-R - - Duration: 1:57.


PHOTOS – Emilie Broussouloux, la compagne de Thomas Hollande, ravissante en petite robe fleurie esti - Duration: 1:41.

 La saison estivale a commencé et avec elle, de nombreux fêtes parisiennes comme celle qui s'est déroulée à Paris pour fêter la sixième édition du Trophée de la pétanque gastronomique

Parmi les nombreux invités dont Valérie Trierweiler et son fils Léonard, il y avait aussi Thomas Hollande et sa fiancée, la journaliste Emilie Broussouloux

Le couple de futurs mariés, était très souriants, et visiblement très amoureux, en look casual chic

Le fils de François Hollande en chemise et veste et sa belle, en robe rouge fleurie, une tenue ultra tendance de cet été 2018

 Après cette soirée, Emilie Broussouloux a filé rejoindre ses copines pour un autre évènement, le lancement d'un nouveau parfum signé Nina Ricci

 Crédits photos : bestimage

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Emilie Broussouloux, la compagne de Thomas Hollande, ravissante en petite robe fleurie esti - Duration: 1:41.


Roma glamour, da Bella Hadid alla nipote di Lady D: serata gioiello per Bulgari - Duration: 4:53.

 New York e Roma, love story infinita. Nel nome dei più bel gioielli del mondo. Serata glamour e preziosissima allo Stadio dei Marmi

Con sfilata, divine della passerella, cena e inevitabili influencer. Colpo di scena: cantano i Duran Duran tra ovazioni della platea

Altra sorpresa: non manca Lady Kitty Spencer, nipote di Lady Diana, la più notata e amata it-girl del recente Royal Wedding, quella che ormai viene considerata la reginetta degli eventi mondani, è ovviamente cliccatissima dalla scatenata parata di fotografi

LEGGI ANCHE Royal wedding, tutti pazzi per lady Kitty, la nipote di Diana E' in bianco come una bambola

Per presentare la nuovissima collezione di alta gioielleria "Wild Pop" Bulgari ha ricostruito lo Studio 54, discoteca e quartiere generale dei mondanissimi Anni 80 nella Grande Mela

Era frequentato da Liz Taylor e Liza Minelli, Truman Capote e lui, il re della Pop Art, Andy Warhol, a cui si è ispirato il brand per i favolosi gioielli che si vedono qui in anteprima globale

Fuori le statue candide. Musica. Foto. Un ittite che dipinge un murale in diretta

Aperitivi davanti s mega tabelloni con Le Tre Grazie diventate pop. Dentro una struttura

Arte moderna e classica si incontrano nella scenografia. Duecentottanta gli invitati internazionalissimi

Le supertop indossano collier, bracciali, orecchini, con cascate di diamanti, smeraldi, rubini, e tutto il firmamento delle pietre preziose qui incontra quello delle bellissime

Superbe in ordine sparso ecco Bella Hadid in oro, l'attrice Eva Green, Shu Qi, Laura Harrier, Sylvio Hoks, Huba Abouk, Nieves Abascal, Jasmine Sanders, Ian Kartajarena,Lily Altridge

Arrivano Isabella Ferrari, Lilly de Wittgenstein simpaticissima. Yasmin e Amber Le Bon

Matteo Bocelli. Ad accoglierli ci sono l'ad di Bulgari Jean-Christophe Babin e ia Direttrice creativa della alta gioielleria della maison, Lucia Silvestri

Ci sono schiere di influencer tra cui Gilda Ambrosio, Giorgia Tordini, Paola Stella, Margaret Zhang, Leyla Yavari e tante altre che si distinguono per iper look, eccentrici abiti da sera con spacchi vertiginosi, tacchi alti più di 12

Altri favolosi gioielli sfilano tra battimano e incantamenti. La cena raffinatissima è opera di Luca Fantin, chef dei ristoranti Bulgari di Tokyo e Bali

La parata di selezionatissimi ospiti gusta: carpaccio di capesanta con asparagi bianchi, burrata e caviale, risotto Carnaroli con fave, acqua di pecorino e guanciale, poi manzo wagyu al vapore con indivia e consommé di verdure

Per finire fragole e crema di cioccolato al latte e meringa. Brindisi, chiacchiere, musica, una Roma superba e nessuno se ne vuole andare


For more infomation >> Roma glamour, da Bella Hadid alla nipote di Lady D: serata gioiello per Bulgari - Duration: 4:53.


다이어트 Vlog | 2주동안 맥도날드만 먹기..? 곧 시작합니다 D-2..! (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 6:05.


What's up everybody!

Hello everyone it's Justin.

It's been a very long time since my last vlog… uhm..

Yea, so this vlog was supposed to come a bit later too.

This new camera… This damn sexy camera~

It arrived today.

So I couldn't wait to try filming something as soon as possible. (Not great but it'll get better!)

So the direction of this channel will be changing and I have a lot of different content planned out for the future.

But in this video I just want to mention one thing, and that is the first challenge series..

Which is why I rushed to turn the camera on~

Just at home with like zero preparation XD

So the very first challenge I want to try is…


A McDonald's challenge.

For the next two weeks, 3 meals a day, without missing a single day.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

I will only be eating McDonald's,

While working out at the gym.

I will also be checking my body on a scale frequently.

Although I LOVE me some McDonald's…

I think after about 3 to 4 days,


The outcome of this challenge will be solely dependent on my mental strength…!

So I am a little scared and worried. XD.

But I will try hard to take on the challenge.

So breakfast, lunch, and dinner, 3 times a day, for 14 days.

Why am I doing this…?

Although 2 weeks is relatively a short period of time

I actually recently received a YunMai "Smart Scale".

(Failing at Korean… Can't find the right word for "scale"…)

"Korean Language Patch 0.9…"

Damnit I can't remember the word all of a sudden…

Right, so the scale. Measuring my weight.

So it's a YunMai (winmy) "smart scale".

The thing is I am 183cm tall…

And my current body weight dropped down to 63kg…!

So I felt the urge to work harder again.

Try to build my body again,

Maybe try out a quick bulk through fast food for fun.

I've heard a lot of people eat fast food to try and bulk up

So with this "smart scale" I can use an app to see my body's build

Like an "InBody" scanner,

I just started messing around with the app

And it was actually really fun.

It shows like body fat percentage, percentage of body muscle.

The Body Mass Index! (BMI)

It was interesting, so I thought to myself

Since I'm trying to try different stuff on this channel,

So I can upload interesting content every week

Maybe a good starting point would be to try this small experiment with my body.

However, I will not recommend this to anyone else because fast food is extremely unhealthy,

And a while back McDonald's used to have a "Super Size" which was larger than a "Large" size meal.

The "Super Size" became illegal because a documentary about a man eating only McDonalds for 30days, 3 meals a day, almost died after visiting a doctor was released

(Documentary is called "Super Size Me")

So I'll try out 2 weeks, while examining my body fat percentage and muscle percentage etc.

While working out.

I'll be vlogging the whole process for fun.

Let me show you what I'm talking about because some of you are probably confused

Like "why are you eating McDonald's..?"

Hang on…


Here's the scale

It's very clean~

Not sure if there are other colors cause I got this as a gift.

Says YunMai

If you search there is an app for it.

Open the app

Turn on Bluetooth

Match my feet on the metal area

If I do this, the app automatically receives information

And then…


Boom boom boom

This is no joke~ XD


Can you see it…?

Okay Boom...

If you look here

It says BMI

Body Fat Percentage 14.1%

Muscle 57.6%.. I thought it was higher before… TT

Hydration level 62.4%

Protein level 19.4%

Even Visceral Fat ..?! (Not even sure what that is...)

There's like everything

Over 10..

Right so its fun to look at! XD

So with this I can see all kinds of measurements at home

While vlogging this Fast Food challenge.

I will start on July 1st!

I will start on July 1st!

I will try to record every meal everyday

I'm assuming my body fat percentage will shoot up!

Gain a little weight?

Work out during the process to see what happens

At the end I think for 3 days I'll try a cleansing diet

So there will be a small "cleansing challenge"

There are other different things I have planned out,

Which I will let you all know in the near future one by one!

Thank you all for watching!

My Korean is not the best, but I am studying Korean so it will hopefully get better~!

Alright let's have fun!

Welcome to JustinDoIt!

Let's have fun

I'll be uploading frequently so please subscribe to the channel! :)

For more infomation >> 다이어트 Vlog | 2주동안 맥도날드만 먹기..? 곧 시작합니다 D-2..! (ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 6:05.


컵케익 믹스 먹방 _ 간식으로 딱! 간단하고 맛있는 케익 만들기 :D - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> 컵케익 믹스 먹방 _ 간식으로 딱! 간단하고 맛있는 케익 만들기 :D - Duration: 6:15.


핫이슈 l '컴백 D-1' 엘리스, '써머드림' MV 트레일러 공개 - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> 핫이슈 l '컴백 D-1' 엘리스, '써머드림' MV 트레일러 공개 - Duration: 3:07.


aquarium fish, Fish species,cichlid birth,Cichlid Aquarium,cichlid aquarium, aquarium cleaning - Duration: 7:11.

hello to everyone from turkey

our fish in the aquarium

we will remove the egg from the fish

but we are not successful

we will wait for the birth of our fish

thanks for watching

Please do not forget to like the video

For more infomation >> aquarium fish, Fish species,cichlid birth,Cichlid Aquarium,cichlid aquarium, aquarium cleaning - Duration: 7:11.


Pérusse Cité – Saison 2 – Épisode 3 - Sondage – François Pérusse - Duration: 21:33.

For more infomation >> Pérusse Cité – Saison 2 – Épisode 3 - Sondage – François Pérusse - Duration: 21:33.


Així es fustiga puigdemont - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> Així es fustiga puigdemont - Duration: 2:57.


La reine Elizabeth II n'assistera pas à la cérémonie jeudi. Sa Majesté était souffrante - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> La reine Elizabeth II n'assistera pas à la cérémonie jeudi. Sa Majesté était souffrante - Duration: 2:11.


KE柯蕭 - 燥 ft.94K、Sowut (Dir.方豪) - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> KE柯蕭 - 燥 ft.94K、Sowut (Dir.方豪) - Duration: 3:58.






For more infomation >> 6 BÀI TẬP YOGA GIẢI ĐỘC CƠ THỂ TẠI NHÀ GIÚP CÂN BẰNG CUỘC SỐNG - Duration: 10:08.


Yarol Poupaud évoque sa "relation presque familiale" avec Johnny et Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Yarol Poupaud évoque sa "relation presque familiale" avec Johnny et Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 2:13.


Image et son animaux pour bébé | Les animaux pour bébé en français comptines - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Image et son animaux pour bébé | Les animaux pour bébé en français comptines - Duration: 7:34.


La famille Laeticia Hallyday veut qu'elle revienne - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> La famille Laeticia Hallyday veut qu'elle revienne - Duration: 2:07.


星二代像妈的真少 咘咘一半像贾静雯 她完全是妈妈复制出来的 - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> 星二代像妈的真少 咘咘一半像贾静雯 她完全是妈妈复制出来的 - Duration: 1:55.


10 raisons de toujours avoir de l'huile de coco chez soi - Duration: 9:10.

For more infomation >> 10 raisons de toujours avoir de l'huile de coco chez soi - Duration: 9:10.


Beautiful Creatures, trama cast e curiosità del film tratto dal romanzo 'La sedicesima luna' - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> Beautiful Creatures, trama cast e curiosità del film tratto dal romanzo 'La sedicesima luna' - Duration: 3:55.


《海贼王》未来会是超新星的吗? - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> 《海贼王》未来会是超新星的吗? - Duration: 4:18.



hey guys it's Cassie welcome to my channel if you are new here welcome back

to my channel if you ask a seasoned subscriber of the 2102 crew and

you know you know how the family works you know how we how we be around here

today I'm doing yet another review of a luxury pair of trainers today we are

talking about the Gucci ace crystal sneakers que exciting music guys I'm using

a new camera today this is my boyfriend's camera and the little view

finder whatever it is is on this side so I'm trying my best to look directly at

you and not me and be vain and narcissistic so excuse me if my eyes

wander throughout so yes we are talking about the Gucci ace crystal sneakers

before we do that though click the red button

you know how the drill is click the red button turn on the notification bell so

that you become a member of the join our crew and you can join our wonderful

wonderful family we're great people trust me you'll love it don't worry so

shall we begin these bad boys come in this box so I'm not entirely

sure what this whole aesthetic they're going for here but it's happening all

the details as usual will be below if you want them and you can also have a

gander at the price because these are rather expensive and I'm somewhat

embarrassed to tell you £885 i know i know it's bad please excuse me because I have come back from holiday

and these need a bit of cleaning however I didn't clean them before this video so

welcome to my channel so basically these are very similar to the normal Gucci ace

sneakers that everybody and their mother seems to be wearing everybody seems to

have these sneakers I'm one of those annoying people that's like if everybody

has it I don't want it that much or I want it but I want something that is in

my opinion better and this is how I became the proud owner

these so yes so basically without the crystals they are the normal a sneaker

however the web here is in navy and red you've got the golden bee there and the

back of these is not the red and green it's red and blue in the metallic

leather that says Gucci just so we are all aware that I am a gucci princess so I

am refraining hugely from using any Gucci gang references throughout this

video because lil pump is there are no words really as to what that whole

situation is but anyway that's not what we're here for so basically they are

exactly the same as the Gucci Ace Sneakers apart from the fact that they have three

glorious rows of Swarovski crystals yes so these are basically I'm gonna try and

show you up close they are they lay flat they're not coming out any sides or

anything they are basically included in the sole

of the shoes and I'm obsessed with them also oddly the thing about this shoes is

although it seems such an extra thing to have on a shoe like three layers of

crystals they sparkle so great in daylight but also they don't look too

much if you can trust me on this they don't look too much they look fabulous

on I love a good platform sneaker I think it's very flattering and I think

especially with like skinny jeans or elongates the legs just looks like I'm

here for it I'm here for also extra inches nobody's complaining and yes so I

am obsessed so far I have worn these so much and not one crystal is missing no

not one and I really can be quite terrible and not very careful with

things like my trainers and I'll just walk on anything and bash them about and

they have done extremely well extremely well downside but this is always gonna

happen if you're buying white things is that they get dirty

obviously however its leather it's easy to clean I've even cleaned the soles

before just with Jason mark serum and a brush a dare I say these and my Chanel high tops

are my favourites but don't tell the others, they are everything and my most complimented shoe they look fabulous

that just fantastic Oh also I'm a size 39 and these are a size

39 and they fit perfectly they're not tight they're also oddly comfortable

considering that you you know there's not much bend in them or anything

they're super easy to walk in very comfortable i worn these all day I just

went on holiday I wore than the whole day doing super touristy stuff and they

are in a wonderful condition so yeah I could not be more happier with this

extortionate purchase actually in such a clip of me prancing around in these so

you can see what they look like on a foot also in case you haven't noticed

all of my little videos where I do try ons I always wear jeans with them

because I think that it's the most common item that's worn with sneakers

but let me know if you think that should change

thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I hope it

was useful ever you learned something new

as usual the link to the trainer's is below for your perusal and contemplation

as to whether you should buy it also give this video a like if you

enjoyed it comment down below if you have any questions let me know happy to

help as usual also subscribe if you haven't because

I've told you once shouldn't really need to tell you the second time and if

you've watched this far you enjoyed it so go ahead and click the red button

you're just kidding yourself and have an amazing morning afternoon or evening

wherever the hell you are in the world and I shall see you in my next video

For more infomation >> GUCCI ACE SNEAKERS WITH CRYSTALS REVIEW/TRY ON | CA$$IE THORPE - Duration: 7:01.


Aby Meetup #1 Indie game marketing | Tips to improve promotion skills | Alex Roca - Duration: 21:17.

A.R. – So, this talk is based on the good things marketing has, because normally indie studios are a bit afraid of it.

Most of us are developers and we think that the cool thing about doing videogames is programming, art, design…But instead, all those things that involve business and marketing…We often ignore it.

Well, my experience after doing mobile games, and some of them made at Ubisoft, I have learnt many things. In fact, there are a lot of indie studios that use marketing and I think it's very useful.

While using marketing is very suitable to have creative freedom. Utilize marketing basically to reach out the people, adapt the game to what they like and know how to make good decisions.

For example, the case I was explaining before, you want to launch a game on consoles, but maybe you can only afford to launch it in one console.

Which one you choose among the 3?

Thanks to marketing, you can inform yourself about the marketing and say:

Okay, the type of game I'm going to launch fits better with the type of players of this platform. Things like that.

Well then, this is a resume about the companies where I was.

. Since last year, I'm building Anarkade and I still didn't publish my first game.

I was working for 13 years in another study which begin as Microjocs, doing mobile games in 2002. I went in there in 2005.

This one, is Astro Odissey, sequel of Astro. It is the first game in which I worked as Lead Programmer and as Team lead, known as Producer nowadays.

Then Digital Chocolate acquired us, leaded by Trip Hawking (the guy who founded Electronic Arts).

The other development study apart from us was the one in Helsinki, people who manage Supercell now.

We were very successful on Free to Play, mobile, Facebook… Then Ubisoft acquired us in 2013. And I was there until I decided to fund my own company.

I've spent 5 or 6 years of my career programming, and another 5 or 6 years as a Community Manager.

While I was exerting as Community Manager, I was doing Customer Relations Management.

I was managing the community at the same time I had to do customer support duties. I've also worked on the Customer Support role.

First days in the studio, as we did mobile games, there were a lot of phones, and making "ports" was a joy, as the "master" knows (referring to Alberto González from Abylight).

First 3 weeks I was there, even though I was going to work as a programmer, they told me: "It'll be better if you test all the phones while learning all the bugs of each one.

Then you going to port and develop games given those bugs and problems they generate. Take charge and test around".

And now, I'm working on my company. I'm the producer and the creative director, so I did at Ubisoft, the other studio. In smaller projects, I designed and leaded the team too.

I've also been on Project management tasks, which is the same as leading the marketing duties, PR or even ASO, the optimization of the e-shop and user acquisition.

Here is Trip Hawking, who also founded the 3DO and the ESRB qualification system.

You pay for every game that is released in console, and this gentleman wins some money (laughs)

Eva (CEO Abylight): This is the one who founded the ESRB?

Alex: Yes, he is one of them. But I wanted to talk about the main challenges indies have to face and how marketing can help us.

Basically, one of them is getting the money. We tend to say "Oh, the publisher is ignoring me" or "Oh, the investor is ignoring me"

One of the things they want (I didn't go to demand it, but I know they demand it on Ubisoft internally, in order to do a pitch)

Basically, more than the Business Plan, the marketing plan and why your game is good enough as a product.

I mean, there is a real market where is going to sell? There's people who will buy it? Do they like it? Etc.

Then, if you have a good team (someone good at marketing which helps you out since the beginning of the project

S/he can help you get some financial support

Ensure that your game will be very good and they will probably put money into it.

There is money to invest, but they don't want to invest in something which is not surely going to work or not.

But if you have a marketing team capable of ensuring that: "It has this, and that, and this… And it's going to work because of this, and it's going to sell this amount…"

This is how you convince them.

But if you give to them your personal vision of the game, that is very beautiful, works well…

they will say, "yeah, it's good" they will ignore you.

Visibility is one of the principal problems. "Oh, no one is seeing my game"

Oh, maybe your game is bullshit

Maybe you are doing a game for a certain type of player and that player wants to play other things.

I mean, marketing can help you modify your game, having total creative freedom, but it can give you feedback too.

It can tell you" if you re-adjust this here and there, you have a bigger market

meaning your game can be bought by more people or there is a niche where you can attack, being a great opportunity for you."

Press and influencers ignore me.

They receive thousands of notifications

but maybe it can be because this youtuber or journalist plays other type of games.

For example, with Rawal Rumble,

one of the reasons why I went ahead with it is because, without starting any marketing campaign

people from Youtube or the Press wanted to try my game.

Because of that

the key is: if to this journalist or youtuber or whatever, you give a game with realistic graphics or another genre

maybe he does not like it because he wants a very specific game.

You can apply this to every type of game

In marketing

what you have to do is find people who like your game

who like this type of game, this graphics, webs specialized in those kind of games…

A fishing game

Maybe you go to Jara y Sedal (Spanish magazine about fishing)

they may like to know there is a fishing game.

Meaning that inside all of this customers

there can be people who will buy your game or are interested with it.

Instead of going to the top of the hill: "I want Rubius or Pewdiepie to promote me" or whatever

start from the bottom

Contact with youtubers, videogames press, or press who isn't specialized only in games…

centered on the type of game, or the theme, ambientation, visual style...

You'll normally get better numbers going to the specific niche

instead of aiming to the big ones

Within visibility terms

it can help you to know where to find players, to focus better on them

On the other side, there is the store.

A lot time happens that,

a possible customer goes to Steam

App Store or similar

they see the screenshots of the game or the ratings the users give and they fly away.

One of the things marketing people do is ASO (App Store Optimization).

Testing screenshots, title, icon of the game, description of the game…

They tend to identify the best combination to work with, within testing the target customer

This means that the conversion rate will go up

meaning that more people who lands on your page game, will buy it.

Talking now about the sales

"Oh, my game is not selling well"

This is what I said before

Maybe the problem is, that it's not in the right platform

It happens, maybe your game in another platform, pc, mobile, can change the sales number by a lot.

Maybe your game works very well on mobile devices, but not on consoles

Marketing specialists can help you to decide where a game will work better on

"this type of games work better on mobile, better on console, etc…"

About that, I will explain it

This is the videogames market scenario

This is Asia, Europe, Latin America, North America.

As you can see, Asia is very important

but for example we are with the same problem again.

If you release your game on consoles, in China (basically all of the Asian territory)

console games practically don't sell well

it's useless to traduce it to Chinese (in quotation marks, lots of) It's always good to traduce it to Chinese.

But if you release the game on mobile devices,

I dare you to have it in Chinese

Or for example, Steam.

This ranking (you'll see it on your pc) this is the ranking about the most used language of the Steam users. An official ranking from Steam.

The first one is Chinese with a 64%.

I can assure you that the majority of the games you release are not traduced to Chinese.

This means that Chinese people won't see the games at the Highlights on Steam

meaning that you need to know the countries and the most important markets where your target is. This is why the tables are for.

This is the money that is generated by country

There's EEUU at the first place, Japan, China… Sorry, first of all China, secondly EEUU, Japan, Korea, Canada, etc…

But we always need to know the market.

For example, Free to play and PC are very important in Asia. Japan, in mobile, generates an insane amount of money

For several years, they've been moving the great market of consoles to the mobile one. (PC was very small)

Nowadays, the revenue of mobile market is amazing.

About the countries, which is a very important topic, we have the game type

Demographics change a lot inside the same platform.

The genre of every game changes a lot

This example right here is from a survey, done by 270.000 players ( I was one of them) in 2007 by Quantic Foundry.

Basically they did a survey where they put a list of game type in which you had to say which one you like and you don't.

And one of the things they looked out on the survey was the percentage of women and men who liked every type of game.

Then we can see that there are games which have a similar percentage of women and men, and games in which there is a great difference.

By one side or another.

So, if you want to do a game for a determined demographic, you need to know if you will have an easy or a rough road ahead.

The big thing is: there are millions of tables on the Internet that can help you, for example the demographic ones.

Xbox one (this is from the last year) in theory this is a filtration of a document from Ubisoft, which gave to the people at the Build Conference

I have no clue if it's real or not, but it makes sense.

Basically the average player has 33 years. The global age of the gamer is at 35, and the "magic peak" is between 25 and 45 years. Where the big money is made.

For example, these are the demographics of the Switch, 6 months ago.

Tomorrow (link in bio) Nintendo publishes his fiscal numbers of the year and will give the new update to that table.

According to Nintendo, only a 11% of women have an account in the eShop on Switch.

Because of that, demographics can help us to think: "okay, this market is very big or this market is very small".

"There is a reason why, in this case, women are not buying Switch and what I can do. And because it's an enormous market, I'll do something to attract them".

In Switch, if you want to release a game focused on women

you have to know that, from the 17 Million of Switch sold, only an 11% are women

Maybe this number is like that because the father is the one in charge of paying with the credit card

Imagine that there are 5 people who can play

There can be men, there can be women, but the one in charge of the account and the console is the father, you know what I mean?

Maybe this is what explains those numbers, because these are eShop accounts,

but then, there is the Steam case in which I said: What the heck?

Mr. Steamspy, one day looked to the genre, look for the percentage about women and men in Steam

At first, he looked for it on Alexa and he saw that an 18% are women, but a lot of people told him that Alexa is not very accurate

because it only tracks you if you have a plugin installed in the browser.

Then, it's not very accurate

But he used a Google tool (which is more accurate and it does not require to have plugins and nothing in the browser)

and found that a 4% of the Steam shop are women.

What happens here? In mobile women are more predominant

I mean, it's not the case that there are more women in general.

The real thing is, there are more women playing than men…whatsoever is….

Alberto: Because of the type of game?

Alex: Excuse me?

Eva: The games are more direct. Well, they have an easy way to engage them.

Alex: For example, the type of game is more similar. When we see the genre table, if we look closely, there's some sort of pattern.

For example, Match-3 , happens to be what women like more compared to men.

What happens in mobile? That there are a bunch of Match-3.

There are the more popular ones like Candy Crush.

In Family or Farming Simulator, we have FarmVille or Hay Day which was from…

Eva: Supercell

Alex:...Which is one of the most sold ones in mobile.

What happens? All the type of game that women like are on mobile or in downloadable games for web, webs like Big Fish, King, etc.

Maybe if you release a game on console combining all of the genres women like, you'll manage to attract them.

These are tips, ideas and more that I write to all of you, you can download the presentation (link in bio) and you can read it at home.

Obviously, this is not how you write it on a Powerpoint. But well, some tips and details for you

These are things that I've been telling along the speech

like the part about how to choose an influencer or a media from a very specific niche to your type of game instead of a big media that's very mainstream.

Why? Because the type of people, the audience, which is going to see it will be more focused on your game and not the mainstream one

in which maybe you'll only attract a little percentage.

Talking about the PR, CM and CS, a lot of people tend to include it on marketing, thing that does not happen on big companies.

There are studios that handle it differently for many reasons.

Because they tend to be very different and they need people who are very specialized in the fields of marketing.

For example, someone who manages marketing, community, PR, customer support, is very rough

Why? Because as a PR s/he has to have a lot of experience and contact, and a wide knowledge.

A person who spent his/her whole life working on it is very rough, and may not know about how other fields work.

I recommend you to hire a PR agency or an advertising one, if you can afford it

especially a PR agency, specialized on the type of game you are going to create.

I mean, it's not the same an agency that manages consoles than another that manages mobile games

If you release a console game, the mobile games agency won't be useful

If you can, grab one that is used to work with indies and had succeeded, which is important too.

Someone who has never worked with videogames won't be able to help you. Some people think the contrary

That the main thing is that they have marketing knowledge and can sell sausages, videogames…

No, no, there are many specific things in videogames. You have to know about videogames and about marketing.

Eva: Well guys, thank you very much for coming. To all of you, everyone, thank you very much. Alex, thanks for sharing your tips.

Alex: Thank you guys.

For more infomation >> Aby Meetup #1 Indie game marketing | Tips to improve promotion skills | Alex Roca - Duration: 21:17.


Realus pavyzdys: gera istorija net 10 kartų padidina pardavimus! (su LT titrais) - Duration: 12:58.

Have you done one of these surveys to get free Wi-Fi or something?

It's like a survey: when are you gonna

buy your next computer, when are you buying your next cellphone?

Have you done these surveys? They're just surveying the market to see what

the economy's like what people's confidence is like what they're planning

to buy and so here's what they have found through all these kind of studies

is that basically at any point in time about 3% of the market is buying

whatever you're selling. It's just kind of a weird number let's try it out play

with me on this so we can prove it to everybody there's enough people here we

can do a good market survey. How many people in this room in the next week or

two we're gonna buy a new cell phone? How many people?

look three percent and then and then how many people are gonna buy a new computer

in the next two weeks three weeks how many look again it's about three percent

and then and then how many people are gonna buy a new car new car in the next

month or so look it's three percent again anybody for a new house in the

next month or so new house oh look it's even three percent on the house!

How about running shoes? How many people? Look it's three

percent. Now this may seem a little bit silly to you but here's why we're doing it.

Who are most companies marketing to?

The three percent! If you think about your fancy SEO campaigns. You got to have

your SEO on your website, you do! Don't take me wrong - you do need good SEO

(Search Engine Optimization) but here's the thing all that's doing is making

sure that the three-percent can find you. You're not thinking about the other 97%

This is a huge thing to realize in marketing and so I want to

share something with you let's try it like this. So, I mentioned before that I

originally was doing lots of speaking about health and nutrition and when I

first started speaking about health and nutrition

I was really heavily focused on human history. It turns out my great

grandfather discovered the oldest ever Homo sapiens skull a 259 thousand year

old skull and so I became really curious about early history and early humans and

then one day I got an opportunity I got this invitation I'm not kidding you to

go visit with Bushmen. How many of you seen the movie:

"The gods must be crazy"? It's one of the greatest independent films ever.

if you haven't seen it's a must and it's about these Bushmen and these guys are

true Bushmen. I mean they hunt and they gather. They have no money, they

don't have jobs, they don't even have homes, they move all the time. They move

with the animals, they move with the water and so on and I got a chance to go

visit with these guys so I could learn a little bit about what human history used

to be like and so I got out there. In fact, I've got pictures of these guys.

Anybody want to see a Bushman? All right.

I was with these guys about four months ago

the guy on the second from the left is the chief of that village. He's a really

great guy. Really, really fun! I had sent out

this email to my to some of my close contacts and said hey do any of you have

questions you would like me to ask the Bushman and Tony Robbins wrote back to

me. He said I've got two: 1) I want to know what the purpose of life is; and

2) I want to know what happens when we die. What do the Bushmen think.

So, I asked the chief and he says: "Oh the purpose of life is to be who you are"

Wow, I like that. Be who you are!

I'm a Bushman, so I be a Bushman. You're the city dweller, so you be the city dweller.

All right, that sounds good, but what if I change, who I am?

And want to be a Bushman too? He goes: "Do it fully - come and be a bushman"

This guy should have his own DVD program and seminars!

He was so inspirational. Then I said what do you think happens - I gave him Tony 's second question:

What do you think happens when we die? It's not a matter of

what we think happens - they just know. Ok, what happens when we die?

He goes: "It ends" :)

This is me with one of the other tribes that I was with.

I want you to check this guy out. This is really fascinating from a health

perspective. Look at this guy! Who would like to have arms like this?

He's never been to a gym in his life.

What he's doing right now? He's got a bow and

he's shooting at that piece of wood.

They said: "Hey we're gonna have a little competition to see who can hit the piece

of wood with the arrow?" So, they gave me a bow and four arrows and they gave

our guide a bow and four hours and for two of the Bushmen. We all got there

and we cranked out and fired. I got two of my arrows

into the piece of wood. I was so excited - everybody else only got one.

I actually beat the Bushman at their own arrow competition.

I think they may have let me win. It's possible...

What was really cool is after that they invited me to go hunting with them

I want to put this in perspective. This is what grocery shopping used to be like.

it's more dangerous, takes a lot more energy.

If you're into human history and all this stuff

and they ask: "Do you want to come hunting with us?". What do you say? YES!

I'm in! so, I'm gonna go hunting with these guys and here's where it gets

really fascinating. I go hunting with them and the first thing

I notice about them is that they don't make very much noise.

When they're running through the bush, they don't make much noise.

They go along and they are quite quiet. How about me?

Right behind them. I'm quiet like the knight, right? :) No, no. I'm...

like a city guy crashing, smashing and I'm suddenly thinking: "All these poor guys,

this is their grocery shopping and if I make this much noise the groceries are gonna hide!

They're not gonna eat! So, I better do something about this. I better figure it out.

I remember, I've been to lots of programs. I've studied peak performance and

then I remember, what did Tony Robbins always say?

if you got somebody who's getting the result you want to have

model them, figure out what they're doing to create their success and model it!

That's what I've been doing in my whole business life why couldn't I now do it

with the Bushman? So, I thought, let's model them. I started paying attention

to the way they held their head, the way they held their body

the way they ran. I started running like them and I noticed something.

They run on the front's of their feet not on the backs!

Oh, that makes a difference. Why did I have to learn this from the bushman?

I am a parent. How many of you are parents?

If your children would like to sneak around the house - do they walk the front or the back of their feet?

Front! Do you guys have the expression tippy-toes?

That's all they're doing, they're running along on the front so their feet

like that. So, I'm thinking okay, cool. I'm running along. Not only are you

more quiet when you hit the ground but you can also choose your steps better

and so I was so quiet, that one of the bushmen turn around to

make sure I didn't get eaten by lion. Still there! After about an hour and a half

of this something monumentous, something truly amazing happened and that was that

I realized that my knee was not hurting and this was amazing, because I ran the

the London Marathon in the year 2009 and I hurt my knee so badly that I had to

to give up running. I could not run! Anything more than you know 2 or 3

kilometers.. No way. I couldn't run. I had to stop. Here I was running through the bush

with these bushmen for hours and my knee wasn't hurting. I started thinking

about this. They're running the way people have run for millions of years.

I was running the way I was taught how to run in high school. Their way

seems to be working better. So, I started thinking about WHY it might be working better?

I realized that one of the reasons it might be working better

is that if you land on the front's of your feet...

It's soft! You land on your heels and it's pretty hard. There's a shock to it.

I thought you know that's really fascinating

because all the running shoe companies

don't they put air, gel, springs and things in the heel to take away that shock

Right? That should be helping us.

What do you think is more dangerous? Boxing with the big gloves or

boxing with the bare hand? What do you think? How many people think that

boxing with the big gloves would be more dangerous? How many people think boxing

without the gloves would be more dangerous? See, you would think that!

You would think that. It would make sense, but here's the difference. One thing is when

you have a bare hand you can't hit them so many times!

It hurts you and them! They can't take so many punches, you can't give so many out.

So, the fight doesn't last so long. When you have those big gloves on, you can punch

them for hours. It doesn't hurt you and it doesn't really hurt them so bad.

What happens to their brain inside their head? Bad, horrible things. Because when we

take away that shock by putting all the padding on there we take away the proper

communication that the skin was supposed to give us:

"Hey! Don't get hit like that again!" When we put the big glove on... oh yeah, you can

can do that again. Go and watch Muhammad Ali rumble in the jungle. Watch him take

whatever 15 rounds of form and punching him in the head again and again and

then watch a video of him now. I'm telling you that the padding is not

helping. It's not helping with the heels either. What's going on now is we have

all this padding in our heels it's giving us permission to land in a way

that we would never land when we are running. I tell you right now if you took

off your shoes and just ran down the floor over here you would land on your

heel maybe once, maybe twice, but after that you would never do it again.

It hurts and the padding in our heels has taught us to run that way which is why

everybody has a brace on their knee, a problem with their shoulder and a

problem with their hip. It's phenomenally interesting. So, I'm running along and

I'm thinking about those stupid... Do you guys have these here in Estonia.

Those crazy-looking toe shoes, do you have them? Look at that silly fad :)

Crazy looking shoes. I started thinking about these

crazy shoes and I thought you know what I'm gonna try them out.

So, I go to this sporting goods store in England. I got back to England from

Africa and I got to the store. I walked in and there are

other people in the store. Have you ever gone into a store and

you needed to buy something you didn't want anyone to see you buying? I don't

know what you were buying. I was buying shoes, so I went in there to get these shoes

and I I tried them on and she says: "Take it easy with these shoes".

What you mean take it easy? I've just in the month before I bought them

I've been up and down Kilimanjaro, I've been hunting with the bushmen

for days. I mean, I was in the peak shape of my life. What do you mean "take it easy"?

I'm just saying with these shoes on you'll run differently.

That's why I want to try them - to run differently. Yes, but when you run differently you'll use muscles you haven't used in a long time.

When you land on the fronts like this, you're gonna engage all these muscles on

the front that you don't usually use. So, take it easy. I thought whatever...

Oh, by the way do you know a park anywhere nearby that nobody runs in,

so I can go there alone? If you go early enough you might be okay :)

So, I go off to this park and I run ten kilometers!

That's me taking it easy. My knee did not bother me at all.

Not at all! I run no problem today. I carry barefoot running shoes with me

wherever I go. My muscles? They did hurt a lot the next day,

but my knee did not. I realized that I didn't have a bad knee.

It's such a crazy idea. Do you guys use that expression here:

"Oh I have a bad knee"? Do you have that? Bad elbow, bad knee...

You know however your knees came into existence, if you're more religious and God gave

them to you or if you're more into science and they evolved I don't really care which it is.

They are a pair! They should probably run out pretty close at the same time as each other

One should not run out when I'm 25 years old. I don't have a bad knee, I had a bad running strategy!

So, I needed to change that running strategy. Now, let me ask you a couple of questions:

do you guys find the bushmen interesting?

Is it an engaging story? Here's the real question I have for you.

I know you think I can't see you, because the bright lights

and all this stuff... I can! I want to know how many people in this room right now

are thinking: "WOW... maybe I really do need to look at getting new running shoes"

How many people?You see the numbers we're talking about a third of the room!

Up from 3 percent. A third of the room up from 3% with no selling...

For more infomation >> Realus pavyzdys: gera istorija net 10 kartų padidina pardavimus! (su LT titrais) - Duration: 12:58.


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Así quedan los octavos del Mundial de Rusia - Duration: 4:38.

España y Portugal no dieron lugar a la sorpresa y se unieron a Rusia y Uruguay en los octavos de final del Mundial de Rusia, aunque la Roja no fuera capaz de derrotar a Marruecos

Croacia, Dinamarca, Francia y Argentina fueron los equipos clasificados del martes

En el miércoles, ha sido el turno de Suecia, México, Brasil y Suiza.   Realiza tu pronóstico de quién pasará las eliminatorias de octavos de final URUGUAY-PORTUGAL (30 de junio, 20

00 horas / Telecinco)  Tras quedar segunda de su grupo, Portugal se enfrentará a Uruguay en los octavos

Los dos equipos quedaron encuadrados en la parte izquierda del cuadro del Mundial de Rusia

  FRANCIA-ARGENTINA (30 de junio, 16.00 horas / Cuatro)  Los 'bleus' han finalizado primeros del Grupo C tras empatar ante Dinamarca

En octavos les espera ni más ni menos que la vigente subcampeona, Argentina, que logró clasificarse tras el triunfo ante Nigeria

  BRASIL-MÉXICO (2 de julio, 16.00 horas / Cuatro)  Los mexicanos, tras exhibirse en los dos primeros partidos ante Alemania y México, cayeron ante Suecia y pasaron como segundos del Grupo F

Su rival será Brasil que pasó como primera del Grupo E.   ESPAÑA-RUSIA (1 de julio, 16

00 horas / Telecinco)  Tras quedar primera de su grupo, España se enfrentará a Rusia en los octavos

Los dos equipos quedaron encuadrados en la parte derecha del cuadro del Mundial de Rusia

  CROACIA–DINAMARCA (1 de julio, 20.00 horas / Tele5)  Los croatas sellaron la primera posición del Grupo D y se medirán a los daneses que acabaron segundos del C

  BÉLGICA-JAPÓN (2 de julio, 20.00 horas /Tele5)  Los diablos rojos lograron acabar como primeros tras vencer a Inglaterra en el último partido del Grupo G mientras que los nipones pasaron como segundos del H, tras Colombia

SUECIA-SUIZA (3 julio, 16.00 horas / Cuatro)  Los escandinavos sorprendieron a México y pasaron como primeros del Grupo F

Su rival será Suiza, el segundo clasificado del Grupo E.   COLOMBIA-INGLATERRA (3 de julio, 20

00/Tele5)  Los cafeteros respondieron tras un mal inicio y con un gran Mina lograron la primera posición del grupo H y, los británicos, regresan a una fase final tras quedan segundos en el G

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