Learn English Alphabet Letter P & Words by Endless Alphabet | Kids Educational Video
Learn English Alphabet Letter P & Words by Endless Alphabet | Kids Educational Video
Bilbo Babbens - Duration: 0:20.[The sound of 13 dwarves rolling down a wooden ramp in 13 otherwise empty barrels]
[Wooden ramp closes]
[Passed-Out-Drunk elves groaning from being passed out drunk]
[Middle aged male hobbit stomping on wooden ramp, hoping it will open, although it does not open]
[Middle aged male hobbit jumping on wooden ramp, breaking the wooden ramp]
[Middle aged male hobbit falling into underground river leading to a waterfall offscreen]
Three Ways to Invite Nature into Your Life | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:57.Three ways to invite nature into your life.
There are simple ways to get outside with your kids.
I'm Rue Mapp, founder of Outdoor Afro.
I help families all over the country get connected to nature.
Here are three ways to bring nature into your life.
Number one-- make nature part of your daily routine.
It doesn't have to be a big production.
When you're walking to school, the bus stop, the market,
find as many different kinds of insects as you can,
or collect leaves you find on the ground
and try to figure out which trees they came from.
Nature doesn't have to be the destination.
Nature is the journey.
So bring it in to your daily routine,
from your front door to your car door.
Number two-- use technology, like a camera or your phone.
Give your kids a nature challenge.
Photograph eight different kinds of seeds.
Consider letting your kids post their photos
to your Facebook page or Twitter account.
Positive feedback from friends and family may encourage them
to explore more.
Apps are a great way to boost your nature exploration.
If you see a bird, use a bird call app
to see if you can get the bird to answer back.
Number three-- invite nature into your life
by making it social.
If you get together to barbecue with friends,
switch it up and invite them to take a hike instead.
Connecting with nature is so much more fun
when you do it as a group.
For more ideas on how to connect your family with nature,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
There you'll find app suggestions
and printable science activities
that will help get your family outdoors.
(music playing)
Top 5 Reasons to Get Your Family Outdoors | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:41.Top reasons to get your family outdoors
having fun with science.
Getting outside with kids is easier than you think.
I'm Rue Mapp, founder of Outdoor Afro.
I help families all over the country get connected to nature.
Here are my top five reasons to get outside.
Number one-- it's fun to explore nature together.
Go on a nature walk or fly a kite on a windy day
to experience the power of the wind.
All these things are science and they can't be done indoors.
Number two-- it helps children develop new skills.
Create your own cards to play Nature Bingo.
Instead of numbers use insects, birds, plants, or rocks.
This game helps kids with their matching skills
and shows them the many different living things
in their own neighborhood.
To develop more skills,
kids can map the objects to help them with their map reading,
or they can use a field guide to identify a bird or insect.
Number three-- it helps you connect with your family,
even revealing surprises.
Your cautious kid may have an adventurous streak
when searching out a great spot to find a squirrel,
or your spirited kid may surprise you
by quietly observing a spider weaving a web.
Number four-- it's good for your family's health.
It can lower blood pressure and heart rate,
improve eyesight and immune system functioning,
and cut the risk of obesity.
It's also good for your mental health-- it can help you relax,
reduce anxiety and ADHD symptoms, improve your mood,
and increase your focus.
Number five-- it's a great way to learn about the world.
Outdoor exploration inspires questions.
Even if you don't know the answers,
notice things and ask questions like,
"Why do you find so many worms on the sidewalk after it rains?"
Or "How do these little bugs make such crazy loud sounds?"
It can help kids become good observers, notice patterns,
and think about cause and effect.
For more simple science activities,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
There you'll find app suggestions
and printable nature activities
your family can do right in your own neighborhood.
(music playing)
Getting Your Kids into Nature | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:03.How to get your kids to do science outside.
Kids love to be outside.
To engage in science, you need to be outside in nature.
I'm Rue Mapp, founder of Outdoor Afro and mother of three kids.
Here's how I get kids outdoors, and how you can, too.
Don't make a big deal about going outside.
Just do it, even if you have a few minutes.
Simple science activities
can give you something to do outdoors.
And kids love science.
One of my favorites is looking for animal shapes in the clouds.
How many different animals you can find?
Try looking at the same time every day--
like right before bed or first thing in the morning.
This is a great way to connect with nature and each other.
If your kids still aren't excited about getting outside,
bring one of their favorite indoor activities outside.
While you're outside, draw the cloud animals that you see,
point out things you notice, like the colors in nature,
or the behavior of animals.
Science is about being curious, and kids are naturally curious.
How about starting an outdoor hobby?
You could collect things, like rocks or leaves.
You can take photos of those cool cloud formations.
Or you could use the GPS on your phone to follow the clouds
and observe how they change.
Pick one or two hobbies
and commit to doing them regularly.
All you need to explore science is willingness
and a little curiosity.
For more simple science activities,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
There you'll find app suggestions
and printable nature activities
your family can do right in your own neighborhood.
(music playing)
Finding Nature in Your Neighborhood | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:18.Where to find nature in your neighborhood.
Sometimes people think there's no nature
in their cities and neighborhoods.
I'm Rue Mapp, founder of Outdoor Afro.
I help families all over the country get connected to nature.
No matter where your home is, you're surrounded by nature.
Your city is part of an ecosystem:
a forest, a desert, or a prairie.
Start by taking your kids to a state park or nature center.
A state park or nature center is a great place to learn more
about the animals and plants that live
in your city's ecosystem.
Lots of state parks offer free guided walks,
and some have special programs for kids, too.
Look for outdoor events and activities
in your neighborhood,
like meetups that organize family walks or hikes.
Or an outdoor education club that connects families.
You can also volunteer to help out with a park
or neighborhood cleanup.
Many of these activities take place on weekends,
so working families can attend.
But you don't have to venture too far.
You can find nature right on your own street.
Adopt a tree or strip of grass near your home--
pick up trash, water it during a drought, and call the city
when you notice a broken tree limb.
If you don't have an area like this,
consider growing your own plants.
All you need is a sunny windowsill.
Nature isn't only plants and animals--
it's also sun, wind, rain, dirt, and rocks.
If there aren't many animals or plants in your neighborhood,
connect with nature by watching the clouds drift across the sky,
following water running along the street to see where it goes,
or turning over a rock to see what's underneath.
For more simple science activities,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
There you'll find app suggestions
and printable nature activities
your family can do right in your own neighborhood.
(music playing)
Top 3 Myths about Getting Outside with Kids | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:07.Top three myths about doing science outdoors.
Getting outside and doing science is fun and important,
but there are things that stop families from doing it.
I'm José González
and I'm a nature educator and outdoor enthusiast.
And I work with families to help them enjoy being outdoors.
Here are three misconceptions about going outdoors.
Number one-- kids will get sick in rainy weather.
Kids might get a little wet, but they won't get sick.
Viruses and bacteria are what cause colds and flu.
A rainy day is actually a great time to explore science,
like how rainwater flows.
Where does it soak into the ground and where doesn't it?
Number two-- kids shouldn't be outside in cold weather.
Kids should be outside all year round, even in the snow.
Cold and snowy days are actually the perfect time
to notice animal tracks and prompt a discussion
about how plants and animals survive in the winter.
The key is for kids to dress in layers.
The rule of thumb is one more layer than you would wear
as an adult.
And make sure to wear hats, boots, and gloves
when it's cold.
Even though frostbite-- when your skin starts to freeze--
isn't likely to happen unless it's colder than 15 degrees,
keeping hands and feet warm is really important.
Number three-- you need special equipment, like a car,
to get kids outdoors doing science.
Not true.
Nature exploration doesn't require hiking up a mountain
or driving miles to the beach.
No matter where you live, nature is right outside your door.
All you need to explore it are your eyes and your ears.
For more ideas on how to connect with nature
in your own neighborhood,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
And there you'll find app suggestions
and printable science activities
that will help get your family outdoors.
(music playing)
How to Stay Safe in the Outdoors | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:10.How to stay safe doing science outdoors.
Outdoor science adventures can be fun
but it pays to plan ahead so your family stays safe.
I'm José González
and I'm a nature educator and outdoor enthusiast.
And I work with families to help them enjoy being outdoors.
Crime is a big worry preventing families from going outdoors.
Often, they think that the crime in city parks
is a bigger problem than it actually is.
Busy parks are safe parks.
And visiting a popular park on a beautiful day
when more people are there is better.
Invite another family or two to come along.
Park workers say that when more people use a park,
other people feel comfortable going too,
and that's a good thing for everybody.
Families are also concerned with things in nature
that may cause harm, like sun, insects, and poison ivy.
These can be avoided fairly easily.
Apply sunscreen before you leave the house,
since it can take 15 minutes to start working.
And bug spray helps keep mosquitoes and ticks away.
And avoid poison ivy by showing your kids what it looks like.
And, when you get home, have your kids shower.
Soapy water can wash away oils from poison ivy
and sweep insects down the drain.
Finally, take steps to avoid dangers.
Set some rules with your kids.
Discuss what they're allowed to do,
where they can go, and what they can't touch.
Choose a meeting place in case anyone gets lost.
But above all, deal with safety concerns in a matter-of-fact way
so you don't make your kids nervous about going outside.
Most of the time, it's very safe.
The real danger is in not getting outside
and not doing science with your kids.
You'll miss all the fun.
For more ideas on how to connect with nature
in your own neighborhood,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
And there you'll find app suggestions
and printable science activities
that will help get your family outdoors.
(music playing)
How to Do Science Outdoors with Your Kids | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 1:47.How to explore science outdoors with your child.
As a parent, there's lots you can do
to nurture your child's interest in nature.
I'm José González
and I'm a nature educator and outdoor enthusiast.
And I work with families to help them enjoy being outdoors.
Here are a few tips.
Notice what your kids are interested in,
and show them that you're interested, too.
If your child points out water rushing down the street,
follow the water and see where it goes.
If your kid notices a plant, take a close look at it
and see what else might be living around it.
Ask your kids questions and listen to their answers.
What do you think lives in there?
A squirrel.
Ask open-ended questions,
the kind that don't have just a yes or no answer.
"Why do you think all the flowers on these plants
face in the same direction?"
Or "Where do you think squirrels find water?"
Then listen to your kids' answers.
If your kids ask you a question,
don't worry if you don't have an answer.
It's okay to say "I don't know" or "Let's find out together."
Make connections between your kids' lives
and what they do outdoors.
Notice berries at the grocery store,
and then try to find animals eating berries.
If you read a book that has an oak tree,
try finding the same tree in a park.
For more ideas on how to connect with nature
in your own neighborhood,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
And there you'll find app suggestions
and printable science activities
that will help get your family outdoors.
(music playing)
5 Ways to Start Exploring the Outdoors | PLUM LANDING on PBS KIDS - Duration: 2:22.Five ways to motivate your family to do science outside.
Parents want to go outside to do science with their kids,
but they often feel like they don't have the time.
I'm José González
and I'm a nature educator and outdoor enthusiast,
and I work with families to help them enjoy being outdoors.
Here are five things that you can do to motivate your family.
Number one-- start small.
Build in ten minutes a week
to do a very simple science activity.
As you walk around the block,
describe the animals and plants that you see.
Set a date on your calendar so you don't forget about it.
Number two-- take baby steps.
Add ten minutes each week to the time you spend outdoors
until you reach your goal.
You can "spend" it all in one go,
like a once-a-week field trips to visit a pond
or explore nearby walking trails,
or you can spread it out over the course of a week,
like taking a daily ten-minute break to watch the moon
right outside your home.
Number three-- use a structured program
to help you reach your goals.
With PLUM LANDING's Outdoor Adventures game,
your kids can earn badges for doing nature activities,
like going on a sniffing safari...
...or mapping the plants and animals in your neighborhood.
There are also lots of apps that can help you
keep track of your outdoor activity.
Some offer coupons and discounts to reward you
for healthy behavior.
Number four-- ask for support.
Tell your family and friends
that you want to spend more time outside,
and ask them for their help.
They might even want to join you in reaching this goal.
Number five-- think of the rewards.
By spending time outside doing science, you are investing
in your family's well-being and learning.
This will pay off down the road.
Time in nature doing science
can boost your kids' mental and physical health.
For more ideas on how to connect with nature
in your own neighborhood,
check out PLUM LANDING at pbskids.org/plumlanding.
And there you'll find app suggestions
and printable science activities
that will help get your family outdoors.
(music playing)
brioches al burro - Duration: 0:11.-------------------------------------------
【スマブラWii U】とりあえず乱闘! Part290 - Duration: 11:32.-------------------------------------------
S. Korea-Tanzania reaffirm bilateral cooperation marking 25th year of establishing ties - Duration: 2:45.Foreign Ministers of South Korea and Tanzania met to mark 25 years of diplomatic relations.
According to our Connie Kim, the two not only reaffirmed bilateral cooperation on economy,
but covered North Korea issues as well.
The foreign ministers of South Korea and Tanzania have reaffirmed their bilateral cooperation
marking the 25th year that Seoul and Dodoma established bilateral relations.
"You are making your first ever visit to Asia since your inauguration as foreign minister.//I
hope you can witness changes in Korea, including the stark reality between Korean people across
the DMZ."
The interaction between the two countries have transcended geographical and political
borders over the years,... with South Korea sending at least 340 million U.S. dollars
as Official Development Aid to Tanzania, the largest amount to date among African countries
during the period between 1987 to 2015.
With two-way trade mounting to 245 million dollars as of 2015, Tanzania's minister says
the country is seeking further cooperation with South Korea in various areas, including
"Particularly in the area of manufacturing and now trade between Tanzania and Korea have
been expanding.
We see in that trade exchange some of the trade commodities could be value added in
Tanzania and some of the goods we import and from Korea could be manufactured in Tanzania."
Reflecting decades of cooperation between the two, Tanzania, a traditional ally of North
Korea, joins the list of African countries turning their back to Pyongyang,... issuing
a statement condemning North Korea's fifth nuclear test in 2016.
"The conflict on the Korean peninsula is one that has persisted and one of the agenda of
the United Nations because we see as a threat to international peace and security.
It is to that extent that Tanzania would want to align itself with the agenda of the UNSC
and the UN as a whole and express concern of the tension on the peninsula."
The cooperation between Seoul and Dodoma not only in economic terms but also against Pyongyang's
ongoing provocations is set to strengthen with Tanzania's embassy scheduled to open
in South Korea for the first time in the second half of this year.
Connie Kim, Arirang News.
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S COSMO - Duration: 0:41.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-I DYNAMIC - Duration: 1:06.-------------------------------------------
Ford S-Max 1.6 EcoB. Platinum - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Audi A5 3.2 FSI PRO LINE QUATTRO 265 PK / 2X S-LINE / NAVI / ECC / LEER / KEYLESS-GO / 19'' LMV !! - Duration: 0:59.-------------------------------------------
Time Out of Mind (2014): 32:23 - 33:02 (1080p) - Duration: 0:40.♪ …Hare Rama ♪ ♪ Rama Rama Hare Hare ♪
♪ Hare Krishna Hare Krishna ♪ ♪ Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ♪
♪ Hare Rama Hare Rama ♪ ♪ Rama Rama Hare Hare ♪
♪ Hare Krishna Hare Krishna ♪ ♪ Krishna Krishna Hare Hare ♪
♪ Hare Rama Hare Rama ♪ ♪ Rama Rama Hare Hare ♪
♪ Hare Kri… ♪
Toyota Verso 1.8 VVT-i Aspiration 7p. - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Garage Flooring Epoxy Coatings Interlocking Tiles Garage Flooring Roll Out - Duration: 1:42.Are you looking for garage flooring? Look
no further than Armor Garage from humble
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Sing-Along w/ Nella the Princess Knight's Karaoke Music Video (w/ Lyrics) | Nick Jr. - Duration: 1:39.NARRATOR: Get ready to sing along with Nella the Princess
Knight and her friends!
Three things?
Number one!
That's not a bad idea.
You really know what you're talking about.
Here's what's important.
NARRATOR: You can watch more Nella the Princess Knight
on the free Nick Jr. app.
A Day in the Life of: Jolie Laide | .CA domains - Duration: 2:30.♪[music]♪
Hi my name's Jacqueline, and I'm the
founder and signer behind Jolie Laide.
Jolie Laide is a leather accessories line that focus on leather camera straps and
leather camera bags. The reason Jolie Laide started, I was out shooting for
Paris Fashion Week, and I happened to make
a DIY camera strap, and my favorite blogger
loved it. And when I came home and I was editing photos, I realized like there was
nothing else like it, and no one had anything like that, and it kind of sparked
an idea. So, it works. Some photographers that are my favorite,
right, I have tons like Ryan McGinley, but right now I'm really into a photographer
called Peter Beard. He just incorporates photography, and art, and social issues.
So his photography is not...it has impact, it has meaning, it has a lot of
emotion. One of my favorite places I like to take clients or collaborators,
is a place on College called The Walton. It's a beautiful new café they just
opened. It has a lot of character, great food, great coffee, it's a great place to
bring everybody. Yeah, I think my website's really important because,
is your platform to the world, and it has to have all the information there.
It has to be consistent, it has to be up-to-date. I definitely think it's
important to have .ca domain. More people from all around the world who come to my
website, they automatically know, like hey, she's from Canada, and I think
Canada's associated with trust. So, some of the hardest struggles starting a
business, starting Jolie Laide, there were a lot, and I think it's just when no one
has cleared the path for you, like you have no path to follow.
So, it's kind of like you're making up a lot as you go along, and figuring it out
along the way as well. So that's always hard. So my one advice for entrepreneurs
when they're first starting, is do the hard work first and ask yourself why?
Ask yourself what are you bringing to customers? What value are you bringing to
people? I think asking yourself those tough questions and getting the tough
answers will get you through tough times.
WTF, HIKABRAIN SKILL V0 !? SEND YOUR CLIPS! [CONTEST] - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition - Leon Story Final Chapter (Full Play) - Duration: 11:10.-------------------------------------------
DIE F**KING DRITTE NACHT | FNAF Evolution (Deutsch/German) - Duration: 11:56.-------------------------------------------
Célébration en l'honneur des réfugiés indochinois et de ceux qui les ont aidés - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
AliciaOnline (No tak druhý závod mi nevišiel :D ) 2. Diel - Duration: 7:23.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd SW 1.6 CRDi/136pk BNS GT-Line Navi+Camera Pano-dak Xenon Trekhaak 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6i-16V ISG First Edition Airco Cr.Control Navi+Camera+BT 16"LMV 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
Volvo S80 2.0D LIMITED EDITION ,NAVI , PDC - Duration: 0:45.-------------------------------------------
Toyota HiAce 2.5 D-4D LWB COMFORT - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Eco Dynamics 135PK First Edition - Duration: 0:57.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI 88KW GT-LINE SW - Duration: 0:58.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDI 88KW FIRST EDITION SW - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6 First Edition NIEUW NU 22.997,= RIJKLAAR!!! - Duration: 0:52.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6 Automaat Executiveline met leder, cruise, airco nu €6950 - Duration: 0:56.-------------------------------------------
Toyota Corolla Verso 2.2 D-4D LUNA Nieuw Geleverd/Onderhouden - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.6i-16V ISG DynamicLine Navi+Camera Trekhaak 9.250km 7jr.Garantie - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
Students Discuss Receiving the Scholarship - Duration: 1:29."They gave us the time, like, when it would
come up.
I did the same thing.
I was, like, had my laptop in my lap, just staring at it.
And it was actually five minutes late or something.
I was like why isn't it working, like so stressed out.
And then like, I saw the acceptance thing and I was like freaking out.
I was like screaming out my cat.
And my cat's like, 'What are you doing?'
And that was, I think, the same day I got the email for the scholarship.
So I went to my mom first and showed her the acceptance for Duke and she was like, 'That's
amazing but honey we can't pay for Duke.'
And then I, like, flipped to the scholarship acceptance thing and she, like, started crying."
(sigh) "Wow!"
"I didn't even think about the scholarship for a while and then one day in the mail and
then one day in the mail there was just a giant package.
It said 'Duke' on it so it was probably good."
(laughter) "And I took the package out and it just read,
'You got a scholarship.'
I'm like, 'Oh that helps a lot.'
And then I read that it was like a full-ride scholarship and I was, I thought that being
accepted to Duke was going to be the climax and it wasn't.
I was so much happier.
I was like I'm at one of the best schools in the world for free.
It was just a great feeling."
미국을 일으킨 거인들 (부의 탄생) 2부 - 석유왕 존 D. 록펠러 - Duration: 43:47.-------------------------------------------
Histoire LPS- La Douleur - Duration: 1:39.*Pain*
You will believe that the pain never will fade
You will not be able to fight against it
She's stronger than you
But it will pass
For that you must let it invade you
You'll have to let yourself be overwhelmed by her
And every breath of oxygen you fight for will make you stronger
But you will see someday you will start swimming again
You will defeat it
WTF, HIKABRAIN SKILL V0 !? SEND YOUR CLIPS! [CONTEST] - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
Musique de relaxation pour développer l'intuition - Duration: 1:03:09.Relaxation music to develop intuition
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Célébrons le patrimoine asiatique du Canada - Mois du patrimoine asiatique - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
10 Natural Plants That Help in Relieving Anxiety and Depression - Duration: 3:51.10 natural herbs that help in relieving anxiety and depression
With the rush of everyday life, many people He has been suffering from stress and anxiety.
The psychological health is that influence all activities and functions of our body.
To alleviate this problem many people It has made use of antidepressant medications.
But these may cause a range of effects side:
- Difficulty walking - Yellowing of eyes and skin
- Memory Problems - Hallucinations and suicidal thoughts
- Lack of coordination - Talking Difficulty
- Seizures
However, there are natural alternatives that can relieve depression.
- Lavender Lavender has neuroprotective properties
that help control mood and disorders neurological. Make a tea, take a bath
with a few drops of lavender essential oil, or put some dried flowers on the pillow
before bedtime.
- Saint John's herb This herb is a great antidepressant. however
can cause some effects like rashes skin, diarrhea, nervousness, anxiety,
irritability, dizziness, stomach pain, fatigue, tingling, dry mouth and lack of sleep.
Besides if consumed in excess may cause allergy if exposure
- Valeriana Acts to combat headache, anxiety
and insomnia. However, there are cases where it may cause these same symptoms.
- Passion Flower The passion flower helps to relax and acts
with sedative action. Combating insomnia, anxiety and convulsions.
- Ashwagandha It can be used in cases of insomnia and treatment
anxiety for fear of open spaces and crowds. This herb reduces the levels of
cortisol which is associated with stress. It can be taken as tea or in capsules.
Can cause side effects like vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain.
- Golden Root Fighting exhaustion and chronic fatigue. relieves
stress and promotes wellness. Prolonged use can be dangerous.
- Chamomile Chamomile brings tranquility. principled
assets such as luteolin, apigenin and abisabolol it lowers blood pressure.
You can take chamomile tea all nights.
- Rosemary The rosemary improves memory and performance
cognitive. Its overuse causes redness the skin, uterine bleeding, irritation
kidney, vomiting and sensitivity to the sun.
- Vanilla Just the smell of vanilla relax already. however
if not consumed in moderation it can cause headaches, swelling, irritation
and insomnia.
- Lemongrass This herb reduces anxiety and bring more quality
life when it comes to dementia cases serious. The lemongrass provides tranquility
and strengthens memory.
When consumed in excess can cause pain abdominal, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
Children are only allowed to use for 7 days as adults for 30 days.
All these natural antidepressants are insurance, as well as all, should not be consumed
in an exaggerated way.
And even if they are natural, the ideal is that you consult your doctor about the use.
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The Family Plot – April 22, 2017 - Duration: 26:31.- Hi, thanks for joining us for The Family Plot,
Gardening in the Mid-South, I'm Chris Cooper.
Biting into a fresh picked peach is great
but if you do not spray, you might get a juicy worm too.
Today we're gonna show you how to spray fruit trees.
Also bird feeders are one of the best ways to attract
birds to your back yard, we'll show you how to hang one.
That's just ahead on The Family Plot,
Gardening in the Mid-South.
- [Female narrator] Production funding for
The Family Plot, Gardening in the Mid-South is provided by:
Good Winds Landscape and Garden Center, in Germantown
since 1943 and continuing to offer its plants
for successful gardening with seven greenhouses
and three acres of plants plus
comprehensive landscape services.
International Paper Foundation.
The WKNO Production Fund, the WKNO Endowment Fund
and by viewers like you, thank you.
(guitar music)
- Welcome to The Family Plot, I'm Chris Cooper,
joining you today is Mr D. and Miss Debbie Bruce
will be joining us later to hang a bird feeder.
Alright Mr D. - Talk about sprayin'.
- We're gonna talk about sprayin' trees, right?
- Peach trees, that's right.
Before I get into the actual spraying demonstration,
I wanna talk a little bit about safety.
Probably the best thing you can do where safety is
concerned first is to read the label.
And near the top of the label after it tells you
what we've got and the active ingredients and all of that,
it's gonna tell you what to wear.
Never will you see on the pesticide label
tellin' you to wear shorts, t- shirts, and flip flops.
- [Chris] This is true. - They're always gonna
tell you to wear a hat, wear safety glasses,
to wear rubber gloves, long sleeve shirt, long pants
and shoes or boots and so that's.
- You ready to go. - I'm ready to go.
And I'm doin' this not just because of the label
but because I've sprayed enough to know that sometimes
the wind changes and sometimes and it drifts on you
and I mean, I've gotta go 360 degrees around this tree
to get it sprayed, if there's any wind at all,
at some point I'm gonna be down wind.
So I want some protective gear on.
If you get some on you, wash it off immediately.
Just go wash it off, soap and water.
If you need to take a shower, take a shower.
And wash your clothes. - Is that pretty soon after?
- Pretty soon, especially if it's on your skin.
If it's gets on your skin, yes, very soon afterwards.
You need to go on and get it off of ya.
Most of the pesticides we're talkin' about,
all of 'em are not restricted use pesticides
so they're not that dangerous for homeowners to use
if you follow that label instructions.
Okay, I've already got my sprayer mixed up here.
This tree is about what, eight feet tall,
a little over eight feet tall, the tallest limb.
And it's about eight feet in diameter so that tells
me that I'm probably gonna need to mix up about
a half gallon to a gallon of material to spray.
That's important to know because you don't want to
mix up more than you really need.
You wanna run out when you're spraying.
You don't wanna have any leftover because you
don't want to store it, it can clog up your sprayer.
It may become inactivated and not work for ya.
So there's a lot of things you wanna finish up spraying.
- Do enough to spray it out.
- That's right, do enough to spray it out.
Because this peach tree still has some blooms on it,
I am not going to apply an insecticide in this first spray.
I'm going to only apply fungicide.
I've got a spreader sticker mixed in there too
to make it stick to the limbs.
I'm gonna spray almost to the point of run off.
I'm gonna direct my spray to the lower and both
sides of the leaves if I can.
I'm gonna also go down and spray the base of the tree.
And what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to get brown rot.
Brown rot is the number one fungal disease on
peaches, plums and nectarines and it can destroy
you if you don't control brown rot.
So we've got wind at about four
miles an hour which is good.
- So that's considered to be okay?
- The best is no wind or very little wind.
That's almost impossible to happen.
If it's sprayin', if the wind's blowin' more
than 10 miles an hour, 10 or 15 miles an hour,
you probably ought not to be sprayin'.
You probably need to put it off.
If you do spray when you know you're gonna get spray
on you, you need a face mask too, you need a face mask.
- You gotta be careful. - You don't wanna breathe
any of this stuff and you don't wanna get it on your skin.
- You gotta be careful, folks.
- Let's get to it. - Alright, let's do it.
- Gonna need a little pressure here.
(pumping of handle)
Alright, that oughta do. - I can hear it.
- A flat fan nozzle is a good nozzle to use
when you're spraying fruit trees.
Let's see what we've got here.
This tree is really easy to spray because it's
been pruned well, the center has been opened up.
If it had not been sprayed, if it had not been
pruned well, it would be almost impossible to get
my spray mixture on these leaves.
- That's a good open center.
- It's opened up and it's very easy to get
good coverage on this tree, let me go on
and move on around here.
- That's a great illustration.
- You don't have to spray until it runs off.
Spray it almost to the point of run off.
Turn my wand over, spray on the underside.
Wanna make sure I spray the trunk and lower limbs
because those fungal spores can attach themselves anywhere.
Now I only am usin' fungicide.
I saw a honey bee there, this fungicide
will not hurt the honey bees.
You can buy home orchard sprays that already
pre-mixed, it's very important that you do not
use a pre-mixed home orchard spray while the plant
is blooming because it already has the insecticide in it.
The fungicide that I'm using is Captan.
I could also use Sulfur, I could use Chlorothalonil,
either one of those fungicides work well.
As soon as all the petals have fallen off,
I'm going to add an insecticide into the mix.
Now with peaches, plums and nectarines I have
a choice between malithion and carbaryl.
With apples and pears, my only choice is malithion.
Because carbaryl if used within 21 days after the bloom
will cause apples and pears to abort their crop.
So you don't wanna do that.
Most home orchard sprays have malithion,
most of the pre-mixed one have malithion in 'em.
Most of 'em have malithion and Captan.
Pretty important to use a spreader sticker.
You can use a commercial spreader sticker
or just use detergent, a tablespoon or a teaspoon
of detergent will do just as well.
- [Chris] Good old liquid Joy or some Dawn will do just fine.
And while you're doin' that Mr D., you can mention
that the orchard spray guide can definitely help you out.
- That's right, the information I've been giving you,
all of it came from the home orchard spray guide for
the state of Tennessee, Chris has 'em in his office.
You can go to UT's website and get them.
Or you could simply Google or use a search engine
and list home orchard spray guide for whatever
state you're in, if you're in Mississippi or Kentucky,
I would encourage you to go to
that state's land grant institution.
Now what I'm doing here needs
to be done every seven to 10 days.
- [Chris] Wow, so what if it rains
in between one of those, Mr D.?
- If it rains, then that application has been erased
and you need to, as soon as possible re-do it.
- As soon as possible. - As soon as possible.
Re-do it because if you wait two or three days,
those two or three days that tree is unprotected.
- Because like you always say, right,
if you have plums, peaches and nectarines,
you're gonna have to do some spraying, right?
- You are, I promise you.
There's nothing that I know of organic that will
prevent plum curculio and brown rot.
If you know of somethin' that will, let me know.
And be aware, I've already tried pretty much everything.
If you have somethin' on your mind that you think will work,
I've probably already heard it.
I've been doin' this for about 35 years.
- [Chris] Oh, I think you would know
a little somethin' about that.
- I think we've got that one sprayed for now.
It's cloudin' up, it may rain in a little while.
We may need to do this again
in a couple hours but maybe not.
- Alright, well we appreciate that demonstration, Mr D.
- Most welcome. - Alright.
(upbeat music)
There are a number of gardening events going on
in the next couple of weeks, here are just
a few that might interest you.
(upbeat music)
Hi Miss Debbie, we're glad to have you here today.
- Well thank you for having me, it's a beautiful day.
- It's a gorgeous day, we are outside of the studio.
Bird feeders. - Yes, I'm excited.
- I am, we're excited about this.
- I am, this is a beautiful area.
You guys must be covered up with birds and you don't
even know it but putting a feeder in is gonna pull
'em out of the canopies of the trees and hopefully
you will enjoy some of 'em.
- [Chris] Hopefully we will.
Let's go ahead and get started with the demonstration.
- Okay, I've brought a pole system.
We're gonna start with a base pole and we're gonna
put it into the ground, the pole actually has
a hole in the center and the reason we selected this
site here, not only because of it's richness and habitat
but we wanna be at least 12 feet from trees
because of course you have squirrels here.
- Of course. - And Squirrels
can jump 12 feet across so we're trying to make it
a little more difficult for them.
So we start with our base pole and we turn it into the
ground and we just keep turnin' and we just keep turnin'.
And we want to get it in a good 12 to 18 inches
believe it or not. - Wow.
So that's goin' in pretty good.
You want me to turn that for you, Miss Debbie?
- Sure, go for it. - You just tell me when.
- Okay. - I think the ground's
gonna tell me when, one or the other.
- [Debbie] It might, you might find a tree root.
Looks good. - Couple more.
Oh yeah, we're gettin' there.
- That looks good. - Okay, alright.
- Okay, thank you. - Okay.
- Now, the next thing we're gonna
add to our system is a stabilizer.
Nothing is worse than when you put a pole in the ground,
you look out your window and you have a slanted pole.
So this is gonna keep it good and straight.
So we just drop it over. - Loosen it up, right.
There you go. - Step it in the ground.
I'll tell you what, I might need your oomph there.
- Alright, let me get on that side.
How about that? - That's great.
That's perfect, that's perfect.
Now we've got a good straight base pole that's gonna
handle a lot of weight and it's nice and straight.
The next thing we wanna do is to give it some height.
We're targeting birds that want to eat at a height,
elevation and given the type of habitat you have here,
you probably have chickadees, tufted titmice,
woodpeckers, in addition to cardinals and blue jays
and even more than that but we have, I brought a four
foot base pole and a four foot extension.
So that's how tall it's actually gonna be.
But I'm short so I'm gonna pull it down to put it together.
Okay, I brought two feeders that we're gonna hang.
Feeders can be either mounted on top of a pole.
Let me show you this, as a hopper like that with a special
adaptor that would fasten it but today I brought a
hanger with an arm with two areas to hang from.
And I brought two on purpose to
bring two different food sources.
So we're gonna hang one from each side.
And then just to give it a finished look
and to make you smile, I brought a cardinal, okay.
- How 'bout that? - So that'll make it look
very, you have a bird on your feeder already.
- [Chris] Yeah, look at that, a cardinal, okay.
- Yeah. - Most of us
around this area are familiar with cardinals.
- Yes. - You get it on there?
- And we push the button in and we lock it in place.
Okay. - Alright.
- I forgot something, because you do have this treed
area, you're gonna have critters.
So we need to install a baffle.
- Want me to hold that for you?
- If you would, please, there you go.
I brought two different baffles.
One is very tall, it's to take care of raccoons, squirrels,
possums, chipmunks and this one is for squirrels,
possums and chipmunks but I would pretty much bet
that you have raccoons here so we're gonna go with
the raccoon baffle, let's see.
Let me put that up there and see, yup, that's good.
This is called a baffle ring and it's gonna hold
this onto the pole. - Okay.
- There we go. - There it goes.
- Now we can put that back on.
- Alright, that's it. - And push the button.
- Alright, got it. - Alright.
And then we're gonna put this on top of the unit.
- [Chris] Got it, okay.
- If this seems a little bit tall, we can
use the shorter extension but this will give
you a good idea of what it's gonna look like.
I brought a seed feeder, this is a hopper
to put loose seed in but it's gonna hang, okay?
And it has a large enough platform for your cardinals
and for your blue jays and maybe even a morning dove
or two will try to get onto it.
But most likely, the morning dove's
gonna eat off the ground.
We did bring some no mess seed so that you won't
have sprouting in your yard and all the shells are removed
which takes away one of the variables for sprouting.
And this is a mixture of hearts of sunflower and peanuts.
- Wow, sunflower and peanuts.
- Would you mind hangin' that please?
- I will hang that, just hang it like this?
- Yes. - Alright, how 'bout that?
- Alright, so when the birds come in, they're gonna
perch along the trees and wait their turn to come
to the feeder and to eat, then I brought a different
food source, this is actually suet.
It's rendered beef fat and it's in a cylinder
so it's so easy to feed and this is for your clinging birds,
woodpeckers, chickadees, tufted titmice would like this,
Caroline wrens, you're targeting insect eating birds
with this suet. - Ah, okay.
- So that'll go on the other side.
- Alright, this go there, alright, there it goes.
- Thank you, okay, now you've planted you system
and it's all set to go, the only way I would tweak it
is I'd probably pull the baffle down maybe about 10 inches.
You want to protect the lowest point.
But you've planted your system and now you just
need to be patient and wait for the birds.
Sometimes it's immediate response.
Sometimes it takes up to six weeks.
But given the time of the year that we're in,
their food consumption is at a high right now
because they're busy with nesting and need extra energy
so I don't think it'll take long and you'll have
visitors at your little buffet here.
- I'm excited Miss Debbie, I can't wait
to see the birds come. - Let me know who comes.
- Alright, we will definitely do that, thank you again.
- You're welcome. - Alright.
(upbeat music)
- Okay, if you grow peaches, plums or nectarines
and you do it for any length of time,
you're gonna encounter a problem such as this.
The main problem here is peach tree bore.
When you have boring insects that get in the base
and lower part of the tree, the tree will actually
try to flush the bore out and so that's why you'll
see sap being exuded from the tree and you can see
another example right over here.
But it's peach tree bore that started the problem,
it weakened the tree and then wind came along and split it.
The way to prevent peach tree bore application once
I've gone back to our home orchard spray guide.
May 31st, June 30th, July 15th, spray the trunk
and lower limbs and the soil around the base of the tree
with either esfenvalerate or gamma-cyhalothrin.
That's the sixth cover spray in
the home orchard spray guide, very important.
(guitar music)
- Alright, this is our Q & A session.
Miss Debbie, you help us out if we get in trouble, okay?
Alright here's our first via email.
"I planted thyme and lavender seeds three weeks ago.
"The lavender is starting to sprout but the thyme is not.
"I water them regularly and set them in the sun.
"Am I doing something wrong?
Why are my thyme seeds not growing?"
And this is from DeAna right here in Memphis.
I wondered about that one, what do you
think about that one, Mr D.?
- I don't know anything at all about herbs.
But I do know a little bit about seeds
and I know sometimes you can get bad seeds.
- I thought old seeds, that's the first thing
that came to my mind, they were just some old seeds.
Because you had the lavender that sprouted and thyme
did not three weeks ago, three weeks ago, old seeds.
- Did they buy 'em, did they save the seeds?
If they saved the seeds, did they get scarified?
Maybe the lavender seeds got scarified or they put 'em
in the refrigerator and if they, but if they were seeds
that somebody saved and they kept 'em warm all winter
and they didn't let 'em scarify, that could be a problem.
- [Chris] All of those are factors.
- A lot of questions, your one question
is generating more questions.
- Right, indoor, did they start 'em indoor,
outdoors, I don't know but the thing about thyme is this,
you still have time to put 'em in the ground.
- That's right, it's why it's called thyme.
- So you still have plenty of thyme, Miss DeAna.
But just, that generated a lot more questions.
That's the same thing I thought, Mr D.
You don't know, old seeds, indoor, outdoor,
warm, scarification, I don't know, makes you wonder.
Alright, next viewer email,
"We have two dogwoods in the front of our home.
Last year, one of them suddenly lost all it's leaves,
a company was treating our trees and shrubs and we
contacted them, they said the tree would be fine.
Just continue to water it properly.
We continued watering but there had been no
improvement and now they are telling us the tree is lost.
It was planted too deep.
What do you think? It's from Wiley.
- [Mr. D.] That's what it looks like to me.
It actually looks like it was planted too deep
and it looks like someone may have realized
that and started trying to pull the dirt out from
it but it's probably too late.
Above ground portion of a tree is supposed to stay
above ground and that's why it's so important when
you plant trees, shrubs or anything, not...
It's good to have a big planting hole
but not a deep planting hole.
- [Chris] That's exactly right,wide.
- You want, you'd rather have it wide so that you can
put your soil amendments in there and all that.
But below ground portion of the plant's supposed to
be below ground and the above ground portions of the
plant supposed to be above ground and you can plant 'em
too shallow and they won't do well.
You can plant 'em too deep and they will die, ya know.
- I'll tell you somethin' else in her picture too.
- What's that? - To go with your point.
I didn't see the root flares.
- That's why, it doesn't look like, it really looked
like that's too deep. - Yeah, it's too deep.
- And there's nothing you can do about it.
- You should be able to see the root flares.
You don't see the root flares, I mean, those,
that tree looked like it was planted like a telephone pole.
Just straight in the ground, you should be able to
see the root flares, I didn't see any in that picture.
Always plant high 'cause it's gonna settle over time.
- Yeah and you need to keep that in mind.
And if you do, especially if you're planting almost
too deep, then you do need to plant a little higher
because you know it's gonna settle but if you don't,
don't plant it too deep to start with, at least
and err on the side, I'd rather have it a little slightly
shallow 'cause you can very easily pull dirt up,
bring some dirt in and actually have the plant on a raised
bed but you try pullin' it out like that
and every time it rains, it's gonna wash back in there.
And you can't have it planted in the bottom of a well.
- Alright, here's our next viewer email.
"Can you propagate a Japanese maple from a cutting
or do you need to graft it?"
And this is from Richard via YouTube.
I can answer this one pretty quick.
The growers, they graft. That's what the growers do.
All these Japanese maples that
are out there, they're grafted.
- There's reason, the root stock, what is the
root stock, I wonder, for Japanese maple, do you know?
I know that in fruits the reason you graft is because
the root stock is stronger, it's more vigorous.
And if you try to plant a fruit from a seed,
I don't know, Japanese maples,
you can get under a Japanese maple and there's
seedlings all over the place and you can plant 'em.
- [Chris] All over the place.
- But you do that with a fruit, the plant will be
very weak and won't last very long and I'm assuming
the same thing would be true with this.
- Yeah, you could actually, in some studies
they've actually done some root cuttings but the plant
itself was a weak plant and it grew real slow.
So again, I listen to the growers.
They're the ones out there doin' this every day.
They graft. - Good root stock.
- Yeah, they graft, good root stock.
It makes for a better plant. - Makes sense.
- Makes sense to me, alright Mr. Richard.
I hope that helps you out, alright.
Miss Debbie, Mr D., we're out of time.
Remember we love to hear from you.
Send us an email or letter.
The email address is familyplot@wkno.org.
And the mailing address is Family Plot,
7151 Cherry Farms Road, Cordova, Tennessee 38016.
Or you could go online to familyplotgarden.com.
That's all we have time for today.
If you need to get a home orchard spray guide
or more information on feeding the birds,
just go to familyplotgarden.com, thanks for watching.
I'm Chris Cooper, be sure to join us next week
for The Family Plot, Gardening in the Mid-South, be safe.
(guitar music)
- [Female narrator] Production Funding for
The Family Plot, Gardening in the Mid-South is provided by
Good Winds Landscape and Garden Center in Germantown
since 1943 and continuing to offer it's plants
for successful gardening with seven greenhouse
and three acres of plants plus
comprehensive landscape services.
International Paper Foundation,
The WKNO Production Fund, the WKNO Endowment Fund
and by viewers like you, thank you.
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