Look at chat :P
Angelo's Family Is Coming For The Lyons | Season 3 Ep. 15 | EMPIRE - Duration: 1:36.- I'm so sorry.
When Cookie met Lucius.
Oh, Jamal's album, yes, I can hold a fundraiser.
We can tie it to the public--
When Cookie met Lucius all those years ago,
you set a chain of events into motion that would one day
destroy generations of hard work,
generations of preparation in my family, my family!
I can fix this, but, please, let me just try.
You gotta stop firing back at Lucius because he's
going to light you up.
Don't put your hands on me.
Get off of me, bitch.
Oh my, Cookie, sweetheart, you have not seen our firepower.
Now when my family decides to shoot,
your entire family will burn to the ground.
Come, my love.
She's not welcome here.
[music playing]
16 17 HS Art Show Auction Tutorial - Duration: 1:28.Welcome to our auctions at 32 auctions.com/mwart.
Our silent auction bidding will
occur on your electronic devices this year.
Be sure to bring your smartphone or
tablet to the auction.
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The auction will close out early in the evening,
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To set up an account, type 32auctions.com/mwart
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Click on view all items.
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Fill in the fields, then receive a
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Now you're ready to bid.
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During the auction, bidding will continue
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The invoice displays items won, the winning bid amounts
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Winners can click the Payment button
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Cash and checks are accepted at the payment desk.
Good luck and happy bidding!
And thank you for supporting the Arts!
طريقة ارسال رسالة الى جميع الاصدقاء في الفيس بوك بدون حظر - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
Survivor 2017 - 79.Bölüm Tanıtımı - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI AMBITION PRO LINE S S--L I N E - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Audi A3 Sportback 1.4 TFSI Ambition Pro Line S - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
Audi Q3 2.0 TDI quattro S Line Automaat S-Tronic Panoramadak Xenon/led 45DKm! - Duration: 1:10.-------------------------------------------
Samsung Galaxy S8+ vs BlackBerry KEYone - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Announcement of the results of the 1st competition - Duration: 0:50.-------------------------------------------
Fat greenling's agedashi - Duration: 4:23.-------------------------------------------
Volumetric star out of paper. DIY origami may 9, February 23 - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
what's it say, peach - Duration: 0:08.What's it say, Peach?
You really shouldn't mumble.
The Aqua Scum 2003 is an all purpose, self cleaning maintenance
Odinsbarn/Korpringarna Swedish review with Eng sub. - Duration: 4:14.Hey everyone, I hope that you're all doing very well!
Today I'm gonna do a short review of a trilogy.
I read this in swedish so I will do my review in swedish.
I think that this will be a new format that I'm going to try to stick with.
But of course I'm going to put english subtitles for you so you can activate them if you want
Queue (?) Language change!
Okay so let us dive into "Korpringarna" by Siri Pettersen.
Book one: "Odinsbarn".
Book two: "Röta".
And book three: "Kraften".
To avoid spoilers the best I can, I'm only going to talk about the plot in "Odinsbarn".
We are located in Ym.
A world where everyone has a tail.
One night, a man finds a baby in the snow that has none.
He decides to take care of this baby.
To avoid dealing with the terror that would come from people finding out that she was
born without a tail, he takes a knife and carv in her skin where her tail should have
been, so that he can blame the wolves for eating her tail.
But what this little girl really is, is a "Odinsbarn", a human.
This baby grows up to become Hirka who is our main character.
I think that Siris way of writing is really easy to get into, the language is easy to
understand and overall, it's really good!
The only think I can remember that I wished for in the books are to get into the head
of some characters more and have a better understanding on why they act as they do.
We get this for quite some characters, but I wanted more.
The books have also made me think about some things in our day-to-day lives.
Among others, the production of our food, how we keep animals, and on the well being
of the animals.
One example that got me to think about this is: A cage of birds are given as a gift, these
birds glow, but to keep them glowing, you need to keep them under servere stress.
This is something that is slightly reflected upon in the book.
And this got me to think about how we keep animals.
Even if, to my understanding, Sweden have pretty good conditions for the animals.
But I'd still want to learn more about that, as I do about every topic that comes to my
But it's both interesting and good to know how the conditions for animals is where you
Något som jag också har tänkt på men glömde att ta upp är reaktionerna som olika personer
har mot andra som är olika de själva.
Jag kommer förmodligen att läsa om dessa böckerna och då kommer jag att tänka på
Another thing that I think are shown here and in many other books is how important it
is to have people around you that you trust and confide in and how much it wears on you
if you have to carry many heavy secrets by yourself.
The importance of being able to talk and share both good and bad things.
That is something that I've thought about, I don't know if you have thought about that
if you have read the books.
You are more than welcome to discuss that with me in the comments if you want!
I loved these books.
I gave them a five star rating on Goodreads without having to give it much thought.
I've read them once and also listened to the audiobooks once.
Right now I don't remember the name of the narrator but i thought that her voice was
well suited for the books.
I'll put her name in the description down below.
I hope that Siri will write more books in the near future.
And if she does, I will probaly read them no matter what they are about.
As usual you are very welcome to write in the comments if you have read these books,
what you thought about them.
If you haven't read them already, will you?
I'm always curious and would love to have conversations with you.
That is all for me today.
Thank you so much for watching and I hope you liked this video and that I'll see you
in the next video.
3 Amazing Home Made Ideas - Duration: 8:33.-------------------------------------------
WHY IS YOUTUBE LIKE THIS?! || Reaction Video - Duration: 3:39.Y'all, YouTube has finally messed up.
Okay this is their final straw.
This is the-I am livid.
This has got to be their biggest mess-up.
I can't believe they even did this!
This is ridiculous.
This is stupid.
Okay you guys have to see for yourself.
Okay see?
You see here?
Do you see?
Right there?
What's there?
That's right, NOTHING.
Nothing is there!
YouTube has officially take off all of the slightly illegal to put on YouTube Hotel Hell
episodes that I have been watching for like the past month!
I was only halfway through season 2.
So now what am I going to watch on YouTube?
What on all of YouTube can I watch now?
Video: Beep beep I'm a sheep.
Beep Beep I'm a sheep, I said beep beep I'm a sheep.
Basically welcome to my Favorites folder on YouTube.
See that's how you can tell it's officially mine.
It's because it's on my channel.
And you know what?
I just realized like yesterday, I don't really go through it.
Like ever.
So let's go through it now and remember the good times YouTube had before they cancelled
all of my Hotel Hell episodes.
*angry groan* So my most recent favorite, actually, is this
awesome play-through by ProJared.
I'm not going to watch the whole thing because it's an hour and forty minutes long.
But I highly suggest that you at home watch it in your spare time if you have a spare
two hours.
Cook up a nice pizza, maybe some mini-corndogs to go with it and just sit down and watch
this beautiful, excellent play-through.
We have the new version of "Where's the Chapstick" by Gabby.
If you missed my interview with her, link right here.
Is that where the card is?
This is so great!
This is...I don't know if it's just my childhood talking and the fact that Gabby is such a
great person, but this is so great!
This is such an awesome tribute to the original.
I'm still in awe.
You know I have a lot of Odd1sOut in my favorites folder, but I have to say this is not my favorite
video of all time by him.
Where is it x3 Okay this video, right here, is TheOdd1sOut's
best video.
Lots of Game Grumps.
I was really into Game Grumps.
OOOOO I am kind of partial to just videos that make
no sense.
I don't know why I love YouTube crack, but I do.
So here is one of my favorites from Teen Wolf, which I was really into for a while.
*laughing* I don't know why it's so funny to me!
*continues laughing*
Oh! Grecia's video!
Shiny Teeth and Me Zumba.
I'm not good at Zumba at all.
Grecia, make videos again!!
Video: *Gazebo Song by Wheezy Waiter plays*
Okay this is how much I love this video.
I saw it first on Tumblr and then I spent the next hour trying to find it on YouTube
just so I could share it and then watch it on repeat because watching videos on Tumblr
is awful.
It's the worst platform to watch videos on.
Video: *Skyrim Shuffle by Sekathon plays* I love Skyrim!!!
So that is my favorites playlist on YouTube.
What are some of your favorite YouTube videos of all time?
Please let me know in the comments below and, uh, maybe I'll check them out.
Maybe I'll make a video about it.
Maybe YouTube will put my Hotel Hell episodes back on YouTube so I can keep watching and
not have to be on a cliffhanger of whether or not they save the hotel!
*end theme* Thank you for watching my video!
If you enjoyed it, feel free to subscribe for more like it.
*Beep Beep I'm a Sheep plays*
Grow Word of Mouth Referrals using LinkedIn - Duration: 6:53.Hey there thank you so much for checking out my
video every week I try to studio as much value as
I can by giving you educational videos and how to
grow your health and fitness business hi my name
is brad Smith today I'm gonna be talking about
how to grow your referral network use Linton
and I'm gonna show you the exact steps I took
that grew my referral network to over 30000 plus
here helping we're connected with over 30000
people in the health and fitness world and I was
able to start our business Our health link just
by using linked in to get in touch with you
referrals and new people and it just really grow
my business so today I'm gonna show you how you
can grow your local referral network or your
online referral network using Lincoln and not
sending out um stanley messages or spam emails
to these people so let's jump right into it as
you can see how to grow your local referrals
using lincoln and I'm just gonna show you the
exact steps I took I'm ready Here on my linked in
page so you know work brad Smith health link and
you can see where over 30000 connections first
thing I wanna show you is the network and we're
connected with here and how awesome it is so
29000 On 979 people blink and only let two at
30000 so we can maxed out and then we go back in
and see people that we're still connected with we
try to keep them and then we go and delete people
that you know maybe join In the past network that
we don't really need to be connected with any
more than as you can see we have over 300 uh
receive invitations to people trying to connect
with us trying to join our network and lincoln
just let us do it because we maxed up This is
just by building real relationships I reach out a
connected with us all 30000 of these people if
you're one of them thanks for joining us for an I
appreciate it and it's just a great way to grow
and I wanna show you today how to grow it Locally
so if you know first things first I want you just
do a quick search um so let's say tampa
a chiropractor let's say you're a gym in tampa so
what I want you to do is build that build your
linked in page and we'll go over the
A page in a minute but what you can do is you
right here on the page these are all kind of
practice in tampa and this is what I did when I
started my fitness and nutrition business you go
running to the first connections and these are
people who are already connected with first
connections you And you can message them right in
here so you got the team chiropractor temp of a
race um team chiropractor tampa Bay buccaneers
well connected with you this is just what I did
started right here to this person say I wanted to
connect with them
I wanted to send him clients or I want to refer
back to me just a quick message um hey there
this is brand
owner of health link
Can I and you to my referral network
that's it just see what he has to say back I mean
it's simple um it does not hurt to reach out to
them asking that they wanna be part of your
referral network tell them you're willing to read
For people to them if you have some one year
or they have someone to refer back to you just a
quick reach up you're asking for them the day or
sign up for anything just
get connected we know we're local we're near each
other just a quick reach out
if you want to reach out Hey it's somebody that's
a mile away you really wanna connected get
connected with them you just gonna click on their
name and you can actually go right in
and find their email gas
so if you wanna send a quick email
You can reach out to them contact and personal
info here um you can call them you could email
them and I actually went through and I started I
called every single person it's ahead just email
them a single link to message give me a call back
like you to join my referral
For and within it took me about a year just
really grow my network but you know once you have
that power you reaching out to them and
connecting it's huge show you right now what I
don't want you to do so I'm gonna go with the
message of the app to see
Hi this one somebody sent me never heard of them
before deer brand you'll be do therapy basically
is pitching um anywhere any device calls me pete
patient I look forward to receiving quit the
positive feedback from you this
The longest the least likely it is for somebody
to respond back um you can just you know scroll
down and I have so many so many things here's one
I mean this is summer from all call they don't
even know what our businesses
to send me long messages This is something you
don't wanna do doesn't wanna miss you don't want
to be spammy to send it a can add to my referral
network and then uh actually respond back how to
optimize your profile because usually anyone that
you connect with their looking to profile make
sure your business name or What we like to say if
you have a gym or an office for that picture
there that's the first thing people see is what
you're offering
make sure you're consistently writing articles um
as you can see we have you know tons of media
here articles
Thank you to our because we grow we tried once a
week this video I'm recording now will be running
our article and also a recent update
another thing you know just make sure that all
these links are easy so this is health link so
he's gonna click on any of these links
You can see a future business and then they can
go right to our website there
just you know a great way to connect with people
that can see when you offer
as you can see we're connected to bill and skip
next football player is pretty cool and uh
endorse people All if you really want them as you
can see we've been endorse for our specialty is
over a hundred times over specially is make sure
you put all the specialties you offer small
business your website building Google website I'm
advertising coaching
Just make sure you endorse somebody when they
reach out that's a no thing I wanna mention when
you email him and send the message and a link to
message and you endorse them they will be
notified in their email also so give a new
endorsement a quick
face leave the message and a quick email Works
out really well
that's about it just make sure you guys reach out
to me if you have any questions about lincoln
I'll be more than happy to help you uh with some
tips or advice on how to build your linked in
connection is really powerful for getting other
businesses in your area to connect and refer
clients back and forth you know that's the
ultimate goal for a business is having people
refer their patients or clients to you so thank
Découvrez le Centre de solutions en Imagerie de Documents - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Why Don't Humans Have Whiskers? - Duration: 4:21.Whether you've got a big ol' lumberjack beard or a pencil-thin mustache,
if you have facial hair, you might refer to it as your "whiskers."
But that is not what they are.
The fact is, humans don't have whiskers.
True whiskers—like those on your dog or cat—are far more special
than any human facial hair.
Whiskers are acutely sensitive and can help creatures hunt, sense the direction of the wind,
and find their way around in the dark.
In fact, they are so useful, nearly all mammals have them…
we're just one of the rare exceptions.
So, what makes whiskers different from the stubble on your chin?
Well, whiskers are what scientists call vibrissae.
And they are similar to regular hair ... they're made out of the same protein, keratin.
But whiskers are usually thicker, stiffer, and more importantly, they grow out of
completely different kinds of follicles than your hairs do.
The follicles for vibrissae are deep in the skin, and they're surrounded by pockets
of blood, which are connected to nerves.
Researchers think that these pockets of blood help amplify any vibrations that come through
the hairs to help make them extra-sensitive to touch.
And the nerves, of course, lead up to the brain, where huge sections of the somatosensory
cortex are devoted to making sense of all the tactile information
that the whiskers are picking up.
Now, whiskers can be found anywhere on an animal's body, but the most common spot
is on the face, especially around the mouth or eyes, where they come in two main types.
The long hairs we usually think of as "whiskers" are called macrovibrissae,
and they can be moved voluntarily.
But there are also shorter, stubbier whiskers, usually right under the nose, called microvibrissae.
Many animals, like rats or mice, have both kinds.
And in those creatures, it's thought that the big ones are used for spatial tasks,
while the little ones are more important for recognizing certain objects.
If you can move your big whiskers, like a rat does, you can actually get lots of really
valuable information about the space around you ... almost like seeing, but with your hair.
This behavior actually has a name—aptly enough, it's called whisking.
For example, if a rat is new to an area, it will move slowly, flicking its whiskers back
and forth, letting them sweep over a broad area to get a good sense of the surroundings.
But if a rat already knows the space, it will move more quickly, and whisk over a smaller
area just to make sure it doesn't run into anything.
And if a rodent is especially interested in something, it will increase the speed of its
whisking to get a higher resolution sense of what the thing is.
Other animals use their whiskers for more nefarious purposes…
at least, if you're a prey animal.
The tiny etruscan shrew, for example, uses its whiskers to find and capture insects nearly
as large as itself, even inside dark tunnels.
Seals, too, use the tactile hairs to hunt, and have whiskers so sensitive that they can
actually sense fish breathing.
Biologists think that's because seals have as much as ten times the number of nerve endings
per whisker follicle that land animals have.
OK, so you get that whiskers are super-useful,
and on the right animal, they can be downright dashing.
So in that case, why don't we have them?
Well, we probably did at one point.
Or, at least, our ancestors did.
Whiskers are thought to have been an important adaptation in early mammals, including primates.
But then, around 800,000 years ago, we appear to have lost the bit of DNA
that allows for true whiskers.
However, our distant cousins—the other great apes—still have it, and you can see their
whiskers if you look closely.
They are not the big flashy whiskers your cat has, but chimps, gorillas, and orangutans
all have microvibrissae all around their mouths and eyebrows.
There's even evidence that some people today have vestigial muscles in their upper lips
that are leftover from when our primate ancestors had whiskers—
although, not all scientists are convinced about that.
Either way, modern humans seem to have gotten along just fine without whiskers.
All that brain space that was dedicated to getting information from whiskers is now used
to map our sense of touch, with a big chunk going to our fingertips.
And we have pretty good visual systems for navigating, so we don't have to feel our
way around with hairs.
So, if you're wishing you could go out for a nice whisking, or had a sweet set of whiskers
that could make you into like a real-life Daredevil, take heart.
Not having them is part of what makes you human.
But if you want to see me rocking some scientific cat ears,
check out our Talk Show about the brain with Dr. Amanda Duley.
There's a link in the description.
I move them with my mind.
How to set up a push notification with iPhone of "Google Play Newsstand" app - Duration: 2:07.How to set up a push notification with iPhone (iOS) version of "Google Play Newsstand" app
Hello everyone
This time, we will introduce how to set up a push notification with iPhone (iOS) version of "Google Play Newsstand" app
Google's iPhone version app of news curation service "Google Play Newsstand" in the v4.4 update of the 2017 end of April,
Already push notification feature that is installed has been added in the Android version of the app
The push notification feature, is divided into three "top news and the latest topic" "the latest issue of the magazine" "deals and benefits", you can make each of the on / off
Push notification settings of the iPhone version of "Google Play Newsstand" app, it has been stored in the display by touching the menu icon "Settings"
Also it appears also push notification settings when you first start the "Google Play Newsstand" app updated iPhone version of "Google Play Newsstand" app to v4.4
Because the way, "Google Play Newsstand" magazine subscription has not been started in Japan,
Subscribe to have notice of "the latest issue of the magazine" me me the latest issue of the magazine is not particularly relevant at the moment
You will not need to be set for the
For example, if you want to quickly read the latest news to be delivered in the "Google Play Newsstand", please try to set the added push notification function this time
Also those who want to read the news at your own pace, it is a very good idea to turn off the notification to the contrary
Above, it was the introduction of how to set up a push notification with iPhone (iOS) version of "Google Play Newsstand" app
Volumetric star out of paper. DIY origami may 9, February 23 - Duration: 4:49.-------------------------------------------
Survivor 2017 - 79.Bölüm Tanıtımı - Duration: 10:02.-------------------------------------------
Message pour votre nuit. 1 Mai - Duration: 1:00.-------------------------------------------
Volkswagen Fox 1.2 Trendline - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
【初音ミク PDA- ƒ2nd】 Marginal マージナル 【初音ミク FULL HD 1080p】 English Sub Romaji Lyrics 日本語歌詞 - Duration: 3:01.Colbalt blue
Slipping down reddened cheeks
Turns a melancholy violet
Beneath an orange-scented sun
Today I can repaint my heart anew
The beautiful view through the window
I trace my sorrow through the glass
With my fingertip
The colors become mixed and muddied
But in the instant I collapsed
I caught a glimpse through the cracks
And realized
It's okay, the color's still there
A collection of chipped off paint
Forever vivid and beautiful
We can step out now
Walk through the door
The stagnant sky and the tattered clouds
Still we embrace them
The city passing by, the hidden pigments
Side by side, they don't look so bad
No single color dominates
We are right here
A rainbow of marginal
Vivid marginal
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