Today we're gonna look in the book of Mark.
This might be a familiar story to you.
This is Mark chapter 12. It says:
If you know the story, you know that Jesus
calls his disciples to him and he starts
talking about it. And he says, "Of all the people
who put in their offerings, she put in the most
because she put in literally everything she had."
Now back then it wasn't quite like
when you go to church now.
Maybe your church has offering plates that travel around.
That's not quite how it was.
They had kind of these
trumpet-shaped receptacles
on the side of the temple walls.
And then you would take your money–
and it could be very loud, obviously—
as they drop them into these metal containers
and everyone could hear how much you gave.
It'd be similar to if you've ever gone from
Wisconsin down to Chicago, and you go
to put in the toll, and you drop the coins in.
If those are no longer there,
please totally disregard how old
that sentence makes me look.
But that's essentially what they were.
You'd throw your coins in.
I wonder though, do you think she kind of
snuck along the side of the temple wall?
Do you think since she only had
two tiny little coins worth hardly anything
compared to everybody else
that she just kind of slid them in?
to that receptacle?
It seems crazy that she would be almost maybe
embarrassed of giving literally
everything she had.
But maybe it's not that crazy.
Have you ever compared yourself to other people?
Does he have nicer shoes than you have?
Or does she have a prettier dress,
or does she have prettier outfits,
or is she just prettier than you are?
Is your friend smarter?
Is his family well-off compared to your family?
The truth is even adults compare ourselves
to other people and it
Never. Feels. Good.
Because all this leads to, and this is why
the Bible so often talks about envy,
when you start comparing yourselves
to what other people have it leads to envy.
It leads to depression.
It leads to a questioning of your own worth in God.
But what does God say?
God gives us a brand new perspective.
And Jesus says, "I came to this earth just for you.
I came to this earth and died on a cross
and I rose again to prove to you
that you're something different.
That you absolutely have value in me
and you don't have to compare yourself
to other people.
I gave you even better blessings than that."
One of those blessings is prayer,
so let's do that right now.
Heavenly Father,
when we compare ourselves to others
we often feel terrible.
Help us to have a new perspective
that appreciates all the blessings
you've given us in Christ:
forgiveness of sins, and a new life,
and the ability to come to you
just like we are now in prayer.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
God created us all, Jesus redeemed us all,
and the Spirit gives us each unique gifts
and insights on how to handle certain problems.
The Bible is filled with insights and stories
and direction about how as a group of Christians
we can overcome racial divides
and we can move closer together
as a community of faith.
Pastor Mark Jeske has just written a book
called "Grace For Every Race"
and we would love to send each of you
this gift as a thank you for your donation.
Just click the link below, and we'll see you soon.
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