hey folks this is rhykker with a full analysis video on the lore and easter
eggs behind the new overwatch map horizon lunar colony we'll go through
every new voice line of which there are four for winston and one for almost
every other hero we'll go through all the Maps secrets will examine the story
that this map reveals and there was even going to be a part in this video in
which we would have murdered out on a little bit of science to both praised
and criticized blizzard but this video was already too long so I've edited out
those parts and I'm making them into a new video which will go up tomorrow
we'll start with a fly through of the map examining the lore the defenders
spawn room and the attackers spawn room are both very different and we're
starting right now in the defenders spawn room you can see over here a
satellite that's undergoing some maintenance you have some panels over
here and a rover in this Bay over here that exits out onto the lunar surface
we'll do a full deep analysis of what we see on these displays in our next video
but right now what's up note to us for lower purposes is this gravitational
wave section the exclamation mark here might be alerting us to some anomalies
happening with gravitational waves gravitational waves are a pretty new
science and so it's possible that either there's some breakthrough going on right
now on the moon in overwatch something that could potentially lead to some form
of new technology or there's something bad about to happen relating to gravity
possibly black hole type stuff continuing our fly-through of what is
the maintenance area or maintenance Bay we exit out to Bay 12
leaving the spawn room and emerging into the final capture point here we have
another Rover and another exit onto the lunar surface this is Bay 12 from here
you can see some more panels off to the side and all these Rover panels are the
same they're simply detailing some specifications about the rover in this
case we're examining tire pressure we then have exits to hydroponics and we'll
start by going over to this right room over here in
which we can find a number of email interactions starting with this side
over here we're going to see some familiar messages here we have a message
from Patel saying can someone check the noise in the break room it's past
bedtime 8:50 p.m. at 912 Nevsky replies it was Simon and hip aysia causing
trouble I tell you Simon has been an absolute handful lately I mean more than
usual I'm confining him to his room and we can
figure out what to do with him in the morning if we go over to the other
messages now this seems to be the following day at 2:19 p.m. and that is a
lot of glare we have scientist Winston human
scientists Winston saying All Hands report to airlock key 35 Zhang replies
what happened are you okay Winston replies I need help at airlock 35
immediately and that's the rest of that familiar message this was the final
message at 2:22 p.m. before the station went dark but for the gorilla uprising
we can scroll over to see if there are any other messages here we have a video
message that unfortunately we cannot play I would have loved to find out what
that said and if we go over to this console we can see an activity log which
is basically your mail inbox and here again we see some familiar messages from
Flores strange noises and ventilation system Yoshida has some missing tools
and Nevsky has concerns about Simon's behavior and that covers everything
that's not redundant in here now as we move on we eventually make our way into
the hydroponics lab hydroponics refers to a method of growing plants without
soil instead using mineral nutrients in water hydro is an English prefix meaning
water and Panos is a Greek root meaning labour so water here is doing the work
hydroponics are very common in science fiction it is basically necessary for
any space station or extraterrestrial colony on a world without plants here we
see oxygen levels being measured we've got plants everywhere we're seeing
a lot of familiar displays and there's not too much new to be
learned here we're seeing familiar messages we're seeing the same displays
we saw in that little lab and really the biggest message here is simply that the
lunar colony is self-sustaining it can produce its own oxygen and because it's
growing plants it could also produce its own food this is how the gorillas were
able to survive here on their own all these years onwards into the training
facility here we have a hydroponic tank nothing really new to the tank where
you're growing the plants more consoles that have the same displays but then we
have this little room over here where we can find one new console we see Earth
and we see initialize sequence exiting this room and heading onward to the
training facility we see a jungle gym for gorillas we've got hanging tires
we've got rock climbing walls we have ladders and this was actually the first
control point to capture on this map and once you have captured this point then
the attackers unlock this additional spawn room which we're going to magic
through the door and here we are here we see a bunch of space suits for each of
the scientists aboard this station with one human Winston's being markedly
absent now one thing that's important to note is that these space suits are very
human shaped and human sized and is no way that gorillas Winston could wear
this so what could this mean does this mean that scientist Winston
was wearing this space suit when he called all hands on deck for the
emergency at the airlock was he wearing this while trying to repair the airlock
was he coming back from a spacewalk when the airlock stopped working or are there
other reasons why this spacesuit is missing now the other thing that is
worth noting in this room is these seem to be the vents
maybe the ceiling here is all messed up and we've heard reports of noises coming
from the ventilation system now look how small that is if that is a vent
we know that Hammond the specimen that is missing is a smaller type of creature
than the other gorillas we don't know what kind of animal he can be if he's
maybe just a smaller type of ape but if that is the size we're dealing with that
definitely definitely put some restrictions on what kind of animal you
can be even a chimpanzee doesn't seem like you can fit in there
we might even be dealing with a monkey instead of an ape maybe something small
like a spider monkey that is actually able to crawl around in these small
areas but then would it have the force to bust out of things like this lots of
questions raised by this room by whatever the devs are trying to tell us
with these clues leaving this area we go around to here we see some more familiar
displays and now we head into this bigger open area where we see gorilla
daycare you can see paw prints here but based on the size of these little things
you think that these were used more when the gorillas were younger you see little
baby toys effectively some rockets that are familiar again Winston as a baby was
very fond of rockets and we can see here a drawing possibly made by Winston who
knows it could be any of the gorillas really but given its rocket base that
certainly does hint towards it being Winston's drawing and again you can see
the paw prints all over the place leading to different areas they don't
seem to be going in any particular direction and it seems to be multiple
apes that have made these prints the blackboard even when flipped around
still says nothing we have a little display over here where it appears to be
some form of skill testing game testing the intelligence of the apes you have
scanning in progress 52 percent complete downloading data class alpha and you get
a score it's one of those baby games where you have to match the shapes to
the holes and if we go up here you can also make your way through the steps
here but we see that the glass here is shattered there's some of these rubik's
dodecahedron sore whatever they might be scattered about some more familiar
displays nothing new here but we are seeing now the airlock and we'll get to
those airlocks a little bit later we're going to finish
exploring the rest of this area first but you can see that the two airlocks
are very close together and they actually lead to the same external area
here we have a blue padded room which I don't know if this is like a holding
cell or what there don't seem to be doors here certainly a bizarre room with
no console that's currently on and here we have the little school we have the
Lexi Graham's which play a very important role for Winston you can see
that Winston has a LexA Graham spray Winston spray specifically focused on
these nine squares starting with the circle on the top left and finishing
with the I don't know sort of starburst on the bottom right Lexi Graham's are
basically symbols representing words and it's certainly bizarre that one of them
just says peanut butter kind of defeats the purpose of a lexigram here we have a
poster for this actual moon colony and then we have the little baby chairs for
baby gorilla school we've got more tests we have more of the
same drawings repeated here there is nothing interesting behind this teacher
station just more of the same consoles again the blackboard doesn't have
anything on it more of the same consoles and with that we leave this little
training area and we can see that some regions have certainly been blocked off
some of the doors as well you'll see that the locks have been destroyed part
of the station has been trashed in fact the more we get away from the defenders
spawn and the closer we get to the attacker spawn the more this station is
trashed from this little school area we can go around here into the break room
basically and by some miracle the vending machines have not been shattered
you can see salt and pepper and we got these little rumbas always going around
the area cleaning things up you got the peanut butter here we got the stove oven
and then you can see these little packages here these are pretty typical
of quote astronaut food vacuum packed dehydrated food it keeps really well in
space I remember going to Space Camp as a kid and having some dehydrated
strawberries and they weren't half bad it's kind of like the strawberries you
find in breakfast cereal and then over here we see finally a new console
horizon lunar colony with a directory and we have every one of these
scientists listed and it seems that Jang is highlighted and that's possibly his
location being highlighted by that circle which
doesn't make a whole lot of sense because apparently all the scientists
were murdered unless that's just where his corpse is but these numbers here
just sort of seemed to be extension numbers like if you want to reach a
specific individual we know that these refer not to the guerillas but to the
scientists now off to the side here we have another little break room nothing
particularly of note you can see in the distance there the label horizon on the
station itself and there's one little room that we've neglected visiting up to
now and that's because it's a special little room and we're going to go take a
look so right over here you can see this area is very trashed things are tossed
about again nothing new just yet until we get into this little room here that
should start looking familiar to you guys we've got the Lexi Grahams
we've got the little model rocket we've got the peanut butter on the bed this
was Winston's room baby Winston well I guess as well as you grew up but yeah
this is Winston's room now exiting this room there's two areas left to explore
one of which is the observatory this is the attacker spawn and again we're
seeing the same consoles here but there's some major big stuff in here to
go up through here again just a lot of repetition for now but you're already
seeing it right here that telescope is the Mae
your feature that is left to take a look at as well as this area here in fact so
if we come down here you can see the portrait of Winston and Winston and then
on these consoles here I wish we could unpause these videos but here we see the
guerrillas we see the guerrillas we see things going on here these guerrillas
are mad they are angry guerrillas so what are we seeing in these images well
let's start with this one all the way on the left this ape over here you can see
the number on her shoulder that's 20 that is Suzann that is specimen Susan we
know that because we have that specimen status tracking image with all of their
names next to their specimen numbers now we have this sinister looking specimen
down here and we can't quite see his number but he has those big old ears
could that be a chimpanzee gorillas typically don't have such big ears but
it could just be artistic direction taken my view of Washington because even
this specimen here has big ol ears if we see over here one one of these apes is
just lounging about after making a mess in the kitchen this one here seems to be
eating from the garbage then we have one that seems to be putting on a dress and
the other is that a smaller specimen no it seems it's hard to tell right now but
if we go over here this seems to be 23 the one who stole this dress and put it
on over here c23 is hip Asia so either there are multiple
Apes wearing dresses or otherwise these security footage tapes are not being
played in order and this one is curiously off and then we go to the
final one where we see 26 26 is Ellie and then that appears to maybe be a 15
over there Calvin that kind of looks like an
orangutan maybe these two seem to be larger than these over here but it's a
little difficult to say and this one over here definitely seems to be the
smallest of them all could that be a chimpanzee could that be
the smaller specimen Hammond that we're talking about well we gave some reasons
why or why not Hammond could be an ape in our overview
of the teaser video so over here we see atrium six out this window we could also
see the other side of atrium six from a room near the defenders spawn moving on
into the actual spawn of the defenders we have this enormous telescope pointed
at earth and if you step on this bun here it opens these doors and if you
step on it again it closes them up to here and it doesn't really seem to have
any major effect on anything if you go to this telescope though you are
prompted to hold our and then you can look through it and you get to see a
view of Spain and Portugal basically you always see the same thing regardless of
whether these doors are held open or closed more so we respond in as Winston
just to show you the door opening further and we're going to take a gander
through the telescope right now as that finishes opening we hold our and you
always see the same thing there's nothing to move around here you see a
few different potential landing sites and you see watch Point Gibraltar
highlighted as well we'll examine this all the more closely in a bit then we go
step on this again we close the doors again they just return to basically the
previous half open position there doesn't seem to be any point to
this at all you look through this again and it has not changed whatsoever now
we're going to go take a look at the last area that we have yet to explore
and that is actually outside there are two airlocks that lead to the exterior
of the map here is one it opens up we go out and now we get to experience low
gravity now this area is kind of disappointingly small I suppose I
understand why they did that all there is out here is a health pack there's
nothing really more to learn here war wise there's just another airlock it
opens up here and we're back in this little room we
could actually see the two airlocks there there's no shortcut to be taken
out here it's literally just going out there to have some fun and low gravity
jump around fall off the map and die or to get that health pack this door down
here does not open we can't even push past an invisible barrier to get closer
to the door and interesting to note about being out here is that there's
almost no sound there's basically no sound and it sound returns as you
re-enter alright we're going to listen to all the various new voice lines we
hear now on this map when you spawn in as Winston there are three different
random voice lines that you can hear and we'll play those right now
I wonder what's happened to you since I escaped they say you can never go home
again does it look like a chameleon switch they must be in another part of
the base so again there was a guerrilla uprising Winston water no part of that
he escaped to earth and he hasn't been back to the moon ever since now one
thing that I find really a nice touch is the fact that because we see no gorillas
in this area Winston addresses it it's called lamp shading and in fiction as a
trow doesn't look like they come in here much they must be in another part of the
base as I was going around I was wondering where the hell are all the
Apes well Winston addresses this with his comment now I was hoping that maybe
there was some interesting interaction with the horizon skin for Winston in
which he's wearing an actual horizon spacesuit I tried going around with that
skin I didn't get any new voice lines so unless any of you have found something
if you did please sign off in the comments but I couldn't find anything
myself so the other new voice lines we have one for every other hero apart from
Bastion when they look through the telescope will listen to these and it
will just comment on a couple of them that are no worthy really gives you
perspective on the world down there what it's all about
yeah I need a drink it all looks so small from up here the view is not bad
earth I've gone through a lot for you hope you appreciate it that's something
you don't see every day the first day or so we all pointed to our countries the
third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents by the fifth day we were
aware of only one earth wow I think I understand what Winston felt like now
looking back at the earth for me the concerns of my life seems so distant
from up here I think I can see my trailer Danny our work is worth paying
for well the views not much uh-huh a bit more powerful than my scope Wow the feel
is amazing recording if you will want to see this from here it all looks to be so
orderly and peaceful it all seems so peaceful from up here it all looks so
peaceful from up here I never thought I see the world like this the damage
doesn't look as bad from up here it's not bad but it's also not Hawaii so
sanada's line here is a Star Wars reference in the original Star Wars film
c-3po and r2d2 are escaping a rebel ship that was boarded by Darth Vader and his
goons after their ship was severely damaged by an imperial ship as the two
are floating away in an escape pod c-3po looks back at the two ships and says
that's funny the damage doesn't look as bad from out here now it's not clear
whether c-3po was simply too far away to see the damage on the rebel ship or
maybe the rebel ship is so small at this distance that he mistook the Imperial
ship as the ship that he was on but either way it's a funny line and now
I want a Zen Threepio skin I will never look at skin me that same way so here
Genji is saying I will never look at tsuki me the same way tsuki me is a
Japanese festival honoring the autumn moon and it literally translates to moon
viewing this festival takes place around September because ever since ancient
times this was regarded as the best time for moon viewing because the moon would
be at its brightest objectivism Luke Ravi spooty Kay Yow video cock
procrastination Ito Judy Boojum Fanny Dupree on izzati - Krista - Annie
reserved shot vo so sorry it says quite a bit here and I'm not a hundred percent
clear on the translation but this is the best that I can get she's saying
something to the effect of while orbiting the Earth in the spacecraft
Sputnik I saw how wonderful our planet is let's fight to preserve its beauty
and help it grow not destroy it and this is either a direct quote or an
adaptation of a quote from Yuri Gagarin Russian cosmonaut and the first man in
space his quote was when I orbited the earth in a spaceship I saw for the first
time how beautiful our planet is mankind let us preserve and increase this beauty
and not destroy it here's the thing though he orbited the earth in the
spacecraft Vostok not Sputnik Sputnik was a satellite that launched from the
same pad as Vostok but she definitely wasn't in it now maybe I'm not hearing
right or there's some error in translation here but it really sounds
like Zarya said Sputnik so either this is some error on Blizzard's part or
again sarios maybe not directly quoting Yuri
maybe she herself actually orbited the earth in a spaceship named Sputnik it's
not very likely but it's within the realm of possibility
Zaria is a celebrated Russian athlete as well as a soldier there's not a lot of
room in our backs for you to also be an astronaut but who knows maybe the
Russian Center into space either as a PR stunt
or just as a reward for her service if any of you watching speak or understand
Russian please let me know exactly what that quote is now again looking through
the telescope this is what we see we can clearly see watch Point Gibraltar
highlight it on the left it seems like this could be Lisbon the capital of
Portugal on the bottom seems to be Iran a coastal Algerian city and in the top
right this is maybe is that a Gosa but it seems pretty far off from where it
actually is geographically so there doesn't seem to be anything really of
note in that area at least today that said this map isn't super accurate
there's a lot of artistic interpretation so it could just be that they move where
desire goes that would be but most interesting here is note where the
lights are and where the lights are not compare this to a modern-day light map
where's Madrid where are all the big city regions that currently exist today
is this because of the Amna crisis is this what has happened to Spain and
Portugal during the war are these areas just ravaged now desolate destroyed now
what we gather overall from this is that Winston was likely the last to use this
telescope trying to find places to land with his rocket he likely picked watch
point Gibraltar which was an overwatch base and it has a landing pad landing
and takeoff pad which we see when we go there and you could even see Winston's
landing pod it's any of the attackers spawn room so it makes more sense that
Winston landed here and they kept his landing pod there then that Winston had
his landing pod transported to watch points or alter for sentimental reasons
and that wraps up this analysis video leave a comment with your thoughts are
you excited about the new map don't forget to come back tomorrow for our
next video in which we really get into the science of things praised and
criticized below that we're going to talk about the airlocks we are going to
talk about as well all the various panels and what they
tell us thanks for watching special thanks to my twitch and patreon
supporters for making these videos possible if you enjoy this video please
share it check out these other videos and subscribe to join rikers raiders
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