Friday, June 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 2 2017

Hey guys shaurya gaming here and welcome back to another video in which we are going to

be building a samll survival house which is ideal for your first day soooo lets get into


Sooo the exterior has a uuhh (lol) torch with an item frame on it,some ladders and a pot with a white tulip on it

Aaand that's pretty much it i'll see you guys next time!



Species Counterpoint in 2-Parts: Intro - Duration: 9:18.


Our learning how to write a cantus firmus (similar to the one below)

taught us to distinguish between conjunct and disjunct

motion, consonant and dissonant melodic intervals, the distinctions between steps, skips, small

leaps (of a fourth), and large leaps of a fifth or more, also, the differences between

several modes.

We learned that, in a cantus firmus, certain melodic intervals are acceptable – major

and minor seconds, thirds (also sixths), perfect fourths, also perfect fifths and octaves – whereas

others are NOT: i.e., sevenths, also chromatic, diminished, augmented, and compound intervals.


In order to combine together two independent melodic lines – a cantus firmus and a counterpoint –

we begin with exercises in "species counterpoint."

This refers to the specific note values of the counterpoint – whether whole, half,

or quarter notes – in relation to the CF.


Yes, we're talking about rhythm.

When a counterpoint [CP] in whole notes is matched to an existing cantus firmus – also

in whole notes, whether above or below, it is called First Species Counterpoint, or "note

against note."

Listen to this example from the famous treatise :GRADUS AD PARNASSUM," by Johann Joseph Fux.


To work out such an exercise, we consider

not only the horizontal flow of the UCP – acceptable and unacceptable melodic intervals – but

also the vertical harmonic intervals between each pair of notes, upper and lower.

Figures between the two parts mark the vertical intervals.

In 2-part First Species, only consonant harmonic (i.e., vertical) intervals are allowed: Perfect

Unisons, 5ths, Octaves, Major/minor 3rds, 6ths.

Their compound versions are also permitted: Perfect 12ths, Major/minor 10ths and 13ths.

Notice any missing?

When there are only two parts, a vertical Perfect 4th between CF and CP is considered

to be a dissonance.

This is because a harmonic P4 wants to resolve, to a third.

Dissonance between bass and an upper part is not permitted in first species counterpoint.

(Hence, no P4s!)

By AVOIDING Direct Motion into a Perfect interval, your singer or instrumentalist can improvise

fill-ins between melodic skips or leaps in his written part, and not create parallel

or hidden perfect intervals, which are forbidden. [mus]


So, Direct Motion into a perfect interval is NOT permitted.

We may use Direct Motion – whether parallel or similar – only when proceeding into an

imperfect interval, but may use Contrary and Oblique motion into any interval.

| Direct | [mus]

| Contrary | [mus]

| Oblique | [mus]

However, … Be careful to not create parallel fifths,

unisons or octaves by contrary motion, as shown on the left! [mus]

On the other hand, alternation by Contrary motion between Fifths and Octaves (or Unisons)

is acceptable, as on the right. [mus]

First Species with Upper Counterpoint, Lower

Cantus Firmus – this is how we do it: The exercise may begin with either a P8 or P5,

which establishes the tonic or key.

But NOT with a P4; remember, when there are only two parts, P4s are dissonances, and not

permitted in 1st species!

Perfect Ending.

[P8] No imperfect interval is allowed on the end; no 3rds.

The CF and CP must both end on the Final, or tonic note, of the mode or key.

(Which means, no P5 is permitted on the end, either.

An octave is okay.)

With the Cantus in the lower part, there must be a major 6th in the next-to-the-last, or

penultimate bar, cadencing on the Final at the Octave.

In Minor Modes (but not Phrygian), the 7th scale degree is chromatically raised to create

an artificial Leading Tone in the upper counterpoint. [mus]

Here are Soprano and Alto staves, bar numbers

above the Soprano, and intervals figured between the CF, on the bottom, and the UCP.

Note that perfect intervals tend to put the brakes on the flow – and octaves are worse

than P5s – whereas the 3rds and 6ths move along easily.

Unisons must be avoided in 2-part counterpoint, except at the beginning and end.

A unison has the unfortunate effect of cancelling out one voice. Listen! [mus]

By the way, octaves in the middle section of an exercise, though not as bad

as unisons, may be used, but sparingly.

A tone may be repeated, only once, not in the cantus firmus, but ONLY in the counterpoint.

In first species, this is in fact the only way to have oblique motion in the cantus firmus.


Remember to approach P8s and P5s by contrary or oblique motion only, NEVER directly (neither

parallel, nor similar motion into a perfect interval is permitted).

Based on the measurements of bars 1 and 2, we have oblique motion, marked with the letter


From bar 2 to 3, parallel (marked "P").

Bar 3 to 4, contrary (marked "C"), then similar motion between bars 4 and 5.

The rest are marked on the slide as well. Let's listen! [mus]

Summary of Guidelines for writing 2-part,

First Species Upper Counterpoint to a Cantus Firmus.

If it helps, pause the clip and take a screenshot of the slide.

You are of course encouraged to practice adding an upper counterpoint

line to one or more of the cantus firmi you created in previous assignments.

Post a question or a comment, and be sure to like, share, and subscribe for updates!

Food for Thought: … ASSIGNMENT: Transcribe this example to Grand Staff,

then Play the two parts together on a piano keyboard.

Better, sing the cantus firmus part while playing the upper counterpoint line on the


Then, the reverse: Play the lower cantus firmus part while singing the upper counterpoint.

If necessary, transpose the keyboard part up or down an octave, to suit your voice.

You may also try singing the two parts together with a partner, in solfège.

[music credit]

Thank you for watching! [Copyright © Mark Priest, 2017]

For more infomation >> Species Counterpoint in 2-Parts: Intro - Duration: 9:18.


Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage - Duration: 4:19.

Ascension Toolkit #8 � Courage

by Michael H Hallett,

We live in a world that recognizes and respects courage: the military hero, the policewoman

who dies in the line of duty, the fireman who dashes into a burning building and emerges

with a child in her arms. We are familiar with this kind of courage as a result of our

long patriarchal past.

On the Ascension path, however, courage takes on new forms and there is a place for them

in our toolbox. The courage required on the Ascension pathway falls into two kinds: outward

directed and inward directed.

Outward directed courage

Outward directed courage is the closest to the traditional military-valor type of courage.

This is the courage to step outside your comfort zone and do something you not only haven�t

done before but also�more importantly�haven�t felt capable of doing. That place outside

our comfort zone is scary. We don�t know what happens out there. We don�t know how

people will react to us stepping into that twilight zone. Just the thought of it makes

us squirm and look for the slightest reason not to do it.

In my experience, the Ascension process is a continual expansion of our comfort zones.

So get used to it. That stomach-rumbling feeling you get when you�re about to step outside

your comfort zone is something you will become familiar with. So courage is sometimes the

tool that we need to take the next step.

Still thinking of avoiding it? There�s a saying in spiritual circles, �that which

you resist persists.� Damn right it does. All you�re doing is prolonging your own

misery (not to mention slowing the global Ascension process!). I can�t say that it

gets easy, but it does get easier. You will get to know very clearly when you need to

step up and will learn the futility of resistance. Instead of putting off crucial changes and

letting issues persist you will get better at knocking them out of the park as soon as

they show up.

Inward directed courage

The other kind of courage is inward directed. That�s the courage to expand your �inner

comfort zone�. If you�re male, this might involve the courage to become softer and abandon

macho posturing and violence as problem-solving methods. In a society built on the concept

that men should be physically and mentally strong (and, implicitly, emotionally inflexible),

letting go of this paradigm is a courageous step. If you�re a woman, it might be the

opposite. Step into some of that angry masculine energy and give that dysfunctional family

of yours a good shake. They may not thank you, but you will know you with utter certainty

you have done the right thing.

Like any tool in the Ascension toolbox, when you use courage properly you will be left

with the warm glow of knowing you have taken another step along your own Ascension path�and

made the world a better place.

For more infomation >> Ascension Toolkit #8 – Courage - Duration: 4:19.


Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Ma - Duration: 7:03.

Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Many Tribes

Several Native American tribes have passed down legends of a race of white giants who

were wiped out.

We�ll take a look at a few such legends, including those among the Choctaw and the

Comanches of the United States down to the Manta of Peru.


Horatio Bardwell Cushman wrote in his 1899 book �History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw,

and Natchez Indians�:

�The tradition of the Choctaws� told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now

State of Tennessee, and with whom their ancestors fought when they arrived in Mississippi in

their migration from the west.

� Their tradition states the Nahullo (race of giants) was of wonderful stature.�

The tradition of the Choctaws told of a race of giants that once inhabited the now State

of Tennessee.

� Horatio Bardwell Cushman

Cushman said �Nahullo� came to be used to describe all white people, but it originally

referred specifically to a giant white race with whom the Choctaw came into contact when

they first crossed the Mississippi River.

The Nahullo were said to be cannibals whom the Choctaw killed whenever the opportunity



Chief Rolling Thunder of the Comanches, a tribe from the Great Plains, gave the following

account of an ancient race of white giants in 1857:

�Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful

than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country, extending from the

rising to the setting sun.

Their fortifications crowned the summits of the mountains, protecting their populous cities

situated in the intervening valleys.

Innumerable moons ago, a race of white men, 10 feet high, and far more rich and powerful

than any white people now living, here inhabited a large range of country.

�They excelled every other nation which was flourished, either before or since, in

all manner of cunning handicraft�were brave and warlike�ruling over the land they had

wrested from its ancient possessors with a high and haughty hand.

Compared with them the palefaces of the present day were pygmies, in both art and arms.


The chief explained that when this race forgot justice and mercy and became too proud, the

Great Spirit wiped it out and all that was left of their society were the mounds still

visible on the tablelands.

This account was documented by Dr. Donald �Panther� Yates, a researcher and author

of books on Native American history, on his blog.


Yates also writes of the Starnake people of Navajo legend, describing them as:

�A regal race of white giants endowed with mining technology who dominated the West,

enslaved lesser tribes, and had strongholds all through the Americas.

They were either extinguished or �went back to the heavens.'�


In 1864, Pedro de Cieza de Le�n wrote in �Chronicle of Peru� about legendary giants

described to him by the Manta indigenous people:

�There are, however, reports concerning giants in Peru, who landed on the coast at

the point of Santa Elena.

� The natives relate the following tradition, which had been received from their ancestors

from very remote times.

From the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height of an ordinary


� Pedro de Cieza de Le�n, conquistador

�There arrived on the coast, in boats made of reeds, as big as large ships, a party of

men of such size that, from the knee downwards, their height was as great as the entire height

of an ordinary man, though he might be of good stature.

Their limbs were all in proportion to the deformed size of their bodies, and it was

a monstrous thing to see their heads, with hair reaching to the shoulders.

Their eyes were as large as small plates.�

Le�n said that the sexual habits of the giants were revolting to the Natives and heaven

eventually wiped out the giants because of those habits.


The Paiutes are said to have an oral tradition that told of red-haired, white, cannibals

about 10 feet tall who lived in or near what is now known as Lovelock Cave in Nevada.

It is unclear whether this �oral tradition� about the so-called Sitecah giants existed

or if it was an exaggeration or distortion of their legends made after the Paiutes were

mostly killed or dispersed in 1833 by an expedition by explorer Joseph Walker.

Brian Dunning of Skeptoid explored Paiutes legends and found no mention of the Sitecah

being giants.

It seems there was, however, a people who practiced cannibalism and who lived in Lovelock


Human remains have been found there, and a few of the human bones had the marrow removed,

suggesting the marrow was eaten.

Cannibalism seems to have been a rare practice among these peoples, however.

The remains do have red hair, but this may be because black hair can turn red with time.

Miners unearthed the artifacts in 1912, leaving them in a pile before eventually contacting

the University of California.

Anthropologist Llewellyn L. Loud traveled from the university to the site to investigate.

It is commonly agreed that excavation of the site was not handled well and certainly not

up to modern standards.

But some proponents of the Sitecah giants theory say researchers have deliberately covered

up any giant remains found there.

For more infomation >> Ancient Race of White Giants Described in Native Legends From Ma - Duration: 7:03.


夜問打權》花蓮王傅崐萁五星八連霸 搶柯P位置? - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> 夜問打權》花蓮王傅崐萁五星八連霸 搶柯P位置? - Duration: 2:31.


Liberté vs obligation vaccinale Faire un choix éclairé avec Sophie Guillot - Duration: 24:13.

For more infomation >> Liberté vs obligation vaccinale Faire un choix éclairé avec Sophie Guillot - Duration: 24:13.


Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Fiat Seicento 1.1 S - Duration: 0:59.


Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T 120 Pk DISTINCTIVE ECC/Cruise/Alcantara/Elek. pakket/17'' LMV/48.361 Km!! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo Giulietta 1.4 T 120 Pk DISTINCTIVE ECC/Cruise/Alcantara/Elek. pakket/17'' LMV/48.361 Km!! - Duration: 1:01.


How to Draw Lions Learn Colors Lions Coloring Pages - Duration: 5:04.

For more infomation >> How to Draw Lions Learn Colors Lions Coloring Pages - Duration: 5:04.


New Years Resolution Still Going? | 3 tips to help re-energise your efforts in achieving your goals - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> New Years Resolution Still Going? | 3 tips to help re-energise your efforts in achieving your goals - Duration: 2:03.


Hoover DMP413AH Tvättmaskin - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Hoover DMP413AH Tvättmaskin - Duration: 1:44.


Tin Mới Biển Đông tối ngày 02-06: Tin Biển Đông mới Nhất trong ngày - Duration: 44:14.

For more infomation >> Tin Mới Biển Đông tối ngày 02-06: Tin Biển Đông mới Nhất trong ngày - Duration: 44:14.


Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts - Duration: 10:39.

Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts

For more infomation >> Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts - Duration: 10:39.


Amusing Pay - T.O.P、大麻使用を認める!「深く反省中」 - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Amusing Pay - T.O.P、大麻使用を認める!「深く反省中」 - Duration: 2:18.


Renault Master 2.3D 125Pk L3H2 Dubbel Cabine - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Master 2.3D 125Pk L3H2 Dubbel Cabine - Duration: 0:54.


Volvo V50 1.6D EDITION I - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D EDITION I - Duration: 0:59.


Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Shooting Brake Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:43.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz CLA-Klasse CLA 180 d Shooting Brake Automaat Business Solution Plus - Duration: 0:43.


Oiseau dessin animé, Poster d'oiseau en jungle, Dessin animé drôle pour enfants - Duration: 12:55.

For more infomation >> Oiseau dessin animé, Poster d'oiseau en jungle, Dessin animé drôle pour enfants - Duration: 12:55.


Toyota RAV4 2.0 D-4D 4WD 5deurs Linea Sol Airco/ECC,Cruisecontrol - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Toyota RAV4 2.0 D-4D 4WD 5deurs Linea Sol Airco/ECC,Cruisecontrol - Duration: 0:56.


Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz E-Klasse E 200 d Limousine Automaat Business Solution - Duration: 0:41.


Fiat Punto 1.3 MULTIJET 16V 85 DYNAMIC 5-D - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Fiat Punto 1.3 MULTIJET 16V 85 DYNAMIC 5-D - Duration: 1:00.


Jaguar XF 2.7 D V6 PREMIUM LUXURY AUT6 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Jaguar XF 2.7 D V6 PREMIUM LUXURY AUT6 - Duration: 1:01.


Amazing seaplane tour in Dubai during Ramadan 2017, AS A CHINESE! - Duration: 6:12.

For more infomation >> Amazing seaplane tour in Dubai during Ramadan 2017, AS A CHINESE! - Duration: 6:12.


Chilena hablando en coreano 5 - 외국인 한국말로 연습 (subs) - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Chilena hablando en coreano 5 - 외국인 한국말로 연습 (subs) - Duration: 3:01.


Liberté vs obligation vaccinale Faire un choix éclairé avec Sophie Guillot - Duration: 24:13.

For more infomation >> Liberté vs obligation vaccinale Faire un choix éclairé avec Sophie Guillot - Duration: 24:13.


VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> VW Tiguan - Duration: 1:07.


How to powder coat lead bullets, the lubing alternative DIY tutorial - ep 32 - Roma Custom Bike - Duration: 15:02.

In this episode we'll powder coat some bullets so that they can go from this… to this.

Hi folks, I'm Custom Cez for Roma Custom Bike and this episode will be a bit off topic,

but I'm sure that you'll like it.

Today I'd like to explore two different techniques of powder coating that do not require the

use of an electrostatic gun

Because of the subject matter I'd like to remind you that this video is for entertaining

purposes only and in no way an invitation to to replicate my action at home

Yo, ask the lawyer if that was alright. Disclaimer all right? all right, let's get started then

By managing, my Italian powder coating company, in the last few months

I've received many inquiries about powder coating bullets

For those of you not familiar with fire arms, I'm referring to the part of the ammo that is

actually shot out of the gun or rifle.

here it is

So I documented myself and found out the lead bullets tend to lead up the barrel of the gun or

forcing the gunman to spend lots of time in tedious cleaning operations

Moreover, the lead tends to make a lot of smoke and smell, and finally it exposes the

shooter to lead contamination that, as we know now

is not really the healthiest thing in this world

Over time, many systems have been developed to prevent these problems, including full

metal jackets, or grease and oil lubrication

Today, however, the powder coating of the bullet is a viable and economical alternative

to prevent these problems, sealing the lead inside the thin coating of very hard plastic

So in this video we will use two different techniques for powder coating that do not

require the use of an electrostatic gun

I'll be using the powders that you can find on our site which supplies

professionals and hobbyists with in small quantities of powder

This bag for example costs only 13 Euros and

can provide coating for about 4000 rounds of ammo

So a pretty good deal

But I've mentioned two techniques, The first one

is the wet one and the second one is a dry one

The wet one will require some acetone, a container where will mix the acetone with some powder

for powder coating

We have the bullets that we want to paint.

We have a tray made out of mash that we'll use to put the bullets in the oven to bake

We have another container that we'll use to mix bullets and paint and the small oven.

I've decided to use this oven to demonstrate how a very cheap oven can work for this purpose

and can be a dedicated oven because once you use this machine for powder coating you can

no longer use it for food because it would be toxic.

So let's get started and let's see how it goes

First of all I need to remove the grease that is already present on the store bought bullets,

this step probably won't be necessary for those of you that fuse your own ammo

Powder coating, like most painting processes do not like grease

To do so it's enough to put them in the oven at about 80 degrees Celsius, 180 Fahrenheit,

for a couple of minutes,so it will melt away

While still plenty warm, I rinse the bullets with some acetone to obtain a clean surface

ready to be powder coated.

This step is valid for both processes

Now I can start preparing the paint mixture I'll use to coat the bullets

All I need is about 15 grams of powder, that I can easily measure with a common kitchen scale

and then just about 50 milliliters of acetone

I'll use this graduated container to measure it out

Then I mix it with the powder paint.

While giving it a vigorous shake I realize that the acetone is eating away at the plastic container

Better use some glass with this solvent

I quickly transfer the mixture to a cleaned out marmalade jar and I'm back in business

Back to the shaking

After mixing the ingredients together I obtain a suspension of powder in an highly volatile

liquid solvent...Just the way I like it!

Watch out though... no flames around.

Now I can use this mixture to paint the bullets and that is why they are often referred to

as colored bullets!

The fact that this container is made out of plastic doesn't worry me, to coat this handful

of bullets I'll just need a few tea spoons full of paint

As soon as I pour I need to get shaking right away.

The acetone evaporates pretty quickly so I've got little time to act.

The paint covers the bullets pretty good and once the solvent has evaporated all that's

left is the powder

So the bullets are transferred onto the mash tray and as you can see the coverage is quite

spotty, it doesn't matter, it will be ok in the next few steps.

The oven is on and it's already at 200 degrees Celsius, 400 Fahrenheit.

I can proceed with the first round of baking.

I set the timer to 5 minutes, after about 3 minutes, when the powder has already melted,

I give it a shake to make sure the bullets aren't sticking together too much.

5 minutes is a long time to wait when curiosity is driving you nuts

The bullets are very hot, they need to cool off for a few minutes, but it doesn't take

long, they are just a few and they are tiny, so after 5 minutes they are ok to touch.

As you can see they are not fully covered with paint and that is why I need to repeat

the process another couple of times, just 2 or 3

I have to make a compromise between the look of it and the thickness

each coat adds to the bullets

The good thing is that with this technique the thickness of each layer of paint is so

small that even 4 coats are ok.

So I start the process again, using bullets that are still warm to facilitate the adhesion

of the powder, but watch out, if they are to hot you'll end up with a mucky mess.

Let's go with bake session number two.

You can see that the paint coverage is already much better than before, but still, let's

give it a third coat.

Since this is the last curing cycle I'll leave the bullets in for the full 10 minutes as

stated on the powder bag, so that I can be sure that all the layers have fully cured

After a short wait the bullets are ready to be handled... well, almost ready...

You know, I'm sure that you guys would certainly manage to be more patience and you will wait and won't get burned

I have to say I'm very happy with the result!

I can still see a few marking where the bullets were in contact with the net but I'm sure

that with a bit of practice the process can be refined a great deal

Here you can see the comparison between the before and the after

Now, before getting to the second technique, I'd like to remind you that if you are in

Europe you can find the powders used in this video on our site

I will also write it in the description

I'd also like to thank you guys for the support you guys demonstrate every day by liking our

videos, by commenting and sharing on your social networks.

If you aren't already please subscribe to the channel and remember to click the little bell to receive

a notification every time I publish a new video!

Here comes the second technique the dry one maybe the simpler one

We'll need a Tupperware container where will mix bullets and paint

Then we will dump everything into our mesh tray

We will use some aluminum foil to recoup the extra paint

and recycle it for the next painting job

Then everything will go into our little tiny dedicated oven

So let's get started with technique number two and let's see what kind of results

we can get

I've tried to use only easy to find materials for this project

For example to collect the extra powder so that it can be reused many times all I need is a sheet

of aluminum foil to be placed under the mash tray

Then, with the bullets already placed into the container, I add a little powder, just

enough to cover them with a thin layer of color

Now, all that's required is a good shake to distribute the powder evenly on the lead bullets

Again, if we have them at a temperature of about 130 150 degrees Fahrenheit, it will

be easier for the paint to stick

I'm sure that with a little trial and error anyone can find the perfect combo to get the

best results

Once covered with paint, I transfer the bullets to the tray where the excess powder is free

to fall through the mash

My oven is always ready for baking

Today's chef suggestion is Roman style bullets! cooking time: 5 minutes!

The extra paint can be put back in the bag and reused without any additional steps

This makes it so that this process has practically zero waste of powder

After 5 minutes lunch is ready and the smell is delicious

Bu you've got to keep the temperature in check

You just can't trust these little oven's thermostats and that's why I Iike to use a laser thermometer

In this case I got distracted while talking to you, and I lost track

of the temperature

The consequence is that the bullets melted away, what you gonna do?

But I never give up!

With the magic of post production I'm back in a jiffy with a new batch of bullets and

this time I won't let you guys distract me...

I'm going to put an eye on the temperature

This is the result from just one round of painting

You can still see some marking of the mash and from the bullets touching each other,

but I have to say it all looks pretty good for now

With one more layer we should get a pretty decent product

Without letting the bullets cool off to much I go for a second powdering round, as you

can see you need very little powder

The net captures the bullets and lets through the excess powder.

If we didn't do this step, it could result in an uneven coating

and too thick of a layer of paint

Once again they are back in the oven and in very little time we can finally see the final

result of this second bullet coating technique.

As you can see with only two layers of paint we have a much better coverage that with the

same amount of layers on the previous technique

We do have a bit more of visible markings both from the net and from bullet to bullet

contact but, although the look factor is definitely important, we can certainly assess that the

objective of encapsulating the lead bullet in plastic has been achieved!

Mission accomplished!

Here they are, our powder coated bullets.

Now is time to press them into the casings.

You can see that my casings are just for show, there is no powder and there is no primer.

I just want to see how does the final product will look once done.

I borrowed this press from a friend that can put together a cartridge with the simple pushing

of this lever

All you need to do is line up the bullet with the casing and voila'... here is our pretty

bullet, nice and easy.

I think I like this thing...

I'm going to make some more

We managed to powder coat this bullets and I'm pretty excited about the results, now

I am no expert so I'm sure that you guys Will be able to get the best procedure in place

to get some top results out of this still powder coating techniques

All I wanted to do is to prove that it was possible and it was as easy as everyone makes

it out to be.

Now I invite you to subscribe to the channel, press the like button and check out some of

the other videos in my series.

I am Custom Cez for Roma Custom Bike and I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to powder coat lead bullets, the lubing alternative DIY tutorial - ep 32 - Roma Custom Bike - Duration: 15:02.


Asal Kau Bahagia (I hope you be happy with him) [Armada] - Minecraft Noteblock Cover - Duration: 1:42.

♪ Honey, I saw you yesterday.. ♪

♪ You met him at that moment.. ♪

♪ Now, I think that you are still.. ♪

♪ Thingking about him.. ♪

♪ What don't you like about me.. ♪

♪ In your life.. ♪

♪ So that you cheated on me.. ♪

♪ Please tell me the truth now.. ♪

♪ That you weren't happy with me.. ♪

♪ I have your body.. ♪

♪ But not your heart.. ♪

♪ You don't need to lie to me.. ♪

♪ That you still want him.. ♪

♪ I don't care if you want him.. ♪

♪ I hope you be happy with him.... ♪

Written by: Hirmawan Pratama

For more infomation >> Asal Kau Bahagia (I hope you be happy with him) [Armada] - Minecraft Noteblock Cover - Duration: 1:42.


Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts - Duration: 10:39.

Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts

For more infomation >> Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts - Duration: 10:39.


Step by step motif 3 in crochet - Duration: 26:45.

Hello guys are welcome to another video class today I will teach you this

beautiful square crochet ie reason as you better find it is very beautiful is

easy to work and today I will be teaching to you a new technique to amend them

I believe you will like and is perfect the amendment and you can use this

square or motive in various types of work Use creativity what you

fit you can use ok staff let our video lesson today then.

We will start working with the wire Dune merged in yellow color and the reference number

we'll use is the 9368 I'll put one ringlet the needle and I will work here

six little chains one two three four five six will introduce here the first needle

little chain where we started and I will cast off with a very low point will hold the wire

below the ring will rise a necklace inserting the needle inside the ring and

make a low point this out down I will work totaling fifteen sixteen

did one two three four five six I will Finally my sixteen lows

I will cast off here at the end with very low point I'll cut my wire and I will hide the thread

back here and get back with you.

We finished our core here already arrematei the wire cut and hid here in the inside out now

I'll catch the next thread I'll use here Anne wire 500 in white color I had it

here to spare I'll enjoy it but you They can use the white wire Dune I'll put

Here's a ringlet the needle will catch my kernels go here on any basis point to introduce

and attaching the needle to a low point will up now sixteen one two little chains

three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen

made the sixteen go here at the same point base attach here with another low

see here we start with a point down did little chains and arrested sixteen

here again with another low point in the same base point now continuing here we

I next base point'll hold here with low and will rise sixteen

little chains three one two four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

fifteen sixteen sixteen done little chains I go here on the same base point where arrested

with a low hold here also another low point being a point this way

down early sixteen and little chains at the end of another low point in the same holding

Following the base point will next basis point do low and we

working that way all around career always working one sixteen low

little chains and one low point in the same base point next base point do

a low sixteen little chains and hold with a low point on the same basis

then do a low point in the near base point and we will work to finalize

career and I getting ready to return you.

Finished his career worked here sixteen handles sixteen chain on arrematei

at the end with slip stitch cut the wire and I hid in the back now we will start

the next career with the wire color Dune mixed green and the color reference

we will use is the 9391 will put a ringlet needle we here at any

Here handle and will hold with a low now I will go up four little chains one two

Three Four staying at the time of a high point double will rise two little chains to turn

one two will lasso the wire once two and same handle will work here a high point

double snapping up every two getting so now I will go up one two three

four little chains will now here next handle will work part-time high finishing off

ringlet three at once will only rise again here now a necklace Two Three Four

I will next strap and hold here with a low climb one Two Three Four little chains

Tie the thread will handle the next job middle high point snapping up three ringlet

at once go up one Two Three Four I will here next loop will work a

high point double loop wire once two I go here on the handle work double-time high

climb a necklace two loop wire two times on the same handle will work other point

high double snapping up every two ringlet getting this way we see that the tip

we have two doubles highlights interspersed with two little chains climbed four little chains

We hold the next handle with half point high four little chains hold here with

a low point through four little chains High here four little chains and at the other end

We work two sequences highlights double interspersed with two little chains

we'll work that way in the four side until finish.

Another career ended here last I mean held with little chains four highest point climbed

and here at the beginning where we have the high point we did double the height of four little chains

we here in the fourth chain on up and we cast off here with a slip stitch

following we will work here in two little chains handle here will fasten

with another very low point and now I will go up one two three little chains a high point

two will go up one two three little chains I will handle the same job two points

high one two made the range we go now work in four little chains handle

four highlights a high point two three four got here where arrested with half

high point we will now skip this point we will work where we have the four little chains

so are a high point two three four we came here with a point where hold

down we will work on four little chain strap four highlights a high point two

Three Four coming here where arrested with half high point let's jump and work

the four little chains handle four highlights one two three four coming

here at the end where we have the two highlights double interspersed with two little chain we

work our other range equal did at first with a high point two one two

three little chains and two high points in same handle one two we're working

that way throughout the four side career to finish getting ready I return with


Here already finished the career has arrematei the wire cut and hid in the back of my

order now we will pick up the thread Anne white wire and we'll put one here ringlet

the needle we're here in one of the handles we hold here with a low will

climb a two little chains a high point I will pass the thread to the left and I

work here hiding he made a point top two will go up one two three little chains

two high points in the same handle a point top two now go to work following

hiding the wire a high point in the direction each basis point always hiding

wire beneath arrived here at the end of the handle on the other side now will lasso the wire and I

working here two highlights a point high two one two three little chains and two

highlights the same strap we will work that way all around our career

on all four sides to get here early and we cast off with slip stitch getting

ready this part I return to you.

Well folks here we completed our square that is our reason already arrematei wire

I cut and hid in the back of our piece now I'll leave it here aside'll get

one square ready and we'll now here the first base point we started

the race will count a low point a necklace the second herein will insert the needle and

I will cast off with very low point following I will run with very low points above the

High following point and then also handle I will run here on the first point making

a very low point and another point on the handle very low on the handle got here we go

take the square on the other side we put back to back and we will work here one

low point following we will start our amendment of a different way then

I have done that let the thread below go here the first point of the other piece I will introduce

Here the chain on the needle and above the Here the first part here introduces the needle

the wire loop bring here in the front along with both ringlet'll get this ringlet

I will put within the first two finishing off that way they'll play down the wire

I will now again here in the second point high in ringlet up here will in the second

Part of the high water here will introduce the needle will also lacing wire passing Pro

here three left side of the needle ringlet I will cast off the last within the first two

again set the wire down here at will third high point in his direction here

above will insert the needle to go here here the third piece of the same shape and

here I lacing wire bring him here in the needle along with the two ringlet and I will pass this

third ringlet within the first two again we will leave the thread below we

Here next insert the needle point here in the middle of the piece there ringlet

Here introduce here the part of the needle Also in ringlet wire loop bring here

the needle left three I put this ringlet within the first two we will work

thus mending to get here in handle on the other side ending with a point

Low ending this part I return to we continue.

Well folks here we completed the amendment of two square that is getting the two reasons

this way is perfect here where we the two handles with a low mend

and we were working the way I explained until you reach the other two handles and hold

with a low finalized this part arrematei My wire cut and hid in the back of my

order now here I leave the two square Here aside I'll get one here ready

and we here at the first point where we began his career telling a low

a necklace chain on the second will fasten with a very low point in going

arremato next high point again with a very low point will grip at arremato

with another very low point came here in handle'll get my piece on the right side

here I put inside out with inside out and will hold the two handles with low and now

we will start our amendment will put the thread below will highlight the first

after the handle right here where we have the chain I will insert the needle point in the middle will

Part high here's side go here in the little chain introduce the needle in the middle of the loop also

Here I bring the needle thread left three ringlet we will take the third and bring in

the first two in this way will bring wire down again in the second go here

Above the workpiece there introduce the needle here in the little chain in the center come here

in the second part of the height of the side here I will introduce here in this little chain

the needle here in the middle lacing wire and bring Here the needle left in three ringlet

Needle will take the third bring in the first two in this way take the wire

down go here in the third high point Here we introduce the needle in the center of the ringlet

I go here in the third part of the high water here introduce the needle right in the center tie

the yarn left the needle bring here three ringlet in the needle will take the third bring

within the first two we will work this way to get here on the other handle

hand holding a low point I will finish this part here and the little I return.

Here we completed the amendment of another square that is another reason early mend

the first with the second and the second now the third here on the right hold

with a low straps and were mending to get across here where arrested

also with a low'll turn now my piece and we'll start the amendment

Here the right here on this I'll handle Now take a piece here already ready and I will

Finally here finishing off with a slip stitch I will tell you here a low point a necklace

the second will cast off here with a point very low in the next base point also

and here will also fasten the handle with a very low point will now put

parts in this position and I'm here to join the two WS handles inside out and will hold here

with a low point following we will start our amendment and we here at

first high point of the square on the upper side inserting the needle here the center of the chain on

we here in the square below in the first high point we will introduce the needle in the center

the little chain here too lacing wire left three needle ringlet we will take

the third input within the second and the first will thus now in square

Up to here the needle will enter the second high point in the center of the little chain will

square here under the center of the little chain the second highlight will also lasso the

ringlet three wire left on the needle will fasten the third and into the second

first so I go here in the third Above the needle will enter here in

center chain on the square will down here the third high point also introduce

the needle in the center of the chain on the lacing Wire bring him here on the needle forming three

ringlet the third we will introduce within the first second and thus

we're working to get uniting here the handle I will finish this part

and I go back with you.

Good staff arrived here at the end of next Left held the two handles with low

remembering that here earlier arrested with low and were mending to reach

here across here already held and now we will continue now we have here

the side the handle we attach to this so I'll fold this back way

inside out and will hold here with a low holding with a low point we will start

the ever amendment to the wire down below the square we go now here in the first

high point we will introduce the needle Here in the center of ringlet above the point

high we here in the first under'll do the same way and we will bring lacing wire

here in front of three left in ringlet we introduce the needle in the third

the second and first we made it toward the second high point introducing

Here the needle in the center of the second ringlet low the same way we lacing wire

left three needle ringlet will introduce in the second the third and the first

going toward the third high point Here introduce the needle in the center of ringlet

the third here under the same loop shape the wire down here left three ringlet

the third put into the second and first this way we will always working

mending to get here at the end where we we hold with a low point on the straps

I will finish this part and I'll be back with you.

Good staff finalized yet another amendment I used four square to be able to be giving

a tip for you how they used to mend this model is beautiful to perform a

quilt a blanket or even a tablecloth a table runner or even a cushion the

you see fit and use of creativity ok staff many will ask a teacher

you will not make the entire quilt or whole blanket or towel not the whole people

I will not do I just to explain to you have an idea for you and this modelinho

It is easy to do and I think you not will have no difficulty in performing

he just follow the step by step and you They leave personal ok well I hope you

enjoyed this video lesson is liked ai click on Channel liked to share in

the video on social networks and if you want are watching is not registered in the Channel

to sign up to receive updates video lessons do not forget to activate the bell

because enabling you will receive notifications in your emails ok good personal for today

and only until the next video lesson.

For more infomation >> Step by step motif 3 in crochet - Duration: 26:45.


Viaje a la luna (1902) - Duration: 15:33.

For more infomation >> Viaje a la luna (1902) - Duration: 15:33.


June 1, 2017 - Senator Al Franken - Duration: 35:11.

For more infomation >> June 1, 2017 - Senator Al Franken - Duration: 35:11.


【毎日星座占い】狐天の星座占い★【2017年6月3日】 - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> 【毎日星座占い】狐天の星座占い★【2017年6月3日】 - Duration: 1:45.




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VapoRub includes levomenthol, a solid white glass with mint f

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Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts - Duration: 10:39.

Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts

For more infomation >> Tabouret for workshop | Chair made of screw-nuts - Duration: 10:39.


BACON EXPLOSION - Bacon Bomb with Cheese - Duration: 5:51.

Hi It's subscriber Sunday in Steve's kitchen and DeZy Tut asked me to make

a Bacon Explosion but move over bacon explosion because the bacon cheese

explosion is here

Now DeZy I think he's changed his name slightly, he's also got a channel

he's Danish and he's always apologizing for the quality of his English but his

English is fantastic

so you can always get across and say hello. So move over the Bacon Explosion

is dead make way for the new king

let's make the bacon cheese explosion

Now we start our recipe by laying out six strips of

streaky bacon on a silver foil like this and I'm going to take the rest of the bacon

I had about 750 grams about a pound and a half

the leftover bacon I'm going to dice it up in fry it nice and crispy

I want that a little later on and we need to start off by weaving our bacon

so I'm just going to take

and alternate strip like that and just lay it back

I then take another strip of streaky bacon lay it across

and fold these pieces back on themselves like so

and that's the start of our bacon weave. Now what we're going to do is take the bacon

from this end

and turn it back on itself, again alternate pieces

and then going to take another strip of streaky bacon

and just lay it in there push it up nice and tight and then we

pull these pieces down

and there you have it there is my bacon weave, so the next thing we're going to sprinkle our

nice smoky barbecue rub now this is one I've made myself so subscribe to

the channel because that recipe will be coming up very shortly

Get a nice even coating of barbecue rub on there now it's a good idea to take some

baking paper

just pop it over the bacon before we put our sausage mince on here

that's going to make it easier for rolling up the sausage mince. Next we going to take

a couple of pounds, about a kilo of Italian sausage meat

just going to pop that on there and we want to spread this out

evenly across the bacon. Now once your sausage meat is spread out like that

I like to take some barbecue sauce and just spread it across the top of the

sausage meat

Some people put this on top of the bacon but I think it goes better

straight onto the sausage meat now over the top of that we going to put some


I'm using a mozzarella you could use a provolone I prefer the mozzarella

because it's a lovely stringy cheese

I've got about 200 grams thats about seven ounces I'm just going to spread it

across the top of the sausage

now our crispy bacon look that's beautiful

I've grilled that up and made it wonderful and crisp all in little pieces

we're just going to sprinkle that all the way across the top of the cheese

doesn't get much better than this cheese bacon

sausage and that is why now I put the paper on here because we got to roll up the

sausage meat

into a pinwheel and this is just going to help me lift it

and start the rolling process I want to pull that in nice and tight

now I've got my sausage on there I'm just going to start to roll it back a little bit

towards me

shape it back up a little bit tight like that this is pretty this is about the

trickiest piece

well now you are going to use that silver foil to

role the bacon around the outside of our sausage meat

and I'm just squeezing that in as I go I'm bringing that nice and tightly around the


like so. So when you've got that tightly wrapped up like that we can lift the

Bacon Explosion pop it into a baking tray

now that's going into an oven at 180 degrees Celsius that's 350 Farenheit

for about 30 minutes we want the sausage meat in the center to cook thoroughly


and then we are going to unwrap it and crisp off the bacon

the bacon

cheese explosion has been in the oven for about 30 minutes I just wrapped back the


and now I'm going to Baste it in that rich barbecue sauce I want to put it on fairly


and then that he's going to go back in the oven now for another 30 minutes just

keep an eye on it

I might even baste a little more sauce on if I need to

now I have just taken my bacon cheese explosion out of the oven and it looks


now we need this to cool down a little bit on the side before we start carving it and

eating it

so I'm going to leave it there we'll come back in a moment. Now before this completely

cools down I want to share with you because it smelled so good how beautiful

this is going to look

I'm going to cut this through and you can see just what it looks like

with me in the middle now look

at that. It is the ultimate bacon cheeseburger

just fantastic now you can if you want baste more barbeque sauce over the top at

this point but I basted this while it was roasting

it just smells delicious so what we would do now

it's really we're going to cut ourselves the perfect burger

just lay that down like that

and what better way to serve this I have got a fresh cream biscuit here

and just going to pop a slice of that well it's barely a slice is like a door wedge

pop my lid on top now if you wanted to but sauce in there as well

you could but I'm going to give this a try just as it is

thank you DeZy I hope you like this video ahh I am so lucky now I hope to

share this across

any social media please give it the thumbs up let's give this

bacon cheese explosion a taste


you know where I am now I'm in heaven that is delicious

thanks everybody stay in touch I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> BACON EXPLOSION - Bacon Bomb with Cheese - Duration: 5:51.


Aquinas in 30 sec: The Passion as Wondrous - Duration: 0:40.

Christ's death for sinners is a fact we find wondrous and almost unbelievable, because

it is hard to find someone who will die for an innocent person, yet Christ went far beyond

this and died for the wicked.

That Christ died for us is a truth our intellect can scarcely grasp, and it shows God loves

us more than we can believe or understand.

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