Hello guys are welcome to another video class today I will teach you this
beautiful square crochet ie reason as you better find it is very beautiful is
easy to work and today I will be teaching to you a new technique to amend them
I believe you will like and is perfect the amendment and you can use this
square or motive in various types of work Use creativity what you
fit you can use ok staff let our video lesson today then.
We will start working with the wire Dune merged in yellow color and the reference number
we'll use is the 9368 I'll put one ringlet the needle and I will work here
six little chains one two three four five six will introduce here the first needle
little chain where we started and I will cast off with a very low point will hold the wire
below the ring will rise a necklace inserting the needle inside the ring and
make a low point this out down I will work totaling fifteen sixteen
did one two three four five six I will Finally my sixteen lows
I will cast off here at the end with very low point I'll cut my wire and I will hide the thread
back here and get back with you.
We finished our core here already arrematei the wire cut and hid here in the inside out now
I'll catch the next thread I'll use here Anne wire 500 in white color I had it
here to spare I'll enjoy it but you They can use the white wire Dune I'll put
Here's a ringlet the needle will catch my kernels go here on any basis point to introduce
and attaching the needle to a low point will up now sixteen one two little chains
three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
made the sixteen go here at the same point base attach here with another low
see here we start with a point down did little chains and arrested sixteen
here again with another low point in the same base point now continuing here we
I next base point'll hold here with low and will rise sixteen
little chains three one two four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen
fifteen sixteen sixteen done little chains I go here on the same base point where arrested
with a low hold here also another low point being a point this way
down early sixteen and little chains at the end of another low point in the same holding
Following the base point will next basis point do low and we
working that way all around career always working one sixteen low
little chains and one low point in the same base point next base point do
a low sixteen little chains and hold with a low point on the same basis
then do a low point in the near base point and we will work to finalize
career and I getting ready to return you.
Finished his career worked here sixteen handles sixteen chain on arrematei
at the end with slip stitch cut the wire and I hid in the back now we will start
the next career with the wire color Dune mixed green and the color reference
we will use is the 9391 will put a ringlet needle we here at any
Here handle and will hold with a low now I will go up four little chains one two
Three Four staying at the time of a high point double will rise two little chains to turn
one two will lasso the wire once two and same handle will work here a high point
double snapping up every two getting so now I will go up one two three
four little chains will now here next handle will work part-time high finishing off
ringlet three at once will only rise again here now a necklace Two Three Four
I will next strap and hold here with a low climb one Two Three Four little chains
Tie the thread will handle the next job middle high point snapping up three ringlet
at once go up one Two Three Four I will here next loop will work a
high point double loop wire once two I go here on the handle work double-time high
climb a necklace two loop wire two times on the same handle will work other point
high double snapping up every two ringlet getting this way we see that the tip
we have two doubles highlights interspersed with two little chains climbed four little chains
We hold the next handle with half point high four little chains hold here with
a low point through four little chains High here four little chains and at the other end
We work two sequences highlights double interspersed with two little chains
we'll work that way in the four side until finish.
Another career ended here last I mean held with little chains four highest point climbed
and here at the beginning where we have the high point we did double the height of four little chains
we here in the fourth chain on up and we cast off here with a slip stitch
following we will work here in two little chains handle here will fasten
with another very low point and now I will go up one two three little chains a high point
two will go up one two three little chains I will handle the same job two points
high one two made the range we go now work in four little chains handle
four highlights a high point two three four got here where arrested with half
high point we will now skip this point we will work where we have the four little chains
so are a high point two three four we came here with a point where hold
down we will work on four little chain strap four highlights a high point two
Three Four coming here where arrested with half high point let's jump and work
the four little chains handle four highlights one two three four coming
here at the end where we have the two highlights double interspersed with two little chain we
work our other range equal did at first with a high point two one two
three little chains and two high points in same handle one two we're working
that way throughout the four side career to finish getting ready I return with
Here already finished the career has arrematei the wire cut and hid in the back of my
order now we will pick up the thread Anne white wire and we'll put one here ringlet
the needle we're here in one of the handles we hold here with a low will
climb a two little chains a high point I will pass the thread to the left and I
work here hiding he made a point top two will go up one two three little chains
two high points in the same handle a point top two now go to work following
hiding the wire a high point in the direction each basis point always hiding
wire beneath arrived here at the end of the handle on the other side now will lasso the wire and I
working here two highlights a point high two one two three little chains and two
highlights the same strap we will work that way all around our career
on all four sides to get here early and we cast off with slip stitch getting
ready this part I return to you.
Well folks here we completed our square that is our reason already arrematei wire
I cut and hid in the back of our piece now I'll leave it here aside'll get
one square ready and we'll now here the first base point we started
the race will count a low point a necklace the second herein will insert the needle and
I will cast off with very low point following I will run with very low points above the
High following point and then also handle I will run here on the first point making
a very low point and another point on the handle very low on the handle got here we go
take the square on the other side we put back to back and we will work here one
low point following we will start our amendment of a different way then
I have done that let the thread below go here the first point of the other piece I will introduce
Here the chain on the needle and above the Here the first part here introduces the needle
the wire loop bring here in the front along with both ringlet'll get this ringlet
I will put within the first two finishing off that way they'll play down the wire
I will now again here in the second point high in ringlet up here will in the second
Part of the high water here will introduce the needle will also lacing wire passing Pro
here three left side of the needle ringlet I will cast off the last within the first two
again set the wire down here at will third high point in his direction here
above will insert the needle to go here here the third piece of the same shape and
here I lacing wire bring him here in the needle along with the two ringlet and I will pass this
third ringlet within the first two again we will leave the thread below we
Here next insert the needle point here in the middle of the piece there ringlet
Here introduce here the part of the needle Also in ringlet wire loop bring here
the needle left three I put this ringlet within the first two we will work
thus mending to get here in handle on the other side ending with a point
Low ending this part I return to we continue.
Well folks here we completed the amendment of two square that is getting the two reasons
this way is perfect here where we the two handles with a low mend
and we were working the way I explained until you reach the other two handles and hold
with a low finalized this part arrematei My wire cut and hid in the back of my
order now here I leave the two square Here aside I'll get one here ready
and we here at the first point where we began his career telling a low
a necklace chain on the second will fasten with a very low point in going
arremato next high point again with a very low point will grip at arremato
with another very low point came here in handle'll get my piece on the right side
here I put inside out with inside out and will hold the two handles with low and now
we will start our amendment will put the thread below will highlight the first
after the handle right here where we have the chain I will insert the needle point in the middle will
Part high here's side go here in the little chain introduce the needle in the middle of the loop also
Here I bring the needle thread left three ringlet we will take the third and bring in
the first two in this way will bring wire down again in the second go here
Above the workpiece there introduce the needle here in the little chain in the center come here
in the second part of the height of the side here I will introduce here in this little chain
the needle here in the middle lacing wire and bring Here the needle left in three ringlet
Needle will take the third bring in the first two in this way take the wire
down go here in the third high point Here we introduce the needle in the center of the ringlet
I go here in the third part of the high water here introduce the needle right in the center tie
the yarn left the needle bring here three ringlet in the needle will take the third bring
within the first two we will work this way to get here on the other handle
hand holding a low point I will finish this part here and the little I return.
Here we completed the amendment of another square that is another reason early mend
the first with the second and the second now the third here on the right hold
with a low straps and were mending to get across here where arrested
also with a low'll turn now my piece and we'll start the amendment
Here the right here on this I'll handle Now take a piece here already ready and I will
Finally here finishing off with a slip stitch I will tell you here a low point a necklace
the second will cast off here with a point very low in the next base point also
and here will also fasten the handle with a very low point will now put
parts in this position and I'm here to join the two WS handles inside out and will hold here
with a low point following we will start our amendment and we here at
first high point of the square on the upper side inserting the needle here the center of the chain on
we here in the square below in the first high point we will introduce the needle in the center
the little chain here too lacing wire left three needle ringlet we will take
the third input within the second and the first will thus now in square
Up to here the needle will enter the second high point in the center of the little chain will
square here under the center of the little chain the second highlight will also lasso the
ringlet three wire left on the needle will fasten the third and into the second
first so I go here in the third Above the needle will enter here in
center chain on the square will down here the third high point also introduce
the needle in the center of the chain on the lacing Wire bring him here on the needle forming three
ringlet the third we will introduce within the first second and thus
we're working to get uniting here the handle I will finish this part
and I go back with you.
Good staff arrived here at the end of next Left held the two handles with low
remembering that here earlier arrested with low and were mending to reach
here across here already held and now we will continue now we have here
the side the handle we attach to this so I'll fold this back way
inside out and will hold here with a low holding with a low point we will start
the ever amendment to the wire down below the square we go now here in the first
high point we will introduce the needle Here in the center of ringlet above the point
high we here in the first under'll do the same way and we will bring lacing wire
here in front of three left in ringlet we introduce the needle in the third
the second and first we made it toward the second high point introducing
Here the needle in the center of the second ringlet low the same way we lacing wire
left three needle ringlet will introduce in the second the third and the first
going toward the third high point Here introduce the needle in the center of ringlet
the third here under the same loop shape the wire down here left three ringlet
the third put into the second and first this way we will always working
mending to get here at the end where we we hold with a low point on the straps
I will finish this part and I'll be back with you.
Good staff finalized yet another amendment I used four square to be able to be giving
a tip for you how they used to mend this model is beautiful to perform a
quilt a blanket or even a tablecloth a table runner or even a cushion the
you see fit and use of creativity ok staff many will ask a teacher
you will not make the entire quilt or whole blanket or towel not the whole people
I will not do I just to explain to you have an idea for you and this modelinho
It is easy to do and I think you not will have no difficulty in performing
he just follow the step by step and you They leave personal ok well I hope you
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