Friday, June 2, 2017

Youtube daily report Jun 3 2017


The Deep State refers to a coordinated effort by career government employees and others

to influence state policy without regard for democratically elected leadership.

�Democracy is popular because of the illusion of choice and participation it provides, but

when you live in a society in which most people�s knowledge of the world extends as far as sports,

sitcoms, reality shows, and celebrity gossip, democracy because a very dangerous idea. Until

people are properly educated and informed, instead of indoctrinated to be ignorant mindless

consumers, democracy is nothing more than a clever tool used by the ruling class to

subjugate the rest of of us.�

� Gavin Nascimento

When Eisenhower coined the term �Military Industrial Complex,� his main concern was

the potential for the �disastrous rise of misplaced power.� After him, John F Kennedy

(JFK) warned the citizenry that we are living in �a system which has conscripted vast

human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine

that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.�

He went on to state that �its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes

are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure

is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.�

Before both of these two, 28th President of the United States Woodrow Wilson revealed:

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men�s views confided to me privately. Some

of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are

afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere

so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better

not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

Perhaps one of the most revealing statements from modern history by a president comes from

the 26th president of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, when he explained how little people

know of how government really operates:

Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the


From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments

to promote the general welfare, they have become the tools of corrupt interests which

use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government

sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility

to the people.

To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business

and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.

What these presidents did, as many others have done, is reveal the existence of a government

within the government that has infiltrated the United States. To see some similar quotes

as the ones above, you can refer to this article we published a couple of years ago.

It�s no secret that government policy is largely dictated by corporations, and the

financial institutions that sit above them. We no longer live in a democracy, but rather,

a �corporatocracy.� This is easy to see if you simply follow the money.

�As difficult as it was for me, I�ve come to an inescapable and profoundly disturbing

conclusion. I believe that an elite group of people and the corporations they run have

gained control over not just our energy, food supply, education, and healthcare, but over

virtually every aspect of our lives; and they do it by controlling the world of finance.

Not by creating more value, but by actually controlling the source of money.�

� Foster Gamble

Below is a great clip from the Thrive documentary that explains the modern day banking industry


The Deep State

The military industrial complex, the Deep State, those who the presidents above are

referring to, is comprised of a small group of people and the corporations/institutions

they run. It has been this way for many years, as so many presidential candidates, like Dr.

Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders, have exposed. This organized power completely controls politics,

and they do not care who you vote for.

Regardless of who is elected president, this hidden power has an agenda, and they use politics

to justify it. Just look at the destabilization of the Middle East.

Our perception of politicians and presidents largely comes from mainstream media, not our

ability to think critically about what is going on. If mainstream media praises a candidate,

like Hillary Clinton, that�s who the masses prefer. Their power to influence the minds

of the masses is tremendous.

Despite the fact that Donald Trump has been vilified, he�s actually taken more action

against this powerful group of elite and their interests than most, but it�s hard for people

to see this because these corporations (who own the mainstream media, incidentally) continue

to slander him � not that he hasn�t made it easy for them.

1. The Terror War Industry

One great example is the terror war industry, and the presence of a supposed �Islamic

Threat.� This perceived threat is maintained through false flag terrorism, a concept that

even the mainstream has acknowledged, particularly since multiple politicians and academics have

revealed it to the world. Vladimir Putin, for example, recently said the attack in Syria

was a false flag, and the globate elite use �imaginary� and �mythical� threats

to push forth their agenda.

He, along with many others, also called out the United States and their allies for funding

terrorists organizations. In his recent visit to Saudi Arabia, Donald Trump did the same.

The term �terror war industry� comes from FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who referenced

it during an appearance on RT news. She is a former FBI translator and the founder of

the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC). She gained a lot of attention in

2002 after she accused a colleague of covering up illicit activity involving Turkish nationals,

which included serious security breaches and cover-ups, alluding to intelligence that was

deliberately suppressed.

The Deep State institutions involved with this would be the arms industry and the oil

industry, among others.

2. The Federal Reserve

The federal reserve is a privately owned central bank system in the United States disguised

as a government owned system.

�The federal reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that, there is no

other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.�

� Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (source)

Henry Ford said that, �It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand

our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution

before tomorrow morning.�

No matter who you vote for, the banking system doesn�t change. These people have the ability

to print money in a way that keeps them protected, and bleeds everybody else dry. As the quote

above from Alan Greenspan illustrates, it�s an independent agency that can make decisions

no other branches of government can oppose. The people that control the money control

the government, and the presidency. If an institution like the federal reserve isn�t

considered a deep state institution, I don�t know what is.

Every four years we look to somebody to spark change, but perhaps that whole process is

meant to distract us. Perhaps we are looking in the wrong places.

3. The Military Industrial Complex

Former Republican U.S. congressional aide Mike Lofgren, who retired in 2011 after 28

years as a congressional staffer, defines the Deep State as follows:

It is a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies: the Department of Defense,

the Department of State, the Department of Homeland Security, the Central Intelligence

Agency and the Justice Department. I also include the Department of the Treasury because

of its jurisdiction over financial flows, its enforcement of international sanctions

and its organic symbiosis with Wall Street.

The military industrial complex is huge, and full of private contractors, intelligence

agencies, and other defence agencies that have, just as Eisenhower warned us, amassed

a great deal of power. The crazy thing about it is, nobody knows what�s going on in here,

not even the President. If the President and the United States Congress doesn�t even

have access to this information, just ask yourself, who does?

We�re talking about Special Access Programs (SAPs), in which we have unacknowledged and

waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better

known as �Deep Black programs.� A 1997 US Senate report described them as �so sensitive

that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.� Welcome to

the world of secrecy. You can read more about the Black Budget in detail here.

These programs don�t change, regardless of who you vote for. These are the institutions,

agencies, and ongoing programs that are above the law, beyond scrutiny, and operating in

near total secrecy.

Business Insider reports that the U.S. intelligence community consists of 17 discreet agencies

that operate with enormous budgets and incredible secrecy, bringing total surveillance and total

information awareness to bear on the people of Earth.

The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The

National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the

mid 1960�s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in

1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.

If Voting Doesn�t Make A Difference, What Will?

�This is the way the system works, it�s a rotten system, and I see elections as so

much of a charade. So much deceit goes on. . . . whether it�s a Republican or a Democrat

president, the people who want to keep the status quo seems to have their finger in the

pot and can control things. They just get so nervous so, if they have an independent

thinker out there, whether it�s Sanders, or Trump, or Ron Paul, they�re going to

be very desperate to try to change things. . . . More people are discovering that the

system is all rigged, and that voting is just pacification for the voters and it really

doesn�t count.�

� Dr. Ron Pal, three time presidential candidate

Voting is simply the illusion of choice. As former New York City Mayor John F. Hylan stated:

The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls

its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation . . . The little coterie of powerful

international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.

They practically control both parties.

These Deep State institutions have been in place for a long time, and remain in place

regardless of who votes. So what changes things? Let�s take a look at some examples. Take

Genetically Modified Foods, for instance, an issue for which activism and awareness

alone have created groundbreaking change. One example would be the fact that a federal

lawsuit forced the U.S. government to share disturbing facts about genetically engineered


As a result, a number of countries have since completely banned GMOs and the pesticides

that go with them. This is where change comes from: us, not them. If we constantly look

to one person, who is usually part of the �1 percent,� to make significant changes,

nothing will ever change. Politics seems like one big distraction, a place for powerful

people to play games with the population and keep our attention. It�s become more of

an entertainment platform as opposed to a real platform for change.

But there is a massive shift in consciousness occurring. The veil that blinds the masses

in so many ways is becoming transparent. Our thoughts and feelings about our world are

changing, and as a result, we are beginning to manifest a new world. We are definitely

living in a time where new information and evidence will conflict with long-held belief


Seeing through this Deep State and the institutions that really call the shots is a key step.

We must create more awareness of these issues and speak up about them instead of just giving

all of our power over to one individual, hoping that they can make some sort of change for

us. We have to do it.





For more than 3000 years mantras (sacred sounds) have been chanted for the purpose of spiritual


During the early period of Hinduism, spiritual gurus became fascinated by poetry and began

to write sounds in sacred texts like the Rigveda.

Those same sounds have echoed throughout the East all the way to today, and are now chanted

by billions of Hindus, Buddhists and spiritualists the world over.

Today, mantras are chanted for myriad reasons.

There are mantras to cure depression and anxiety, mantras said to create wealth, mantras used

to attract wealth� for near every purpose there is a corresponding mantra.

Yet despite the billions of people who use mantras, and the sheer range of their uses,

the Western world has stubbornly turned a blind eye to this oldest of spiritual practices.

It is shocking to think that after 3000 years there is still virtually zero scientific research

to substantiate mantras, but no funding has been given to scientifically investigate this

most important spiritual practice.

And, so, it has fallen to the spiritual community itself to substantiate the mantras.

So what, precisely, do we truly know about mantras?

Yoga masters claim that mantras have the power to create chemical changes in the body.

The argument is that the specific vibrational qualities of mantras create reverberations

in the body that lead to changes on the molecular level.

We can understand how this works when we consider man�s relation to sound.

Our auditory faculty has evolved through millions of years to include specific constants that

form the very foundations of our auditory composition.

Many of the sounds we make today, like grunts and some syllables, have been used for millions

of years, long before we became homo-sapiens.

Similar to the way birds use song to communicate information about the weather, we have used

grunts and syllables to form our understanding of the world.

The reason why many of today�s words are onomatopoetic is because human vocals were

created as an echo of nature.

Early man used syllables as a way of echoing the sound of the thing they were trying to


Hence why �bob� (as in �bobbing up and down�) sounds like an object bobbing up

and down in the water.

�Crash�, �Bang�, �Honk�, and �Chime� are other examples.

As mankind has evolved we have moved away from onomatopoetic language.

So it is that English is not nearly as onomatopoetic as Sanskrit, the latter being a much earlier


When we speak in Sanskrit we create sounds that are very closely related to the sounds

of nature.

The sacred Sanskrit word �Om�, for instance, means �Universe� and we can hear an echo

of the universe in the sound of the mantra.

We get a sense of the open and infinite nature of the universe when we listen to this sound.

�Om� is a vey open sound.

It seems to conjure thoughts of an open space, reconnecting us with the vastness of the universe.

To say that �Om� sounds like an open space, of course, means that it has auditory composition

similar to the way sound vibrates in an actual open space.

The quality of the sound is a recreation of the sound of the real thing.

What does it mean to sound like the real thing?

It means that the sound of the mantra and the sound of an actual open space are very


In other words, when we recite �Om� we recreate the vibrational qualities of an actual

open space, and we do so inside the body.

It is as though we are bringing that part of nature, that vast open space of �Om�,

into our own being.

Not only do we recreate that open space in an auditory and physical sense, we also recreate

it in the mind.

When we recite mantras, we don�t simply make sounds.

We meditate on them.

To meditate means to focus consciousness on a certain space.

When we meditate on �Om� we focus consciousness on the mantra itself.

In other words, we place our consciousness inside the sound, inside �OM�, and, in

turn, inside the open space that �Om� represents.

This is the science of mantras.

And it is one of humankind�s oldest healing techniques.

For millions of years we have recreated the vibrational qualities of nature using the


Mantras simply take it further.

When we meditate on those primordial sounds, we place consciousness inside the sound, healing

the mind by reconnecting it with those auditory representations of the natural world.

By changing the vibrational qualities of those sounds, we change the effect the sound has

on the mind.

The root chakra mantra �Lam�, for instance, grounds us and creates feelings of belonging,

where �Ah� creates release, helping us to let go.

This is the power of Sanskrit mantras.

They are a way of recreating the vibrational qualities of real-world events, objects, or

spaces in the body, and then placing consciousness inside those sounds by meditating.

Simply chanting a Sanskrit mantra puts us in-tune with positive vibrational energies

that heal body, mind

and spirit.



Se extiende la condena contra la decisión de Trump sobre Acuerdo de París - Duration: 0:41.

For more infomation >> Se extiende la condena contra la decisión de Trump sobre Acuerdo de París - Duration: 0:41.


Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S EDITION AIRCO/LMV/CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S EDITION AIRCO/LMV/CRUISE - Duration: 0:54.


Ford Focus 1.0(125pk) TITANIUM S-PACK/NAVI/PDC/CAMERA - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.0(125pk) TITANIUM S-PACK/NAVI/PDC/CAMERA - Duration: 0:59.


Audi A4 Avant 1.8 TFSI S-Line Automaat|2015|Navigatie|B&O Sound|18''|Bi-Xenon|Trekhaak|PDC|Donker gl - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Avant 1.8 TFSI S-Line Automaat|2015|Navigatie|B&O Sound|18''|Bi-Xenon|Trekhaak|PDC|Donker gl - Duration: 0:54.


Virginia Beach City FC gets ready for home opener - Duration: 1:02.


































For more infomation >> Virginia Beach City FC gets ready for home opener - Duration: 1:02.


Haake sets state record - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> Haake sets state record - Duration: 0:36.


Girls Division 2 1600M - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Girls Division 2 1600M - Duration: 0:31.


Wow - Duration: 2:14.

So this is what you are gonna get from this channel

For more infomation >> Wow - Duration: 2:14.


BMW 3 Serie 318i executive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> BMW 3 Serie 318i executive - Duration: 0:54.


ahora si :D ADVENTURE-CRAFT Minecraft - Duration: 33:55.

For more infomation >> ahora si :D ADVENTURE-CRAFT Minecraft - Duration: 33:55.


Jugando Mystery Murder - Duration: 13:29.

For more infomation >> Jugando Mystery Murder - Duration: 13:29.


Private Dick Ep. 1 - Dog Days - Duration: 9:30.

(upbeat music)

- Wakey, wakey!


Come on, wake up.

- How are you always so perky in the morning?

You went to bed later than I did.

- I was hungry and I wanted you to make me breakfast.

- Ducky.

- Just joking, I made you breakfast 'cause I didn't want you

to mess up my kitchen.

- I don't know what I'm feeling for you right now.

- (With his bad breath) Huuuungry, obviously.

Hungry, hungry.

- [Meena] Fine, give me five minutes.

- No, Meena I need you.

(Proceeds to Dry Hump Meena)

- Hey Ducky, we need to take the car in soon.

- Good Morning, Snow.

- Hey Meena, I didn't know you were here!

- It's my day off, and he begged me to stay.

(Ducky Acts Like He Busted his Nut)

- I need hot sauce.

- Yeah no, it's the suspension.

What about the passenger seat?

Three days?!

OK, fine, I'm calling the tow truck right now.


What kind of kinky-ness was going on in the car?

- At least I wiped the seat down.

Don't worry, D, I'm gonna pay you back

when I get back to town.

(phone ringing)

- Where is it?

- It's right here.

- Ducky PI.

Missing dog, oh I'm sorry, we don't do missing dogs.

We do missing people, cheating partners, identity theft.

I'm sorry, we don't don't missing pets.

- Is it a puppy?

- Is it a puppy?

- [Snow] We love puppies.

- Two years old?

- OK, well, do you think that the dog's been murdered?

No ma'am, I'm not saying that your dog is dead,

I'm just saying...

Ma'am, ma'am.

OK, listen, listen.

Text me your address, OK?

I'll be there, sure.

It's a $50 consult, but I can promise anything.


(upbeat music)

- Let's go.

(upbeat music)

- Listen, I bought a box of candy bars from you last week

- Oh no, we're the private detectives you called.

- Oh!

I thought you were black guys.

Oh, OK.

This, this is Zelda.

Zelda at Christmas.

Summer cut.

Winter cut!

- [Snow] Man, I love that dog.

- OK, hold up.

Did you put up any posters or file

a missing dog report.

- No, Mr. Chang said you could help me.

- Mr. Chang.

There's like a billion Changs.

- Mr. Chang you found his missing wife?

- Oh.

- He said that you were fast, considerate, careful.

I figured if you could track down that old, crazy bitch,

you could definitely help me track down

my sweet, fluffy bitch.

That is, if Zelda's still aliiiive :(

- Judy, do you think that Zelda was stolen?

- Well, of course she was stolen.

She's just about the cutest little pumpkin puss in the world

- I'd steal that pumpkin puss.

- OK Judy, do you have any enemies?

- Uh-uh.

- Does Zelda have any enemies.

Do you or Zelda owe anyone money?

When was the last time you saw Zelda?

- Uh.

- Excuse me, is this your dog?

- Oh my God.



Zelda, you little...

Where did you find my baby?

- Over by the park, I saw your sign and then

I saw the dog.

- Ooh!

Let me get your reward.

- You're a hero, kid.

- OK, here's $1000 for you.

How much did you saw it was for the consult, 50?

- [Ducky] Thank you.

- [Child] Thank you, ma'am.

- Oh!

Alright Zelda, let's get in the bath!


- We're in the wrong fucking business.


Is that what this is, your business?

- Uh, what?

- Your game, you play innocent people?

You steal dogs and take their money,

1000 bucks a pop?

So you can floss hard in your big wheels.

- D, chill bruh, she's a kid.

- Nah man.

My gut is telling me this is fucking shady.

Walking around all kid like.


Holding dogs in your weaselly little hands.

You've done this before.

- It's not me, it's my uncle.

I swear, I'm just the runner, I get 10 bucks.

- Take me to your leader.

(upbeat music)

This is gonna get nutty.

(creepy music) Fantasy...

- Listen, shorty.

You owe me two dogs.

There's peekapoo on Doheny

and labradoodle on Santa Monica.

- But I have a piano lesson.

(mocking her)

- It would be very difficult for you to play piano

with finger missing.

(eerie music)

- Nutty and bloody.

(upbeat music)

- [Uncle] What's the password?

- [Child] Dog shit.

(upbeat music)

- What's up?

- We're shutting you down.

- [Uncle] What the hell?

- [Ducky] Using kids to do your dirty work.

- [Snow] Unbelievable.

- First of all, child labor is illegal.

Second of all, kids have there own shit to get into like

setting off fart bombs.

- Burning ants with magnifying glasses.

- Keying cars.

What kind of monster uses kids to steal innocent dogs

from desperate housewives?

- And racist widows.

- Who the hell are you?

- Let's just say I got PETA on speed dial.

- Oh man.

I was in Desert Storm.

I got PTSD and little bits of shrapnel

floating around my heart.

I get a visiting nurse twice a month

and my disability don't being to pay my rent.

- So, you're still messing with kids and dogs.

- Yeah, sane people don't mess with dogs, bruh.

- I ain't messing with no dogs!

I only keep them until the posters go up.

I feed them, I groom them, hell they even sleep

in my freaking bed.

Holdin em actually lowers my blood pressure.

- [Snow] No, no, he's right.

I read about this.

New England Medical Journal, March 2015.

- Oh, that's solid. - Yeah.

- But still.

- [Uncle] Look, I got no one in my life except the dogs.

- Kidnapped dogs.

- The rewards pay for my meds.

And without my meds, I might do something real crazy,

like steal horses!

- Look, look.

I got love for you vets, OK?

You all have been screwed over in every

bogus war we've been in.

I'm willing to overlook this whole operation

on one condition.

Lose the kids!

- No way, that's the whole plan!

You send a cute kid with a cute dog, people go nuts!

They give a reward plus a tip.

- No more kids, or--

- Hello, PETA.

- How am I gonna get my meds?

(eerie music)

The noise, the noise!

Stay with me soldier, stay with me!

You ain't going nowhere, look me in the eye.

You ain't going nowhere!

- I don't know what I'm gonna do but I know

I don't wanna be here.

- The noise, the noise.

- [Ducky] Hey Sergeant, look what I got for you.

- What the?



- This is Selena Gomez's dog.

I know he's ugly but Selena Gomez is good

for about 100 Gs or so.

So that'll hold you for a while.


If you need another dog, just call me, I got you.

I know where her ex-boyfriend lives, OK?

(upbeat music)

Take care.

Son of a gun...


(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Private Dick Ep. 1 - Dog Days - Duration: 9:30.


Private Dick Ep.3 - Holy Lies - Duration: 9:11.

(upbeat music)

- Snow, Snow?

( Creepy Music)



Amma, Amma are you okay?

Amma, Amma, Amma, Amma, wake up, wake up, wake up

- Mahatma! I died?

- No Amma, you're not dead.

It's me.

- Why are wearing that?

I nearly died.

Why would you scare your own amma like that?

- You're the one scared the shit out of me.

- Don't use four letter words.

- Okay, Amma, listen,

you could've easily told me that you were coming.

Instead, I thought it was a fucking break in.

- Why are you wearing Gandhi's dress?

And if you keep talking dirty I won't answer.

- Fine, Amma, why are you in my apartment?

- I was in the neighborhood.

Now your turn.

- I'm on a case.

Somebody's is stealing the donation box from the temple.

I was scoping it out.

- Disguised as Gandhi?

- I'm not dressed like Gandhi.

I'm just dressed like a holy person,

a fuckin' swami.

- Swamis wear orange.

Only Gandhi wore white.

And he wasn't holy.

- Anyway, Amma,

can you just tell me why the hell you're in my apartment?

- I was just down the street at the hospital.

- Amma, the hospital?

Is everything okay?

- Yes, just a routine check-up and maybe a little cancer.

- Amma, what the fuck, cancer?

*Amma SLAPS Ducky*

- Your mouth gives me cancer.

- Amma, come on, don't get nutty.

Okay Amma, just start from the beginning.

- I found a lump.

The doctor did a biopsy.

That's all I know.

Now where is Meena?

- Amma, I don't know where she is.

Listen, when are you gonna get the results?

- Today or tomorrow.

Why don't you know where Meena is?

- Amma, I told you, we're taking a break.

- What break?

No one takes a break.

Maybe a work break or lunch break, but no love break.

Me and your Appa, forty two years, no break.

- Then where is Appa now?

Is this a love break?

- Give me a break.

We're not in love.

We're married.

- You didn't tell him about the biopsy did you?

- He worries.

And then, you know, his stomach.

Then I'm the one who suffers all night.

I thought I'll just stay here until I get the results

Now, you just call Meena over

and I'll make thosai

and you say you're sorry

and then everything will be fine.

- Amma, I didn't do anything to be sorry for.

- You must have done something

because Meena wouldn't.

You'll never find a girl like her, Ducky.

It took you forever to find her

and now if you don't apologize,

again, you'll be alone

and again I'll have to go through a temple tour

of India and Sri Lanka

and pray for someone to love you.

Don't do this to me, Ducky.

I might have cancer.

- Amma, she's not picking up any of my phone calls.

- Then go to her house.

- She's at work

and, you know, I don't have a car right now.

- Go take a taxi, call Ober.

I may not have enough time to pray for you!

- Amma.

Meena, I didn't know you were gonna be here.

- I work here Ducky and you know when I take my lunch.

- Yeah, well you weren't picking up your phone.

- I told you not to call me.

Anyway I left my phone at home so I wouldn't be tempted.

- So you wanted to call me?

- Of course I wanted to call you.

But we need this time apart

because obviously we're not on the same page.

- Well, it's been six days.

Haven't you figured out you can't live without me?

- Not here, Ducky.

We can talk about this some other time.

- How about tonight?

Amma's at the house and she said

that she wanted you to come over.

- Did you tell her we had a big fight

and we're taking a break?

- I told her YOU were taking a break, and she hit me.

- Tonight's not going to work.

I'll call your Amma later and say hi.

- She's making thosai.

- D, this is not fair.

- Fine, well I didn't want to tell you

but she has cancer.

- What?

Oh no.

What kind?

Is it serious?

- I don't know.

Just come over and talk to her.

It would really mean a lot to me, and her.

(phone ringing

Shit, it's work.


Yes, I have the tracking device.

I'm coming over to install it now.


- I have to go, too.

I'll be there.

- Okay thanks.

Oh Meena, I'm on that Temple case

and my car's in the shop.

Can I have your keys?

I'll pick you up right after

and we'll go straight to Amma.

(romantic music)

- Are you sure that this is gonna work?

- Absolutely.

The minute that this thing moves,

this is gonna notify my phone.

- I just hope the thief is not a Hindu.

(suspicious music)

- Auntie, when Ducky told me I had to come over.

- I know you love my thosai.

- No, I mean about your health.

- I'm fine.

- Yeah, I told you she was fine.

- You told me she had cancer.

- No, there's no cancer.

They already called.

All negative which is positive.

- Yeah, they had a biopsy.

I told you they suspected cancer.

- You said she had cancer.

- No, I told you an hour ago, the tests were fine.

- So when you picked me up from work you knew Amma was fine?

- She called me on the cell phone.

It was breaking up.

I couldn't hear.

- I told you never lie.

- It's really fucked up

that you would lie about your mother having cancer

to manipulate me.

- It's really fucked up that she's making you thosai

because she thinks you're going to leave me

which frankly so do I.

- All this manipulation only adds

to what I've been doubting about you.

- You know what?

(phone buzzing)

You stay here and eat thosai with Amma.

I'm out.

Amma, the device went off.

I gotta go.

The collection box is moving.

Um, I need your keys.

- No, I have an early day tomorrow.

- Come on, you can drop me home right after.

- And me too.

- I thought you were spending the night?

- I don't have cancer.

- Yeah.

(mysterious music)

(Detective-y Funky Music)

- Stop!

- You should be ashamed of yourself.

- Man, even the orange don't keep you holy.

- No, you!

- I'm sorry, I needed the money for my mother.

She's very sick.

- Ugh, nobody is buying that tired story.

- It's true.

Tell them, ayers (priests) can't lie.

- Ah, but they can steal?

This was supposed to be your last life.

- I'm sorry.

It's just that when you love somebody so much,

you'll do anything for them.

- True dat.

- Ugh, over you.

- You could've just asked me for it.

- Come on Amma, I'll take you home.

- Hey, where you going?

What about me?

- No, find your own way home.

- Amma?

- Don't drag me into this.

You're the one who fucked up.

Call Ubber.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> Private Dick Ep.3 - Holy Lies - Duration: 9:11.


Private Dick Ep.2 - Buying Dick - Duration: 7:18.

(funky music)

- Oh no, you can go, I'm waiting for that.

- Sorry, it took me so long.

- No problem, good things come to those who wait.

Jesus Christ!

I'm telling you, it was like the seventh time that

there was a shit shmear on the toilet roll.

Like somebody had taken the whole

fucking toilet roll and wiped their ass with it.

- Maybe he had a big asshole.

- All I wanted to do was piss man.

- Hey babe, hey Snow.

- [Both] Hey!

- Meena, I didn't know you were coming.

- I didn't know I had to have an

appointment, I brought Thai food.

- Larb?

- Of course, Snow.

What, what?

- Come on, give it to me.

- Oh, it's a package for you.

- Snow, it came, that was quick, this is the color palette.

- Color palette?

Is this for something you're investigating?

- No, for his dick.

- You're ordering a dick?

We already have 2 that we like.

- But this is not for WE, this is for Me.

You know, for packing.

- You never told me you wanted to start packing.

- Well, it's mostly for pissing.

- Snow knew about this, how come I didn't?

- It's a man thing.

- Oh, hell no, don't play that card.

Look, if my man is out ordering dicks,

I should be the first to know.

We are going to talk about this before we go to bed.

- Yes.

- They look like coins.

- Which color are you gonna get?

- I don't know, I have to take a look at all of them first.

- You should get this one.

- Are you crazy, this one looks like liver.

- Yeah, I can't have no liver dick, I'm a vegetarian.

- This one looks like bologna.

- Hmm, bologna...

- Who even has this color of dick,

this one is straight up Barbie.

- Yeah, maybe that's what Ken's dick looks like.

- Obviously, you didn't have a Ken doll growing up

because he is all smooth down there, like me.

- Ken was the first trans doll.

- Anyway, I gotta ask one of my white friends.

- Can't do that.

- Why not?

- You don't have any white friends.

- Well, maybe I don't want one,

if this is the color of their junk.

Then again, maybe I should get a white dick.

I can excuse myself for being a self-absorbed asshole.

- This looks like chocolate, if you

had a dick this color, I'd eat it.

- It's one of these three.

- Yeah, but a guy's dick is usually

a couple shades darker than the rest of his skin.

- Okay, well then it's one of these two.

- Probably, but can we take a look

at it tomorrow, in the daylight.

- So...

Where's this going?

- Meena, we said that we weren't going to talk

about you moving in until Snow got on his feet.

- Not that, this dick business, where is it going?

- Oh well, hopefully in you.

- Look, you always said that you

weren't going to have bottom surgery.

- Oh, I know, but this is an investment

a 4 in 1, for packing, peeing, pleasure, poking.

- We already have plenty of things for poking.

- This is just about pissing, okay?

Just leave it alone.

- Ducky, you're pissed.

What's going on?

- I'm not pissed.

I'm just angry because it seems like

if I do decide to get a surgical dick,

that wouldn't be something that you'd be okay with.

- So you think you're going to have surgery now?

- I don't know, but what does that matter?

- Exactly, it doesn't.

Plenty of trans men choose not to get a dick.

- Okay see, now it seems like you wouldn't be okay

if I chose to get bottom surgery.

You should just be loving me regardless.

- I do, but what about me, D?

Is there space for me in this?

- My transition doesn't have

anything to do with anybody else.

- Okay, but it has everything to do with me

because I'm your girlfriend, your

partner in life last time I checked in.

You can get a dick or not get a dick, just don't be a dick.

- How is me being in charge of my transition being a dick?

You of all people know that, it took me so long to get here,

because I had to stop listening to all them muthafuckas.

Society, my parents, the whole

muthafuckin Tamil Sri Lankan community.

You got a good guy, a put together guy,

because I stopped caring about other people's feelings.

- So my feelings don't count?

- No, I mean, not about this.

- Okay, that's how you're being a dick.


I'm queer, Ducky, I thought you were too.

- I'm a lifelong queer.

- Oh, you want to go there.

Who the hell are you?

Oh, no wait, it's clear.

You're the man, the big man, the decision maker,

the conqueror, the head of the household,

the immigrant macho, the white dick self-absorbed asshole.

I did not work this hard on myself

and how I want to walk in this world

to end up in some shitty heteronormative relationship.

- Where are you going?

Where are you going?

- I need some time to think.

- What, like an hour or I could

go out there and kick it with Snow.

- No, D, I gotta go, don't call me.

- Meena?

- No, seriously, D.

Don't call me.

- You got this.

*Peeing Sound* (Success!)

That color really suits you,

It's going to be so fun peeing next to you, bro.

How does it feel?

- I miss Meena.

- What the hell is going on here.

- What's it to you?

This ain't North Carolina.

- Yeah, you've never seen a friend pee out of his new dick?

(funky music)

For more infomation >> Private Dick Ep.2 - Buying Dick - Duration: 7:18.


The Truth About Being A Writer Hint You Don't Have To Be Unhappy - Duration: 6:22.

The Truth About Being A Writer (Hint:

You Donít Have To Be Unhappy)

Ten minutes before my agent called to

tell me sheíd sold my first novel,

I was standing in our community garden

watching a hawk murder a dove.

It was clear that this was an omen of

some kind, although I didnít know what

kind of omen it was.

That must have been the moment when my

agent received the offer for my novel,

so it was the moment when I ceased to

be an aspiring writer and became a real


I had looked forward to that

transformation my whole life.

I didnít know at the time if I was the

hawk or the dove, or what that gruesome

spectacle could mean,

and I still donít know,

because I donít know what it means to

be a writer.

In one sense, being a writer is very

much like being an aspiring writer.

I write each morning, as I did before,

and at other times I do other things,

as I also did before.

There was no transformation.

The main difference is that there are

books out there with my name on them.

Very good.

None of them are visible to me from

where Iím sitting right now,

at my desk in the attic,

and itís as if they donít exist.

And yet I devoted so much time,

in the old days, to thinking about what

it would be like to be a writer.

How different everything would be.

I imagined that I would drink all the

time and break stuff and cause trouble.

It would be a romantic and destructive


But I was doing that anywayódrinking

and breaking stuff and causing

troubleóand there was nothing romantic

about it.

Maybe my real hope was that being a

writer would make it okay to behave

this way.

Being a writer would excuse my behavior.

And if I knew in my heart that one day

I would be a writer,

then my behavior was also excusable in

the present, even though the

transformation hadnít happened yet.

I donít drink anymore, or break stuff,

and I try not to cause trouble.

But if Iím not a deadbeat after all,

being a writer does mean doing a kind

of work that doesnít look much like

work, and then just sort of wandering

around in the yard,

so I do look like a deadbeat.

And being a writer also means,

for me and for almost all writers,

being poor.

I was prepared for this aspect of the

experience, but it still smarts.

I get paid small amounts at irregular

and widely-spaced intervals.

Itís like being unemployed and

sometimes winning a little bit on a

scratch ticket.

By the same token,

being a writer means struggling to pay

for healthcare.

I have to buy insurance on the

individual market, and before the ACA,

when we were living in Florida,

no one would insure meóI was a risk,

because of the recklessness of my

younger days.

Florida did not expand Medicaid either,

which meant that things were still hard

even after the ACA went into effect.

There are complexities here that I

donít understand.

I do know that our Florida insurance

cost seven times what our Massachusetts

insurance now costs,

and the coverage was worse.

What else, what else?

Being a writer is a little bit like

being insane, since I spend a lot of

time anguishing over problems that

involve people who donít exist doing

imaginary things in places that arenít


I worried that being a writer would

mean never getting close to anyone,

never getting married,

never having kids.

I thought that attachments of that kind

would make it impossible to carve out

the psychological space a writer needs.

Eventually I realized that the problem

was not attachment in the abstract but

the person to whom youíre attached.

Thank God!

You shouldnít marry someone who makes

you feel trapped, whether youíre a

writer or not.

It seems obvious now.

My own partneróherself a writeróopens

the world up for me.

Something else I didnít anticipate:

Being a writer means creating a

productóa mass-produced article of


It means trying to get people to buy

that product, although it also means

feeling guilty about trying to get

people to buy that product.

Isnít commerce unseemly?

Isnít art all about a striving after

something bigger and more meaningful?

Being a writer means having complex

feelings about other,

more successful contemporary writers.

But over and above all of that,

thereís this: I worried,

when I was an aspiring writer,

that being a real writer would mean

never being happy.

That isnít because writing had ever

made me unhappy but because I thought

it was supposed to make me unhappy.


Because Iíd heard older writers talk

endlessly about how hard writing was,

and how miserable it made them.

I have not had this experience.

Being a writer is easy.

Every day, I do the thing that I have

always wanted to doóthe thing I believe

I was put on earth to do.

And I do it in gym-shorts,

in the comfort of my own home.

Sometimes I eat a piece of toast with

jam on it.

My family crashes around downstairs.

As an MFA-friend joked at some public

event: ìBeing a writer is hard?

Being a fucking coal-miner is hard.î

For more infomation >> The Truth About Being A Writer Hint You Don't Have To Be Unhappy - Duration: 6:22.


كاميرا كاشي الواعرة الحلقة 4 رضوان بلا حدود يبكي بالدموع - ريم غزالي dzjoker - Duration: 7:49.

For more infomation >> كاميرا كاشي الواعرة الحلقة 4 رضوان بلا حدود يبكي بالدموع - ريم غزالي dzjoker - Duration: 7:49.


Pourquoi il ne faut pas se faire de nœuds ? - Duration: 5:47.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi il ne faut pas se faire de nœuds ? - Duration: 5:47.


What is she saying?(30) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 3:06.

Hi, everyone!

I'm Gabriella.

You're watching ForB English and today we're guessing.

What is she saying?

So you're going to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

What am I saying?

Let's try it now, with a hint.

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

Let's try that one time slowly.

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

Could you get it this time?

I'm going to reveal the answer now.

The answer is the question "Could you say that again?"

Now this is a very useful question in English, especially when you're learning English around the world,

because many times you will need to ask a native speaker "Could you say that again?"

and that's really going to help you to repeat and listen to repeated phrases

from the native speaker and that's actually the best way to learn English.

Now let's talk a little bit about the pronunciation of this phrase.

Our advice is to break it down into three parts, so the first part is "could you".

So it's like a "due", "due" sound.

"Could you say", like "say", "thad-again, "thad-again", so you can hear the sounds combining "thad-again"

and it's a "d" sound, not "t" as well: natural, relaxed, native speech, especially when we talk fast.

So let's practice this together now.

So please repeat after me.

Could you say that again?

OK. A little bit faster.

Could you say that again?

And one more time native speed.

Could you say that again?

Very good.

Now also notice my intonation goes up at the end because it's a question.

So let's try it three times native speed now with intonation.

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?

Could you say that again?


Good job, Probably the most useful phrase in English you'll ever learn.

So could you say that again?

Please try it.

I'm Gabriella.

You're watching For B English.

Please like this video and subscribe to our channel.

Look forward to seeing you next time.

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