Friday, June 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 1 2018

The first time

Ever I saw your face

I thought the sun...

Buckminster Fuller is a great example of an architect...

whose ideas were very similar to those of a utopian future.

Good morning, Logan. Late start.

Have a good lunch.

Good job. Thank you.

Very good job.



Hey, Logan.


Are you okay?

You're here.

Where else would I be?


Easy, pal.

Well, some things never change.

It's good to see you, Scott.


See you later, Jean.


Logan, is everything all right?


Yeah, I think it is.

For more infomation >> Wolverine Wakes Up - Jean Grey (Scene) | X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) 4K (+Subtitles) - Duration: 2:58.


Seat Ibiza 1.8i-20 VT 180 PK CUPRA / Uniek / 0-100 in 7,3 s en top van 230 km/h - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.8i-20 VT 180 PK CUPRA / Uniek / 0-100 in 7,3 s en top van 230 km/h - Duration: 1:07.


Bernard Lavilliers, son soutien sans faille à Bertrand Cantat, « quitte à choquer les gens » - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Bernard Lavilliers, son soutien sans faille à Bertrand Cantat, « quitte à choquer les gens » - Duration: 2:42.


Alex Collier 1994 (8 z 12) Reptiliáni jedia ľudí za živa (prevzaté) - Duration: 10:13.

For more infomation >> Alex Collier 1994 (8 z 12) Reptiliáni jedia ľudí za živa (prevzaté) - Duration: 10:13.


✅ Let's Dance im Live-Stream: So seht ihr das Halbfinale 2018 live im Internet - Duration: 2:10.

Nur noch vier Paare gleiten bei RTL über das Parkett: Zum "Let's Dance"-Halbfinale muss jede Paarung aus Promi und Profi der Jury drei Tänze präsentieren

Zu Beginn stehen jeweils zwei reguläre neue Einzeltänze an. Dann steht das "Impro Dance Extreme" auf dem Programm: Hier erfahren die Tanzpaare erst live in der Show, welcher Tanzstil zu welcher Musik gefragt ist und haben anschließend nur drei Minuten Zeit, sich umzuziehen und eine Choreographie zu improvisieren

"Let's Dance": "RTL" im Live-Stream von "TVnow""Let's Dance": Die "RTL"-Mediathek von "TVnow"Diese Tänze seht ihr bei "Let's Dance" am FreitagDie Juroren Jorge Gonzalez, Motsi Mabuse und Joachim Llambi beurteilen die Leistungen der Halbfinalisten, das Publikum hat aber das letzte Wort

Die Paare mit den meisten Anrufen schaffen den Sprung in die letzte Show 2018.Hierfür haben die Tanzpaare zwei Tänze bereits in den vergangenen Tagen vorbereitet

So lässt sich Model Barbara Meier (31) von dem Profi-Tänzer Sergiu Luca (35) durch diese Tänze führen: Slowfox: "Lovefool", The CardigansJive: "Let's Have A Partx", Wanda JacksonModerator Ingolf Lück (60) gleitet mit Ekaterina Leonova (31) durch die Show: Samba, "Bem, Bem Maria", Gipsy KingsPaso Doble: Plaza Of Execution", James HornerUnternehmerin und "Die Höhle der Löwen"-Investorin Judith Williams (45) liegt Erich Klann (30) beim Tanzen in den Armen

Ihr Programm: Tango: "Libertango", Astor Piazzolla Samba: "Échame La Culpa", Luis Fonsi feat

Demi LovatoSchauspielerin Julia Dietze (36) und ihr Tanzpartner Massimo Sinató (37) haben hierfür geprobt:Samba: "Mi Gente", J Balvin feat

Willy WilliamPaso Doble: "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood", AnimalsIm Video: "Für dich, Papa": So nah standen sich Abi Ofarim und sein Sohn Gil

For more infomation >> ✅ Let's Dance im Live-Stream: So seht ihr das Halbfinale 2018 live im Internet - Duration: 2:10.


Opel Corsa 1.2 TWINP S&S 5D EDITION - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.2 TWINP S&S 5D EDITION - Duration: 1:05.


✅ Thomas Dutronc et Imelda May bientôt parents ? Le rêve de Françoise Hardy - Duration: 1:43.

S'il est une chose qu'elle voudrait, c'est que son fils, Thomas Dutronc, connaisse les joies de la paternité. Cette confidence, la chanteuse l'a faite dans les pages du magazine «Gala », où elle se livre longuement

«J'aimerais que Thomas connaisse le bonheur d'être parent », confie Françoise Hardy, qui aimerait avoir enfin un petit-fils ou une petite-fille de son fils unique le chanteur Thomas Dutronc, fruit de sa relation avec Jacques Dutronc

Ce dernier, d'après une information révélée en 2015, par le magazine «Ici Paris », l'affirmait en couple avec Imelda May, une chanteuse irlandaise

Les deux supposés amoureux se connaissent depuis de très longues années. Ils avaient partagé la scène en 2012 lors d'une apparition très remarquée sur le plateau de « Taratata », l'émission musicale présentée par Nagui

'Ils avaient récidivé en 2013 en chantant ensemble Clint (silence on tourne)', poursuivait la publication qui se demandait à quel moment leur amitié s'est transformée en relation amoureuse ? 'Nul ne le sait, mais l'accord est désormais parfait', indiquait l'hebdomadaire, qui affirmait que Thomas Dutronc aurait déjà présenté sa douce à son papa, Jacques Dutronc, installé en Corse

For more infomation >> ✅ Thomas Dutronc et Imelda May bientôt parents ? Le rêve de Françoise Hardy - Duration: 1:43.


SpongeBob and Sandy

For more infomation >> SpongeBob and Sandy


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI COMFORT PACK 5-D - GARANTIE 2019 - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI COMFORT PACK 5-D - GARANTIE 2019 - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A180 d Aut AMG Line | Advantage Pack - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A180 d Aut AMG Line | Advantage Pack - Duration: 1:10.


Volvo C30 1.6D 80kw Sport - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Volvo C30 1.6D 80kw Sport - Duration: 0:46.


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI 135 PK Super Pack Premium FULL OPTIONS - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI 135 PK Super Pack Premium FULL OPTIONS - Duration: 1:07.


Le triclosan favoriserait les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Le triclosan favoriserait les maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin - Duration: 2:56.


New Genetic Clues to the Mystery of Your Giant Brain - Duration: 5:01.


I don't like to brag, but I've got a pretty big brain.

And so do you.

Compared to gorillas and orangutans — apes that are about our size — our brains are

three times as massive.

That extra size is likely a big part of what lets us us fly to the moon, write piano concertos,

and make YouTube videos.

But exactly how we got these bigger brains has puzzled scientists for a long time.

Like, what happened, genetically, to make a more neuron-packed brain?

Well, we may finally have a clue.

Two teams of American and European researchers announced yesterday in the journal Cell that

they've identified a gene that helps increase the number of neurons in brains — and it's

only in humans.

The gene is called NOTCH2NL, and it's not just in our genomes once, but three times.

One of the teams stumbled upon it when they were doing experiments with organoids.

Organoids are simple miniature organs that are grown using stem cells in Petri dishes.

They're a bit closer to the real thing than regular cell cultures, because they're grown

to make 3D structures.

And scientists find mini brains especially useful for studying the earliest stages of

brain development.

In this case, they were wondering which genes were getting turned on and off.

And it turned out that NOTCH2NL was one that was very much "on" in human organoids.

Even more importantly, there was no NOTCH2NL signal in organoids made from rhesus monkeys.

In fact, the monkeys didn't even have a NOTCH2NL gene when the researchers checked.

Now, there are plenty of genes that are specific to humans that aren't doing critical things.

But the finding was intriguing.

Especially because orangutans didn't have NOTCH2NL either.

Chimps and gorillas have DNA that looks like a NOTCH2NL gene, but those versions can't

actually make proteins.

They're what scientists call pseudogenes.

Meanwhile, we have three functional copies, plus a fourth that doesn't work.

By comparing these species' DNA, geneticists think that way back in our evolution, like

8 to 14 million years ago, a gene called NOTCH2 got partially duplicated.

NOTCH2 makes a receptor on cells that's one of the key players in organ development.

It's one of four Notch genes that do this sort of thing in all mammals.

It seems like this partial duplication initially couldn't do anything.

And for many apes, that's the way it stayed.

But for some reason, only in our lineage, more NOTCH2 DNA got copied over.

So the pseudogene had the code it needed to make a small protein, and was basically fixed.

NOTCH2NL was born.

Researchers estimate that the gene popped up some 3 to 4 million years ago — based

on the sequence, and the fact that archaic humans also have it, including Neanderthals

and Denisovans.

That's right around the time we think human brains started to get bigger.

And soon after, our more recent ancestors ended up with several extra copies of it.

The real kicker is that NOTCH2NL does exactly what we might expect of a brain-expanding

gene — even though we're not entirely sure how the protein behaves.

Experiments from both groups of researchers suggest it mainly signals to neural stem cells.

See, stem cells can either replicate themselves, making more cells with lots of potential to

become other cell types.

Or, they can spawn cells that are more limited but specialized, like neurons.

Eventually, you want neurons to make a brain.

But if you make too many upfront, and not enough stem cells to make even more neurons

later, you end up with a smaller brain.

So NOTCH2NL basically pushes things toward self-renewal.

This is especially the case in radial glia cells, which are the neural stem cells that

create the bulk of the cortex, the outer layer of brain tissue that's thought to be responsible

for more complex mental tasks.

Affecting neuron development in this way can cause some big changes — in the lab and

in living humans.

For example, deleting NOTCH2NL in organoids leads to faster maturing but smaller mini

brains, while adding the gene to cultured human cells creates more neurons.

Plus, two of the NOTCH2NL genes are in a stretch of DNA on the first chromosome that's often

messed up in people with neurological or developmental disorders.

Deletions in this area sometimes result in microcephaly, a condition in which the head

is unusually small.

Duplications can mean the opposite problem: macrocephaly — a head that's too big.

That means that one of the genes that has arguably helped our species dominate this

planet is also responsible for certain disabilities.

And it's no accident.

Biologically, the same circumstances that made the duplication of NOTCH2NL likely also

make that section of chromosome 1 so dangerous.

Because the DNA in the section repeats, it makes it hard for cells to accurately replicate it.

The machinery can easily slip up and either skip over or copy a section twice.

This feature also makes the DNA hard to sequence.

In fact, one reason why scientists never suspected NOTCH2NL to be behind any brain size disorders

was because for a while, the reference genome was wrong!

It had the genes near, but outside, the problematic region.

Now, the puzzle's coming together.

It's still possible there are other genes involved, but there's a good chance that

you can thank NOTCH2NL — and especially your 3 working copies — for your big ol' brain.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow News!

If you want to stay up to date on all the latest scientific discoveries with us, we

post news episodes every single Friday.

So head on over to and hit that little subscribe button.


For more infomation >> New Genetic Clues to the Mystery of Your Giant Brain - Duration: 5:01.


Trump Pardons Conservative Commentator Dinesh D'Souza - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Trump Pardons Conservative Commentator Dinesh D'Souza - Duration: 1:02.


Ce poisson populaire est l'un des aliments les plus toxiques au monde : voilà pourquoi vous ne.. - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> Ce poisson populaire est l'un des aliments les plus toxiques au monde : voilà pourquoi vous ne.. - Duration: 6:36.


El PP deja con el culo al aire al PSOE al colar en Twitter "los acuerdos ... - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> El PP deja con el culo al aire al PSOE al colar en Twitter "los acuerdos ... - Duration: 1:31.


Уды и сандалы Ensar Oud - сокровища для парфюмеров! Tigerwood Royale, Oud Yusuf | +ENG SUBS - Duration: 13:30.

Hello! Today I would like to show you some incredible perfume treasures -

pure natural ouds and sandalwood oils, and a perfume based on them by the unusual fragrance brand Ensar Oud.

Ensar - the creator of this brand is a specialist in oils and distillation,

who is constantly looking for the rarest and finest perfume ingredients in the most far away corners of the world and creating beautiful essences from them.

Ensar Oud is one of the few brands i know who sell their product not only to retail customers, but also to perfumers.

Several perfumers i know use Ensar Oud in their creations.

First i will show you four ouds by this brand, then two sandalwoods and one perfume based on these fine natural materials.

I would also like to remind you that it is necessary to sample all natural fragrance materials on your skin, not just on blotter paper strips.

Though I'm not going to open these samples in today's video because i opened them so many times that i can already feel the scent,

and i have some notes about each fragrance to help me not forget anything i want to say.

By the way, if you haven't seen my video about history of oud, please click on the link above to view it. (Sorry, it doesn't include english subtitles!)

Let's start with these amazing ouds!

All these ouds are so different that a person who is not familiar with this fragrant material might think that these are completely different perfume materials.

First oud is Tigerwood Royale.

The brand's website has some information about each oud they offer, and it is said that this specific oud is loved by Queen of Abu Dhabi.

When Ensar purchased this particular specimen for his brand, he saw the Queen buying the same oud for herself.

This is a Malaysian oud that is ripening since 2001, that is, seventeen years.

The feeling of Tigerwood Royale begins with a famous medicinal note, that is being tried to reproduce in synthetic oud fragrances so often.

It smells of sterile bandages, the scent is sharp and slightly spicy, with a resinous woody background.

As this oud warms up on the skin, it unfolds with a wide variety of nuances and shades of smell: sweetish, dusty and resinous.

The brightest of them for me is a warm, almost spicy note of an old sewing machine or old film cameras smell - the smell of wood, metal, leather and machine oil.

There is also something similar to the smell of old books and furniture - and for me this oud is a perfumed embodiment of an old noble house smell, a house with its history and its secrets.

Probably you have heard the story of Winchester house in California, a famous ghost mansion.

I think this house could smell like Tigerwood Royale.

This oud is uniquely worthy of royalty - it does not have any repulsive, wild, fecal aspect, which often confuses those who first try natural materials.

It is truly the king of natural perfume materials.

Next oud is called Oud Yusuf. It is an organic oud from the province of Trat in Thailand, and it is ripening since 2012.

This unusual oud also starts with a light medicinal nuance, sawdust note, Greek pickled olives, and it has a pronounced floral character, somewhat resembling powdery iris smell, enveloping the aroma of yellow flowers and perhaps even jasmine.

Oud Yusuf smells like tender, warm female skin, and over time it becomes even more woody, powdery and warm.

This oud is perhaps the most gentle, ephemeral and feminine of all that I have ever smelled.

If you dislike ouds in general but still want to find the oud that you will love - an oud like this could be the one you that should try first.

Next oud is called China Sayang.

China Sayang is an oud from China, ripening since 2005.

Its first notes are pretty sharp.

I think it has a very masculine smell, unlike Oud Yusuf.

It resembles the smell of hot asphalt, hot cinder track and it's definitely has an animalistic character, especially at first.

Also I can clearly feel nuances resembling the smell of choya nakh oil - it is a perfume material made from fried shells of sea clams - these are very sharp, dusty notes.

After an hour, it is completely transformed, acquires a cozy powderiness, sourness and becomes completely comfortable.

It turns from hot and dry at first into a cool and even slightly fresh smell, although the dryness and powderiness remain until the very end of the feeling of this fragrance.

Next oud is Green Papua, an oud from Papua, ripening since 2014.

It has an incredible start with notes of buckwheat, flowers and honey, which is accompanied later by a light shade of Cuir de Russie - birch tar and leather.

Then we can feel scents of linden, lemon balm and other herbs, as if it smells of damp walls in a Russian sauna.

For me, this oud has the most sophisticated and complex smell, and it is the most beautiful of all four.

It is the only one with pronounced sweetness combined with dryness and coolness.

This oud is one more nice option for those who generally dislike the scent of oud for its medicinal nuances.

And it's an amazing option for those who seek the unusual specimens of this fragrant material.

And it is my favorite of all four Ensar Oud ouds.

Now let's take a closer look at the two natural sandalwood oils.

Sandalwood is one of the most ancient aromatic substances produced by man and now almost as rare as agarwood

because of the massive destruction of trees by man in order to obtain its precious oil.

The price of sandalwood is constantly growing, about 25 percent per year

so that being a luxury in antiquity, sandalwood remains luxury to this day.

First sandalwood oil is called Santal Royale and it's ripening since 2013.

It is distilled from vintage wood which is about forty years old, the wood from the core of the red Mysore sandalwood.

This sandalwood is incredibly soft and tender from the very beginning.

It has bright notes of oil paint and sea salt.

It is the fragrance of a man who paints a seascape with oil paints on a windy shore, using an easel made of precious wood.

This sandalwood is very different from how i usually perceive sandalwood smell.

It is not similar to "classic" sandalwood in the same way like some of these ouds can be mistaken for other perfume materials by non-trained noses.

I recommend this oil to sandalwood connoisseurs for expansion of their perfume horizons.

Second oil is called Santal Sultan. This sandalwood is ripening since 2005.

This sandalwood is one of a kind.

It is the distillate of the roots of the rarest wild Aceh santalum album and the 100 year old heart of the Tanzanian sandalwood tree.

First 30 minutes i perceive it as a mix of harsh notes of olives and resins with light smoked hue.

An hour later, it becomes a sweet creamy prominent sandalwood smell with powdery, vanilla and sourish nuances.

Is is a very complex smell, beautiful in its subtle shades.

After an hour, i begin to notice non--sweet floral nuances in the scent, like iris or narcissus notes.

And the last fragrance is called Borneo Zen, it is a perfume based on Ensar Oud noble fragrance materials.

This is an amazing scent, unexpectedly fresh and even aquatic.

I would describe it as a wild floral freshness.

Natural oud and musk shine here, accompanied by floral, green and animalic notes.

It makes me think of bright hues of tropical flora and fauna

but not a real living nature; it's more like a romanticised, perfected image of a tropical island, like in Blue Lagoon movie.

With time this scent loses its sparkling brightness and turns into a calm, subtle scent

With oily hues, that again, remind me of oil paint smell.

You probably noticed that today i described each fragrance very briefly.

This is because despite the fact that all ouds and sandalwoods are different in their fragrance, they are still ouds and sandalwoods,

and if a person isn't familiar with the smell at all, i probably can't explain it to them.

So i thought that this brief overview will be enough for those who love natural ouds, and for those who don't - to decide whether Ensar Oud is something for them or not.

I think that this brand would be a perfect fit only for those who love pure natural perfume ingredients.

And, of course, it is a treasure find for perfumers who can use these amazing ouds to create new masterpieces.

If you're into natural fragrance materials, you are welcome to watch my video about natural musk and oud by arabian brand Absul Samad Al Qurashi (sorry, not translated into english yet!)

Thank you so much for watching my review, i hope you've enjoyed it!

xx Anisia

For more infomation >> Уды и сандалы Ensar Oud - сокровища для парфюмеров! Tigerwood Royale, Oud Yusuf | +ENG SUBS - Duration: 13:30.


Sunday Global Luxury Showcase of Homes 06-03-18 - Duration: 29:30.

For more infomation >> Sunday Global Luxury Showcase of Homes 06-03-18 - Duration: 29:30.


Keyboard Shortcuts: Tips for Text - Duration: 1:06.

We all know the basic keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + C for copy, and Ctrl + V for paste,

but did you know that you can use Ctrl + X to cut selected texts or items?

There are shortcuts for just about every command, but these are a few that can really help simplify your day while working with text.

Ctrl + Alt + V will open your paste special menu, so you can paste in plain text or even as a picture.

Ctrl + Backspace will delete an entire word to the left, and Ctrl + Delete will delete an entire word to the right.

Ctrl + Z will undo, while Ctrl + Y will redo.

Ctrl with either the Left or Right Arrow will move the cursor over a full word.

Ctrl + Up or Down Arrow will move the cursor to the beginning of the current,

or to the start of the next paragraph.

We hope that learning about these keyboard shortcuts will help you save some time and work as efficiently as possible.

For more infomation >> Keyboard Shortcuts: Tips for Text - Duration: 1:06.


#CarolNaRússia 15 perguntas sobre o meu mundo na Copa - Duration: 17:56.

For more infomation >> #CarolNaRússia 15 perguntas sobre o meu mundo na Copa - Duration: 17:56.


Gossip U&D, Tina e Gemma hanno fatto pace dopo mesi di guerra - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Tina e Gemma hanno fatto pace dopo mesi di guerra - Duration: 4:02.


Gossip U&D, Tina e Gemma hanno fatto pace dopo mesi di guerra - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Gossip U&D, Tina e Gemma hanno fatto pace dopo mesi di guerra - Duration: 4:02.


Trouver la liste des cookies d'un site avec Google Chrome - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Trouver la liste des cookies d'un site avec Google Chrome - Duration: 1:24.


PHOTOS – Mick Schumacher, le fils de Michael Schumacher, est vraiment le sosie de son père - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> PHOTOS – Mick Schumacher, le fils de Michael Schumacher, est vraiment le sosie de son père - Duration: 1:24.


✅ Thomas Dutronc et Imelda May bientôt parents ? Le rêve de Françoise Hardy - Duration: 1:43.

S'il est une chose qu'elle voudrait, c'est que son fils, Thomas Dutronc, connaisse les joies de la paternité. Cette confidence, la chanteuse l'a faite dans les pages du magazine «Gala », où elle se livre longuement

«J'aimerais que Thomas connaisse le bonheur d'être parent », confie Françoise Hardy, qui aimerait avoir enfin un petit-fils ou une petite-fille de son fils unique le chanteur Thomas Dutronc, fruit de sa relation avec Jacques Dutronc

Ce dernier, d'après une information révélée en 2015, par le magazine «Ici Paris », l'affirmait en couple avec Imelda May, une chanteuse irlandaise

Les deux supposés amoureux se connaissent depuis de très longues années. Ils avaient partagé la scène en 2012 lors d'une apparition très remarquée sur le plateau de « Taratata », l'émission musicale présentée par Nagui

'Ils avaient récidivé en 2013 en chantant ensemble Clint (silence on tourne)', poursuivait la publication qui se demandait à quel moment leur amitié s'est transformée en relation amoureuse ? 'Nul ne le sait, mais l'accord est désormais parfait', indiquait l'hebdomadaire, qui affirmait que Thomas Dutronc aurait déjà présenté sa douce à son papa, Jacques Dutronc, installé en Corse

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