Saturday, June 2, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 2 2018

what is a P38 how to open a can with a P38 how to use a P38 can opener

hi it's alaskagranny do you have a P38 can opener and you're wondering how it

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rock it back you press you rock it back and you keep going around the can it's

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For more infomation >> What Is A P38- How To Open a Can With a P38 - Duration: 2:05.


Best Websites For Online Jobs | How To Get A Jobs | Part Time Jobs Websites | Online Jobs - Duration: 12:41.

Best Websites For Online Jobs

How To Get A Jobs

Part Time Jobs Websites

Online Jobs

For more infomation >> Best Websites For Online Jobs | How To Get A Jobs | Part Time Jobs Websites | Online Jobs - Duration: 12:41.


【Mavic Air Drone Cosplay Malaysia🇲🇾#3】【黒猫 yousa 泠鸢 】【GUMI Black Cat Malay Indo Sub CC】Orchid Gardens - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> 【Mavic Air Drone Cosplay Malaysia🇲🇾#3】【黒猫 yousa 泠鸢 】【GUMI Black Cat Malay Indo Sub CC】Orchid Gardens - Duration: 5:01.


Sonic Generations - Rainbow Road Medley Pizza Rank (S Rank) - 2018 Edition - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Sonic Generations - Rainbow Road Medley Pizza Rank (S Rank) - 2018 Edition - Duration: 4:14.


YouTubers Union UPDATE▷So Far So Good, plus Sad News Report 5/31◁ - Duration: 12:37.

Hello and welcome to the YouTubers Union!

It's been about a month now since I've uploaded the first video and we had some phenomenal success since then and

This is just a little update

we have about

16,000 members now and I guess 10% of them are creators

having a total of between 40 and 60 million subscribers and

Been on YouTube with about a total of 250 thousand videos altogether

We have seen some major coverage by other youtubers, bloggers,

by online and print press radio interviews, and I even have some TV interviews coming up .

So this was what happens when you mess with influencers, they have influence!

Of course, we still have the Facebook group and I invite everyone who isn't a member already to join us

Which is really our news blog page. So this is not where we really discussed

individual issues and for individual discussions

We have a forum and the forms also

pretty active and well kept I guess the biggest news is that we actually had a meeting with four people from YouTube and

The top dock was actually the global head of monetization so fairly high up and it was a good discussion

we've been talking about all the points that we had for monetization and

Actually for the first time ever YouTube admitted officially that there is hidden the monetization

so even videos that look completely green dollars and everything are

Probably d monetized at least in part

So that a lot of advertisers will use an option to kick them out

and therefore that is the reason why we see a lot less income on anything that has

Something remotely to do with the socially

Controversial content but also it becomes really really clear that YouTube's its links and departments

This means that the guy is a lot responsible for monetization have nothing to do with the partners and they don't actually care much about

Partners and creators they care for what they are measured against in their how many advertisements they're bringing in

And that is a part of what we're seeing here. Is that you know

you get kicked from all kinds of directions as a creator and

There are different people responsible for this at YouTube, but it's it's not a common

Entity it feels for us like it is a common entity

But it isn't these first discussions have been pretty good and they told me many times

How valuable this is and what kind of good feedback that is

but we will see they would have set this in any case no matter what I if I probably have said that I think we

Need a new pope. They probably would have said this is good feedback tools

In any case we will see what comes out of it. They invited me for further discussions and that is really great

So I will not accept any stalling and I will not accept any holo blah blah

I want to see action, too

but for now

I'm really happy that you to bring knowledge is us and then we have a say in the things that happen

Now what we also did is we had a survey actually two surveys one for users and one for creators

Because we know so many that statistically what we do is highly relevant

therefore I asked a few questions and the outcome has been very very very interesting because it proves that first of all the

subscription notification system is completely broken or

tampered with by YouTube

and also that the entire trending recommended thing is flawed because it is absolutely clear that

Monetization plays a role even though YouTube totally denies

This forty eight point eight percent of the users are unhappy with the upload notification system

60 percent of the users report missing notifications, even for Bell subscriptions YouTube says this isn't happening

Forty four point two percent of the users have been d-sub from channels

75 percent of the creators have experienced the monetization. That's quite a number

Forty percent of the creators experience filtering even for monetized videos

Seventy one point two percent of the creator's think that people are being deceived

The income of the creator's is down on average and very significantly so now of course people can say that this is not representative because

You know the YouTube Union only has members that are unhappy with YouTube and that is true

This is a very very representative study for those who are unhappy with things at YouTube. Obviously

Those are more than just a few but it absolutely cannot be denied that something is wrong with the subscription

Notification system then also it is totally clear that this is not platform dependent

Because I asked people what platforms they are using and it is all over it is on desktop

It is on iPhone and it is on Android so there is is

So this is not a platform specific bug and I have a suspicion that this actually has been tampered with

By YouTube pushes the scandal because I think it's actually fraud because they are telling people if you click on this bell symbol

Then you will get a notification

Any time this channel is uploading a video and it's not happening and that is not right

You know, they don't give people what they want

They give people what they think is valuable for their business and that is absolutely a no-no

All right

So a few questions that have been brought up to me that I'd like to address

First of all, when will we start with actual measures?

Well, it's too early because right now YouTube is still talking to us. They are negotiating. It's an open discussion

This is not the time to really do something against them

But of course my patience isn't very very long-lasting

If I see that they stall we will immediately kick into action and that may be very soon

Then of course, the next question is what is a typical measure? You know, what can we do against YouTube?

Well, we can we can hit them where it hurts

I would simply ask the creators amongst us to stop uploading full videos to YouTube for a while

Maybe two weeks or maybe three weeks and instead uploading the content to any other platform

I don't care if it's Facebook or Vimeo or whatever, you know

Whatever you view like and and then only put teasers onto YouTube with a link to the real video

Because that hits YouTube heart what they hate the most is that people leave the platform and this is exactly what people would do

They would leave the YouTube platform. And I think this would be a very cool measure

But it's too early yet

then very often people say well then look for something else start an own website or go to

Full 30 go to Vimeo. Whatever go to pornhub by all means. Well, first of all, let me make it very clear

This is the youtubers union. This is not the YouTube Critters Union. This means we want to make youtube a better platform

We want to go back to what used to be YouTube and we also money enhanced version of YouTube

But what we don't want is we don't want to leave that platform behind

Because there's too much hard blood that we put into it

but also

Where do you want to go to?

what does it take for an alternative platform to really be serious competition for YouTube from the

perspective of a creator who needs to make a living

well, first of all, it needs to have an income system for the creators that is worth something something and

Second it needs to have good infrastructure. We need a good software platform that's reliable and relatively bug free

We need a good recommendation trending system

so new users will find our videos and what we also definitely need is traffic and

That is one thing that most of the alternative platforms right now don't have you know

Things happen on YouTube things don't happen on Vimeo and they don't happen on full30 and they they probably happen at pornhub

But not the kind of action that we like to see

some cause

If you look at the alternative that forms Vimeo well memmio

Doesn't have a way for creators to earn money actually costs money to run the channel on Vimeo. So that is a no-no

But then full30 which is right now only open to invited channels

This also has very little traffic and we have some creators that tested it

And are very unhappy and actually left the platform again because of software issues, but also financial problems

Then we have pornhub which they certainly have the infrastructure. They're hosting

Videos and really so they could host just a few more but then their business model is completely different

pornhub makes money by playing small dirty video clips

actually trailers something and then that is supposed to bring people over to

Subscribed platform so they have to pay money for seemed full version

There may work with hardcore pornography was probably not working with

Socially controversial content like gun videos like news they'd also record about revolution and war and all these things

Therefore I don't think that pornhub is an alternative either

And then there's dailymotion and they are probably the most hopeful platform that we have out there

But they still lack traffic massively lack traffic, you know

So there's some serious limitation on resolution of the video and on length and all these things

So but that is our alternative that one day may actually rival YouTube but right now it's not okay

Alright, then, of course, we have a lot of questions about the recent shooting at the YouTube headquarters in San Bruno

first of all, let me say this is a terrible incident and I hope that the poor victims will recover swiftly and fully

We actually condemn these actions

Violence is not the way to go and it's not needed we can do this together with YouTube

We can negotiate we can make the platform better by dialogue by talking to each other and not by killing each other

But it also shows how much anger and frustration

YouTube's change of policy created this was actually very brutal harsh unannounced and also

because of the lack of communication it was also really making people angry and this is what happens when you make thousands and thousands of

Some of them may have mental problems already and may snap because of this and I believe this is what happened in San Bruno

We still of course is not right and it's I'm not saying that it's use YouTube's followed that that woman snapped. I

stopped getting views

So this is because I'm being filtered at this point the investigation

It is believed that the suspect was upset with policies and practices of YouTube

This appears to be the motive of this for this incident. We know that she was upset with YouTube and

We've determined that right now that's the motivation that we've identified

This is just actually the result also a result of what they did to a lot of people, you know

YouTube gave a lot of people like some kind of taste how it is to be famous

Popular and successful and then they took it all the way so, you know

That's why I'm saying we need to have monetization bringing brought back to small channels

It's not the money because these channels made almost no money before it's just pocket money is on the cash

It's to hope that is the problem, you know

You should pull the rug from underneath these people and they by taking away the hope that one day they may be

successful and make a living from YouTube

And now it's all over because the videos that are not monetized obviously because of this is what it is

We are not listed in trending and in a minute as much and therefore

It's almost hopeless. All these small channels. Saw a loss of use not just the loss of monetization

They also saw that they're losing subscribers and views and this actually is what torments people therefore I'm saying bring this back

So that was my update for today

And I also would like to add a small call to action

Please share this it is in the public domain. It's actually

Creative Commons

So everybody can take all of it or parts of it and spread it spread the word go on Facebook and bring people

To our union because the more we are the higher our chances are that we can change something

Remember united we stand and united we will succeed

Thanks, and bye. Bye

For more infomation >> YouTubers Union UPDATE▷So Far So Good, plus Sad News Report 5/31◁ - Duration: 12:37.


FRED WANTS TO BE AN ASTRONAUT! CAREERS ADVICE - Big Ted + Fred - Funny Stuffed Animal Videos - Duration: 7:24.

Ted: Hello son

Fred: Hey daddy

Ted: Yes How are you?

Fred: Oh I'm ok thank you Daddy. I have just been thinking. I was in my bedroom and thinking what do I want to be when I'm older

Ted: Oh, that's good. I thought we decided that. But okay, what do you want to be?

Fred: Oh well what did we decide?

Ted: I thought we decided you were going to be a lawyer

Fred: Oh no. That's boring

Ted: You do lots of studying which you really enjoy!

Fred: No, I don't like studying daddy and you know I don't like studying you make me study all the time.

Fred: No I want to be an astronaut.

Ted: Astronaut?

Fred: Yeah, an astronaut then I get to go up to space in a rocket it would be so cool. It'll be just like Star Trek

Ted: Well no it's not like Star Trek at all.

Fred: Yes it is. I get to go up into the spaceship and see all of the planets and all of the weird alien people and I get to go on away missions and it will be so exciting.

Ted: No no no no. It's not at all like that. It's actually quite boring you just go to this like weird place where you just sit there all day

Ted: And it's very dangerous son. It's it's not worth it. It's not worth the hassle.

Fred: Why's it dangerous?

Ted: Well, cuz there's black holes and there's the atmosphere Fred: Black Holes? What's a black hole?

Ted: A black hole. You can just get sucked into it. But no one knows what's in there or...

Fred: Oh, but that sounds exciting. I want to go in a black hole.

Fred: I want to be the first bear to go into a black hole.

Ted: No no, no, no. You'll probably die son. it is unknown. It's dangerous. It's scary. Fred: Oh no. I don't want to die.

Ted: Excatly. Exactly [Fred starts crying]

Fred: Okay, okay, I don't want to be an astronaut anymore.

Fred: I want to be a racing car driving. Yes so exciting. I get a fast car and gets me like...

[Fred imitates a car]

Fred: I'm going left

[Fred imitates a car]

Fred: I'm going right

[Fred and Ted imitates a car]

Ted: Crash into a wall.

[Ted imitates a car]

Ted: Crash into someone else

[Ted imitates a car]

Ted: Crash into another competitor

[Ted imitates a car]

Ted: Die

[Ted imitates a car] Fred: Oh no.

Ted: Blazing inferno [Ted imitates a car]

[Fred starts crying]

Fred: Stop it Daddy. Stop it Ted: It's very dangerous

Ted: I'm sorry son. It's ver dangerous you see.

Fred: I don't want to be a racing car driver anymore. Ted: Yes. Yes. That's good.

Fred: I know. I know. I want to be a bullfighter.

Ted: A bullfighter?

Fred: Yes Daddy. A bullfighter. That sounds really exciting.

Fred: I get to play with the bull in the ring and he looks so nice and cute I wanna play with him all day long

Fred: I get to run around and have fun. Ah that sounds really, really good.

Ted: Do you know what a bullfighter is son? Fred: Yes

Fred: Fights with bulls.

Ted: They are not nice and cute when they start charging at you son.

Fred: Oh but why would he be charging at me? I thought I was just going to play with him

Ted: No you don't play with him. The point is they don't like the color red...

Ted: so you dangle something in front of them and it's a daring feat of how close the bull can get to hitting you but it's dangerous

Fred: But that's mean Daddy. Why would they do that? It's like taunting him.

Ted: Yes that's pretty much it son. It's a bit of a...

Fred: Oh it's like bear baiting. I don't like it. Ted: I don't like bear baiting either no.

Ted: No. No. It's not good fun.

Fred: Okay, what about a surgeon? Ted: Surgeon?

Fred: I wanna be really cool like in tv shows like in Grey's Anatomy and stuff yeah.

Ted: I don't know why you're watching Grey's Anatomy. I'm not letting you and I don't know where you got that from.

Ted: But being a sergeant has its own set of problems son. It it's not it's not dangerous in the literal sense of you might die

Ted: But it has it's own mental pressures son it you have someone's life in your hands.

Fred: Oh! I don't want someone's life in my hands.

Ted: Yes son so if you make a mistake...

Fred: I want to do little operations like ankles. Ted: Oh well.

Ted: Well, I'm afraid that don't really possible son. Fred: Ohhh. Ok.

Fred: Oh I know. Cowboy. Can I be a cowboy daddy? Ted: Cowboy?

Fred: I'll be riding around on a horse and shoot guns and then like go to bars and taverns and things

Fred: And I get to wear those cool spiky things on my feet and then it'd be really really cool. If anyone came up to me. I'd be like ergh

Fred: kick them with my spiky feet. Yeah.

Ted: No no son. Being a cowboy is also dangerous and also not really a job anymore

Fred: What? Oh. There's no job for a cowboy.

Ted: Not around here there isn't Fred: Ohhh

Fred: Oh. I thought I could look in the paper and then it be like 'I need a cowboy' and then I'm like 'Yay. I'm a cowboy'.

Ted: No son. Being a Cowboy is also dangerous. You might fall off your horse and die

Fred: Die? Ted: More likely break your back.

Fred: Oh. Oh no. I like my back to not be broken there it is. I like it just how it is Ted: Well yes yes.

Fred: I don't know what to be anymore.

Ted: Oh well I have got a couple of suggestions. Fred: Yes Daddy Yes

Ted: If you don't want to be a lawyer anymore... Fred: Are they exciting?

Fred: Oh I know. Is it a mad scientist?

Ted: No. Fred: Er. Galactic Superhero?

Ted: No Fred: Interplanetary police force?

Ted: No Fred: Ohh. Fireman?

Ted: No. No my job is far more exciting than all of those.

Fred: Oh, oh, yeah, okay tell me

Ted: Well the first job is you you could be...

Ted: a call centre worker Fred: Ohh. How exciting. Ooh ooh ooh

Fred: What do we get to do? Is it a bit like being like James Bond

Ted: No not quite. It's better than that. Fred: Oh brilliant. OK

Ted: Yes so you get a phone

Fred: Oh yes. I like phones. Is it mobile phone?

Ted: No, no. No. It's just like a handset

Fred: Oh. Can I play games on it?

Ted: No, it's not a smartphone. it's just a phone

Fred: Oh. What's that? I don't even know what that is.

Ted: Basically all you can do is call people

Fred: What's the point of that? That sounds so stupid, but where'd you just want to call anyone?

Fred: I want to use Whatsapp and Snapchat and want to go on all of the cool stuff on the internet

Ted: No son. Anyway what you do is you get that phone and you call people.

Ted: And you either sell them stuff... Fred: Why can't I Whatsapp them?

Ted: Well, I don't know son. That's just what the job enrols. You just call people. It's the most direct way... Fred: That's stupid.

Fred: That sounds stupid Daddy. Why wouldn't you just Whatsapp or Snapchat them? I don't understand. Let's give it any they don't give it when you did whatever snapchat them

Fred: Nobody talks on the phone anymore. Ted: But lots of people don't have Whatsapp or Snapchat.

Fred: Yes they do Ted: Not older people. Yeah

Ted: Well you mainly call older people. You just call them and you sell them stuff and then whoever sells the most wins.

Fred: No. don't want to. No. Sounds rubbish. Ted: Great fun. Yes

Ted: Alright. Alright. I have got a second suggestion.

Fred: Okay. Is this one really exciting because the last one was rubbish? Ted: Yes.

Fred: Ok. Yes.

Ted: Yes so I think you'd be great as a painter.

Fred: Painter? Oh. Oh

Fred: Okay. Do I get to paint loads of nice little pretty pictures, ah, no it wasn't well well

Ted: Er. No [Ted Hesitates]

Ted: Well, I I would say yes but I'm just not quite sure you'll make enough money out of it. Oh

Fred: Oh. Ok. So what do I do?

Ted: Well, so you paint walls and things and then...

Fred: Painting Walls?

Ted: Yes so you paint a wall

Fred: Lots of... Lots of colours?

Ted: Er. No. Usually one colour.

Fred: Oh. Is it going to be a bright colour like pink?

Ted: Well if they want it but usually it's probably white.

Fred: White? That's the most boring of all the colours and I have to paint a whole wall.

Ted: You paint a wall and then you watch it dry son!

Fred: Watch it dry! No! Ted: Yes!

Fred: Oh no! Oh Daddy! I don't want a job anymore. No. [starts crying] Ted: Freddy! Freddy!

Ted: Ohhh. Oh dear.

For more infomation >> FRED WANTS TO BE AN ASTRONAUT! CAREERS ADVICE - Big Ted + Fred - Funny Stuffed Animal Videos - Duration: 7:24.


The Last O.G. On TBS

For more infomation >> The Last O.G. On TBS


CE QU'IL S'EST VRAIMENT PASSÉ CHEZ NINTENDO ! Pokebook - Hors-série - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> CE QU'IL S'EST VRAIMENT PASSÉ CHEZ NINTENDO ! Pokebook - Hors-série - Duration: 2:17.


Ford Ka 1.2 Titanium X s/s - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Ford Ka 1.2 Titanium X s/s - Duration: 1:06.


SENS-OPEN 2018 | Official Trailer ! - Duration: 2:37.

Hello everybody, I'm Antoine,

If you watch this video, it's probably that you are a Speedcuber

to solve the Rubik's Cube the fastest as possible.

Today, with Peter Grassard, we are proud to announce you...

the officialisation of our Speedcubing's competition in France:

the SENS-OPEN 2018 !

The competition will takes place from 25 to 26 august in the "salle des fêtes" of Maillot,

a small village adjoining the city of Sens

in department named "Yonne " (number 89 in France)

Sens is accessible by TER's type train from Paris

and also accessible by train from Lyon

It will welcome up to 80 competitors.

Every levels are accepted,

and if this competition will your first competition ever,

we will be happy to accompanying you during this new unique experience !

To register, it's very easy:

you have to click the link in the description (rubric inscription)

which you will conduct you at our page on World Cube Association's website.

If you are an AFS's member ,

or that it's your first competition,

registration is free, you don't have to pay online.

Just wait for us to validate your registration.

On the other hand, registration cost 1€,

and is payable online after have submit your registration.

Without payment, your registration will not validate et you will stay in the waiting list.

If you want to know more about it,

there a link below this video.

We are going to propose you:






3x3x3 One-handed,

3x3x3 Blindfolded,




and of course: 3x3x3

With the help of AFS,

Lina Tissier, our WCA's delegate

François Grassard our communication leader,

and our Sponsors:

QiYi Mofangge and SpeedCubeShop,

We are going to propose you a new unique experience.

Hello, it's 'Stéphane Bern' (french tv personality)

With desire to propose you new contents,

we have decided to add an extra step of the French's Speedcubing's modernisation.

There will be video's projections in the room

in addition to a possible live Twitch on the AFS channel.

Furthermore, our Sponsors deserve to have a good thoughts about french's Speedcubing !

Do you want to come?

Register now and join the adventure !


For more infomation >> SENS-OPEN 2018 | Official Trailer ! - Duration: 2:37.


Changes - Msp version - Duration: 2:04.

Baby I don't understand this

You're changing I can't stand it

My heart can't take this damage

And the way I feel, can't stand it

For more infomation >> Changes - Msp version - Duration: 2:04.


Jeff Sessions Is In Big Trouble Because - Duration: 13:37.

Jeff Sessions Is In Big Trouble Because Of This Closed Door Meeting

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is once again in hot water.

Sessions has come under fire for caving into media pressure and recusing himself from the

Russia investigation.

But now news is breaking that one closed door meeting has made him a key witness for Robert


The New York Times broke a story about a previously unreported closed door meeting between President

Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions that took place at Mar-a-Lago in 2017, shortly

after Sessions announced he would recuse himself from the Russia investigation.

Trump was furious with the decision – he later said had Sessions informed him of this

fact before he took office, he never would have selected him to be Attorney General – and

urged him to reverse it.

The New York Times reports:


















Trump correctly predicted that the investigation would spiral out of control once Sessions

was sidelined.

Deep State bureaucrat Rod Rosenstein assumed control of the Russia probe.

And Rosenstein used the first excuse available to appoint Robert Mueller as special counsel

to dig into the 2016 election and Trump's subsequent conduct in office.

The story in the Washington Post that revealed Sessions had met with the Russian Ambassador

and didn't disclose of it in his Senate testimony – even though the FBI agents who

helped Sessions with his confirmation forms told him that since it was in his capacity

as a Senator and not a Trump campaign official he did not have to report it – was clearly

phase one of a two-part strategy.

The second phase of the silent coup was counting on a "by-the-book" bureaucrat like Rosenstein

stepping into Sessions' position of authority and appointing a special counsel.

Rosenstein played his part to perfection.

Now Mueller is targeting Sessions as a key witness in his crusade to concoct a ridiculous

fairy tale that President Trump obstructed justice.

Sessions could pay a severe price for his weakness once the Mueller investigation wraps


There is no evidence of collusion and the allegations that Trump obstructed justice

by firing James Comey – when the Constitution affords him the power to fire any Executive

Branch official at any time, for any reason – is a farce.

In an interview with Fox and Friends, President Trump alluded to taking action at the Justice

Department once the Mueller witch hunt ends.

That suggests Sessions and Rosenstein will be fired for enabling Mueller to eat away

at Trump's Presidency with his investigation.

We will keep you up to date on any new developments in this story.

Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our stories in our readers' newsfeeds and

is instead promoting mainstream media sources.

When you share to your friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.

Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with your


and family.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Jeff Sessions Is In Big Trouble Because - Duration: 13:37.


メルセデス・ベンツ、「E 400」に替わりエンジンのパワーが向上した「E 450」を発表! - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> メルセデス・ベンツ、「E 400」に替わりエンジンのパワーが向上した「E 450」を発表! - Duration: 2:56.


Sonic Generations - Rainbow Road Medley Pizza Rank (S Rank) - 2018 Edition - Duration: 4:14.

For more infomation >> Sonic Generations - Rainbow Road Medley Pizza Rank (S Rank) - 2018 Edition - Duration: 4:14.


[PARODIE] Pirates des Caraibes 2 : Le Secret du Coffre Maudit - Bande Annonce - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> [PARODIE] Pirates des Caraibes 2 : Le Secret du Coffre Maudit - Bande Annonce - Duration: 2:11.


Le mystère de la fortune de Kadhafi - Duration: 8:14.

For more infomation >> Le mystère de la fortune de Kadhafi - Duration: 8:14.


Et ta thèse? #0 - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Et ta thèse? #0 - Duration: 5:58.


王菲謝霆鋒飛機秀恩愛,可張柏芝這張照片贏得實在漂亮! - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> 王菲謝霆鋒飛機秀恩愛,可張柏芝這張照片贏得實在漂亮! - Duration: 8:16.


Il a demandé à une fille de 16 ans de lui envoyer sa photo nue sous la douche, .. - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Il a demandé à une fille de 16 ans de lui envoyer sa photo nue sous la douche, .. - Duration: 4:46.


10 preuves que vous avez affaire à une personne narcissique - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> 10 preuves que vous avez affaire à une personne narcissique - Duration: 10:36.


新車登録台数、0.6%減の23万6023台で2か月ぶりのマイナス 5月 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 新車登録台数、0.6%減の23万6023台で2か月ぶりのマイナス 5月 - Duration: 3:53.


Renault Captur Energy dCi 90pk S&S Dynamique Trekh Navi - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Renault Captur Energy dCi 90pk S&S Dynamique Trekh Navi - Duration: 1:09.


✅ Barbara (Secret Story 11) topless : Elle s'agace d'avoir dû "censurer" son clip - Duration: 2:11.

Lundi 28 mai 2018, Barbara Opsomer a dévoilé le clip de son nouveau single, Ta plus belle insomnie

Au lendemain de cette grande première, l'ex-habitante de la Maison des Secrets de Secret Story 11 a pris la parole pour regretter que la vidéo ne présente finalement que très peu de nudité

C'est en commentaire d'une photo d'elle en noir et blanc, où elle prend justement la pose topless, que Barbara a écrit : "J'ai toujours aimé la nudité, le corps, la sensualité

J'aime le corps humain, ses courbes, ses formes, sa peau. Je n'ai jamais eu peur de me montrer, de dévoiler ni d'oser

Je n'ai pas honte de moi, et j'aime mon corps comme il est." La chanteuse que l'on a vue dans la dernière édition des Anges sur NRJ12 – et qui a récemment poussé un coup de gueule après avoir été prise pour une prostituée – a continué : "Pour l'anecdote, je voulais aller encore plus loin dans le clip de Ta plus belle insomnie, mais les conventions morales et parce qu'aujourd'hui on n'ose pas, on ose moins, j'ai dû me limiter

Et je trouve ça dommage qu'en 2018 on censure ce qui fait de nous des humaines, surtout quand nous sommes des femmes

Je n'aurai jamais honte de la femme que je suis." Pour rappel, avant de faire son entrée dans Secret Story 11, Barbara avait déjà donné de la voix, notamment via un single entraînant intitulé Je sors ce soir

(Re)Découvrez le clip de Ta plus belle insomnie dès à présent dans notre player !

For more infomation >> ✅ Barbara (Secret Story 11) topless : Elle s'agace d'avoir dû "censurer" son clip - Duration: 2:11.


Comment Donald Trump a-t-il demandé Melania Trump en mariage ? - Duration: 1:40.

For more infomation >> Comment Donald Trump a-t-il demandé Melania Trump en mariage ? - Duration: 1:40.


5 signes qui prouvent que vous êtes déconnectée de votre mec - Duration: 6:24.

For more infomation >> 5 signes qui prouvent que vous êtes déconnectée de votre mec - Duration: 6:24.


Les Saoudiennes autorisées à conduire : l'écran de fumée qui masque la répression - Duration: 9:36.

For more infomation >> Les Saoudiennes autorisées à conduire : l'écran de fumée qui masque la répression - Duration: 9:36.


J'ai rencontré mon mec sur un site de rencontre et tout va bien, merci - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> J'ai rencontré mon mec sur un site de rencontre et tout va bien, merci - Duration: 7:35.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


Vitamin D Capsules For Cure Diabetes | Vitamin D And Cure Diabetes - Duration: 4:05.

vitamin D therapy for diabetes the finds of vitamin D deficiency can range from

bone pain and muscle weakness to depression and weaken the immune system

while longer term deficiency can result in obesity high blood pressure

psoriasis osteoporosis chronic fatigue alzhiemer's disease cancer and type 2

diabetes however most of the Western countries

are deficient in vitamin D including many patients with type 2 diabetes due

to a limited sunlight exposure caused by a number of factors including more time

spent at home in the office or the core shorter days in winter sunscreen used in

summer and fears of skin cancer vitamin D therapy may help in the treatment of

diabetes according to the findings of a new study that was published in this

cell journal vitamin D which is sometimes referred to as the sunshine

vitamin provides various health benefits such as protecting you from colds and

flu however the latest research shows that vitamin D may also help in the

fight against diabetes researchers from the Salk Institute wrote in a published

study that one of the primary causes in a progression of type 2 diabetes is

their dysfunction of bitter cells in the pancreas

when these better cells stop working the body becomes unable to create insulin to

control a person's blood sugar allowing glucose levels to increase to dangerous

levels however the scientists discovered the vitamin D therapy is capable of

treating the damage to the beta cells using with ourselves that were created

from embryonic stem cells the researchers identified a compound named

IBRD 9 that worker with the vitamin D to help the recovery of the bitter cells in

tests on a mouse model of diabetes the vitamin D therapy brought glucose back

to normal levels in the animal subjects the combination of the compound with

vitamin D triggered the anti-inflammatory function of the beta

cells generous helping them survive the researchers said that no side effects

were observed on the mice that received the compound however further testing is

required before clinical trials on humans can be

vitamin D has previously been linked with diabetes when the epidemiologist

found that the lack of vitamin D gave healthy people they are higher risk for

diabetes vitamin D which received its name as their sunshine vitamin because

it is created in our skin when exposed to direct sunlight also helps keep our

bones healthy and aids in calcium and phosphorus absorption as well as

assisting glycemic control increase in your levels of vitamin D can also helps

to aid weight loss studies have shown that good vitamin D status helps to

reduce a parathyroid hormone PTH levels which in the long term may promote

weight loss and reduce risk of obesity which is a major risk factor for type 2

diabetes is regulate the appetite vitamin D can increase your body's

levels of the hormone leptin which controls body fat storage and triggers

the sensation of satiety giving the feeling of having eaten enough and thus

lowering hunger levels reduce belly fat and increase in vitamin D can help lower

levels all for Krystal a stress hormone produced in the adrenal glands

cholesterol is involved in a number of important functions including the body's

response to stress and regulation of blood pressure but higher unmowed

prolong levels of the hormone in the blood can lead to increased abdominal

fat which is linked to various health conditions including diabetes type 2

thank you for watching this video like and subscribe for more videos


For more infomation >> Vitamin D Capsules For Cure Diabetes | Vitamin D And Cure Diabetes - Duration: 4:05.


Depuis que j'utilise cette astuce naturelle, je n'ai plus d'insectes à la maison - Duration: 6:40.

For more infomation >> Depuis que j'utilise cette astuce naturelle, je n'ai plus d'insectes à la maison - Duration: 6:40.


8 manières d'atténuer vos rides - Duration: 8:34.

For more infomation >> 8 manières d'atténuer vos rides - Duration: 8:34.



English subtitles available

Hello and welcome AIRSOFT REVIEW We meet today to discover a novelty that was transmitted to us by our partner Evolution International.

The product transmitted today is part of one of their brand which is Evolution Airsoft in the range COMBAT SERIES EVOLUTION RECON


What do you find in the package? The replica is well maintained in its molded cardboard package, a metal Mag 300 BBS, an additional spring E120 and its user manual

There is also a certificate of tests and checks carried out before shipment which allows to receive a compliant and functional product.

Let's move on to the exterior design of this RECON Replica. We start on the basis of an AR manufactured in metal of very good quality, but also a hand guard in KEYMOD format allowing to install your accessories on the different rails picatinny

The whole of the replica seems solid and presents no game that it is at the level of the body or the stock

This replica weighs 2.5kg with the MAG for 690 mm to 770 mm deployed stock

Let's discover the external in more detail: It is therefore composed of a metal sound amplifier which enters the handguard and mounted in 14 mm anti-clockwise on an external aluminum CNC barrel

Its 253 mm ALUMINUM CNC rail in KEYMOD version receiving 3 zones to mount the 3 additional rails supplied with the replica and a large high picatinny rail

Two detachable, foldable and adjustable ABS sights.

Its UPPER and LOWER are made of metal of very good quality guaranteeing the solidity of this one. Etchings of the Evolution Airsoft brand, the model and the unique serial number that corresponds to the manufacturer's test sheet

Then we discover the usual elements: the firing selector, the eject button charger and the charging handle giving access to the setting of the HOPUP by the ejection window dummy cartridge

The bolt catch is not functional on this replica.

Then its polymer pistol handle covered with its stippling molded effect and allowing quick access to the engine without tools while leaving the possibility to adjust the motor clamp and named FAST DETACH

Its stock of type SOPMOD allows him a setting on 6 positions quickly and equipped with a QD location, the buffer tube is metal and will be able to house your battery

It can be seen the absence of strap attachment on the buffer tube

Then we finish with his Mag 300 BBS metal.

Now let's move on to internal features: This replica receives a reinforced GEARBOX V2 ready to receive the E.T.S (the electronic trigger system of the brand Evolution airsoft)

The intern is equipped: - HIGH TORQUE long axis motor - Reinforced steel gears with delayer - bearing spring guide

- A piston head, cylinder head, polymer nozzle - A steel teeth polymer piston - A silver brass cylinder - 8 mm Bearings

The GEARBOX allows a quick change of spring by removing only the tube buffer to access it.

It receives a 265 mm brass 6.01 internal barrel mounted on an ABS hopup block that allows better operation in cold weather

EVOLUTION AIRSOFT equips the original replica with an E100 spring giving a power of 330 FPS in 0.20 and an additional spring E120 which allows to increase the power to 400 FPS.

The springs that make up this replica are manufactured by EVOLUTION AIRSOFT in Italy

The manufacturer announces that this replica is capable of supporting lipo 11.1V which we will test to know its reactivity and rate.

We pass the test at 25 meters in lipo 11.1V in BBS 0.25g SPRING E100 on target, targeting mainly the head to know the accuracy at this distance

We pass the test at 50 meters in lipo 11.1V in BBS 0.25g SPRING E100 on target

We pass the test at 60 meters in lipo 11.1V in BBS 0.25g SPRING E120 on target

we will test in FULL AUTO, but at this distance the BBS will probably lose precision.

Let's go to Negative and Positive points: positive: A well finished and pleasant replica. An internal gun in 6.01 which is rare on replicas at the end of the package and gives very good performance.

A reinforced V2 gearbox that will allow use without going through a reliability of the internal. The presence of an extra spring for players wishing to increase the power of the replica. negative: A slight spring noise during shots. An absence of the original ETS that could increase the performance and make even more reliable the internal of this replica. The lack of a strap fastener on the tube buffer. A stick not allowing to put a battery double stick

Here is the review of the RECON UX4 10 inch AMPLIFIED METAL TAN brand EVOLUTION AIRSOFT completed.

Find all the links of AIRSOFT REVIEW and our partner in the description of the video.

Do not forget to subscribe to our youtube channel and facebook page! We need you ! I'll see you soon! BYE BYE



CE QU'IL S'EST VRAIMENT PASSÉ CHEZ NINTENDO ! Pokebook - Hors-série - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> CE QU'IL S'EST VRAIMENT PASSÉ CHEZ NINTENDO ! Pokebook - Hors-série - Duration: 2:17.


SENS-OPEN 2018 | Official Trailer ! - Duration: 2:37.

Hello everybody, I'm Antoine,

If you watch this video, it's probably that you are a Speedcuber

to solve the Rubik's Cube the fastest as possible.

Today, with Peter Grassard, we are proud to announce you...

the officialisation of our Speedcubing's competition in France:

the SENS-OPEN 2018 !

The competition will takes place from 25 to 26 august in the "salle des fêtes" of Maillot,

a small village adjoining the city of Sens

in department named "Yonne " (number 89 in France)

Sens is accessible by TER's type train from Paris

and also accessible by train from Lyon

It will welcome up to 80 competitors.

Every levels are accepted,

and if this competition will your first competition ever,

we will be happy to accompanying you during this new unique experience !

To register, it's very easy:

you have to click the link in the description (rubric inscription)

which you will conduct you at our page on World Cube Association's website.

If you are an AFS's member ,

or that it's your first competition,

registration is free, you don't have to pay online.

Just wait for us to validate your registration.

On the other hand, registration cost 1€,

and is payable online after have submit your registration.

Without payment, your registration will not validate et you will stay in the waiting list.

If you want to know more about it,

there a link below this video.

We are going to propose you:






3x3x3 One-handed,

3x3x3 Blindfolded,




and of course: 3x3x3

With the help of AFS,

Lina Tissier, our WCA's delegate

François Grassard our communication leader,

and our Sponsors:

QiYi Mofangge and SpeedCubeShop,

We are going to propose you a new unique experience.

Hello, it's 'Stéphane Bern' (french tv personality)

With desire to propose you new contents,

we have decided to add an extra step of the French's Speedcubing's modernisation.

There will be video's projections in the room

in addition to a possible live Twitch on the AFS channel.

Furthermore, our Sponsors deserve to have a good thoughts about french's Speedcubing !

Do you want to come?

Register now and join the adventure !


For more infomation >> SENS-OPEN 2018 | Official Trailer ! - Duration: 2:37.


Gérer ses finances - Duration: 12:25.

For more infomation >> Gérer ses finances - Duration: 12:25.


YEŞİL UZAYLI TUZAĞA DÜŞÜYOR! 😱 - Minecraft - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> YEŞİL UZAYLI TUZAĞA DÜŞÜYOR! 😱 - Minecraft - Duration: 10:08.


MINIVERS - Xux en espadrilles - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> MINIVERS - Xux en espadrilles - Duration: 7:01.


Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:44.


Des huiles naturelles pour réactiver la pousse des cheveux - Duration: 9:02.

For more infomation >> Des huiles naturelles pour réactiver la pousse des cheveux - Duration: 9:02.


Et ta thèse? #0 - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Et ta thèse? #0 - Duration: 5:58.



For more infomation >> MỖI NGÀY LÀM 2 LẦN CÓ THỂ GIẢM VÀI CÂN SAU 1 THÁNG ĐANG GÂY SỐT Ở NHẬT BẢN - Duration: 4:38.


Opel Zafira Tourer BlitZ 1.4 Turbo 140pk Automaat | Leder | Navi - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Opel Zafira Tourer BlitZ 1.4 Turbo 140pk Automaat | Leder | Navi - Duration: 0:53.


Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Ford Kuga - Duration: 0:50.


Ford Ka Final Edition | Airco | 41000 km !! - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Ford Ka Final Edition | Airco | 41000 km !! - Duration: 1:05.


10 preuves que vous avez affaire à une personne narcissique - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> 10 preuves que vous avez affaire à une personne narcissique - Duration: 10:36.


Que dit votre chiffre préféré de votre personnalité ? - Duration: 8:07.

For more infomation >> Que dit votre chiffre préféré de votre personnalité ? - Duration: 8:07.


Ce que votre signe astrologique révèle sur vous - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Ce que votre signe astrologique révèle sur vous - Duration: 11:11.


Pizza capricciosa fatta in casa - ⏳ pronta in 9 ore - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Pizza capricciosa fatta in casa - ⏳ pronta in 9 ore - Duration: 4:03.


Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa

For more infomation >> Luis Fonsi - Échame La Culpa


최첨단 F-22 전투기에 구식 기관포가 장착된 이유 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> 최첨단 F-22 전투기에 구식 기관포가 장착된 이유 - 군사 기밀. - Duration: 5:32.


メルセデス・ベンツ、「E 400」に替わりエンジンのパワーが向上した「E 450」を発表! - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> メルセデス・ベンツ、「E 400」に替わりエンジンのパワーが向上した「E 450」を発表! - Duration: 2:56.


大戰全面爆發!伊朗再次對以色列發射600枚火箭彈,F16都炸成碎片 - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> 大戰全面爆發!伊朗再次對以色列發射600枚火箭彈,F16都炸成碎片 - Duration: 1:48.


한국 축구 국가대표팀 최종 명단 문선빈 이승우 확정, 김진수 권경원 이청용 3명 제외, 신태용 감독 23명 소집 오스트리아 출국 예정 - Duration: 8:43.

For more infomation >> 한국 축구 국가대표팀 최종 명단 문선빈 이승우 확정, 김진수 권경원 이청용 3명 제외, 신태용 감독 23명 소집 오스트리아 출국 예정 - Duration: 8:43.


미래의 전투기? 미군의 극비 실험기 프로젝트의 정체 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 9:29.

For more infomation >> 미래의 전투기? 미군의 극비 실험기 프로젝트의 정체 | KR ARMY | - Duration: 9:29.


新車登録台数、0.6%減の23万6023台で2か月ぶりのマイナス 5月 - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> 新車登録台数、0.6%減の23万6023台で2か月ぶりのマイナス 5月 - Duration: 3:53.


措手不及 這國獲得F35成中東最強空軍,令以色列無力回天 - Duration: 6:13.

For more infomation >> 措手不及 這國獲得F35成中東最強空軍,令以色列無力回天 - Duration: 6:13.



For more infomation >> COMO PONER UN CARRO JAGUAR F-TYPE V6 SC 340HP 2016 EN NEUTRAL. - Duration: 1:48.


Malesia, l'invasione delle falene giganti - Duration: 2:59.

For more infomation >> Malesia, l'invasione delle falene giganti - Duration: 2:59.



For more infomation >> TRA QUALCHE ANNO POTREBBERO ESSERCI F-35 DI SERIE A E F-35 DI SERIE B - Duration: 7:10.


If Blood Is Red Why Do Veins Look Blue - Duration: 4:42.

If Blood Is Red, Why Do Veins Look Blue?

Veins appear blue because light from veins must penetrate through layers of skin and fat before it reaches the eyes of the observer.

Since red and blue colors are of two different wavelengths, they penetrate the skin with different degrees of success.

As a result of this, bluish-green light is reflected off the blood and reaches the observer's eyes, making our veins appear blue.

Many believe that veins appear blue simply because the blood they carry is blue, due to its deficiency in oxygen.

It is often proposed that a higher concentration of carbon dioxide and a lack of oxygen give the venous blood a bluish-greenish tinge.

However, technically, that is completely inaccurate.

I remember back when I was in high school, when I was taught that the human heart dealt with two versions of blood:

one that was rich in oxygen (oxygenated blood) and one that was devoid of it (deoxygenated blood).

Veins & Arteries in Human body .

These two types of blood flowing throughout the body are usually represented through red and blue colors in diagrams.

That's probably the reason why lots of folks believe that the deoxygenated blood has a bluish tinge.

However, that's not the real reason.

Oxygenated and Deoxygenated Blood

You might already know that the heart is the central organ of our circulatory system.

It is also one of the most critical organs of the body, located above the lungs and slightly to the left, and beats as long as a person lives.

It's also arguably the hardest-working organ in the body.

Heart in Human Body

The heart pumps oxygenated blood (i.e., blood that is rich in oxygen) throughout the body with the help of arteries (which transport it to thousands of tissues).

Similarly, deoxygenated blood flows back to the heart, which then transports it to the lungs,

pulling the waste carbon dioxide out of the blood and expelling it from the body along the way.

Is Venous blood blue in color?

Contrary to what many people think, the blood in our veins, i.e., deoxygenated blood, is not blue.

In fact, no kind of human blood is blue.

If anything, deoxygenated blood is even redder than regular, oxygenated blood.

If you have ever had your blood drawn and noticed its color, you would clearly know that deoxygenated blood is a dark red.

Deoxygenated blood is darker than 'regular' blood.

So, it's amply clear that venous blood is indeed red.

Yet the veins we see in our arms, wrists, hands and other parts of the body seem to have a greenish, bluish tinge.

Why is that?

Vein color is attributed to how light interacts with the layers of skin .

Human skin doesn't absorb light of any wavelength, but blood absorbs the light of all wavelengths.

However, it absorbs red light a little less than others.

The thing with blue light is that it doesn't penetrate the skin as well as red light does .

As a result, if a blood vessel is close to the surface of the skin,

almost all blue light is absorbed by the skin (as blue doesn't penetrate the skin), which makes the vessel appear red.

However, if the vessel in question is located a little deeper (0.5 millimeter or more), not as much red or blue light will be absorbed .

In this case, the ratio of blue light reflected to red light reflected would be around 2:3 , and the vein would thus appear greenish-blue.

Interestingly, such 'deeper' vessels appear blue despite reflecting more red light (than blue).

This strange phenomenon is attributed to relative color perception, or, in other words, how we perceive colors relative to other colors present in the surroundings.

Our vision is somewhat influenced by relative perception, so if a purple ball is placed adjacent to a red one, the purple ball will appear to have a bluish tinge.

Similarly, some veins appear blue because the surrounding skin reflects more red light (than blue), thus making the veins look bluish.

Furthermore, veins are larger, have thinner walls and are located closer to the skin surface than arteries, which is why we can actually see them (but not arteries).

In a nutshell, veins being blue has nothing to do with the kind of blood (oxygenated/deoxygenated) that they carry;

vit's entirely dependent on their location beneath the skin!


Really! It Is satisfying .


Whatever .

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And Stay Curious And Keep Learning .

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