Monday, June 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jun 25 2018

If you're the kind of person who, like, feels all the feels,

you've maybe found yourself wishing at some point or another

that you could shut them down for a little while.

Like, take the emotion chip and dial it from an 8 to a 2.

It's a little tiring being the person who cries during the cell phone commercials

or gets all riled up about the injustices in the world

or can't get over that broken heart.

So you might wish you could rely a little more on your head than your heart.

But the more we study our brains,

the more that kind of dichotomy between reason and emotion is disappearing.

And though you might wish you could rein in your feelings,

and sometimes you can—sometimes, you shouldn't.


We have a long history of thinking of reason and emotion as totally different things.

Plato described them as two horses pulling us in opposite directions…

and the idea hasn't really gone away since then.

We even think about our brains in those terms.

Complex thought and reasoning is right there in the term we use

for the brain region associated with it—the "cerebral cortex."

Structures like the amygdala, on the other hand, play key roles in emotion.

And that's not wrong.

There is lots of evidence to support the idea that those separate brain regions

are associated with those particular functions.

But it's also not as simple as that—

reason and emotion are also very intertwined.

Lesion and imaging studies have shown that another part of your brain,

the anterior cingulate cortex, plays a role in both.

And while different sections of it process cognition and emotion,

they do have an effect on each other.

Several meta analyses have shown that doing something cognitively demanding—

like, say, your math homework—

reduces activity in the emotional parts of the anterior cingulate cortex.

It works the other way, too:

strong emotion can suppress activity in the cognitive parts.

And the studies and reviews arguing that our so-called "emotional" and

"logical" brains are almost impossible to disentangle continue to pile up.

The fact that our feelings aren't boxed off in a separate part of our brain

explains why they affect our decision making.

Fear and anger have been shown in particular to make people

worse at negotiating for something, for example.

And a 2014 study that showed upsetting negative feedback on a test

made people do worse on subsequent logic problems.

But while we think of being quote-unquote "emotional"

as something that makes us make bad choices or think irrationally,

emotions can actually help us with judgment and decision making.

Take the case of "Elliot", a man who underwent surgery

to remove a brain tumor from his frontal lobe.

While his brain seemed totally normal afterwards…

his life completely changed.

He got fired, he made a bunch of terrible financial decisions,

and he got divorced and then remarried and then divorced again.

The conclusion that the neuroscientist studying him came to was that

his surgery had disrupted interactions between his amygdala and his frontal lobe.

His intelligence was still intact, but he wasn't really able to feel emotions.

And that made him completely incapable of making decisions.

Since he couldn't tell how his choices would make him feel later on,

he couldn't assign value to different options,

so he endlessly deliberated every little thing.

Studies in gamblers have also found that emotions helped them avoid making bad decisions.

Mistakes and failures feel lousy and the gamblers don't want to feel that way again,

so they learn to make better bets.

And the idea that emotions can actually help you make better decisions

makes a lot of evolutionary sense.

Negative emotions teach you what not to do

kind of like how physical pain teaches you not to put your hand on a hot stove.

And emotions shape other cognitive processes in helpful ways, too.

They optimize which sensory information we pay attention to,

guide our social interactions, and help us to remember the things that are most important.

But all of this isn't to say that you don't have control over your emotions at all.

Emotional regulation is a well-studied process,

and there are various points at which you can step in and tell your emotions to sit down.

So yes, you can change how you feel, how intense that feeling is,

and how long it lasts.

But... not everyone is super great at that.

A 2015 study of 176 people actually found differences

between the brains of "emotional" people and more "rational" ones.

"Emotional" people that tend to cry a lot at sad movies or freak out during scary ones

score higher on emotional empathy measures,

which basically mean they tend to actually feel what others feel.

And the researchers found that people with higher emotional empathy scores

tended to have more gray matter density in the insula—

a part of the cerebral cortex.

While it's unclear whether that made them more emotional

or whether being more emotional changed their brains…

it does really solidify the idea that there are individual differences

in how we feel and deal with emotions.

And in general, studies have found older people control their feelings

better than younger ones—perhaps because practice makes perfect.

But the good news is, if you're sometimes more emotional than you'd like to be,

there are things you can do both to control your emotions

and to use your emotional powers for good.

For one, the timing of when you try to control an emotion is super important.

So rather than trying to suppress an emotion once you're already in the midst of it,

it's much more effective to reframe the way you're thinking about a situation

while an emotion is forming.

And this sounds weird, but…

talking to ourselves in the third person can give us

enough distance to think about things differently.

So Hank, you should remember that next time you want to dial things back.

And, framing matters too.

Corny as it sounds, looking for the silver lining,

or at least seeing the situation as a challenge to overcome

rather than an emotional blow, can help you bounce back faster.

But ultimately, it's not always a bad thing to feel those feels.

While some feelings suck, they're kind of important.

Listening to your feelings instead of fighting them

can help you identify what's really wrong, so you have a chance to change it.

Because emotions are not the mortal enemy of logical thought.

They're just trying to help ... sometimes they just do it a little too much.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych,

and if you want to better understand your emotions,

you might like our episode on what emotions actually are.


For more infomation >> How to Get Over That Broken Heart—But Also Learn From It - Duration: 6:15.


DIY summer products with the Green Queen - Duration: 6:18.

For more infomation >> DIY summer products with the Green Queen - Duration: 6:18.


[Türkçe Altyazılı]idol room 5.bölüm PENTAGON ve IDLE 2.part - Duration: 7:35.

For more infomation >> [Türkçe Altyazılı]idol room 5.bölüm PENTAGON ve IDLE 2.part - Duration: 7:35.


Nightcore - FRIENDS / We Don't Talk Anymore (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:17.

Lyrics on the screen :)

For more infomation >> Nightcore - FRIENDS / We Don't Talk Anymore (Switching Vocals) - Duration: 3:17.


Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 TS+ 2wd automaat - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.0 SKYACTIV-G 165 TS+ 2wd automaat - Duration: 1:11.


✅ Die nächste Schreckensmeldung aus dem Leben von Heather Locklear. Der Serienstar sitzt wieder im G - Duration: 2:24.

Heather Locklear schlägt Polizisten  Wer kann ihr jetzt noch helfen? Nach ihrem Selbstmordversuch vergangene Woche und der Festnahme wegen häuslicher Gewalt im Februar, sorgt Heather Locklear wieder für Alptraum-Schlagzeilen

Wie jetzt bekannt wurde, musste der Serienstar Sonntagnacht festgenommen werden. Nach einem Streit mit ihrer Familie und Freunden verständigten ihre Angehörigen wieder die Polizei

 Als die Beamten in ihrem Zuhause in Kalifornien eintrafen, drehte Heather Locklear vollkommen durch

Die 56-Jährige schlug einem Polizisten ins Gesicht und trat einen Notfallsanitäter gegen die Brust

Die Schauspielerin soll unter Drogen gestanden haben und wurde zuerst für einen Check-Up ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert

 Anschließend brachte man die Mutter einer Tochter in den Knast. Insofern niemand die Kaution in Höhe von 20.000 Dollar zahlt, bleibt die Blondine erst einmal hinter schwedischen Gardinen

Am Dienstag muss sich der „Melrose Place"-Star vor Gericht verantworten. Dieses Mal könnte sie nicht mit einem blauen Auge davonkommen

Schließlich ist es schon das zweite Mal innerhalb von wenigen Monaten, dass Heather Locklear gegenüber Polizisten handgreiflich wird

      Fans sorgen sich um die Schauspielerin  Die Anhänger der 56-Jährigen haben Mitleid mit der Blondine

Sie glauben, dass der Hollywood-Star dringend Hilfe benötigt, um sein Leben wieder auf die Reihe zu kriegen

Sie schreiben bei Facebook:   Man kann nur hoffen, dass sich für den TV-Star wieder zum Guten wendet

 Folge uns bei Instagram und sei hautnah bei OK! dabei!   

For more infomation >> ✅ Die nächste Schreckensmeldung aus dem Leben von Heather Locklear. Der Serienstar sitzt wieder im G - Duration: 2:24.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S tronic Adrenalin - Duration: 1:07.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:56.


Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S-Line AUT | Navi | Parkeerhulp | Cruise Control - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Audi A1 1.0 TFSI 95pk S-Line AUT | Navi | Parkeerhulp | Cruise Control - Duration: 0:53.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:50.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:50.


Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Jeep Grand Cherokee - Duration: 0:44.


✅ 【ライブレポート】吉田山田が"仲間"と肩を組んで歌った「ドレミファイル♪」ライブ(写真13枚) - 音楽ナタリー - Duration: 8:54.

 の冠番組「のドレミファイル♪」発のライブイベント「tvk の レミファイル♪presents"ドレミの日"スペシャルライブ20 8」が、昨日6月24日に神奈川・はまぎんホール ヴィアマーレにて 催された

 開演時間を迎え、客電が落ちると番組のレギュラー出演者であると麻 夏子の3人がステージに登場

山田義孝(Vo)は登場するや否や飛び上がりながら「やったよ!」と び、番組発のイベントが開催できたことを喜んだ

ステージ上には番組で実際に使われているセットが持ち込まれ、3人は ットホームな雰囲気でトークを展開

イベントには番組に出演した経験を持つアーティストがラインナップさ ており、吉田結威(G, Vo)は「個人的にも観たいアーティストが てくれたので、ライブを観るのも楽しみ」と話し、競演者への期待感を っていた

 1組目の出演者は、とレーベルメイトでもあるシンガーソングライ ーのましのみ。SEとしてましのみ本人が歌う「ましらっぷ」が鳴り響 と、客席からは自然と手拍子が上がる

彼女が1曲目「プチョヘンザしちゃだめ」を歌い始めると、歌に合わせ 手を挙げるオーディエンスの姿もあった

MCで8月に1stシングルがリリースされることを告知した彼女は、 ングルの表題曲「どうせ夏ならバテてみない?」を「『好きな人に一緒 夏バテしようよ!』という曲です」とざっくばらんに説明

客席から笑い声が上がる中、恋人へのフラストレーションをコミカルに い上げてオーディエンスを楽しませていた

 続いてステージに登場したUNIONEは、自己紹介的なナンバー パッサボーラ!」でオーディエンスのテンションに火を点ける

「ダンデライオン」の歌唱中にはメンバーが客席に降りて行き、観客と イタッチをしてイベントを盛り上げた

バラードナンバー「世界の真ん中」では、息を合わせたボーカルワーク 心地よいハーモニーを響かせて観客を魅了

最後には7月にシングルリリースする新曲「Higher」と「Sum ertime」を2曲続けて届け、イベントのホスト役であるへとバト をつないだ

 の2人がステージに現れると、オーディエンスは1曲目から総立 に。「希望とキャンディ」の歌唱中には、山田が番組名にちなんで「ド ミ」と歌うコール&レスポンスを繰り広げてファンを熱狂させる

「未来」の演奏では山田がタンバリンを手にし、アコースティックギタ を演奏する吉田と向かい合って小気味よいリズムを刻んだ

MCでは冠番組のレギュラーを務めてさまざまなアーティストと交流を つことについて吉田が「仲間が増えていく感じがする」と話すと、山田 「やっぱりこの番組はすばらしい!」と自身の冠番組を誇らしげに語っ

また2人は10月にメジャーデビューから9周年を迎えることに触れ、 田が「今日も歌いながら、これまですごく濃い時間を過ごすことができ した」と感慨深そうにデビュー以降の歩みを振り返るひと幕もあった

 の代表曲の1つ「日々」をしっかりと聴かせた彼らは、ライブの鉄板 「イッパツ」を投下。曲中、吉田が「もっといけるぞ!」と煽ると観客 それに応えるかのように声を張り上げ、会場内には盛大なシンガロング 響いた

本編の最後には山田が「3人そろっての『ドレミファイル♪』ですから と話し、ゲストとして麻生をステージに呼び込み、3人で荒井由実の「 ージュの伝言」をカバー

客席まで降りて行った山田が子供のオーディエンスと手を取り合って歌 するなど会場内がピースフルな雰囲気に包まれる中、イベント本編はフ ナーレを迎えた

 アンコールではこの日の出演者がステージ上に集結し、ましのみの ーボードと吉田のアコースティックギターの演奏に乗せて、の「魔法の うな」を9人でパフォーマンス

UNIONEの5人に山田が混じって声を重ねると、ましのみや麻生も こに合流。出演者同士が肩を組んで歌を届け、この日のイベントは大団 を迎えた

For more infomation >> ✅ 【ライブレポート】吉田山田が"仲間"と肩を組んで歌った「ドレミファイル♪」ライブ(写真13枚) - 音楽ナタリー - Duration: 8:54.


(G)I-DLE Vlive 24/06 Legendado PT-BR/Sub Eng - Duration: 5:30.

[Fansubs by jjp_l]

is it working?'s working...

let's greet now...1...2...i

hello...we are G-idle

So, we... Finally...

finally we are finished our last performance

It was really a happy time,

last time when we do Vapp...we talked about it...

it's not over yet

we talked about's not over yet

it's not over yet...

aren't you surprised?

but today, it's really the end (last performance)

yes, it's really the end

isn't it a pity...everyone please tell what your thought...first soojin...

first of all...

but today, it's been a long time, i stood on stage

i thought, i'm already get used to stand on stage

but, at the rehearsal, i can't keep up


i'm excited (bgm: BTOB "Only one for me")

please talk about it~

so, it was really a new experiences

please wait a little bit

we will preparing really fast, and do our best

to show our better self

miyeon-ssi~...for me it's been a long time...

performed on stage...

honestly LATATA is our debut song...

there's a lot of lacking part

want to do it again, that's what i thought...

today, we get another chance, but i'm still not satisfied

that's right x2...anyway that's what i thought, it was fun...

But, still it was good.

shuhua-ssi, ehm...hello...

i'm Shuhua...

i'm also...

do my best...

i gave my all

I did it.

but, it was still feel unsatisfied time...

will work harder...

for our...

will show our better side...

yeah yuqi-ssi, for me...really...everyone...

last time...for the last performances...

i straightened my hair...

today too, for you guys...

i do my hairstyle like...

natural(?) hair...

i'm also feel awkward...

it's like...

we end it with my natural(?) hairstyle...i'm really...

there's a lot of things, that i'm still unsatisfied with...but...

for a long time...

everyone seem to have improved, and we also...

know how to do the promotion, and for the next...

next comeback...will work harder

until then, please wait for us...

we'll work harder to show better side of us

please wait...a bit...for a while...wait for us... was an interesting...

a good 8...7 weeks until now...

originally it was a 6 weeks promotion

really gave us a lot of love...

we are really...

happily do our promotion

we are also...

will high expectation performances

unbelievable... unimaginable...

will be back with more impressive performances and songs

we will be back...

really thankful for all the love that you gave us

our leader, thank you for your hard work...minnie-ssi...

for the last, honestly, all i want to say...

all have already done it

will talk more...

we this time...

really...really first's like...

more than first week...

now everybody seem to be improved...also enjoy...

our promotion...

really thankful for all the love you gave us...and...

please wait... A BIT!!!

now we are...

today schedule is not over yet...

we are for our most grateful person...who is it?

our fans? it's for our fans!!!

we will go meet them...

we went to fansigning at another town

is our's our 1st time go to Daejeon

is it the first for all of us?'s our first to meet Daejeon's fans

it was always Seoul...Incheon

only up to Incheon...

we went only to nearby places

now...we are...

will go there...


please wait for us...

Please just wait a little more.

Lets meet at Daejeon.

Lets meet again. Lets do our greeting.

Greeting. Our greeting. For the last.

For the last time.

Our last broadcast. We're going to greet,

1...2...i...thank you, 'till now it was G-idle

it was G-idle TT...

Lets meet again soon.

For more infomation >> (G)I-DLE Vlive 24/06 Legendado PT-BR/Sub Eng - Duration: 5:30.


[MV] (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들)_LATATA (czech sub) - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> [MV] (G)I-DLE ((여자)아이들)_LATATA (czech sub) - Duration: 3:42.


I ragni mangiano più cibo di tutta l'umanità messa insieme - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> I ragni mangiano più cibo di tutta l'umanità messa insieme - Duration: 4:42.


Anche i cani ci ingannano per interesse - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Anche i cani ci ingannano per interesse - Duration: 3:01.


Juice WRLD X D Savage Type Beat "History" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:13.

(Prod. by Georgie)

For more infomation >> Juice WRLD X D Savage Type Beat "History" | Prod. by Georgie - Duration: 3:13.


What If Typhon Was Real? - Duration: 5:16.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I'm Ron McKenzie-Lefurgey.

Typhon is a giant beast, with the heads of 100 snakes, believed to be responsible for

volcanic eruptions.

It was one of if not the most fearsome beasts in all of Greek Mythology, threatening Gods

and humans alike.

But what if he wasn't just a mythological creature, but actually existed?

Let's explore.

If you want more What If videos, check out our "Biggest What Ifs" playlist on the


Now get ready, it's time to ask the question: What if the Typhon was Real?

While stories of Typhon's birth do vary, the most often used depiction claims it to be

the son of Gaia and Tartarus.

This was done because Gaia was angry with the gods for destroying the Giants, who were

her offspring.

But sadly, Typhon wasn't a cute little baby; he is widely believed to be the deadliest

beast in all of Greek Mythology, so ferocious that he struck fear into the hearts of many


He was incredibly powerful, possessing the heads of 100 serpents, which could breathe


The heads were also said to give off every sound known to man, and many previously unknown,

from animal sounds, to terrifying, unholy utterances.

Amazingly, Typhon was so powerful that the Gods were unsure if he could be defeated.

However, Zeus was convinced to give it a shot, and engaged in a brutal, tumultuous battle

with the great beast.

In the end, Zeus was victorious, and imprisoned Typhon beneath the ground.

This led Zeus to ascend and become leader of the gods, and relegated Typhon to creating

natural disasters, such as volcanic eruptions and brutal typhoons.

So, now we know a bit about Typhon; what would happen if he was real?

Well, in the original mythology, the climactic battle between Typhon and Zeus led to the

defeat of Typhon, and the rise of Zeus as leader of the Gods.

However, in the real world, as far as we know, there is no Zeus.

This means that there would be no powerful deity to defeat Typhon, and the great beast

would be up to humanity to defeat.

The question then would become, what's more powerful: nukes or Zeus?

If nuclear weapons WERE able to harm Typhon, then it's possible that humanity would be

able to defeat him.

It would result in a good deal of collateral damage, but considering the alternative would

likely be either a brutal death, or a life of slavery, it would likely be done.

This would have long-lasting consequences for the people of earth.

Of course, it would result in many deaths, and the areas that had been nuked would be


Those who survived would have horrific stories to tell.

It could even bring the people of Earth closer together, bringing about greater cooperation

in case another such beast reared its ugly head.

However, given Typhon's ability to raze cities and hurl mountains around, as well

as his godly ancestry, there's a good chance that even our strongest weapons would not

be able to harm him.

In this case, we would hurl our nukes at him impotently, and he would respond with great


This would, of course, be bad news for humanity, as our fates would be in the hands of Typhon.

But this is all assuming the Typhon suddenly appeared in modern day, with us having already

had a chance to develop.

If the Typhon came to be in ancient Greek times, there is no way they would have been

able to kill the beast.

This would give allow the him to rule the Earth easily.

And unfortunately, he wouldn't look quite so kindly upon humans.

If Typhon was in charge, there's a good chance that humans would be relegated mostly

to either slaves or food for him and his children.

This brings up the matter of his children.

In the original mythology, Typhon married Echidna, the half-human, half-snake goddess,

and had children.

These included the Sphinx, the Nemean Lion, the Chimera, and the Hydra, among others.

This led Typhon to be known as the Father of All Monsters.

In reality, however, Echidna would not exist, and so it might be difficult for Typhon to

have children.

That said, it's possible that he would be able to manipulate and twist earthly animals

to become more his style, and would then treat them as his children.

It's even possible that he would be able to procreate with a female of earth, human

or animal, thus giving rise to a number of distorted creations.

Since his powers are relatively unknown, having been defeated in the mythology, the possibilities

are endless.

If he managed to create more offspring, he would shape the world, with the help of his

human slaves, to fit the whims of himself and his children.

The world might be divided, with each child ruling over their own domain, each in charge

of keeping the humans living in their area in line.

Humanity would likely be kept as slaves, to do the dirty work, while Typhon and his children

lived it up and prospered.

Eventually, as the children continued to reproduce, the world would become more and more populated

by these monsters, and in time, humans may no longer be necessary.

At which point, most of us would likely be disposed of, to leave room for the new monsters.

With enough time, it could be that these creatures would create their own societies, perhaps

even splitting in conflict.

This could lead to global conflicts, the likes of which the Earth has never seen.

If these conflicts were brutal enough, it's possible that the Earth as we know it would

be destroyed and made unliveable.

And yes, the idea that these monsters would take over the world, and then make it unliveable

for themselves, does have parallels to climate change.

But I swear it wasn't intentional.

And now we return to our question: What if the Typhon was Real?

Well, we'd be in big trouble.

If he suddenly appeared in modern times, we might be able to deal with him using nuclear


But if they weren't effective, or he appeared back in the times of Ancient Greece, Typhon

would become the new leader of the world.

He would try to find a way to have children, and rule the Earth with their help, keeping

a portion of humanity alive to act as slaves.

Down the line, as the monsters grew in number, humanity may become unnecessary.

But even further down the line, there's a chance that war would break out between

these monsters, a war that could turn the world into a wasteland, that wouldn't even

support said monsters.

Thank you for watching Life's Biggest Questions, I hope this was interesting and informative,

and maybe even inspired you to look into it further on your own.

If you liked this video, please thumbs up and subscribe to the channel down below.

While you're down there, let me know what other mythological creatures you'd like

us to talk about.

Or, you know, just say "What if LBQ wasn't running out of ideas?"

That's an original one.

For more infomation >> What If Typhon Was Real? - Duration: 5:16.


How to Get Over That Broken Heart—But Also Learn From It - Duration: 6:15.

If you're the kind of person who, like, feels all the feels,

you've maybe found yourself wishing at some point or another

that you could shut them down for a little while.

Like, take the emotion chip and dial it from an 8 to a 2.

It's a little tiring being the person who cries during the cell phone commercials

or gets all riled up about the injustices in the world

or can't get over that broken heart.

So you might wish you could rely a little more on your head than your heart.

But the more we study our brains,

the more that kind of dichotomy between reason and emotion is disappearing.

And though you might wish you could rein in your feelings,

and sometimes you can—sometimes, you shouldn't.


We have a long history of thinking of reason and emotion as totally different things.

Plato described them as two horses pulling us in opposite directions…

and the idea hasn't really gone away since then.

We even think about our brains in those terms.

Complex thought and reasoning is right there in the term we use

for the brain region associated with it—the "cerebral cortex."

Structures like the amygdala, on the other hand, play key roles in emotion.

And that's not wrong.

There is lots of evidence to support the idea that those separate brain regions

are associated with those particular functions.

But it's also not as simple as that—

reason and emotion are also very intertwined.

Lesion and imaging studies have shown that another part of your brain,

the anterior cingulate cortex, plays a role in both.

And while different sections of it process cognition and emotion,

they do have an effect on each other.

Several meta analyses have shown that doing something cognitively demanding—

like, say, your math homework—

reduces activity in the emotional parts of the anterior cingulate cortex.

It works the other way, too:

strong emotion can suppress activity in the cognitive parts.

And the studies and reviews arguing that our so-called "emotional" and

"logical" brains are almost impossible to disentangle continue to pile up.

The fact that our feelings aren't boxed off in a separate part of our brain

explains why they affect our decision making.

Fear and anger have been shown in particular to make people

worse at negotiating for something, for example.

And a 2014 study that showed upsetting negative feedback on a test

made people do worse on subsequent logic problems.

But while we think of being quote-unquote "emotional"

as something that makes us make bad choices or think irrationally,

emotions can actually help us with judgment and decision making.

Take the case of "Elliot", a man who underwent surgery

to remove a brain tumor from his frontal lobe.

While his brain seemed totally normal afterwards…

his life completely changed.

He got fired, he made a bunch of terrible financial decisions,

and he got divorced and then remarried and then divorced again.

The conclusion that the neuroscientist studying him came to was that

his surgery had disrupted interactions between his amygdala and his frontal lobe.

His intelligence was still intact, but he wasn't really able to feel emotions.

And that made him completely incapable of making decisions.

Since he couldn't tell how his choices would make him feel later on,

he couldn't assign value to different options,

so he endlessly deliberated every little thing.

Studies in gamblers have also found that emotions helped them avoid making bad decisions.

Mistakes and failures feel lousy and the gamblers don't want to feel that way again,

so they learn to make better bets.

And the idea that emotions can actually help you make better decisions

makes a lot of evolutionary sense.

Negative emotions teach you what not to do

kind of like how physical pain teaches you not to put your hand on a hot stove.

And emotions shape other cognitive processes in helpful ways, too.

They optimize which sensory information we pay attention to,

guide our social interactions, and help us to remember the things that are most important.

But all of this isn't to say that you don't have control over your emotions at all.

Emotional regulation is a well-studied process,

and there are various points at which you can step in and tell your emotions to sit down.

So yes, you can change how you feel, how intense that feeling is,

and how long it lasts.

But... not everyone is super great at that.

A 2015 study of 176 people actually found differences

between the brains of "emotional" people and more "rational" ones.

"Emotional" people that tend to cry a lot at sad movies or freak out during scary ones

score higher on emotional empathy measures,

which basically mean they tend to actually feel what others feel.

And the researchers found that people with higher emotional empathy scores

tended to have more gray matter density in the insula—

a part of the cerebral cortex.

While it's unclear whether that made them more emotional

or whether being more emotional changed their brains…

it does really solidify the idea that there are individual differences

in how we feel and deal with emotions.

And in general, studies have found older people control their feelings

better than younger ones—perhaps because practice makes perfect.

But the good news is, if you're sometimes more emotional than you'd like to be,

there are things you can do both to control your emotions

and to use your emotional powers for good.

For one, the timing of when you try to control an emotion is super important.

So rather than trying to suppress an emotion once you're already in the midst of it,

it's much more effective to reframe the way you're thinking about a situation

while an emotion is forming.

And this sounds weird, but…

talking to ourselves in the third person can give us

enough distance to think about things differently.

So Hank, you should remember that next time you want to dial things back.

And, framing matters too.

Corny as it sounds, looking for the silver lining,

or at least seeing the situation as a challenge to overcome

rather than an emotional blow, can help you bounce back faster.

But ultimately, it's not always a bad thing to feel those feels.

While some feelings suck, they're kind of important.

Listening to your feelings instead of fighting them

can help you identify what's really wrong, so you have a chance to change it.

Because emotions are not the mortal enemy of logical thought.

They're just trying to help ... sometimes they just do it a little too much.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Psych,

and if you want to better understand your emotions,

you might like our episode on what emotions actually are.


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